PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Etery Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILLIAMSTON," NORTH CAROLINA W. C.. Manning —1 j—-- 1- Editor Subscription Kates *■ "Jj* IN MARTIN COUNTY 1. .vear 4 £ * —-———»-- "-(j® 6 mori'lis —— --.r 7® OITSIDE MARTIN COUNTY 1 year : l_ - ——s2.oo 6 month*: ----- - 1-?® (Strictly Cash in Advance) No Subscription Will He.- Received for lieu Than. Si* Months Advertising Kate Card \\ill lie Furnished Upon Application Entered at" the post office at WilHamstofl, N. C., as second-cla** matter umler the act of Congress of March 3, 187&. Address all communications to 'i'hv Enterprise anil not to indi vidual members of the company. Friday, November 18, 1927 Why So Many Suicides? The reason for MI many suit ides is a a problem that should give at least I Sot Vie concern to the people, whgn-ai-1- most evlpry daily paper in t"he State e carries the account of the awful 1 1 tragedy of one ur_mote persons, gen erally several. •- > I No one seeing to the cause p for so many such tragedies. If it is for the want of courage to face the j responsibilities of life, then we need j. lo tatceihe matter of teachuig" pfrople their responsibility more seriously to | heart. Every child today seems to get 11 the idea, that if it can't get what it wants, life is not worth Ijving. This I may be the reason so many people—v Justice Against the Dollar Justice and money are having a hard tight in the Fall Sinclair- case, while the world is waiting with in terest to see who will be the It is a lesson to all. which leaches how hard it'is to cover a mean deed. ! First, a rich«man Imbed an official and procured valuable property be longing to-the people? l ater on, Jess Sfnith was killed, and the looters be gan to rest easy until Senator Walsh starter) his investigation and 'some body began to talk a little. Then the smoke Ijegan to rise here and there, until the fire broke out on | Doheny, Sinclair, and fall: The courts have, so far, stood with justice. But when the last lap was being made and criminal action was -—— Spending Money Pselessly Why does Gardners Creek and i Devils (Jut need improvement, with ! ( not a single landing on either, nor a , road going to either, .except where ji Highway No. VU cfosst's The creek.'' 1 If there is any need to straighten 1 1 and deepen Oardners Creek for purposes of navigation we have never j heard of it It would seem foolish to attempt to divert boat- traffic from Roan oke River through the gut; and to J make it equal to the river as a navi- 1 gable stream will cost many hun dreds of thousands of dollars. The location of Devils (Jut offers no advantage over the river. It might, however, serve as a conveni- • ence for a few logging firms. Grimes & Shelburne Brick Warehouse v- . ~ J £ ' , / WE WILL BUY SCRAP ANY DAY YOU BRING IT TO US. - BRING IT SATUDRAYS WHEN YOU COME TO TOWN IF YOU WISH. WE DO NOT TAKE OUT CHARGES ON. SCRAP. CLEAN IT THE BEST YOU CAN. * . „ * 'V SELL TOBACCO NEXT WEEK. PRICES ON TOBACCO FROM 35 CENTS DOWN ARE HIGH; Williamston Market OA 1 A The Brick Warehouse OpT 1 Average for October * Average"for October 1 f f _ * MONDAY, 2Ut—THIRD SALE\ TUESDAY, 22nd—SECOND SALE * WEDNESDAY, SALE THURSDAY and FRIDAY—HOLIDAYS ar(; killing themselves, because they find disappointments". • If we tan learn -to be content, even if We fail to make the business, professional, or political grade or fall shoi Luf the six ial realm of which we so often dream, yie would doubtless have fewer suicides. ' it seems that we lose sight of the main - points in our life, staking, all on what we. hope to get, and think* ing luit little of what we can and should give. It niay be that the child of today is not being taught,j ' 1 bout shall not kill," 'and that it j means self as well as others. We fail to measure up to the ob-j ligation we owe and women! when we destroy our own bodies. being jessed to deprive Sinclair and Fall of their liberties, then-Mr. Sin clair began to put his money to work, lie went straight to tlie jury and tried to buy it. according to re ports given out by Government a-! gents. . ■ • No one can tell.whether their plans will work in the second trial or not. There is one,thing sure: They will try every available point, from judge down through counsel, jury and wit nesses. This makes it hard to get ; justice, since -there are so many |>eo j pie who think more of cash than they do of honor.. It is hard to get as many as twelve men without striking at least one who will sell out for the light price. What this section needs in the way of waterway improvement' is the deepening of the mouth of Roanoke Kiver. where hundreds of thousands of people will be benefited. Hut why spend money on waters that can in no way help the people? Grove's Tasteless Chill T i A Tonic for Pale, Delicate Women and Children. 60c. A package of Grovt's Uv«r Pill* is em-loud with ev*ry bottlx of GROVK'B TASTELESS CHILI. TONIC for thoM who wiah to tak* » Luatlv* in conn ve il on with tl>* Tonic. IN MEMORY Dearest mainline, thou hast left us, And our loss we deeply feel; But it's riod that lias bereft us; He can all our sorrows heal. Yet again wc hope to meet thee, iVhen the 'lay of life is. fled. When in heaven in joy tc greet" thee, •Where no farewell tear is shed. Peaceful be thy silent slumber. ... Peaceful, ill thy tM- -low It —— Tlu u' no more will join titir number. Thou no more our sorrows know. Yet" again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life is fled. Aii'l in heaven with joy to greet thee. Where no farewell tears are shed. On the border land we left her. Soon to meet-nnd part no more, • When we leave this "world"of care We shall find our missing loved one In 4-nr Father's mansion fair. We miss thee front'our home, dear inanimie; Wc, tniss thee from thy place; We miss the sunshine of thy face., 1 We miss thy kind and willing hantl. Thy fond and care, Our home i> without thee. We miss yoy everywhere. / I .ovine glanddiHigbter, IJ EI.L WARD. WILLIAMSTON SUPPLY CO. Replaces All Broken Automobile Class -While- Vou Waif—With A GENUINE PITTSBURG PLATE GLASS At a Very Reasonable Price SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Building Material of All Kinds Carried in Stock. Our Trucks Deliver Anywhere Bring Us Your Next Order NOTICE OF SALE » Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue ot authority contained in-that .certain deed of trust from Jeiit nie» Davenport to the undersigned trustee, dated the 27th day of March, 1923, and of ric.ord in the fiuhlic reg isjr.v of Martin t " i lit \ hi bo'ilr i-2, ;tl page sr>4r said deed ol i.ri!sTjiaviflg lieHi given to seclire the payment oi certain- notes of even date, therewith, and default having been made in the payment of said note, and the terms and conditions of said deed of trust not having hern complied with, the under PENDER'S YELLOW FRONT STORES For That Dinner c, Src„n. PEACHES 6 e £ 97 c ASPARAGUS TIPS S",:'',"" ' 23 c PINEAPPLE 'r 25^ BLUE ROSE RICE 29° Van Camp's 19C Red Wing ' - IQC PUMPKIN, can *■£ GKAPE HJICE, pt. Van Camp's *''' SB Ameri!cs SALAD OIL, qt. "J PICKLEft jar Duffy Malt """ * OCC French's - 1 O'C ■>-€ WEB, qt. 60 L iLI tZ CRANBERRY SAUCE R "^.'° c . n 25 c Heinz Fig Pudding 45c FLOUR R&R Plum Pudding 29c Patent or Self-Suing . Pender's Qld Virginia 12 ,b r 24 lb „ « FRUIT CAKE 52 'l *1 1 lb. 2 lb. 4 lb- V 1 75 c The World'* „ ACC D. P. CAKE Best Drink, lb. Plain, Layer, Light LAND RITTTFi? Fruit, pound O'LAKES »U 1 1 Hil\ , Sweet Cream, Marvin Dates, pkg. 17c Pound Figs. 8 oz. pkg. 10c Jeiip, 3 pkgß . 2 5c p r "d e BREAD 10 C Mixed Nuts, lb. 29c THE ENTERPRISE signed trustee will on Monday, the 12th day of December, 1927. at 12 o'- clock noon, at the courthouse doof of Martiif County, at Williamston, N. C., offer at public sale to the highest bid der for cash, a one-third undivided in terest in aod to the following describ ed tract of land, to wit: Being a 1-3 undivided interest in that certain tract of land lying and be ing in Bear Grass Township, Martin County, which is described in tem four of the will of Jesse Mizell. deceased, said will being of record-in the clerk's ottire of Martin County, arid being the sa'iue tract ot land purchased by Jesse M i/.cll from Emily Bland, containing 200 acres, more or less. CLAYTON MOORE, nl 1 4tw * ' Trustee. SALE tOF VALUABLE FARM , PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by ,E. B. Thomas and wife, Helen "G. Thomas, P. T. Anthony, and wife, Julia B. Anthony, on the Ist day of February, 1923, and recorded in book of mortgages K-2, page SS7, Mar ■t in County, we will on Saturday, 3rd day of December, 1927, at 12 o'clock nooji at the courthouse door "in Wil liainston, sell at public auction for cash tiV the highest -bidder the following the river pocosin and running S. 70 W. along said Carmell's line to three maples on the branch; thence up the meanders of said branch to the road; thence along 'he road to a small red oak'in said Carmell's line; thence N. 70 deg. W. along said line 180 poles to a pine stump near Samuel .'.VjJliani'* field; thence N. 52 E. nine poles to a Treat Colds \Mth One /y Treatment RUBBED on throat and cheat, V ' Vicka doea two things at gpee: (1) It it vaporised by the body heat and inhaled direct to the in flamed air passages," and (2) It stimulates the skin like an old-fashioned poultice and "draw* ""out" the toreneaa. ytCKS WAPORUB Gvoi ft MILLION JMSUUOYTAMU small branch; thence N. ten east 80 poles to a fork of the branch of Jump ing Run; thence N. seven E. thirty two poles along the run of said branch, thence S. seventy E. seventeen pole* a long the said run. thence N. fifty E. thirty poles along the said run; thence N. thirty W. twenty poles along said run; thence N. fifteen W. thirty poles along said run, four E. 100 poles along said run of the said branch tp the back line in the river pocosin; thence down the river pocosin to the first station, containing by estimation four hun dred and fifty-seven acres more or less, it being known as the Carmell land and formerly owned by Louis A. Thompson and which was sold un der execution against said Thompson ajid conveyed by the sheriff of said county to H.' Henry Brown, and subse quently conveyed by H. Brown and wife, S. A. E. Brown, to Henry B. Moore and for particular description reference is made to said deed of rec ord found in book ,J-J, page 153, Hen ry B. Moore and wife, Susan A. Moore to Nancy A. Crisp. B. A parcel of land lying and being in Martin County, North Caro lina, and in Goose Nest Township and known as the "Jeff House Farm,' said tract of land lying on both sides of the public road leading from Oak City to Speed and adjoining the lands of I)r. S. Harrell, Frank Edmondson; I.eim Cherry, Tom Harrell, Hardy BABY CYCLONE ' ' ' - .- X' \ \ v.- .'\ * ' 4 * \ . . .. * % s" Is the name of the lss£st arrival in the STAR FOUR family. This new arrival is a sensational, ' , * - '*• ' • - A,." -4~, racy SPORT ROADSTER, with rumble seat, bumpers, automatic windshield wiper, which we *'% * . I are offering to the discriminating buyer at the / 7 unheard of price of $645.00 F. O. B. the factory. When you notice its amazing speed, supreme power, flexibility, and the other features, you can readily see why we have named it the BABY CYCLONE. -, . v We urge you to come injovr sales room an look this car over. Low-Cost Trans STAR CARS _ BARNHILL Motor Company Council and others, and being the same lands which were conveyed by W. C. Manning and wife, S. M. Man land, to-wit: A. Adjoining the lands of Dr. D. W. Lewfs, Kinchen Taylor, et als, found ed as follows: Beginning at Carmcll's corner at a stump in a small field near ning, by deed dated July sth, 1911, and of record in the register of deeds office of Martin County, N. C., in book C-l, page 2, and which was conveyed by S. R. Harrell to M. W. House by deed recorded, in book G-G, page 158, Martin Co&nty register of deeds office, for particular description of tands here in conveyed, reference is hereby made to ate above two conveyances, said tract of land contains 500 acres, more or less, found in book J-2, page 112, John W. Smith and wife, et al. to P. T. Anthony and E. B. Thomas. This sale is made by reason of the failure of E. B. Thomas and wife, Helen C. Thomas, and P. T. Anthony and wife, Julia B. Anth°"y. to P a y off and discharge the indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust to the North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham. This the 25th day of October, 1927. I FIRST NATIONAL CO.. INC., OF DURHAM. Trustee. Formerly First National Trust Co.. Durham. N. C. n4 4tw Friday, November 18, 1927 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon me in a deed oftrust executed to me as trustee by Henry Bell and wife, Mary E. Bell, on the 4th day of February, 1924, and which is duly recorded in the records of Martin County in book Q-2, at page 300; the debt secured thereby not hav ing been satisfied, and at the request of the owner of the said deed, I will sell for cash, to the highest bidder, at the courthouse door of Martin Coun ty, on Monday, December 12, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., the following de scribed land: Beginning at a cherry tree on the YVilliamston and Hamilton river down said road to Mary Nicholson's' line, thence down Mary Nicholson's line to a chinquapin post, thence a* northerly direction to another chinqua pin post, thence tronf'said chinquapin post a straight line to the beginning, containing 4 acres, more or less, and being the same land deeded to Henry Bell and Mary E. Bell by C. H. God win and wife October 5. 1916, record ed iii book J -1. page 347; same being deeded to Jordan Williams bv W. P. Bowen ami \yife by deed January 7, 1900, recorded in book CCC, page 192 This November 10, 1927. O. S. ANDERSON, nil 4tw - Trustee.

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