PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ' ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILLI AM STON, NORTH CAROLINA W. C. Manninir _ Editor Subscription Rates IN MARTIN-COUNTY 1 y»ar JlbO 6 months tfITSIDE MARTIN COUNTY 1 year ' $2.00 6 Vnontlis - J 00 (Strictly Cash in Advance) No Subscription Will Be Received for Less Than Six Month* Advertising Kate Be Furnished Upon Application EntereJ at the, post office at WilHamston, N. C., as-second-class matter under the act of Congress of .March 3, 1878. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not to indi-*"" vidua! members of the company. Friday, December 9, 1927 Does the Chain Store Spell the Doom of Local Initiative Who owns the chain- store, and where will it carry business is Ret ting to be grounds for thought. How long will it lie be-fore the Coca-Cola .company will stop selling wholesale and do its own retailing? Or how long l>efore the ligarettes and*tobacco will all be sold by the l r nited Cigar, Stores? No one can do more than | guess, but with the rapid trend of things, as shown by the chain store, > it is quite |>ossible that the price of everything sold in Williamston in the not-far-distant future may be fixed by an executive board sitting in Nor folk or New York. It is a fact that there may t>e too many middlemen to be kept up, but Congress's Generosity in Improving the Roanoke What an extravagant government! I According to the Washington dis patches, Congress is threatening to improve the shipping facilities on the Roanoke River: something to lie ap preciated by a large section of coun try. It may be unfair to the balance of the world, however, to spend so much on the Roanoke. According to the figures, the gov ernment proposes, through its Con gress in regular session assembled, to authorize this improvement. If this work is looked upon with satisfaction by those wise heads assembled in both the north and south wings of the Capitol, then it will become ilecossary to levy a tax upon the goods, wares, and merchandise of, the people, and to collect a custohis tax from their j trade and commerce and to assess | and collect revenues from their trades | and upon their goods. According to. the figures given the sum which it will be required to collect, as slated ' in the budget, will be three thousand , uollare ($3,000), that being the "Endless Chain" Frauds > The editorial below, taken from] The Washington Post, of Sunday, De-1 tember 4, will be of more than pass- ■ in& interest to the people of this sec-! tion, as Calvin Hassell, son of EAder l I Sylvester Hassell, of Williamston, j was the attorney for the Postoffice Department and argued the case be fore the court of appeals of the Dis-j (net of Columbia, winning the case in that .court, and it was later con firmed by the United States Supreme Court. The editorial tollows: Postmaster GeneraK-jNew ap pears indisposed to permit enter prising gentlemen with well-digest ed schemes for 'getting rich quick' to accumulate fortunes by misuse of the mails. There is the case of the Tribond Sales Corporation, - of New York, which stood to ac-* cumulate a lot of easy money, when Mr. New arbitrarily ruled* that the operations of.the Tribond LET US SELL YOUR TOBACCO BEFORE THE 16th *- V - THE MARKET WILL CLOSE DECEMBER 16TH, AND IN PRACTICALLY EVERY CASE YOU WILL GET A BETTER SALE BEFORE j CHRISTMAS THAN AFTER. THE ROANOKE-DIXIE WILL PUSH EVERY PILE UNTIL THE LAST DAY, AND WITH A FULL SET OF BUYERS WE CAN GIVE YOU SATISFACTION. BRINQ US YOUR TOBACCO NEXT WEEK. WE BUY SCRAP. 1 Roanoke-Dixie Warehouse - Williamston, N. C. - via I we are safer in the hands of our neighbors and friends who live with us and pay taxes and form much of the society &nd back the progress of the community than we would be in the hands of the man who only knows i us for our trade, and who loves our money more than lie does us. We. will find that the average mer | chant works for a living and gets no more, while the chain store works for a dividend. ,« In thiS mad day of dividends, it is hard to tell' what, course we are drifting. However, the chain store is working for the trade, and if they get -it, then others must go. I amount fixed to spend on improve -1 ments to the Roanoke. Information as to how this large sum is to be ex pended has not l>ecn given to the public. Some people are predicting that the improvement will consist of an official visit of authorities from the War Department to look over the grounds and view the waters, jfhich in turn will be followed by f corps of engineers, who will make an ac curate survey of the river and find just how deep the water is. It is estimated that there will Jie just enough of the $3,000 left to buy a kerosene lantern for the Ronoke light 1 house and dredge three bushels of i mud out of. the mouth of the river I andTfump it in the Albemarle Sound, j The folks arririghty pleased, to be ' recognized by Congress. Other appropriations for river im -1 provement in the first district in-! ! eludes $32,000 4or the I'»mliCo ! River. „ | __ I"• . I must cease and desist, as they say I in the federal Trade Commission. [ In order "that the concern might j not hesitate the order of j ceasing, but desist at once, Mr. j New called into operation the per | suasive power of a 'fraud order.' | The Tribond concern endeavored i to halt the Postmaster General by applying lor a writ ot certiorari. I Hut the Uuited State* Supreme | Court denied the application, and thus sustained Mr. New 4 According to Horace J. Don nelly, Solicitor of the Posioftice Department, the decision lias far reaching effect, and will enable the department to proWct l\)v public against fraud through the endless chain method of merchandising, which 'runs irom golf |>alls to au tomobiles for men and from kitch enware to lingerie for Italian villas not excepted.' Complaints against these end less chain schemes were received by the Postoffice Department from Things 70%* hink About By MMES D. TAYLOR Little Things All big things usually have very small beginnings. Probably one of the reasons why so many of us stay in the rut is because we fail to, see the small things. "Nothing is too small to know, and nothing too big to attempt*" There are so many who waste their active years in looking f for the big goal without taking time : for the little things that so often lead to the really big things. . « The man who wrote "What Price Glory," and "The Big Parade" start ed, since the World War, in a very small way. Just after the late war he applied for a job on a New York He was assigned to the copy desk. A very small beginning, but it led to bigger things for Laurence 1 Stalling. . Seventeen years ago Miss Anna Nichols was working for sls a week. • A very small beginning, but it led to i something really big. Recently, she sold the film rights of her pla£, "Abie's Irish Rose," for a million dollars. We are not prepared for the big things until after we have learned of the little things. If we plan to build a large house, we can not start at the top. We do not know how Jq erect the top story until the- small beginnings are attended to. Start with the small things. Then! grow. Get better and betteF and bigger and bigger. State authorities, trade bodies, merchants, manufacturers, and ill dividual victims. 'hi the Tribond scheme,' the de | partment explains, 'the lure wis the hope of netting slll* worth of j hosiery for $1 Each chance- | taker was. however, first required • to hazard the sum of $4 tor four I coupons. But before each adven- | turcr even up to the fifteenth link j \ v . Many winter "motor troubles can be side-stepped by good judgment in the choice of - gasoline, ill ■» ~ * L ' ft ' 1 "STANDARD" GASOLINE THE KNffiRPRISE in the chain of this lone acheme could Wie the $lO prize additional investors to the number of 1,549,- 681,956, which is around'the total population of the entir earth,, would have to be found t advance the stupendous sum of $- 49,045,- 868." This tft the second time that the Postoffice Department halted the 'endless rhain' scheme'for sell ing merchandise. The fij t was ' about ten years ago. I „ f f FOR FOR SALE: 1 FORD TOUR- E ing car, in good condition; very rea sonable price. Apply to Lester Rogers. 5 City, Route' 2 d 6 2t • NOTICE OF SALEOF RSAL J PROPERTY j Under ana by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust ; executed"'to the undersigned trustee by j P. H. Wright and wife, Ruth H. Wright, on the 19th day of April. 1023, said deed of trust being of rec ord in the public registry of Martin e County in book N-2. at page 385. and • , having been given for the of securing certain notes of even date and V tenor therewith, and '.lie r contained in the said deed of trust n6t having lieen complied with, and at the ' request of the holder of the said notes, j default having been made in the pay ment of the same, the undersigned I trustee wirl on Monday, the ( >th day . of January. 1928, at 12 o'clock m.. in front of the courthouse door in the town of VVillianiston. North Carolina, offer lor sale to the highest bidder for cash the following descril>ed real estate • to wit: Situated in the town of Williamstoii, J N. C., and beginning at S K Red f dick's corner on Roddick Street; and running westwardly aloiig said S. R. » Reddick s line 110 feet to Kill Thorap -1 son's line, thence southwardly along said Bill Thompson's line 48 feet to a post, thence along Bill Thompson s r line eastward!)- to an iron stob-on Red dick Street, thence along Rcddick ' Street to the beginning, and being the | same land that was deeded to P. W. Wright by William and Hettie Thomp-1 t son on the 9th day of April, 1921, which said deed is of record ill the pub lie registry '«>( Martin County in book I 11 2. at page 112. This the 7t'i dav of December, 1">27. KLBERT S. PEEL, i i d 9 4tw Trustee. ' Notice of Application of Pardon of JY William H. Waters Application will be made to the Commissioner- of Pardons s and the Governor of North Carolina for the i pardon of William H. Waters, convict-1 ed at the June term of superior court i of Martin County for the crime of manslaughter and sentenced for a term of seven yw* I All persons who oppose the grant ing of said pardon are invited to fof ward their protests to the Commission- [ j er of I'ardohS without delay. Tnis 7th dav of Decent tier, 1927. WILLIAM H> WATERS. ! By B. A. Critchcr. attorney. d 9 2tw | NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. In Superior Court. Mr*. Msliaaa Peed ra. Gabriel WB liams and wife, Lacy WUliama, Lena Wilson and husband, Claud Wilson. The defendant, Claud Wilaon, will taly notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the su perior court of Martin County to sell a twenty-two acre tract of the Eliiha Moore land for division; and the said defendant will further taike notice that he is required to appear before the clerk of the superior court at hie office in said county in the courthouse in Wil liamston, N. C., on the. 2nd day of January, 1928, and -answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the >tb day of December. 1927. R. J. PEEL. d 9 4tw Clerk Superior Court. RUPTURE EXPERT HE R E F. H. See ley. of Chicaffe and Phila-] delphia, nationally famous expert, will | himself personally be at the Proctor i Hotel, and will remain in Greenville Wednesday only, December 14, from 9 a. m. till Ip. m. Mr. Seeley says: "The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, but contracts the opening in 10 days on the average case. Being a vast ad vancement over ell former methods exemplifying instantaneous effects im mediately appreciable and withstand ing any strain or position no matter the size or location. Large or difficult cases, or incisional ruptures (following operations- specially solicited. Thts instrument received the only award in England and in producing re sults without stjrgery; injections, medi cal treatments or prescriptions, with distinguished personal patrons of all nations. Hia method has always been moat satisfactory."— Dr. Edward Shippen, former medical direettw. U. S. Navy. CAUTION—AII cases should be cautioned against the uae of any elas tic or web truss with underatrapa, as aame rest where the lump is and net where the opening is, prod lacing com plications neceaaitating surgical oper ations. Mr. Seeley has documents from the United States Government, i Washington, 1). C., for inspection. He 1 will be glad to demonstrate without I charge or fit them if desired. Business demands prevents stopping at any other place in this section. N. B —Every statement in tWa no tice has been verified before the Fed-j eral and State Courts.—F.H.SJK RLE Y. Home Office, 117 N. Dearborn St. Chi cago, 111. P. S.—Fraud Warning —Beware of transient imposters who imitate and pi rate the'wording of my ads and other wise attempt to impersonate me and deceive the public. Note the genuine contations to "Documents," also "Court j rulings," which will be noticeably a-1 voideMij^imposters^^^^^^6^BMJ^ WANT THE FINEST LOW-PRICED SIX OF ALL? ' ~ T . ~ 1 —= ■ * ■ .. _ WithFisher c ßody-big smooth engine -scores of advancedfeatures PThen you will find the car you imnt is the Pontiac Six at ££ais»r/a?flr i m a ***—+» * B^s uk«hk. .*745 u£r.V~.» .^>*92s in a e Tnr N»>» '>u i«nl All a» Ca«M TT MMW S rm'tt ia, M|(l24i. .IT- 1 All »;.«- f.r«,.l)ri» -»-■>.. - *74S ■■ ""BlC i»i'*i*wfwiiiw --■■ • wjV li.nuiUa« wtui.nk. lu*y M ....*795 4i m %dr Robersonville Motor Co. Robersonville, N. C. -"* PONTiAC SIX "RED" JjmtijL GRANGE "* National Football Star* K writes 4 * r While at college I learned N Sy«P ■ ™ that the condition of the throat Y is most important to an ath 'm- -> !***• Coaches and captains know that throat irritation Wmmtm " may even keep a player out of mmm an important game. For this reason, I insist that my New ■f York Yankees smoke only ■ Luekiet, when they smoke. **l know that Luckies arm smooth and mellow and can* ■ not irritate the throat Flw*»fcrUili»im*niili »M * * You, too, will find that LUCKY STRIKES give the greatest pleas* ure—Mild and Mel smoked. Made of the ed with great skill, and there is an extra pro» cess—"lT'S TOAST- 1 C- ED"—no harshness, x-ro^coo«or not a bit of bite. "It's toasted" No Throat Irritation-No Couiflh* *» Friday, December 9,1927

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