PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILLI AMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA W. t"... Manning ..l 1— Editor Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COUNTY 1 year ; —»- r" J "~ * iwriiha - I 1 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY 1 year , . ; 6 month'; _■ Ml (Strictly L'aah in Advance) No Subscription Mill lit: Received for Less Than Six Months Advertising Rate Curd Will Be Furniithed Upon Application Entered at the post office at WilHamaton, N. C., an second-dasH matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 187!'. Address all cemmun.'cations to The Enterprise and not to indi ' - viiitia ? iiit'inljcrK of the company. __ ' Friday, November 22, 1927 93 Per Cent of Tuberculosis Curable If Treated in Time Good news comes ft,mil the North short spate of a quarter.of a century Carolina Sanatorium, which states that the greaf white plague, con that 93 out of every 100 cases of sumption, once anion# the most tuberculosis can be cured if discov- dreaded diseases afflicting man. has ered in time and treated properly, been so nearly iflastered by the This .statement is baaed op re- science of the age, we have cause to suits already accomplished at the in* glad. Now. the greatest danger sanatorium. of the disease is not to know it until When we think that within the too late. But One Way to Make a Living—Work for It IJJ England there are 1 (>,OOO ways which is to work Jt is a line to earn a living. . Jf course, that thing, too, that we have but one way, beats America a lung way, because! because as sini|de as it is, there are in this country there is but one way, many who miss that one. Your University — Use It The I'niversity of North Carolina statues will not permit their attend is wo* educating the jieople of the ante upon x lasses at the university. State from the mountains to the sea, Its plant of extension service calls even in old age President Chase for the widest distribution of service, | says.the idea that education is jin- offefing instruction in fourteen bu isbed apoa graduation from grade nan.-. embracing pracli .illy every school, high school, or i ollege, Ls Uue Jtrf useful knowledge, gradually l>eing replaced by the con ception that education is a process 1 lie I niversity offers this help toj that should continue through life, any person -in North ( arolina and. President Chase says the Univer- asks the people to use it. "Ihe I ni-j sity of North Carolina has made pro- vr*itv of North Carolina is-yours vision for students whose circum- use. it." Proper Caution Necessary in Handling Fires In the face of all the warning and many tires were prevented by the precaution against lire, almost half campaign urging "the people to use a million dollars' worth of property more care and guard more stringent was destroyed by lire in the State in ly against fires. October. This applies to only 172 |t is practically certain that if fires, which were reported to the State .jyoper caution had been exercised, _ Insurance IJjepartinent. )( course; much of the half million loss in Oc many tires were reported", whicn would-increase the loss. ' tion against lire should lie marked There is no w£y to estimate how on every door post. THING God created every man and woman for a pur|Misr. You may think that your simple efforts may not l»e worth while, but who can say what they may amount to in time? Influence gies far and often lingers as long as life itself. Little did the mother of Kdgar Allen I'oe know what her influence would mean to her sorj. In Tkr Ruhwond Inquirer.,, for November 29, 1811, appeared this advertisement: "To TTIK HI MASH HKAKT: Un this night Mrs. I'oe, ling ering on the l>ed of disease, and surrounded by her children, asks your assistance; and asks it perhaps for the last time. The geneHSftv uf a Rlclliivond audience can need no other ap peal." This was the mother of that strange and unhappy man whose poems somehow reach down to the deepest chamljer of the human heart. When I'oe died, he had very few friends. I'he world knew little of him then. But, now, in the Hall of Fame in New York City may be found his bust. He was one of the greatest genuises the world has ever known. The man has long since gone, but his works will live. You, too, may |>ass through life without much notice, but you may leave behind something that will help others to "carry on" when the day is very dark. Poverty is not a thing. It is merely a lack of supply. Connect up with supply and the poverty vanishes. To look upon poverty and sick ness as sent by God, and therefore inevitable, is the way of the weak ling. God never sent us anything but good. What is more, He has never yet failed to give those who would use them the means to over come any conditions not of his making. Sickness and poverty are not of His making and they are not evidences of virtue, but of weakness. God gave us everything in abundance, and He expects us to manifest that abundance. If you had a son you loved very much and you sur rounded him with good things yvhich he had only to exert himself in order to reach, you wouldn't like it if he showed himself to the world half-starved, ill-kempt, and clothed in rags, merely because he was un willing to exert himself enough to reach for the good things you had provided. No more, in my humble opinion, does God. Man'* principal business in life, as I see it, is to establish a con tact with Universal Mind. It is to acquire an understanding of this power that is in Aim. "With all thy getting, get understanding/' said Solomon. Having that, nothing eke is necessary, for through it aH other things will be added unto you. It will solve any problem that caa arise in TO THINK ABOUT liy JAMKS I> TAYI.OR Old King Devil A lcohott {£ the Issue All this A 1 Smith Catholicism mudt-fAout the A! Smith campaign.! scare counts for nothing. It is not| Yet the Wectorate of this country a question of religion that is mov-iis too jealous of the achievements j ins: the Smith l>oom: it is old King' accomplished in the splendid system | I Alcohol that is turning on the of constitutional laws which experi-' Smith howl. ence, in its wisdom, has wrought for Tammany is the center of a rum- their government, to trust' them in staked self-conceited political sys- the hands of a constitutional nulli tem that believes in nobody butshr ficationist like AI Smith, as proved tem that believes in nobody except by every act as a pubDc servant in themselves and respects-the opinions his Sutter of none but their own. The people of this country are not When we consider that the Smith looking for a clan leader, such as boom is the voice of the whisky bums AI Smith has proven himself to be as and that it is being heralded by a the idol of Tammany. The people heavily subsidized national press, we want a pfesident who is a statesman need not wonder that we hear so and a constitutional champion. America has done many generous things since the firing a? Bunker Hill, but it is doubtful if we have ever done a more generous and friendly thing than when we sunk 800.000 tons of the finest warships ever designed just to please Eng land and Japan. Kngland showed In r generosity by sinking 500,0000 tons of old hulks: and Japan showed hers by sinking 325,000 tons of worthless junk. - Of course, the average unthinking American patriots shouted and called it a big thing, because it put us a head of other fplks, Certainly, Eng land was glad, l>ecause it put their navy ahtijtd of ours and enabled them to write "Mistress of the Seas" af ter thrii n.ivv. But the biggest measure of joy ,IKh* ftrttWf-ANB knit; experienced or Inexperienced, tannic to see or write Walker Knitting , Mill*, Jarboro, N. C.' s3O 20t COMMISSIONER'S RESALE OF LAND I ndcr and by virtue of authority 'vested in the undeVsigncd cominisMon ler by order of the superior court of ' Martin County, North ( arolina, in a i special proceeding entitled, 11. •H. : Uenncft and others, ex parte, wherein | .i raise in the bid having b»cn made, ( and a resale ordered, I shall offer ior sale at public auction, to the highest bidder tor cash,-at the courthouse door at VViHianiston, North (arolina. on Friday, December 2nd, l'> 27. at 12 o'- i dock noon the following tract or par cel ui land situated and lying in the emnity of Martin. State of North Car-1 idina, and bounded as follows, to wit: Hounded i n the, north by the lands of .1. (i. Staton. on the east by Sweeten Water ( reek, v>li the south by Noah littfi and I. p Statin, aiul on the west by Djimcl-Staton Mill Road; containing o'iie hundred and twenty (120) acres, more or less. I bis loth dav oi November, 1^27. K. L. COBURN, nIH 2tw ('onnnisjiontr ! NOTICE OF SALE Notice rs hereby given that under and by virtue of authority contained' in that-certain drrtf irt trust from Jen-, j nie Davenport to the undersigned i trustee, dated the 27th day of March, | |l'>2,l, and ol record iti the public reg istry, of Martin County in boifk (i-2, at .page 564, said deed of trust having 1 been given to secure the (layment of CertittH * notes'ot a even -Hate' diercwith, and default having been made in the . payment --of said note, and the terms'' .mil conditions of said deed of trust not having been complied with, the tindcr- - WINBORNE & COMPANY COMMISSION MERCHANTS Will loan at (> per irnt |*r \ear three i> four cents per pound on peanuts ship|ted ID' us at SufTolE-to sforf. Reference: SEABOARD NATFQNAL BANK, Norfolk, Va. BUSINESS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED PENDER'S YELLOW FRONT STORES »r. Real Special Values EVAPORATED PEACHES T TL. 25° SANTA CLARA DDI TMPC Three /j/vC CALIFORNIA Pounds 6IJ CORNED"BEE"F" HASHT "IF HAND PICKED NAVY BEANS 15° PORTOLA SARDINES 25 C ° U PRIDE BREAD Palace FLOUR 21-Ounce Quality Loaf P,Unt « Self Ruing « 12 24 Lb€ - 10 52 c »l* D. P. COFFEE, LB. • 45° The World's Best Drink—Sealed Pound Package THE ENTERPRISE Generoys America came to the ship buifilers and «quip l»ers. It looked good to them so see a fine navy, which they had just built, go to the bottom of the ocean, so they could set up a new cry of ; | danger and the need of protection against foreign invasion, in order that a new and bigger ship-building pro l 1 gram might be launched, whereby 11 they might add to their already : large rich* - They are the fellows who twist the tail of Congress and [ bugaboo the |>eople into fear. ' These fellows are not confined to this side of the They work in harmonv with their friends on the i other side. It matters not where the trouble cuines from: the cost is charged to the |«ople. I sinned- trustee-- will —rm- Monday; —tfre I2lli day oi December, 1927, at 12 o'- clock noon at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston, N. C, offer at public sale tojhe highest bid der for casli. a one-third undivided in terest in ami to the following describ ed tract of land, to wit: Being a V-i undivided interest in tliiit certain tract oi land lying and be-1 ing in Bear Grass"Township. Marfin ' Cr unty, which is described in teni four of the will of Jesse Mi/ell, deceased, said will*feting of record in the clerk's c ttice of Martin County, and being the same tract of land purchased by Jesse Mt/eli from Kniily Bland, containing 2(MI acres, more or less. CI. AY TON MteußE, nil 4iw Trustee. NOTICE OK SALE UNDER EXE CUTION I > » North Cainliua, Martin (ounty. Ashcraft-Wilkinson Co. vs. J. G. Modlin and C. W. Mizelle By virlue of an execution tt> me di- I reeled from the supeitor court of Wayne C ounty, North Carolina, in the above-entilled action. I will, .on Mon- WILLIAMSTON SUPPLY CO. Replaces All Broken Automobile Glass I —While You Wait—With GENUINE PITTSBURG ' PLATE GLASS At a Very Reasonable Price SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Building Material of All Kinds Carried in Stock. Our Trucks Deliver Anywhere Bring Us Your Next Order day. the 2nd day of January, 1928, at 12 o'clock m.. at the courthouse door of Martin County offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the said execution all the right, title, and interest which the said C. W. Mizelle has in the following described real es tate, to wit: First tract: That certain tract or parcel of land situated in Jamesville Township, adjoining the lands of S. S. Camel One of life's g is smoking Camels give you all of the enjoyment of choice tobaccos. Is enjoyment good for you? You just _ bet it is. at Camel you wouldn't hear ~ jt&U anything about special treat menu tomakc cigarette* good for the throat. Nothing take* the place of choice tobacco*. " ■ ** ■v © •; 17. a. J r..T»otd, " tiy, V. N. C, .... £uytj?3ttmtH for iUakiny (Eljnat tnas iWm*u! Intriguing boxes wrapped in gay papers and tied with bright ribbons' and sprigs of mistletoe or holly—and within the perfect gift that it will her good fortune to open on Christmas morning. Each gift so charming ip itself, whatever its intrinsic worth may be—so suitable to the recipient, so characteristic of the giver. This is the ideal to strive for if you would make hers a Merry Christmas! the gift mall or large we are stocked to sup ply it! And we will be happy to help you with suggestions. * Y* , . ; Vr _1 r ;~ ~ Gloves—the most important of accessories If in doubt, why not give silk hosiery— for milady s costume. Therefore a practical just to be on the safe side? One pair or » gift. Of kid, suede, mocha, chamois, and Awn pair—for they are always welcome capeskin. In one clasp, two clasp, and Rifts. ITiese are of the loveliest quality— gauntlet styles. All wanted colors 9S cents and come in all shades. In sheer, medium, to T N ■' Charming lingerie in a great assortment. For comfort's sake and to make leisure Of silk, voile, crepe, and batiste. Plainly tail- moments more luxurious—a pair of bedroom ored or elaborately trimmed. In gift sets of slippers or mules. In a wide in. vest, step-ins, and brassiere. Separate pieces '* eluding leather ones, and silk, satin and bro —including night gown, pajamas, chemise, cade mules. Dainty colon to match any etc. to $8.95. negligee. 95 cent to S3.SO. y Kp ' Margolis Brothersj The Shopping Place,, After All -77- —_ t — • 'Tr^^igwl Davis*, Hardy Holliday. J. W. Watts, G. L. Cooper, and T. A. Davis, and being the land known as the Holsy Davis land, except that part thereol allotted to the said C. W. Mizelle for his home stead exemption as ap pears of record in the office of the clerk of superior court of Martin County. Second tract: That certain tract or parcel of land situated in JamesviHc Friday, November 22,1927 * Township, Martin County, and adjoin ing the lands of S. S. Davit, Geo. Mariner, E. E. Ange, and others, and bring the same land deeded to C W. Mizelle by W. H. Lilley and _ wife. Kathleen, as appears of record in the Martin County public registry, in book D-2, page 552. This 23rd day of November. 1927. A. L. ROEBUCK. n25 4tw Sheriff. Martin County.

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