Wach the Label OH Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 76 AUTO LICENSES FOR NEXT YEAR HAVE ARRIVED Total of 4,630 Licenses Are Sent to Local Bureau for Distribution TO SELL FOR " $65,300 Sale Will Begin Either December lit or 15th and Laat About 60 Day; 4000 Class E Licenses Four thousand six hundred and thirty automobile and tiuck licenses have been shipped here for distribu tion through the license bureau at the Williamston Motor company's garage. December 1 has been men tioned as a probabe time the bureau will place the licenses on sale, but it might be that it will not open be fore the 15th of the month. Application cards will be mailed from the Raleigh office within the next few days, making it easier for car owners to secure their license tags. The 4,630 licenses will sell for $65,300, quite a large sum for one company to handle in less than two months. are 4,000 E licenses, and they will'sell for $50,1100 or $12.50 each. They start at 237,501 and run through 241,500. In the A "and B classes there are only 20 licenses ,pt the local bureau, 10 for each class. In the C class there are 200 licenses on hand. v. Managers of the local bureaitfstat w "M yesterday that they did not expect the sale beginning next month and continuing until the first of February to reach the figure made last June and July. The agency sold exactly 5,000 tags during the two summer months. With many cars stored for the winter and with the annual junk ing of a large number of them, local managers stated that a small de- crease in the sAles could be expected. The return to the regular price, will ' have something to do with the expect ed decrease in sales, so the managers state. TWO CLUBS TO HEAR CHASE Manager td Power Company To-Address Kiwanis and Woman's Clubs Members of the Kiwanis club here are urged to attend the regular luncheon at 12:30 tomorrow. Mr. J. T. Chase, manager of the Carolina Oi vision of the Virginia Electric and Power company will make a short talk before the meeting, and answer uny questions connected with the pro posed sale of the town's light and power system. While here Mr. Chase will be glad to explain any feature of the memor andum of agreement or any other matter connected with the proposed sale of the town's electric distribution system. , At three o'clock that afternoon, Mr. Chase will address the Woman's club. There will be no meeting of the club Thursday, and everybody, non-mem bers as well as members, are urged to attend and get first-hand information on the power situation here. Regular Meeting Junior Order Is Postponed The local council Jr. U. A. M. will not hold its regular meeting on Thursday night, the 24th on account of the Union Thanksgiving services at the Baptist church and the ab sence of many members from town. The meeting will be held on Thurs day night of next week, December 1. This will be a very important meet ing and every member is urged to attend as there will be much business to come before the meeting and of ficers will be nominated. STRANH THEATRE I J TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY JOHN GILBERT and RENEE ADOREE in the greatest of all great pictures "THE BIG PARADE" Show Starts at 7:30 Always a Good Show THE ENTERPRISE TO CONTINUE SOIL SURVEY S. 0- Perkins Returns to Complete Survey Begun Last Year Mr. S. O. Perkins, of the Depart ment of Chemistry and Soils of the United States Department of Agri culture, has returned here to continue a survey of the soil in the county. Mr. Perkins arrived yesterday ami will start work within the few days to complete the survey commenc ed several months a go. During the past six months, Mr. Perkins has been maknig a survey of th soil in Cecil county, Maryland. His work during the next several months will carry hini in the town ships in the upper end of the county, the work being almost complete in the townships south of here. Mr. Perkins will bp assisted again by Mr. S. R. Bacon, "of the North Carolina Experiment Station, Raleigh. Mr. Bacon will arrive the latter part of this week or tbe early part of next when work will be started. In the first half of the survey made before going to Maryland, Mr. Perkins stated that he found, some very good soil in the county, but that there"Was a great deal of it that was of little value on account of poor drainage. According to present plans, Mr. Perkins states that the survey will be made complete by May of next year. HOLDING COURT IN WASHINGTON Judge Moore Exchanges With Judge Midyette and Holds Court in Beaufort Judge Clayton Moore is holding court in Beaufort county this week by exchange with Judge Garland E Midyette, who is in the district but is in Granville county holding the special term of superior court for Judge Moore. Several murder cases are on the Beaufort's court docket. Three first degree indictments have already been returned by the grand jury. s The case of most interest, however, is that of State against Ilauin and Burrus, charging them with «he kill killing of Mru. J. D. Bullock in front of her home in Leechvillc a fe ( w weeks ago. It is alleged that both Burrus and Baum were drinking and that Baum did not know how to drivo u car. On their way from Hyde county, Burrus insisted on Baum'a trying while- he got in the back sent With Baum's daughter.** Baum's reckless driving was said to have - Jjwn the reason of Mrs. Bullock's be'r,* hit and instantly killed by the cn. Judge Moore ordered H special ve nire of 5/) men to meet the court to day from which it is expected « jury will be selected. KILL MULE ON HIGHWAY NO. Girl, Driving Williamston Car, Did Not Stop After Striking Mule A girl, driving a Buick sedan, hit and killed a mule on the Washington road near the T. R. Hodges farm last Saturday afternoon. The mule belong ed to a Mr. Cherry, of Beaufort county. The mule was hitched to a cart and was being managed by a small boy when the accident happen ed. The little boy escaped injury, but was in great distress when people from here en route to Washington stopped to offer assistance. The animal's little driver said that two girls in a Buick sedan bearing a Williamston license ran into him and instantly killed his mule, but did not hurt him. The girls did not stop to find out what happened but drove right on without offering any assis tance. President Is Asked To Intervene in Coal Strike Washington, Nov. 21.—President Coolidge was asked today by a dele gation of labor leaders to intervene in the bituminous coal 1 strike in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio but he left, with them clearly the advice that he saw little desirabil ity in calling "a conference between miners and operators unless- both were agreed some good might come from' it To the request of the delegation which was headed by William Green, president of the American Federa tion of Labor, and John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers of America, for a Congressional in vestigation of "an alleged conspiracy of large railroads to depress the price of coal." Mr. Coolidge advised the workers' representatives they eould expect justice and cooperation if they filed their complaint with the Inter state Commerce Commission. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, November 22,1927 WILL BEGIN SALE OF CHRISTMAS SEALS THURSDAY 20,000 Received by Local Committee T° Sell During Drive ENDS CHRISTMAS DAY Part of Money Is Kept for Local Work; MUk Furnished School Children Here Last Year t* Twenty thousand Tuber ► culosis Christmas Seals were t received here today by the seal committee for the 20th annual Christinas Seal which Mill be conducted here ami throughout the State from*Thanhs* Day to Christmas. The sale of these seals renders possible the carry ing on of a continuous educational and preventive compaigit in North Carolina to fight tuberculosis and other diseases. \ Last year milk was furnished eighteen undernourished school chil dren in Williamston. This was made possible through the sale of Christinas scp.ls. A committee appointed by the Woman's club hopes to dq even more thig year and the suppoh of- local citizens is asked in this work. Durin gthe past years the tubercu losis death rate in North Carolina has been reduced 51 per cent. —uvit one half—a result attributed mainly to tion and treatment financed largely Christmas Seal funds. V | The North Carolina Tuberculosis association, with which the local health association is altlliated, cooper ates with the State Sanatorium, the. State Department of Health, the De partment of Agriculture, the .State Educational Institutions, the Depart ment of Public liisti uction, the A merican Red Cross, the State Teach ers association, the I'. T. A., the A nierican-L jfion, the Women's clubs, Farm Bureau, l*aboi and Commercial organizaO. Kiwanis clubs, ana maintain a staff of workers in the fields at art" times. lis work, however, is carried on without federal aid, and its support has always been of a voluntary nature.'* lieli'W ii a short review of the work carried on through the sale of Vhi istnu'.s :. ..Is in th's State in 1926. Furnished milk and hot lunches to uppi'oxlmatoly 2j(ioo undernourished chikkcn whose t. could not irovide them, thereby transforming weak, pitiful, pale, undernourished children into strong, happy, rosy youngsters. Bought, up-to-date school scales for over 1(M) schools, creating an active interest in gaining and' growing (gtrong at a saving of S7OO. Paid the salary and expenses of nutrition workers who gave demon strations in some instances reduced the percentage of underweight in schools from over 30 to 10 per cent., thereby saving at least large numbers of children from becoming potential tuberculosis patients. , Furnished breakfast, mid-morning "ami noonday nutriment for a third grade undernourished boy who stole money to buy food, thereby chang ing him from a criminal to a goo 1 citizen in the making. Financed the anaesthetic and hos pital fees for tonsilectomies for over 200 children whose parents were un able to pay even this nominal sum. The surgeons of the State donated their services free of.charge. Brought health training in schools to over 100 teachers, thereby giving stories, games, projects and health information to hundreds of school children. Fitted seriously undernouri-in»d children with glasses when their par ents were unable to pay for them, thereby curing their nervousness anil leading them to gaining a hea'*hful weight. Paid the salaries of school dentist.l - provided funds for dental serv ice. Sent crusade supplies to over f>o,- 000 school children, thereby helping them to build strong bodies through good health habits. Helped to keep colored supervisors on the job for a longer period than is provided by law, thereby giving the colored nchool children additional training in good health habit forma tion. . Provided home nursing and care for tuberculosis patients who conld not afford to pay. Paid the expense of tuberculosis .patients at the State, county and private Santaria. Provided funds for the examina tion of the pre-school child, thereby helping him to be free to gain before entering school. Two Stills Captured By Federal Agents Monday Federal Agent C. F. Alexander with Sheriff A. L. Roebuck, J. R. Manning, and Deputy Marshall Ed wards, captured two stills yesterday a mile south of Rear CVass. One of the stills was of 80-gallon capacity THANKSGIVING DAY PROGRAM Two Church Services; Many Plan to Spend Day in v Otljier Towns Should present plans of the major ity of the town's people materialize, Thursday will be a dull day here, everything will be and clerks and employees, in the most of Cases, *Will spend the day out of town. The schools will be closed Thursday and Friday and with Saturday and Sun day added to the holiday, practically all the teachers will sptftui the four days at their homes. Many Man to Attend Came The town will be well represented at the football game between the I niversities of Virginia and North Carolina when around a dozen cars, travel to Chapel Hill that day from here. for the past few days turkeys from the surrounding countryside have been brought here, and it now looks as if those remaining at home will give thanka over a great big turkey. . ' • In the morning at 11 o'clock the Episcopal church will hold its regular Thanksgiving Day service. The regular community Thanksgiv ing service will be held in the even ing at the Baptist chutrh with Fitzgerald or the pastor,* 1 . H. Dickey, preaching the sermori. The public is cordially invited to attend the serv- SEIZE STILL AT LEGGETTSPOND Operators Warned in Time To Escape, But Officers Get 20 Gallons Liquor Sheriff A. L- Koebuek ami Deputy H. O. Daniel fished and hunted in the Leggett's mill pond last Friday and found a copper still of about 80 gal lon capacity with a stream of liquoi running fromVits worm. Signal guns were flred on the hill just as the officers got in sight and the chase was on. The two operators grabbed a k»"g Of liqifo"r each and started to ford the mill pond. The sheriff fired a few shots and the man with the 20-gallon keg dropped it in the Water while the other one made the shore on the other side. The of ficers followed the men but lost out, They returned and captured the 20 Kill lons of liquor, it having drifted a good ways down the creek. The liquor wan pottered out, twelve barrels of beer Were destroyed to gether with the still's equipment. The kettle was brought here. ~ The officers were unable to identify the men on account of the distance between them when the chase started. TOBACCO THEFTS ARE NUMEROUS Farmer in Goose Nest Lost 650 Pounds Weed From Pack House -v Tobacco stealing in these parts has reached that point where it is a com mon thing for a farmer to go to his pack house and And a thousand or more pounds of tobacco missing. Last week, thieves entered the pack house, of Mr. James R. Perry in Goose Nest township and carried away a barn of the weeJ which was, already grad ed and ready for the market. For several days, Mr. Perry was unable to find any trace of it until he found his sticks in a warehouse here where they had been left by a man who had brought the tobacco here and sold it last Friday. There were around 660 pounds in the lot and was of average quality, valued around $l5O. Large Breaks Tobacco On Market This Week Large breaks of tobacco were on the local warehouse floors yesterday and today. Another large break is ex pected tomorrow, the day the market closes for the Thanksgiving holidays. The market will reopen Monday, t Prices appeared to be a little stronger on the common grades today. It is a rare thing to nee a mark be low ten cents and only a few above forty-five cents. The warehousemen here say that while a number of farmers have al ready sold their entire crops, good sales are expected again next Mon day and on up to the Christmas hol idays. and the other was about 90. Both of them turned out rye liquor. Sixteen barrels of beer were turned out at one of the plants and 600 gallons at the other. From indications one «f the stills had been in operation only a few hours before the arrival of the of ficers. HOLD HEARING ON WATERWAYS IMPROVEMENTS Number Citizens of Section Present Arguments and Data at Session FINAL ACTION LATER Information Gathered To Be Turned Over to Congressional mittee for Action , A hearing on the proposed improve ment of Gardners crook and Devils Gut, waterways near lu>re, was hold here yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the courtflbuse. Engineers of the War Department accepted the data and arguments offered by citizens from Williamston anil Williams township and Hertford. Many questions were asked by the engineers for the purpose of ascer 'taining facts about the waters of both the creek and the gut as to depth, width, length ami as well as to their location in the community they are proposed to serve, and as" to whether they are now serving any commercial purposes. The probable, use of the two streams after they :\re improved was discussed. The Nfajo r Loomis Lumber com pany, Attorney ('has. Whedby, asked t'hat the mouth of the gut be overhanging trees cut, and logs and trees now forming obstructions T>e removed. While the lumber company is interested only in a personal way in a few miles of the lower part of the put, its representa tive suggested the extension of the improvement through to the upper mouth and use it for boat line traf fic instead of using the rivef. Hy so doing, it was stated, the distance would be shortened on the river route seven miles and the current in - the gut would be slower than that in the river. This suggestion did not seem to appeal to those interested in general commerce on the Koanoke and who 'know that to make the necessary im provements and make the gut equal to the river as a commercial chan nel would cost a million dollars or more. ~ _ if The meeting resulted in gathering much'data on the queston of the need to imprdVe the streams in question. The information will go to the proper department for recommendations to the Rivers ami Harbors Committee of Congress where final action will re sult. BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE TO MEET Regional Conference at Lo cal Baptist Church On Saturday Morning r The pastor of the local liaptist church has -just received a communi cation from the General Board of the North Carolina liuptist Convention, -saying -that a Regional Conference haa been called to meet at the liaptist church' here Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. This ( meeting has been called by Mr. Perry Morgan of Raleigh, who it general secretary of the liaptist Young People's work of the State. This gathering will be held in thi rooms of the Memorial Baptist church, and the sessions will open Saturday morning at the hour mentioned above; lunch will be served at the Hritt hotel, and an afternoon session will follow at the church. , Mr. Morgan states that there will ponsibly be twenty-five young peopTe in Williamston for the conference. Attend Meeting Baptist Centenfiial Committee Tonight, Kev. C. 11. Dickey and a committee from his. church are at tending a committee (Meeting and •supper at the Firstßaptist chtlVch r.f Twboro. " The meeting is being held in the in terest of the Haptist Centennial which is an attempt upon the part of the Baptists of this State to raise one and a half millions ol.Aol lars for their Seven educational in-, terests in the State. The local church'-s quota ,is about $1,500. Slight Rise in Cotton Is Caused By Report A report of the Census Bureau at Washington on the cotton ginnings in the country caused a slight increase in the price of the staple yesterday. The report up to November 14, shows that there were 10,899,182 bales of cotton ginned this year up to thai time as compared with 12,956,444 up to that time last yeaix* In the same period in 1925 there were 12, ■> 260,352 bales ginned. > Three states, Alabama, Mississippi' and Texas, passed the million jnark in ginning#. / Union Service At Baptist Church Following oi'it the usual custom anionic the churches in YVillium stoii, the several churches will unite Thursday evening at 7:III) o'clock in the baptist church for their common Thanksgiving service. It in not definitely announced just who will precah the ser mon. It is ht>| p! that the newly oppointed i!t' hodist minister will be here in time to preach. If not, the pastor of the local Baptist church will deliver the sermon. j With only one service in town I ( that nA(ht, a large congregation { j should as* me hie for this rer- j j ice. The members of the other 1 | choirs in town are nsked to { | come to the choir room T»f Jhe J j Maoris! church, ami join with t I the Baptist choir in making { I music. j . Everyone is to this • special service. HAND DEFEAT TO VANCEBORO Williamston High School Eleven Wins Good Game Here Last Friday " VV s hipii svliiwi! foot ha if added to its success here last Friday afternoon when it defeated Vanceboro's strofig eleven in'* one of the best games of the season. The game evidenced a season of intensive practice and careful coach ing. In every play, the ij(>cid lad. worked in perfect .unison, very set dom ignoring or forgetting the sig nals. •The success of the squad, is even more significant when'the small num ber eligible for football in the local school is conside I*ll^With only two men to spare, t'Mtch Hood made it clear to the boys that it was up to them to follow the season through, for there was no relief to be had HI extra players. This afternoon, the boys are play ing Eureka here, and it might be the last game of the season. TEACHERS MEET IN GREENVILLE R. A. Pope Is Elected To Head Superintendent's Division . Teacher* 'and school superintend ents of 25 counties,.. composing tht northeastern group of the Teacher? association, l*een ville Friday and Saturday of week. Then were about prenen't. "W* The programs. were well planned and many prominent speakers'ad dressed the teachers during the two days. The talks of I>r. Marie Wood ring, of Columbia and Dr. Willis Hut ton, of t+re~Atlanta City HchooJs|""V.TPr' well received. Their subjects dealt with directing study. Friday evening the college then and the Greenville chamber.of com: merce gave a bai bectH*—to the visi tors. Hupt. K. A. Pope, head of' the schools in- this county, was elected president of the superintendents' di vision of the association; 11. W. lOarly, of Windsor, vice president and E.' K. Sams, of Kinston, secretary. Kli/.ala'th City, Kinston, Kocky Mount and Greenville asked for the next meeting, and after a vote Green ville was selected again, for the next meeting. Services At Episcopal Church Thanksgiving The usual Thanksgiving Hay serv ice of the Episcopal Churdh will be held this year at 11 o'clock a. m. The altar will be decorated with the fruits of the harvest, which L after the service will be distributed to-any need family in the community.^ The annual offering for the Church orphanage will be received at thi, j service. v The public is Cordially Invited. • C. o! PAItDO, Rector. BaptiSts Start Campaign In Martin County Today iThe Baptist educational campaign whfch has been in progress for several days and week&_over the State, start ed in Martin cotrnty today. Rev. C. H. Dickey, it a meeting held in Wilson recently, was appointed chairman of the Martin County division. The quota for the State is $1,500,- 000 and the quota apportioned to thre local church is SI4OO, which the pas tor says will be easy to raise,.' This money goes to the general ed ucational fund that supports the seven Baptist institutions of the State. . V j Advertisers Wilt Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 ' Homes of Martin C-ounty ESTABLISHED 18M MAN SERIOUSLY HURT. IN WRECK SATURDAY NIGHT Four Cars Figure in Wreck in Which D. J. Meeks Is Injured CONDITION* CRITICAL Meeks Stru.k by ThlrJ Car After His Anil- An'othei IJcd Ccllktcd Sat urday Nigiu Everetts Highv.ay was the of a ticar-ttaged) Saturday iL.ght when l>. "3. Meek- \.:>s s -poiisly hurt and Mr. and Mi I iui-4 i'efl .dightly in jured. in and ii.im diat« h following ■i vvsviU iif tlu ic cars, between here mid Kveii'U* i i . -—r*-*-'--=t Meeks was jfoyik' his home hear Everetts when he met and hit .the Ford coupe belonging to and driven by Mi. IV-.'l. The Ford .touring car, belonging to Mr. Monks, lost a wheel i,n the wreck vvhil" tije I'eel car was. turned over and -b.i.lly daim-jed. Mr. Rnd Mrs. Peel crawled from their overturned car, and without serious injury. > People traveling the road assisted in drugging tjhe wrecked curs from the road. The Meeks car lacked juM a few inches of clearing the road, and be fore several |i. .mle could - drag it nearer the ditch, a big truck going toward Kveretts ran to the left of the I road and hit the car, causing uioie "'damage'To it thiin the wreck ji: t a ; few minutes before. The truck drivet .failed to stop, Ifut increased its speed. The little group of. people at the scene, had hardly recovered from the excitement caused by the truck before another mishap was add,cd, resulting in the ne!;r-killing of Meeks» Mayo Harltvson, a fanner living near here, was ; traveling in this direction and when ■lie came near the scene, of the wreck lw'\wa.s almost blinded by lights from cars tin ting him.. He was driving on his side-of the road and with care, but not seeing the wrecks at the side of the road, he failed to slow down, bat continued just a-s he would have done when meeting other cars. Just- before he reached the, wreck. Meeks wafulered out io front of "the approaching car and it knocked him 40 feet down the road. Ilardison with the. others tl.iere rushed to him, but for a while they thought he 'was dead. He came to after i; few ~m.iniites and Hanlison brought him to doctors here. 1 'i>on examination hern, "one'of his letjs-ivVis found to have been crushed in tlje blow, his right hand and arm (molten, and cuts and bruises made tilC'over -liis hudy and faro. He was Inter re uiov'ed to a Washington hospital whure doctors state he is in a critical condition. » lit explaining how the wreck hap pened, Mr. I'eel stated that Meeks suddenly turned to the left and struck his .car although he had'driven practically off the road in an effort to irii'ss Meeks' car. Meeks stated he United to the left, hut Claimed he did KO to enable him to complete a turn into a side road leading to his home referred tu by Meeks was more than a quarter of a mile further down the highway. .Severfit people stated that- Meeks was, drinking at the time,-and that he was warned of the approach of the Hanlison car. Meeks stated it was a grtod thing that he was not drink ing. SIOO IN PRIZES FOR PEANUTS Will Be Given for Best Ex hibits of 25 Bunches at Peanut Exposition The Kastern > .Carolina and Tide water Virginia Peanut exposition is offering handsome prizes for the beat peanuts exhibited. at the show in Ahoskie the week of December 5. A prize l)f SSO wiff go to the farm er showing the best peanuts on the vines, consisting of 25 bunches. A sec ond prize of S:JS will be given the next best Exhibitor and SJS will go to the third best exhibitor. Farmers any where in this section wls have not picked their peanuts are asked to select the best 25 bunches they can find and send them to the secretary of the exposition at Ahos kie. There will be no entrance fee chaitred. - .' ■ Playground Equipment Is Installed at School The little kiddies of the local .school tytd their hearts made glad this morn ing when they arrived at school and found their playground equipped with giant strides and merry-go-rounds. During the past several months, the paints-teachers association has busied itself with the purchase of such playground equipment Surely, the association's efforts and goodness will receive the/hearty thanks of the little children./