PAGE SIX Quinn's Big Sale - Now in Full Blast Be sure and take advantage of the specials we are offering ■",'V_ ' ' - ' SALE ENDS JANUARY 1, 1928 - - . ■■— .i . R. E. QUINN AND COMPANY Washington, N. C. WANTS GIVE VOI R ORDER IOR fresh floral designs; also let us fur nish you with Christmas wreaths. Pit ones 17.!, 18 Mrs. Joijt Piipf, Mrs W. H. Biggs. ' d 9 3t FOR OLD' A.E c INSURANT I-. plant a pecan grove with' Wight's Quality Pecan Trees. Write lor prices and information. J. H.-Wight, Cairo, Cja. « 8| A MOTHER. CARLOA D >l MM-. shoats, ready for the peanut field, to arrive Monday Harrison Bros, tk Co. . It PONY 1 >K SAI.I-. ii\ | >i iKKI-.1. and white pony and saddle for sale. Reasonable price. Auiilr to Mrs. t arrie Bisgs Williams/ d(> 2t I*IVJk-HORSK I-ARM ro RENT; known as tliu Cox I arm, near Ham ilton. Apply Mrs M B. Boyle, Jones Board House. Hamilton. l6 4t CASH PAID I OK 44.1 > CHNl'KD erate States postage stamps and en-, vclopcsj. Confederate money hi tjuan-, tities, old stamp collections ierial to Dearborn Stamp Co., Suite > 302. 1019 N. Dearborn St, Chicago,' i 111. l2 St 1 BY USING HH.II GR M'l IIKG ■ nesium limestone containing .16 to, 'K per cent magnesium carbonate the , tobacco station at Oxofrd got an av erage annual increasj^in-tobacco of s(>B |>CT acrefor 5 Consecutive years You can get it, too, by using MASC O F Agricultural Lime See your local MASCOT dealer or write-AMERI CAN LIMESTONE CO. Kno'xville. Tenn, • • iMo'dec CARD OF THANKS - I I, wish to thank the large number of friends who worked so faithfully i" fighting the fire which recently de- i stroyed our barn, pjickhouse, and team I It was the hard work of these friends that kept" the fire from destroying our I residence and every other building on our premises. And for this faithful and cheerful service wc are profoundly I thankful. " , ) Mrs. LENA MOBLEY ' AND FAMILY. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of "the authori- j ty contained in that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trus- 1 tee by M. W. Whitehurst and •wiitj Emma L Whitehurst, on the 29th day of December, 1925, said deed of trust , being of record in the public registry . of Martin County in book P-2. at page 147, said deed ot trust given to secure certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations con taincd in said deed of trust not hav %SBB939gBa«BaBeBB939^3B%Se%SB%Se3^BBBBeSBffiBBaBffi%BBffiB9BBB%BSBBBB%B6e^BBBBBBBBBBBB9BB^ I The Brick Warehouse Will Open Again Jan. 3,19281 THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS RAPIDLY APPROACHING. OUR WAREHOUSE WILL CLOSE ON DECEMBER THE 16TH FOR CHRIST "1 | MAS, WHICH IS THE DATE ON WHICH ALL OTHER WAREHOUSES IN THE EASTERN BELT WILL CLOSE. | I WE FEEL SURE PRICES WILL HOLD GOOD ALL NEXT WEEK AND ADVISE OUR FRIENDS TO MARKET BEFORE THE HOLI i | DAYS. WE APPRECIATE THE LARGE MEASURE OF CONFIDENCE AND CONSIDERATION SHOWN US BY THE FARMERS OF THI? i I AND THE SEVERAL SURROUNDING COUNTIES. * - 1 WE HAVE SECOND SALE MONDAY: FIRST SALE TUESDAY; THIRD SALE WEDNESDAY; SECOND SALjft THURSDAY, AND FIRST SALE FRIDAY. I WE ARE, YOURS FOR GOOD PRICES ALL NEXT WEEK, AND A JOYFUL CHRISTMAS SEASON 1 I GRIMES AND SHELBURNE ing been complied with, and at the re- ( quest of the 'parties interested, the un dersigned trustee will on the 2nd day of January. 1928, at the courthouse door in the town of Williapiston, N C., at 12 o'clock m., offer at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the tolkuving described real estate: Beginning at a bridge across Wolf I'itt Branch on the public road, thence S. 20 W, So poles to a post, thence S. i»(i E. Ol poles to a post, thence N. 18 E. 40 poles to the .Wolf Pitt Branch, theme up the various courses of said branch to the first station, it being the tract of land on which Ernil i/.a Miller is situated, containing 20 acres. Also one other tract of land at the west end ot the 2t)-aere trait, between said 20 acre tract and main road, so said tract will come out to the main road, containing 1 1-4 acres, more or less. '4 In> JOtli day of November, 192?. WIIKEI.KR MARTIN,' ,d 2 4tw 'l'rtistee. NOTICE I will offer for sale at public auction for cash on the premises of the late Joel Benoetr. all of the personal'prop erly belonging to said estate, consist ing of. 75 barrels of eorn, 7t> bales. oi hay, 5 good mules, all wagons, laris. f^amojids > BLUE-WHITE SPARKLING GEMS-SET IN 18 K. WHITE GOLD—S2S TO SSOO Some of the most unusual values pf the year are offered for this Christ ! mas selling It has .taken us months of preparation, and we are proud of the | stock we are showing. Quality a Feature. We invite the most careful.inspection of the diamonds we offer you. Our i quality and values are the highest obtainable. |.* . We also have a large stock of watches and jewelry ol t// kinds—in iact, everything you need lor a Christmas gilt—something they can all keep. V/e engrave tree. . " • | % * «v * . _ * i j Stewart Jewelry Store j Market Street Washington, N. C. S . I • . * • ' * j j - L . .ill j .uid .buggies; all farm tools, consist ! ,og of' plows, cultivators, transplanters, distributors, shovels, hoes, etc; tobacco sticks, one canoe, all harness; house hold and kitchen furniture. lime of sale: Friday, December 23, 1927, at 10 a. m. This December 1, 1927, K I*. BENNETT. l2 Jtw * Administrator. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue ol the power and authority contained m thi:t cer tain deed of trust executed to tin- un dersigned trustee on tlu- 24th day of January, 1918, by Siirali M Wli.uker, said deed of trust being •; record in tin' public registry of Martin County in book U-l, at page 4,1, said deed of trust having been given to secure a cer tain W even date therewith, and the stipulations tlierein contained not havptg been complied with, and af the rei|itest ol the parties interested, the uiftlersigm d trustee will ofl the 2nd day of January. 1928, in front ot the court house door iu the town of Williamston, N. t at 12 o'clock til,, offer at pub lic salt. to the highest bidder, for cash, the following deseribed property: Beginning at the road at the loot of a path: thence along said path to Mar- i tin VV Intaker line, thence with Martin ; Wlntiilo iliiu li ■ ' Wiliiani Mi/ell's , THE ENTERPRISE lint*, thence with William MizeDs line to the said road, thence with the road to the beginning, containing 10 acres, more or less. This the .10th day of November, 1927.! k. G, HARRISON, d 2 4tw Trustee! | Wheeler Martin, Attorney. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power] of »an contained ri that certain deed; 11 trust executed to the undersigned i I: lister on the I9tli day »t March, 1925.1 t . re ord in Martin County registry in L' >! page 29. securing a cer tain bond of evfn date- therewith, and the stipulations not having been com tilied with, and at the request of the holder of said bonds, the undersigned w ill, on the 2nd day of. January, 1928, at the courthouse door of Martin Coun ty, offer at. public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash,, the followiiiK de scribed land: Beginning al the intersection of the Wild Cat Road and the North Caro lina State Highway Nci, 90, near the Fair Grounds; thence along the North ( arolina Highway No. 90 to a ditch; thence along said ditch to the old Wil liainstom-Everetts Knad; thence along said road to the Wild Cat Road, thence along said Wild Cat Road to the be -12 4tw ' Trustee. ginning. Containing four (4) acres, more or less. ' 1 his the 30th day of November, 1927 WHEELER MARTIN. j NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under i and by virtue of a certain deed of trust executed by B. A. Critcher and wife j and B. Duke Critcher, to undersigned I trustee, bearing date of March sth, ] 1920. and of record in b"ok A-2, at ! page 441, Martin County registry, | *»id deed f trust having been given Ito fecure the payment of a certain note of even date and tenor therewith an I default haying lieen made in the payment of said indebtedness, and at rtie request of the holder of said note and as per stipulations thereof, the undersigned tnustee will, on Saturday, the 17th day of December, 1927, at 12 o'clock noun at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston. N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to wit: A certain tract of land lying and be i^t^^k^tn^County^afonjiiaidj^nd^ I FLEXIBILITY / «. THE 3eet way to appreciate the flexibility of a / j motor cor it to drive it—drive it in traffic! If it bos J a power range that will permit you to throttle down - M • to below five adUee an hour m high and accelerate to M yv twenty-five in a few effort lees seconds —it hea n t m leriUe motor, t&dj fa** m driving ameipucy. The STAR SIX motor will Jo this—and more. Ite power range in high is from a snail's creep to sixty ( miles an hour, with a smoothness and sweep which \ ' make you forget that it is a piece of mechanism. ' / BARNHILL MOTOR CO. " more particularly described as fol lows: Bring a house and lot in the town of Williamston. N. C.. bounded on the east by Kay Street, aud on the west by the railroad; on the south by Kay house and lot and on the north by Philpot house and lot, being the same lot upon which the said B. A. Critcher and 6. Duke Critcher are now erecting a six-room bungalow." This 12th day of November, 1927. WHEELER MARTIN. nIS 4tw Trustee. Hugh (j. Morton, Attorney. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXE CUTION North Carolina. Martin County. A shcraft-Wilkinson Co. vs. J. C. Modlin and C. W. Miscfie By virtue of an execution to me di rected from the superior court of' Wayne County, North Carolina, in the above-entitled action, I will, on Mon day, the 2i}d day of January, 1928, at 12 o'clock m.. at the courthouse door of Martin County offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the Frid, my, December 9,1927 said execution all the rifgbt, title, and : interest which the said C. W. Mizetle I has in the following described real es. : tate, to wit: First tract: That certain tract or i parcel of land situated in Jamesville Township, adjoining the lands of S. S. Davis, Hardy Holliday, J. W. Watts. ■ G. L. Cooper, and T. A., Davis, 4nd being the land known as the Holsy Davis land, except that part thereof allotted to the said C. W. Mizelle for his home stead exemption ar "ap pears of record in the office of the . clerk of superior court of Martin County. Second tract: That certain tract or parcel of land situated in Jamesville Township, Martin County, and adjoin ing the lands of S. Davis, Geo. Mariner, E. E. Ange. and others, and ■ being the time land deeded to C. W. i Mizelle by W. H. Lilley and wife, t Kathleen, as appears of record in the Martin County public registry, in book , D-2, page 552. This 23rd -day of November, 1927. A. L. ROEBUCK, i n25 4tw Sheriff, Martin County.