Tuesday, November 1, 1927 Entertainments Weddings Etc. Society & personals u Mrs. ELBERT & PEEL, Editor t Spend Sunday Here \ Mrs. H. Way Clark, Miss EsteW Crawford, and Sol Topping, of Bel haven, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. C. Crawford. j * Guests-of Miss Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johnson, of Ayden, were the guests of Miss Mar tha Harrison Sunday afternoon. ' In Rocky Mount Sunday Miss Lucy Claire Ivey, Miss Lil lian Sample, Mrs. A. Anderson, Fran cis Manning, and Bill Peel motored to Rocky Mount Sunday to see Miss .Eleanor Stanback, who is visiting in Rocky Mount. Spend Week End in LaGrange Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Bradley spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Bradley, in La- Grange. ~ „ Visiting Her Son Here Mrs. Knox, of Wilson, is visiting her son, Mr. W. A. Knox, and fam ily here. Spend Week End in Richmond Mr. and Mrs. John L. Rodgerson and daughters, Misses Margaret and Mary, spent the week end in Rich mond visiting his mother and sister. ' __ In Greenville Sunday _ Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Brown visited Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Forbes in Green ville Sunday afternoon. Spend Sunday in Edinton Mr. arid Mrs. J. (). Manning and children, Christine and Jim, and Miss Maud Leggett spent Sunday in Edenton. ' Visit in Eureka Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Manning, jr., and Charles Manning spent the week end in Eureka with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Manning. Spend Sunday in Raleigh Calvin Lowden and Tip Satterth waite spent Sunday in Raleigh. Atternl University-State Game Jack BiJ?gs, Robert Everett, Joe Godard, Wig Watts, Kader Craw ford, Joe Taylor, and C. G. Pardo attended the University-State game _in Raleigh Saturday. _ In Elizabeth City Mrs. C. H. Godwin and Major Andrew L. Pendleton will visit their uncle, Dr. A. L. Pendleton and fam ily, in Elizabeth City, this week. BADLY RUN-DiiWN Kwtacky Weauui Had "Terrible TW Oobf Her Hone Work. Straagtfc Reined After She Took Cardu. Shelbyrills, Ky— "Several years ago," aay* lira. Alven J MM, of this place, "my health was very bad. I was rary mash run-down. I was in such a weak, nervous condition that i I waa not able to do my housework. "I to keep op, because I had to, bat many • time I spent boon in bed, trying to force enough strength to go through ths daily routine. "This condition went on for some time, until I heard about Cardui, which sons oom told me wss good .for such ailments. I gave it an im mediate trial, and, I am thankful to aay, my improvement waa rapid. I aoon waa abis to do my housework with ease and comfort I felt fine and I looked so much better. This spring I was not as well as I hod been. I was ill in the winter with colds, which left me weak. 80 I sent at once to the store for Cardui and began taking it. In just a little while I was IsfcUng much better, my ataaagth retained and I was able to get my work dona easier and with At all dng stassa. NC-tie ffTSgUII WHATDOES ABANKMEAN TO YOU? t - *'•" • - - • '' >y ■ " IN THESE AND A THOUSAND OTHER WAYS WE SERVE THIS COMMUNITY If We Can Be Of Service To You Upon a Mutually Profitable Basis, We Will Be Glad to Have -You Call on Us THE FARMERS AND MERCHANTS RANK Service With Safety for 22 Years . \ . \ Williamston, North Carolina Service With Safety for 22 Years Here From Durham L. L. Owens and Jones, of Durham, spent the week end with Mr. Joe Horton. Spend Sunday in Richmond Miss Carrie Dell White and C. D. Carstarphen, jr., spent Sunday in Richmond. In Town Yesterday Mrs. Norma Grimes, of Hamilton, was in town yesterday. Spend Week End in Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Feel spent the week end in Wilson with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Lawrence. They carried little Daisy Lawrence home after a two-weeks visit with her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Manning. Here From New York Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Pugh and daughter, Miss Lillian, New York are in town this week. They are also visiting his father, Mr. J. W. Pugh, in Hamilton. .4ja Crau'Jord Much Improved Miss Anna Crawford and K. B. Crawford spent Sunday with Asa Crawford in the Washington Hospi tal. His numerous friends here and elsewhere are delighted that Asa is improving from the operation which he underwent a short time back and is m better eonditton-than he has been for some time. Judge Sunn Here Sunday Judge R. A. Nunn visited here Sun day while en route to Windsor, where he is holding court this week. In Jackson Today J. S. Peel is spending today in Jackson on legal business. Miss 1 Annie Mite,Ue Critically 111 Miss Annie Mizelle, who has been very ill for several months in a Bal timore hospital, is critically ill now and no hope for her recovery is held. BACK TO ' {T| |E| VALUES . 11l : Suits & Overcoats $25 S3O Th«:pe exceptional suits and overcoats are es pecially developed for men who appreciate fine fabrics and expert hand workmanship. For men who want the comfort of a perfect fit without the annoyance of try-ons and the for de livery. Our fall and winter suits, topcoats, and overcoats at $20 —$25—530 are silk lined and guar anteed all wool. You owe it to yourself to be out fitted fof- Thanksgiving. Come in this week. Margofis Bros. PHONE Anything for This Department To ' "46 Spend Monday in Rocky Mount Mrs. T. F. Harrison and Mrs. I Myrtle Brown spent yesterday in | Rocky Mount with Mr. Harrison. Mr. Harrison has been improving re cently, and his friends are interested in his recovery. Attend Football Game Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cooper at tended the football game in Raleigh Saturday. MRS. FLEMING IS HONORED Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Dunn .Hostesses at Neighbor hood Party The first sign of Hallowe'en fes tivities was seen at the home of Mrs. Claude B. Clark on last Thursday evening, when Mrs. Clark and Mrs. W. E. Dunn honored Mrs. Charles' R. Fleming with a "neighborhood 'party." The home was bright with the glow of many colored lights and lovely chrysanthemums, and witches j and with attending black cats told the story of the season. A plot was formed against the honored .by Mrs. E. l\ Cunningham, who invited her to motor to Robersonville to visit friends. % A stop was made at the Clark home, and Mrs. Flenfting was induceu 10 go in for a few minutes to ascertain what the fun was all about. She was greeted cordially, by! the assembled guests—a few friends and neighbors -and the trip to an other town was postponed indefinite ly. After much laughter and prtiper explanations, Master Billy Clark | served candies; then a "berry con test" was entered. This was very interesting, and the four contestants giving the most correct answers drew for the prize, an attractive paper weight, and Mrs. Charles James was winner. After this contest, Margie Gray, THE ENTERPRISE the pretty little daughter of Mrs. Dunn, came in dressed as a harle quin and drawing a carriage decorat ed in appropriate colors of black and yellow, laden "with packages; and stopped by the side of the honoree. These packages, containing lovely gifts, were opened and admired by all; the little special*delivery went put again and brought another Load of packages, and the contents added to the first made a goodly number of gifts. Mrs. Fleming expressed her delight and appreciation for the friendship of the guests, and tlieir re grets that she would soon leave Wil liamston proper to make her home in "South WUliamston," 22 miles down Main Street, on X ('. Route j No. 30, and IF. S. A. No. 17. ' ' . 1 . Later ice cream and fruit cake were served by the hostesses, and this furnished a most pleasing ending to an enjoyable occasion The guests were: Mesdames Her bert Clark, \V. H._ Booker," Robert Kverett, F. I\ Cunningham. Jule Can- Anderson, Robert Leggett, J. W. Watts, Rov T. Griffin, J 1 Thrower, Luther I'eel, H« T. Roberson, \V. O. SHIP TO WINBORNE & COMPANY j COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' NORFOLK, Va.—- Cotton SUFFOLK, Va.—Peanuts J Get their latest pi ices on nitrate iff soda, pi-anut l>ags, liniei and i fertilizers before laying. - • Will loan 75 per cent value on cutti n and peauuts shipped to | store. ' { BUSINESS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED j 'lll I III* ——P'TTT'I 1 11111 ■ THE WORLD S GREATEST ARTISTS —A BRAND COLOSSAL ABRREQATIOH OF WONDERFUL PERFORMING ELEPHANTS, HORSES, PONIES, GOATS, PIGS, CANINES AND MONKIT»-100 CURIOUS TRAINED ANIMALS. 50 GREAT ACTS A. GRAND FREE EXHIBITION On the Show Grounds at 1 O'clock. REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE . TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE, UNDER OUR MAM. MOTH WATER-PROOF TENTS AFTERNOONS AT 2P. M. EVENINIS AT », DOORS OPEN I HOUR EARLIER. WILLIAMSTON T Q WEDNESDAY INUV. V ADMISSION ~ - 25 AND 50 CENTS SHOW GROUNDS AT FAIR GROUNDS Griffin, Slale Roberson, F. ' Perry,_ N. C. Green, Charles JamW_ !\V. R. Fowden, Maurice Moore, and Leslie Fowden: Misses Kate I'hilpot, Clyde Hassell, and Hat tie Thrower. Entertains Friends Wifh Hallowe'en Party Miss Fannie Ray entertained a large number of -4iet_ friends at the home of Mrs. Mollie White on Fast Main Street, with a Hallowe'en party | last Thursday evening* Many games, led by Mrs. J. A. iLeggeU, were greatly enjoyed by thej | large of guests present. Ice icream, lellynSind cake were served.! 1 NOTICE". I I'uikr am! by virtue.alia judgment| | entitled 'R. A. KdmoinNon, atlnjitiin-J jtratur, et a'l, vs. U. 11. Edmondson, et al, li.i irs ;it nntlvrsiKnett coin-! irissinnors \vilK\on the 14th 'lay of 1 ! November, 1"27, o'clock floou, in I j front ot the cimrtliotvL4luor of'Mar-' tin ('iitrtitj*. iiliVr at "public sale to the J j liitfiiest biiMcr tor ca li. the iVdlowiug | j de.scril.H-d tract oi laiuh . | Situated 1 in Robert nville Township, in s.nii wimtitv and Piatj. biftindcd oil Vhi north bv die l, I . nil "of VI. J . Smith, in ttie east by laud of (I. \V .* Moore, on' the south by the lamb of Mrs. John Ross, and on the wc?it by the lands of T. Andrews, and known as the N'atFfaii Kdmomlson land. Containing 70*?SFrr more or less. This land will be sold subject to the dower of Mrs. Louise Kdmondson. This the 13th day of« October, 1927. n. A. CRITCHER, ' A. R. DUNNING, '(>l4 4t\v. Commissioners. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND Undi ft and by virtue, of authority! vested in tlte-under.siK»ed commission er, hy oriler of the superior court bfij I Martin County,. North CaroHna, in a v ; | -penal proceeding eniltled 11. H Ben inett find others, ix imrte, I shall .offer tor sale at public auction, to the lugljt- I est bidifrr for, cash at the courthouse I iftor at \V»lliaiilstou K North Carolina, Double Duty - SUITS Now on Sale * Chevoits,wwo- n • f ' 4 v steds, or unfin ished worsteds • in plain colors /( • L y or fancy mix- ta \ S W prLHng g °o d t hairline stripes —iii single" or / / | double breast-. I I ft jj «\ I ed jackets, all ,\l / t I smartly correct for men and \if■«\ Vl~ I youngmen . - lllj \^.. ILI l Ll two or three / |,V hr —' 3 fnfl- We Have |1 f Ir— Them On Sale \pi Ij| y At Reduced & >*«» Prices ly •' ? New ball FROCKS For Wo Dresses for stredgand sport wear at most ex ceptional prices. A dress for any Occasion, of every wanted material and at a you can afford to pay. See these they are on sale. ■ ... - * • ' t v The Leader Store R. SUMARA, PROPRIETOR PAGE THREE i on Saturday, November !3th, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon, the following tracts or parrels of land situated and lying in the county of Marttn, State of North Carolina, bounded as follows, to wit: First tract: Bounded- on the north by the J.-.nds of J. G. Staton, on the east by Sweeten Water Creek, on the south by Noah Huff ir"! J. G. Staton, on the writ* by Daniel-StaVon mill road; containing one hundred and twenty. (120) acres* more or less. Second tract: Bounded on the north [ by the lands of Ed Peel: on the ea s t Iby I )atiiel Staton mill road, on the 4 south' by the lands of J. G. S'tpton, |on the west bv Plmnv Peel. Con ta!iv:nj; ryility-fi\e (Ssl ai re-, more or less. * This tlie 12th day of October, 1927, i R. L. CO BURN, 014 -4t\vVi Commissioner.