PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every I uesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY _ WILLI AM STON, NOKTH CAROLINA W. C. Manning - - Editor Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COUNTY . • 1 year - ll.bO 8 months 1 .76 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY 1 year _ 212.00 6 months l-00 (Strictly Cash in Advance) No Subscription Will He Received for Less Than Si* Month* Advertising Hate Card Will Be Furnished Upon Application Entered at the post office at Wil Hamilton, N. C., a* second-class matter under the act of Conpiess of March 8, 187 V. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not to indi vidual members of the company. Tuesday, December 14, 1927 Misplaced Charity The mantle of charity that so long {he was credited with, and much less hung around "and protected the honor 1 honor. of President Harding seems to be J It now begins to look as if one growing thin. - of his great weaknesses was the want For a long time both the friends of honor and morals, ami foes of the President were will- Some of the revels from the old ing to believe that the many ques Harding administration are being re tainable thing* done around Wash- 1 viewed in the open, and even his ington werc-sUpped over on the I'res-' friends do not seem to cherish his ident, and it was conceded that -he j memory with the same degree of re was too good to see or suspect evil, j spect they once did. ft is beginning to look as if it was! What we need is freedom from the misplaced charity and that the ac-jgrip of honorless politicians and to tual facts existing would have shown live under the reign of statesmen for Harding to have had more sense fhan a season. A Double Victory for the Law Judge Henry .A. Grady did not sors, and they may be of the lowest! only an unusual thing but a very sen- type, as was the negro on trial who SRtional thing when he held a big; Judge Grady defended that he might pistol in his hand, while on the bench have a fair trial, as the law pro presiding over a,murder trial, and de vides. i bed any one to disobey the court's ( County and all the! orders when he had issued a coin-1 Slate, and even those who were re A j mand for quiet The incident^ fol istrained by Judge Grady, will re lowed an attempt to seize the negro j joice I hat we have men such as he defendant and lynch him. 1 who are willing to enforce the law, The judge did the right thing. If | The fact that a negro should way people are permitted to drag men 1 lay and kill a little innocent girl is from the jurisdiction of the court and 1 enough to stir the blood of all hu beat and kill them, they not only be- inanity. Net, after the apprehension come criminals themselves but de-!of the criminal and during the time stroy the force of the law. ( of trial the court could do nothing Criminals are personal transgres- defend its prisoner.' What The Town Audits Show Has Williamston made money on years besides having to |>ay for the its light plant? 'amount of current and water con- There seems to be a good many 'sullied. Krom this may be /aken the answers ii» ihe almve''question. There j sß.9olJl^_vvhKh ..hus been shown as can be, of course, but one true an- a profit, reducing Hie actual loss to swer, but there may lie a thousand ' $(>5,211.53. or more guesses. | |f the light plant is to lie given The audits now with the' credit for all the items the town Mayor show the total income from 1 treasurer claims—that is $3,000 (or water and lights from (kttrtjer 1, j street lighting and $2,000 for water 1921, to June I, 1927 deducting thejpumping -it would amount to $28,750 water income after October 1, 1925,1 for the live and three-fourths years the date that the income from water] prior to May 31, 1927. This will re and from lights were separated Into jduce the total loss to $36,461.53. two items —was $112,917 17, and the | I'he town treasurer makes another actual operating cost was $lO3,- claim for credits, that is the sum of 953.70. This would seem to show a $1,500 a year for free water and profit of $8,963.47 for the period of lights for the churches and schools, five years and nine months. l)ur- There is no doubt but that the claim ing this period there were uutstand- is too high; yet, to be liberal, we ing, at the beginning. $230,000 water will grant that a credit of $1,500 be and light bonds; from (his amount given, which would total in the 5 3-4 there is'now outstanding $207,000 in years $8,625. Take this from the bonds. These bonds have cost the $36,461.53, and we then have a net taxpayers $12,900 each year in in- loss of $27,836.53. We would like terest, and it was paid every time to ask the treasurer if he has any out of tke publU taxes; and for the I more credits to take then, five and three-fourths years totals; Remember there is no depreciation $74,175. In other words it has cost figured off of the plant in these cal the people of Williamston $74,175 culations, but it is put down at cost, for the privilege of having water and the exact amount being given at $120,- lights for, five and three-fourths 740.24. There is no electrical en- • Make Christmas Merrier With - FURNITURE GIFTS lUmitUfC %M*>j EVERY ONE APPRECIATES SOME ITEM OF FURNITURE t •>* Is there any one you know of, friend, or in your own family, who does not need a piece of furniture for some 1 nook or corner of the house? Nothing that you can think of would be ao heartily appreciated or practical. I You'll find remarkable values listed here. • • " . • - • * -• Cherry Furniture Company - Q. Jgineer in the country who would ap | praise the plant at more than half that amount now. If that is true, I then( we have a plant worth $60,000, i and a dead loss of $60,000 to be; [charged somewhere. j The treasurer complains that de preciation was never charged before. Of course, that is simply because there has never been a time when it [would stand for a depreciation. 5 ___ • I A new oil engine has been bought and it is understood that some twelve or fourteen thousand dollars has been ( paid on it, leaving a balance of per haps $5,000. It is obvious that the money which has been paid on this engine came in part from the general town tax. unless the audit is in error. The facts to be deduced, fronts.a study of the light system shows a ridiculous loss as long as the old, steam plant was in operation, and it' would have soon hat! the town in bankruptcy. The operation of the' oil engine has actually shown some, legitimate profit. Had we operated 1 with such since the plant was built, in all probability we would have been able to have figured a legitimate de preciation and paid some interest at a 15-cent per kilowatt hour rate. Now, we are faced with Enlarging our plant at a cost of not less than $25,000 for new machinery to fur nish our present demands only, and | this would not furnish any surplus | for futupf growth. i These figures are taken from the I audits, and the water and lights are, , for the most of the time, given to- Igether. A slight'change of these lig htlies might be made if the figures i were given separately. Nothing has been said about the treasurer's salary nor the secretarial work necessary to collect and keep books. If these figures had been added to the loss] It would have in creased it by a few thousand, dol lars. The principle of public ownership is right, and there is grave danger in the electrical trusts of the country. However, with proper they can be depended upon to give better service at lower prices than the small town can hope to give. The town seems to fear there is sonis reflection on the town, administration, which is an error, as the present administration has done [more toward overcoming loss than any board for 10 years, according to figures ap|>earing in the various au dits. ! INDIGESTION GONE TMMHMI WM Worried C» oMorably Uatil, oo Africa of Aa Acquiriuct, Ho Bogie To Uoo BUck-Drufkt Hiwun, Twin.—Tor several Jf*n," aaye Mr. J. L. Ruaaell, of thia place, 1 auffared continuously with apalla of indigeetion. Everything I ata diaagraed with ma, and I WM ia • bad way. "Nothing did M any" good* tmtil I found Black-Draught. One day a man in a atora whan wa traded told ana to try Bl*ck-I>r»u«ht. He aaid ha knew of it relieving indigeation. 00 1 decided to give it a triaL "In my oaaa it aaamad to go Hght to the vary root of my trouble. It straightened ma out, and ever ainee that tijpe, over thirty years ago,. I have need Black-Draught "Whan I have a spall of indlgee tion coming on. I begin on Black- Draught Itakaaeveralamalldoeea, in a regular course, and I And it will uaoally have ma well in leea than no time. Now I never aufler—l taka Black-Draught *1 alao found it fine to bad cold. 1 tn the winter time' waya keep a bos handy, aoiwoaJ aaeeee, or feel chilly down myWa. 1 taka a few doeaa of Bkck Jjrhught, and that waxda off the oold." Sold everywhere; 26c. MCI Kl THE ENTERPRISE 'COMMISSIONER'S RESALE OP LAND Under and by virtue ofan&onty I vested in the undersigned cbmmission -Ijer by order the superior court of ! Martin County, North Carolina, in a . j special proceeding entitled, H. B. Bennett and others, ex parte, wherein ' a raise in the bid having been made, and a resale ordered, I shall offer for i sale at public auction, to the highest j bidder for cash, at the courthouse door |at Williafflston, North Carolina, on Friday, December 2nd, 1927, at 12 o'- j clock noon the following tract or pai*- 1 eel of land situated and lying in the j county of Martin, State of North Car olina. and bounded as follows, to wit: Bounded oi* the north by the lands jof J. G. Staton, on the east by Sweeten Water Creek, on the south by Noah iHuff and ). ■ G. Staton, and on the j west by Daniel-Staton Mill Road; containing one hundred and twenty (120) acres, more or less. This 16th day of November. 1927. R. L. CO BURN. nlB 2tw . Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE ~ Under and by virtue of the power !of sale contained in that certain deed ,! of trust executed on the 20th day of j.April, 1923, by K" 5. "Hathaway and wife, Ida Hathaway, and of record in I j'the public registry of MartiA County lin book H-2 at page 261, said deed of trust beinp given to secure the pay ment of certain notes of even date and I tenor therewith, and the stipulations in I said deed of trust not having been com . plied with, and at the request of the j parties intere->ted, tIK undersigned trus II tee will on the 31st day of December, I 1927, at 12 o'clock m., at the court '| house door in the' town of William- I ston, N. C. f offer for sale to the high _| est bidder, for cash, at public auc ■44i«m—the folio wing described tract of Lland, to wit: A Pre-Christmas Sale of LADIES' COATS AND DRESSES ~* . . • A ' gm •Bj PRICES JUL Ift, Jfcl BUY That VSL Sr Vf] JNow & Will UL n JU W Save Please M 50 F %„, Harrison Bros. & Co.'» fashions are so smart, so exclusive, so finely made, that the announcement of reduced prices for the holiday season will interest the most fastidious womah. For—being fashion wise—she recognizes the Harrison Bros. & Co. label, with its assurance of good style, good taste, and fine quality, as a comforting guarantee of style correctness. • T. . - NOVELTY GLOVES FINE HANDKERCHIEFS Handkerchiefs—the uni - ▼ versally appropriate gift. . Hundreds of crisp, new \\y\ \\y\ ones! Fine in texture and TjK? V- % TT"\ A \ superior in design. Some m ■"iimmh\ VIYI are white—some are hand A gift of gloves is always joyfully received — blocked others are hand y jl and these unusually smart ones— with novelty cuffs drawn, embroidered, and and novelty stitching, wilt be doubly acceptable to hand initialed or lace , any woman. trimmed. Some are beau- Also slip-on, gauntlet, and single clasp models, tifully boxed in seta of y in kid, calf, suede, and mocha. three, six, and twelve. JFjL ACCEPTABLE SMALL GIFTS OF THOUGHTFULNESS i* * jy \ *. SilV stockings—fine, clear weave. Sheer, Dainty, charming lingerie. Silk voile, batiste, medium and heavy weight, reinforced at (Sbints , and crepe. Elaborately lace trimmed or plainly of hard wear. Full-fashioned of course. Dur- tailored. Night' gowns, pajamas, chemises, step ible, long wearing quality. A gift of practical- ins, panties, bloomers, costume slips, vests, and 1 X ty, and loveliness. brassieres. An exquisitely sheer chiffon hose— silk from ln gift sets, consisting of vest, brassiere, and . top to toe. In lovely colors to match any costume. step ins. In gay gift boies. » (Bfll Harrison Brothers & Co. Beginning at a corner of the public road and the Scbrn Brown line and running along said Scbrn Brown line ent to David Black'* line and along said line south to R. T. Andrew'* line and the canal; thence along *aid An drew's line and the canal west to the Robqrsonville-Hassell public roaid; thence along said road north to 4ie beginning. This 30th day of November, 1927. J. T. STOKES, d 6 4tw Trustee. R. L. Coburn. attorney. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain collater al note executed to the undertigned by J. T. James on the 31st day of Aug ust, 1925, default Having been made in the payment of the same, the under signed will on Wednesday, the 7th day of December, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following property, to wit: One note, dated July 10, 1924, from *J. W. Bellflower ana wife to J. T. Jame, fsor $1,154.24, being secured by a deed of trust of even date therewith. This 15th day of November, 1927. THE PLANTERS AND MERCHANTS BANK. By: V. G. Taylor, President n22 5t NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as admin istratro of the estate of N. R. Man ning, late of Martin County, all per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of December, 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of the recovery of same. All persons indebted to said estate will pleaae come forward and make immediate payment of same. , This 10th dya of December, 1927. H. L. MANNING. dl 3 6tw Administrator. Estate of N. R. Manning. X,— - NOTICE OF SALK Under and by virtue of power of aale contained in a certain mortgage executed to me by EHsha Moore, dated 25th day of February, 1924. and dnly recorded in register of deeds office of Martin County in book N2, page 449. and whereaa the aaid EHsha Moore, hia heira or administrators, have failed to comply with the terms of, said mort gage and default having been made in the payment of the note secured there b£^^jwill^oi^Jh^^6th^daj^>^^anu^ » Serveral Farms for Sale NEAR WASHINGTON, N. C. TERMS REASONABLE See Or Write Bank of Washington Trust Department Washington, N. C. Tuesday, December 14,1927 ary, 1928, at the courthouae door in Williamston, N. C., it Ua, offer the following de*cribed landsfor, nle at public auction to the highest bidder for cash: "Beginning on the county road lead ing from Williamaton to Everett*. N. C., and running down aaid road aouth wardly to Jimaiie Burrua' line, now Eliaha Moore'a line, thence along said line down to a branch to the A. C. L. Railroad, thence along said railroad to WHliamston and Everett county road, containing thirty acrea, more or leaa, and being a part of the tract of land corfveyed to Elishi Moore by his father Elijah Moore. "t&ls