PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every *2 uenday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILI.IAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA W.' C. Manning.- __ T : Editor Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COUNTY" " 1 year - ti mo i lis ; : . - .76 OITSIDE MARTIN COUNTY 1 year . $2.00 6 month 100 (Htrirtly Canh in Advance) No Subscription Will He Received for Les* Than Six Month* s Advertising Rate Card M ill He Fumi-thed I'pon Application Entered at the post office at \\ ilKumston, N. C,., ai second-class matter under the ait of Congress of Mafcli 3, 187S/. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not to indi vidual members of the company. * Friday, November 11, 1927 v, ✓ i The Lift oT*!) Town So often we mistake tin life of a town to be in the well-groomed and haugty gentleman who would lead you to believe that he selected the site and that all progress is the 're sult of his 'magic hand. We have -that kind, and we take our hats off to them. Hut why we do this and ignore those who would come here and join in the rank's of the builders we are unable to'say. During the-|>ast several months the Murrav-Mc( ,'ahe Lumber Co. ha s added, daily to the business life of the town and community. Bringing Business and Armistice Day Ten short years ago many of tiki! we and our children tttighf en Americas youth was forced tu share j,, v everlasting peace partly in. the greatest adventure of all trmes.j | >r ,about by his sacrifice. To They left this country to fight and , . . , , . ~ , .. . - * • ' his memory we sounded the bells and work in war-torn r ranee for a dollar } • " a day while the profiteers at home got.; 1,11,1 air,,lane " °' n "' on ,be second rich. But the States were loud in Armistice Day. Gradually we have their praise for those who went for turned our backs upm the sacrifice other shores. The young men d out sonsy and now we are begin thdught enough of our tiod-given ning to look u|jon Armistice Day as heritage to light for it; they wfre an unnecessary evil to business. With willing to make the nation's, troubles business ever foremost in fheir minds, their own. j th, re arc those who wyuTd make light Many of our .youth died, thinking qf the ,uritice of mother and son. Some Ballast Is Needed As we drift along the river of life we always run into current of good and currents of bad. There,are some people who interpret them ■ all as good, while therj are others who call them all bad. Men need most what the sailors would call ballast. They find it pays to carry dead weight across .the wide seas for no other purpose than that of providing ballast. No one knows better than thev that the plat ing of Gold © Store Williamston, Washington Street FOLLOW THE CROWD TO GREEN FRONT STORE J. I). THROWER, Local Manager The Little Lad With the Big Heart MEAfiOW GOLD TUB BUTTER, LB. - 52j GOLD MEDAL OATMEAL, 3 PACKAGES 25 c COLONIAL HERRING ROE, 2 CANS 29; LARGE GOLD DUST, 2 PACKAGES FOR - 49 c FAIRY SOAP, 4 CAKES FOR 15^ 10 LB. SIZE GOLD STAR SYRUP 48 c CELERY, 3 BUNHCES 25 c 3 CANS TOMATOES 25^ 4 LBS. RICE FOR ■A. G. CERTIFIED FLOUR ' ... 12 lb. bag 24 lb. bag 48 lb. bag % 98 lb. bag 52 c SI.OO, > $1.95 $3.75 PURE LARD 17 c COMPOUND LARD -15^ RIB BELLIES, LB. - PLATE MEAT 16^ EVERYTHING SOLD CARRIES A MONEY - BACK GUARANTEE to our town high ideals of citizenship, it sowners have played fair and square; they have been a real asset. Hut- while they worked earnestly at their task, some one has been negli-' gent, and Tuesday saw the savings accumulated over a period ff years go up in ,smoke while fhe mill's (/wn- I ers and townspeople stood by help ! less. The company plans to replace the loss, and it is the least"the town can of the mill's"profierty. heavy worthless-rock's in the bottom I of the .ship holds it'back and makes • it run slower and makes progress | . more difficult when all is we!l.« But they know safety is more important than progress; for why should they • rush and hurry when all is well and • then be lost, for want of ballast, when'the storms come. j The same tiling is true in nearly! everything we do. We fail to hold ourselves down; we stake all of our^ \ energies and all of our resources on! i the things we want most, without looking at the dangers ahead. There is no rjver; without its shoals; there is no sea without its breakers; is there any lifa without its , I dangers. Yet it seems that we-are forgetful iof that fact. We have removed the , beacons of safety that guide the des | tinies of men. We are permitting our children to follow the easy paths without knowing the dangers jarul hardships that lie in the way. Remember the Orphan, The North Carolina Orphan Asso- I j nation is reminding the people of | ' North t";ior!jna of the splendid , Thanksgiving opportunity so close at' hand. ' 1. Wh m we count tl>e thousand of, i blessings that Hie showered upon us day after day. we cart not fail to ap- i l>reciate that we ourselves have the i power to divide with those who are 'less fortunate. 1 The association is asking the peo- i pie to remember the thousands of ! 1 fatherless and motherless and home- Ball Playing and It sometimes looks as if the Amgjr ' icfin |>eople are ball crazy. In the ■ spring il is baseball, next comes foot- \ ball, closely followed'by basketball, •'with volley balls and golf balls roll t ing the year around. > ■ lii a large percentage of pupils in numbers of schools, ball playing seems to be the leading thought. It looks as if the taxpayers are % being imposed upon. when so much of the i school work for which they pay is ' diverted to i)lav. ; Ii the playing was spread out ovtf the whole student body, so all would j get the benefit of body training, it would be a distinct blessing. But NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION • For the Sale of the Complete Di«- j tribution System to the Virginia I Electric & Power Company and of a ( New Registration for Said Notice is hereby Kiven that the | Board >f Aldcrnieli oi the Town of f | WiVliaiiisfoii ha-- this day called and i ordered I" be held a special election in the- town of Willianiston on the 20th j day of December. P'27, lor the Purpose i I uaeejUiniim the will of the 'lualified . n.lcrs within the town of Willianiston j-, to whether or not they shall ratify j 111 agreement entered-into between the j Hoard oi Mderuien -and tlij Virginia > i Electric. & Power Co., whereby the! said power company afftitres die com plctt electric ilislribiltiiiK system of , tin- low ii vi Willianiston. At said election those favoring such 1 salt' shall vote .1 ballot 011 which shall be-printed the words, "I*or the sale 1,,-the V irginia l>)ectric «r Power Com -1 pally." and those opposed to the sale shall vole ■' ballot on which'shall be printed the words, "Against the sale >|to the Virginia J'.lectric & Power Com- I panv " If a majority of the qualified voters oi the Town of VVilliamstoil shall vote ill favor of such sale then the aK-rcement heretofore executed, as afore»aid, shall immediately become operative and iii force. nunt referred to is deposited with the clerk of the town of Willianiston. Further notice is hereby give# that Vli. board of aldermen of the town of W'ifliamston has this ilav ordered a - new 1 ryistration of the voters resid itn'g within said town and has desig nated the entire town oi Willianiston THE ENTERPRISE The frequent question, "What is to become of the youngsters," might be answered by teaching them the bard things of life 4s well as the easy. It seems to be the idea of many "that education means only a thing to keep them from work, when its only pur pose is to help people work more and tQ a greater advantage. Let the schools, the homes, the churches, teach more of the obliga tions that we owe rather than the benefits we hope to receive. ns This Thanksgiving less children in the State who are de pendent upon charity for the preser vation of life itself, as well as for, their physical, mental, and moral training. It would mean much if every fam ily in the Staet would lay aside some sum. every day from now until Thanksgiving to contribute to some orphanage. It would help the needy and at the same time it would train 'those who are fcble to realize the re sponsibility they owe to others. d the Taxpayer that is not the case. Out of a thous and pupils in the school there are 25 heroes, 9 baseball, 11 football, and 5 basketball. Thi leaves 975 to quar rel on the sidelines, where the spirit of partisanship is highly cultivated. The inclination for schools to quit Latin, arithmetic, and geography and l take up ball playing may be a wise I thing; in fart, jt must be a wise thing, ; as the schools are rapidly rushing to j that practice. |■ ■ ' -The taxpayers are, however, the ' old fogies who l>elieve more honest ! work and a little less expensive play would be better. ,as the voting precinct, ajid the regis [ (ration book will lie kept open by the registrar, hereinafter named, in said I precinct, for the registration of all I electors residing within said town and I entitled to registration, between the ' hours of 9:00 «clock a. rn., and sun p| OrSmmrj -| - 1 n »m rT > M—far | lil' la haw mmla fc ■■ I "1% "Vf/VL. __ ; Mfc|» Owt«w mU I JSKtj ]/ ESfiSSI LK> |%lf a—4, j I | -> ; DAN||E .to N MUSIC "X * ' . . . , '. • * *' - - - **■ .• •" • Note —music "eloee-up*\ vibrant, life 't~ « • ' like like • M do»e.«p" la the movie#! New an entirely new dimension to re-created p|B!^9 ■uiir —Thomas A. Edison's astounding new I I 10N arlilfiiam—t Ttifi Edisonic. Hear Rolfe and hi* I K ■ Palais d'Or Orchestra on ike Edisonic! In that chuckling jut, the hot sax seems at your shoulder, the silvery piano notes have a sprightly individuality— V each instrument, each tOM. sUmds out with cameo-likm T^. s r fc "£* r, *^'.' fr - * precision. No shuffle of dancing feet can drown "dose-up" win. Brvaa M«_ jg*ay. ■mil... But why read about the Edisonic when your Edison —» dealer will he glad to demonstrate it? Determine this Christmas tttrfiii*- to ft™ your family "the gift that's metier forgotten" — of hearing Edisonic music whenever they like, aa long as they like, without oven the annoyance of changing a needle! Come In and Jioar "EDISONIC a A. mmUhgtii § ■ ~n l . tntm+M rirt mm, mm 4 I JMbsnie Go—-Up Jfaaie L I Jf ~,,,'1 55 I w4i I mm* I TW. b feßdU«a4l. /W» w | \ I Jrjft M I ■» | W jk Wmi E JSfc ' i ft ullfr" HL IJBH Jn JjM s:^MB fIE "'tv i|K PSKP ft i| * s* |p:-.- : - \ B. S. COUETNEY ■ set on each day for the period com mencing with the 12th day of No vember, 1927, and ending with the 3rd day of December, 1927. Provided, That on each and every Saturday em braced within the above described period of time, said registrar will at tend with hi* registration book at the polling place, hereinafter designated, for the registration of voters. Farther notice is hereby given that the following registrar has this day been appointed by the board of alder men of the town of Williamston for the registration of voters and for con ducting and holding said election in said town: J. E. Pope. Farther notice is hereby given that said election will be held between the hours of sunrise and sunset the 20th day of December, 1927, a* heretofore set out, at the following polling place in said town: Mayor's office, city hall. Thi# 31st day of October, 1927. By order of the board of aldermen of the town of Williamston. G. H. HARRISON, nl 4tw Town Clerk. NOTICB OP SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trus tee on the Sth day of February, 1925. by J. G. Godard. and said deed of trust being of record in the public reg istry of Martin County, jn book Q-2. at page 292, said deed of trust/hav ing been given to. secure certain bonds of even date therewith, and the stipu lations therein contained not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bonds, the under signed trustee will, on the .2nd day of December. 1p27, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door, in the town of Williamston.' Martin County, North I Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described I real estate and the improvements there I on, to wit : All that certain parcle or tract of land lying and being in Williamston Township, Martin County, North Car olina, bounded on the northeast by 1.. R. Harrison and James D. Bowen, on the southeast by the run of Sweeteft Water Creek and the lands of Harri son Brother* & Co. and S. L. An drews: on the southwest by the lands of the W. J. Kiddick heirs, and on the northwest by the public road from Williamston to Washington and the lands of J. G. Staton, B. F. Godwin, and the Church property; containing (is> acre*. exclusive of .the right af way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad; and being the land commonly known and designated as the Biggt farm, an 4. more particularly described as follows: Beginning at L. B. Harrison's cor ner on the Williamston and Washing ton Road; thence south 63 E. 90 poles; South 01 1-4 T.. 129 poles; south 71 1-4 E. 100 poles; south 57 1-2 E. 93 poles to the run of Sweeten Water Crek; thence along the run of Sweet en Water Creek, its various courses, to the mouth of Bear Grass Island Swamp; thence south 78 3-4 W. 21 pole*; north 64 1-2 W. 20 1-2 pole*; north 61 3-4 W. 25 1-2 poles; north 6? 3-4 W. 31 poles; thence north 60 1-2 W. 212 poles to another small branch; thence.the various courses of said small branch north 21 VV. 7.12 poles; north 33 VV. 8.2 poles; north 60 1-4 W. 13.84 poles; north 56 3-4 VV. 17.8 poles; north 39 1-4 W. 8.2 poles; north 51 1-2 W. 9.12 poles; north 52 3-4 W. 10.4 poles; north 35 3-4. W. 6.6 poles; north 83 3-4 \V. 6.24 * ' .• .4 The year 'round A popularity of "Standard Gasoline is strong evidence of its year 'round superiority. A A -- ' * I "STANDARD GASOLINE , "* V ' Friday, November 11, 1927 poles to the Williamston and Wash ington Road; thence along the «aid road north 4 1-2 W. 31.66 poles; nwth 3 3-4 E. 8 poles; no*th 20 E. 30.8 poles; north 24 1-4 E. 80 poles; thence north 20 degrees and 25 minates east 104 poles to the beginning. This 31st day of October. 1927. WHEELER MARTIN, „ 4 4tw Trustee.

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