PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuenday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA W. C. Manning - _ - T _"- 1 Editor Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COUNTY - 1 year . ■ $1.50 t> iiron '}>» „-j._ ;—.76 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY 1 year : — I. 1 SZ.OO 6 month?" j.„ -- v.— 1-00 (Strictly Ca»h in Advance) No Subscription Will Ho- Received for Less Than Six Months Advertising Kate Card Will It. furnished Upon Application Entered at the post edit® at WiUiaimtton, N. C., ps Rccoiid-rlusn matter mulct the. act uf Congw.» w of March 8, 1 HIM. ■> — Address all communications to The Entorprisio and not to indi vidual members "of the'company. Tuesday, November 29, 1927 Tariff Revision and The Manufacturer Meads of the manufacturer&Htssn ciations arc dissatisfied with the re port of the "Business men s commis sion." It is not a. strange thing to hear a manufacturer squeal whenever you talk about tariff revision. The trouble with the manufactur ers of this country is that they have had their heads in lite milk trough so lung that when vou attempt hi kick them out they squeal like pigs and whine like pups whin yotl take bones from them. In this caw, Mr. John K_ Kdger ton expresses great fear of danger if I the tariff recommendations by the "'Business Men's Commission'' is'fol lowed. The business men's commission I was set up by the I'nited States Chamber of Commerce and the Na tional Industrial Confeience board. This commission expressed the idea that agricultural development is in Will the Newspaper Go Down Before Progress? Will the newspa|»'t br banished by competition? No "one. knows wh»t will happen. ■ Progress has brought the radio, which tells the new> Without the trouble of having to read, so it may IK- that the radio will do the same thing the newspapr thai the auto mobile ha sdone, for the horse, run him off the road. Another compeli tor'of the newspaper is the new-reel at the picture show. A mah may see ♦the pictures without the* trouble of Training To Be Tar Heel Farmers Will it pay a Martin County boy to b«' a "Tar.-Heel Farmer"? 'Twerij ty-five Jamesville buys are willfng to risk it and are moving toward 'the (arm with full steam ahead. , They are to t" ;ill-i"o --cle farming and have determined to combine brain and muscle. They are not only learning the land but the plant food, the best seed, the best mules, horses, cows, and- pigs to put on -the farm to makfe it a success., They are wacthing folks to find jhe safest ways to make a living and lie happy and to be useful citizens. Most of these boys are |wrtners with their fathers, and there are tnan\ cases in which the boy has been able to teach the fabler a "better, safer, and easier way to do things. Thfcse young Tar Heel farmers are determined to take the grind out of farming, and instead of the, farm home being a place of drudgery, it will some day be a place where the community will find its intellect, its CAR LOAD CARS RECEIVED TODAY-ALL MODELS " . ' • • • * "* . % b i REWARD-$ 10.00 for Each MOTOR BEARING You Burn Out and J V ■ ' '• . ' Repairs FREE. Al2 Months Written Agreement Given on all Star Cars. i ~ * y * •*?#;» { > BARNHILL MOTOR COMPANY need of tariff revision; v of coupJ meaning that something should bi jdone to prevent the manufacture from pillaging the producer. Thi' protective tariff that protect! the business-'of one man mart; that that of another soon unbalances bus iness conditions and makes one mar (Hiiir and anqther man richS— In tin- investigation by the busi ness me n's + com mission they fount that the farmer was hot get tint enough and the manufacturer wa> gelling too much. \ - Of course, with such a condition existing, the manufacturer waivts it to continue while other people want ;a* change.. While -something should be done lo relieve the unfair ratio between "> . various industries, it is extremely doubtful if Mr. Coolidge and his Congress will do anything to help the folks. turning the pager, which is a great "attraction. • ll is quite posijile that .all thought j will • soon be .Viae lory tirade and rammed down/the throats of people without' .in\ effort on their part. In this world of extreme progress, no body knows what is to happen. The top rail today may be the bottom rail UiiiKtrrow. I'p to now. howevej, the man who has read the most has been the .wisest and the fellow who has thought for himself has been the safest. ' . leadership, and-its wealth. Professor OverbyT the teacher of agriculture in the Jamesville High School,(vy itWling the bovs in their goo/ work in \jii ich thjj community n iiilitn.' pride and rejoicing in the thought that the boys have chosen wisely, I. v _ _ .r | NOTICE OF SALE Nt iiic i- hereby given that under j atul liy virtue ot a h i tain collateral 1 note and' under the terms thereof, j which, note was executed to the uth Idcrsigucd l>> It K Harnhitl and others, the Millie being long |>ast due. and wii ,o count ot default ill the payment [thereof, the hi. Icrsigned will, ou Wed ' nesday. the 7tli day ot Dei ineber, 1927, jut IJ- n rfnefc m TTr~tt*mt ft the court -In nisi door ot Martin ( ouilty at Wil liaiiiston. N. t ... offer f«>r sale, at pub lie aiietiou. to thv highest bidder, tor ia»h, the following, t> wit: J . One certificate. No. 31, for fojjiiA shares of stock in the Koanokc>to-1 baeco Warehouse l'oiii|«an\ ' i stoij. C. _. . This litli da> oJ*?jfoveniber, l'J27. j yfU BARNES. OvMiei>rtv note collaterally secured) hy altoVe stock, nls 4t\v ' - li Hort"ii. attorney, ' ' THE LETTER BOX j " THE GROWING TOWN There is really no 1 Such thing as a ■ town which is hot growing; for if its * wealth ami population remain, con ■ unt with reference. to itself, it is be coming less all the time a* a whole when compared to the world in gen eral. That is to say, the apparently stationary town is growing. Imt"grow ing backward. How we may stand at any given mo ment of existence -i* riot the vital con sideration.-in life. Our destiny is de hrmuied hy the direction and rate of movement. Having personally observed the town of VV'illiiiimton lor a period of 25; year*. 1 Lan with slight chance of er- I . ror pronounce -it a growing town. , Measured in all the factors that go to. make .t community great or vital, 1 may be sufficiently accurate in saying that V\ illiamston has rkiuhlcd itself in thiv Mtiartcr-of a l ent'uryv Here it must I In .remembered that many of the fai - J: r-- ili.i' to make .i community [ w hat it is are intangible, and can he j expressed neither in figure nor in for-j inula. More than, one city in the Unit ed States has rnultiiyied itself by two in ten years or less hy steady and con sistent growth. But the town that can ■■bone hundred- pel cent increase J itt twenty-live years is far above the average. „ • j .Such a town is Williams ton. Y '(lre- stunted town may satisfy every tiesiPc and meet every ambition \of those who have never been subjected t" a larger influence* To such devel ' opulent and expansion may be- posi- S lively distasteful. They lack the in-- „ ditsiry of adjustment to -^ne w condi i lions and enjoy the indolence of going I : along in tire same old way. n j Hut those who ai\e exploring the field j of. endeavor' »nd seeking fresh oppor |_ llinilit lot the.-' exercise of initiative .j arc keen -to uoti the signs of life and jlo take inventory.*>f the indications |ol progress. I he.v base their chance s of Mailt upon iFn- expectation of the fu ...j-llire. • ' II ll would take too much space to I make a detailed list of the cosmetics employed by the town which is mak ing- a serious bid tor an outstanding . position in regional development. Let c three prime considerations tmfftce for jithc purpose of this message. The town must grow not only by the nat ' ural increase of its own population hut s also by attracting the outsider. In i my .opinion- the outsider will be in thiein etl in every case by three prijjn inciit features. these art-:-* I V concentrated business section, nil lulling a centrali/e4 food supply. J. A'ii cxpaii.-ive nianulat luring sec lion laid out with reference to tratis p trlaliou facilities j j A, A well.planned residential' dis j trkl, built progressively in a -spirit of mutual benefit, so that each new home will automatically lend to enhance the I value of each and every other piece . of home property. A l-kIKNULY VISITOR. WTttfaniston. X, IV. November,' 1 I"J7. - I J AN OUTSTANDING CLASS .j' Mc> Kdiuu; li was my honor to ' he a guest at the banquet of the class •in agriculture'of the Jatnesville High ■ School. II is a marked and significant or gani/aiioiV fi'"your county. The thirty. \ouiu- men composing tin- class have ! m'adi up their minds to be farmers. They are as line appearing young jel [ lows as I ever s.;Yw I'hey have every i! appearance of well-bred, high-purposed , . i determined young men. There were no pretences or pyrotechnics; just simple cycry day proceedings with a ' j dear object in view . These'.men will I lie heard from in the future. When | I -looked into their handsome faces, j clear Cut features, I saw "good-by" to ! the time-worn methods and a happy welcome to the new rhty. The young farmers enti trained their fathers at ■ supper. Mr. \\ Manning and Mr. Stephen !•'. W. Kenuey made inter-1 esting table talks. Of course, 1 talked | WILLIAM STON SUPPLY CO. | Replaces Ail Broken Automobile Glass You Wait—With ! .✓"GENUINE PITTSBURG PLATE GLASS At a Very Reasonable Price 'SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Building Material of AIL Kinds Carried in Stock. Our Trucks Anywhere Bring Us Your Next Order THE ENTERPRISE I U was an inspiration tha't was suffic ient to loose any tongue. Rev. AT" Corey was unusually active in we! - come and it] deep interest in the social event of the club. - Then, ,too, the oysters were fine. D. WINSTON. Windsor, Nov. 26, 1927. s ______ " SPLENDID THANKSGIVING SERVICE I write a line to comment on the splendid Thanksgiving service held at Lawrences Cross Roads Baptist Church by the pastor, Rev. A. Corey, of Jamesville. - Twice, a year Mr. Corey holds an out «>f the usual service, other's Day in May and the Sunday after Thanks giving Day. Since his pastorate there these occasions, lasting all day, have become real home-coming days, and a large humber oi people attend from all parts of the county and even other counties and out of the State. On this occasion. Mr. Corey's sermon - on "Gratitude" was unusually interesting and forceful. He has had me present at these meetings, and my people do pie the honor' of being attentive hear ers. The Centennial Fund of the church wa_s discussed by Him. JL H. Matthews in the afternoon in a most instructive and- forcituj. appeal. The amount subscribed w«s a' flattering answer to a good ( speech Claud I- vans, leader, with N(i*s Evans at the organ, gaye fine music. The re d's?. dinncn wa real M rtie hospitality at it best. I RAK" IS D, WINSTON. Windsor, .JJ. I'., Mon., Nov 28, 1927. VOU CAN DHIV'K A STAK CAR all day long without a lan belt. Vou can; not do this with some of the other low-price cars. Barnhills.Motor Co. " NOTICE • c Having this-day qualified as admin istrator of M s Annie Mizclle, late ol Hamilton, N. C , alj persiMis holding claims against -aick estate will present them to the undersigned for payment mi or before tin 21 si day of Novem ber, 1928, or this notice will be plead |in bar of the recovery of the same, i All persons indebted to the said estate I will please make immediate payment ot the same. I his 2lst da* of Xnveuil>er. 1927. 1 C- D.' CARS TAR PHEN; n2" fitw Administrator. NOTICE Martin County, North Carolina. Frances Williams vs. Elbert Williams The defendant. Klbert Williams, will: take notice ting an action as above en titled has been commenced in the su-1 perior court Martin County, North I Carolina i*r aft absolute divorce upon | the grounds ot adultery: the said de fendant will further take notice that he is ieiuired appear at tin office of the clerk oi the superior court of Martin County at tin- courthouse in the town of Y\ ilhamslou, North Caro-j lina. on the . ffrti day oi December, I 1927, awl answer or deniur to the com plaint oi the 4UintUt'. or -IK- will ap ply to the court lot the relief demand ep.. l itis the 7th of November. 1927. R J PEEL, n8 4tw Clerk Superior Court. 3 CA R TO ADS American W ire Fencing The Best Made ' i ■ n SV. Galvanized Roof . * ing and Hay Wire ARRIVED THIS WEKK * We Have The Best Prices and Always Cheap for the Cash ■ ■ '■ ' j| ■ Culpepper Hardware Go. WILLIAMSTON EDENTON ELIZABETH CITY '. . NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. Hardy Hollii and W.. J. Hollis vs. J. L. Wynn By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the superior court of Martin County in the above entitled action, I wilt, on Monday, the day of December. 1927, at 12 o'- clock m., in front of the courthouse door in the totfn of Williamston. N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said executioh, all the right, title, and interest which the said j. L. Wynn has- (or had at the time of docketing the within judgment) in the following described real estate, to wit: The same being lots. 13,. 14, and 15 on plat of land formerly owned by J. G. Stat'm and known as the Ballard Farm, and more particularly described in a plat of same made by John B. Kespass, surveyor, which said plat is of record in land division bopk No. 1, at page 460. reference being hereby made to said plat for a more perfect description; lot No. 13 containing 45.82 acres lot No. 14 containing 58.47 acres, and lot o. 15 containing 48.55 acres, altogether containing 152.48 acres, more or less. This the 2nd day of November, 1927. A L. ROEBUC*- i n8 4tw Sheriff of Martin County. NOTICE Having this day qualified as execu tor of Charlotte Siade, deceased, all persons holding claim's against said | estate will present same to me as pay ment before October 22, 1928, or this | notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement of same. This the 22nd day of October. 1927. JOHN I). SLADE. 025 6tw Executor. -NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. Under and by virtue the power of sale contained in a certain collat eral note executed to til* undersigned by J. T. James on the 31st of August, 1925, default having been made in the payment of the same, the undersigned will on Wedne day the 7th day of December. 1927. at 12 o'clock in,, in tront of the courthouse dor in the \F une ra 1 Director and Licensed Embalmer | Day and Night Service Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Price B. S. COURTNEY WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Day Phone 159 Night Phone 94 SHIP PEANUTS TO WIMBORNE & COMPANY COMMISSION MERCHANTS Will loan at. 6 per cent per sear t!ir to four cents per |x>uuri j on (H-ariHts sliipp dtous at Suffolk to" tore. „ f j Reference:' SF.A3CARD NATION/. J, BANK Norfolk, V*. BUSINESS AND CORRESPONDENCE TOLICITED town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, to wit: ' On .note from J. T. James to the Planters & Merchants -Bank, dated August 31. 1925, for $1,500.00. secured by a deed of trust of even date there with. This 15th day of November, 1927. PLANTERS & MERCHANTS BA THE PLANTER AND MERCHANTS BANK. By V. G. Taylor, President. n22 5t NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a certain deed of trust executed by B. A. Critcher and wife to the undersigned trustee bearing date of June Ist, 1924. and of record in book Q-2. at page 16, Martin Coun ty registry, said deed of trust having been given to secure the payment of a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and default having been made in the payment of said indebted ness. and at the request of the holder of said note and as per stipulations thereof, the undersigned trustee will, on Saturday, the 17th day of Decem ber, 1927. at 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door of' Martin County at Williamston. N. C., offer for sale at SCHOOL SHOES NEED NOT BE NEY7 SHOES ♦ - Have Th*:n Repaired at SALSBURY SHOE SHOP Special Attention*'to Mail Orders Tuesday, November 29,1927 public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to wit: "A ceruin tract of land lying and being in Martin County aforesaid, and more particularly described as - fol lows: Bounded by Conoho Creek. Riley Spruill, William Griddin, J. S. Rhodes, Henry Bell, and con taining 143 acresAmore or less." This 12th day ol November, 1927. WHEELIyR MARTIN, nls 4tw \ Trustee. Hugh G. HoftonX attorney. Wa An Distributor* of VICTOR, EDISON BRUNSWICK AND SONORA TALKING MACHINES All Standard Make* \ EASY TERMS IP DESIRED . Write for Prirca aad Terma One of our aalcanaa will gladly demonstrate one ia your ho ma. J All the Latest Records and Sheet Music Russ Bros. Williamston, N. C. Washington, N. C. Plymouth, N. C All the world is waiting for the j) NEW FORD CAR Come in Friday for full Details Williamston Motor Co. Phone 201

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