PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Kverj Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILUAMHTON, NOKTH CAROLINA J* W. C. M-anuinjr ___ *. —----- Editor * ; Subscription Kates IN MARTI N- COUNTY C 1 year - i &mo:T Uti . r Z ' -% J. ; ' ' " OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY 1 year „ v —*2.00 C month- ' lOO (Strictly (.'ash in Advance) ' No Subscription" Will l»E Received for Than Six Month.* Advertising Kate ( ard W ill Be Furnished Upon Application En, ere J at. the post office at .WilMamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of, Congress of March 8, 187 V. Address all n-rhoiun cations to The Enterprise and not to indi vidual rue tubers of the company. Tuesday, Novemberj22, 1927 The Peanut Exposition Ilu Fast (arolina Peanut Kxpo- as' Sir Walter Raleigh's people found sitiofi is now Imlv twu weeks off, it and as it wa* introduced to the when Ahiif kif will shine at Jike nobles of .Europe and smoked by midday, by the s|iecia"lly prepared il* them. Cominß up ti> the modern luminal ion of Hie, Virginia Electric 'times, it wilf be shown as a big wheel iv Power Co. ." • i in/The world's industry and com* , . . : merce. Many floats representing Amen* ( (>f IVanu( wi „ |jo at can farm crops grown in this section UJf . lilbl , in the ex.posi will be in the !».« pageant he (m , m ()Wn |l()nie o|wning night. One final will wj|| h()Sl t() the crops sent King Cotton. corn w.ll ((f his frkndg play a big part in the parade .and , y tl , will-not only sh-tv the corn but the ; Mi|m ., hjllK Wor|h wh|le with . on |y Indian, too. - ■ I a liilie-trouble. Slid a very small cost. The tobacco exhibit willTje put on All should stand behind the project by Willianiston and vy.ill show tobacco and make i( a success. Two Good Sermons "Cast thy blend u|x.n the waters," out of their tight. I'hat type of faith was the text of Kev. 1. W Lie at the ms" too weak to see the ripe fruit of, Methodist Church Sunday morning, harvest in the little seed, or the abun while Kev. C H. Dii k y'»texTattV dance of bread coming in to enrich Baptist Church Sunday night the soul that casts the little loaf on Whereby he hath granted unto us the waters through faith in the prom-, exceeding gteat jwoniises, whereb) ise thai every act of goodness and we might partake of the divine na- im-icy shall receive i>- reward, tdre." I'he general theme of Iwith : ' sermftn was the same, in that we ap- Preacher too often do star paint-, patently fail'to appreciate the power ing to please the itching ears of their and willingness" o"f tiod to keep His hearer , and it is gratifying to have promises, many apparently being a- the to hear sermons on fraid to plant a seed because they the simple, but ail |xiwer(ul, sub-j feat they will not be able tot pliuk jects of service to (jod and faith in flu ear, wit willing to trust anything His promises,' Remember the Orphanages Thanksgiving Day will lw lb/ day day. it is as hi chooses, to give more • in which every |K-rs^hi in North Car-! or ' t,ss -. .. i . , ' i . I The committee members, who are ohna is being asked to donate-one , . ' . . ! giving of their time in the service of dav's salarv to the upkeep of some i , . . . . ' 1 ' tins worthy cause, simply suggest one orphanage or sopte orphan earning iiom the' salary, fees, I his would take care of (lie nerds of jdividends, interests, or profits, wh'eth practically every child in North Car er it be farm or store. The who olina who is not being cared for. Of earn;! SO.OO a week, desiring to fol eourse, no man has to give anything low tin:, suggestion, would lake the vidual; nor is any person who gives ivpt Sunday and dedicate it to the ; forced to give just what he earns in a service- of some homeless child. NOTICE " ami an wcr or dcmifi to the com-1 - -jilalut ot tluL plaiutitt. or siie will ap- f • Martin C ounty. North Carol...*, i'J C °" T{ lho ri " lief drm,lM| -j France. Williams vs." Elbert William, i W , ,; ls N ,-, V4 . m111 . r> I hi* tleleiidanl. ij.liicrt William*, will! o | *PKKI take notice ti,at action uabnvr en-i , l 8 4tw Clerk Si'.neriorCourt, tturn la* in«n cAnnMtKts IH in# sn- _ m j . . ' ' M " r,nl t'ounty, N.• 11 u ' . f . ariUina tor an absolute divorce ution NOtlt-E Or SAI.E the vronmN of adultery; the s.ii.l de- Ni■ t i». is In rrl>\ niv cn that under lontant «ill turtlur raki uotici that atid h\ vtftue ol a certain deed of trust lu- i- required to appear .it the oftuc cxcciilcd l>y B A. Criteher and wife m I i litk of the -ittt-rt"r court otftn -thr uiidwtignrrl trim tee hearing Martin Counts, at the courthouse in date oi June Ist, l'>2-t and of record the town of \\ illuniston, North Caro- in IMIOC IJ-2, at lina. on 11 ■- liili da\ ot Deeetnlier. t> registry.'' said' deed tit trust having 1 GORMAN'S MARKET REPORT 1— ——————wmmq+mm mm■»■————— The State report gives 6reenville's October average as $25.19. Gorman's average for October was $26.64. We made this average although we sell such a large percentage of common to bacco. IT PAYS TO SELL IN GREENVILLE AND AT GORMAN'S. Gorman's has first sale Wednesday. No sale Thursday or Friday, as we,closs Wednesday night for Thanksgiving and will reopen the following Monday. The rains on Wednesday and Thursday (two of our first sales) last week, cut our receipts. However, Gorman's sold 820,368 pounds for $224,479.72, and averaged $27.36 for all we sold. Friday's sale was one of the largest sales of the season (the larger part came in after seven o'clock A. M.). With third second sale and a house over half filled we sold all but three rows. H%d we been able to sell this, the market would have cleaned up. Prices (considering the order of have held up well all the week, and the grades from 29 cents up showed more strength Thursday and Friday ; they were not as high as ten days or two weeks ago, but better tnan they were the first of the week. So many have finished selling we look for lighter sales after Monday and see no reason for prices to get any lower. Greenville will continue the four sales until Christmas. There will be no reduction .u the number of buyers after Thanksgiving. Send your tobacco to Gorman's and you will get the top of the m arket for every lot in \ Your friends, 1 t ■ J. N. GORMAN AND SONS - Greenville, N. C. j£: • • ] ' r -v - "• ■ * r ■ • 'been given So-Jutc are the payment of a j certain note of even date and te'iior j therewith, and, default having been 1 made in the payment of,..said indebted i ness. and at the request of the holder lof said note .and a* per stipulations j thereof. tl»e~ undersigned trustee will; ]ou_ Saturday, 'the 17th day of Decem- LWr. 1927. at..'} 2 n'ctnrk mtfiri at the conrtliou.-e door .of Martin ounty at I Williafiit>t»u. .N. C,. offer for sale at l public .auction to the highest bidder i lor ca"»h tljt following described real I estate, to /wit: • '*A certain tract of land lying and ; living in Martin County-aforesaid, and I itmre particularly described as fol lows: iTofrndcd by Conobo Creek. j Kilty Npriiill. William (iriddin, J. S. Rhodes, He, -y Uell, and othefs, con taining- acres, more or less." This I2th day of November. 1927. WHKH.KK MARTIN, nIS 4tw Trustee. - Hugh G. Norton, attorney. NOTICE Havin'g this dby qualified as execu trix under the last wifl and testament 4 W. A. I.druondsott, deceased, all persons- holding claims against said elate arc hereby notified to present the same to the under ignedTor pay ment on or befor th sth day of Oc tobr, 1928, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate art requested to come forward and make immediate payment of the same. 1 'i bis sth day of October, 1927. MiMtV D t.7-01 l.xcv utrix of W.'A. Edinoudson NOTICE Having t'ni day qualified as execu tor of Charlotte Slade, deceased, all persons holding claims against said estate will present Same to me as pay i rtient |;clorc (fUnber 22. 1928, or this ■ notice will be plead in bar ot their're ' covcry All persons indebted f> said , estate wilt pltav *UIIIC forward and make immediate settlement -of same. This the 22ml day of October, 1927. JOHN D. SLADE. ' ! «25 btvv ■ ~ . Executor. • NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXE CUTION North ( arotina, Martin County. Ashcraft-Wilkinson CJ. vs. J. G. " f Modi in andC. W. Miscfit TU vii 'iie i Van iTtriitu » t'i inc di rected ir. in the superior court of Wayne C"Uiitv, North t arolina, in the above-entitled action, I will,, on Mon day. tin 7th nay of December, 1927, at 12 ii link nr.. at the courthouse door ot Martin ' ounty oiler for sale to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the said execution all th*; right, title,->and interest which the said' I'. W. Mi/e-lle has in the following described rciil es tate. to wift - I hirst tract: That certain tract or I pared oi land situated in lalnesville l Township, adjoining- the lands of S. JV. Davis, I lardy Holliday. J. W. Watts, l. 1,, Cooper. and 'J'. \. ..I)avi>, "and being the land known as the JJolsv Davis land ext ept that part thereof j | allotted to the -aid t'. W, Mirelle I 1 tor his lioiile stead exemption as ap jpears'of rccorJl in the oHice i>f the I clerk of superior court of MartUt II ounty. - ! i Second -tracr: That certain tract or 'parcel of-land situated in Jamcsville i Township. Martin "ounty. and adjoin- FELT DULL. DIZZY Georgia Man TelU How He Found Relief for Many Complaints by Using An Old Home Repietly. Athens, Ga.—"l havu been mm riod 61 years, and am the father of ton childreu," Bays Mr. J. C. E. W« other- • ford, R.F. D. "A," this city. ' About the best home remedy I have ever found is Black IVuugLit. 1 can't re member when we ha vent uw it in the family, giving it to the children for colds and minor ills where u laxative is needed. "We must have used Blink Draught for 40 years, anyway, and in that timg we have tried it for many complaints. I wou'.d have dull, stupid feeling, and mv heir) would ache and when I would lean I over, I would get dizzy. Ifo that a couple of ctbsas of .Blank -1 Draught would relieve this. 1 u ,cu to have gas on my stomach, aiui would spit up grease. Black-Druugl:'. j relieved this. "It is iust an all-r„nnd good r.'.edi j cine. Now that I am 72 years ok' i I have to take a laxative, and Black Draught acts easy and gives ir. satisfaction." In use for over Bfi years. Costs only one cent a dose. MC-it: 'HMNSH I'LT \IM ' IWLFRT THE ENTERPRISE ing the lands >f S. S. Davis. Geo. Mariner, E. fc. Ange, and otlwrs, and bciiiß the land deeded to C". W. Mizelte by W. H. 1-Hley and wife. Kathleen, as appears of record in the Martin County public registry, in book D-2, page 55 2. "litis the sth Uy >f November, 1927. A. L. ROEBWK, n8 4tw Sheriff Martin Countv. •»t "--.J) . ■ NOTICE OF SALE Notice is h r eby given that under and by virtue of a certain collateral note and under the terms thereof, which note wis executed to the un derpinned by J? R. Barnhill and others, the same bfciirn long 4jast due. and on aco tint of It in the payment thereof, the urdersigned. will, on urduv, the 17tJi day of fe>tcember, 1927. at iJ i6'clock\ii in front of the court-1 hf ii-e Moor of Martin County at VVil-t liamstoti. N. f offer for sale, at pub lii iit|Ct)on, to the highest bidder, for casil7~the following collateral, to wit: j One ccrtilii.ite, Np. 31, for four shares*of sto> k in the Koanokr To bacco Warehouse Company. William stun, N. C. This 12th tinv of November. l f '27. j V. U. BARNES. Owner of imte collaterally secured' by above stock nls 4fw ( I i u;di (>. H rtoii. attr rriey. NOTICE North Carolina. Martin t'oiihtrr Hardy Hollis and W. J. Mollis vs. j J. L. Wynn Hy virtue 01 an execution directed to the undersi >icl from the superior court of Mart"' CountJ n the above entitled action. I v. ill. on the Stli day of Pi ''ember. 19-7. :it 12 o'- u* Jfy "THE STYLE - of THE STAK , ISWMAT WOMEN ADMIRE / Style in a motor cai, like style in dress, is often a matter of X. personal opinion. But there trends in automobile de signs just as definite and striking; as those in the world of dress, and the women are the first to s:; them. „v r ' . find it is the outstanding st le of the new STAR SIX that is winning favor in the eyes of ./omen of good taste. There is L , > a harmony of line and design, thv,re is a perfect blending of the |/ artistic and the practical; there a.e color combinations which are * BARNHILL MOTOR COMPANY B. R. Barnhill, Manager ■ Williamston, N. C dotfc m., in front of the 'courthouse door in the town of Williamtton, N. C„ sell to the highest bidder fpr cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title, and interest which the said J. L. Wynn ha> (or had at the time of docketing the within judgment) in the following described real estate, to wit: •The same being, lots 13, 14, and 15 . n plat of land formerly, owned by J. G. Staton and known* as the Ballard farm, and more particularly described in a plat of same made by John B. ReJpass. surveyor, which said plat is of record In land division book No. 1, at |'age 460, reference being hereby made to *aid plat for a more perfect description; lot No. .13 containing 45.82 acres; lot No. 14 containing 58.47 acres, and lot o. 15 containing 48.55 acne:-,' altogether containing 152.48 acres, more or less. 'J his the.2nd day of November, 1927. A. L. ROEBUCK. nH 4tw Sheriff of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON SUPPLY CO. Replaces All Broken Automobile Glass ! —While You Wait—With GENUINE PITTSBURG j PLATE GLASS At a Very Reasonable Price SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Building Material of All Kinds Carried in Stock. Our Trucks Deliver Anywhere Bring Us Your Next Order SEE "The Big Parade" AT THE STRAND THEATRE Williamston Monday - Tuesday Wednesday NOVEMBER 21, 22,23 Tuesday, November 22, 1927