PAGE FOUR ~ Is Alternate^Jor Naval- Academy Appointment Due to * vacancy caused by resigna tion, there will, b*" two appointments at the Naval Academy in 1928 for the First Congressional District. Congressman Lindsay Warren today announced his appaintments to fill them. For on evacancy Joseph Kitchin j ' McLawhorn," of, Ayden, is named as j principal, and Wilbur W,. Mudrin, ol Greenville is first alternate; 1 while for the oyfer vacancy 1 Squires, of Washington, is nambd as principal, William M. Hackett, ol Belhaven first alternate, and Henry Staneil Manning, of ' \Villiamston is second -alternate. The examination .. will be held in February, and the sue- ! cessful candidates will enter An napolis -on July 1, 1928. ". Williamston to Present • Tobacco Pagent at Show According to joint plans of oft i fii'ials of the Eastern Carolina Cham ber of and citizens here, j . Williamston will represent tobacco in j the pageant at '.the peanut exposition 1 in Ahoskie, Decern her ft. While tin peanut i- honored by luiv -ing the exposition named after it, 1 other crops will join in with the low ly goober. The'potato, corn, cotton, I tobacco crop. will play if part in the parade, and towns and communities in /the section will prepare the floats**' Card Cluh Hostess Gives Shower for Bride-Elect When Mrs. I' B. Cone entertained her card club Friday night.. Novem ber 11. she nave Miss Carrie l)ell White, |Mt|>ular bride-elect, a shower also. After the four progressions of bridge Mrs. Cone presented Misst White with lovely gifts that the me(ri bers of the club and the two invited guests. Airs Oscar and 1 in mgltf hcr. , Mrs |v H. Hn,«i! who made higii j score, was, given a vase. The hostess served delicious chicken a la king v with vegetable salad and coffee. CARD OF THANKS YYe w isli til thank onr heightmrs and •friends who have lire it s > kinll in ad- I njlnistermg t> our luishand and father j .during bi» toug-- illne-ts, a- well 1 us ~ Ifis..'death ffhd burial We feel 'that' j notlfing could liavis doiic us so' much ' good as rheMcep sympathy shoit'ii by I all our frineds, for which we arc most I grateful Mr N K MV . MM, Wants PECANS. P I". A KS. PLI MS. J "ffrftchrs, Jaj»«ih J inejitai.s. All well Prices! ri|(M. \sk for iifformsiiion and 1 U V 4-.. ..0 u* I Decentralization of Industry | - ————— w 9B , ' i . s « " v •/.. , * 8 ffi —— - T _ ft— At the third meeting of the Southern Appalachian Power in theretofore rural localities tc a large extent relieves the farm- 5g Conference, in Chattanooga last month, a resolution dealing with . ing industry of that instability occasioned by sole dependence ' 9B $ the centralization of industry was passed. The membership of on distant markets. Likewise,, home sources of supply for food fij this conference was decidedly cosmopolitan, being made up of - products for the industrial population have their large advan- ffi representatives of industrial and agricultural associations, engi* ' tages over distant sources. Mcny other phases, economic, social, eg neering associations and societies, chambers of commerce, uni- educational, and hygienic, may readily be visualized. Industrial W versities, manufacturing plants, Federal and State officials, pro- locations are fixed" upon accord'ng to many iictors, the most im- *yv fessional men, farmers, Members of Congress, and members of portant of which are raw materials, labor, transportation, and t h e p ress - " power. In theSouth we have the raw materials suitable for a " fg i, ... i . wide diversity of industry. We also have the labor, or can read- ffi \_® Knowing that the people of Wilhamston are interested along ~ ... ~~A HK . , . W A U «'« »ly procure it in any given insUnce. Our highways, rails, and TO Xs these lines, we present the resolution passed by the country s„ X * • u a ~i „t «.u. aB ® r u . • navigable water courses furnish a ready solution of the trans- W ea ing men, as o ows . portation problem. There remains the power, which it lies with . . a -a \ ■ j , a * in us to bring to our doors, merely by the adoption of public pqli- S , , regard ,t as self evident that th« and most urn- cie . and rational concepts that will encourage the investment. A § | form mduatnal progress i., and will m the future I* at- Consequently, we believe that ,he water power, of the Sooth 2$ tamed, through continued development and decentralization of . ,j . .• u • a i * *i 11LLJLJt jj_ hk a? . , • u i u *...... at,. should, in addition to being developed to the utmost, be dis- gc +s industry; that the lack of economic balance as between the great ... ... . , . .. * ... ah | areas ot rural and semi-rural population in the South largely de- tribute m the publ.c m the w.dest poss.ble meaaure «» | | . voted to agricultural industry on the one hand, and rapidly grow- that they wtl ultimately "n.t.tute. " § , vi ing and highly diversified industrial cities on the other, is in large under comrol and regulation, avatlable to the .mail a. S V degree responsible for many of our economic ills. Only on, well a. .0 the large uaer, wherever located and at a regu ated . I phase of the situation need be mentioned to viaualize th, princi- price that will afford a return on the mv.s.ed money merely large s ffi i ■ pi, that dominates th, whole. Th, creation of home markets enough tojuat.fy the ready mvestment of money .n the develop for farm products by the establishment of labor-using industries mtnt of these properties. I CAROLINA - • 1 I Virginia Electric and Power Company iW. E. WOOD, PRESIDENT J.T.CHASE, MANAGER ROANOKE RAPIDS,N.C. |: gagaeaßaeaeseaeseaesessseseseaeeeaeaeaesesetßasaeaeeßseseeeaeseseaeseeeseaßseffiSßsesßSßseessßaeffiesseaßaeaßffieeaßseaßffiasseaeaeeeeeaeseeßaeseseeßeeseseaßaeeeseeesesßeßasaeaeaeeeseffießa* § : ■ • • " ' • WANTED: GIRLS TO LOOP AND i knit; experienced Or Inexperienced. 1 , Come to see or % write Walker Knitting > Mills. Tarboro, N. C. *3O 20t j EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD cabbage plants; 20c hundred, $1.50 thousand; 5 to 10 thousand $1.25 thou- I sand, l'riees on large lots. Very best I seed sown right. grown right 17 years j experience in plant growing." East j Side farm quality plants are known everywhere. Orders filled froyi now | till March 1. 1928. J. L. Holluia'y. i Williamson. N. C. 1 j j' • • - 1 J LIME MAKES THE LAND WORKI better, the fertilizer act better, the manures and 'organic matter rot bet* j j ter, and the legumes grow better." j j See your local dealer for "MASCOT,"! ' the Standard Agricultural Limestone, i jor write American v Limestone Co., j I'Knoxville, Tctm. o 25 lit | NOTICE: I HAVE 1«O RES OF] laud. \)) of which is cleared, with a | {(welling house and Outbuildings, »ale. The land is located in (,riflms I Township the Williaiuston Road. I Mrs. Connie Oi. Williams, Jamesville.! N. C. . , nJS 3t MAN WITH CAR Wanted by old-established company selling auto and tractor olis, paints, and roof coating to farming trade. Exclusive territory. Week ly drawing account. Real proposition. The Lennox Oil & Paint Co., Cleveland, Ohio. " n22 3t I 4| SALE: l' >1 N I Kl DOG IK . months idd.- Hunts well; back-' I stands at sight, 0.. I. N'cwtou, It I-''lli ( ' KA,)K MA(i ! •iH.per cent magnesium carbouat#. tbi»' j tobacco station at Oxofrd got an av-j crag"' annual increase in tobacco. -of SOH inr aire lor 5 consecutive- years. You j j cau get it. t >o. by .using M AS ) I 1 Ygriculttiral Lime. See your local j LMASCOT dealer, or write AMEKJ-i CAN LIMESTONE >.,• Knoxville. Term. mo dec I .. . . i__ ; _ NOTICE OF SALE Notice i- hereby given that under ( ! and In virtue oi a certain collateral I .note and under the terms thereof. ! which note ,\\ a - executed! t rl (lie tin - dersigned by It R Harnlitll ioid others, ihc -aine being long past doc. and oil J account' "I default in the p.iynirn; i thereof, the nudersiytu d will, on \\ ed nesdny. the 7th jflay of IJccineber, 1V27. 'at lit o'cluck ni . in hunt "I 'hi' court 666 -is a prescription for COLDS, GRIPPE, £LU, DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA I, Vill. >!,.■ f,wm! 1 bouse door of .Martin County at Wil | liamston, N. X... offer for sale, at pub-j. I tic auction, to the highest bidder, for , ' ca«h. the following collateral, to wit: One. certificate, No. 31, for four share* of stock in the Roanoke To* !*l»acco Warehouse Company, William ston. N. C. i '1 his 12th dav of November. 1927. ... >\ U. BARNES. 1 Owner of note collaterally secured by above stock. nls 4tw Hugh (». Morton, attorney. '*, NOTICE V»irth ( arolina. Martin County. ! Under and- by virtue of the power of iiii'le contained in a certain collater al note executed to the undersigned by I J. T. James on the 31st day of Aug ust, 1M25. default having been made ' iit the payment of the same, the under-" signed will cm Wednesday, the 7th day nf December, •l at 12' o'clock m.,' ifi froirt ,i>f the murthouse door in the town of Williamston. N. t'.. offer for , ale to the highest bidder for cash i the. following property, to wit: Oiif ii"ic dated July 10. l'J24, from !J. U". ScUAtmcr and wife to 'J. T. Jaine. l">r $1,1. : 1.24. being secured by j a deed of tru-l -if eini date therewith Thi* l">h nav.of Korembef. 1V27. , Til K PtANT ERS AND " MKIU HAN IS BANK. T Hv: \ l. Taylor. President. n22-5t ' NOTICE '* * North 1 arolina, 'Martin County. I.'iuler and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain '■collat eral note executed to .the'undeiXtgntd In J! I James on the 3Jst of yfujf«Ht. 1925, default having'been niaijWsJTtbe | payment of lite -.anie. the vill on Wednesday tire 7tli day «f December. I''27.' at 12 o'clock ni., in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston. N offer for '* alt* to tliA highest bidder for cash the following described property, to wit:' cm note friiiu J. T James to the I'lanli'r- Hi Merchants Hank. , dated IV a deed of trust of even date there with » I bftMSth L v "I Novemker. 1V27. VLW'TI US k MJjUHANTS BA I IN 11. PLANTER AND M IT H.'VNIS BANK, By V 'laylor, President. 1122 5t NOTICE North C arolina, Martin County: in the superior court, before the clerk. , In the matter of Bessie Beach and husband. Chester Beach. Dennis Peel. Liilian Gurganus and husband. M. R. Gurganus, Edna Roberson and husband. Mansie R. j thur Peel, and Rhoda Ayers and hus band, Arthur Ayers, said Rhoda Ayers being a minor and appearing by her next friend, J. Sam Getsing er, ex parte. Pursuant loan order signed by K, J. 1 Peel, clerk of the superior- court of | Mai fin County, in the above entitled j procceditiKs on the 15th day of No vember. the undersigned t'om- I missioner xi ill on Thursday, the 15th da> Drrefuber. P'27. .if 12 o'clock in , in ji»'nf of the courthouse door in flic irtwn oi Williaiuston. W olfeis for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described leal estate, to w it.' Hounded mi'Thr north by Daniel tiiirgann*. on the c .i-t b\ A L. Rogers on the south b\ Claude W'hitehurst. | and J It Ayers, and on the west by I T Rogers containiUK 54 acres, more or le-,s, and being inoiV commonly known- and designated as ( harles 1 I timer I'et'l's .Yushcm land in Bear j t ir.iss_ l'i •« nship. "Tlti-. 15th dav of November. 1927. I'.LIiER T S. PEEL, THE ENTERPRISE GOGBG6GBSBBBABABBBSEBEBBBB3EBBBBB6BBBB9BSBSBBBA6BEBBB6BSBB9KB6BBBBB6®BBBEBBBBSBSBBBBBAB96BBSEBBABSBSB9 * Statement of the Condition of • : * ,;lf - \ + S Planters & Merchants Bank OF EVERETTS, N. C. AS AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS NOVEMBER 14, 1927 RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and discounts $198,803.21 Capital stock \$ 15,000.00 Bonds M 13,950.00 SURPLUS 10,000.00 Banking house and fur. & fix. 6,385.00 Profits , 4,711.84 Cash on hand and in banks , 108,459.76, DEPOSITS 297,886.13 $327,597.97 ' $327,597.97 DEPOSITS COMPARED ; NOVEMBER 14,1926 - $243,236.34 NOVEMBER 14,1927 $297,886.13 \/' - " OFFICERS 1 DIRECTORS V. G. Taylor, President S Aycrs, Henry fl. Peel, J. H. D. Peel, S. E. Henry D. Peel, V. Pres. J. H. D. Peel, V. Pres. Robersen, W. S. Gurganus, B. S. Cowin, RA: Paul Bailey, Cashier Bailey, V. G. Taylor, A. L- Roebuck A CHECK OF THE ABOVE STATEMENT WILL SHOW YOU WHAT WE ARE DOING, AND UPON THE STRENGTH OF THIS STATEMENT, ITS OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS WE SOLICIT YOUR GOOD BUSINESS AND WILL GUARANTEE THE SERVICE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR. Tuesday, Novemt&r 22, 1927

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