r *\ | Wack the Label on Your fmstri ft C*ries the Date Subscription Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 81 $3,000 SUGGESTED FQR IMPROVING ROANOKE RIVER Board of Engineers Recom mend That Sum to House Committee WILL DO LITTLE GOOD , - Other Appropriation* for First Con gressional District Include 932,000 For Pamlico and Tar River* A huge sum of money lias been Axed for improvement of the Ration's waterways by the Army Engineers, but recommendations call for a meag er sum for improvement of Roanoke river. Three thousand dollars, an amount too big to throw away and yet not large enough to prove of any value whatever, have been recom mended for the river's improvement. Where the Roanoke is scheduled to get three thousand, Pamlico and Tar rivers will likely get $32,000. The Pagan and Nansemond rivers, in the same district as the Roanoke, must be in perfect condition, for they have ' $4,000 between them; People acquainted with the waters ' of the Roanoke are at a complete loss j to understand the recommendations j that have been made. But 'or its 1 mouth, the Roanoke river is one of > the deepest streams in the State, and at the present time an enormous amount of commerce is handled on it. \ The shoals at the mouth prevent lurpe 1 boats form entering the river, and when an appropriation of ten or twelve thousand dollars would put it > in good shape, three thousand are ! recommended. The limit set by Army Engineer* which could be profitably expended on ! the ordinary- development and niain-1 tenance of the nation's waterways | during the year beginning next July amounted to $56,888,314. The Roanoke rum- at the toil end of the limit. RAINS HOLD UP WORK ON FARMS Cause Delay in Picking Of Peanuts; Water High In Streams The heavy rains of the past few days have caused a delay in the pick ing of peanuts in this section. Farm ers were forced to turn their atten tion to other farm chores when the rains made work in the fields impos sible. Many farmers state that the recent rains were the heaviest this section has had during tlje past sever al months and that the ground has in it at this time than it has for a round two year#. v The water in the streams all through this section is running high and swiftly. The river, however, con tinues within its bank, but a swift current is flowing there. Automobile and Truck Wreck on Street Here While running from the cold weather, Sam Faulk's ice truck hit a Ford touring car on Main street here at noon today. Mr. Willie Harrison, driving the touring car was going up the street and was hit by the truck as it started to tum in the driveway next to the Farmers and Merchants bank. The damage included the de struction of two front wheels, one on each car. No one was hurt,. •ff Republican Convention In Kansas City June 12 The Republican National convention will be held in Kansas City June 12, 1928, that city being chosen after twenty ballots were cast. San Fran cisco ran a close second for the con vention. > The Democratic committee has jjot selected a place for its convention. It j is certain that it will be held after j the Republican convention. S^TRANH theatre! j SATURDAY KENMAYNARD in THE HAUNTED RANGE' Also Two - Reel Comedy And Serial "SCARLET BRAND" Always a Good Shpw; THE ENTERPRISE t • v *- , ' NEW AUDIT OF POWER PLANT W. T. Meadows, Treasurer ( of Town Submits Audit And Statement Disagreeing with the audit prepar ed by Mcßae and Company, certified ' public accountants, Mr. W. T. Mea- j dows, treasurer o fthe town, presents an audit of his own in this issue. Mr. | Meadows disagrees with the certified , accountants as to depreciation. Where the accountants took depreciation in to consideration, Mr. Meadows would let the cost of street lighting and water Dumping csre for that un avoidable evil. Mr. Meadows is firm in his con victions, and states, "Vote like you please, 1 am going to do the same; I and I may fool you all and vote to sell out and 1 may not. Who knows?'" A complete text of Mr. Meadows' statement can be found on page three of the first scetion this paper. 1,724 HUNTING i LICENSES SOLD 429 Issued in November; Williamston Township Leads in Sale | Came Wtfrden J. W. Hines states' that there were 405 county hunting , licenses, 21 State licenses and three | non resident licenses issued in No—j , vember in this county. Williumstoli township led the list with with 184 ; county, 14 State and three non-resi | dent licenses. Goose Nest sold 4.8 | county; Hamilton sold 08 county ami four State; Robersonville was second I with 89 county and three State. I Jamesville was lowest with 25 county | and no State licenses. Cross Roads reported 61 county licenses sold. The :otal number oif licenses issued since the law went into effect in Septmeber reached 1724 la%t month. Of the number, 1589 were county li censes while the others wefo resident state, 130 and non-resident five. Local Residents Lose Property at Exposition, Many valuables were lost by local residents while attending the second annual peanut show at Ahoskie lust Monday night. A check made of the valuables after the owners were' awakened from a short sleep showed where, King Vesta], of Italy, lost one 1 nice little brown mustache and a M u.saoiini flag. King Baldwin, of France,, was also short u mustache, of little value hojv- ] ever, one goatee and a big cigar. Leamori RarnKill, who so nobly bore the thirteen stripes and the forty eight shining stars, lost much uf the dignity characteristic of L'nele Sam when he lost his beautiful goatee. Hubert Morton, the Irish Red, lost the proud rag of the Emeralds, and , ole Ireland had no colors to wave in' the breeze. King Baugham, of Spain, is charg ed with the loss of two beautiful side burns. 4 Joe Horton, who was crowned King of Tobacco, says he is glad he held his own and returned home with all his valuables. ■ I ' , | "White Gift" Service Is To Be Featured Again The town of «Williamston had ' its ■ first elaborate "White Gift" jtervice last Christmas when the Baptist con gregation invited the- general public to the church at 5 o'clock in the af ternoon of the Sunday nearest Christ mas, to witness the service. It was announced today by a repre-1 sentative of the church that there would be another "White Gift" serv- I ice on Christmas day. This was one of. ! the most impressive services ever ! held in this community, and the con gregation and friends of the local church are anxious to have a similar service this Christmas. Since Christmas comes on Sunday this year, the Baptist people plan but two services, both to be held ok Christmas day. The "White Gift" service will be in morning, while the "Twilight | Service" will be held in the afternoon of Christmas day at 6 o'clock. ' Beauty Contest in School >Closes Tomorrow Night High school students here are eager ly awaiting tomorrow night, the time set for counting the votes cast for the prettiest girl in the senior clam. The winner will be announced tomor row night. / While there have not been a great number of votes east, the contest is expected to show dose returns to morrow night. The contest will be j checked at Clack's drug store where the voting is being curried on. The cfrosen girl will have • page : devoted to her in the high school an nuL\ Williamston, Martin County, Ncrth Carolina, Friday, December 9, 1927 ! FORMER MARTIN ] MAN FIGURES IN I BIG OIL SCANDAL L, j, I Jim Darden Had Big Role| In Securing Harding's Nomination I * I GAVE ss>ooo IN LIQUOR! I Col. Charles R. Forbes, in New York , World, Tells of Darden's Activities In Teapot Dome Affair Reports of the national oil scandal show where Jim Darden, originally of Dardens, this county, play ed a leading role in the nomination of Warren G? Harding for the preai dep y by furnishing $6,000 worth of | liquor. Darden's, rise came about in an almost unbroken chain. After ing here he made money in the tex tile later he squatted on the national oil reserve, Teapot Dome, and where he encountered many dif ficulties. At Washington he made money and became a close friend olj Warren G. Harding, lie was one of j the main supporters in procuring the nomination for Mr. Harding to the presidency. Col. Charles R. Forbers, writing in the New York World, speaks of Dar den, "I recall that when I was talk-1 ing with Mannington about the Car den appointment Jim Darden came in. Darden, who was from the South, whs ' | than a textile operator, and later, 1 believe, became an oil man. It may be interesting to relate how Darden , came into the picture. He met Hard- i ing through Daughtery and made a j $6,000 contribution to the Harding I ) pre-convention campaign. 1 recall this j contribution very well. The money | was turned over to Dr. Sawyer, who I bought $5,000 worth of whiskey ifrith it. The liquor was stored at Dr. Saw- j yer's White Oak Sanitarium, at the Marion Club and at Harding's resi- I dence. Whenever the Bupply ran low at the Harding house it was replenish- I ed from One of the other depots. "During Albert 11. Fall's sojourn 1 there it was necessary to keep the larder at the Harding home well sup plied. But he was not the only one who drew upon it; indeed, the SS,O(H) worth of whiskey was far from suf i Ikiuut. to -quench the thirst of th.t of fico seekers who descended upon j Murion. 1 don't want it to be inferred that Mr. Harding himself was dis- j pensing the liquor. It was kept in the bottom section of the sideboard in the Harding dining room." The editor of the News and Obst rver writes, "Darden was head of an oil' company which had a claim on Teapot A Dome and which moved a drilling rig j onto the reserve about the time that Fall leaned it to Harry Sinclair. Fall sent a squad of marines under Capt. George :?huler to eject the Danien outfit. • "In describing before the Walsh committee of the Senate how he re ceived las ordars from Fall, Capt. Shuler let-ifled that Fall told him there hud been a talk that morning between Fail and President Hardin#, at which Fall informed the President of his intentions. Fall said the Pres ident objei ted, declaring that Darden was his friend and had contributed $5,000 to his campaign fund. Fan quoted hir.ißelf as replying*: "Well, Mr. President, your friend is a low down ," to which Fall said the President tejoined:' "I Sup pose he was all of that when we got his chock, but it didn't prevent us from using the money." Young Colored Boy Struck by Automobile What could have easily been a serious accident resulted only a terrible scare and a negligible cnt oh the lip of a little colored boy named Bush yesterday afternoon. The boy was riding on the/back of a truck and hopped off near the rail road underpass at the end of Main street in front of Mrs. J. G. Staton's j car. William Chase who was driving' the car at the time attempted to'miss ' the boy, and when he failed to do so , the colored lad was sent head first into a ditch nearby. The child's mother said that the boy had been hanging on» the backs of trucks all during the day and that she had almost expected an accident. ' i Rev. Clarance O. Pardo j Is Very Much Improved Reports coming from the bedside of i Rev. C. O. Pardo state that his con- I dition is much improved. For several i days he was critically ill, but is now doing well and is expected to be able I to be up again soon. "Ben Hur" To Be Seen . Here January 2 * 3, 4 i "Ben Hur", one of the screen's greatest pictures, has been booked by the management of the Strand theatre i for showing here the 2, 3, and 4 of f t next month. Many people here have \ seen the picture, and they say it is one of the best on the screen today. 1 MEEX ATSCHOOL ' MONDAY J|IIGHT Joint Meeting of -Parents- Teachers and \Wsman's Club Scheduled The as.i>>ciation ■ and Woman's club will Sold a joint' meeting at the school &4)ise Monday night at 7:30 at whkh tine Mr. Sam I'erry, of the Wear-ever Aluminum Company, will give 4 » special demon stration on "Health and Fjd Value?", showing how to cook foods- to preserve their value, and to make the.n more healthful. In connection with the tendance upon the meeting, Mr., Ferry's com pany will give several prizes, and for each person, provided there are as many as one hundred present, twenty- Jive cents worth of aluminum will be give nthe school. Imagine how well a i domestic science room could be equip-1 ped.with cooking utensils should the auditorium be packed that evening. If all the membership of the or ganization were to attend, there would hardly be a hundred people present. This being true,., the officers of the two- organisations are urging all the ! parents of the town to attend so that ! the school might have the benefit of J this offer. SMASHES INTO TREE; RUINS CAR J. A. Cheek and Companions Unhurt in Wreck Here Early Yesterday Messrs. J. A. Cheek, employee V the Dunn Dumbing Cotijpuny here, William Faulkner, Att Maryland, and Robert Harrison, of I'antego, had a miraculous escape from death about one o'clock yesterday morning when Mr. Cheek ran his Chevrolet car into a tree near the warehouses here. Cheek was attempting to make the curve at the warehouses whon the spee'd» of the car forced him to run to the right of tiie road anil Into the tree. The car's front left light hit the tree and bumper, axle, fender.and a part of the engine lacked only a few inches of encircling the t j&e em brace was so firm that llPWflßt Vnd held tight to the tree while the real' end swung almost completely around. The occupants were thrown a few steps toward up town, and with the exception of a few minor cuts and bruises they appeared unhurt. The jvreck was pronounced to be tin* most complete ever seen here. During yesterday hundreds of 'people looked it over and wondered how the occupants ecsaped sudden death. Give Reception for New Minister oi Methodists > Last night from 8 to 11 o'clock, a reception whs held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Harrison, honor ing Dr. and Mrs. O. P. Fitzgerald, Dr. Fitzgerald having recently accept ed the pastorate of the local Metho dist church. Mrs. W. H. Crawford received the guests at the door and Miss Anna Pope Pope showed them upstairs where Miss Margaret Rodgersdn re ceived. Mrs. J. W. Watts, jr. served punch and Mrs. Anna Harrison in troduced them to the receiving line composed of Mr. and Mrs. 1., 11. Harrison, Dr. and Mrs. O. P. Fitz- ! gerald, Mr. Chas. D. Carstarphen, I Mrs. J. F, Thigpen, Mrs. W. E. War ren, Mr. J. E. Pope, Mr. It. S. Critch er, and Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Pope. Mrs. W. C. Liverman invited- the guests to the dining room vyhpre Miss Mary Clyde I*gg tt, Mrs. T. B. Brandon, Mrs. E. P. Cunningham and Mrs. W. H. llook r served ice cream and cake and mints. Mrs. Harper Hclliday sang several - selections during the evening and Mrs. W. C. Manning, jr. played a number of piano solos. About seventy-five guests called during the evening. Kiwanis To Sponsor Christmas for Poor The Kiwanis club is sponsoring a movement to have a* "community chest" and Christmas ' opportunities in and around Williamston. The club finds many people who are 'Willing and feady to help the helpless, but who never have time to find out the details of the needy. The move ment the club is undertaking will bring the rich and the poor together and save possible suffering in the community as well as revive the hearts of the poor. The cooperation of the public is urged in making the undertaking a successful one? ' Error in Sales in Farmers Warehouse Advertisement In the advertisement of the Farm el s Warehouse in this issue the wron,? sales are given. The sales for next week should be: Monday, 3rd; Tues day, 2nd; Wednesday Ist; Thursday, Brd; Friday, 2nd. * * FIRST YEAR OF 1 j SALARY SYSTEM SHOWS LOSS ! Fees of Combined Offices | Total $10,953.50; Salaries Are $14,087.50 COUNTY LOSES $3,134 Report Will Show Profit of f $4,000 or #5,000 When Sheriff Collects Taxes Fees collected by the clerk of the court, sheriff and register of deeds of the county during the year ending last Monday 'failed to counterbalance the salaries of these officers aiul theii clerks by a sum of $3,134.00. The fees collected by the officers during the first year thut the county has'been " operating under the salary nystem i amounted to $10,953.50. The salaries amounted to $14,087.60. The collec tions were turned over to the treas urer last Monday. The report of K. J. Peel, clerk oi court, showed that his office received , from all sources, $3,834.59. His sal ary amounted to $3,000 and that in- j eluded with the deputy's salary, $687.50, left a marginal profit of I $147.09. I J. Sam Getsinger, register of deeds, j collected from all sources, $4,417.40. [•Figuring in his sajary and that of his j deputies, a profit of $17.40. Was made | in that office. i A. L. Uoebuck, sheriff, collected j from official sources $2,701.51, His sayary amounted to $6,000, making his office show a loss for the year of $3,39K.49. The sheriff had no general taxes to' collect during the period which the report covers, and where his office would ordinarily show a profit between four and five thousand dol lars, it shows a loss this year. START PRACTICE ON SCHOOL PLAY Coach Arrives for "Cupid Up To Date"i To Be Staged Friday, 16 . - i Parts for the play "Cupidcup-to- Date", sponsored by the -Dramatic j club of the. local high school, were I assigned last night to some of the j town best amateur performers. The I first practice was held this afternoon I when the several choruses reviewed ! their songs and "danges. The main | characters of the cast will meet to night at 7:30 for their first practice. Miss Mubel Fountain, of the Wayne P. Sewell Company of Atlanta, ar rived last evening and she will direct 4-he .play. Mj»« Fountain is originally from Tarboro, and her work,with the Atlanta conjpany has been highly satisfactory. The play which will be given the 16th of this month is the first ever undertaken by the Dramatic . club. Members of the organization are greatly interested in the play and they will do everything possibly to make it a success. Windsor Wins, 18-16, Over Locals in Opening Game high school quintet losrsjiie first game of the season here last Tuesday night to Windsor by a ! score of 18 to 16. The game was play | ed on short notice ami before Coach I j Hood had had the opportunity to practice the boys more than twice, j Mr. Hood staled yesterday that he ' was pleased with the outlook fur the 1 j .season, and the the high school wks j in a position to turn out a winning team this year. Tonight there will be a double header when the local boys and girls 1 . meet those of Pantego. A better show-1 ing is expected on the part of the [ boys since they have scrimmaged j several times since playing Windsor. j - . | School At Everetts Wins Opener From Washington Everetts triumphed uver Washing ton in its first basketball game of the season at Everetts Wednesday night, winning 28 to 11. While the team was not up- to mid-season form, its mem bers played well.'Cherry, one of the' best players in the county last year, showed some of last season's form when he caged fourteen of his team's twenty-eight points. Potts for the visitors was high scorer with si* points. Coach Hix states that he is work ing out a schedule for this season, which he hoped to be ablu to announce within the next few days. """• Many Couples Married First Part of Month I Register J. Sam Getsinger stated yesterday that if marriages continue throughout December at the rate es tablished during the first f£w days qt the month, another record will be made. Last month a record in mar riages in this County was recorded. ' MailEarJy ' ~ snd use yS JT Christ mas Seal* / " " It J&S '■■■■■MMWk*! . . >unNHM 'SHINER'S' DREAM HERE THURSDAY # ; ' Federal Agents Drive Cap tured (Jar Built for Hauling Liquor t A big Studebuker automobile as , modern for its purpose aa Henry ! Ford's new car is for flexibility, style, etc., was on the streets here yester day afternoon. In short, it is beyond | the dream of moonshiners in these ! I parts. Kncased in the back of the j front set is a space especially fitted | to carry fifty gallons of liquor. The | rear seat, with a unique compart ment ,where the -cushions should be, goes the front seat twenty-five gal uiis better md carries seventy-five rations. The car 1* so carefully arranged foi liquor hauling that the keenest eye can not detect one thing out of the ordinary about it. However, when one taps the backs of the seats the knock produces a sound similar to one made on an empty wooden box. The car is fitted for transporting liquor mainly, for there are no springs in the backs of the seats. No, there was no liquor in the car yesterday. Federal agents poured that out when they captured the car in Norlina several weeks ago. The big Studebaker was running with Dis trict of Columbia licenses attached ! when it was seized, and prohibition authorities think that it was a j through car, transporting liquor j from Georgia or Florida to some of I the high-ups in the North. J. A. Clifton, of Fayetteville, ac j companied by Deputy T. C. Williams, I of Kinston and C. F. Alexander, of | Washington, drove the car through j here. Mr. Clifton itf in charge of the Federal Prohibition forces in tht Eastern District of North Caro lina. Baptists Announce Services for Sunday The pastor will prehch both Sun day morning and evening, preaching at the Everetts church in the after noon.' The teachers in the Sunday School' are asked to perfect, Sunday morn ing, whatever plans the individual class may have for its part in the "White Gift" Christmas service to be held on Christmas morning. Mr. Julian Anderson, for some years in charge of the Every Member Canvass, has asked a number fo peo ple to meet him at the church Sun day afternoon at 1:30 o'clock for the completion of the work so well begun { last Sunday. At Sunday morning's service, Mrs. Wheeler Martin will be at the organ, i while at the evening hour, Mrs. Lettie | llijfgs will play. ■p This church extends its sympathetic j interest to the Rector of the Episcopal I church in his recent illness. And this ' church would, be glad to lend its pas , tor to their congregation 'f at any ' time they might be able to use him I while Rev. Mr. Pardo is ill. The heart of the congregation goes I out to Mrs. Eloise flennett in the ; ordeal through which she has , passed. Sunday Services At Christian Church Services at the Christian church Sunday have been announced as fol lows: I c Sunday school, 0:46 a. m. Preaching services, 11 a. m. At 12 m. there will be a conference of the church's members. The mem bership is urged to be present. Preaching services, 7:30 p. m, The public is cordially invited to attend the services. Sale ot Automobile Tags Shows Increase While the sale of automobile and truck licenses has shown an increase this week, Messrs. Woolard and Green, of the local bureau, stated yesterday that there were 4900 more of the licenses to be sold. The bureau is averaging around ten daily now In its sales, but before the week is out, the number iB expected to show another increase. ; ' Advertisers Will Find Owr Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Homes of Martin County __ ESTABLISHED 1898" SUPERIOR COURT TO BE IN SESSION HERE NEXT WEEK Judge Frank A. Daniels To Preside Over Criminal And Civil Term »- LASTS BUT ONE WEEK Nineteen Defendants to Face Judge in Criminal Actions; Few Civil Cases Will Be Tried Nineteen defendants are scheduled lo face Judge Frank A. Daniels when superior court convenes here next week. The criminal docket carries fifteen cases, one or two of them be ing of a serious nature, but the ma jority being of little' consequence. Larceny and receiving charges, num bering seven, lead the list of cases, while there are two each of assault with deadly .weapon and house i breaking. Cases charging defendants ; with carrying a concealed weapon, t false pretense and operating a car pwhite intoxicated, bring the list to I fourteen. - - , I "Probably the most serious case is | that of Henry Carson, charged with the murder of Emily Hazemore which" } occurred several weeks ago. Carson > has talked very little during his con finement. He waived examination at j a hearing held soon after the murder, and the nature pf the defense he will offer is not known. Four of the nineteen defendants are in jail awaiting trial, while the other fifteen are out on bonds. Yesterday, the four in jail were singing mourn ful notes to a Doorly tuned accordian, pa?mjng the /ragging moments until the they Will face the court. , A few civil cases will be heard dur ing the latter part of the week since only the first two or three days will be required to clear the criminal doc ket of its cases. SCHOOLMAKES GOOD RECORD I i 32 Pupils of Everetts School 4 On Honor Roll; Average I* Attendance Is 155 The Everetts school made a com mendable showing during the, past J month when hirty-two of its pupils won scholastic honors and when an average daily attendance of 156 was made with an enrollment of 170 pui pils. An average attendance' "of 34 out of 3N was registered in the high school. Principal llix stated yesterday that -his students-were going- after i)uth at tendance and scholastic records this school year. The honor roll for the month are, First grade—Floyd Stalls, Hattie lames Taylor. Second grade—Hazel Stalls, Mar- I tell Louise Hunter, Herbert Cullifer, Calton Hardy. | •' Third grade—Velma Hritton, Avis ! Ward, Anna Louise Taylor, Margaret . Mills, Loyce Cullifer, Willie Kdmond son, Ashley Wynne. . Sixth grade—James Mallory, Rus • tiell Taylor Koebuck, Charlje Coltrain, Ella Cherry, Mary Virginia Daniel, Hazel Faulkner, Lola Jolly, Helen , Keel, Annie ! j Seventh grade—llene Wynne, Vir ginia Wynhe, Gentry Mills, Sidney Mallory, Nora Wynne, Hattie Rober »on. Eighth grade—Thelma Peel. ... Tenth grade—Kathleen Roebuck, • Ueatrice Wynne. : Many Attend Fiddlers' Convention at Everetts Reports coming from Everetts this morning state that the fiddlers' con vention held in the school building there last night was a great success. Fiddlers from several counties were on the stage, and played to people from all over the community. Tonight another packed auditorium is Expected when the Everetts Camp present the play, "Saved by the Wood i men." Special practice has been car ried on for some Ume and the presen tation tonight is expected to meet with much success. The Scotland Neck string band will play between i the acts. Here in Interest of Library for County Mrs. L. B. Griggs, Secretary of the Library Commission of North Caro lina, was here today in the interest ot a library for the County. Mrs. Griggs plans to return to the I county later and meet the people of the several communities in an effort I to provide a library for the County. I Martin county, at present, is one of i the forty-six North Carolina counties having no public library, i Mrs. Griggs says that money spent i on public libraries gives more returns I than the same amount of money spent even in our schools.

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