Tuesday, December 6, 1927 Haallan Waddin*a Bte. Visiting His Son Here Mr. James Pardo arrived Satur day night from Sanford, where he has been visiting, to be with his son, Rev. C. 0. Pardo, who is very ill at his home here. Visits Friends Here, W. T. Thomas, of Greenville, yis -ited friends here Sunday. Spend Friday in Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Martin pent Friday in Norfolk.^ Returns to CreeSmoor Miss lola Lyons, of Creedmoor, has returned home after attending the funeral of Louis Bennett here _ Saturday. Holding Court in Raleigh Judge Clayton Moore is holding •»court in Raleigh this week. Wilson Lamb Here Friday Wilson G. Lamb arrived home Fri day night to attend the funeral of Louis Bennett SaturdayJQ^ - "Chief" Haxton Visitor Here Engineer A. K. Haxton, of Wash ington, D. C., spent the week end here. Mr. Haxton is now associated with Charles R. Upham, one of the country's foremost engineers. Attend Funeral Here Saturday Dr. and Mrs. J. A, White and son, James, of Littleton, attended the funeral of Louis Bennett Saturday. Leave for Greenville, Tenn. Messrs. F. W. Hight and H. B. Anderson left Sunday for Greenville, Tenn., where they »will work on the tobacco market. In Tarboro Yesterday Mesdames Jqhn L. Rodgerson and Marshall Rodgerson shopped in Tar boro yesterday. Return From Elizabeth City Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Godwin and Julius Peel returned yesterday af ter attending the funeral of Major Andrew Pendleton in Elizabeth City. — - www. y\A vvJL/\AysjkyvAy\A/sxyvA-yxA/xA_r^o'' Brighten up the home for Christmas festivities with new furniture. Don't let the sparkling brightness of Christmas put your home to shame! One or two pieces will do wonders—a new chair for here—a new table for an odd corner —perhaps a complete ne*v suite! Regardless of your needs, you wjjl find here quality furniture at ex r, * tremely moderate prices. And for your further convenience, there is our deferred payment plan. We will hold any pieces until wanted—or make immediate delivery. And, lest you forget, nothing has yet been discovered to take the place of furniture , as a perfect gift. B. S. COURTNEY GORMAN'S MARKET REPORT i^————_———————————_————_ « , f _________ . J. ™' "'" W "f not '° large Us ' " eek „! nd we finished "chday «ound the dinner hour. Prices were stronger the latter part of the week. Some new orders were placed here for erades that had been neglected since just before Thanksgiving. We have worked hard for our customers; and those who sold with us, after looking at. the other sales, were satisfied, and many thanked us for their good sales. We are now selling lots of barn cleanings and but little fine tobacco. This has affected the average. We note the averages as published in the papers from the other markets, and these show Greenville s daily average to be higher each day than any market in tho east. It will pay you to sell in Greenville and at Gorman's. The sales will con tinue small from now on, and you can count on our selling out any day you may come, as there is not enough tobacco, left to cause any more "Block Sales." We advise against selling scrap. Tie up what you can, and us. the balance for fertilizer. When you sell scrap, if you allow for your work, you get nothing and give the manufacturer tobacco that he uses in place of other higher-priced tobacco, besides swelling the government report of production, which affects your future crop. Send us your tobacco and we will do our best to please you. * r 4 * ' J. N. GORMAN & SONS Greenville, N. C. Society & Personals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL. Editor Returns to Duke University Bryant Carstarphtn returned to Duke University Sunday after at tending the funeral of his uncle, Louis Bennett. Attend Meeting in Washington Mpsdames E. S. Peel, C. O. Moore, J. 0. Manning, Henry Harrison, and Rev. Hale attended a convention of the Christian Church in Washington yesterday. Visiting in Norfolk Mrs. W. J. Hodges is in Norfolk this week visiting relatives. In Rocky Mount Friday , Messrs. W. C. Manning, Jack Booker, and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Manning, jr., attended a district meeting of the North Carolina Press Association in Rocky Mount Friday night. 1 Here From Hamilton T. B. Slade, jr., of Hamilton, was here Monday on business. Attending Medical Convention Dr. William E. Warren joined Dr. George Collins, of Charlotte, and Mr. William 1. Berryhill, of Raleigh, to day to go to Norfolk for the annual meeting of the Seaboard Medical So ciety. Dr. Warren was formerly a president of this society. i . Leave for Norfolk Harry Biggs and Dr. John Cotten Tayloe, of Washington, will leave to night by motor for Norfolk, to attend the meeting of the Seaboard Medical Society. Dr. Tayloe will read a pa per before the society on "The Value of Blood Transfusion^ To Hold Public Reception The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church will hold a public reception at the home of Mrs. L. B. Harrison, on Haughton Street, Thursday night, December 8, at 8 p. m., honoring the new Meth odist pastor, Dr. O. P.' Fitzgerald, and his wife. Every one is cordially invited to call. PHONE Anything far This Department Ta 46 Kuifj Dr. and Mrs. Warren Misses Sophia Little and Nina Fleming, of Pactolus, are visiting | their aunt, Mrs. William E. Warren, ! this week. ' COOPERATION AT OAK CITY SCHOOL Secured by Means of Special Programs; Fiddlers' Con vention Friday Night Oak City, Dec. 3.—At a local teachers' meeting early in September, called by Principal H. M. Ainsley, for consider ation and discussion of vital school ob jectives, the one objective of coopera tion was emphasized. It was decided that the home and school should be brought closer together. It was ad mitted that patron approval of school work is imperative for a good com munity school. The next question was on the enlightening of patrons, of the district in order to build up community cooperation. Special programs and ac- I tivities were suggested. Therefore, the ParenfTcacher Association saw a | chance to function and has been one great factor in helping to bring about I the best cooperative spirit in the Oak I City School that has been ill five years, • as is expressed by leading members of the association. Keen interest is mani fested at each meeting. Problems are i ! freely discussed, sympathetic attitudes | I expressed, that' the point is realized that it takes extra activities to J>ring j home and school together. Programs, carnivals, fiddlers' con i vetttions, and plays are drawiitK pa- I trons to the school who never come j under ordinary circumstances. A typi- I cal experiment, the fiddlers' conven tion Friday night, December* 2, will illustrate the advantages. The eott j vention opened at 8 p. m. and lasted until 10 p. m. The school auditorium was filled in spite "of rain and bad roads. Kighty dollars and thirty cents were .taken in from door receipts This fund will aid in' taking care of many things which the school board can not provide. Fathers, mothers, friends, and Neighbors came and they went away rejoicing. Only by a program of this type can a crowd of people be brought to the school." Is it worth while? NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hfteby given that under and by virtue of a certain collateral note and under the terms thereof, which note was executed to the un dersigned by B. R. Ilarnhill and others, the same being long past due, and oir THE ENTERPRISE IN MEMORIAM In remembrance of. my dear father, Mr. Tob Lee, born January 13, 1851, died October 30, 1927, age 76 v A precious one from us is gone; A voice we loved is stilled; A chair is vacant in our home, . Which never can be filled. God in His wisdom has recalled The boon his love had given; And though the body slumbers here. His soul is safe in heaven. We miss thee from our home, dear father; We miss thee from tty place. A shadow o'er our life is cast; We miss the sunshine of thy lace. We miss thy kind and willing hand, Thy fond and earrfest care. Our home is dark" without thee; We miss thee everywhere. Written by his loving daughter. ' Mrs. BETTIE MOBLEY. account of default in the payment thereof, the undersigned will, on Wed nesday, the 7th day of Divmebef] 1927, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the court house door of Martin County at Wil liamstou, N. C., offer for sale, at pub lic auction, to the highest .bidder, for cash, the following collateral, to wit: One certificate, No. 31, for four shares of stock in the Roanoke To bacco Warehouse Company, Williun ston, N. C. This 12th day of. November. 1927. F. I' BARNES. .'Owner of.note collaterally secured by above stock. nIS 4tw Hugh G. Horton, attorney. COMMISSIONER'S RESALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of authority vested in the undersigned commission er by order of the superior court l>f Martin County, North Carolina, in a special proceeding entitled, 11. B. Bennett and others, ex parte, wherein a raise in the bid having been made, and a resale ordered, I shall offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door at Williamston, North f Carolina, -on Friday, December 2nd, I''27. at 12 o'- clock noon the following tracfor par cel of laud situated and lying in the county of Martin. State of North Car olina, and bounded as lollowrf, to wit: Bounded on the north by the lands nf J. G. Staton, on the east by Sweeten Water Creek, on the south by Noah Huff and j. G. Staton, and on the west by Daniel-Staton Mill Road; containing one hundred and twenty (120) acres, more or less. This Kith dav of November, 1927. R, L. COBUKN, ulB 2tw Commissioner. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County; in the superior court, before the clerk. In the matter of Bessie Beach and husband, Chester Beach, Dennis Peel, Lillian Gurganus and husband, M. R. Gurganus, Edna Roberson and husband, Mansie R. Roberson, Ar thur Peel, and Rhoda Ayers and hus band, Arthur Ayers, said Rhoda Ayers being a minor aAd appearing by her next friend, J. Sam Uetsing er, ex parte. Pursuant to an order signed by R. J. Peel, cletk of the superior tourt of Martin County, in the above entitled proceedings on the 15th day of No vember, 1927, the com missioner will on Thursday. the 15th day of December, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wiltianiston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to wit: BoundM on the north by Daniel Gurganus, on the east by A. L. Rogers on the south by Claude Whitehurst, and J. B. Ayers, and on the west by J. T. Rogers, containing 54 acres, more or less, and being more commonly known and designated as Charles Turner Peel's Ausbon land in Bear Grass Township. This 15th day of - November. 1927. ELBERT S. PEEL, nlB 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE Having this day qualified as execu tor under the will of the late Alfred F. Modlin, deceased, all persons hold ing claims against the said Alfred E. Modlin are hereby notified to present same to me for payment on or before the 23rd day of November, 1928. or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to'said estate will please come forward and make immediate payment of sam^ This*23rd dav i'f November, 1927. JOE G MODLIN. i 125 6t Executor of Alfred F. Modlin. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that .'certain deed of trust executed on the sth day of July, 1920, by Kdie 'Brown, and of record in the public Tegistry of -Martin Coun ty in book G-2. at page 9, said deed "wT'fiTCist having been given to secure the payment of certain notes ofceven date and tenor therewith, and the stip ulations in said deed of trust not hav ing been Complied with, and at the re* quest of the parties interested, the un dersigned trustee will on the ,31st day of December. 1927. at 12 o'clock m.. at the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston. N. C., otler for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at public auc tion, the following described tract or parcel of land, to wit: , • Adjoining Hahie L Stokes and others in the Town of Partnele,* N. C., beginning at a stake at Hattie L. Stokes' south corner; -thence running north along Hattie I,'.*. Stoke's line thirty-seven 37) yards to a stake; thence easterly along Frank Jenkins' line sixty-seven (67j feet to a' stake; thence southerly along Frank Jenkins' Jine thirty-seven (37) yards to a stake; thence westerly sixty-seven (t>7) feet .to the- beginning This 30th dav of Novenil*t'r, 1927 " J. T. STOKfcS, d 6 4tw , Trustee. K. L. - Coburii, attorney. NOTICE OI^SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed on the 28th day of December, 1925, by Thonis Roberson and wife, Lucy .Roberson, and of Tec-' ord in the public registrv of Martui County in book g-2, at page 467, said deed .of trust being given to secure the payment of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and • the stipula- ■O4MFORT VjY '' LtKS power and flexibility, comfort id a car caa f JLt etcrm ' on ly by riding in it—not a short » fJwrJ r '^ e ' but a r 'de °f niany miles over many roads. AS " W \P \ springs and well upholstered seats are iX ,jL A.' J factors in comfortable riding, but neither alone jL f% J n ° r necessarily make for riding comfort (\ room . 'eg room, driving and riding vision, I HBWH] pitch of the seats, balance of body on chassis, y/ " e * of springs, size of tires, etc must all be * properly engineered and harmonwed to actual road conditions tp produce a comfortable car 1 For the buyer these things can be proven only by driving the car—so urge you to come io • « n,u l »ry a St#r and you will know why it is cai.ed the most comfortable car ever built at •he price • .. •• • — BARNHILL MOTOR CO. tions in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request .of the parties interested, the under signed trustee wilkon the 31st day of Dpcemher, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door in the town of Vyil liamston, N. C, offer for sale to the' highest bidder for cash at jmblic auc tion the following described tract of land, to wit; Adjoining the lands of J. H. Perry on the northeast, the lands of B. F. Godwin on the west, new road on the south, containing twenty (20) acres, more or less, nd beaing the same tract of land conveyed to Samuel VVim f>RESS UP FOR CHRISTMAS " Make Christmas a really formal holiday. Take your evening gown or dinner coat out of the clos et and let us dry clean it for you; so that it will look like new. , -.^ W. D. Ambers Pressing Club PAGE THREE bush by VV. V. Ormond on the 19th day of January, 1918, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book , at page . It also being the same and identical land con veyed by Wheeler Martin, trustee, to Robert L. Coburn, receiver of the Mar tin County Savings & Trust Co., and of record in the public registry of Martin County in book ——, at page nrade for a more perfect description. This 30th day of November 1927. LUKE LAMB, ; d 6 4tw Trustee. R. fc. Cohurn, attorney, «

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