PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING COMPANY WILUAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA W. C. Manning* Editor S . ; Subscription Rates IN MARTIN COUNTV 1 year 1 $1.50 6 months w-'_ ; .76 OlfSffbE MARTIN COUNTY J 6 ~~ """' ""*IOO (Strictly Cash in Advance) No Subscription Will Be Received for Less Than Six Months ft Advertising Kate Card Will lie Furniahed Upon Application EntereJ ;it the posj i.fßee at WilWamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the ait of Congress of March 3, 187 V. Address all commun.'cations to The Enterprise and not to indi vidual members of Ihe company. Too Much Flash and Show-Off Already The schoolhouse location i*- yet ur settled. Some say build it a long wa out and 'build a town to It—a lonj: time house. Others say build i where it cah be used now We have already had too muc flash and' show-off. Of all thing: we need to locate the school wher Officials Should No t Accept Passes The Army-Navy,. free football | tickets are going to be no more, at ! cording to reports from the capital. That is a fine thing. No man who j holds a public office should accept j any freeprivileges that all other men j are denied. The habit of showfolks to give public officers pickets full of free tickets is a very easy way toi buy them off, unbel nowning to them! and in a very (heap way. The same' Putting a Premium on Vulgarity The folks seem to hunger and thirst for suggestive literature more than ever. It only takes a short mo ment to catch the drift of the mind if you will take time to listen in. The political page, the sport page, the society page, and the market page used to get all the interest of all the people as their first choice. Not so now. The scandal page gets them first. Strange to say, the things that "knock" religion and religious activi ties are quite popular and people seem willing to sing the failures rath- ------- - - - - ■ t v. -- • , ' Several Farms NEAR WASHINGTON, N. C. V . % TERMS REASONABLE See Or Write Bank of Washington Trust Department Washington, N. C. GORMAN'S MARKET REPORT ' -»*. _ ; The market has crossed the sixty-million mark, for which all of Greenville is proud. The sales have finished easily each day this week. Gorman's sold this week 292,896 pounds for $64, I 044.16, averaging $21.87. Gorman's has sold for the season 9,-955,768 pounds at an average for all forms of tobacco sold $24.2 7. Under the circumstances, we feel very proud of this average, | as it is 50 cents more per hundred pounds than the market average and has added so many extra dollars to fill the pockets ofthose who sold it Gorton's. We have worked harder to make this average than we have to lead the market in pounds; as we realize the farmers needevery dollar their tobacco can be sold for. I ■ I"." ■■ | The Greenville Tobacco Market Will Reopen January 5, 1928 I 1 ■ ' 1..11 . 111 I I Ml II Will • 9 We wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope the New Year will bring you the best of health, wealth, and prosperity. Your friends, * ', » . _ jr * ■ 4 « - J. N. Gorman and Sons, Greenville* North Carolina ,jf , ' - _ " m• ' . * n- it will not be molested and harassed iv by roaring trains and flying automo g- biles, and at a place where children it will not have to play under car wheels. ifi The location of the school in a is, c/ntral [x>int will always hold good l»e of most service to the people. I applies to mayors, town police, town c ommissioners, and all other officers who are granted free passes to shows, theaters, and other functions. These favors are generally for no other pur- I pose, but to soften up the officials | and very frequently causes them not to see straight. It is pretty hard for an officer to ' receive favors from a man and do his full duty. er than the successes of life. Writers who can season an article with plenty of dirty, semi-vulgar ex pressions find they are exactly suit ing the taste of the public and are growing bolder day by day, until now one need not be surprised at anything that may appear in the press. Papers filled with garbage are equally as popular and even find a more ready sale than those which would deal with the problems of the day with a more modest touch, Congress and Qhristmhs Congress has caught the Christmas spirit and has decided to close the 1 doors tomorrow and run home to en ! joy the Christmas season, j *' So far, very little has been ac 'complished, except the tax reduction NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as admin istrate of the estate of N. K. Man ning, late of Martin County, all per sons having Claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of December, 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of the recovery of same. * All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate payment of same. This 1 Oth dya of Deceml>er, 1927. H. L. MANNING. dl 3 6tw Administrator. Estate of N. "R. Manning. THE DIFFERENCE *> —T Tennyson and Longfellow could take a worthless sheet of paper, write a poem on it and make it worth $54,- 000—that's Genius. There are some men who can write a few words on a sheet of paper and make it worth $6,- 000,00 —that's Capital. The United States can take an ounce and a quar ter of gold, stlmp upon it an "eagle bird" (even with bloomers) and make it worth $20 —-that's Money. A me chanic can take material worth $5 and make it into watch springs worth sl,- 000 —that's Skill. There is a man who can take a 50-cent piece of canvas, paiut a picture on it and make it worth several hundred dollars—that's Art. A merchant can take an article worth 7S cents and sell it for $1 —that's Busi ness. A woman can purchase- a 75- cent, but prefers one that costs $27 — that's Foolishness. A ditch digger works ten hours a day and handles several tons of earth for $1.25 —that's Labor. The author of this can write a check for $90,000,000, but it wouldn't he worth a dime—that's Tough. /. Come To SALLY ANN BAKERS For Youi Christmas CAKES, PIES, BREADS, ROLLS, BUNS, DOUGH NUTS, ETC. WMIS FOR OLD AGE, INSURANCE plmt a pecan with Wight's Quality ,I'ecan Trees. Write for prices and information. J. U. Wight, Cairo, Gat d 9 8t BY USING HIGH GRADE MAG nesium limestone containing to ■B per cent magnesium carbonate the tobacco station at O'xofrd dot an av erage annual increase in (fthacco of s>6B per acre for 5 consecutiveycars. Ypu can get it, tpo, by using MASCOT Agricultural Lime. See your local MASCOT dealer or write CAN LIMESTONE CO.. Knoxville, Tenn. mo dec APARTMENT OR HOUSE WANT ed: With three or four connecting room if possible, or a small,house. Ap ply to J. R. Stanley, care.Carolina Tel. «c Tel. Co. , dl 7 2t WANTED: A 2-HORSE TENANT "for I''2B, colored preferred. Good land; good home; two iniles from Windsor, N! C. T. J. lieckstall, Wind sor, N. C. d2O 2t WANTED: JOB IN FIRST-CLASS grocery, general merchandise, or' gent's furnishings; also experience in 1 hardware. Excellent reference*. Ad- 1 dre»» 11 -507, care The Enterprise. d2O 3: THE ENTERPRISE bin for rich folks has about gone ! through the House. Of course, poli [ tics have engrossed the minds of many, sorm-wondering what they can do to help the people most, while others doubtless are thinking of what they can do to help themselves most. NOTICE, Having this day qualified as execu tor under the will of the late Alfred F. Modlin, deceased, all persona hold ing claim* agauist the Alfred F. Modlin are hereby notified to present same to me for payment pn or before the 23rd day of November, 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to »aid estate will please come forward and make immediate payment of same. This 23rd day of November, 1927. JOE G. MODLIN. n25 6t Executor of Alfred F. Modlin. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL •PROPERTY tinder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trgst executed to the undersigned trus tee by T. W. Revels and wife, Clem mie Revels, on the 23rd of April, 1927, and of record in the*public registry of Martin County in Book Y-2, page 233, said deed of trust having, been given for the purpose of securing certain note of even date and tenor therewith, and default having been made in the payment of the said note, and the stip ulations contained in the said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request lof the holder of the said note the undersigned trustee will, the 4th day of January, 1927, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in the town of VYilliamston offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash, the following de scribed real estate, to wit: Beginning on the Williamston and Washington Road at the bridge below the old Rawls >r Peel Mill, thence north 17 1-4 E. 24 poles up the Wil liamston ana Washington road, thence N. 19 1-2 Wl! 25 1-2 poles up said road to an iron stob or stake, thence N. 77 1-4 E. 80 poles to an iron axle, thence N. 8K 1-2 E. 80 poles to a post, * HARRISON BROTHERS HAVE • R-> A AN ESPECIALLY COMPLETE LINE "\I!\W OF MEN'S WEAR.APPROPRIATE FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. AT THE „ TOP OF THE LIST ARE USEFUL, Another appropriate \ PRACTICAL GIFTS THAT ARE . CTI. 1.. M -0. BOUND TO BE APPRECIATED. • f handkerchief to match. Both handkerchief* and necktie* are reliable ________ _____ gifta that never fail to FOR WOMEN : ss§l YOU WILL FIND IN OUR STOCK HUN- DREDS OF USEFUL GIFTS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. SOMETHING TO WEAR IS SPECIAL ALWAYS USEFUL AND APPRECIATED. , COME IN AND LET US MAKE SUGGESTIONS I white linen—with neat I , ___ __ _ •——7—- little initial*, beautifully FDR YOU. jx hand-embroidered in di amond ihaped motif a— with hematitched bor- Harrison Brothers & Co. " " thence S. 11 1-4 W. 42 and 2-3 pole* to a black gum in a branch, thence S. IS 1-4 W. about 68 poles to the Mill Run, thence up the variAaf courses of said run to the bridge, the beginning, containuig^7sjMjreßi^mor^^MeM^n^ GROCERIES For Casb—-We Have The Beat Price For Your Patronage—We Witt Deliver YourJSroceries We have been established for a number of years and have always given our customers every advantage in weight, prices, and service. , Our service excells, and to every customer paying in full their account after a period of thirty day*, we will give a Discount of 5 Pe ce„ t * * » Your delivery service and the discount we give you are to * be taken into consideration—then compare our prices. —— Let Us Serve You When Buying for Christmas C. 0. MOORE & CO * ' I being the identical tract of land con veyed to Clayton Moore by James Bigg* and wife, Tamar Biggs, by deed dated December 4th, 1916. which ia of record in the public registry of llar tin County in Book_L-l J _at_page_26l_ : ,\ iday, December . . 1927 • to which reference is hereby made for > a more perfect description. ' 1 ITiis the 3rd day of December, 1927. f A. R. DUNNING, • dIS 4tw Trustee.