Wack the Label on Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 70 HIGHWAY NO. 90 IS SCENE OF MANY WRECKS SUNDAY Several Cars Are Almost Complete Wrecks, But Few People Injured NO ONE BADLY HURT Three Cari Pile Up at Bridge West of Robersonville; Two Others Wrecked Near Bethel Highway 90 east of Tarboro, was the sceWe of several automobile . accidents shortly after dusk Sunday. In pracitcally every instance, the cars were badly torn up, but in only one case did anybody get badly hurt, iJust beyond Bethel, two cars ran i. together, causing- one, a Chevrolet coach, to turn over several' times while the other, a new Nash roadstei was headed across thiP'road into a little woods several * hundred feet away. A white lady, of Kaleigh riding in the Chevrolet car, was painfully but not seriously hurt. Lula Rogers, a local colored woman and who was in the Nash car, had her leg badly cut. There were several other colored peo ple from here in the wreck, but they eacaped with slight bruises. Several explanations as to how the wreck oc- curred were offered, but they differeo greatly, and it is understood that the will be Mettled in eourt. Sam Stokes, young'colored boy who was riding in the Nash, stated he hardly knew how it happened, that all he re membered very well was when he started to jump from the car as it plowed its way to the little woods and had something to crown him on the iiead and send him back to his seat. A colored man named Tilhman, fire man on the local freight train was driving the Nash. Wrecking service was ordered, and the damaged cars ware pulled into Bethel. A complete tear-up was reporteo when two young men from Windsor had their car run into by a Dodge sedan at a bridge near Mr. B. K. Jenkins' farm a short distance beyond Roberaonville. It is understood they were dangerously cut by glass from the windshield. The colored driver of the Dodge, after demolshing the Windsor car plowed its nose under' an approaching Ford and stood it on its rear end with the radiator in the fair. The colored driver &as placed nn- [ der arrest, and was charged with being drunk.' Within a year, six cars have been i torn up at the same bridge. In the j first wreck, several months ago, a ; man was killed. On Highway No. 11 leading from Bethel to Greenville, another wreck was reported. It is understood one of the drivers got out and said to the driver of the other car, "You huvu "rifled my car, now get out and we wili Settle it." "They were fighting like dogs," a traveller said who pass ed soon after the cars ran together. Jamesvitle People Want V. E. & P. Co. Service Representative citizens of James ville meeting with Mr. J. T. Chase, general manager of the Virginia Electric and Power "company, here last nigK, were anxious for infor mation assuring them that the V. E. and P. lines would be carried through their town. Mr. Chase could give j no definite answer, but stated that it i was his company's desire to serve 1 the small as well as the large townd, ' and would serve Jamesville if the present expansion program goes through. Junk Man Gets Big ♦ Load of Old Stills I The junk man never fails to get a load of old copper when he calls ut Sheriff Roebuck's place of business at the courthouse. Today a truck, loaded with copper stills, left the courthouae . STRANrv THEATRE | J WEDNESDAY BUDDY ROOSEVELT in "THE PHANTOM • BUSTER" Also Comedy "BEAUTY a la MUD" Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE MURDER SATURDAY NIGHT MAKES THIRD TRAGEDY IN FAMIL Y Supt. A. T. Allen To Speak Here Sunday x ______ A. T. Allen, Superintendent of Public Instruction in the State, ia scheduled to apeak at the nest community meeting in the school auditorium Sunday. Mr. Allen ia a widely known educator and hia appearance here next Sunday evening should be of much interest to the people in the community.' Mr. Allen will speak on the subject, "What my work is do ing for the advancement ot Christian Citixenship inthe State of North Carolina." BAPTISTS HEAR PROF. L. H. DAVIS "Sin From the Layman's Of Discourse "Sin from the Layman's Viewpoint", was the subject of a talk made by Professor L H. Davis at the Baptist church here last Sunday morning in the absence of the pastor, C. H. Dickey. The value of such a talk had fcetn discussed by the church's pas tor, and it was to present the lay man's viewpoint that Mr. Davis was asked to speak to the congregation Sunday morning. »- In his talk, Mr. Davis spoke of Bin VM the Church is wont to see it, and, also as it appears to us upon exami nation. He went on to say, "Evangeli cal or theological sin is portrayed by the clergy as being the following or natisfying of certain desires which conduct is forbidded by God. These desires' are both natural and super licial. One admonition after another is delivered by the - Chufch, which, when defined would, if obeyed, strike at the very heart of the universal man-becoming God impuse. Following thr proceedure prescribed by the early Church, the progress of the world was given such a great setback as time only can redeem. By secluding itself irom the najtural pursuits of men necessary to give a livelihood for' themselves and their needy families, and to work out tehir destinies, the Church through its influence brought nbout untold stagnation. Misery, war and ignorance reigned supremely. Happily the greater portion of the Church's admonitions • have been, and still are good, but those which for centuries characterized it heaped coals of fire upon its own head. The adage j that we are the worst enemies to our selves applies aptly *6 organizations end institutions. "Such unnatural and humanly in stituted barriers and standards have literally driven men from the Church. The earth and nature are not sinful as we are often urged to believe; they are good. From the earth's bowels comes that which gives to this world its economic stability, for which man is grateful; out of its soil and filmy layer of atmosphere are extracted those things of life-giving substance; its mountains, lakes and gorgeous wood declare the beauty of It all. We know, because we have seen and learned by actual living, that these ore blessings and not traps and stumbling blocks fo rthe feeble feet of men. Then, by fortifying herself against the natural, the manifestly good and all essmtial, she has lost from her ranks masses of intelligent men. This man* of men for whose useful lives the Church has great need are grouped about two schools of thought. They are grouped not because of re ligious scruples but mental attitude, primarily towards the Church. There are those who have developed a phi losophy of life which takes care of both their intellectual journeys and (iacoveries as well as their emotion al ideals and aspirations. The natur olists, both biologists and physicists, ae found in this group. These have recently welcomed in their midst the modem psychologists. AH have phi losophies which are in harmony with Ihe universal thread, the call to man to live rightly, found in the teachings of the great minds of India, China nnd Palestine. "There are - others who are not where they are because of active thinking but rather because of their acceptance of whatever fate might be fal> them. Thinking is too hard for them and requires too much effort. Acceptance of the Church's teachings is out of the question, lor the im possibility of doing M the Sunday Morning Divines urge us is excelled in certainty only be examples of the Churchand sometimes even the clergy. They have resigned themselves and live if> the knowledge that the world here is not such a bad place, and by Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, November 1, 1927 Family of Ben Bazemore Has Unusual Record Of Deaths WIFE IS SHOT DOWN Negro Man in for Murder of Woman Who Wat -Mother of George Frank Bazemore The killing of his wife, Emily, 59, by Henry CarsonXcplored, early last Sunday morning, brought the list of tradgedies ifi thevfamily of Ben Llaie more, aged colored man living near here, to three. About thirty years ago the first misfortune in the home oc curred when the little hut caught tire and burned two of their children t* death. Hardly two.mdnths ago, a son, George Frank, was electrocuted at the State's prison, Kaleigh, for the mui der of Gordon Yelverton. It is reported that Carson went to the Hazemore home shortly after mid night, and after spending some time there, drinking and playing a guitar, he became a tiresome- visitor. Baze more with his daughter pushed him out of the house and closed the door. The enraged man refused to. leave - the . grounds, ana murium ea at the tieatment he had received. When Bazemore's wife pulled a curtain to one side and looked out the window, Carson fired his 32-caliber pistol, the bullet taking effect in the Woman's breast. She*walked it ft'w feet and fell across a bed where she died two minutes later. Carson fired two other shost, but both of them missed theii mark. When Sheriff Roebuck reached the scene, he found Carson only a few hundred yards away from the house. The negro claimed he knew nothing r.bout the killing. At the time, how ever, Carson had the small gun on hia person with three cartridge blanks In It. Yesterday, after he had sober ed up, Carson stated he went to the home where, Hazemore agreed to give him all the liquor he wanted for fifty cents, and (hat he got drunk. Other than this, ke knew very little about the happenings taking place. Carson was placed in jail where he awaits the next term of Martin Coun ty Superior court. In his neighborhood, near Bethle hem church in Williams township, Carson was considered a very quiet j and peaceful negro. LONG - DISTANCE LINES EXTENDED Local Office To Be One of Best Equipped Exchanges In Entire Country The Carolina Telephone ilnd -Tele graph company has just completed the ntringing of four circuits of copper wire on the Washington road, mak ing avajlable direct telephone con nections to Washington, Greenville and Wilson. On the Windsor route, the company has completed nine additional cir cuits as far as Windsor. Several of these lines will be carried on into Ahoskie, some to Edenton and three direct to Norfolk. After these lines are completed, the linesmen will be transferred here where they will start luilding several additional circuits to Tarboro. When the program is completed, of ficials of the company Btate that Williamston will have one of the best equipped long distance offices in the country. the hope that hereafter is either a better place or nothing. The purpose of the Church is a. high and holy as the lives of men. It is service to man, and must continue to be or it will die. To serve humanity, intelligence and numbers both count. We are becoming both more intelligent and ihoie numerous. We can't afford to lose from our army either numbers or those whose intelligence and wis dom are Fuperior." , ' •' ■ The fpeaker went on to say, "To make lifd more abundant here ia the end of all worthy endeavor. Thus we are thinking today not in terms of over-yonder bliss, but in terms of p/esent-day happiness in living." He showed that this was not a new philosophy, for both Buddha and Con fucius, ancient teachers of the East, had no little to Bay about it. Living this life is governed by universal laws which exact penalties upon theii transgression no less assuredly than they give joy in their fulfilment. So, sin from the layman'a viewpoint be comeg real and has to be reckoned with whenever nature's laws are dis obeyed. He appealed to the Church te teach these laws and the truth that their transgression justly brought condemnation in denying up the great est benefits of the good life. Mr. G. D. Crimea, of Hassells, was a business caller in town today. i FERTILIZER TEST ON FLUE-CURED TOBACCO IS MADE Study Effects of Sources of Nitrogen, Phosphoric ' "'''Acid and Potash INTERESTS FARMERS I Experiments Were Recently Made by Experts From U. S. Department Of Agriculture The Southern DivUk.i ok. Soil Im provement Cominitte 01 the National Fertilizer association" ua's just com -1 pleted a study of the effect of sources j of nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and pot | ash, and 'of the rates of application , | ol complete fertilizer on the quantity I and quality /of Hue-cured tobacco. The study was made by K. G. Moss, jJ. E. McMurtrey, jr. and W. M. | l.unn of the Office of Tobacco ami j I'lant Nutrition, Bureau of Plant in -1 dustry, United State* Department' of Agriculture and will b* of interest to i tobacco farmers in thus section. This ! study is separate and distinct from the one carried on by the County Agent, T. U. Brandon in connection with the State College Experiment I Station, Raleigh this year, ; In the study it vfu found that phosphoric acid is e#'jptial in all fer tilizer mixtures on th* types of suits i on which tobacco is grown. On the lighter" soils, good" yields Were obtain - | «.d when 4H to 60 pounds of phos phoric acid were used; on heavy soils, 60 to 80 pounds of phosphoric acid are recommended. ; • The authors' -recommend that the nitrogen for tobacco should be under the grower's control Ai order to pro duce quality tobacco. The experimnets .how thati from 80 to 40 pounds per acre give profitable results when bal anced with phosphoric acid, potash, and magnesium. In >he sources of nitrogen experiment*} both cotton seed meal and nitrfc# of soda gave good results, althougn mixed sources of organic and inorganic ammoniates gave better results. Whan used with dole mi tic limestone, ,sulphate of ammonia gavu as good yield and value as nitrate of soda. Potash was found' to be a very necessary ingredient in the complete fertilizer for raising quality tobac co. Muriate hf potash guve larger , yields and value than did sulphate of potash, although the tobacco had poor burning qualities. The authors recommend for this reason that not more than 20 to 26 pounds of chlorine be added per acre, from 40 to 60 pounds of potash per acre in the fertilizer mixture guve the best re sults, but it is suggested that when larger applications nre used, the to- I bacco plants are able to resist certain diseases in some seasons. , Dolomitic limestone was found to be a specific for the disease known as "sand-drown". Potash' salts carry ing magnesium haye the same effect. Calcium limestone is not recommend ed for tobacco. Local Football Squad Defeats Plymouth, 7-0 In a gameshrd shrdl shrdl shrdl The local high school football team added to list t>f victories last Friday when it defeated the strong Plymouth ' eleven at Plymouth by a score of 7 to 0. The locals played a good defensive game until the last few minutes of play when Plymouth made good gains and almost threatened to score. Claude Clark and Kdwin Cox, for the locals, made good gains. A sec ond touchdown was lost by Williams ton when the ball was fumbled with in a foot of Plymouth's goal. Robersonville To Play Aulander on Thursday One of the best games of the sea son is expected to take place next Thursday afternoon when Aulander j brings its team into the county to' do battle with Robersonville at Rob eisonville. Robersonville has a number of im jiortant victories to its credit, and the outcome of the Thursday's game is expected to be favorable. High School Eleven In Columbia Today 'lhe Williamston High School foot ball squad left this afternoon for Columbia where they will meet the football team of that place. The boys left fully determined to reverse the 1 score made when Columbia played here a few days ago. Friday Ahoskie comes here to play | a return game with the locals. In the first game with Ahoskie, the locals won 23 to 0. ' ' 'mmmmmmmm C To Ship Tobacco From Here By Boat Line\ The first shipment of tobacco to be made by boat from (hie point will I go out tomorrow. Around 60,00 ft' pounds will make up the lot. The tobacco will be carried to Nor-' folk where it will be transferred V*' ocean-going steamers and carried tej points across the water. j Call Special Election December 20 to Decide Power Plant Sale Large Break on Market Here Yesterday Averaged One Man Sold Entire Barn for Average of SI.OO Per Stick; Another Big Break Here Today One Hundred and ninety-fiv«* thousand pounds of tobacco were placed on local warehouse floors yesterday, the entire lot selling at an average above s3l. per intndred pounds. This average was made with all scrap added in. The sale yesterday was one of the largest since the opening of ♦he market in September, aecord;,.- ing to the manager of sale*. Various farmers speaking about the market here and the prices paid stated 4hey were getting equally as good prices as were paid in the "high times". J. J. Hoberson received a dollar per curing-barn stick for a large SHOWS DECREASE DINNERS REPORT . . 1 Over 800 Bales Behind Last Year's Record Up To October 25 According to a report of the De j partment of Commerce, Washington, 1 1 I), C., Martin county is experiencing a decided decrease in cotton (finnirigs. The report includes all ginning* U |, to October '25. Up to that time last year there were 1,832 bales of cotton j ginned in the county as compared ! with I,oo# for the same period this year. The number of bales ginned in the State during the period last year kmounted to 486,818 as compared with 801,759 for this year. Only three counties showed an in. crease over the ginning* of last year. Cleaveland ginned in l!)2f> and 21,507 in 1027; Gaston ginned 724' more bales in the period than it did (or the same time last year. Union county had the second largest in crease, 1,198 bales. PROCEEDINGS OF ■SUPERIOR COURT Good Progress in Trial of Civil Cases; Many Settled The special term of superior court here this week is making good pro gr«Ks in the trial of civil* cases. A large number of the cast's have been adjusted.- v . Farly today, the following cases , h'id reached filial settlement without fhe use of a jury: V. C. Taylor vs W. F. Uland and ( wife. Ejectment, defendant vacated j and was charged with the cost. j I T. W. Davenport and others' vs. Ilines and llarrell, judgment in favor, jf plaintiffs for $225.00. North Carolina Corporation Com- I Mission against the Martin County Sevaings and Trust company. A judg ment was ordeded annuling a former order of this court which had allowed certain preferred creditors of (tie bank the a£id judgment having been re-' versed by the North Carolina .Su preme court. The plaintiff in this case was charged with cdsts. A non suit was taken in the cas« of J. B, Colt and company against I K. H. Roberson, ' R. L. Whitehurst vs D. It. (iurganus, l , administrator J. S. Peel estate, agreed I ' judgment. J. N. Piigh vs K. W. Salsbury, set' tied by agreement. The case of Mrs. Lucy Modlin vs the town of Williamston is probably th.'" most important case remaining to be tried. It is thought the case will comf up for hearing tomorrow or Trurrsflay. The suit is being %rrtught to get damages when a daughter of the plaintiff was killed by a falling board form the tower of the City Hall several months ago. "Road Hog" Run Man Oil Road and Wrecks Car I#st night about dark, Joseph L. Matthews was forced to drive his car off the Everetts highway by a road hog. To mi BB the qther car, Mr. Mat thews ran his into a telephone pole and turned it over. He was pinned under the body of the car and had his leg badly hurt. Two children who were in the car with him suffered minor injuries. ' Parties traveling the road c*m6 to Mr. Matthews' aid and lifted the car ->ff. The car that had caused all the trouble went its way, paying no at tention whatever to the accident. ;. , 4 lot yesterday. lievi -Hardison a price far above what he had hoped for; and he was smiling shout it, too. The same thing could be ...lid of hundreds o! others. It is a «rc thing to hear om farmers. J&W) strangers were seen on inarket-this morning and yes terday, many of them coming I com a half dozen counties and a few from Virginia to sell tobacco here. Reports from the warehouses at noon today stated that the break today was about the same as it was yesterday, and possibly a little larger. ' , . W. A. LEE DIES I snnitqNf Vtfirpy; Williams Towftship Man Drops Dead At Local Warehouse Mr. W. A. Ijee, of Williams town.- i , ship, died here suddenly yesterday af-' ■ ternoon. He had just *olil a loud of , tobacco at the llrick warehouse ami' I WHS preparing; for his trip honte, He j climbed into his wagon and seated | himself upon a keg of nails in the middle of the wifgon. As the team I itarted, he fell from the wagon and I was dead within five minutes, never | sneaking a word. Apoplexy was said i to be the cause of the death by at-1 tending doctors. - - Hardly more than an hour before j i- hi>. death he. told friends that he was !iot feeling'so well, hut they accredit 5 I i d brs statement to old age more than | ' anything else. He was 78 years old, | iml had lived and farmed most of his J I lilt l in the "Islands" of Williams towii j j . hip. He was noted for his square and honest dealings with all men, and j ' friends held him in high esteem. He was. twice married, first .to a! Miss Tyre and second to a Miss! ! Harris, both preceding him to the ( Krave. He leaves one daughter and i several grandchildren. The funeral was held today 'at I [ Si loam church by Elder W. B. liar j ringto'n of the Primitive llaptisi cnurch. Interment was made in the I Si loam church yard, where he had been an active member for a number j. of years. REV. COTTEN HERE SUNDAY Presiding Elder of District Preaches at Methodist Church Kev. Si A. Gotten, I'residing Elder •nf the Weldon District, preached at the Methodist church Sunday evening , to a large congregation." The sermon was from th«i 1 Vth chapter of Matthew, 28, 2'J and 3Uh veises, "Come unto me, all ye* that labor ami are heavy ludeti, ,and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon y«u and learn of me, for I am' meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find I rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. The Elder stressed the fact that there is no other promise so sUre as is the promise of God, nor is there any other one that men may go to and find rest and peace. go about I with thekr necks bent low with the burdens of sin when the yoke of ..« sUs. is so easy and the load so light. People are.everywhere seeking ease! and pleasure and yet forget that it j ( is go near and so easy if they would only travel in (Tie iiglif direction';'] Elder Cotton said that the great! i trouble is that people are seeking , the things of their own rather than , the things of God. He pictured the human family as . pathetic, drifting in to the paths of sin and trying to justify itself in its ( own acts when the plain call, "Come j me," comes down to them from 1 ( their maker and builder. I Permission For Two ' Dances Is Granted j Permission to hold Thanksgiving and Christmas dances was granted by the town commissioners in a meeting i lust night, the fiwt dance going to ( Lon Hassell, jr., W. H. (Spec) Wil- lium*, and Frank Curst*rphen, the i second goes to Carstarphen alone. t The boys offered seven and one-half i per cent, of gross receipts as tax | t • Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 Election Requires New Registration; John E. Pope Is Registrar RECEIVE NEW OFFER Georgia-Carolina Service Co. Offers To Buy Both Power ami Light and Water Systems tier a,, d careful study of ii"s light anil power problems I and the various offer made by power 1 arid engine companies,, the town boaiJ if commissioners here fast night jjnssed it resolution culling fyr a i special election to ascertain the will i of the qualified voters of the town as | to whether or not they shall ratify jan agreement entered into between the commissioners" and the Virginia* l.lectric jtnd Power-company, where { by the power company acquires the j complete ic distribution system of the town. Ihe Virginia Fleet ric ttnd I'ower co npany's oiler includes a cash price i of $75,1X10, street lighting for 30 years J md maintenance of street lights, free ■ water pumping for thirty years, free I' mi rent for lln Hoanoke fair, and , ' 'frer service for electric fire'and pofTEF~ a'arms. The election'will be" held the 20th of December after .a special - resgis | nation of the voters of the town. Mrs J. B. I'opi was named registrar and i he will have the books -.,>•» at his | office In the old Farmers and Mer chants bank building beginning the I 12th \if this month and continuing I with them open until the 3rd of De j comber. Messrs. U. T. Griffin and J. j Hassell were named as judges of • '.he election. i After the resolution was passed, calling the election, Mayor Cttburn ! road an offer from the Georgia-Car ! olinH Service company for the town's | light ami power system as a uniKor ( the light and power system combined with the water works. This.offer came riir so vera I days ago, but upon- spee j i;.l request of Mr. Kdwin Gregory, it I was withhelf until* last night. No ac i tion was taken in the matter by the j commissioners. The offer addressed^ o I th mayor and board of commission | ers follows: ' • . "Gentlemen: We understand that you, represent , ing your town, are considering the sale of its public utility properties, ! »nd we therefore desire to Submit an j offer foV the purchase of your elec | trie power and light system and your water system. For the former we of fer One Hundred Thousand (SIOO,- 000.) Dollars and for both systems combined One Hundred ami ..Twenty live Thousand (512f>,(KM>. I Dollars. We, further understand that an of- , ! *or from other parties has been made, i ami is now wuitjng the ratification- of 1 lln voters of the town, and presume tfaat you me not in a position there* — fore,, at this tirtie, to consider a firm proposal or . accept a binder for a purchase contract. If.and when you are in a position ',) consider our proposal, we will be pleased to deposit 10 per cent, of out offer in cash, as a binder, and work cut with you the details of franchise, terms and- rates, which you may rest assured will not be less favorable than - those which you are at the present time considering. We would propose further to incorporate in t'mt franchise, such provision as would assure your town of an ade quate supply of power for industrial purposes at all times. , Very truly yours, ' GBOKG 1A -C'A ROLIN A SBRVICB COMPANY. Hy It. K. Livingston, President, 2 Hector Str eeti New York October 18, lj>2T. Order Decrease in Freight Rates on Southern Roads The Interstate Commerce commis sion has ordered a reduction in freight rates on all rail roads in the South estern part of .the United States, ef- - fretive January L 1928.- It has required four years of work to (stablish a base of rates satisfac tory •to the commission, before the order was passed which is regarded as~fair to both the shipper and thu railroads. All railroads in the territory ac cept the new rate without complain ing with the exception of the Atlantic Coast Line and the Seaboard Air Line, / both of which may flle exceptions to certain schedules in the order as be ing unfair to them. Many Guns Salute Sheriff in Cross Roads Sheriff Roebuck was highly honored when he visited Cross Roads last Fri day with salute after safcite. The Sheriff stated the reception as fash ioned after a Fourth of July celebra- - tion in the North, for gun after gun was flred, giving warning to the dia. tillers. ' *£L •• • ■ ' \ - t>• .. IU- , Li,

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