Tuesday, July 9, 1929 Society & 'Personals Mrs. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor I_ " i Engagements Club Meetings Entertainment* Weddings Personals Spend Sunday m Raleigh , Misses Ethel Harris and Bonner Gurganus spent Sunday with friends in Raleigh. '• •] In Chapel Hill Sunday Sally Gurkin and Francis Manning were Chapel Hill visitors Sunday. Mr. Gurkin has friends there attending the summer school. a Rt turns from West Virginia Miss Estelle Crawford has re turned from West Virginia, where site visited her brother , Roland Crawford. At Virginia Beach Miss Sallie Harris and Paul Jones visited friends at Virginia Bea'rh Sunday and Monday. * Holding Court in Stokes County Judge Clayton Moore is holding court in Stokes County this week. He will not lie home for *■ three more weeks, having courts scheduled for the next three weeks in western Carolina. • « . $ " - horn Favetteville W. T. Herndon, jr., of Fayette ville, was here for the week end vis iting friends. a Visiting Here for Few Weeks Mrs. l'ercy Critcher and daugh ters, Anne and Carolina, are visiting the Critcher family here for a few weeks. Mrs. Manning in Hospital Mrs W. L. Manning, who under went an operation at the Washing ton Hospital, is getting along very well at this time. Liave lor Staunton, Va. Mr. and Mrs. John Enright left Sunday for ti. : r home at Staunton, Va They were accompanied by Miss Eva I'eel, who will be their guest for several weeks. Mrs. Peel Much Improved Mrs. R. J. Peel, whu had her ton sil removed at the Washington Hos pital la.t week, is very much letter She returned home on last Friday. ~ COULDNT SLEEP Lmuuuu Lady States That The First Bottle of CarM She Took, Helped Her. Montgomery, La.—"! was In a dreadfully run-down condition," ■ays Mrs. Charles L. Lacroix, of this city. "I suffered a great deal of pain. 1 was in misery all over. I could not sit up and I could not 11a down. I couldn't sleep and at times X would have dreadful vomiting spells. The aches and pains seemed to cover my whole body. "I had taken Oardui, off and on, since 1803. It had always done me good, so when I got In this bad con dition, I thought X would taJ"3 it •gain. o "One night, my husband brought ma home six bottles of Oardui and X began to take it I could tell that X was Improving from the first bot tle. but I kept on taking the medl- I cine, for X knew thai I needed a tonic that would build me up and strengthen ma where X was weak and run-down. That is exactly what Card ul did for me. After I had finished the sixth bottle I felt fine. X feel truly thankful for what Canlui has done for me, for I oould not have gone on living In the des perate condition I was In." Oardui Is a harmleas extract of valuable, medicinal herbs, and acts 00 • strengthening tonic. NC-100 A SUMMER TRIP TO HAVANA, CUBA Ancient, Historic, Exotic, and Gay—Capital City > *>?«..' th e Republic of Cuba A MOST*.INTERESTING PLACE TO VISIT ' V Contrary to the general impression, the climate.in Cuba is pleas ant during the summer. The hotel rates are unusually low, and a trip can be made there at small cost. Average Summer Temperature*, A* Furnished by Belen College Observatory Are Ag Follows: Minimum Maximum June 76.14 88.53 July - 73.8 88.55 August 75.7 89.45 September . 75.07 89.02 The nights are always cool and pleasant, due to the ever-present Trade Winds which sweep in from the ocean. All year tourist fares to Havana are in effect via all railroads, going either to Port Tampa or Key West, thence P. & O. Steam ship Co. Popular excursions at half fare or less arc also offered by the rail lines at intervals during the summer season. Stop-overs per mitted at all iioints in Florida. Consult your local ticket agent or passenger agent for detailed information. Steamer reservations made, descriptive literature, hotel rates, and any further information desired will be cheerfully furnished upon application to: P. & 0. STEAMSHIP COMPANY "Shortest Sea Route to.Cuba" FLA. NATL. BANK BLDG. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. Return From Raleigh Mr. and Mrs. Milton Norman, of i Raleigh, returned home today after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hassell. a—_ Leaves for Suffolk Mrs. Harry Russell left Saturday -for Suffolk, Va., where she will join her husband, who has been ill for several drfys. 1 Hi turn From Greenville Mrs. J. S. Cook and little daugh ter, Eloise, have returned from Greenville, where they visited rela tives. a At Virginia Heath Warren Everett, Robert Manning, William Cook, Prince Purdy, Durant Keel, and "Spec" Williams spent the week end at Virginia Beach. a ■ Moving to Sew Home j Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Margolis are moving today from the Tar Heel 1 Apartments to their lovely new Span ish type home on Smithwick Street. Mr. and Mrs. Margolis "have l>een in the apartments since their mar riage several years ago, and they are now moving to their own residence, which is one of the most attractive in town. Able To He Out Again I.ittle .Mildred Small wood Biggs, | who had a tonsil operation at a j Washington hospital last week, is I able to be home and going where she j pleases. . Expected Home Friday R. J. Peel, jr., is expected home j from Mountain City, Tenn., this ! coming Friday to spend a week with j bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. I Peel. In Asheviilc I his Month Mrs. L. T. Fowden ami little daughter, Anne, are spending this month with her sister, Mrs. Grover Godwin in Asheville. Ri turns /worn A eu York Irving Margolis has returned from I New York, where he has been visit ing his parents for a month. * l.iiivr for ()uantico, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Clark and son, Jerry, left yesterday for Quantico, Va, f to visit friends for a week. a Visiting Relatives in Tarboro Mrs. Anna Harrison is in Tarboro visiting relatives. She will go from there to Blacksburg, S. C., to s|>end several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Shearer. NEURITIS The famous Q-62.1—Guaranteed re lirf for Rheumatism, Neuritis, Athritis, Sciatica, Lumbago—is now available to all sufferers from these tortures, j is a prescription of a famous j specialist that has dune wonders for j thousands of people when many other remedies have failed. We a;k you to i try this famous prescription, as it is 1 * absolutely guaranteed to help you. A j lew doses usually stftps the pain and i many people say "it is worth its weight | in gold." These reliable merchants recom | mend it: j ("lark's Drug Store, Williainston. j S. R, Biggs Drug Co., Williamston. j Harnhill Brothers, Everetts. A. B. Rogerson fi Bro., Bear Grass. PHONE Anything (or This Department Ti 46 Visiting Her Sister i Miss Margaret Manning is visit r ing her sister, Mrs. S. S. Lawrence, » for two days. Leaves for Four Oqks Today Mrs. W. C. Manning, jr., left to r, day for Four Oaks to visit her moth i !er until Thursday. r! • In Tovw Saturday -v J. A. Mizelle, of High Point, was jin town visiting friends Saturday. He -jand Mrs. Mizelle have been visiting l relatives in Robersonville for a week. a— _ •- Return From Reidsville Mr. and Mrs. Jim King and little daughter, Patsy, have returned from i Reidsville, N. C., where they visited 1 Mr. King's mother for a week.- Will Return This H fc£ Mrs. W. H. Booker will return this week 'from Manitou, Colo, where she i s ha:, been for the j>ast month. She ' joined her brother, Eli Robertson, in Lewisport, Ky., and made the trip • with him by automobile. She has 1 made trips into many mid-western " j States since she has been away, see- L '! ing most of the places of interest in ' the sections that she visited. e • Will Return Thursday Miss Emma Robertson will re turn Thursday from West Palm > Beach, Fla., where she has been vis • it>ng friends for two weeks. S - ■/*" ■« ? Spend Thursday Here Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sexton and family, of Zebu lon, spent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peele. e Their little daughter, Edna Earl, who s has been visiting here, and little Miss i Mildred Peele returned with them. *' 1 Visit Relatives f Mr. and Mrs. J. (). Manning and' children visited relatives in New ?|B«rn and Pollocksville Sunday. r .1/ Morheeud City Sunday Mr. arid Mrs. David Keel, Mrs. C. W Keith, Mrs. Kllen Twiddy, 1 and Mr. Verdie Faster s|x'nt Sun-' I day at Morehead City. - , ——*—— Spend Week Eml Here i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robertson of Tunis s|>ent the week end with L Mrs. Robertson's parents, Mr. and r I.Mrs. J. Lawrence Peele. II Macedonia Local t And Personal News Miss Klicfrde Hadley spent' Saturday night with Miss Jannie (Tray Beacham. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Junes spent I Saturday night with Mr and Mrs! . I.onnie Hadley. ' Misses Sarah Hadley, Sadie Perry,' and Mr. tiarland Perry were out riil ! ing Sunday afternoon. Mr anil Mrs. Robert Coltrain and .'soli spent Saturday night with MF and Mrs. ('. M. Beacham. . 1 Misses Mary France* Hadley, Min ii.ii Rfxliferson, and Tilinie Cena Cnw i inn spent Sunday afternoon with Miss • Maude Hadley. Mr. and Mrs. (1.. Hadley spent i .simduy with Mr. and Mrs N A. Bed-1 f- dard. ,Mr. and Mrs A. T. Whitehurst | spent Sunday evening with Mr. Audi t M'rs. A IJ. Hadley Mr, J. L, Holliday called on Mr. W. I'. Hadley Sunda,y afternoon. WANTS j FOR RENT: HOUSE, 5 ROOMS with water and lights. Apply to Mrs. II It. York. 7-2- 2t-pd WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO do altering and sewing of all kinds. Superior hemstitching on special Sing er power machine promptly done at Singer Service Shop. All work guar anteed. Mrs. W. R. Wlihe, operator. John A. Ward, manager. WANTED: TWO COPIES OF Hassell's History of the Kehukee Association. Notify Enterprise. FOR SALE: IRON SAFE. SEE Enterprise, 1 tf LOST SUNDAY IN WILLI AM stoh: Open-face Hamilton gold watch, with chain. Finder please no tify The Enterprise for reward. tf LICENSE PLATE FsUVth—NO'" 473-003, Williamston, Route 5. Own er may have tag by Haying for this ad. S. H. Mobley. It LQST: BUNCH OF KEYS SAT-j urday. Finder please return to The Enterprise. It TWO CONNECTING ROOMS for light housekeeping for rent. Phone 213-J. jy9 2t THE ENTERPRISE NOTICE p j,. .Under and by virtue of the judg ment of the superior court in the pro ceedings entitled "D. G. Matthews vs. Harrison and Peel," the undersigned commissioner will, on the sth day of August, 1929, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door o{ Mar tin County, offer for public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the fol lowing described land: .A lot in the town of Williamston, N". C.. adjoining Railr»ad_>t., Elm St., J. A. Kverett, and J. G. Staton. and being part of the W. T. Ward prop erJyy. This Ist day pf July, 1929. B. A. CRITCHER, jv2 -41 w Commissioner. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County; in Superior Court. _ p. G. Matthews vs. Sarah Long The defendants will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Martin County, for the purpose of fore closing certain tax certificates of sale covering the following described land Being in Robersonville Township, 1 Martin County, adjoining a street. Mag gio 1 iti, 1. R. Andrews, Washing ton Railroad, and Queenie Powell; said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appe.tr before the clerk superior court of .Mujtin Coun ty, within 30 days from, th?service of summons, and answer or demur to the complaint of plaintiffs, or the relief ifemanded in the complaint will be asked for. It is further ordered that .all per sons claiming an interest in the sub ject matter are required to appear ahil defend their respective claims within six months after this notice, otlu-rwise they «ill be forever barred and fore closed of any and all claims in and to the property or proceeds .received from the sale thereof. This 22ml day of June, 192').* . K- J. PEE&, jt -.i 4tw ( lerk superior court. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County; in the superior Cinirl , D. G. Matthews vs. Sarah Long Ihe above-named defendant will take notice that an action entitled as above lias been commenced in the mi perior court of Martin County, North t arolina, to foreclose certain fax cer tificates of sale, same being land listed for taxes by tile defendant lor the year 1927; that said defendant will take -no tice that She is required to appear be- - * fore the clerk superior court of Mar tin C ounty at bis office in Williatlistou,l \ (within thirty days alter the service of said summons and answer To TRADE WITH Clark's Drug Store Barnhill Brothers Midway Filling Station W. D. Ambers C. D. Carstarphen & Co. and secure coupons which will entitle you to a chance on [ $5. in GOLD given Jwayat Watts Theatre each Wednesday flight for six weeks * i i / \ T The Things You Have a Right To Exped: of Your Banker :■ 'i -r ' ' . . ... » • • „ Customer or not, you ar e always welcorrie at our Bank. We believe you will always find a friendly, considerate attitude here when you come in to dis • ( cuss your financial affairs. " '' No banker can lend money to all the people he .. j would like to, and still give his depositors the protec- they deserve; but there is nothing to keep him * . „ from giving to every one who enters the courtesy, in formation, and advisory assistance to which they are . • f entitled. And if for any reason he can not comply _ . . with a request, he can give you frankly a sound bank ing point of view on the question. , •* - -j .4 ' . * V » * ' THE FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK * ' , " • :\ -V'" : ; WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA the complaint filed herein, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 29th day of June, 1929, R. J. I'EEL, jy2 4tw t*"lerk Superior Court; NOTICE North Carolina,. Jdartin County; in the Superior Court. J. F. Flannagan vs. Ella Rogers and Husband, Charles Bowers, Annie Rogers .Estelle Rogers, and Ernest Rogers, and B. M. Worsley, Guar dian. , Kstelle Rogers, one of the defend-1 ants above named, will take notice that l „au_actu.iu entitled as above has been I cofwnicnced in the superior court of Martin County, said action being one for the division or sale for division of j a certain tract of land in Martin Coun-1 ty. known as the John Rogers home-1 place, in which Kstelle Rogers owns aj inn sixth iniiln iileil interest, ami said « * s {J P STEEP HILLS - . i ' - - ■ ■ " . •. ! ... wound prwian engine gives more - than 20% added horsepower „ -1.1. c > ' Si WHIPPET 6 SEDAN With faster speed nitd », „ I - ... .. - Bui an; t y iJ monthly Down pa y varnt only Creator hiu-climbing, ability. mtn "- Alt Whippet is the only low- , Z'&jiLZISSZ l% priced c»r with aJI these ad- ' ck *" l ' vantages: Extra long wheel- WFIIPPKT 4 COACH base, twrrsrze balloon tires '""'ITIT '•> full forcer-feed lubrication, Z. i. ■» . ■'' 1 I'm*/, | siienttomngcnain,invar-strut NEW SUPERIOR i. wmtmu/ Chtouu pistona, "Finger-Tip Con- -mr . "T" : o|, M and, in the Six, a heavy % Jk /T T T TT% ~*i v en-bearing crankshaft. V/V / 1-1 " I LJ •IJ "• ILLYS-OVtRLAND, INC. AI. A 1 JL J| J i_ T0 "® 0 - tmi0 ▼ » - FOURS AND SIXES . l CHAMPION AUTO COMPANY Y Everetts, N. C. J* - defendant will take notice further that f she is required to appear before the clerk of the superior court of Martin County ou or before the 3rd day of I August, 1929, and answer or demur to the petition tiled herein, ptherwise the, relief asked for will be granted. • This sth day of July, 1929. i R.'J. PEEL, jy l J 4tw Clerk of the superior court. j NOTICE OF SALE ■ | Under and by virtue of the power I ! oi sale contained in that certain deed | | of trust executed to the undersigned, i and the stipulations not having been 1 j complied with, and at the request of! I the bolder of said bonds, the under- j | signed trustee will, on the 23rd day ot I July, 1929, offer at public sale, to the] I highest bidder, for cash, in front ot: | the courthouse door of Martin County, | j at 12 o'clock noon, the following de j 1 scribed land: PAGE THREE , The brick store %nd lot belonging theteto'~on the ..south side of Main : Street in the town of VVilliamston, N. J C., being onfc of the .double stores com monly known as Double Brick .Stores I belonging to the estate- of the late S. ; R. Moblcy, deceased. The lot referred . to is not only the lanM the store is on, I hut also, one-halt of the lot in the rear j of the double brick stores, , The line i between the Jots being a straight line J w itli the extension ot the partition wall I hi tween the brick stores, and being the 1 s;tme store -and lot conveyed by deed j to l.uvenia by F.li (iurganus j and wife Of record in the public reg- I istry of Martin Counfy, in book KKK, 1 I'-'K' 1 "I ilcflH nicpiun i is hereby made l*nr a better description ot the land, hereby intended to be con* j veyed. This 18th day of June, l',«. ,V l IH'NNING,