I Wack the Label on Yow I Paper; It Carries the Date I Your Subscription 'Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 80 $40,000 of County Taxes Are Collected Thought Collections This 1 Year Are About Same As in 1926 GRIFFINS IS LEADING Other Townships Behind Collection Record of Year Ago; Change In System Responsible ' _ ■ An estimate coming from the | sheriff's office shows were around 145,000 of the county's 1927 taxes have been collected to date. Last year's collections were not available yesterday-"lTnd a comparison of 1926 and 1927 collections could not be made. It is thought, however, that collections so far this year are about the same as they were last year at this time. A small decrease can be ex- 1 pected in view of the fact that the books were a month late in reaching the sheriff on account of the. new county government system recently put into effect. Yesterday, Griffins township was leading in taxes paid, while practical ly all the other townships were lag ging behind last year's collections. Where around $60,000 have been j collected here in several weeks around fifty million were collected in New York Pity last Wednesday. The New York Times in an article says: "The City of New York received the biggest tax total in its history on Wednesday, according to a statement issued yesterday by Controller Chas. W. Berry. The day's collection* total ed $50,917,490.19. One year ago on the corresponding day the tax col lections were $33,371,871.25." The entire tax levy for the city a mounts to a little over four hundred and two million dpllars, and over three hundred and nineteen million have already been collected. COUNTY AGENTS MEET IN RALEIGH New Home Agent for Mar tin To Be There; Will Be } Here January 1, 1928 The annual conference of county agents and State extension workers' will open tomorrow in Raleigh. Home demonstration work will be the topic of the first few days' dis cussion, and only the home ,agents will attend the first few meetings. Miss "Pauline Smith states that -Mar tin county will be represented by a newly appointed agent. According to present plans of Miss Smith, the new agent will be ready to enter up on her duties in the county not later than the first of January. Next Monday Mr. T. B. Brandon with agents from - over the State will go to ltaleigh for a week's in struction. Extension workers from Washington, D. C. will deliver lec turse each morning, and in, the after noons special classes will be held. Mr. Brandon is planning on taking special work in poultry raising. He will also take special work in other phases of farm work. Recommend Elimination Of Many Radio Stations Washington, D. C., Dec. I.—The Federal Radio commission recom mended the elimination of half of the now-existing radio stations of this country, if the recommendation of the commission is followed, around 300 radio stations in the United States will be closed. Most of the new stations, especial ly those built in 1927 are expected to lose their licenses after the first of February, 1928. STRANH THEATRE IJ WEDNESDAY DON'T MISS Buddy Roosevelt, Jr. in the "DANGEROUS DUB" , i " * - # Also Comedy and FREE TICKET FOR SHOW FRIDAY -- 1 ' Always a Good Show: THfi ENTERPRISE^ BUT SIX AUTO LICENSES SOLD Local Bureau Reports Slow Sale; No Extension To Be Granted The sale of automobile and truck Licenses got off to a slow' start la.,i week and Up until Boon yesterday the local bureau had sold only six plate 3. Several reasons for the slow sale of the licenses by managers ibf the lical bureau, and while they expect the sale of the tags to increase shortly there will likely be one of the greatest rushes for licenses right at the last minute than has been experienced be fore, The State forbids automobile owners putting the tigs on their cars before' the first of January, conse- ; quently the people are in no hurry j to make their purchases. According to an announcement made j by the Carolina Motor club, there will be no extension of time granted for the purchase of the tugs this sea-1 son. BAPTISTS HEAR y MISS WALTON Meredith College Girl Talks In Two Churches of County Sunday Miss Katie Lee Walton appeared in two Baptist churches in this coun ty last Sunday, speakingTw'the Con gregation of that denomination in Everetts in the afternoon and to a similar congregation here that even ing. She is one of the fifty Meredith College gills who came into Eastern North Carolina thin week end to speak in behalf of the Centennial ( Fund now being raised by the people of the Baptist denomination. Miss Walton made a short speech ' here and made it well. The direct , new and simplicity of her manner won those who heard her. Well poised, simple in dress and manner, she herself was an incarnation of the thing she was speaking of, namely, Christian education. Great progress is being made by the denomination in raising the vari- j ous quotas, and it was said by the pastor of the local church today that he contemplated no trouble whatever in rai-ing the quota of the William ston church. FORD SHOWING BLOCKS TRAFFIC 250,000 People See New Car in New York City Last Friday Traffic was blocked and as many as fifteen policemen Were called out to handle the crowds last Friday as they went to the Ford showrooms in the big cities. In New York-City, 250,1)00 people visited the great showrooms of the dealers in that city and saw the real Ford. Fifty thousand orders were placed with the dealers there, and or ders continued to pour in all Sat urday and yesterday almost as fast as they did on Friday. Messrs. Woolard and Green, local dealers, stated yesterday that they had an even greater showing than did New York, for where one twenty - eighth or thereabouts of the popula tion in the big city saw the new Ford, practically the entire population in Williaqsston heard about the much talkad-about thing. The dealers here would not say just when they expected their first car, but gave out strong hints that I they would receive one the latter part I or the first of next week. y— County Agent's Report For Month of November A report to the county commission ers in session here yesterday showed where the greater part of November was used by the county agent in get* ting orders for a car of Pyrotol and making deliveries. Many hogs 'were treated, as usual Mr. Brandon states Several days were used by the agtn* ir. assisting farmers in curing sw t potatoes. "Farmers who want to get orders for farm drain tile are asked to sec the county agent any time this fhonth or in January. The proper drainage of farm lands in this county is ve»y important, and farmers are urged to better it whereever possible." Tlj: report shows where the agent spent eighteen days in the field, seven days in-the office, held ninety-nine of fice conferences, seventy-two tele j hone calls answered, one hundred and seventy-two letters written, toAy mne farms visited, six hundred and ninety three miles traveled on official duties and ninety-three hogs treated Williamston, Martin County, North Caroling, Tuesday, December 6, 1927 ASK FOR SPECIAL TERM OF COURT % —— County Commissioners in Regular Meeting Here Yesterday A resolution, asking for a special term of superior court in this county for the trial of civil cases to begin January 30 and continue two weeks was passed by the County Commis sioners at their regular meeting here yesterday. The session yesterday went by without features, there being lit tle business on the day's program. Mr. J. G. Barnhill was elected chair man for the ensuing year. Rosette Knight was allowed the sum of $2.00 per month on account of outside poor. Dr. William E. Warren was again elected county health officer at a sal ary of S3O per month. W. E. Clark, of Cross Roads town ship was released from payment or tax on SI6OO solvent credits listed by error. The official bonds of the clerk 'of; i court, register of deeds, sheriff and I county treasurer were examined, re* | vised and approved. REGISTER FOR POWER ELECTION! Books Closed Saturday J | Election To Be Held on Tuesday, 20th The registration for the special power election to be held here the 20th of this month closed last Satur day evening after 328 people had reg istered. With little interest in the registration evident when the books were first opened, the number gradu ally increased and in the last day or so around a hundred people placed their names on the books. During this week, the books will be open for chal lenge, and anyone is at liberty to re view the registration and should there be cases of irregular registering, ! I such cases should' be reported to the | judges of election. * The election on Tuesday, the 20th i of this month means much to the ! town proposition merits the i of everyone who has registered. If it is a\good thing, the qualified voters should see that the election is carried; if it is a bad thing, it is the, duty of the qualified voters to tuiii it dow.n. One way or the other, 1 each of us should give the situation j careful study and vote according to j the fthdings. MEET AT LOCAL SCHOOL MONDAY Parents-Teachers Associa tion and Woman's Club To Hold Joint Meeting Mr. S.-.m Perry, of the Wear-Ever Aluminum company, will give a spec ial demonstration in the use of Wear- Ever aluminum at a joint meeting of the purer, s-teachers association and Woman'ir club in the school audi-1 torium here next Monday night. Be sides giving the demonstration, Mr. I Perry will make a short talk on "Health and Food Values." Members of both the school organ ' ization and Woman's club as well as the general public are invited and urg ed to attend the meeting. In connection with the attendance upon the meeting, Mr. Perry's com pany will give several prizes, and for each person present, twenty-five cents worth of aluminum will be given the school. Imagine how well a domestic science room could be equipped with cooking utensils should the audi torium li»-packed that'evening. Mr. Perry gave a similar demon stration and lecture at the Robetson ville school last Thursday evening, and in spite of the bad weather, a good number attended the meeting and were pleased with the prizes and donations made to the school. i Episcopal Women To Have Bazaar Thursday The Woman's Auxiliary of the Episcopal church have made extensive preparations during the past several months for the annual church bazaar at the Woman's club next Friday night. The ladies will have many use ful gifts on display, and are announc ing a turkey ([dinner for that even ting. Christmas Seal Sale One-Third of Quota While the local committee is far from its goal, it has sold around one third of the tuberculosis Christmas ' seals up to the present time. the sale ends Christmas, the com mittee thinks it will dispose of all the 20,000 seals assigned ss a quota to this community. Mr. J. W. Hines, of Oak City, was a business visitor here today. ' CITY FATHERS IN! REGULAR, MEET HERE LAST NIGHT Only Few Minor Matters Brought Before Board Meeting TAX QUESTION AGAIN Still Having Trouble With Taxes on Northern Boundary of ' Town Limits It goes without saying that the town has an unlimited numbur of tax problems bunched along its boundary just beyond the At a regu lar meeting of the town commission ers last night, a relief order was granted to Gurthie Strawbridge on property incorrectly Hated in town. Several months ago the town's boun dary was extended out beyond the cemetery, but from the way com plaints have come before the com missioners, one would think tfje tax line went to the canal. Gradually however, the tax line has been work ed back to a point within keopiug and the complaint last night showed where about one-sixteenth of a lot was in town and the remaining fifteen sixteenths of the property were in the country. During the several months just passed not over one or t\vo meet ings have been held without a com plaint coming from along that boun dary line. The commissioners have had the line surveyed and half of the town's officials have walked the boun dary from end to end in an effort to straighten out tax differences. Permission was refusml Gurthie Strawbridge to build a stoi* on wheels and place it On the lot at the rear of the Atlantic hotel. This .action was followed when it was found that the portable structure would be located in the fire district of the town. L. B. Shrier, of Norfolk, interested in a national publicity number of the Enterprise, before the Board and asked its support in. publishing the edition. It was found that such j procedure on the part of town of I ficials was illegal, and the matter was ■ referred to the local civic organiza ! tions. Frank Carstarphen pleaded with the three members oWs hoard present at the meeting to extend the [ time limit for dances held here. The i'commissioners reflated to listen to the pleadings, and, stSted that the dance would have to be held in ac cordance with the now existing or dinances. Uptfn a-motion martir'by Mr. W. T. Meadows, those provisions al lowing a certain per cent, of dance receipts go to various organizations were rescinded, and policing of dances I was ordered paid in advance. —Soon after "this procartufe, "the T»o aril entered into a secret session. COURT SEASON BEGINS TONIGHT Local High School Basket ball Team To Meet * Windsor Here The local high school basketball team will bpen the season here to night in a practice game with the Windsor high school boys. Practice has been carried on for hardly m&re than a week, but Coach Hood is fast developing the boys into a presentable team, and bids to make a creditable showing in that sport thi.s season. Schools in the county refused to en ter their teams in the peanut cage tourney in Ahoksie this week on ac count of the long schedule which Would lequire the players to be out of school a greater part of the week. Parent-Teachers To Meet At School Thursday, 3:45 > The regular meeting of the parents teachers associat on will be held Thursday, December 8 in the school audifbrium at 2:45 p. m. You are ask ed to be present. - LOCAL HIGHS TO PLAY VANCEBORO HTKK FRIDAY The Becond game on the high school basketball schedule will be played here Friday night when the locals meet Vanceboro. 0' shop] E4RLY Is ,the Town Making Money On Its Electric Power Plant? PEANUT SHOW GETS UNDER WAY Tobacco PageaVit Staged by Williamston People At Opening Last Night The second peanut exposition to be held m America was opened last n.ght at Ahoskie. The town had made extensive preparations to receive the many vis itors from the peanut sections of Carolina and Virginia. The streets were a blaze with electric light es pecially arranged by the Virginia Electric and I'ower Company. Many beautifully decorated floats' of the peanut, corn, cotton, tobacco arrti other crops and industries paraded the long streets of the progressive host^^own.' Tne parade ended at a big toblcco warehouse where a pageant was pre pared by Mrs. Francis 1). Winston, and which brought unlimited praise and applause from all present. Airs. Winston showed the waves of the ocean as they receeded from the lands. As the waves hurriyd away, th* sand queen made her appearance., The red men finally came to the j friendly queen, and through the | friendship which followed, Indian | corn, tobacco, cotton and the peanut became close associates in the same field. _Jealousies followed and each claimed the king's crown. Gotton, for a time, held the crown and in turn corn, tobacco and peanut entered their priests. ■ The contest was settled by a vote of the visitors. Indian corn's claim was presented by the two little twin town of Woodville and Lewiston. Cliowan College and Murfreesboro upheld cotton. The cause of tobacco was championed by Williamston with Joe Ilurton.as King Tobacco. Roxobel, Ivelford and Windsor assisted by Colerain put the peanut in the run ying. After a fair discussion, follow i ing the exhibitions, the crown was piiMxed on Mr. Peanut. The tobacco feature was staged by Mrs. Wheeler Martin as leader with a large number of local people as sisting. Young girls, Mary Alice Dun ning, Elsie Andrews, Rebecca Harri son, Louise l'erry, Ruth Norton, Mil dred Gurganus, Jane Moore and Thelma Cook were dressed in green and represented the growing plant. Orange or ripe tobacco was used for the costumes wron by Eugenia Hoyt, Ruth. Pee). Whitley, Jthdinu. Brown, Nellie Teel, Hazel Edmund ion, Tiliie l'erry and Julia Ward. As early users of the weed, the foL lowing countries were represented: France by Casper Baldwin, England by Harry Meador, Ireland by Hubert Morton, Spain by Seth Baugh-un, America by Leaman Barnhill and Jay Griffin represented the world. STOCKINGS FOR OTEEN PATIENTS Woman's Club Asked To Send As Many Christmas Stockings As Possible The local Woman's club is a ked by Mrs. N. Buckner, general chair man of the Christmas stocking com mittee for Oteen, to send as curuy stockings as jtoasibe for t)m— 'lj|ist mas celebratioh given each year at the L. S. Veterans' hospital at Ct3en. For the past several years, the clubs have very generously remembe;cd all patients and personnel, at the hospital on Christmas Eve with a filled Christ mas stocking as a message of good cheer. The club women of Asheville assist in the distribution of these stockings on Christmas Eve at a party given by the Red Cross. Th- patients who are too ill to at tend the party have their stockings carried to them by a Red Cross work er, accompanied by Santa Cl&us, thus everyone is remembered. *■ , Those who will gjve stocking; are asked to send them to Mrs. J. F, 'i'higpen^ The stockings should be- made of colored mosquito netting, red or green where possible,.as this adds to the Ghristmas touch and are filled with small gifts, candy in oil paper bags, nuts, raisins, dates, figs but no perishable fruit. Plesse send them -early that they may be delivered to the Bed Cross at Oteen Hospital several dyas b('ore the Christmas Eve party. Be sure to place your name with street and post office address in the toe of the stocking wish to hear from your gift. Remember this, for so often a card with no address is enclosed and the gift is not ac knowledged. Also remember that many of the patients are quite sick, and while your gift is much appreci ated, they do not feel able to write a letter. FERTILIZER TEST IS COMPLETED BY STATE STATIONS - i Publish Results of Experi-1 ments Extending Over Twelve-Year Period BOOKLET IS FREE Phosphoric Acid Essential on All Soils; Similar Tests Conducted Last Two I Years in Martin County Results ■ made known of far ' "tilizer experiments with tobacco cov ering a period of twelve years at the Oxford tobacco Station and a lesser I time at Reidsville, have now been i published in technical bulletin IVJ-T, •'Fertilizer, Tests with tlue-cured To bacco" by the L'ifited States Depart ment of Agriculture. This work in this State was done in cooperation with the.State Department of Agri culture and the North Carolina Fx-1 periment Station at State College. ly announcing the new bulletin,) "the. governmental authorities state | that it will be of great value to to bacco growers throughout the entire flue-cured tob&cco regin. They say also that- it will be of value to ex tension workers, county agents and students of agriculture. Because tobacco is grown for the most part on light and relatively in fertile soil, the authors believe that the growers can go far in regulating the yield and quality oft the crop by the wise selection and proportions of the fertilizer used. Phosphoric acid was found essential on all spoils, particularly virgin soils and those applications of fertilizer from 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre ' should be of mixtures containing at least 6 per cent of this element. Vhe ammonia or nitrogen should alsq be carefully controlled. Too much inter-' l feres with the quality of the weed-but from 30 to 40 pounds per acre favors r quantity as wej| as quality proJbc ( turns. A combination of materials from both an organic and inorganig. source fs recommended. Potash, states the bulletin, is perhaps the nioHl im portant single element in insuring quality in tlfc crop. From 40 to 60 pounds ""an acre provi>d sufficient in | the combinations tented but higher ap plications were favorable in giving I greater resistance to leaf spot in certain seasons. Also, too much I chlorine applied potash, in , jured the burning quality of the leaf. The tests also indicated the de sirability of including some magnesia in~ the fertilizer mixture or applying it in the form of ground-magnesian i limestone. Where magnesia is de i fiieient, both the yieljl and quality of i the flue-cured tobacco suffer. How -1 ever, limestone should not be applied Jto excess as it tends to favor root diseases and . liberate* ammonia. The | bulletin indicates that applications of j|,1,000 pounds per acre of ground dolo 'Tiitii- limestone is favorable for high er production anil a better quality of .obacco leaf. The United States Department of Agriculture offers the bulletin free of • barge to tobacco growers and others I on application. A similar test was conducted in this I county this year and last by Messrs. : J. H. Floyd and Agent T. 11. Brandon. results at the Oxford station are (ifVctifiUry th~e same as those found in thiii county. TWO PROGRAMS I FOR EVERETTS Fiddlers' Convention and Play at School There This Week Everetts and community faces a well-arranged entertainment program this week; for on Thursday night, fiddlers will assemble there from sev ' eral counties and join in an ole time I fiddlers' convention, and then on the" I I following night, Friday, the active Modem Woodmen camp there will . give, evidence to its beorism by stag ing ''tteved by the Woodmen", a com edy drama in four acts. Careful planning has been made for the fiddlers' convention which will be held in the school auditorium there at 8 o'clock, .iind a splendid program is assured. play which will also be -held in the fiveretts school audi torium at 8:00 o'clock is being ar ranged by members of the camp, and a packed house is expected to witness it Friday night. Christian Philatheas To Meet Friday Night The Philathea cfass of the Chris tian church will meet at the home of Mrs. Henry D. Harrison Friday night i at 7:30 o'clock. All members are in vited. ' i i 4 Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 ' Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 Proposed Sale of Plant Makes Study of Question Imperative FIGURES FROM AUDIT Interest" and Depreciation Cut Gross Earnings of Plant Down to Where Los* Is Shown Is the town making money on its light plant? This question has come well to the front since the selling of the town's •light -distribution system has, been put before the people for considera tion. According to the latest audit made in June, the Town of William ston has invested in its light and water plant $135,417.19. At the pres ent time the plant is not listed at that price, but according to the audit it is. valued at $117,640.24 or $17,777.25 less than the originaf cost. The town issqed six per cent, bonds, "amounting to $230,000 for the building of its light and water system. The audit \hows that of these bods $207/ 000 are now outstanding, and around $23,000 has been paid. The total in come from, fight customers for the year ending May 31, 1027 was $20,- 855,84. The Cost of production was $10,197.30, making an apparent in come of $10,658.54. lnteresi on $117,- 640.24, the reputed value of the plant at this time, amounts to $7,058.40, and when that "amount'is deducted from the apparent income, there is left a sum of only $3,800.13. De preciation comes in and continues to cut apparent profits. The entire dis tribution system must be rebuilt at once as most of the pole line is un safe and in its present condition broken service can be expected. The question of obsoletion should be considered, for the steam unit at the plant at this time is running at a loss even, though the current it generates sells for fifteen cents the kilowatt hour« The cost to operate the unit is more than the return from it, and it has to run certain hones practically every day to furnish the ""necessary power and lights. The question of what a fair de preciation would be on a plant similar to the one here is viewed differently by many men. The best accountants figure from six to ten per cent, an nually. The government allaws eight per cent., and if that rate is applied to the local plant, a depreciation a mounting to $9,161.214- would have to be cared for. This would make the plant show a loss of $5,86J|.09 How ever, street lighting and water pump ing should be entered as a $5,000 % credit to the plant, but still a loss of " $861.00 remains. Suppose the town charged a ten cent rate instead of a fifteen-cent one, the loss would have been around $7,500 for the year ending May 31, 1027. 4 RECORDER HAS " BUT ONE CASE Rufu3 Taylor Sentenced To Ten Months in Jail; Appeals Recorder's court here today was unusually quiet and had it not been for ail old case brought over, there would have been nothing before the court. The case was against Rufus Taylor, a young white man, who got drunk several months ago and did consider able fighting and stole a few things. The attorney for the defendant con tended that it was not Taylor that did the fighting and stole, stating it was the liquor in him. Judge Bailey admitted the fact that liquor did its part perfectly in the fijpht, but for the stealing, he decided to Jiold young Taylor to blame. The Judge gave the defendant ten months in the bo.uuty jail, the last nine of the term to be served on the Edge combe . roads. The nine months are to be suspended upon payment of cost and on good behavior of Taylor. From this judgment an appeal was made to the superior court which will be held here next Monday. Bond was fixed ut S3OO for his appearance. The court's proceedings were heard by two officers, two lawyers, one de fandant, one judge, one spectator and one newspaper man. Some cftwd. Important Meeting Of Juniors Thursday Night An urgent call is being made this week by officers of the local Junior Order to jnembers, insisting that they attend a meeting of the organization Thursday night at 7:80 o'clock. Im portant business is scheduled for the meeting and it is necessary that a large represntaUon of the members be : present.