PAGE FOUR DOWNIE BROTHERS CIRCUS COMING 7 y • "The largest motor circus .in the world" is the way Dowuic Bros. Wild Animal circus advertises this year. This gigantic apiuscmeti» enterprise is transported on a fleet of lB motor trucks, riirec different trains comprise the moving frniji om city' to another. At 6 p. m., right after supper is served and over, the is |i.i. Jked a way-on its trucks and leaves for the next city. By .9 p. in. that night tliev are generally all set up on the show grounds in th'e next town. I lie bag gage train, consisting nf tents, seats, poles, Makes, and annual trucks leave about midnight. The performers" and musicians leave until the fol lowing inortiing With the Dowtlje, Bros, circus the performers all have their own living trucks and house cars. In addition to a circus, it is also an .auto show as well, as in the (iM trucks nearly every-kind and style arc repre sented. « A veriuble N+iab's -Ark—ul animals— is carried, including the herd of trained j and performing elephants, Dowiiie , Bros, fighting African lions, trained by Captain Boh Johnson, one of Amer ica's most fearless animal trainers. Al so a mixed group consisting of a lion, lamb, leopard, lu-ar, dug. and gnat . lij this act the 'Biblical prophttejr is ai ttially fulfille't* 5 A gentle little lambi lies down besdie a large and ferocious j lion The hrttte —erratum —that lrom • time utireckonable have -waged war j dwell iii happy harmoh.v and proudly ; show the profuniio nf their intelli gence. Lions that ride horseback, tigers that leap through hoops of fire. ' PLYMOUTH BAR PRAISES JUDGE CLAYTON MOORE Pass Resolution Expressing Appreciation for His Services The Plymouth bar -voiced its ap proval of Judge Clayton Moore, of this city, who held his first term of court in Washington County last week, when it passed the following 'resolu tion : \Yherj>« s the Honorable Clayton Moore has presided over the abovc • " - • . r ' . . • , / , • . • . • # v . .• ... • -_ v 4 ' . - We Are Still Leading in Pounds and Prices S WE SOLD MONDAY, OCTOBER 31.77.680 POUNDS FOR $24,270.86, MAKING A General Floor Average of $31.25 FOR EVERYTHING ON THE FLOOR, INCLUDING SCRAP. PILE AFTER PILE SOLD FROM 40TO 86 CENTS. EVERYBODY SATISFIED AS USUAL WHEN THEY SELL WITH FOLKS THAT KNOW HOW. WE DO NOT ADVISE HOLDING YOUR TOBACCO AT THESE PRICES. BELOW WE HAND YOU A FEW AVERAGES MADE FOR OUR CUSTOMERS. COMPARE THESE AND COME TO SEE US. WE AP PRECIATE YOUR TRADE AND WILL SEE THAT YOU GET THE HIGHEST DOLLAR FOR YOUR TOBACCO. V *■ ' i Tj ROBERSON JNO. PEEL & JACKSON 'V C. W. GURKIN HERBERT MANNING »!S, 'V ,S3L JSt Pmmds - «*• S 52 35.00 " 96 27*00 84*7 I $ 29 00 114 • .$30.00 ' 'IBO , _.. 29.00 N l2O hO-00 ISO *7 00 r>B if 00 ® 34.00 102 37.00 112 1_ 79.00 4 i 22 , , . inm 46.00 336 37.00 132 70.00 • HO Q MOO 272 ' IS'S 214 5900 200 3500 22 7 - \ $ fig "J 76.W • 12 ".00 2JO 5J.00 - D4s * w 528 Pounds Brought $334.76 ■ 7021'ounds Brought $352.14 650 Pounds Brought $294.06 "J .I' 3 " 952 Pounds Brought $468.86 ' AVERAGES63.4O ~r nn. „r . AVERAGESSO.I6 AVERAGES4S.24 B,™** »« 5 .92 AVERAGE $49.24 AVERAGE $45.82 — ; i t YOURS TO PLEASE ' , \ 9 Meadows, Meador, Griffin and Taylor Proprietors Roanoke-Dixie Warehouse WE ARE NOW BUYING SCRAP . ' WILLIAMSTON, N. C. :• t>ats, hears, camels, and nlonkeys per 1 tunning peacefully in one graijd group . J One of the most'novel animal act s with tijk circus jg Carl Clark's trained • ritzorliSi k hogs. *-These animals, noted >i for their utter lack of intelligence and stubbornness jump over hurdles, roll I barrels, chute the clinics. and walk on I licit" hind legs. Also many trained flogs, goats, bears and,shetluud pontes. Hiding dogs and y l.r, hi keys and funny baboonss. The circus part of the program, con sists, of many high-class-and standard i circus; acts, including fiene and Marv Knurs, who perform atop of a pole 35 ! feet in the..air. Charlotte and Harry Levine. head and hand balancers. Tire (.ontie.r trio, on thf:'r ro»mdy revolving ladder, The t pside Barrows, iin upside ilown ladder and trapeze ariists Tayhr and aerial artiafs. William i*int, the frog contortionist . Sniilie Daly,, doing a i lall . Ijiini fin lop .1.1,1 iv e Labile llu: | Rojas bun, in fiats uf denial dcxleiT ty. The John Walters l'rio, Roman ring artists. fy Watih for the A funny clowns that will inake the bids yoni O to tilt laugh Itownu Bros. Wild -\, t.ircu . gi\e each ilav at noon the. niost novel . street parade in the world with li\>: '.Uiand.s and two calliopes and a "Mile jof motor truck - " * Not a hoi se-draw ti vehicle ill the parade 1 he> will ex hibit one day only- at Williaiiurton on j Wednesday, November ai I and 8 p in Doors open one hour earlier. All held under rainproof a' cle(tr> lighted tents. ; named term'pf court with digt.ity.aiid Uairness. ayt lias extended jo the ! litigants, and jury cmtrti v and c««n-' • iideratiiili. aint-.that jln- bar recogiii -es ! the value and high order o( services that he has rendered at >;iitl term nf i court. and J k safd bar holds in high es te in and regard the said Honorable j Clayton Moore on accx'tmt' of fortiii r assiiciatioii with iliiiu and iiit aD'ouut of its recognition of the high charai tcr iif services that- he lias "rendered at said tern) of court; and 'Whereas tin said* bar desires I > coiiiiilunicate ■* its appreeiatign to htn for the above ill this manner, and to express a desire ami welcome to him to return to this comity whenever he !lias opportunity so to' do. by visit or to preside over said court: now there fore be it Resolved, That the foregoing is the consensus of the sentiment | wf the liar of Washington County, and t-diat wr most highly to | ihc v people• of "North Carolina as an | honnfehle and* potent faclor in the ju j dietary of the said State, and that copy lof these resolutions he spread upon , flic minutes of this court., a copy be I transmitted to the Honorafie Clayton j Moore, aij,d a copy. to x the Roanoke j Beacon" and i, the New & Observer I for publication. The resolution us signed for the I Washington ('otftity Mar Association J by' W. {l. WlTitley, Yair/8.-Martin, j a*id '/.t[t \ a nee Norman, special com ] rnittce. - . NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE j *l.nder and by virtue of the power j of sale eont'iiitH'd in a ' deed of j tru«t executed t> tin- trus tee by (I M. Hurra* and wile, )ra Bitrras, dated sth day of November, I 1927. and >rf record in the public reg-. I istry of Martin County in book Y -2, at page (tit, saiil deed of trust Iwving been given tn secure a certain note of i veil dirti aifd tenor therewith, and the stipulations contained in the said drn| of .trust not having be?n com- "WTtb. -:md default- having hem made in the payment of the name, and 1 at tlje request -of the holder of the said note the undersigned trustee will on Saturday, November 12th, at .12 o'clock in., in frouOif "the courthouse floor in tin town of. Williahiston,- of fer (or sale to t|\e highest bidder for cash the following described real es tate, to, w it: I*irst trait: a one-half' undivided in-1 letest in tie following described real estate, to 'Ait' Beginning on the run; of Cooper's Swamp, at. T. H. Hurras I corner, thence along said Hurras line i J. I Moore's line of. land held by [ linn ■as trustee 777 l ugh. t hciiceTn a estward direction along said Hup 320 | CRITICISM W Shakespeare, who lived in Merrie J I ngland about 4110 'years ago and had to liis credit |'tiite a few "best sellers," said this: ' '"Words, without deed#, never heaven' go." We urote \uii in our last, inviting your i-rit-iciMii of our service, quality, and prices. We got that criticism in gooti large gobs Of course, we got . few flowers mixed with the crepe.' Wttili V« are deeph grateful for 1 nice things said, we are paying j •lot, miirl' attention to the criticism j ,irr trying- trr trader i nil" deedrHrt4 cur word- We afe striving to build «*nr-r-Hr-)fttn if ut ioii si •- -n- wiH- 4tty-kn»w4» - the DIM'KNDABLK OKti-ANIZA TIONI Votir kind words warm us; )(our harsh words w;nn us; but-™ , %'«it*r silence kills us, .Arid w'e "are too young to die. isn't heaven always, but it jliji >ii't have to he other, either. So watch our deed's dovetail with our THE SALLY ANN BAKERY W. H. GURKIN, Prop. THE E-NTERPRISE r ! yards to Moore's corner in Sarah E. -) Bunas line in the run of Cooper's j Swamp; thence the various courses of t, the run of Ceoper's Swamp to the be t j ginning, containing 20 acres, more or 11 less. ' Second tract: A tract of land in the 1 town of Williamston, N. C., known as j the Wiley Mi/elle lot. and the Laura 1 ! Whitley lot, lying and being on the 'least side of Main Street, going to " wards Koanokt River, containing two ' j acres, more or less, and being the " I same laod drt'led to H. M. Burras by r j fwo deeds, one fr»ta = Qa#*««»»'J*oore, commissioner, duufi December 26th, 1917, and of record -in book V'-l, at I; page 355, and the other from Laura .j Whitley, dated. March 2nd, 1918, and - of record in look T-l, at page 350. Reference is h' tcr the said deeds for a m re perfect; description. This the 7ti ■'*£, October, 1927. ELUKKT S. PEEL, 1 014 4tw S ~ 'trustee. WANTS [ FOR S.ALI ' v EARLY* JERSEY Wakefieldcabbage plant:., obtained i from the V r best seed, $2.0(1 per \ 1,000. llenry 1 Crcen, I'ecan Grove 'l arni. Williati -LuU. ill 2t ; I EARL Y> jfl)S)jp>' VS AKEFI ELD cabbage pl;i u now i. ady tor sct- Ijtiiig. Nice si Mrs. ls.u«ella Mar , dison. K. E. I) N'o. 4. nl ltpd PECAN AM) FRUIT TREES; pay. Ornamentals beautify, If t in- I terjfsted in eitlnjr, write for illustrated | catalog. J R. Wight, Cairo, Ga. o7 12t W.WTKI): 'SEVERAL BOYS TO j clerk Saturday. Apply to Young i Mercantile company. t I NICE CABUAGE VLA N' TS~ Y l.arly jerseyTWakefield. at 20 ctnti j per- hundred. A. Dawson Griffin. o2« 2t CARLOAD OF HAY \V IR E., Cheap for Cash. (YD. ( arstarphen & Co. v ' nl 3t FOR, SALE: GOOD ONE-HORSE farm near Willianisjon; in good I community, 1 acres clear, and 25 I acres well timbered. See Elbert S. Feel, attorney. Williamston, N. C. | 028 WANTED: (.?¥)!) FRESH MILK cow at once. See J. Frank Weav : er. Williamson, N. C f 028 2t W\ \ I ll>: HJ I RAL OKE. TWO, three, and four h rse cropjiers, with plenty ot Lilim. cultivate tobacco, iTgttou. corn, and'" peanuts. Slade/j j Jdiodes & ( .i„ llaniilt ii, N\ C, o7 wtf j LIME >1 \KES I lll; I.AVI) WORK better, the fertilizer act better, the ; manures and rfrganic mutter rot bet-' fer, and tin' legumes grow better." j See.your local dealer for "MASCOT," the Standard Agricultural Limestone. lor write American Limestone Co., ( Knoxville, Tenn. • ' o 25 lit \UI.«.» \I) Oh HAY WIRE. .Cheap for ca*h. C. 1). Carstarpjien i i«i Co. ._r nl 3t CARLOAD OF HAY WIRE. Cheap for cash. C. D. Carstarphen &• Co. nl 3t NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION For the Sale of the Complete Dis tribution System to the Virginia Electric A Power Company and of a New Registration for Said Election. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Aldermen of the Town of \Vi 11 iani st o ii/4i a s this day called and ordered to oe held a special election in the town of Williamston on the 20th day of December, 1927, for the purpose of ascertaining the will of the qualified voters within the town of Wilfiamston a., to whether cur m»t they shall ratify an agreement entered into between the Board of Aldermen and .the Virginia Electfic & Power Co.. whereby the «.;.id power company acquires the com | plete electric distributing system of 1 the Town of Williamston. | At said election those favoring such : sale shall vote a ballot on which shall lie printed the words, "For the sale i to the Virginia Electric & Power Com-! Lpany," and those opposed to the sale] I shall vote a : btllot on which shall be printed the words, "Against the. sale I | to the Virginia Electric & Power Com-' I panv." If. a majority of the qualified j voters of the Town of Williamston I shall vote in favor of such sale then the agreement heretofore executed, as aforesaid, shall immediately become operative and in force. The agr?e- I went referred to i$ deposited with the ! clerk of the town of Williamston. Further notice is hereby given that ! the board of aldermen of -the town of I Williamston has this day ordered a new registration voters resid ing within said, town atid has desig- I listed the entire town of Williamston ,i- the voting precinct, and the regis tration book will be kept open by the registrar, hereinafter named, in said precinct, for the registration of all electors residing within said town and entitled to registration, between the hours of 9:00 o'clock a. m„ and sun set >ri each day for the period com mencing with the 12th day of No. veniber. 1')27. and eliding with the 3rd day of December, l''27 Provided. That on each and every Saturdav em i braced within the above described period of time, said registrar v ill at tend with his registration book at the, i polling place, hereinafter designated, for the registration of voters. Further notice hereby given that. the ■fWkwriflfe ■■regMtr.-ii —has —tb-i —dry-t been appointed by the board of alder men of the town of Williamston for j 'the registration of voters and for con-( dinting and holdiiiK said election in said town: J. E Pope. ! Further notice is hereby given that j said eleeti hi will be held between the j hours of sunrise and sunset the 20th day of December. 1927. as heretofore] set out. at the following polling place j in .aid toiui: Mayor's office, city hall. This 31*t day ,of October. 1927. H> order of the hoard of aldermen j of the town of Williamston. G. H. HARRISON, til 4tw Town Clerk. \ NOTICE North Cafylina; Martin County; in! superior court. The defendant-above will take notice Unit an action entitled a - above has ! been 'commenced in the superior court of Martina-County, Nnrtfl Carolina, to [ obtain an absolute divorce *on the! grounds of adultery; and the said fendant .kill further take notice that; she is required to appear., before the Turner Pond vs. Jennie Bond clerk of court of Martin County, in Willianiston, N. C.,, on 17th day of | November, 1927. and answer or demur to the complaint on said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in this com plaint. TJjis the 7th day of October, 1927. R J. PEEL, oil 4tw Clerk superior- court. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin istratrix of the estate of Henry P. Gibson, deceased, late of Martin County, this is to notify 411 persons haying claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned on of before the 28th day of Septem ber, 1928, or this notice will be ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to the said estate will Jjlease makp immediate payment. This the 28th day of September, 1927. KATIE L. GIBSON. ..Administratrix 'of Henry P. Gil's oo , deceased. \ Elbert S. Peel, attorney at lato, Wil liamston, N. C.- s3O 6tw ■' . —- NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION lake notice that an action as above Delia Reddick vs. Eddie Reddick ~ift- the superior court. The defendant, Eddie Reddick, will take notice tha tan action as above has been commenced in the superior court of Martin County, North Caro lina for an absolute divorce upon, the grounds of adultery; the said defend ant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the A TONIC GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC restores Energy and Vi tality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. 60c. liver Pills TABTEI.KSB CHILI. TONIC far thoee who wish to taka • Laxative In conMCtioß with the Tonic. DO YOU WANT A BOOK TO READ? The Library Commission of North Carolina will lend to re«i dents of the State without libra™ facilities books on any subject, whether for pleaiure or itudy. There ii no charge except postage to and from Raleigh. If you want a book to read, fill out the coupon below and return to the Library Commission of North Carolina, Raleigh, N. C. You may keep the book three weeks. Return it and get another if you would like to have it. Please write your name clearly. Give exact address. Be sure to give rural route if you have one. Make a first and second choice, so we can substitute if necessary. COUPON Liorar/ Commiuaion of North Carolina, Raleigh, N. C. ' Please send me the books listed below. I agree to return them in three weeks, and pay postage to and from Raleigh. « TT; . First Choice „ , Second Choice : . , • > • r. Name Address P. O. » f • ' \ • N R. F. D. Tuesday, November 1,1927 clerk of the superior court of Martin County, at the courthouse in Wiljiam gton, N. C., on the 16th day of No vember, 1927, and answer or demur to the complaint bf the plaintiff, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded. " This the 14th dav of October. 1927. R. J. PEEL, Clerk of superior court of Martin County. r "~ o!4 4tw We Are Distributors of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORA TALKING MACHINES All Standard Make* EASY IF DESIRED 0 Write for Prices and Terms One of oar salesmen will gladly demonstrate one in yoar kma All the Latest Records and Sheet Music Russ Bros. WSHiamsfon, N. C. j Washington, N. C. Plymouth, N. C

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