Friday, November 4, 1927 . NEWS ITEMS OF OAK CITY Oak City, Nov. 2.—Principal H. M. Ainsley and family spent last week end with Mrs. Ainsley's father," S. "W. Woodley, of Creswell. Miss Velma Hincs Was the guest of Miss Maty Kathlyn Ainsley for the week end at her old home, near Cres well. y Mr. T. W. Davenport and wife, ac v com pan it 1 by Prof. H. B. Russell, of Oak City School, visited Misses Mil dred Davenport and Sara Long John son at E. C. T. C. Sunday afternoon. «" Messrs. L. T. Chesson. f. C. H. John son, and Louis Brown attended the Phillipi convention near Creswell Sun day. The merchants and business lead ers of Oak City report an "increase in trade since tobacco is selling at, bet ter prices. _ f "" Dr. Pittman, local physician, is well undvr way giving physical examina tion of school children. This move ment is sponsored by the health pro-1 gram committee' of Oak City school. | Two hundred and seventy classes of' girls and boys in the schools of NortJ) Carolina won national Hionors in health education the past year according to a report sent out by Dr. L» B. Mcßray er. managing director uf the North Carolina Tuberculosis Association. One pennant honor was won in Mar tin County, this being won by the Oak City High School. These pennants arc awarded by the National Tuberculosis Association of New York City to school children for superior work in the' modern health crusade. The several put on by Mis* Macie SouthiAl. of the State 'depart ment, will soon be ready for tabula tion in the elementary department 01 Oak City school. Miss Trixie Jen kins has shown her ability as a lead er in helping to put this work over. The parent-teacher association met Thursday night, October 27. . All the IIICIIIIH'IS WERE |>ifsriit.and u "splendid spirit of cooperation manifested. The gross results amounted to $C>5. The program was divided into three parts as follows: First, business meeting; second, Hallowe'en program in charge of Mrs. \V. D. Smith; and, third, so cial and refreshment committee in charge. Misses Newton. Mallard, Tay lor, and Frazier. The fifth grade won ball for attendance of parents, 2.' par , ents representing that grade. Miss Ruth 11. Faulkner, of Hamil ton,, was the week end guestlof' Miss Annie Woodley at her home in Cherry. Miss Malissa Worsley left for med ical treatment in u Richmond hospital Monday. Revs. Thos. Cash, of San Diego, Calif., and W. M. Monsees, of Re ids ville, N. C., both-'ministers of the Prim itive Baptist Church, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Johnson Tuesday and Wednesday.—As Reported. CIRCUS TOBE HERE ON 9TH Visitors to the great Downie Bros. Circus, which will exhibit here one day only. Wednesday, Novenilkr *>, are PENDER'S YELLOW FRONT STORES Setting the Pace Tl T InYahte, Quality, and Service _ i&OWDRIFT LARD 77 c EVAPORATED MILK T '"c,„ 9f "ST TOAMTOES N °„' 3 FOR 22 c GOLD MEDAL Bu "'^' u ';, ° i r .Sr'" 25° Lima Beans, lb. 11c Navy lbs., 25c SUN MAID RAISINS 25 c LAND O'LAKES OUR PRIDE BREAD BUTTER, LB. 57° c f, 10 c D. P. CAKE D.P.COFFEE "ZA.* 25 c 45 c LB. ' n »TLT ■>' I J ■ irm ■■Tr,- ■*■ i ■ « -i i ! 1 WP Ha VP WE SELL SAFETY FOR OUR DEPOSITORS' FUNDS. WE SELI. BOOKKEEPING SERV- | I r* l # ICE. WE SELL THE PRIVILEGE OF SENDING YOUR MONEY THROUGH THE MAILS. | Something to Sell WE SELL ALL KINDS OF SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES, IF INTERESTED IN | || & _ SAFE AND SOUND BANKING WE WILL BE GLAD TO TALK TO YOU. | THE FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK jjfi Service With Safety for 22 Years * Williamston, North Carolina 5g j always deligfhed with the courtesy |i shown them by all "tha employees of the show. Visitors are made to feel I \ welcome. They are regarded as pa trons who arc conferring a favor by their presence. In strikingcontrast to , the treatment of the public by the or dinary show, which seems to" regard ' their patrons as interlopers, this un- | failing courtesy add-, greatly to the ; pleasure of a visit to those vast exhi- , bitions. Careful attention to the com- ] fort and welfare and ladies is made j obligatroy upon every one connected 1 with the shhVs by' the management, and so it i» that ladies and children | may attend these exhibitions without the slightest discomfort oc d&uger it they have no male escort. !| COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF L LAND ', Under and by virtue of the authori- 1 if vested in the undersigned commis sion by order of- the superior court ofj Martin County, North Carolina, in a' special proceeding entitled Addie Mat thews, ex parte, 1 sli.ill offer for sale : ' at public auction, to the highest bidder . for cash, at the courlhotise door, at WilliamstoA, North Carolina, Lit Sat- { unlay, November 12th, 1927, at 12 o'- clock noon, the following tract or par-; eels of land situated jud lying in the 1 ' county of Martin, Style of North Car- 1 , olina, and bounded a. iollows, to wit; First tract: Bounded on the east by I the lands'of J.- T. Rogers, on the south by S. Peel, on the west by Leggett's Mill Pond, and pn the north by Eli 1 Roberson. Containing thirteen (13) acres, more or less. , Second tract: Beginning at a stake in l". T. Peel's line; thence with said Reel's liiie east to a pine; thence with Shid Peel's line north tt> a pun in a branch; thence down run of branch tq sweet gum; thence sotlth to 'he begin ning. Containing thirteen (13i acres! more or less. This the 12th day of October, 1927. R. L. CO BURN, • 1o 14 4t\e • flfimniiitsiiinpr ' I w I NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXE CUTION North Carolina; Martin County. ! Johnson-Smith & C(s\vs. N. P. Wil liams \ By virtue of an execution to me di-*] | reeled from the. pupcriiY court •{ Mar j ' tin County in the above entitled action, i I will,'on Monday, the 7th day of No-, j vetnber, 1927, at .12 oV,!-ock in,, at .the' courthouse door of said fotinty, offer ; for sale to the highest bidder fur cash to satisfy the said execution, all the Renew Your Health By Purification i Ahy 'phyii >. ' tell you that ;| "Perfeet Ptr. of the Sy»- I tem w Nati undation of ■ i Perfect Tlea't . . Vviiy not iid j yourself of chronic alltnetils that are undermining t y -? I Purify youh entire system by fuk ' fhg a thorough course of Calotnbs, I —-once or twice a week for several ' 1 weeks—and s?e how Nature re- » wards you with henlth. Calotahs are the n'-eatest • f a'l system purifiers, t 'at a package with full directions. On ly" ?5 cts. at drugstore*. (Adv). I right, title, and interest whkli the said N. P. Williams, the defendant, has in | the following described real estate, to 'wit: > 'J hat certain tract .{.r parcel of land situated in Robersonville Township, Martin County, K. C, and on the nortlt,side of the public road leading from Robersonville t.j Hasscil, N. C., and bound on the north by the lands of Hyman Warren, on the east by the lands of Jane Williams, on the south by the center of the said road and lauds of Seth Williams, and on the west by the lands of Mrs. Griffin Co burn and Jane being the same land willed to the said N,. P. Williamsfor life and then "to his chil ' dren by the late Williams, ex j cept that part thereof allotted to . the J said N. P." Williams ( >r his homestead | exemption, as appears of record in the i office of the clerk of the superior court j of Martin County. This the 7th day f October, 1 ( >27 A. L. ROEBCCK... . ... 4uv Sheriff of Martiiv County. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY I nder and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by E. B. Thomas and wife, Helen G. Thomas, P. T. Anthony, and I wife. Julia B. Anthony, on the Ist day !of February, 1923, and recorded in book of mortgages K-2. page 557,> Mar . tin County, we will on Saturday, 3rd I , day of December, 1V27, at 12 o'clock! Qte Buick Autumn Display /0118 cordially invite you to attend a ' ' t i__ VD iTJIy special showing of motor car fsshiona for 1928 \ -—introducing lustrous tolosi of lasting Duco . . . nek upholaterita of the finat quality... smart new appointments. „ The Buick Autumn Display opens Saturday and will continue all through the weelu Don't miss this intrresting exhibit. NOVEMBER 12 to 19 I I - >•» N. A. RIDDICK MOTOR CAR CO. "The House That Service Built" Scotland Neck, N. C. _ • : Camel An honest cigarette adverti&d Delightful tobaccos, the choicest 1 grown* Blended with skill : ■ r / i t v * i and care* Sold without bunk «*■ 'r - _ *' . ' of any kind, and it leads the world by billions. i . • ' , - vr . ". L ••. •* ' ' r \ "■ . JK If all cigarettes were as good I as Camel you wouldn't hear teZGZX 'yjA&rJ anything about special treat' tnents to make cigarettes good jur the throat. Nothingtakes ' thi place of choice tobaccos. I 0 1917. R. I. lUrnoldt Tobacco V I Compmnv. Wln«.n-S«Um. N. C. * ]s■[ THE ENTERPRISE noon at courthouse door in Wil -1 lianlston, Gfl at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to wit: A. Adjoining the lands of Dr. D. W. Lewis, Kinchen Taylor, et als, bound eu as follow*: Beginning at Carmell's corner at a stump in a small field near the river pocosin and running S. 70 W. along said Carmell's line to three maples on the branch; thence up the meanders of said branch to the road; thence along the road to a small red oak in said Carmell's line; thence N. 70 deg. W. along smid line 180 poles to a pine stump near Sapiuel William's field; thence N. 52 E. nine poles to a small branch; thence K„ ten east 80 poles to a fcrrk of tHc br,t?:; rr uf jump-* ing Run; thence N. seven K. thirty two poles along the run of said branch, hence S. seventy E. seventeen poles a long the said run, thence N. fifty E. thirty poles along the said run; thence N. thirty W. twenty along said run; thence N. 'fifteen W. thirty poles along said run, four E. 100 poles along said run of the said branch to the back line in the river pocosin; thence down the river pocosin to the first station, containing !>y estimation four huhl - and fifty-seven,acres more or less, it being known as the t'armell land and formerly owned bv' Louis A. Thompson ami which was sold un der execution against said Thompson and conveyed by the sheriff of said countv to H. Heitry Brown, and subse quently conveyed by II Brown, and wife, S. A. E. Brown, to Henry B. Moore and for particular description reference is, made to sawl deed of rec ord (build in liook J-J, page 153, Hen ry B. Moore and wife, Susan A. Moore to Js'ancy A. Crisp. B. A certain parcel of land lying and being in Martin County, North Caro lina, and in Goose Nest Township and known as the "Jeff House Farm," said tract of land lying on both sides of the public road leading from Oak City to Speed and adjoining the lauds of Dr. S. Harrell, Frank Edmondson, Leon Cherry, Tom Harrell, Hardy Council and others, and being the same lands which were conveyed by W. C. Manning and wife, S. M. Man ning, by deed dated July sth, 1911, and of in the register of deeds office of Martin County, N. C., in book | C-l, page 2, and which was conveyed > by S. R. Harrell to M. \V. House by deed recorded in book G-G, page 158, Martin County register of deeds office, for particular 4£s£ription of lands here in conveyed, reference is hereby made to the above two conveyances, said tract of land contains 500 acres, mort*"' or less, found in book J r 2, pAge 112. John W. Smith and wife, et al, to P. T. Anthony anil E. H. 'Thonijis. This sale is made by reason of the failure of F. B. Thomas and wile, Helen G. Thomas, and P. T. Antlfonv and wife. Julia B. Anthony, to pay- off and discharge the indebtedness se cured by .said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham. « • This the 25th dav of October, 1927. FIRST NATIONAL CO., «SLC.. OK DI'KHAM. j Formerly First National Trust Co., | Durham, N. C. n4 4tw j AFRAIDjrO EAT Blaatmg Spells, from Indigestion, Put an Oklahoma Man in a Miserable Fix, Bat He Found Relief. * • ~ ' Swink, Okla.—ln describing how i he suffered from indigestion, Mr 8. T. Strain, of this place, says: "I have been a user of Blnek- Draught for four or five years. 1 have been taking it for stomach trouble. I suffered after eating with bloating and a tight feeling'. "I had spelh when I could not eat much of anything. I had eevero headaches. I would be nauseated | and hurt a lot. I was in a pretty f bad fix. / ~ "I began taking Black aeemrd to help me wonderfully. I hadn't found anything that benefited j mo as Black-Draught did. I certain- J ly can recommend it f "There were times when I just did ™ without anything to eat until I was I too weak to go. I WPS just miser- I able, and when I ato, my system i seemed clogged. v. "I had very severe headaches.*' So I didn't know just what to do. I knew I couldn't work if I didn't eat. | Seemed like what I ar>it up was bit ter as could be. l took Black- Draught pretty regularly and got ! where I could eat, and I don't huvo to take it so regularly now." jvr ; w 7 , S&» t ' automatic a PRESSURE WATER SERVICE WATER that is always available at the turn of a faucet. This is possible it' you have a ®/ Automatic Water System in your home. And you not only have the many conveniences of water under pressure you eliminate the many back-brcaking tasks of pumping and carry ing water for your every need. 0. S. ANDERSON & CO. Fiigidaire Sales and Service p. —.—— —— r-A . ' c Made and Guaranteed bu.. ' - DELCOUGHT COMPANY Dayton Ohio , f Subsidiary of General Motors Corporation £r l 1 . 2 "I'll ■■ I 1 f || 11 |il If I 'Il|M THE ARTISTS—A GRAND COLOSSAL AGGREGATION OF WONDERFUL PERFORMING ELEPHANTS, HORSES, PONIES, GOATS, PIBS, CANINES AND MOIKEYS--100 CURIOUS TRAINED ANIMALS. 50 GREAT ACTS A GRAND FREE EXHIBITION . On the Show Grounds at I O'clock. ■ , - • REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE, UNDER OUR MAM* MOTH WATER-PROOF TENTS AFTERNOONS AT 2P. M. EVENINGS AT 8, DOORS OPEN I HOUR EARLIER. WILLIAMSTON MA\7 Q WEDNESDAY 1M vJ V • ADMISSION 25 AND 50 CENTS SHOW GROUNDS AT PAGE FIVE

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