PAGE FOUR IWILLIAMSTON SUPPLY COMPANY S --\, The Builders' Headquarters ® 8 We are now buying twelve (12) staple articles that go into YOUR building in solid car lots. This means lower prices and greater saving to you. EVERYTHING carried in Stock from ® ~ the foundation to the tip-top of the chimney, and it will be delivered on the job FREE of charge. v Our truck* cover three counties. gs cfi Phone No. 109 for FREE, estimates on the cost of YOUR job. Two Cases in Mayor's Court Yesterday Henry Pigt, colored, was bound over to the Recorder'* court by MSyor K L. Coburn last night charg ed with assaulting a female. It| a, fight with his wife, it was said that • Page hit her over the head with a j, water dipper. An ther case, involving Jim Wil-1 liams and hi» wife was sent to the I recorder's court'to. be tried the fiisi • Tuesday in April. The trouble in the | i Williams case started when the hus- f band went homte drunk and shot tin j door down. Tiny wife returned the i shots, but no one was hurt in the ex change of shots. > I j ;—.—— . [ | Mr. J. N. Jones Dies In Scotland Neck ' Mi. 3. V- Jones died at home | u Scotland Neck last Sunday night j ( niter an illness of several y«»nr.' ('uratioir. He had been suffering with heart tiouble for several years and a short while before hip death, 1 he was !nought to be getting along as we. l as usual. He was in hi.* Blst year and was a 1 member of the Kehukee Primitive > Baptist church. The funeral wa* held at, the home yelsti'rday and the body was buried beside that of his wifi v-hd.'died just Hii years ago. - , > Besides—Mr. Paul Jones, of lin place, three sons and two dauglitei I y ii survive. j | ' ' | „.'" , . | Attorney W. 11. Kodman, jr., of ! Washington, is attending court hejc i tuday. L ■___ i j Mr. J. W. Andrews, A. C. L. agent "*i+ l'arniele, is attending court ..hele this week as a witness for -the ('oast j Lin eiti a civil case: Mr \\ .v Bai(e\ U-it tin-. jgßQjttssgi fur . when in ivtLU huv guilds, i 'Mr Bailey' will Q|ieu a. stoxi- 'with a j general line of UiticJiiiuUis.c in. ihiyUJ: , leans building in About two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. J. U Jones, .of j Jamesville were here for a, short I while yesterday afternoon. I'rofessoi S. W. 1 Of.* lif the lieai ' j Grass schools, was here yesterday at ] tending to business • matters. FuR- SALE: BFKKSiUKF IIOAK. j registered in tlieW ays Ohio Stock i j 1 arms. N R Route -I. Wil j 1 hanisloil, N. C thXO It j ' i— - m -- 'is . v • HELLO! ? •* Yes; we have toiling, siding, flooring, etc." . ■ What t 1.200 feet tlooring? What grade?- 1 Oh. yes; all right, we'll send it right away.' Anything else? How about sonic ceiling? We have any grade you want, made on our own machine. Drop in and look our line over. Murray & McCabe Company Williamston Phone 20 ' jg!V_ _! ■ ■ ii ■ i-; • I -V. • «. - NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TAX- f PAYERS OF THE TOWN OF EVERETTS, N. C. j Vi 1 Unless your taxes for 1926 are paid on or be- w j fore April Ist, 1928, 1 shall levy on your property and tell same for taxes. , , 1 * , i D. L. HARDY, TAX COLLECTOR | Want SI 1,111 IS HELP PROMOTE ANY | T ai'j ic agriculture." A judicious use !■; aif: jeultura'• lime toiie, Hied suflic- j benefit, roost crops, j Write u- fur literature on MASCOT,! the standard agricultural limestone, > it »ill-/iu a»uJ upt,.dv Atncr-| icati Limestone Kuoxville; Term. Wl•; ARK Kl, PRESENTING MRS. j Warren- '. beiton, florist, of Wash-1 ington, &.'C.,. who. has enlarged her I greenhouse and can -you with | put .plants, cut flowers, baskets, and floral drslgtlv, mi short notice.- Mrs. I •\V II tfi«KS and Mrs. J. E. Popc L .' 1 IX ami 173. ni9 8t r: 1 KEEN METHOD ; Permanent I j- WAVING j | SPECIAL FOR ; j MARCH ONLY i j SIO.OO I -• • 1 j ! We Also Specialize in } Botibing. Trimming and J Dressing. Facial S, j Shampoos, Scalp Treat- J ■■went, and Everything I in the Beauty Line. All | At Very. Reasonable | — —■ Prices : [ I-. ■. . -. " _ - ■ * I ! Phone 119-J for ap | pointments. LEE'S i BEAtJTY SHOP j ] I t In OKI Martin County Bank | Building . ! j WILLIAMSTON. N.C. WILL I'AY FOR LARGE HENS, 20c lb, Small to medium hens,, 18c 'lb; roosters, 10c lb; - Eggs,' market price. Saturdays: N. J. Corey's store,' i o to 11. a- >ii.; Claude Hardison's store, | 12 to 1 p. m.; Hardisons Mill, 2 to 3 I p. m.; Kader l.illey & Sons, 4 o'clock! |p. m. W. 11. Holliday, Robcrsonville, j N'. C. , m 6 4t |_. : j I OR SALE: SEVERAL TON'S OF peanut hay,.ill A-l conditio*; price j reasonable. Lester Rogers, William-, stoii, Route No. 2. ml 3 2t; . . I ' I-OR REN T: 3 OR 4 ROOMS J suitable for light housekeeping; i lights, water, and bath. Call at En-! I torprise office or 209 Church St. ml 3 2t j JUMBO' SEED PEANUTS FOR sale; one lot 7 U2 cents per pound.j Cash only J. Eason Lillty, William-, jston, N. C., Route 1. m 9 4t FOR SAM GOOD BUNt JI I.'JEA-■ nut seed; heavy, sotpvd*'quality; at I Joseph Early Estate, near Oak City, ! \. C. 6 cents per pound. ml 6 2t ► 3 * j Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer j - Only Licensed Embalmer in Martin County j DAY AND NIGHT AMBULANCE SERVICE Excellent Service at Most Reasonable Price B. S. COURTNEY WILLIAMSTON, N. C. | Day Phone 155 Night Phone 94 JL ..." 1 , « 1 - ■■ Money to Lend TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTY Elbert S. Peel Any Amount Any Terms Five Per Cent Interest ATTORNEY WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ] i r ■ " More Money per AcrefromßrigluTobacco 'ipa INTERNATIONAL fjP\ PREMIUM PRODUCER [*S*| $ BRIGHT TOBACCO FERTILIZER ™ m ' l ■ Brings to Bright Tobacco Growers I"*™! Tested in the same fields, eured in the same barns, sold on the same warehouse floors, The INTERNATIONAL PREMIUM PRODUCER brings from SSO to over SIOO more money per acre than other bright tobacco fertilizers • - * . . Tested by Local Grower, Who Reports the Following: j —* International Agricultural Corporation, Williamaton, N. C. *" Norfolk. Va. In my nineteen year«' experience planting tobacco, I could always make the weight, but not until I begun using . your tobacco goods could I get both weight and quality. If I used quantity of fertiiuer to get quality, I failed to get the weight. I am now using your International Premium Producer Bright Tobacco Fertiliier on highly im proved land at a rate of 1,200 pounds per acre and am receiving in return tobacco of fine quality at ■ rate of 1,200 pounds per acre, on an average. J* "• OREEN. THE INTERNATIONAL PREMIUM PRODUCER is unlike any other tobacco fertilizer, it differs in analysis or formula or in additional plant foods it contains * ■ Pats Quality into High Yields • Brightens the Color « Adds Body [ -~«w Sold by ■ i 02 S. ANDERSON & CO. j ■ GENERAL MERCHANDISE AND FERTILIZERS j WILLIAMSTON, N^. J I MANUfACmeM ' > OP HIOH OiIAOB V. FERTILIZERS THE ENTERPRISE ■ i H i. - ROOMS FOR RENT FOR LIGHT housekeeping; modern- conveniences. Mrs.'F. K. Hodges. ■ ml 6 2t NOTICE OF RESALE By virtue of the order of sale made by the clerk of the superior court of 1 Myrtin County in that "certain proceed, ling entitled "W. R. Cratt, executor, etc., vs. John M. Cratt, et als," the ttndejsigned will, on Mdnday, the 2nd day of April, 1928, at 12 o'clock noon, lat courthouse door of Martin Coun ty, ofler fur sale, at public auction, for I casl;, and to the highest bidder, all that certain tract ur parcel of land situate, I lying, and being in Bear Grass Town t'sliip. Martin County. N. C., adjoining the lands of John Bullock. Claude Lee, i and Robert Harris, and containing 90 j acres, more or less: and being the same lands conveyed to Sophie Cratt by M. G. Cratt. by deed dated November 10, i 1914, and of record ill book G-l, at ' page 197. i At the election of the undersigned, terms may be afforded the purchaser. The aforesaid sale will be reported to the superior court of Martin Coun | tv, for confirmation, as requ.ircd by law; and the successful bidder will be required to deposit as much as 10 per 1 cent of his bid, immediately at the close of the sale, as 'evidence of good faith, and pendink confirmation. Up on failure to make sudv deposit the said lands will be resold at the same place and on the same date at the hour . ,of I o'clock p. m. | 'i bis 23rd day of February, 1928. JOHN 11. BONNER. |> I (24 4tw Commissioner. , f SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtu? of the authority ; " j conferred upon us in a deed of trust, I executed by Jesse A. Leggett and wife, I . Katie Allen Leggett, on the Bth day I ■ of May, 1923, and recorded in book of r mortgages 0-2, page 357, Martin; t County, we will on Wednesday, the . 21st day of March, 1928, at 12 o'clock • noon, at the courthouse door in Wil ? liamston, sell at public auction for cash . to the highest bidder the following land ' to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of ■ land lying and being in Poplar Point . Township, Martin Couivty, North Car -1 olina, containing % and 1-3 acres, more 1 iur less, bounded on the worth In tin 8 Guard Yourself I Against | ■■ A RAINY DAY | It's easier to earn money & Acquire the Saving Habit! . Let our bank act as a pro- _ w tection against a time of need. |g amount of your earnings each j|j SI.OO opens an account W and starts you on the road to m 4 PERCENT i INTEREST ON i SAVING ACCOUNTS PLANTERS AND 1 MERCHANTS BANK | EVERETTS, N. C. "=* -- J- ■ ■ ■ ' 1 —! J , _._..-Li-U —J! lands of Taylor and Leggett, on the cast by the lands of J. L. Wynn, on j the&south by the lands of Griffin and Harris, and oil the west by the lands \f Joseph Harris, and being the same iaf»rt«ilr£ded to Jesse A. Leggett by J-1 W. Allen and wife by deed dated De- ; cetnber 10th, 1906, and of record in; the public registry of Martin County-! in book SSS, at page 15, and more particularly described as follows, to wit: ' Beginning at a pine stump, the cor- i ner bet ween Joseph Harris and the! land herein described; thence S. 32 3-4 ' E. 11V poles to Moon Springs branch, thence N. 80 1-2 E. 40 poles, thence N. 51 E. 48 poles, thence S. 81 1-2 E. 36 poles, thence 5.'23 E. 16 poles, thence N. 47 E. 40 poles, thence S. 46 | E. 14 poles, thence N. 75 1-2 E. 2.31 poles, thence N. 60 W. 10 poles, thence N. 16 W. 40 poles, thence N. 68 W. 38 poles, thence S. 45 1-2 W. 56 poles, theru;e N. 83 W. 40 poles, thence N. 64 W. 64 poles, thence N. 81 3-4 W. Tuesday Much 20,1928 ! 24 poles, thence N. 76 1-2 W. 34 poles, | thence S. 45 1-2 W. 23 poles, to the beginning. This sale is made by reason of the | failure of Jesse A. Legget and wife, I Katie Allen Leggett, to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust to the North Caro lina Joint Stock Land Bank of Dur ham. This the 17th day of February, 1928. FIRST NATIONAL CO.. OF DURHAM. INC., i f2B 4tw Trustee. Formerly First National Trust Co., Durham, N. C. 6uruM Riwijf th WAZO OINTMENT