Wack the Label o* Yam Paper; It Carries the Date Yam Subscription Expires VOLUME XXXI —NUMBER 28 COUNTY'S SHARE IN EQUALIZATION FUND LESSENED 70 Counties Get Small In creases, While 20 Get Decreases $32,192.15 FOR MARTIN Entire Pond Thia Year Amount* To *3,130,000; Last Year It Waa •3,126,674.04 Martin, like practically all the other counties in the State, had its share of the State equalization fund decreased by the State Board of Equalization for the year 1928-29 as compared with the year 1927-28. This county's share this year is $12,192.15, as compared with $33,923.43 last year, or a decrease of $1,731.28. Seventy counties were given an in crease over the amount last year, but in several of the other cases the de creases were .marked. Union County shared most in the fund, getting SBB,- 941.91. Last year that county was giv en $97,720.12. Johnston received the largest increase, SIB,OOO, the size of that increase being attributed to the financial reverses there during the past year. This year that county receives $74,12576, as compared with $56,. 645.56 last year. The entire fund this year amounted to $3,150,000. Last year it was $3,- 126,674.04. The board's statement made public yesterday, when the distribution was announced by Leroy Martin, secretary, followa: -v 'The State Board of Equalization meeting May 28, for the purpose of determining the valuation of the vari ous counties of the State (these values to be the basis upon which the $3,250,- 000 State equalizing fund for schools is distributed) found that the school cost, as certified by,the superintendent of public instruction, showed as in crease of $768,484.55 for the entire Slat*, over the previous year. Of this amount $532,701.57 represented the in crease in the 90 counties participating last year. The General Assembly of 1927 in providing the equalising fund for the two-year period did n«t make provis ion lor an increased fund the second year. The increased budget could then be met only by an increase in valua tion of $133,000,000 above the deter mined valuation of last year for the 90 participating counties alone or by increasing the rate used in the calcu lation above the 40-cent rate provided in the law. After much consideration a decision was reached to increase the valuation to such extent that the ap plication of a 40-cent rate would pro duce a sufficient amount together with the equalizing fund to meet the in. creased budget. 'Each county of the Stste was then taken up and consideration given to the various factors that influence valu ations. All district lines wefe disre garded and every effort made to re gard the questions presenting them selves from a State viewpoint. Every county in the State l)aa been visited by a representative of the board, and a vast amount of information concern ing the relative ability of the several counties to support their schools hss been assembled. Township maps showing the land values by townships of every county have been prepared; information as to the various types of land procured, crop values ascertained, value of town property, , corporate wealth, individual and corporate in come tax paid, is a part of the data used. i "After four days of continuous work ia reality the culmination of a year's study, valuations for all the counties of the State, amounting to a total of $3,196,860,524 were fixed. This total value exceeds that placed on the coun ties by their own assessors by s£6o,- 993,451, but the board believes that the values thus fixed represents a ba sis for distribution that Jesuits in a STRANH THEATRE I ) x_ WEDNESDAY Buddy Roosevelt in "HOO DOO RANCH" Added 2 - REEL COMEDY ' And Serial WILLIAM DESMOND Is "THE VANISHING RIDER" Alio FREE TICKET POR SHOW FRIDAY r THE ENTERPRISE 4 N Official Returns, By P Cast in County at The following table gives the complete official returns of the vote cast in Martin County, by precincts, for State, District, and County officials in the primary held Saturday, June 2. The vote was tabulated by The Enter prise and checked with the returns certified by the Martin County BoarcKof Elections at its meeting Monday. 1111 rti 111 j! iIII!I I 1 I 1 I J For Lieutenant Governor . • R. T. Fountain , - ...... ' 19 5 10 11 75 88 182 37 4 56 128 615 John D. Langston 10 15 7 15 19 2 3 1 4 11 9 96 W. H. S. Burgwyn ... 135 19 68 30 259 *6O 86 1 30 26 24 738 For Commissioner Labor A Printing O. J. Peteraon 8 3 12 ' 2 10 2 14 0 3 3 4 61 M. L. Shipman 99 5 47 8 222 130 185 4 12 16 13 741 , Frank D. Griat .i... - - 47 32 20 53 103 15 53 34 22 70 120 569 For State Senator Elbert S. Peel - 171 44 185 97 367 161 259 37 39 94 146 1,600 Harry McMuUea 113 32 103 79 284 141 135 33 39 42 95 1,102 Van B. Martin 25 7 32 19 37 24 109 4. 1 52 39 349 For Representative { J. A. Everett 79 23 39 89 142 135 271 31 28 79 144 1,080 J. S. Peel 63 23 117 19 227 35 7 12 9 23 25 560 For Judge of Recorder's Court J. W. Bailey 132 31 112 78 204 172 276 43 28 85 63 1,224 Harry M. Stubbs 21 17 62 47 170 10 7 1 11 10 99 455 , For County Commissioners T. B. Slade, jr. 145 31 108 66 285 155 276 40 36 98 154 1,394 T. C. Griffin - 159 41 188 80 326 108 262 39 35 37 130 1,405 L. P. Holliday _ - 133 32 72 81 277 149 272 4 37 44 129 1.250 H. S. Everett 153 36 135 78 292 165 284 39 37 100 134 1,453 J. E. Pope . 146 34 72 71 323 155 274 39 34 88 134 1,370 W. W. Griffin 23 26 42 23 86 35 12 2 3 6 18 276 Luther Hardiaon * 1- 45 9 61 10 100 50 16 39 2 6 38 376 S. Three Are Fatally Burned in 2 Fires MRS, WYNNE DIES 1 O'CLOCK TODAY Dies From Burns Received Early Saturday Whefn Can Exploded Mrs. Dillon Wynne, who lived near here on the road running by the old brick kiln, died today at one o'clock from burns received when »he poured kerosene on a kitchen Are early last Saturday morning. Al though she was frightfully burned and suffered intense pain since Sat urday, Mrs. Wynne talked the great er part of the time up until shortly before her death. Saturday morning, about five o'- clock, Mr. Wynn started a ftre in the kitchen stove, later going to his stables to feed his team. The flra waa not burning very rapidly when Mrs. Wynne reached the kitchen, and she took a five-gallon can and pour ed kerosene on the flamea. The fire ran into the can and caused it to turst. Mr. Wynne heard the explos ion and rushed to the house. When he reached the kitchen, he found hi* wife's clothing in flames and the house burning. He ran for a blanket and extinguished the flames in a few seconds, but riot until his wife wag fatally burned. (The-house and all the contents were destroyed. The funeral will'be held tomorrow afternoon. Arrangements for the funeral and burial had not been an nounced at two o'clock today. Mrs. Wynne, before her marriage waa Miss Viola Nicholson, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Nicholson. She was married about a year ago at the age of sixteen years. ■* . " CARS WRECKED HERE SUNDAY Negroes Run After Crash ing Into Car Parked "On Street A new Pontiuc car, belonging to Rossell Rogers, of Bear Grass, was badly damaged last Sunday night when it was hit by a Ford roadster driven by a colored man. The Rogers cars was parked in front of the home of Mrs. James Micelle ■"* here, and the ear driven by the colored man waa on ItTway out of town when the accident occurred. Mr. Rogers who was in his ear at the time escaped injury, but one of the two colored occupants of the roadster was cut across the breast. His injury was not aerious, for he with his friend fled from the scene. It ia thought the roadster belongs to the Roberaon Grocery Company, of Bobersonville. / " - 1 '• ' " ' J "" ■ „ fair and eflui table participation by all the counties in accordance with their ability to meet that part of the school cost in which the State shares.' ' • \ Williamston. Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, June S, 1928 MRS MAYO CLARK DIES LAST NIGHT 14-Months-Old Child Also Burned To Death in Fire Yesterday Critically burned yesterday about noon when her home and eighteen months' old child were burned, Mrs. Mayo Clark died last night übout ten o'clock, afler suffering untold agony for almost ten hours. It was the second tragedy in the county within a two-day period, the other occuring when Mrs. Dillon Wynne was fatally burned Saturday morn ing. Yesterday about noon, Mrs. Clark, who lives near here on Mr. A. F. Taylor's farm on. the Hear Cruss road, poured kerosene on a fire in her kitchen stove, and in a flash, the Are followed the stream of oil into the can, causing it to explode. The flumes enveloped the woman and within a few seconds the house was burning with two little children sleeping in adjoining rooms. A col ored man, working near the house at the time, heahi the screams of Mrs. Clark but before he could Remove the mother and the five-months' old child from the house, it was too late to save Louise, the eighteen-months' old child whoae little charred body was removed after the flames had spent themselves. Mr. Clark, who was working In the fields of his farm, with 'neighbors rushed to the scene to find his wife fatally burned and his daughter lost in the flames. James Russell, the youngest child, was removed from the building, and while he was burned Ukdly, it is thought that he will recover. The funeral was held at two o'- clock at the home of Mr. Lon Rogers, near the scene of the flre. The house and all the contents were burned. WOMEN TO MEET AT OAK CITY | Martin County - Plymouth Division of Baptists To Meet Thursday * The Martin County - Plymouth diviaion of the Woman's Missionary Union of the Roanoke Association will hold a meeting in Oak City next Thursday, June 7. An interesting program has been arranged for both the morning and afternoon sessions, the first session to be held at 10:30 and the afternoon session at 2:00 o'- clock. During the two sessions, reports from the eight societies at the union and the various committees will be given. Officers will be elected for the ensuing term just before the close of the afternoon session. These meetings are generally well attended and many are expecting to be present in Oak City Thursday. J SOLICITOR H. G. HORTON RESIGNS ■ Commissioners Appoint H. CX Peel To Serve Balance Of Term Mr. Hugh G. Ilorton, local at torney, yesterday resigned as so licitor uf the Martin Colinty Record er's court, after serving for most a year and a half. In his resigna tion, Mr. Horton states that he will, if so desired, assist the new solicitor during the first one or two sessions of the court and cooperate with him in anyway that he can. » • While the term is not out until the first Monday in December, Mr. Hor ton stated that he felt constrained to resign in view of the demand of his private general practice upon his time, in justice to himself, and. for no other purpose, as his private practice is demanding all the time he can give it. Mr. H .O. Peel was appointed yes terday by the board of county com missioners, and he is beginning the work today. it has been the common opinion that the office was supplied by pop ular vote, but according to the act creating the county Court, the office is an appointive one. * GRIFFINS HAS CLOSE RACE Six In Contest for Places on Township Board of Road Commissioners A> close race was recorded In Grif fins township in the primary last Saturday when the voters were ask ed to select five roud commission er from six applicants. Approxi mately 150 voters expressed their desfers in the primary, the highest vote, 146, going to Noah T. Tice, the others polling as follows, A. C. Rob erson, 141; George C. Griffin, 136; J. ~N. Manning, 107; J. A. Roberson, 97 and John E. Griffin, 87. According to the election law, Messrs. Tice, A. C. Roberson, George C. Griffin, J, N. Manning and J. A. Roberson were nominated. Chapter 270, section 23 of the statutes reads that in a case of this kind, the en tire vote is added, then divided by the number of positions to be filled, which is five in this case. That num ber is then divided by two. If each of the contestants has a vote higher than the number received, then the law holds that the five highest ones are nominees. ■Soon after the returns were learn ed, a second primary was discussed. The matter was brought up before the county board of elections, and the lew was referred to. Special Program For Kiwani&ns Tomorrow "A Few 'Things You Ought to Know" will be the main topie to come before the Kiwanis club meet ing here tomorrow, it was announced by Dr. P. B. Cone yesterday. The en tire membership is urged to attend thf meeting as it will be given over to a lively discussion of topics of importance and interest The meeting will be held at 12:80 in the Woman's club. COUNTY BOARD HOLDSREGULAR MEET MONDAY Have Quietest Session In Recent Months; Go Over Tax List CORRECT TAX ERRORS Employ Rocky Mount Firm To Audit County Records; Appoint H. 0. Peel Solicitor The Board of County Commission ers had a rather quiet session here yesterday, barring the trouble in correcting mistakers of list-takers in 1927, All members of the board were present and they spent prac tically all day correcting tax errors. D. W. Downs, of Goose Nest, was released from pyament of tax on $4,800 improperly listed in 1927. • Judie Kborn was released from payment of tax on SBIO. property improperly listed in Goose Nest town ship last year. Harry Waldo was released from payment on SISOO real estate in Ham ilton township. Ordered that 1). R. paid $28.80 refund for land sold for taxes the year 1926, listed by Mary Dug gei and Miij Council. Mary Dugger and Min Council wc re rleased from payment of tax on $2500 land listed by error in Rober sonville township in 1927. Elijah Council was released from payment of tax on land improperly listed in Robersonville township in 1927, the land being valued at SI,OOO. Sophia J. Corey, of Griffins town ship was allowed $3.00 per month from the indigent account. A. M. Higgs, of Goose Nest, was allowed SB. per month from the in digent account. W. H. Wynn filed a claim for $75 on account of damage to land by construction of Highway No. 125. Critcher and Sons were notified not to carry loads of more than two tons over Whitley's bridge. Ordered that land tax paid \iy Cena Ellison iij Robersonville for the year 1927 be refunded, O. P. Rob erson having paid tjixes on same land. The Board - ordered the treasurer to pay to Eye and Company, of New York, the sum of S2O,(KM) to re tire u county note held by them. N. M. Mcßae and Company, of Rocky Mount, were employed to audit the county books. The work will be done on a pec diem basisr senior accountants will be paid S2O. and junior accountants sls. per day. Hugh G. Horton tendered his resignation as »solicitor . of the. re corder's court to the board, and it was accept'-d. H. 0. Peel was ap pointed, and he enters jpon his -du ties today. SCHEDULE OF HOME AGENT Miss Sleeper Urges Women And Girls To Attend Meetings Miss Lora E# Sleeper, home demon stration agent announces the follow ing schedule for the remainder oi this week, as follows: Wednesday: Regular meeting o. girls at Farm Life School. Thursday—Girls club of Williair ston meet in agent's office where a demonstration, "Frozen Desserts" will be given. Friday—Regular meetings of girls and women in Hamilton. Saturday—The agent will be in her office here. Miss Sleeper urges all the K'flPi and women who possibly can do so, to attend these meetings. Yesterday the women of Ange Town met for their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. C. L Ange. Fourteen women were present and the subject of the demonstration was quick breads and a strawberry cake w'as made as an example. Today Miss Sleeper ia meeting with the girls in Bear Grass where bread demonstrations are being held. Smith Gets Majority In Straw Vote Here A Presidential straw vote held at the polls here last Saturday was given very little attention, only 81 voters making a preference. The box was pointed out to practically all the voters but the majority of them passed up the opportunity to name their choice for the presidency, Of the 81 votes, 55 were for Smith, 22 for Hull, 2 for Reed, and 1 each for Hoover and Lowden. Just how the two Republicans got their names in the box is not known. As far as it is known, the strsw vote here was the only one held in this county. The small vote in the contest was attributed to the action of the last legislature when a presidential pref erence primary was declared unneces sary. Everett, Bailey, and Old Board Winners M'MULLAN AND PEEL WIN IN SENATE RACE Local Man and Washington Citizen Win By Big Majorities REPORT LIGHT VOTE \ _ Only Four Counties Have Made Com plete Returns So Far; Others Have Small Vote r n The Vote by Counties The following is an unofficial tabulation of the vote cast in four of the seven counties of the Second Senatorial District. The vote is in the other three coun ties was very small and is not expected tp have any material bearing on the result except to increase the lead of the two high men. \ 5 s I I 1 £ a s Martin . 1,600 1,102 349 i." Pamlico 515 470 174 Wash'ton 131 185 678 Beaufort 1,449 2,412 557 Totals 3,695 4,169 1.758 V The contest in the Second District between Elbert S. l'eel, of Martin, Harry McMullan, of Beaofort and Van B. Martin, of Washington has resulted in the nomination of Peel and McMullan. Although only four counties' have made complete re turns, Jhe votes -in those four will withstand any change that the other three might make. The vote in the three counties not yet heurd from is small and in addition a light rote has been reported in all three. In the' four counties, Peel led in two counties, Murtin 'and Pamlico. McMullan und Martin led in one ejich, McMullan in Iteaufoit ami Martin in Washington. The large majority in Beaufort and a big "vote in Martin gave McMullan a strong lead. Washington county re ported a small vote, Martin receiving only 678 in his county. APPROVE TAX ON MOTOR VEHICLES Bear Grass Township Votes To Have $5.00 Tax Law Passed Bear Grass township made pos sible a $5.00 tax for its .Saturday in the primary when i»!J voters voted for the measure and 20 against it's passage. Before the measure can become a law, a special act will be necessary in the legis-. lature. According to the measure voted upon last Saturday, a tax of $6 will be levied on all motor vehicles in that township, makjng possible a supplementary fund for road im provements. County Convention To Be Held Here Next Saturday The county convention which will ' be held here next Saturday at 12 o'- clock noon, will be well attended, ac cording to advance reports coming from various sections of the county. While mnny of the delegates have bten instructed as to how they shall vote, the majority of the delegates will come uninstructed. Seventy-revcn delegates, distribut ed in the eleven precincts as fol lows, Jamesville, 10; Williams, 4; Griffins, 7; Williumston, 16; Beur Grass, 4; Cross Koads, Poplar Point, 3; Robersonville, 14; GoOse Nest, 5; Hamilton, 0; and the Gold Point Precinct, 8, are expect ed to attend the convention and take a part in selecting the thirteen del egates to the State convention which will be held in Raleigh next Tuesday. Last Warning Is Given Delinquent Subscribers A last call is being made by the management of this paper to the few subscribers who have failed to comply with the requests made a few days ago. The requests have been considered more than reasonable, but, as yet, there are few who have failed to return their cards. Where a subscription is not paid up, and where there is no card in the paper's flies, it will be removed from the list after next Friday, . s •. Advertisers Wui Find Our Col umns a Latchkey to Over 1,600' ] Homes of Martin County ESTABLISHED 1898 TOTAL VOTE IS AROUND 1,750 Although Light, Is Much Heavier Than Generally Expected LARGEST VOTE HERE I With approximately' 1750 citizens voting, Martin county's political questions were practically settled t'oi another term in the primary held in the eleven precincts last Saturday. While the total vote is comparative ly light, it was much hcuvier than many people thought it" would be. ' According to the official returns, the county has for its for the coming term the following: J. A. Everett, representative, 3. W. Bailey, judge recorder's court,. T. fc. Griffin, T. B. jr., L. P. Hulliduy, H. S. Everett, and J. E. Popei 'commissioners. There were ,no contests in the J several other offices, the cahdicacies having been certified by the county board of election's: For a county office, the highest vote cast was for Mr. H,,S:: Everett, commissioner from Robersonville. The total vote given Mr. Everett was 1463. T. C. Griffin was second with 1405 votes, and T. B. Slade, jr. was third with 1394 votes. The highest precinct vote for a county candidate went to Mr, T. C. Griffin,, Williams tor voting 326 for him. J. E. Pope was second with 323 votek cast in any one precinct. The approximate number of votes cast in the various precincts follows, VVilliamston, 375; Robersonville, 286; Cross Koads, 183; Jamesville, 175; Gpose Nest t ;112l Beftx.Grass, 110; Hamilton, 105; Griffins, 150; Wil liams, 50; Poplar Point, 55 and Gold Point, 40. COUNTY AGENT'S REPORT FOR MAY Covers Practically Every Phase of Farm Activity The county farm agent's report for the month just closed is varied in its tnake-up, und shows where work was done in practically every phase of furm work. The report as presented before the county commissioners in their regular session 'here yesterduy fol lows: Nineteen days, spent in fiejd work •Six days spent in office work One hundred ami thirteen office calls » One hundred and one telephone calls, One hundred and forty-one Itters written, Forty-six furms visited during tho .month, ' Eight hundred and thirty-two miles traveled on official duties, Three articles written for local papers, Four hundred und seventy-seven hogs treated for cholera during the month, Assisted farmers in shipping one car of sweet potatoes, Four fetrilizer demonstrations ar ranged during the month, Six demonstrations were given in grading potatoes, Four soil tests were made to de termine if the land needed lime, Six farmers were assisted in spray ing fruit trees, Twelve farmers were assisted in combatting wire worms on tobacco. Town License Tags To Go On Sale Here Soon Town auto license tags with the numerals and letters in black on a cream-colored background, have ar ' rived and will be put on sale at the ■ mayor's office here within the next day or so. Instead of costing $1 the tags will sell, for $ 1.50, and will last from June 30, this year, until Janu ary 1, 1930. Chief Daniels will have charge of the sale, and he plans to have the sale complete by the last of this month. The present license expires June 30. The plates are a fraction smaller than the ones now in use. Tax Equalization Board , To Meet Here On July 9 The county equalization board will meet here the second Monday in Jul jr. to consider appeals made by tax payers, it was officially announced yesterday. Appeals from 1923 tax valuations alone will be heard. Claims made after that date will not be considered, the notice states.