I Wock the Label on Your ' I Paper; It Carries the Date J Your Subscription Expires i 1 VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 79 ' CROWD PRESENT AT SHOWING OF NEW FORD TODAY Local Agency Shows Charts And Photographs; Point Out Improvements UNABLE TO GET CAR But Two Agencies in Northeast jfiorth Carolina Were Able To Secure Car* for Showing Attention of the people was attract' ed to hundredns and thousands of show rooms of the Ford dealers throughout the United States, Canada and England where a complete story of the new Ford was given today. And while the new car has not made its appearance in all the showrooms in the country, photographs of the various types and charts are on dis play, announcing to the public the new car and its features. The ma jority of dealers are today explain ing the car through the use of the charts, stating that the car itself will be on displky within the next few days. Only two agencies served from the Norfolk branch, have cars on dis play today, and throngs of people are visiting Greenville and New Bern to see' them. Early this morning, the local deal ers and salesmen were pointing out and explaining the maiked improve ments over the old model Ford. At times the showroom was crowded with those who have waited to get a first glimpse of the revolutionized auto mobile. The display room has the pictures of all the various models, and a large chart on the wall shows the motor and chassis in an out-lined form. . k Prices announced' yesterday are, as a whole, under those charged for the old models, and range from $385. to $670. Upon the strength of the pictures alone, the local agency today was re ceiving order after order which will be filled in the order given. A Aood of comment has been pour ed forth, but final words are being withheld by many until the car ar rives for inspection. TWO ARE BADLY HURT IN WRECK Jamesville Women Slowly Improving After Accident Near Here Sunday Night Miss Marguerite York and Mrs. J. E. Hedrick, of Jameßville, are slowly improving after Buffering serious in juries in an automobile accident near here Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hedrick and daughter and Miss York . and Mr. Bishop were returning from Salisbury and just this side of Everetts they saw two cars wrecked in the middle of the road. Miss York, driving the Es sex started to stop the car when its brakes caught ajid caused it to turn over several Umes, hurting seriously she and Mrs. Hedrick. Miss York was unconscious during Sunday night and part of Monday, but latest reports from her bedside state that she is get ting along nicely. Mrs. Hedrick who suffered a broken collar bone and an Ugly cut on the ear, is also improving rapidly. The other occupants escaped injury. University Glee Club At Windsor Today The University of North Carolina glee club passed through here this morning en route to Windsor where it will appear in a concert this af ternoon. A large bus carried the inem | bers of the club. I The club toured Europe last sum mer where it gained a wide reputa tion. During the next few days con certs will be given in many Eastern /North Carolina towns. STRANH THEATRE! J 4 \ t . SATURDAY WALLY WALES . *.• ~ in CYCLONE COWBOY Also HARRY LANGDON Comedy And Episode No. 4 "SCARLET BRAND" Always a Good Show; —————-—»— i————— , . ■ v- • . • - THE ENTERPRISE HP, ' • T Bearo BEGIN PRACTICE OF BASKETBALL Schools of County Turn Attention to Popular Court Game With the lid closed tightly on the football season, the schools of the county are turning to basketball, and in several towns practice is being held daily. Reports coming from several schools indicate a most successful season for the game, and fans are anxiously awaiting the first schedules of play. Practically all the schools are aiu, nujpncing \better teams this year, while in a ipw cases the schools are having to develop teams anew. At Everetts practice was started this w£ek with ten students bidding for a place on the regular team. Four regulars from last year's team, Dick Cherry, Alphonzo Roebuck, Arch Roe buck and Nathan. Bullock, are back again this year. Coach Hix states the fifth member wilt be picked within the next few days, and that he will have his team r«ady for play'shortly. -Jamesville lost several of its regu lar players last commencement, but with new material, it is expected to make another splendid showing this year. The boys there have been prac ticing for some time, and have already played one game. Coach Hood of thfe local school started .out last Tuesday, night with an unlimited supply of raw material, but BO far a regular team has not been decided upon. Robersonville, Oak City and Farm Life are also lining up their teams for the season. LOSES OUT IN COUNTY COURT Oak City Man Charge An other With Enticing Bride From Home ~ Charlie Bowers, of near Oak City, hud great cause to be terribly upset and worried when'he came into court here last Tuesday and tried to prose cute Albert Flannagan for enticing his recent bride from her home. The case was nol prossed, Flannagan claiming, he had nothing to do with Bowers' (wife leaving her home or her husband.j ' Mrs. Hbwers left her home and hus- band recently, and gave no address. She married Bowers early in October and left him as quickly as he had changed his mind when he was about to be married to another. Bowers was on his way here to procure a license to marry another girl, but on the way something changed his mind and hed the name of the woman who has now deserted him inscribed on the certificate. Fifty Names Added To Registration This Week Fifty citizens placed their names on the registration books this week and brought the total number registered for the special power election to two hundred and fifty-two, a number far short of the possible registration. The books close tomorrow at nun set, and those who have not register ed and are interested in the power issue should do so before that time. The election will be held the 20th of this month, and it is a big issue with ♦he town at this time. A Press Association Official Visitor Here Yesterday Bill Arp Lowrance,. field secretary of the North Carolina Press associa tfon was here a short while yester day. He went from here to Rocky Moant where ha will be in charge . / a meeting of the press in this p i.t of the State tonight. - Mr. T. F. Harrison Is Reported Improving Mr. T. F. Harrison who has been sick for several months is reported to be improving: at this time. He is still in the hospital at Washington, but he hopes to be strong enough to return home in a few days. * • ' Williamston, Martin County, North CaroUha, Friday, December 2, 1927 ! 241 MARRIAGES IN MARTIN COUNTY DURING YEAR Cupid Betters Record for Previous Years; But 200 Licenses Last Year YEAR ENDS SUNDAY Register of Deeds Believes Total of 250 Will Be Issued Before Time Expires UtUe Cupid bettered its last year's record in this county as is shown by Register J. Sam Getsinger's book of marriage licenses. In 1926 there were 200 licenses issued in the county, and that number was barely reached. At ten o'clock the last day of "that year, a couple from Bertie county applied for a license and made the number an even one. This year the number has already reached 241, .and the year will not be oul until Sunday at inid % night. Mr. Get singer thinks that if .the ' Saturday trade holds up as well as I it has in the past, the number to be i issued this year will not miss the ! two hundred and fifty mark but very I little, if any. { It will be remembered that Pete Fowden and S. Rome Biggs played a part in the wedding that brought the number of marriage licenses issued in 1926 to 200. Pete was waster of t ceremonies,and since the couple was i married in the drug store, Roirie gave the bride a handsome present. Speaking of the number of licenses I issued last year an article in this i paper last December reads, "Register | of Deeds J. Sam Getsinger was some what concerned last week for fear that good old MarUn was in a state of decadence, or at least at a dead stand still, so far as marriages were con cerned, since he issued 198 in. 1924, 199 in 1925 and it looked as if he would never go past the mark of those years. He went to bed Sunday night and felt sure that the 1926 number would Btand at 199, as the year of ficially closed at midnight, December 3. However, to his surprise and de light, a couple of young colored peo ple drove over from Bertie and helped old Martin gain one notch, just a half ■ of ow per cent better thah lust year;" From this it is seen that a large l inoease in marriages in this county took place during the year. Just what i this increase might be assigned te is u mutter of speculation. COLLEGE GIRL TO SPEAK HERE Will Be Heard at Baptist Chu xh Sunday Night; Also in Everetts Satuiikiy afternoon two chartered busses will pull out of Raleigh carry ing fifty Meredith College girls. These young voinen. are going to be distri buted ail over Eastern North Carolina where on Sunday they will apeak in the interests of Religious Education. One of these young women is com ing to Williamston. She will arrive here in the late afternoon. Sunday af ternoon, fhe will speak ih Everetts, and at 7 :ilO o'clock Sunday night she will make a short address in the Baptist church at Williamston. Meredith College, like many other college s of all denominations all over the S ate, is doing a fine work. It will be a pleasure to Williamston people to hear this young woman Sunday night. SENIORS CHOOSE PRETTIEST GIRL Ballot Boxes for Each Girl in Class Placed in Drug Store Interest in high school activities was given a strong boost this week when the task of selecting the prettiest girl in the class presented itself. So large is the task, that the people of the town are being called upon io lend their assistance in making the selection. A box bearing the names of the girls in the claas, Miriam Court ney, Hazel Edmondson, Eugenia Hoyt, Mabelle Peel, Ruth Peel, Tillie Perry and Daisy Whitley, has been prepared and many people are voting daily at Clark's drug store. The girl receiving the greatest number of votes, will Have an entire page the annual devoted to her. The high school pupils are working with all earnestness in preparing their first annual, and a creditable publica tion ia expected. •-♦ Sunday Services At Christian Church Sunday school, 9:45. There will be no moming service, but at 7:30 in the evening, Ray. 3. H. Hale, of Wilmington will preach. The public is cordially invited to hear him. AUTO LICENSES ON SALE IIERE Bureau Officials SAy "Shop Early" Slogan Should Be Applied to Tags State automobile license' plates* went on sale here yesterday at the Williamston Motor Comapny's jjutugi'. Instructions were issued Wednesday to all bureaus, ordering thefn to place the plates on sale at once. Four thousand six hundred and thirty auto mobile wui truck license tags are at the local bureau ready for distribu tion. "Shop early" should apply to license plates just as to other holiday pur chases, the managers of the local bureau point out, in order to avoid the rush that inevitably comes the last week or so before the law re quires plates to be placed on cars which is January 1. R. A. Doughton, motor vehicle commissioner, this year refused to sanction extension of time to procure plates, therby sweep l ing aside a custom that has been in vogue several years and advices from headquarters of the Carolina Motor club state that Governor Doughton will grant no extension this license time. Dates must be placed op automo biles JanbaFy-fc>pr after, according to the law passed bjKthe last legislature placing the license system on a cal endar instead of a fiscal year basis. It is unlawful to use January 1 plates prior to January 1. The white registration card used foi the past two years as, an application card for license and familiar to most car owners has been mailed from Ral eigh and car owners are utged to pre serve this card and present it when they go to buy their licenses. This card, however, is not absolutely neces sary to procure license, provided the applicant can produce clear title to tin car. A form is then filled in and the license issued immediately. In addition to license service com plete touring and road information will be available at the local office of the Carolina Motor club. Touring in formation, maps and tour books are gratis to members of the club while non-members may secure the service • u|M>n payment of a nomin.tj charge. EXTRA FREIGHT ADDED BY A. C. L. Heavy Shipments Necessi tate Extra Service by Railroad Yrqight shipments bver the Tar bj/ro-Hynjouth brunch of the Atlan ffo Coast Line railroad has reached sufch proportions that the company has added an extra freight train to this branch. The addition is a tempor ary one, but at this time the amount of freight" fa giving the two train* all they can do. Once this week, one of the train* was forced to ignore cure. billed at the station here for other markets. Freight receipt* wigifMtlng hw are said to be much larger at this time of year than they were at the same time last year. Even though the peanut crop is considerably smaller this year, the transporation companies have already shipped more of the goobers this year than they did last, it is under . stood. County Bodi d Education To Meet Second Monday According to an announcement Hent out from the office of the count/ superintendent, the county board oi education will meet the second Mon day, the 12th of this month instead oi next Monday, the 6th. This date was mentioned in ordfer that the time between thia , month's meeting and that of next month will nofr be so great. The first meeting in the New Year will be held the second Monday also, finte the first Monday comes so near the first of the year. Revokes License for Driving While Drunk With the exception of two caaen, the recorder's court here last Tues day presented a scew of sorrow rather than one of judicial procedure and harshness. The twi* cases follow ing- the regular routine of the court were those of State against Mack Simons and J. A. Perry. Simons was charged with driving an automobile while drunk. He plead guilty to the charge, and when his face brought forth pity in an unlimit ed amount, the court gave him a two months suspended road sentence, charged Jiim with the cost* and re voked his diving license for a term of four months. • ■' Perry and Dixon plead guilty to simple assault and were released up on the payment of the costs in the case. Mr. N. R. Roberson, of Griffins township was here yesterady attend ing to business. EARLY MORNING FIRE WEDNESDAY DESTROYS BARN Seven Mules and Contents of Packhouse Are Also Burned $5,000 LOSS ESTIMATED Firt Discovered About 1 O'clock, But Gained Too Much Headway To Save Anything Early Wednesday morning, fire of an undetermined origin destroyed the burn and ppckhousc and contents on the farm of Mrs. Lena Mobley, near here. Shortly after one o'clock, several young men saw the light of the, flames, but before they could reach the home and wake the family, the fire had gained, such headway that it was not possible to save the buildings or any of the contents. An attempt was made to save the mules in the bain, but before the men had hardly started, six of the mules were burned to death. A sevonth mule broke out of the stables, but not until its eyes were burned out and a large part of the skin parched. Other neighbors, reaching the scene ' .soon aft»r, joined in the work and i saved the surrounding buildings /"Which were threatened by the flames from the big barn. Besides the loss of mules and build ing, a thousand bates of hay, fifty jt|ve bags of peanuts, a barn of leaf tobacco, mowing machine and trans planter and several barrels of corn were burned. The loss is estimated at around $5,(100 with only a small amount of insurance,to cover it. „ No work had l>t»en carried on in the building during the past several days with the exception of feeding and caring for the stock, and people on the farm are at n loss to assign a cause for the fire. 32 PERMITS TO MARRY ISSUED November Was Record *-'s' Breaking, Month for Marriages The number of marriage licenses issued ill any one month broke all recoixls when thirty-two licenses were Issued to coupleaTjt the register—ol deeds office here. The number last month was not only a record-breaking one, but it showed a large increase, for in 1 November of last year there were only fourteen issued as against 32 for the past month.»» ■ Colored couples led the list a,;ain during last month with -twenty per mits. Licenses issued during November follow: White ltalph O. I'urvis, 22-Virgie >er- Bon, 18; Lewis C. Cowan, 61-Bell Whitley, 39; Charlie Bowers, SgT-Klla -KogerA, OH; Hugh Spruill. Speller, 19; lea Kdmondson, 20-Nallie Nicholson, 16; l)r. Joshuji Mi rshall Kitpatrick, 24-Loulee Parker, 19; Hoy Ward, Swain, 24-Louise Harden, Is. i.f, Washington county; John 11. Mi zelle, 66-Sadie Gurganus, B6>, Cains Loudon, 40, of Madison,- Indiana- Carrie Delle White, 28; Cecil liar lurid Gurganus, 20-Eva Hazel Ayers, 18; Vance Theodore Moore, 20-Annie L. Clajk, JL6; .Raymond H. Bland, 21- Utulah Cherry, 19, of Washington. Colored Columbus Brown, 21-Cleo Slade 18; James Howard, 22-Katie Evans,' 19; William Spencer Hyman, 20 Lonnie Staton, 18; James CofTteld, 21- Carrie barker, 20; James Bellamy, 23- Koberta Statoti, 22; Leo Slade, 20- Vernese Hymun, 18; Frank Powel|, 22- Ieona Watson, 20; James Whitley, 21-liebecca Jennette, 19, of Plymouth; Herman Whitfield, 22-Arnecia I.ung ley, 20; Perry little, 24-Magnolia Crandle, 23; Johnnie Little, 21-I'en nie Coffield, 19; James Bond, 20-Lula Slade, 18;- William Henry James, 28- Ireno Brown, 18; Israel Jenkind, 22- Nellie Killiebrew, 19; Carres Robert Leary, 28-Queenie Moore, 21; Joseph Davis, 20-Catherine Rodgers', 1 ifc; Paul Grimes, 21-Queenie Andrews, IK; Thomas Mabry, 23-Rosalie James, 20; Herbert Heaves, 21-Emma Bell Kid dick, 18; Alphonza Ewell, 20-Sarah Lucy Brown, 18. Father and Son Banquet At Jamesville Recently "The Future of Agriculture in the Jamesyille Community" was the sub ject of a talk made by Judge F'ranciH D. Winston recently before the James ville Chapter of Young Tar .Heel Farmers. Mr. Winston pointed out that progress came principally through knowledge, and in farming, the young farmer today should study and learn the properties of the land. The young farmers had several out of town guests besides their fathers, and following the speeches, a dinner was served. Heads National Association '' ; 1 WILLIAM A. GRAHAM North Carolina Commissioner of Agriculture, who was recently elected President of the National Association of Commissioners of Agriculture, at its annual meeting in Chicago. * MAJ. PENDLETON DIES HERE TODAY World War Veteran* Dies At Home of Sister, Mrs. C. H. Godwin Kearly this morning death came to end a'long bnd strangely sad fight for life and health for Major Andrew Lewis Pendleton at the home of fits sister, Mrs. H. Godwin. 1 About four o'clock, Mrs. Godwin was awakenid by his coughing and hurrying to his room which adjoined hers, she found him" in a dying con dition. He died in about an hour after having two hemorrhages. Tuberculosis had been the result of a gas attack in the World War which had incapaci tated him. His death came a little •more than nine years after the' wai was ended, but his life was the con tribution to' his country. ifjMore en tering the war, he was considered a perfect speciment of American man hood. He was graduated from the Naval Academy at Annapolis and du • ing the war he was on the staff of General C. It. Edwarda Division until he suffered iafMfi*- u: a gas attack in the fall of 1917. In the f(-w weeks ihat he was at the froht, he was cited for bravery several tunes Snd was given cross of honor. The deceased was the oldest son oflhe late Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Pendle ton. He was born in Key West, Ma. where his father was a newspaper jnan, and "Pen" as he was known to hundreds of friends, never got the printer's ink off which got "on his hands when he was a little boy in his fat h Afffr his father's death, tflfe family moved back to Elizabeth City where the* body was tfarried this morning The. funeral wilt take place tomorrow afternoon from the Episcopal church •with Itev. Hill officiating. *Ho is survived by his wifo and lit rtte" daughter, Mary Jmu l , hi'.-Wh's ln> j sister, Mrs. C. H. (iodwin and a broth**, Morisctte Pendleton, of k Elizabeth City. LOCAL SCHOOL TO CLOSE 21ST Most Other County Schools Will Close on 22nd; Reopen January 3 Recommendations from the office of the- cuuuly ..superintendent »!' Schools have been made to all the principal.- in the counfy relating to the Christ inas holidays. With one or two ex have ulieady been made, poetically cetions where other arrangements all the schools in the couftty will close Thursday, the 22nd and re-open January X These dates, Mr. I'op*- the superintendent stated, have been found to be the best that can be had. N The local school,* however, bad al ready made other arrangements be fore the recommendations were sent out, and it will close the 21st and re open January 4. Baptists Announce Sunday Services * Without offering any apologies for doing so, the Baptist church invites ' its entire membership to both servicfs Sunday in order that the members may subscribe the necessary funds for the conting year. % It is thought that this is a better way than to spread it out over several weeks. Threfore, the pastor asks that the people cooperate, and set aside this day when all can come to both services and subscribe their amounts. There will not be the regular ser mon at either service, but at the evening hour a Meredith College girl will occupy the pulpit for a short ad dress. It may be safely promised that this young woman foom one of our collages will delight those who hear her. ( >. Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 ' Homes, of Martin County V J ESTABLISHED 1898 LOUIS BENNETT DIES AFTER LONG SIEGE SICKNESS " Was Prominent in Mercan tile Business Here for Number Years FUNERAL TOMORROW Died in Tarboro Hospital Yesterday After Untold Suffering From Cancer of Throat Louis C. Bennett died at the Edge combe hospital, Tarboro, yesterday evening at (i o'clock, after suffering untold pain caused by cancer of the throat for more than a year. Quietly, he suffered his affliction, and often wished that tht; end might not be de layed. Every effort was made to com bat the dreadful disease, but in vain did doctors and specialists work, and it was not until the end yesterday evening that rest came. , Mr. Bennett, was born here Octob.er 1?, 1881, the soil of W. H. Bennett and wife, Martha E. Bennett. During the greater of his life he was engaged in the mercantile business, making many friends throughout the sectihn in his daily work. five years ago he formed a partnership with C. B. Clark and was engaged in the drug business here. He -remained in this partnership until his health began to fail him ,and he withdrew about a year ago. 1 • For a long while, tuberculosis of the throat was thought to be his trouble. He had a diseased tonsil re moved but no relief was found to re sult from the operation, and after consulting specilaists at Johns-Hop kins hospital, Baltimore, he was told that had cancer of the throat. Since that time he suffered Unbeliev able pain of the body, but all the while he complained little and appear ed cheerful in spirit and mind. After the disease had entirely destroyed his speech on the day before his death, he took his pen and wrote to a nephew that it was well with his soul and for him to be good. In 1920' he married Mrs. Eloise Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Meadows, who survives him. He al so leaves two sisters, Mrs. Alonso Hs»ssell and Mrs. C. D. Carstarphen, and a host of friends throughout the section. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock at the residence of Mr. W. T. Meadows'by hispastor, Kev. C. H. Dickey, of the Baptist church. Interment Will be made in the Baptist cemetery. ' . BOUND OVER TO SUPERIOR COURT Simon Collie, of Louisburg, Tried Here on Charge Qf Seduction I'robably the moat-regretted case in cimler's court here Tuesda when a charge of ''seduction under promise of marriage was heard against Simon Collie, a young Louis burg man. Little Miss Keba Whitaker, pale amt broken with the hardship ji her ordeal and with a baby only 2f> days old, told of the "betrayal. Shi was supported by statements made by heir mother who said that thi young Franklin county shiek had courted her daughter over a period of about eighteen .months duration. The family regarded Collie as a worthy young man. I At the hearing it was shown that i the young girl felt that the opportun i ity to marry this nice looking young I man yvas not to be thrown aside, and tha' the chances were worth taking. However, she was not wise enough .to see the poison in her suitor's pur pose. She did not know that he was already married and that she was his fourth victim. Judge Bailey ordered the defendant held under a SBOO bond for his ap pearance at the next term of Martin County Superior court. According to information supple mentary to that heard in the court, Collie's only reason for coming to this county was to engage in rum run ning. It is understood that he would sneak down from Franklin county for a load of liquor aijd would call on the young Whitaktr girl at her home in the Cross Koads section. During the hearing here last Thursday Collie held his head high while the evidence was given against him by the young mother. Bond for the defendant was placed at SI,OOO at first, but later Judge Bailey agreed to take off S2OO. Federation To Hear Drc ~ O. P. Fitzgerald Tonight Dr. O. P. Fitxgerald, pastor of the local Methodist church, will address the Christian federation at the Bap tist church tonight at 7:3® o'clock. -11 i« public ia cordially Invited to hear him and the members arc urged to attend.

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