Wack the Label on Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 83 MANY PEANUTS SHIPPED FROM HERE THIS YEAR 280.Cat's Shipped Since Oc tober 29th; Boat Line Carries Some 80 PER CENT IS SOLD Totil of Around Seventy Thousand Bags Shipped; Would Make Train Over Two Miles Long If the popcorn growers have done as well this year as the peanut grow er* in this section have done, there will be no shortage of peanuts-pop corn at the circuses for a long time to come. Shipments of peanuts from this market reached in the neighbor hood of seventy thousand bags yester day. Put them all in railroad cars and there would be around 230 cars, making a solid train of over two miles in length. The first shipment was made over the A. C. L. October 29. Since that time the shipments have increased in size and number and as many as fifteen cars have left the market here in one day. The boat line handled a large number of the goobers, carrying solid loads to Edenton and other peanut markets. The majority of the shipments went to Suffolk and Eden ton. Reports from other markets in the county were not obtainable yesterday, but it is understood that they when added the ones here, will show Martin county to be one of the largest peanut growing counties in the coun try. Unfavorable weather conditions have delayed the peanut farmers in picking and marketing their crops, and at this time, it is estimated that not more than eighty per cent, of the crop has been picked and sold. It will be some Ume in January before a complete report can be had, showing the exact number of bags of peanuts raised in the county. BOYS AND GIRLS WIN AT WINDSOR Double Victory Registered By Local Basketball Teams Tuesday Two victories were registered last Tuesday night when the local high school basketball teams met ..those of Windsor in Windsor. The girls won by a ten to five count while the boys made eighteen markers to their op ponents' seven. The local bbys after losing to Wind sor here last week, entered into rcaf practice and developed better form in a very short time. The girls' team is improving with daily praetie*, and before the season ig over Coach Hood feels BUre he will have a wining team. Several positions on the regular boys' team remain unfilled, and Mr. Hood, the coach, states it will be af ter Christmas before a final selection will be made. The boys are striving after permanent berths on the squad, and with a few players to spare, a crdeitable five is expected to result. Woman's Club To Hold Meeting Next Thursday The regular meeting of the Woman's club will be held next Thursday af ternoon in the club roomb. Due to the busy season, the members of the club are assured that the meeting will not last very long. Attend Meeting of Medical Societies Doctors W. E. Warren, J. E. Smith wick, J. S. Rhodes and J. H. Saunders attended a joint meeting of the medical societies of Edgecombe, Mar tin, Beaufort, Pitt and Halifax coun ties in Tarboro last Wednesday. J .., ' ' , - f SATURDAY JACK HOXIE in "BARB WIRE" Also 2 - REEL COMEDY 1 And Serial "SCARLET BRAND" p Always a Good Show; THE ENTERPRISE Power Plant Sa Decided at Polls Tuesday ISyOne of Most Important Elections in History of Town; / 165 Votes Needed £p Carry Election J One of the >Mt important $> printed the words, "For Power / questions the faced for Proposal", those wishing to vote [ many years fill be decided nest against the offer «hati vote a \ Tuesday when the power proposal ticket upon which will be printed presents itself for settlement. To the words "Against Power 'Pro oarry the election, 163 votes will posal". havcto be cast in its favor; to de- The Board of Town t'ommis feat the measure, that number sioners and the town's officers will have to be registered against have made every attempt to put it. The power situation in our the matter before the people in a town ia to be takan seriously, and fair and square manner. The •the citiaeary should take an in- question ia up to the voters, and tereat in the election nest Tues- the town's oßcial* are anxious day. for the people to join in and work. At the election next Tueaday, cooperatively for the best interest those in favor of the offer shall of the future development of the vote a ticket upon which will be town and its citiienry, - —; 3,500 TONS GUANO UNLOADED HERE High Water on Roanoke . Delays Bringing Barges Up River Shipments of raw materials to the Standard Fertiliser Company here reached 3,600 tons yesterday when the Grace Bennett, a three-mast schooner docked at the company's wharf with three hundred and fifty tons of fer tilizer aboard. During the pust -several weeks, the company h is, in the face of unfavorable weather conditions, oper ated almost continuously, unloading the raw products. High water in the Roanoke has de layed several shipments of the fer tilizer ingredients, and at the present time the Northern Twenty is anchor ed near J&mesville waiting for the high water to go down. An ocean go ing tug was forced to drop the big barge from its tow when it faced the swift current of the Roanoke. Two barges were carried out Wednesday, and it was all the tug boat could do to swing them around the curves of the river. Mr. Hondurant, plant manager itat ed yesterday that as long as the water remained up, the Northern Twenty would have to remain below James ville with its 800-ton cargo. Measurements of the river yester day showed that the water was about on a stand still, Christmas Stockings for Oteen Needed at Once Those who want to remember the soldiers at Oteen with u Christmas stocking are asked to send them to Mrs. J. F. Thigpen at om'e. The com mittee wishes to get them off so the gifts will reach Asheville before Christmas Eve. The club women of AsheviJle will distribute the stockings and the flowers the Philathea classes are giving to the boys at a Christmas party. A few stockins have already been sent from here, but not as many as were sent last year. High School Play To _ Be Staged Tonight According to the ticket sale, a large number of people tonight will see "Cupid up-to-date", a musical comedy sponsofei-by the Dramatic club of the local high school. Heports coming from the last dress rehearsals indicate that the play will meet with great approval, , j Farm Life Quint Wins From Local Boys, 12-9 The local high school quirttet lost its second game of the season here last night when the boys from Farm Life won I*2 to 9. With Cox out of the game, the locals got off to a poor start, and were unable to overcome Farm Life's lead. The visitors, played a creditable game, but on the whole a poor bjgnd of ball waß seen. Jp Suffers Broken Aim in Game Tuesday Night Edwin Co* suffered a broken arm in the Windsor-Williamston basketball game last Tuesday night. In the third quarter, young Co* made a high Jump, lost his balance and fell on his left arm, breaking the two bone*. Up un til that time, Co* was leading the team in points scored and with fea ture plafs. Baptists Announce Services for Sunday Sunday morning the pastor will preach from the book of Philemon— a short epistle of but a few verses. In the evening the subject discussed will be Temptation. This church is preparing for the two services which it will hold on Christmas morning White Gift service, an dthe afternoon Twi light service. Williamston, Martin County, No.th Carolina, Friday, December 17, 1927 LEAF MARKET CLOSES TODAY Warehouses To Open Again January 3; Nearly Eight Million Pounds Sold' \ The local tobacco market closed with its sales a fraction under the eight-million mark. The bad wea ther for the most of the week brought the sales down considerably. Exclusive of scrap, the number of pounds sold up to the 14th of the month reached 1,- 886,576. The average price for the market according to the last government re port was 26.71. The uverage for the State was 26.40. There were five eastern markets that led Willianiston in pounds, Greenville, Kins ton, Rocky Mount and Farmville, Seven markets led in prices, Rob ersonville, Washington, Wilson, Tar boro, Greenville, Famiville, Rocky Mount. The price change from last year is very interesting and reflects one fact, that the reasons in a community which produce a g. >d crop will insure good prices in a neighboring market. Last year, Ahoskie was Birtftwg the highest while this year it was the lowest. The warehouses expect to open again about the °rd of January as there seems to be considerable tobacco that could not be put on the market before its close for the holidays. CAPTURE STILL AND EQUIPMENT Property Used At Stills Would Have Made 625 Gallons Whisky Office • C. F. )Alexander accompan ied by Dej>ut Sheriff Grimes of this county and Deputies liodges and Mitchell, of Heaufort 'county observed the woods a mile and a hpif east of Hear Grass Wednesday. Their search had hardly begun before they found two white men mixing beer. The of ficers were discovered by the mixers who made their escape. The still had been removed from -the furnace and Was either hidden or carried to some other stand for use. The officers found a "Cfow's nest" high up in a tree which w.vf evidently used by a sentry when the still was in operation. Continuing their search, the of ficers luund a few hundred yards away, a big outfit consisting of a 200-gallon copper still, a steam boil er of from six to eigth horse capac ity, two bags of sugar, double coul ers, about a dozen barrels and a number of large vats holding 500 gallons each. officers estimat ed that there were about 6000 gallons of beer almost re&dy for use. At this plant they also ■ found axes, buckets, tubß, and hose. At another place, Mr. Alexander and his assistant* destroy**! four barrels of beer. The projierty used in connection with the stills would have, according to estimates made by the officers, turned out 625 gallons of mongrel •whiskey and would have sold for (2500 at the moonshine rate, about SSOOO at the street boot-leg price and for about $9,000 at the fancy-dance rate. Ex-Soldiers Should File Claims Before January 1 Every man who served in the World War is entitled to compensation. Af ter January 1, it wjll be too late. All who fail to file by that time will be shut out. Jt is reported that there are yet half a million soldiers who have not filed their claims. If every man in Martin county will take it upon himself to inquire of his neighbor soldier if he has filed' his claim for adjusted compensation, then no one need be left out. Attorneys Elbert S. Peel and Robert L. Coburn, both ex-soldiers signify their willing ness to assist any comrade in pre paring his claim. ROBI RSONVILLE MAN IS ROBBED BY HIGHWAYMEN Henry Johnson, Jr., Is Vic tim of Well-Panned Hold-Up GET $52.80 AND WATCH Two Negroes, After Robbing and Binding Auto Salesman, Try To Run Car Over, Him i Mr. Henry Johnson, JP., saiesmai. for the Rebersonvtlle Motor Com pany, Kobersonvillo, was robbed by highwaymen last Wednesday night on the old Palinyra-llobgood road, a short distance from Oak City. A reporter for the Robersonville Record writes: "The highwaymen, according: to Mr. Johnson, got $52.80 cfish off his person, and his watch. Thr negroes had, apparently planned a most clever .scheme by which to execute their crime. According: to Mr. Johnson, the two negroes came to Robersonville oh Wednesday, calling at the Roberson ville Motor Company on the pretense of wishing to purchase a used car. Mr. Johnson waited on them, and they became interested in an Oldttnoblle. However, they explained to Mr. John- son that they would have to consult their wives and wished for them also to see the car, requesting that he meet them in Palmyra'with the car about sunset or dark Wednesday night. Up on reaching Palmyra Mr. Johnson found only one of the negroes there, ho explaining that the other one had gone to Oak City after his wife. When Mr. Johnson told him that h • could not wait much longer, the negro him SIO,OO deposit, stating Uiat if they fniled to see the 'other pUrty that night that he would All at ihe Robei sonville Motor Company Thursday and close the ileal for the car. ,The negro, thereupon, gave Mr. Johnson a $20.00 bill and Mr. John ,son gave lum SIO.OO change and a receipt. However, before Mr. John son got away it was suggested by the negro that they go toward Oak City and they would meet the second negro with his wife. Unsuspectingly, Mr. Johnson complied and took th»» nwiro ia the Oldsniohile for the trip. "When about three and a half miles out from Oak City, the negro asked Mr. Johnson to stop a minute, to which request he UIKO complied. When the negro got out of the car he switch ed the lights off J and the second negro emerged from the bushes and had Mr. Johnson covered with a gun. After tying his hands behind him with wire, and also tying his handkerchief over Mr. Johnson's face, they search ed him, taking the $52.80 and his watch, after w.hich they threw him to the ground and attempted to run th',' jLL-liitn, tmt I his, without success at Mr. Johnson managed to keep the wheels off of him. They drove Mr. Johnson's car some 400 yards down the road and abandoned it, one negro coming back and strik ing Mr. Johnson in the face, knocking him uncons'ious for almost an hour. "When he came to, Mr. Johnson saw a white man coming towaid him, but he, upon seeing him bandaged with the handkerchief was at first hesitant in approaching Mr. Johnson. However, when he understood what had taken place the man, a Mr. Scott who lives on the I>>ggett farm, re leased Mr. Johnson and they went to -a'negro's home nearby. The com pany's ohlee here was notified, and they, in turn, notified local andrcoun ty authorities in all *he surrounding town& and counties. Illondhounds from Knfield were summoned and they carried the trail for some distance where it came to an abrupt end, evi dence showing that the negroes had boarded another car." , The negroes are not known in the upper part of the county, and while they are not sure, residents- there are of the opinion that the men are from near Weldon. Several clues are being followed in an effort to capture the robbers, but up until this morning very little progress hed been made to thut end. Twilight Service at Baptist Church on Christmas Day It was announced Sunday at the Baptist church that plans had been perfected for another "Twilight Christmas Service" in that churi If. This .serviciS. will be held in Utt ehurch at 6 o'clock in the afternoon of Christmas Day./ 1 ' In this way, the people who attend the afternoon service will be free to attend* any other churches of the town in the evening, or to spend their Christmas evening anyway they may like. Also, by holding the service at this time, it will give everybody in Williamston as opportunity to attend. The service will be very simple, and brief, consisting of appropriate Christmas muqic, an anthem and a short address by the pastor. This service, with the White Gift service held in the church on Sun day morning at 10:30 o'clock will he the only services held in the church Christmas Day. ASK PARKING ON SIDE STREETS Mayor Says Limiting Rule Will Be Passed If Re quest Not Obeyed .Attention of-local automobile owners ! is again called to the request made a few days'ago by Mayor Coburn. If j the request is heeded, no special | parking laws will be necessary, it was j stated yesterday i>> a town official. Should the request be ignored, it is understood that a parking limit ordi nance will necessarily be passed in order to relieve the Congested park ing conditions On Main and Washing ton. streets. In the Mayor's request all local au- j tomobile owners are asked to either j \\alk to/hoir businesses during to-j nwrijv and the business days of next or avoid parking their cars in the business districts of the two iv reels. * Mr. Coburn stated that this-would oe of great help to the many visitors j coming here during tomorrow and next week. RUNS CAR INTO OPEN DRAW Man From Blounts Creek Is Drowned at New Bridge Near Columbia Harry Eugene Stewart, a traveling man, drove his car into the,' open draw of the new "Scuppeinong River bridge at Columbia Wednesday night about 7:30 and was drowned. No one setyns to know just how the accident lutppuned, and it was some* time before the car and. the man's body were removed froiti the water. Mr. Stewart had lived in Washing ton for a number of years, moving there from the western part of the State, lie married Miss Mae Blount, daughter of Mrs. W. A. lilount, of Washington, who with five young sons survives. Mr. Stewart traveled for the It'lchelin Tire Company for a nujjther of years. He purchased a farm at, lilount's Creek a few years' ago and moved there with his family and engaged in the poultry business, continuing his work with the Miehelin Company. • The body was removed to the home of his mother-in-law in Washington yesterday where the funeral and bur ial services were held today. 2 COLORED MEN CAUGHT AT STILL Federal Agents Get Still And Plenty Equipment, „ , Besides Two Men Federal Agent C. P. Alexander and Deputy She rill" George M. Harris, of lleaufort county, captured I; m Maker and( Smith Crandall,' negroes, ' fit a still near the Heaufort county I line yesterday/ afternoon. The bio k iiders were-too busy to watch foi iif-.j fleers, for they had already manufac tured twelve gallons of liquor and had ' the plant steaming when the odicerj walked upon the scene. " The officers brought the-outfit,-in cluding the two operators, twt !\e»»-al lons of liqpor, complete still and ac cessories before the l". K. commission er here yesterday afternoon* for a hearing of the two men. linker and Crandall both declared t it was their first day at a still and that they were .wage earners, that wome,un known Martin county Man had gone to their homos near J'actolus in I'itt county and hired them to run the plant for him. They were to be paid f>r\the work -3.50 in cash and a en I lon of liquor each. The defendants were placed , in jail in .default of SSOO bonds. Tin v were confined har(llj two hours before J friends bonded them. Chain Store Opens I Here Tdmorrow I Notlh .Carolina Chain Stores, witi the home office at 'ElfSsabeth City, w*k-ipen one of its first stores here tomorrow. The old post office building has been remodeled for the new store, and while it will be impossible to ar range all the stock as it should be by the time of opening, Mr. B. G. Shan nonhoUse, the store's manager, state? this will not affect he big opening expected tomorrow. Charges Against Senators- Elect Holding Up Senate The charges against Senators Vare, of Pennsylvania and Smith, of Illinois are holding up the work of the U. S. Senate. • Smith and Vare, it is 'alleged, won their way to by fraudlent and corrupt means and their right to take seats in the body ar§ being ques tioned. Senator Norrin, a Republican, was the first to call their hands and block the entrance to the Senate for them. Uont Forget / Vweek, I to Chrismias Seal your Christmas Mall SUPERIOR COURT ENDED TUESDAY Several Divorce Actions Started; Only One Completed The work of the Martin County Superior court just before ,-jts ad- journment last Tuesday evening dealt mostly with judgments ,and divorce After pli'ading utility to the charge, assault with a deadly weapon, Don Johnson had the following-judgment imposed, "That defendant be con lined in the State's prison for not more' than seven years and not less than two years. Capias only to issue upon motkm of the solicitor which may be done at any time within five-yajirs from this date. Upon issuance of capias, defendant not to. be required to serve said sentence unless the .ludge holding the court shall be satisfied that the defendant has vio lated some criminal law of the State of North Carolina, or has been drunk or intoxicated, and upon a- showing atiijfiii tory to the Judge that the de fendant has violated any criminal law of the State of North Carolina or has been drunk or intoxicated the de Cendant shall serve the sentence here in imposed, said term to begin as of that .datt?. ' On a' trespass' charge Johnson waiv ed the finding of a true bill of the grand jury and plead guilty. A sixty day jail sentence WHS imposed, but with the holidays so near, Judge Moore arranged the sentence so that loluison might be out during a part of the time. The arrangement pro- vides a week's .stay in jail at this time and a $250 bond at the end of the term of one week for his return January 5, 1928 when he will com plete serving the sentence. pleading guilty of assault njfainst Tom Askew, 11. L. Gardner was given a one-year road sentence .which fas suspended upon the good behavior of the (li'fyuJanL during, that, time; It was agreed that the defend ant. pay Askew $.'150. and Dr. J. 11. .Saunders SSO for 'the treatment of | Askew. Several divorce actions were start ed, but with the exception of two,-, judgment- was suspended. A complete divorce was granted Klla- Nowell from Junius Jsioweil. - CARS MUST HAVE| TAGSBYJANUARY State 'lnspector Says Cars Must Have Licenses Or Stay Off Roads According to a statement made by Mr. A. McKeiude, car inspector repre senting the ytate Automobile License bureau, no car will be permitted to travel the highways of the State af ter January 1, without having the 1 !>2H license tqg attached. ~ He states that Mr. Doughton, Tax Commissioner, has ordered deputies Ho stop all motor vehicles found oper ating without license after the first of I the New Year, The .sale (if licenses is said to be progressing slowly and is very much behind the sale of last July for the ■ami: period. The local bureau re ports a similar situation here, and un less sales pick up at once, tile man agers think it will be almost impos sible to prevent crowded conditions during the latter part of the month. Two Arrested in Fatality Aulander,* Dec. -16.—Following tfie report that someone had thrown gasoline Or kerosene on the clothing of Colon Hurkett, of LewiStoif, earlier in the night before he had been fatally burned early Sunday morn ing, Joe Shirley and Charlie Conner were arrested but were released as they knrw nothing of the tfagedy. No one had been with Hurkett' for an hour when Mrs. Whit Parker,' at whose home he was staying, dis covered him in the front yard, ou Main street, of Lewiston, with his clothing on fire and awoke her husband who extinguished the flames but only after !!urket( had been fatally burned. He died at about 11:30 Sunday while be ing carried to Rocky Mount hospital. Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600 Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 TO CHOOSE SITE? FOR NEW HlGrf SCHOOL TUESDAY Big Crowd Expected To Be At Board Meeting Tuesday Night TWO SITES FAVORED Property Near Fair Grounds and Lot In New Town Seem To Be Favorites Now f " . The meeting railed by the Hoard oi Kducution to be held next Tuesday afternoon at the courthouse' when a site for the new school building will be selected, will in all probability, be largely attended by citizens of the town and community. Already many citizens have'offered their ideas as to where' the site should be, and as far as it can be learned, the field in»New Town and'property on Highway No. 9,0 are most widely suggested. One cituejiv', favoring the Martin property on Highway 90 stated that this site was decidedly the best one, considering drainage, room, town ex pansion and the publicity feature of the building. Should the building be located there, it only a mat ter of a veiV few months before tfhe railroad underpass would be widened and ,sidewalks provided and construct ed from the hill this Side tahe under pass to "Ihe school building. Another citizen in expressing his ideas and views stated that the logi cal site wolfld ba» in the Held in New Town, near_ the home of Mr. Bob Leggett. Giving his reasons for this us a probable site, he mentioned the convenience of the location, room and development of the town. He -did not say a street would be cut through front*the town's main thoroughfare, across the railroad near the storage warehouse and on into Hatton street, bue he did say that one could be cut through there, making the school con venient to the business district and as easily acceslbie for the children as is the present building This citizen men tioned the undesirable features of this-along with 'he good ones, stntirfg that a school building located on this j site would" have a tendency to central ize the town instead of scattering it over 4 two-mile territory. It is understood that favorable of fers have been made, and that they will be made public next Tuesday at the meeting. HONOR ROLL OF LOCAL SCHOOL Students on List for Va£t Month; Only 2 High School pupils in the local school burned the'mid-night oil, during the past school month and made the aver ages and marks necessary to get their names among the list i f honor eta dents. flu* socond grade led the list when it contributed eleven of^the forty-five names. The rojl by grades follows: . ..First Krade- —Grace llarnhill, Cottie Mae Wynne, Thelma t Griffln, Kilai KuniaFa, f'ill IV'berSen, .Second Krade —Joseph llarnhill, Ad die Meailor, Hurras Critcher, John -P. Thigpen, Kllis Wynne, .'ulia Everett, Jean Watts, Gwendolyn Watts. Second Krade —K. A. Pope, jr., Chas. Mickey, Pete Kgau, Carlyle hall, Lois Taylor, Fannie Spain Holliday, Kuby .Harrison, Florence Woodard Holliday', Marie Griffin, Ella Wynne Critcher, tnnif' Mae i/oggett. Third Krade —Mamie Clyde Taylor. Third Krade —Kathleen 'Price, Bol ton Cowen, Eloi.se* Couke, Thad Har rison, jr., Joe Thrower, jr.* Fourth Krade—Olive' McCabe, Alice Harrison, Grace Manning, Jessie Mae Anderson, Kula Green, BiHie G"re#n. Fifth Krade— Josephine Anderson, Herbert Whitley. Sixth Krade—Gushing Hausell, Gor mer Taylor, Myrtle Urown. Seventh Krade—Jim # Rhodes, jr., Hazel Modlin, Julian Daniel. Eighth Rrade— Edith Peele. i Ninth Krade—(Jllic Marie Itoberson. Christmas Seal Sale Here Falls Behind With the quota, hardly half sold, the committee in charge is making a last minute plea to the people of the town to buy Tuberculosis Christmas seals. As compared with last year the sale this season is falling far behind in ▼ number of seais sold. The committee, however, is depending upon the sale during* the next few days to show airincrease. Coach B. E. Hood Is Sworn In As Lawyer Brodie E. Hood appeared before ' the local bar Wednesday and was Bworn in by Judge Clayton Moore. Lawyer Hood passed the bar examina tion to practice law about two years ago after completing his studies at Wake Forest College. At the present time, Mr. Hood la a member of the local school faculty.

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