PAGE FOUR Society & J?ers®nels Mrs. ELBERT & I'EEL, Editor CM VMOip W«ddißc* E t*. l» Town Yesterday Mr. Chas. Ross. State highway at torney, was in town yesterday at tending the local court. Here From Tarboro Messrs. C." A. Johnson. W. G. Clark. E. C. Winslow, George Foun tain, H. B. \yhitlarkj. and Tom San ders, of Tarboro. were busijiess visi tors here this week. H'iU Arrive Tonight Mr. and "Mrs. James C. Manning and little Jimmie. of Eureka will arrive tonight to spend the week end with Mrs. A. J. Manning- They will also bring Miss Ruth Manning and Elbert Peel. jr.. with them from Wil son. ' Leaves for Wilmington M Miss Frances "Hoyt left yesterday for Wilmington, where she will sjiend several days-in conference with ufji cers of the Young Peoples Service | \League, of which she is dioi esan set retary.' Arrangements for the year's work will be made. In Rocky Mount ,Tusday Miss Lucy" Claire Jvey and Stan ley Se*»soms visited Mr. I F. Har rison in Rocky Mount Tuesday night. Attend Sew HerU Fair Mr." and Mrs. Hugh Morton, Mr. aml alts. TTi a s. James Til» 1' NTr'aTiiT Mrs. Oscar Anderson attended the j New Bern fair Wednesday night. In Raleigh Tonight Mrs. Mattie Hunt,. Mrs. John A. j Manning. Mrs. Oscar Anderson, Miss Ethel Harris and Bruce Wynne-sjaait today in Raleigh and will see "My Maryland" in that city tonight.' * - * Sf'nd Thursday in XojrOlk Judge and Mrs. Clayton Moore, Mrs. F. l\ Barnes. Mrs J. S. Rhodes and Dr. W. H. Harrell s|M-nt yester day in Norfolk., —- Visitors Hire Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. I'. E Getsingi r Mr.j and Mrs. W. Ci. Hardison, Mi • Mary., A. Daniel, of Griffins Township, were yisitors here yesterday. CRITICISM iy. Shakespeare, who lived in Merrie, England about 400 year s un«* and lia«l-' to his credit t| a few "best sellers," said -this: ( "Wtsrds, .without deeds, never to heaven go.'! ... We, w rote vou in our last, inviting your criticism «>( our service. (|iiirtitv.; and prices .We k»t• lliat criticism m ! good JarKe K"hs. course,' \\ r got t a few flowers mixed wirti the etipe. „l While we are deeply Ktatcflil for : the nice things" said. we are "paying hits more attention to the criticism. 1 We 1 ilTr trvinj: ti tnnltv "Vir ht. our words. We are striving to build I our orjran-i/afion* so it will lie known j as the 1)1- I'KN'I)AHI I'. iildiAM / \- TION. Your kiml words warm us; yonr harsh words warn us; hut —- Your silence kills us. And we are too young to. die. Business isn't heaven aVways, huf it doesn't-have to, he the other, either t So watch our deed- dovetail with our words. THE SALLY ANN BAKERY W. H. GURKIN. Prop. xraxxDaoaxc axx>axixx>a>xxxr>Qxr>axixi>axixr>axxxx>axxxc a octxt? :\,\t7uxtxtxt>a3 cDotxTxtxt>;t Bennett, Barnhill and Morton WE ADVISE YOU TO SELL YOUR TOBACCO AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. TOBACCO IS , ' - | SELLING GOOD NOW AND IT WILL PAY YOU TO SELL. - | WE HAVE BEEN AVERAGING 30 CENTS FOR THE LAST TEN DAYS. J THE FARMERS WAREHOUSE WILLIAMSTON, N. C. I j In Ri'i ky Mount Y'f 'nesday' JTRthm«§ -T. F. Harrison, J[„ t. Peel, J. O. Mantiin !\;fh?P A. Has sell spent Wtd.ncsd.iy in Roftky Mount. Here Front Wilminqtbn F..' Nnrfleet, of Wilmington, was a business visitor here this week. In Tirum Wednesday N. i. Stednsan. of Halifax, was- in town Wednesday.- Visiting Dr. artti Mj . tt'urr, > Xlrs.'R. M. Hear • of Greet :vHij> and her sou. Ftdwat'd W. Hearne; nt New "York City, a : sjiendini; this week with her bncln r, Dr. W. I. Waru'ii! and Mrs. Vfarren ;II jheir home on Huughton *reet. Hen From Washinr n, D. "** Harry Clinton Jai.i' ■>, »f W ashing 'tun. it. -i-i \ ill) 1 Ins parents, Mt. |;uid Mrs, W. A. J res. for a few days. ~ litS or folk This M h. Mr, and .\1 rs_.. j\ i ics t ■ Slaton ■spent Wednesday and Thursday in Norfolk. . Visitors lien Vesttfrdav Mi., and Mrs. Abe Corey, of Grif fins Township, was here yesterday. Hen Ftom RobersonvUle •Mr. B* R. Jenkins, of Koberson- Jville. R. ,F. D. No. was a vifyitor 1 I to the Fnt a prise oflice Thursday. HMHMIMMMMnn* MV «-• » ■ Thousands of motorist are } I daily proving !lia! "Static ircP* Motor Oil does all any got d o:I do—-and does it Letter jjj «liU«r. *jL ; «".f— R''iKPi# v «S* v • • to flow freely, to cling to metal I surfaces, lo resist {nut, to hold its Innly— these ore tpuditiek refined into "Standard Motor Oil through patience, long experience and elaborate equipment. '. ' ' ' ' * * ' ' ■ \ f— "STANDARD MOTOR OIL The Measure Oil Value | . . STANDARD _ I'HONE \ it7thing for Tli in Depart mrnt Te 46 i Attend Show in Ruhigh I)r. and Mrs. Saunders, and i Dr. and Mrs. J. S Rhodes are in f J , Raleigh attending the show, "My TMaryland'! tonight. ] Here Frotjp- Windsor Mr. .J. H Tadlo.k, of Windsor, ! was jn town Thursd iy. I O . '"' . I \'i sit or From Swan 'uart/r | Carol Spencer, of Swan Quarter, 1 wai in town yesterday. REGULAR MEET OF PHILATHEAS • Will Be HeJd With Mrs. W. A. James At Main Street Home Tonight I li j I'hilathea Class of theo Chris tian Church will meet with Mrs. \V. j A, James at her home on Main Street tonight. All the members are urged N lo attend, as at this meeting the var ious committees for the year's work ' will be named. ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB Mrs'. B. W. Hardy Hostess To Club Members On Thursday Mrs. B W Manly enteitained Iter (ard' ihtb on I hlirs(tay~al her'home ■"! on Haughton Street. The entire | home was decorated with flowers that TrtE ENTERPRISE arried out the Hallowe'en idea and ; pumpkin lanterns, with their candle | light, completed the attractive decor ations. On the tables there were at | tractive Halloween baskets filled v. ith mints. Mrs. J. D, Woolard made high ore and was given a lovely gift. I She had as guests besides the club members, Mrs. Harper Holliday and i Mrs. Jim King. 'The hostess served a dainty salad , course with black coffee. 20TH CENTURY CLUB MEETING * ______ Held With Mrs. J. G. God ard Wednesday Afternoon The Twentieth Century Club met with Mrs. J. G. (lodard Wednesday afternoon at 3.30. Mrs. Godard's home was made more attractive with a profusion of yellow, white, and purr pie chrysanthemums. ■The program day was on the countries of Ireland and Scot land; and Mrs. S. K. Biggs, who had the first paper for the day, read a good description of first impressions of that romantic country. Mrs. Wheeler Martin lea 1 a pa|>er on the national music of Scotland, explain ing the bagpipe and its connection with the music and life of that coun try. - . ' Mrs. J. S. Rhodes sang a solo. She was accompanied, by Mrs. J. H. Clhesterf ield smokers don I change with the tides ! # * • "% J? x -' ' - . - * • > ; ..." **■ .•. but watch how other smokers are changing to Chesterfield! -r" * " 1. • . • - - FOR THE BEST OF GOOD REASONS OETTCRTXSTr! Saunders and Mrs. J. W. Manning and Miss Carrie Dell White played a duet. Mrs. Clayton Moore com pleted with the reading of current events. - Mrs. Godard had as her special guests Mrs. W. T. Hunter, Miss Del phia Peebles, Mrs. Harper Holliday, Mrs. W. C. Manning, jr.* Mrs. Mil ton Moye, Mrs. A. R. Dunning, Mrs. Oscar Anderson, and Miss Mary Smith. She served a salad course wtih hot tea and hot rolls and sea-foam candy. KARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD cabbage plants; 20c hutiHred. $1.50 thousand; 5 to 10 thousand $1.25 thou sand. Prices on large lots. best seed sown right, grown right. 17 years experience in plant growing.! East Side farm quality plants are known everywhere. Orders filled from' now till Mareh 1, 1928. ). L. Holliday, Williamson, N. C. n5 Btpd NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue V>f the power contained in that certain deed, of trust, executed on the 22nd day of ' Funeral Director], and Licensed Embalmer\ Day and Night Service j Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Price B. s. COURTNEY! WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Day Phorte 159 Night Phone 94 j January, 1917, by A. J. Manning and wife! Blanche Manning, and cf rec ord in the public registry of Martin County in book M-l, at page 347, said deed of trust being ffiven to secure the payment of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the stip ulations in said deed of trust not hav ing beeir complied'with,-and-ai.tjfie re quest wi t the parties interested, the un dersigned trustee will on the sth day of at the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, N.C., offer 4or sale to the hiKheSt bidderj'or cash at public auction the following described tract ■ of land, to wit: Bounded on the north by Noah Rob lerson, on the i .st by Noah Rober.-onJ lon tlte Syuth by Char IK' Moore, on | the west by B. T. Barber tract and j Tim ackson, containing one hundred | [\ ©n't dose V /£&* **** » CONTINUAL dosing upsets ' chile -en's delicate stomachs. V' ks is a. .plied extern,illy and the * fore ca:-.iot disturb the diges tion. It acts in two ways: (1) The body heat releases the ingr dients in the form of vapors s wli h are it. haled. (?) At the same time Vicks "drriv.s out" the soreness like • i pou'tice. US QVLK KMIUJC;J JAXS USES Y£A*U -, . - : Friday, November 4, 1927 and forty acres (140), more or ICM, and being the same land doeded to A. J. Manning "by H» r "ett A. Robcrson and others. This the 4th day of Octoliier, 1927. WHEELER MARTIN, 67 4tw Trustee. R. L. Coburn, attorney. We Are Distributors of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORA TALKING MACHINES All Standard Make* EASY TERMS IF DESIRED Write for Prices and Terms One of our salesmen will gladly demonstrate one in your homo. All the Latest Records and Sheet Music Russ Bros. Williamston, N. C. | Washington, N. C. Plymouth, N. C.

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