, Wack the Label on Your Paper; It Carries the Date , * Your Subscription Expires V J VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 78 LARGER PART OF PEANUT CROP IN SECTION IS SOLD Buyers Estimate Around 70 Per Cent of Crop Has n Been Sold YIELDS VERY POOR Price Will Average Around 4 1-2 Cents; Crop Is Short Despite Increased Acreage According to estimates furnished by several peanut buyers in the county, around 70 per cent, of the peanut crop has been sold in this section. The buyers went on to say that if the sale continues at a rate similar to the one established during the past twenty days, the crop Will be cold before the Christmas holidays. The crop has moved in a hurry this year. Competitive buying has been evidenced throughout the section, but in only one or two cases have prices reached five and one-half cents. The average price, it is thought will range around fjur ane one-half cents. Dur ing the past few days transportation companies have handled thousands of bags of the goobers, some going by rail to the markets and some by the boat line route. Yields have proved very poor this year, and in spite of an increased acreage, the crop will show a shortage of around 25 or .30 per cent., it is estimated. Farmers, who at one time, expected a large yield, picked in many cases not more than six bags to the acre. Others found their crops better, but in very few cases has the yield been normal. The largest yield heard of thi* season was that of Mr. L«wis Roberson, who picked around 2-1 bags per acre from ten acres. Buyers from this point have been very active this season, and even though there is an estimated fyi per cent, shortage, more peanuts nave been handled up to the present time her® than has been 'in the case in some time. BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE MEET Twenty Delegates From This District Hold Con ference Here Last Saturday twenty young men and women met in the rooms of the local Baptist church in a special.called session. Mr. Ferry Morgan, of Raleigh, who is head of the Young People's work in the State hat) issued a special call for delegates from this section to meet him here for a conference. Re sponding, they came from both the Roanoke and Chowan associations. The sessions began at 10 o'clock in the morning, and after lunch at the Britt hotel, there was an after noon session, terminating at a o'clock. The meeting was well attended, and a fine spirit petyaded the gathering. University Glee Club 1 In Windsor Friday A large audience is expected to hear the University of North Carolina glee club when it appears in a concert in the school auditorium in Windsor next Friday afternoon. The University singers have won a wide reputation in England, France and in this country during the past year, and papers in all three countries have highly commended them. County Ginnings Short Compared to Last Year Martin county was 1,222 bales be hind in its cotton ginnings up to No vember 14 as compared with the same period in 1926. According to the Co operative Crop Reporting Service, Raleigh, the State showed a decrease of 188,572 bales the same period. STRANH THEATRE I J WEDNESDAY WALLY WALES in* 'Tearing Into Trouble' Also Comedy •PINK ELEPHANTS' And FREE, TICKET FOR SHOW FRIDAY Always a Good Show; THE ENTERPRISE Sales Light, But Prices Better on Market Here Tobacco sales on the market here yesterday were compara tively light, but prices showed strength over those paid before the Thanksgiving holidays. Farmers were generally agieed that the prices were stronger yesterday and today than they had been during the past aev earl weeks. The amount of tobacco on the floors here today showed an in crease o\er that yesterday and fair sales are expected here for the remainder of the season. DEALERS WILL DISPLAY NEW FORDS FRIDAY Local Dealers Hope to Have New Model Car Here By Then TO GIVE FULL STORY Public Receptions Being Held by Ford ' Dealers All Over Country Friday f And Saturday . "TliO new Ford car passed the ex- ; pecttftions of both of us and is a real/car," stated Messrs. J. D. Wool artf and N. C. Green, local dealers, j upon their return from Norfolk where they attended a meeting of two hun- ] dred dealers last Friday. "The new car embodies those qual- ' ities that assure the popularity (If 'i the Ford," the dealers stated. There | were over two hundred dealers at the ] meeting Friday and every one of them.was more than pleased with the car and its features. Instructions were given the dealers, and the car that has remained a se cret for months will make its first appearanee next Friday in'the United States, Canada and England. An nouheements of the showing of the new car are being sent to every nook and corner over the three countries, t and it will be the greatest showing | that has ever been madti in the auto motive industry. Messrs. Charlie Mobley and Joe Gray Corey, salesmen for the local agency, were in Norfolk yesterday re ceiving instructions about the new car, and they will be ready to explain the new features of the cat when i is put on display. The full story of the new Ford automobile, described by Henry Ford f» being ' superior in design and p r fo'mance to any now avallalil' ,n tin | lov price, light car field," v.i I- told first in Williamston next FriiL. De- , iWiiber 2, according to muto-m. • :ii today by local dealers. A public reception is to oe held j here simultaneously with iiuiari gatherings at every Ford dealt r in i the United States, thu£ constituting i a part of the greatest automobile show in the history of the industry. Whi Ie no detailed de sc ripti on s have"" yet been given out by local dealers, j the Ford Motor Company, fryfn its , headquarters in Detroit, has annound-'' ed that the new Fprd car will be as | far in advance of prese/it public de mand for speed, flexibility, control in j traffic and economy of operation as the famous Model T was in advance of public demand when it was intro- ' duced in 1908. Dealers have not yet been advised as to the prices at which the new Ford line will sell, but definite assur ance has come from Detroit that the prices will be entirely in accord with the policy of the Ford Motor com pany to provide the best possible au tomobile at the lowest possible price. While the car makes its first ap |>earance this week, actual deliveries are not expected to be made before the first of January or about that time. 45 Join Red Cross During Drive in Griffins Township At the end of the drive for mem bers, the Red Cross roll showed forty five news names in GrifTing township us follows: T. 11. Brandon, J. L. Coltrain, Jno. It. Coltrain, J. Edward Corey, It. J. Corey, Jan. A. Corey, Mrs. J. R. Corey, N. R. Daniel, Mrs. W. D. Dan iel, Carl Griffin, Jos. E. Griffin, G. W. Griffin, Alonza D. Griffin, James A. Griffin, D. T. Griffin, Mrs. John A. Griffin, S. D. Griffin, W. J. Griffin, P. E. Get singer, C. W. Gurkin, W. B. Harrington, Asa J. Hardison, Mar vin Leggett, Grover Lilley, J. Eason Lilfey, Lilley, Jos. E. Manning, John E. Manning, B. R. Manning, J. J. Manning, W. E. Manning, SyU vester Peel, Mrs. Sylvester Peel, Wesley Peel, Heman Peel, Alexander Peel, Mrs! Collins Peel, A. C. Rober son, B. F. Robcrson, G, 'E. Roberson, Mrs. Perlie T. Roberson, James A. Roberson, Buck Roberson, Henry Rob wsotl', Louis H. Roberson, Harmon Hoberson, J. E. Roberson, Alonza Roberson, C. T. Roberson, Mrs. C. T. Roberson, Benjamin Ward. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, November 29, 1927 TO REPORT NEXT YEAR ON MAKING RIVER DEEPER; Congressional Action De pends on Engineer's Report SHOALS AT MOUTH Congressman Lindsay Warren Says | Little Hope of Work If Report , Is Unfavorable A report of the District Engineer oil the proposed improvement of the mouth of Uoanoke river will be filed during the early uart of next your, Ac cording to a recent announcement mai- • by Congressman Lindsay War ren. Mr. Warren has assured local cit izens that if the report is favorable that ho is confident that he can get Congress to adopt it. Should the rer port prove unfavorable, Mr. Warren . stated 'that it would be very difficult I to get Congress adopt 1 The proposed improvement of the river's mouth is of much interest'to people served by the Roanoke and Mr. Warren has given much time and study to the proposed improvement, ] but nothing more can be done the report is filed. * Roanoke river is one of the deepest streams iji the State, but its naviga tion is seriously impeded by the form ation of shoals near its mouth. In spite of this a large amount of com merce is carried oj> over the Roanoke. The improvement to the mouth of the stream will not only assure the con tinuance of the present commerce, but will be a great factor in inviting a great deal more. SPECIAL EDITION WORK GOING ON National Publicity Number of Enterprise Being Well Received The work of the N itional Publicity number of the Enterprise is going on rapidly and meeting with great RUC ce.vs. Our merchants are being visited and tl)e industrial information is be inff ama-red. Our representatives in the Held are receiving a very cordial reception and enthusiasm is waxing high. .Tli's edition will ho circulated all 'r.r.'UgtL the State anil in addition will receive a thorough circulation all over the United States. Containing stories about our many businesses, out churches, our schools and the mtiny advantages we have to offer to the manufacturer, it will be sent broad cast to the various chambers of com merce, Kiwanis and Rotary clubs, leading newspapers and public librar ies and other business organizations and a particularly intensive circula tion will be given in the New England states whose many factories are al ready moving to the South. *— We wish to thank nur many friend* in advance for their help in aiding us in the preparation of this edition. JOE N. MANNING HAS CLOSE CALL Tractor Turns Over Into Mill Pond, Pinning Him Under Water Joe-N. Manning escaped death by only a few inches last Saturday when a road tractor turned over into th* creek at thcuHardison Mill. Manning drove the tractortoo close to the edge of the road and caused the machine to topple over, pinning him in such a way that he could not get his head above the water. The wheel had his foot, and it looked for a time that there was nothing left to do but drown. However, after he pulled and tugged to free his foot, he succeeded in slipping it out of the boot and freed himttelf. The tractor was pulled back to the road and after it was allowed to dry a few minutes it was started and put back to its work. j i ————————— J • Josephus Daniels Pays Tribute to Elder Hassell The Hon. Josephus Daniels, in his talk here Sunady evening, paid tribute to Elder Sylvester Hassell. Next to his mother, Mr. Daniels stated that he owed his success in life to the early instruction given him by Mr. Hassell, and that it was always a pleasure to visit him here. Basket Party Next Friday At Macedonia School A large attendance at a basket patty is expected next Friday at the Macedonia school. Pupils and teachers there are making extensive ations for the party and they are ex tending a cordial invitation to every one to attend. 201 REGISTER FOR POWER ELECTION Registration Books to Close - - Saturday; Election on December 20 Late yestciday afternoon, two hundred and one citizens had register ed for the special power election to L e held here the 20th if next month." According to a registration held in connection with the town election a few months ago, the number is just a fraction over half the possible vot ers. The books close next Saturday at sunset, and every citizen should see that his name is on the books before that time in order that he might vo\e in the election next montrf. Mr. J. E. Pope, registrar, stated that the registration of voters has in creased greatly in the past few days, and that he expected many more to register before the books close Sat urday. ARREST 717 AUTO LAW VIOLATORS; 329 Arrested for Driving While Drunk Since New Law Went Into Effect 1 I Three hundred and " .twenty-nine drunken automobile drives have been airested in North Carolina since July 1, when the new automobile laws went into effect. Th number of 1 drunken, drivers equalled ill other of fenMOs against the automobile laws combined. There wtjre 17# people arrested foi speeding, 107 for reckelss driving, 61 arrested on miscellaneous offenses, ?9 for violating the light jJ-iw and six each for ussault with deadly weapon and manslaughter, a total of of 717 arrests in il branches of the automobile law since Jtd\»l. it is estimated, howevej that there are seven thousfclyl cms* *f over speeding in the State eVerx. day. li every case was brought into court, there is no doubt but. there would have been up to this tinie a half pul lion cases before the Courts. HIGH SCHOOL TO PRESENT PLAY ' Cupid Up To Date" To Be Staged by Dramatic Club "Cupid L'p-to-Dato", a modern musical comedy sponsored by the pra" malic club of the local high school and T>ooked for showing here the* lGth of next month, promises to be £he real i hit of the season. Mctnber?r~t l .f the Dramatic club are greatly interested in the play, and arc entering 'into it with much determination, . The play is a production of the Wayne I*. Sewell company, of At lanta. Its coach will be here the eu:ly part of next week, ami practice will start upon her arrival. Members of the cast will be selected when the coach arrives. The> high school is preparing the publication of an annual and the pro ceeds of the play will bo used in fi nancing the undertaking. To Attend Meeting At Tarboro Tonight Itev. C. 11. Dickey, Mr. and Mrs. !'. K. Courtney and Mrs. Arthur An derson will motor to Tarboro late this afternoon to attend a report supper in connection with the Centennial Fund now being raised in this sec tion for the Baptist schools of the State. week more than four hundred met in a similar meeting and another large crowd is expected this evening. From all over the section, it is said, fine reports are coming in, signifying i the noble manner in which the people i are responding to this special educa tional appeal. The campaign is scheduled to close early in December. Second Big Shipment of Fertilizer Arrives Here A second shipment of fertilizer, around fifteen hundred tons, arrived at the wharf of the Standard Fertil izer company here shortly after noon today. The shipment today brought the amount to around three thousand tons, leaving around six thousand to come in within the next tew days. The unolading of the fteat shipment was completed this morning, and workmen were directed to the two new barges carrying the -econd ship ment. , • Miss Eleanor Stanback, of Mt. Gilead, who taught in the local schools last year visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson during the holidays, She returned Sunday and was accompanied as-far as Raleigh by Misses Lucji" Claire Ivey and Lillian Sample and Messrs. Bill Peel and Stanley Ses soms. MARTIN COUNTY OVER TOP IN RED CROSS ROLL CALL Report Not Complete, But Chairman Thinks More Than 500 Joined LESS THAN lOO^HJ&E Griffins Township, Robersonville, and Hamilton All Have Good Reporti;--H Other Sections Not Heard From While complete report has *not btin turned in, it is thought the Red Cross, roll in the county will show! 500 new members this year. Early reports from the various township chairmen have bee'n exceptionally good, and the county chairman Harry Biggs thinks the I'llml reports will show where nioie'rthun 500 have jeined the organization. In the Hobersonville chapter which , is separate from the county unut. first reports sho .ved '-where more than 100 had joined there. Considering everything, the -report coming from (iriWos to. uship is per haps the be: t one that Mas been turn ed in so far. In Uu:t township where there are no towns, forty-five people enrolled within a very sfJort time. Mrs. Chas. T. Roberson, chairman f- r the township, stated that tjie citizens there offered their support willing ly- Hamilton also sent in a •worthy re port. There around seventy-five mem bers .enrolled, and the drive was not near complete. '.Early reports for Williamston show ed where the toWn was falling behind in its membership drive. The first of ficial count showed that the roll had a few less than a hundred member's. Other townships in the county have nut-been heard from, the entire report is turned he county chairman states the roll will show the greatest increase made in several y.t»a r's, QUAIL SEASON TO OPEN THURSDAY Season Also Opens for Wild Turkey at Same Time; Close March 1 Thursday will nee the hunting sen son wide open, for then it is lawful to mint most anything in the woods or fields. The State game lutVs opens the season Thursday on quail and wild turkey . The reason for thin game closes March 1. The quail season i.- i xpected to ' cause an addition of hunting licenses to be issued-during the next few days. | Tin; sale licen • his aire y reach ed u high pointi iii this >unty, and . when tjuail hunters turn to the woods j and fields, the number is -expected to rise. [TURNS CAR OVER SEVERAL TIMES I Creswell Goes to Sleep Driving and Wakes Up Somersaulting Yesterday morning about 4 o'clock, Mr. F. A. Williams, a druggie from Creswell, was on his way home from Washington) when his Ford roadster suddenly leu the road and turned over a number of times about two miles from here. Mr. Williams suf fered a bad cut oh the left hand air! bled profusely. Fortunately a colored man came along about the time the accident happened and. he brought Williams here. Dr.-Rhodes was called, and he succeeded in stopping the flow of blood. Mr. Williams, who had been driv ing practically all night said he must have, dropped asleep just before the accident. He stated further that he awoke in time to somersault with the Ford. M-. Williams Wjvylriving the sartie little Foril that- turned over with a man named Win stead n;ar the fair grounds here a few months ago. California Visitors Praise Progress ol North State Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mendenhall, x>f .Long Reach, California, while here yesterday on a short Y'sit, stated that thffs" State had showed ntore progress in the past seven years than they could hardly imagine, 'and while they thought California was a great state, they would no say which was the best, North Carolina or California. Mr. .and Mrs. Mendenhall are High Point people, but for the past seven years they have lived in California. This is their first visit to this State in that length of time. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stalls spent Sunday in Rocky Mounts Mr. Frank Margolis, of Margolis Brothers, left Saturday for New York where he will purchase additional goods tot the Arm. STORES PREPARE FOR CHRISTMAS Many Merchants Receiving Christmas Goods; Good Business Expected First appearances of the Christmas season in these parts came this week when large shipments- of goods were received, unpacked and placed on diV i play in the various stores here. While I ortly initial shiyuuents have "been re j ceived, several «T the tores are al ready crowded for display room, and j it looks now as if tki-season will ■ see the largest display goods.-on display here than at any • previous time; Freights -are running heavy to this point, and it is enough | to cause one to wonder what will the the merchants do with all the goods. Merchants Optimistic The merchants, generally-, are very optimistic over th?. expected increase ;,in business this season, stating thut in the main, prices have decreased while quality remains stable. Though prices fo; fa>m commodities have.not srfarvd te the points of 1918 and for.) th"v ! have been considered fair anif will, no lonbt, cause the sales this year to ' show an increase over those of last searon. " HIT-RUN DRIVERS SENT TO PRISON Two Hyde County Men Get Sentences in Penitentiary For Killing Woman Judge Clayton Moore seii£t>ffceT"'' Joseph (J. iiaum, a f>B year-oLrt Hyde County man to Uie State penjuentiary for a term of tumour years and James -Burrtis, a young Hyde County for a term from three to four years, after they plead guilty •to a hii and run charge in Beaufort County Superior court lust week. Several Sundays ago IJurrus bor rowed a car and was taking Baum and his daughter for a ridt\Jfhey had not gum; far before Burrus insisted upon Bauin's driving. Though he had never! driven that kind of car, Itaum took | the'wheel and w.as speeding through' U-echWlle when he struck and -in- ' I stoutly killed Mrs. Oohn D. ißuJh>ck, I prominent lieechville woman. The car j did not stop to offer assistance, but llauin and liurrus were arrested in Washington-and held for court. The trial was" largely attended by , many people from both lieaufort and • Hyde county. FOUR CARS IN ONE WRECK Marrnortr Dodge, and Two Fords Pile Up on Road Near Everetts Sunday Four automobiles, a Marmon, a Dodge and two Fords, pooled their ef loris and cooperated in one wreck otr tht .Kveretts road' near tlu>—M""V°r | Dam briMfte last Sunday everting and | caused considerable damage. Accord ■i.ig to I four cars escaped with minor injuries. The Murmtin and. Dodge cars wrecked ] j and caught'a Ford between them. The | [ second Ford turned over in a ditch in an effort to run around the wreck. Few details about the wreck could be . | learned. , , Last bight about three miles out on , the Wa hington road,'two Fords "went together, but again the damage was .confined to the cars. Henry. Mizelle t was driving one of the Fords, and a | j salesman of the Williams, Manning! | Motor company, was driving the j other. Baptist Church to Have 1 "Giving Service" Sunday | Next Sunday-had been designated by the Jocal Baptist congregation as the ! day on which the church will sub-'. scribe its budget for the ensuing i par, # . ' "An every-member canvas is put on ' each year in December. This year the j pastor has announced that he wanted i the membership'of the church to all be present Sunday morning, where 1 an opportunity will be given each one to make his. subscription at the reg- I ular service. In this way, a I great deal of time will be saved for j every one. And at the evening hour, the i church will undertake to assume its I quota of the J 1,500,000 being raised for the Baptist f.chools in North Carolina. ■« Because of these two vital matters, it lias been thought ajJvisubJe to make both services Sunday "giving serv ices"—in the morning the members will subscribe to the regular work; in the evening, to the special pro gram. It was stated by the pastor that at one of the services Sunday one of the Meredith College girls will be present ,to make a short address. Exact an nouncements as to be made later, it was stated. Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 ' Homes of Martin County * ESTABLISHED 1893 HON. JOSEPHUS DANIELS SPEAKS HERE SUNDAY Largest Audience of Series of Meetings Hears * Noted Writer LAST MEET OF SERIES "Is America A Christen Nation" Is Subject of Mr. Daniels' Discourse; T«|fls Where We Fall Down The 'series of. conimunity - services held in the ehool audtiorlum here was brought to a close Sunday even ing when the Hon. .1 o:>cphus Daniels addressed one of th" I a rgi audiences assembled daring the entire series. Ihc.se meetings" sponsored by the several churches and civic organiza-" dans of the town have* run over a course of several weeks, and they have been of untold worth to the com munity. Many of the State's leading men have appeared in the meeting., showing what their work has done and is doing, for the advancement of- . Christian citizenship in the Stat?. Asking the question, "is America a Christian Nation," the Sunday night speaker followed the -trend of time troin the settlement, of America down to the present,, pointing out the effect wrought by various factors and wars. In the beginning the country was set tled for the dory of (liAl, and it was thin a strictly Christian counti'y,. -As time progressed, the country con- ~ tinued as a Christian one. Theoretical ly was this true.even if the doctrines were not practiced. "But is it so to day'.'" the speaker asked. "Is the a Christian Nation in the se\ise It was fifty years ago, and are we drifting without, faith, the kind alone # that can give power and strength?" Mr. Daniels asked. Mr. Daniels pointed out that it was not becau.ie of thejimidel, but because of the great indifference toward tho Church and its teachings that Chris tianity was failing. Indifference, he showed, was the-greatest foe of the Church,"and that has more to do with the failure of Christianity than all the other factors combined. Non-at tendance upon the Church is growing, and it is alarming to khow how many people never darken the doors of worship more than once, and then they do so just to get married and ask the blessing of the church. In our modern .religion, we have turned from the one great commandment, "Love thy (od with all thy heart and thy neighbor as thyself.** 1 . Christianity is embodied in this one commandment., but we would rather turn our atten tion to,, the insignificant and minor things, "and ' be alarmed when the youth of today sets out. to seek' the truth. Mrv Daniels stated that .th'e Church is not'to ried about youth because it has its troubles and doubts So long as it is sincere and looking for the truth. The elieets of war on Christianity W''re 'pointed out, anil the speaker ,showed how faith had been deadened," by cooperative suicides. It wasn't the fare and wholesale murder upon the millions of American boys'that ha;*, deadened Christianity; it is the change among the"ones remaining at • home that has proved almost fatql. The policy of America, "Don't be idealistic and we'll get rich" has been the cause for the ever increasing lack of interest in-Christianity and its teachings. "And what is the Church doing about it?" the speaker asked. We are thinking about No. 1; we are not interested in those steps that of fer peace, for our's is an industrial aim. The United States is not a mem ber, of any of those bodies that are striving for world peace, but it is a member of the Foiir-pact treaty, one that does not allow China to collect enough taxes to maintain a govern, ment We are interested in Nicaragua, not from a standpoint of Christianity, but interested in the protection of the concessions of rich Americans. Where America had the world as a frienu in 1918, such policies have operated until today America turns her face to the sea but finds not a single friend. Mr. Daniels, in bringing his addrers to n close* stated, "It is a serious sit uation in America and unless we wake up and take our place as a leadei for will lose in the end.it. "America must sacrifice for peac« as well as it must sacrifice for war ", he concluded. House Committee Favors Meljon Reducation Plan • , 1 The Republican members of the House Ways and Means committee voted solidly for the Mellon tax meas ure while the Democrats voted solid ly for the measure advocated by Sen ator Simmons, Representative Garner, and the United States Chamber of . Commerce. The vote stood IS to 10. The republican majority of three will gi* before the House next week as the committee reebmmendation. The principal schedule for which Mr. Mellon stands is a )reduction (of the corporation tax.

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