PAGE FOUR 1 EitvtiißMßtf __ I'HONF Society & { ersonals I Thm Department! J j W "»c"* B Mr "" ELBERT S- , KEU Editor 4 6 Spending Holidays here - Mr. and Mrs. Milton Norman are spending the Thanksgiving holiday; with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Hassell. In Washington, D. C: *• —• Mr. and Mb. W. C. Manning, jr.. and .N\r and Mrs. W. H Booker left yesterday for Washington, D. C, They will return Sunday night. Attend Football Game Mr. and Mr. LClbert i'eel, Mr. and ' Mrs. Joe (iodard. Dr. and Mrs. J. S Rhcxles attended the TooTBaTT game in Chapel Hill yesterday. Leaves for Louis burg Miss Evelyn Harrison left yester dayafternoon lor l.oiiishyrg. after s|lending the day with hervparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Harrison. Business Visitor Wednesday N. J. S. Reid, of Wilson, was a busi ness visitor* here Wednesday. I isits Friends Here . Jesse Giles, of Washington, who has recently returned from Texas, where he has been i tia sc ulptering studio -for some time, visited friends here Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. I'oteat Hire ~~TTr: Mrs.~W: t;. Pnteat, nf- Watlie l-'orest, are spending the holi days with their daughter, Mrs. Wheeler Martin, and Mr Martin. Here From II ake Forest Benjamin. Courtney is passing the holidays with his parents. lie will return to Wake Forest College Sun , day. Attending F#rd Meeting I. I) Wodlard attended a F'ord meeting in Norfolk today. . . I isiting Mr. and Mrs. Staton . Commander Gilbert Chase, of Vir ginia, is visiting his' sister. Mrs. "James G. Staton, and Mr Slalom ' Attend dame in (.'ha pel Mil Messrs. i\ B. Cone, Wheeler Mar tin, H \ Biggs, and C. A Harri son attended the game yesterday in Chatiel Hill. —! & \*£y •rtiai ni'Oi* iu • \k - Music ■ from the rod hot sax! ' ' sff .'/> 7 oliiiUk of fox-trot or palter of Charleston can drown it. -■ v, f" Iff ~ Moaning blue*, superb solos, sparkling piano nolo* .. * ° *J IJ ■} • every facet of toue l'roiu each instrument pour* forth in « /> ft ' glorious form... full, vibrant, in room-filling volume#.. j Vuu can even hear the intake of the singer's breath. We % Cj , r a % . invite you to come atul hear the new Ediaouic .. . For J p ' . here, at but, i» music lajish in volume, rich in realiam w J- t ' " i * N v music lifc-*iz:-d and lif.vlike. .. Music you can enjoy » " ® whenever you want, as long as you wut, without even ° ° ' 4 the trouble of changing a needle! **■•♦♦♦ *♦ y 9 •'•?>? The astounding " edisonic r OrMmmry ~1 »GditCMC ... ■ Q ,i 7 / Pkonograpk Music L ■ ■! Il« lr>.lm— m \," 7 /=*! •'""lk*'*•ZsJ'L'mu'm IHi HI Il*lw4 ''li>il la / ll Pi »lsj»* fcy »a anrftaary ■■lf , In-Mi bna ■ r // -A H\\ |>lu>Mar»pfc. Il U far- I Mrtspsy. •/ V ■ ft s«ay*J»»«l«ss~a an I ■ n. Hj) \ i 'S V- : - - ii B. S. COURTNEY Returns to A. C. C. e Miss Ruth Manning, of. Atlantic rs Christian College, Wilson, returned {. yesterday after spending Thanksgiv ing with her mother, Mrs. A. J. Man ning. Tj> Return Sunday it M rs. J. i>. w oolard awibuU- son. J. D. ? will return Sunday from Bal timore, where have been visit ing her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mc . Clnskey. . .* J : " • lien hrom Eureka a | ' Mi. and Mrs. .James 1 C. Manning j and little son, Jirnmie, of Eureka, I are visiting Mrs. A. J. Manning. ■A Attend Funeral in Wilson rt Mrs J S Rhode* and Harry A. .. j Biggs .attended the funeral of their cousin,. Mrs. Mary Alexander Wells, which took place in Wilson Wednes day. Spending Holidays Here Misses - Minnie Robertson, of Winston Salem, and Emma Robert t sfm, of Greensboro, spent ThankSgiv i, ijig with their mother, Mrs. J. E. K Kobertson. - Here From Washington S. W. Baker, of Washington, I), is spending the holidays with f--frieinls in town. 1 *——*—*- Leaves for Henderson, Ky. Fdwin IN ml. who It.ts .been on the local tobacco market, left Thurs day for Henderson, Ky. I Spending Holidays Here Miss Kva I'eel, of Robersonville, jis spending the holidays with her I parents. Mr. and 'Mrs. R. J. I'eel. I In Kvioril fur \\h ek F.nd Mrs. Raleigh Bradley is s|ieoding the week end with her parents in ! Oxford, Nh C. '.- - - . | In Farmville Yesterday •' .Mr. and Mrs, Milton Move s|>ent yesterday Willi Mr. Move's patents fin Farmville. • , - ; I i siting Friends in Oxford II Miss Mary Fletc her is v isiting 1 friends in Oxford this week. • — —-r-- | Spends Holidays in Kenly |i Miss Mildred Harden is with her \ I parents in Kenly for the holidays. c In Creedmoor This Week i | Miss Lucille Allen is at home in Creedmoor this week. ' , ' ' Here Prom Wilson .r J. . Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Eawrence and children are spending the Thanksgiv j ing holidays in town. . j In-Fremont f > .Miss Serena I'eacocß is spending ! thr Thanksgiving holidays with her ' parents in Fremont. . Mr. Davis (Joes Hume 1 Professor E. H. Davis is at home •in Davis with his.parents this Week r T Tt 7 ii r.' ■ 1 Ai.end Football Game Miss Martha Harrison and Mr. j, K. E. Coburn attended the Carolina-; | Virginia game yesterday. • (] Attend Game in C hapel Hill Mises Lucy Claire Ivey and Sallie t Wilkins and Mr. Stanley Sessoms at-j tended the game at Chapel Hill yes- • terday. . w v , Miss Katherine Cole is spending ' a few days at her home in Fair- I ■ Imont. 'At end Game in (h'a pel' Hill i.' •C. I) Carstarphen ami Francis i Barnes left Wednesday for .Chapel Hit! to attend the Virginia-Carolina football game. i ! Visits Parents Here ' , j Miss Martha Anderson, of Dunn, | j iirrived yesterday morning to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson. , Spend Day With Relatives Mr. and Mrs. X. T. Keel and | family, of Rocky Mount, s|)ent yes ! terday with Mr. and.Mfs: A. Ander • SOt». ■ -•* | \ isiting in Plymouth Miss Elizabeth Ramsey is spend ing a few days with relatives in Ply mouth. j, «. • • o'urs to Washington Miss Clyde Hassell motored to hington Wednesday afternon. i THE ENTERPRISE In Rlrigh and doldsboro Professor Hood is in Raleigh and Goldsboro this week end, Visiting friends and .relatives. I With ParetUs in Kenly l Miss Mildred Darden left Wed nesday afternoon for Kenly to be with her,.parents during the holi days. » Here jrom Roanoke Rapids L Mr v J. T. Chase, manager of the Carolina .Division of the Virginia Electric and Power company and Mr. R. H. (ioodtnon were business visitors here Wednesday. In Rocky Mount Wednesday L Mr. Stanley Sessoms was in Rocky Mount a short while last Wednes day night. „ Here from HamilUm - ' « j, Mr. Johnnie Martin, of Hamilton was here this week, . Visits in Robersonville L M rs. A. R. Dunning and (laughter ! Mary Alice, spent yesterday with rel atives in Robersonville. I Spend Yesterday here ' - i. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulghum, of Wilson, spent yesterday here with Mrs. P. B. Con* Here from Tarboro Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kuffin, of Tarboro spent yesterday here with.' ! relatives. Mrs. J. G. Staton Hostess Tuesday M rs. James G. Staton entertained j" Tuesday evening frnm S rIQ trr l 2 o'- I clock at the Woman's Club with a dance for her brother. Commander Gilbert Chase who is h£r guest. ■ The Robersunville orchestra, ac companied by Mrs. W. B Watts, of this city, at the piano, rendered de lightful musk , | Punch was served during the even- SBPiodic Croup Often checked with I J"* l rob °o A throat and che«t VfCKS j^vaporub On* JA/tS US£OYtA/HJT i I FLEXIBILITY s best way to appreciate the flexibility of a / motor car is to drive it—drive it in traffic! If it has *- JH' a power range that will permit you to throttle down f to below five miles an hour in high and accelerate to V vv twenty-five in a few effortless seconds - 1 — it has a IQy flexible motor, ready for any driving emergency. The STAR SIX motor will do this— and more. Its /^g\ Bfcw\ power range in high is from a snail's creep to sixty I miles an hour, with a smoothness and sweep which UH make you forget that it is a piece of mechanism. BARNHILL MOTOR COMPANY B. R. Barnhill, Mgr. Williamston, N. C. «4W ing and ice cream and wafers after the dancing was over. Quite a number of local society members attended the event and en joyed .Mrs. Staton's hospitality and again meeting Commander Chase, who has many warm friends here. i "I 'I lie better-than-average cottons more ' I than paid their way this year. The Mexican Big Bfell variety is one of the j best for conditons in this state. • North Carolina' lias harvested one ' of its best ereof sweet potatoes this ' year. Yields'of 325 bushels an acre are : reported by several farmers. I Women's and MFrL 1 COATS MM An offering of smart coats that will take its Sg notable place among the outstanding Coat Values - hk of this entire winter,season. For quality, plus Hr $5 style and price, they are incomparable. Straight, QB simple, and easy to wear—tailored of soft all wool, ' ?§ or woo! and camel's hair tweeds, in plaids and di- ro minutive checks. With collars of wolf, beaver, ff gv| seal, fox and marmot. Every coat is warmly |jr Ajm. |ro & lined and beautifully finished. In tan, biege, and Vif W>lt Jm /HR harmonious mixtures. '• §5 I Consider the Quality, the Tailoring—and Then \ \ Consider the Price '£ j# w Harrison Broth I WILLI AMSTON, N. C. ffi - ~- it -x ■ -- -ssssssem • [ NOTICE 1 Having this day qualified as exccu i tor under the will of the late Alfred r F. Modlin. deceased, all persons hold -1 ing claims against the said Alfred F. Modlin are hereby notified to present same to me for payment on or l>efore the 23rd day of November, 1928, or this , 1 notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said ! estate will please come forward and make immediate payment of same.. This 23rd day of November, 192/. JOE -firMODLIN. n25 fit Executor of Alfred F. Modlin. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue 'of a power of sale con ' taiued in that certain deed of trust ex ecuted by Sylvester Gray to the under signed trustee aud bearing date of Oc i tober 11th, 1923, and of record in the public registry of Martin -County, in book H-2, at page 365, said deed of I ing been made in the payment of said notes. anf the terms and conditions in Friday, November, 22,1927 | said deed of trust not having been - J complied with, and at the request .of d trust having been given to secure the - payment of certain notes of even' date and tenor therewith, and default hav t the holder of said note the undersigned e trustee will, on Monday, the 12th day s of Defcembfr, 1927, at 12 o'clock m.. at r the courthouse door of Martin Coun •j ty, at WiHiamston, N. C., offer at pub- I lie sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to wit: Situate in Janiesville Township, ad joining the land? of Sylvester Gray, Tom Lilley land, and land of the late S. 1.. W'irHace, containing 12 acres, more or less, and being the same land r that formerly l»elonged to Hettie . Gray, and beinjj the same land that has been in the possession of Sylves . ter Gray and John Gray for the past . several years, and being the land this . day deeded to Sylvester Gray by the , i Bank 41 Janiesville. f This 9tji day of November. 1927. 1, ELBERT S. FEEL, II nil 4t • t Trustee.

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