PAGE TWO ===== ■. -f ; f ; " - ;—* »--■ ■■ x THE ENTERPRISE Published E\ery Tuesday and Friday by. the EffrHRPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA _ W. C. Manninjr - ~~~T~ * F,ditor Subscription Kates IN MARTIN COUNTY \^' 1 year tUfi t! mo:ihs - » • Ol TSIOE MARTIN -f'OI'NTY 1 year - •.—,—- $2.00 C, month- .: - -- ---- 1-M\. - (Strictly Cash in Advance) No Advertising Rate Card W ill lie Furnished Upon Application * ~" ---'"•V*- % ""** " I Entered at the post office i t WilKamston, N. C., as second-clans mattg; under the net of Coiijjress of March 3, 187S/. Address all communications to The anil not to indi vidual members of the company. Friday, December 17, 1927 * Hazing Should Be Abolished Dr. E. K'. Brooks, ptesident of State College, goes strong against hazing in college bin not a Jut too strong. , The tortures,'inflicted by the njost ancient and crueli savages had notn ing on a bunch >f young coflege buys who will take a helpless young fellow,™ who need their sympathy .rather than their savagery, and black Choosing a Location for the New School Building Where is the proper pi,ice for the location of the nevPhigh school build ing? The folks are mil altogether -ol one accori Everybody has some reason for suggesting some particu lar location. The. two, principal things to con sider is the cost and the conveni eiue. A survey of the community will «how very few plates sirable or suitable.. The nearest approach to an ideal location is found on Leggctt s La'ne,' a block from -the heart of * town, where plenty of level lalid is to be found. It is alsn only'a block from 5 AUCTION SALE DECEMBER, 23,1927 WE WILL SELL AT AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH A PART OF OUR STOCK OF MERHANDISE CONSISTING OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, OVERCOATS, PANTS, MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, LADIES COATS, DRESS PATTERNS, MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SWEATERS, AND MANY OTHER THINGS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. WE MUST REDUCE OUR STOCK BEFORE TAKING INVENTORY AND J"0 MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. THIS IS THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY TO BUY MERCHANDISE CHEAP EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC HERE. ' COME ONE AND ALL. YOU SHOULD AVAIL YOURSELVES OF THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY. - l. _j , i " . V SALES BEGIN AT 10 O'CLOCK SHARP. HUBERT MORTON, Auctioneer V DON'T FORGET THE DATE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23,1927, AT OUR STORE IN BEAR GRASS, N.C. J! ROGERS'AND BROTHER his face, tear his hair out, and kick and cuff 4iim around. -it is really as mean as war, and much commoner. The education of a people means .to get them away from barbarism. We hope Dr. Brooks, and all Other educational leaders, may be able to leach the young men not to haze and the young women not to curse and smoke. Highway No. .iO, and is approach able from the north, smith, east-, and west' There is plenty of land foe I all athletic purposes, and the loca • lion is close to water, lights, and j sewer. It is just out of range of the heavy traffic district, and the land is easily drained and "suitable for play grounds. Incoming roads center near this point. Trucks coming in from the JamesviUe road, the Wash ington road, and ihe Kverctts and I Hamilton roads will find little Irafiu hoik mi this particular location, , | There are some , who -advocate .a : site on Highway No. VO, arounfl the i tair grounds or beyond., This would | put the school tomething like half a jmile out of town, and two miles from, | the eastern end of the town. Chil j dren coming from on the Jamesville j road, the Washington road, and the I 1 Hamilton road would l>e required to travel an extr« mile after reaching; ' town. The sch(tol should not he placed | j near a main highway, because it will j (*• too dangerous. It should not gb Coast Guardsmen A re Still Our Heroes Two dassesTif (>eople have always thrilled the American people—the! cowboy of the "Wild West, and the' Coast* Guardsman. Now, the West is just as gentle j las the bast. nothing*to' remind us of the days of the "wild "j West except an occasional wide-: brimmed hat. or Will Rogers twirling the rope. Even the dangers that so long lurk-' eel in the quicksand of the Atlantic coast have been mastered to some ixtent by the radio arid the scientific achievements which enable men to keep away from danger. "But when all these fail,, and the ship reaches the death x lirie ; the faithftj, Coast Honest Men Our Greatest Need i'ublk office is generally sup|x>sed to mean public service performed by a servant of tht* [>eople, but it is j i hanging, and the officer Is a lord rather than a servant noyv. In Okla homa, the State's paid soldiers • are I being used by the governor, Henry !S. Johnson, to Vn force this princi- I * II »le | llie soldiers are being used to keep members -of the legislature from meeting to consider impeach i ing the governor, against whom many charges of corruption and fraud are I being brought. s„ >), J The fact that some offers seem • • Time To Do Something With Muscle Shoals 11 is now predicted by some ob servers that the American Cyanide Co. will get Muscle Sj'fioals and use the [tower for the production of fer lili/er. The investigation made by the Coolidge committee in 1925 disclosed I that /■fertilizer could be made at the THE ENTERPRISE beyond the railroad bridge, because with hundreds of children and thou sands of cars choked into the mouth of such a funnel, it would be little i less than a death trap. Regardless 4 of the effect the loca tion chosen may have on the future prices of adjoining land, the thing to do is to put the building where it can be used to the best service of the people. ' Guardsmen are on the job. ready to i serve and to save". Sueh was the i case in' the recent storm, when tin crews of two ships were saved, one j near Oregon Inlet, and the other near Htatterasj . • j The men on duty were commend :ed by the superintendent of,the Coast (itiard Service at Washington. Hon. j Lindsay C. Warren, in wfyose district 1 ! the accidents both occurred, succeed ed in having their service commended ■ by recording the accounts of the res cues into the Congressional Record. i It is still conceded that the man i by the music of the waves i on the seashore can be counted on for honor and l^avery. 11 to t hin/k their ditty Is to rule the people rather tlian serve the people ■ harks back to monarchy, and makes I us forget demoi racy. * It looks now like honest men are 1 as needed as ever in man s ': whole histdrv. It' is a SK J thing for the |ieopie vhen their official' sell then out, it ' I ir.'tv be icr cash or for a friend, for j llmr own" fame'or honor, or it may I (lerchance lie for a second term or | for a higher office. -j Mutest men i-. still the main thing i we need. .Muscle Shoals plant at 4.5 |>er cent • less cost than tin- grades of jhe same ■ an:t lysis now cost. 11 is said that one hag of the fer tilizer produced at a plant at' ■ Niagara Falls is worth more than I three a(id a half times as much as • an ordinary 3-9-4 grade of guano; - It is a shame to see all the water pouring over the Muscle ShoJls dams and going to waste when it might be turned into millions of savings to the farming industry of America. Somebody has hung the matter up for a long time, too long. It should have been leased to it was not. so now is the time to do some thing with it which will make it of some service. Feed Grain Crop This Year Is M#ch Larger Feed Kraiii- are reported jlo |>e in excess of la&t years crop./ Nearly thrc- billion bushels have |>een har vested this year, or more than 100,- 000,000 tjver last year's harvest. Low production ot , corn in hurope will cau-e quite a market for our ..over-pro duction of corn* this year. ">■ * * j?"' ' Tk. ibovc uprtssion by Mr. knows that he muit build Durant U the best description sensational performance into of the Star Si* ever written. his cars before an owner can 1 , - i' lAnd Mr. Durant, who has get it built more automobiles and . been back of more automobile And because Mr Durant Companies than any ore man knows tat e as ut t into in America knows that an * he ,^ r S,X ~ he fme,t A. automobile must be sbperior • c « r of »*• . %f .to anything in its class before •»»; h m « k « the statement f? . / , u could be called sensational. knows that the product J f will beck it up— if 7-^ » Mr. Durant knows that a dis criminating public has grown .lightly tired of superlative* ' BARNHILL MOTOR CO. Washington Promoted Organization oi Farmers George Washington was one of the first farmers iu America to promote a farm organization. Farmers Know Need of State-wide Organization North CaroHna farmers appear to know the need for-a State-wide or ganization, but are not unanimous as to the financial support which should be given NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust ex ecuted by Sophia Cratt, to the under signed trustee and bearing date of Jan uary Ist, 1921, and of record in the public -registry of Martin County in book U-2, at page 243, said deed of trust having been given to secure the Friday, December 17, 1927 payment of a certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and default hav ing been made in the payment of Mid note, and the terms and condition* tn said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said note the under signed trustee will, on Tuesday, the 27th day of December, 1927, at 12 o clock m., at the courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston. N. , C, offer at public sale to the highest bid der for cash the following described real estate', to wit: . Beginning at a crossing in winding branch at W. R- Cratt's corner, tlience along the Cratt path westerly course to the corner of the fence, thence a northerly course down said path to Mrs. Alice Harris* line and C. A. Lee • line to a chopped gum in the branch, thence an easterly course down said branch to a corner in winding branch to the beginning, containing; 35 acres and being a part of lands deeded to the said Sophia Cratt by Mc G. Cratt by deed of record in book G-l, page 197, in Martin County public registry, referred to as the home tract. This 26th dajr of November. 1927. A R DUNNING, n29 4tw Trustee.

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