Week the Label on Your Paper; It Carries the Date Your Subscription Expires VOLUME XXX—NUMBER 86 NEW CHEVROLET TO BE DISPLAYED HERE MONDAY Two Members of Local Firm See Car in Char lotte This Week MANY IMPROVEMENTS Shipments To Dealers Have Been Leaving Assembling Plants Since December 15 The new Chevrolet will be brought here, late tonight or tomorrow for showing next Monday, according to representatives of the Peel Motor company, local Chevrolet dealers. The showing has been scheduled for January 1, but since that date fall* on Sunday, many of the dealers are waiting until Monday to display the new car. Messrs. H. T. Roberson and Collins Psel, upon their return from Char- Mte this week where they attended a pre-showing, state, "Never before daring the course of our experience in the automobile business has a new car so completely captivated dealers as did the new Chevrolet, which was shown to over one hundred dealers from all over the Old Tlorth. State in Charlotte Tuesday. Without disclosing details Messrs. Roberson and Peel declared thaf the new car embodies the results of the thirteen years experience and pro gress in the building of low-priced transportation, and herald it as the greatest automobile by a wide mar gin ever offered the public by Chevro let Unofficial reports from the Chevro let office say that the new car will embody mnay improvements in de sign and construction. New standards of beauty are promised. Easier handl ing and smoother riding qualities are heralded as some of the outstanding features of the new Chevrolet line. unlooked for changes have been mad# in the appearance of the car, according to reports, providing the new phevrolet with a beauty and ■tyle appeal unexampled in the low price field. Shipments of the new cars to have been leaving the various assembly plants since December 16 so that the vast country-wide dealer or ganisation may be prepared for the introductory showing on New Year's Day. Practically every dealer in the United States will have cars ready for inspection op, that date. Ffom Bangor, Me. to San Diego and from Miami to Vancouver there will be simultaneous exhibitions of the new car. Cars will be ready for the high ways immediately after the first of the year. Production at the various plants throughout the United States is racing along as fast as precision manufacturing will permit. Never be fore in the history of the industry will so many new models of one make have been placed in dealers' hands in such a brief space of time. Over 6,600 newspapers across the country will assist in broadcasting the announceent, which will take the form of one of the most comprehen sive advertising campaigns ever at tempted during the entire history of the automobile industry. The Peel Motor company extends to the public a cordial invitation to visit their show room and inspect the new car next Monday. Sells s7S,ooofioo Worth Of Stamps ia One Year New York City will sell $76,000,- OOOworth of postages stamps this year, it is reported. According to re ports, the entire United States buoght only $70,000/ XX) worth of stamps per year thirty years ago. In thirty years time, one cityA business grows to the extent wheriT Postage receipts amount to more than they did in the country a few years ago. ' j STRANG theatre! J SATURDAY ROY STEWART in "WITH GENERAL CUSTER AT THE LITTLE BIG HORN" 4 Also 2 - REEL COMEDY And Serial Mon. - Tues. - Wed. BEN-HUR The Quitsst Picture el an Thus THE ENTERPRISE MAYOR'S CAR IS STOLEN MONDAY Thief Makes Getaway Af ter Hot Chase; Car Is Recovered Stealing reached a climax here last Monday night when someone at tempted to drive Mayor Cobum's car out of town. Mr. Coburn missed his car when he came from the picture show. At first he thought some of the boys were playing a joke on him, but after he searched up and dewn the ct reel and failed to find the Chevro let coupe, he notified officers. During the meantime, the car was seen cross ing Main street near the home of Mr. J as. A. Everett. A chase was at tempted, but the car'a new drivei ignoied bumps in the road and went ahead at full speed. Later that night, Officer Allsbrooks found it parked near the freight depot Apparently the car was not dam aged by the unknown borrower. NEW PONTIAC IS ANNOUNCED Will Be Offered On Or Be fore January 7; No Ad vance in Prices The Oakland Motor Car company, it planning to present soon a new and improved Pontiac Six series at no ad vance over the present base price, it is stated by an executive of the com pany. Although declining to discuss de tails or speciAcstions of the new car, the Oakland official authorised the following statement: "The Oakland Motor Car company will offer on or shortly before January 7, the date of the New York Auto mobile show, a new series Pontiac Six that will establish even more firmly Pontiac's position in the low priced six class. The new series is emphatically 'more car' and the base price has not been increased." It is also stated on excellent author ity that the New Pontiac Six will carry a more powerful engine, and vthat the increased power has been obtained without change in piston displacement. The car is said to have been Improved by tye adoption of several features which hsve proved their value on the-Oakland Ail-Amer ican Six. Four-wheel brakes are only one of many improvements. The new Pontiac Six is stated to offer something radically different in the matter of heat radiation. A total ly new method of cooling the warm water received from the engine pas sages is asserted to have elminated evaporation even of such volatile anU-freese fluids as alcohol. The car is said to retain the same wheelbsse but to be slightly heavier due principally to a heavier frame. Two of the present body types, It is believed, will be replaced by other snd even more attractive models. Burned To Death in Hopewell Hotel Fire Mr. Chsrles E Cocke, s naUve of Scotland Neck anJ an uncle of Mrs. Virginia Cook, was burned to death in a hotel fire at Hopewell Christmas Eve night. Several other people lost thair lives in the fire. Mr. Cocke had anticipated visiting in Scotland Neck during Christmas, but he was taken with influensa and was unable to leave Hopewell. He had visited Mrs. Cook here sev eral times during her residence here. Officers Capture Two Stills Last Week - Officer* C. F. Alexander, J. R. Man ning and H. O. Daniel raided in the section two miles north of Everetts W and captured two stills. At the first plant a 60-gallon copper still and one hundred gallons of beer were destroyed. The second still found by the officers was of the steam plant style, a gasoline tank being used as the boiler and two double coils in cooler. Six hundred gallons of corn meal beer were dsetroyed at that plant . No men were seen and both stills were cold when the officers arrived. Ben-Hur" To Be Shown Here 3 Days Next Week Ramon Novarro, heading a cast of thousands of people, will appear in one of the greatest pictures of today, "Ban Hur" at the Strand theatre Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. The picture comes heref a little late, but Mr. Watts, the manager states that the big demand for it prevented the picture's reach ing the smaller theatres of the coun try until now. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Carden, of Durham, are visiting their daughter, Mra. Herbert Clark and Mr. Clark for several days. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, December 30,1927 SHERIFF GETS BIG TAX CHECK A. C. L. Pays County Total of $50,631.75; Several Schools Benefited Sheriff A. L. Roebuck received his largest tax check today when the A. C. L. railroad sent one in amounting to (60,631.75. The total valuation of all the rail road property in the county is $2,- 869,826. At the rate of $1.33 per hun dred dollars, the general county tax mounts to |38,168.67. The following special school taxes were also included in the check: Oak City, $1,618.61; Parmele, $1,061.69; Jamesviile, $496.54; Everetts, $658.26; Hardens, $154.63; Hassell, $510.43; Outterbridge, $98.00; Poplar Run, $203.63; Robersonville, $717.32; Wil liamston, $569.77. The following special road taxes were also included in the check: Wil liamston, 1,387.27; Jamesviile, sl,- 303.97; Williams, $871.13; Cross Roads, $689.83; Goose Nest, $1,306.33; Hamilton, $816.68. The total special school tax for all special tax districts amounts to $6,- 088.87 and the gpecial road tax to $6,374.21. EVERETTS.WINS OVER DURHAM Defeat Lads From Bull City Here Wednesday Night By Score of 20-15 Everetts added to its splendid rec ord here last Wednesday evening when it defeated a select team from Durham 20 to 16. The boys from the Bull City travelled all the way here just to And that the boys from the small but progressive little city could out play them in every part of the game. However, the More ran close during certain periods of the game, and during one quarter, the lads from up-country came within one or two points of gaining the lead. Cherry, for Everetts, widened the score's margin in the last few minutes of plsy with a point made from the free mark line and two points from the field. David N. Hix chimed in with the visitors, but efforts to down the Everetts lads failed. Everetts is expected to make a creditable showing in the county bas ketball championship series the early part of next month. JOHN M. POPE DIES IN DURHAM Father of County Superin tendent R. A. Pope Died Saturday Night John M. Pope, father of Superin tendent R. A. Pope of this place, died at his home in Durham on Christmas Eve at 9 o'clock p. m. His health had been bad for the past year, but death was the result of a stroke of paralysis a few hours before. Mr. Pope was a native of Robeson county, but for many years he had lived in Durham. His wife,, one daugh ter and three sons survive him. Supt. Pope, his eldest son, was with him when the end came. The funeral services were conducted at the home on Monday, the 26th, the pastor of the Duke Memorial Church officiating. Mr. Pope was 72 years old and was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity. Last-Minute Rush Keeps License Bureau Busy The automobile license bureau at tfee gfflce of the Wllliamston Motor Company resembles a big railroad station during the busy season of the year. Applicants were lined up at every window of the bureau today waiting their turn for licenses. The people were slow to start buy ing the plates, causing a great last minute rush. An order has been issued to agents all over the State, commanding them to arrest all drivers of cars without licenses. The number of licenses issued here this week will go up into the thou sands. The indications now forecast a larger number will be sold this year than during any previous year. Christmas Passes Off Quietly Here The absence of drunks and the clos ing of tht: stores Monday marked the holiday *-eanon in the county. Many of the older people here and several in other towns state that the Christ mas just passed was one of the quietest they had ever seen. Very few pranks were played, and few di«tur)>anees were reported. Outuide the fatal shooting near Han sell. the holiday season passed very quietly with few accidents being re ported Oyster Roast For Farmers Monday WILL BE GIVEN BY STANDARD • FERTILIZER CO. Several Good Speakers Are Secured For Big Occasion ALSO SQUARE ,DANCE All Farmers and Their Families in Eastern North Carolina Are Invited To Attend With an unlimited invitation going out to farmers in Eastern North Car olina, the oyster roast at the Standard Fertiliser Compuny here next Monday is expected to be 'one of the largest "Get Acquainted Parties" ever held in this part of the country. In the in vitation to the farmers, the company is urging them to attend with their families and come early that they might inspect the plant while it is in operation. •"* Mr. C. G. Crockett, general man ager of the plant, stated yesterday that his company was nuking exten sive preparations to entertain in a tip top fashion their guests at the party. Several hundred bushels of oysters have been ordered, and preparations to steam them have boon made. A .mountain of sandwiches are in Un making, and Mr. Crockett states that his company will be in a position to care for several thousand people at the party. The company's wurehouse has been completed and will be well lighted for the old-time square dance that will be held shortly aftjr the oyster roast. Judge Francis D. Winston, the famous old character from Bertie and welcomed in all parts of the State as a speaker, will have u stand, und he will make the main talk of the even ing. The Judge was here yesterday and he stated that he was looking forward to the event *t which he could meet all the farmer in thin part of the State. He also stated that he was making every effort possible to prepare an entertaining and well worth-while talk. He did not disclose his subject, but it can be well expect ed that he will handle the talk in that pleasing manner for which he is so widely known. Judge Clayton Moore will be the toastmaster of the evening, and several short talks will be made by prominent men before the program is concluded. Company's President Here for Event Mr. George A. Whiting, the com pany's active president, will leave Baltimore before light Monday in order that he might be here that af ternoon and evening. Mr. Whiting has expressed his confidence in Eastern North Carolina by directing the ex penditure of thousands of dollars for the erection of one of the largest fer tilizer plants in this section. His visit here Monday will afford him op portunity to meet many of the farm ers with whom his company hopes to cooperate in the advancement of agri culture in our section of the State. He is anxious that every farmer at tend, bring their families and feel at home. Employees at the factory will glad ly answer any questions that the vis itors might want to ask. While the meet Monday is being urranged on a big scale, Mr. Crockett assures the! people of the section a welcome any time they wish to visit the plant. During Monday afternoon, men will be on hand to point out to the visitors just how the fertilizer is prepared, the various ingredients used in mak ing guano for certain crops, and wer any questions whatever in con nection with the factory and its work. Haywood County Erects Hospital Haywood county has just erected s SIOO 000 hospital. The Duke Foundation will pay i large part of the cost of the build ing and will help in maintaining the hospital The trustees of the Duke Founda tion are asking that every county in the State without a hospital to plan one and that funds from the Founda tion will be given. County Commissioners Will Meet- Monday The Board of County ommissioners will hold it* first meeting of the New Year next Monday. The Board of Ed ucation announces its first meeting of the year the second Monday. However, a called-meeting is scheduled to be held next Tuesday night when the se lection of a school site comes up again for consideration. MUCH MOVING IN MARTIN COUNTY Believed, However, That Fewer People Moving This Year Than Usual The household furniture and kitchen articles are beginning their annual ride, for many peopre are moving to and from the county and section to section in the county. The highways in this section a day or so ago reminded one of a baseball game when the teams were changing positions, for every time a truck load of furniture went east, one was seen going west, and the same held for the northerly and southerly direc tions. The general opinion, although unconfirmed, is that there are fewer families moving this year in this section than in years. BIG SHIPMENT OF OIL IS RECEIVED Three Cars of Oil and Two Cars of Gasoline Shipped To Harrison Oil Co. One of the largest shipments of oil an dgasoline ever received in this section was unlouded at the wharf of the Harrison Oil Company last Wed nesday. The three cars of Texaco Motor Oil and two cars of gasoline, making up the shipment, were handl ed by the "Old North State", one of the newest oil boats running out of Norfolk. Captain Outlaw stated when he was here Wednesday that he had been with the Texas Company around fifteen years, but the shipment made last Wednesday was the largest he ever brought out of Norfolk during that period. Kegulor shipments are made to the Texaco distributors here, and to han dle the large orders, the Texan com pany added the new boat, "The Old North State" to its regular fleet. RECORDER HAS BUT ONE CASE Cold Weather Just Before Christmas Cause Of Small Docket Recorder's court this week was at a low mark, only one case being dis posed of. /V Mayo RobersCn plead guiHy to the charge of violating the liquor law, ad mitting the possession of a small quuntity. Player for judgment was continued until the term to'be held the fourth Tuesday in June, He was released upon payment of the costs. Kills Nine Hogs That Average 303 Pounds K. G. Sexton, of near Jamesviile, continues at the top of the list of good farmers. Mr. Sexton killed nine pigs neurly 14 months old this week that weighed 2726 pounds, an average of almost 303 pounds. This is an exceptionally good age, and Mr. Sexton has not heardl of any one of his Martin county farmer friends who has made a higher average thiß year. No Preaching Services at Baptist Church Sunday The regular Sunday school will be the only service held in the Baptist church next Sunday on acount of the absence of the pastor, Rev. C. H. Dickey. Mr. Dickey was called to Tennessee on account of the death of his mother-in-law a few days ago, and while he is in that state he wijl visit relatives for several days. The public i« invited to attend-and take part in the Sunday school serv ice." Christmas Trade This Year Better Than Last According to several of the lead ing merchants, the holiday trade in the county this year was much better than it was last year. This improve ment in business reaches to practical ly all the types of businesses in the section. Shoppers heeded the demand to buy early, and many of the merchants re port that their -sales were increased greatly even a month before Christ mas. However, the last minute rush was evident, for it was all the regular and many assistant clerks could do to handle the trade during the days jußt before Christmas. FIRST SHOWING NEW FORDS HERE Hundreds of Visitors From This Section See New Car Yesterday The story of the new Ford reach ed its climax here yesterday when hundreds of people from all over the section visited the showroom of the Williamston Motor Company and saw one of the new Ford products, for the first time. From early morning until late last evennig, the showroom of the motor company was crowded with people anxious to see the much tal ked-a r. The description of the car preceded it here aeveral weeks ago, and yester day the people verified the details that had been, offered. Comments varied, of course, but in every instance known, the new car was stated to surpass all expectations. Fail To hind Old MarkH Thorough searches for marks sim lilar to those on the old model cars were made, but they proved useless, for not in a single instance could the new car be connected with the old. Observation of the car was complete, for many spectators went to their knees to get a glimpse of the parts underneath the body. And it is safe to say that should there have been any defects they would not have passed the keen eyes of the observers yes terday. Local dealers were greatly pleased with the showing and expressed re gret that the car could not he held here longer than one day. It is under stood' that many orders were received for the new car yesterday by the local dealers. Exact dates >vhen shipments will be made to the dealers throughout the country are still unknown, but it is believed that demonstration cars will be supplied the dealers within the next few days. SCHOOLSOPEN NEXT WEEK Several County Schools To Reopen Monday; Begin Here Tuesday Vacation days for the children of the county are almost over, for Mon day several of the schools will begin the long winter-spring term. While several of the schools are opening next Monday, some will not open un til Tuesday and Wednesday. In the cases where the schools start Monday, the holidays began a few days earlier. The local school opens Tuesday, and many of the teachers will return Monday evening. Negro Shoots Self While Hunting Near Plymouth Plymouth, Dec. 29.—Tragedy fol lowed in the wake of Christmas hunt ing in a forest adjoining the farm of H. H. Johnston near here Tuesday rooming when Joe Willie Parker, 21- yeur-old negro residing in the colored section on the end of Water street, was accidentally shot and fatally wounded by his own gun. Authorities think the negro wtfs using the stock of his gun to frighten the game from beneath patches of un dergrowth by shaking the weeds with the barrel pointed toward his breast. He struck a solid object with the stock which caused the cocked trigger to bp relascd, thus firing the fatt.l chot. Boys Take Advantage Of Firemen Saturday The members of the volunteer fire company received common treatment at the hands of thoughtless boys early h>st .i'tnday morning when 1 ' a false fue aiarm was turned in. Several of the company's members had just finished their work and retired for nigh; when the alarm went off. I Put the desperate cry of the siren caused them to disregard the extreme ly cold wither, for they turned back the and rushed to the fire house ready to do- what they could in an effort to save property or life. Several boys were standing near the fire station shortly before the a larrn was turned in, but there was not sufficient evidence to justify an ar rest. i /. J. Roger son Dies At Home in Bear Grass Joseph J. Rogerson, of Bear Crass township, died Saturday night after an illness of only one or two days' duration. Hardening of the arteries wan said to have been the cause of his death. He leaves a widow and six children. Two sisters, Mrs. Hprriet E. Harrison and Mrs. Ernest.Ward and two broth ers, Thomas and Lon Rogerson also survive him. The funeral services were conducted by Elder B. S. Cowing and the inter ment was made in the family plot at the home of Mrs. Harriet Harrison on Sunday. Advertisers Will Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over IfiOO Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 11-YEAR-OLD BOY IS ACCIDENTALLY SHOT BY FRIEND Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rawls, of Near Hassell, Killed Monday PLAYING WITH GUN One Side of Face I* Blown Away by Shot; Funeral Held Tuesday Afternoon Hassell, Dec. 29.-~Roy Benjamin Rawls, the eleven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rawls, was accidentally shot by a playmate near Hassell Monday afternoon. The two children were playing together near the home of tli Savage and just how the un fortunate tragedy occurred is not kno'vn for only the two boys were u resent. Th shot was heard throughtout the section, but it was giv»n the at tention of only those nearby. As as the father received news of thj .ic cidunt he rushed to the scene and found that his son was dangerously wounded. He removed the child to his home ami called a doctor who arrived only to announce that death was a few minutes distant, there being noth ing anyone could do. The gun was fired at close range and the entire load entered and lodged in the child's head. One Aide of the face was torn away. For two hours after the shooting, late in the after noon, the child continued to breathe, but never regaining consciousness. The funeral service, conducted by Rev. J. K. Tingle Tuesday afternoon, was one of solemn beauty. He made clear the necessity of death in the lives of all, the future of the aged ac cording to merit and of youth re warded through justice to the in nocent. The body was laid to rest in the new cemetery at the home of the parents. This sudden death, resulting from a shot fired by the lad's constant companion, came as an almost un bearable shock to the family -and also to the community as %^whole. Neither the home commun ity could hardly realize the necessity of giving up this much beloved youth. He will be missed by many, both old and young, for his winning disposi tion had won the admiration of all. Here death takes a leader and a pal from his playmates, an obedient, wil ling child from the parents and a citizen from the world of tomorrow. [ANY PRINTING BIDS REJECTED Commission Still Unable to Place Contracts for All State's Printing The State Printing commission re jected most bids for the State's print ing at a meeting held last Wednes (by. The commission has held several •meetings in an effort to place the work in the hands of the printers, but so far it has been unable to force the work on the printers at a figure lower than the one made in June except on a few items. For years, all the State printing except a very small part has been done by a half dozen Raleigh firms. When the commission met in the sum- decided to ask bids from all printing houses in the State. Most of the printing Arms regard the work as very undesirable and state there is a big chance to lose money on the State contracts. To Help Bring Pastors And Churches Together The Roanoke Baptist Association, composed of nearly seventy churches, has found that a number of these churches are without pastors and that many of the preachers in the Assori ! ation are without churches. For the first time, an attempt is be ing made to bring together tho pastorless churches and the church less paßtora. Rev. C. H. Dickey, president of the Roanoke Baptist Association has ap pointed a committee to look after this inutier and the committee is com posed of Brother A. Corey, L. E. O'- Brien, and Dodd. The chairman is Rev. A. Corey, Jamesville. If any' of the persons interested in the above matter will write to him about churches which have no pastor and about pastor's who have no chuiches, an honest attempt 1 will be made to bring the two together. Stamp Sales Here Show Big Increase The Williamaton post office stamp sales have increased twelve and one half per cent over the aale in 1926. The salaries of the postmaster and postal clerks are based on the sale of stamps and the increase will raise the ■alariea. The postmaster will get 12500 instead of |2400.

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