Tuesday, May 13,1930. ClJ> Wiiii.ai Visits Mrs. Wilson Miss Gladys Wiggins, of Tarboro, visited Mrs. Marshall Wilson here during the week. end. ♦ Undergoes Operation j. Miss Thelma Brown had her ton sils removed in the Washington hos pital yesterday. • In WasJUngton Today Mrs. J. A. Manning and Mrs. O. S. Anderson are in Washington today. Here from Selma Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Price and Mrs. E. M. Gordy, of Selma, visited here last Sunday. • Mt. and Mrs. Godwin Here Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Godwin, of Farmville, visited relatives here last Sunday. In Beulakville Today l Miss Estelle Crawford is in Beu lahville today. She will be accompan ied home by her sister, Mrs. Walter Grc&ham and daughter In Leggetts Sunday Mrs. C. A. Harrison and family spent Sunday in Leggetts with rel aitves. Here from Morehead City Mr. Foye Edwards, buyer on the local tobacco market last season, is here for a few days from Morehead City. • Home from E. C. T. C. Miss Virginia Harrison, a student at E. C. T. C., Greenville, spent the week end here with her parents. Here from Oak City 666 Tablets Relieve* a Headache or Neuralgia in 90 minute*, checks a Cold the first day, and checki Malaria in three day*. ViW If • college man buttonhole* you / \J and ulu,—"Db you want a pair Mm.i of real kkk»?" don't be disturbed. It'e not ■ threat. It's simply his HHI , quaint way of recommending to you his favorite style of Florsheim Shoes. College men know shoes. Their verdict is*—"You get a real kick when you buy Florshelms and I don't mean maybe!" * THE FLORSHEIM SHOE For th* Mam Who Ceres Margolis 4-way qj ves these 9 Cold Extra Services ft In the Mac sense that the self-starter sad font wheal brakes aadtl> plied the service s(Forded by the asotoc cat, so Kalvinotor'4 4-Way Cold multiplies the ssrefas- given by electric refrigeration ia the boat. Let ua demonstrate these extra servicea. No ens now buying sltctric refrigeration should be without them. I ' * ' 1 Automatic Fast Freezing— more ice, ia da hue models rise for sue, than any other .refrigerator. From 20 pounds •a H pounds at a stogie freezing. 2 Automatic Soper-Fatt Freezing —Isa-Tbenaic oayitmsut —exduahre to Kehrinator—gives void's flattest ffsaaiag of ice cubes and dresrrts—without regularise. 3 Automatic Cold Storage— -with lulim fiseeing eold for stating ice crtaas, fresh or frocen neaU? fish, game and extra iet cubes. A stsndaed faaturs oo de hue ICddastm. 4 Automatic Cold For Food!*—Always balow 50 isgrin. just the right taapmtun foe knpiag psrishahis foods BUY ON EASY TERMS TWeamdeHCeMnator you esquire aooybs pnrdmaadon eety tenet' tbemifh Kslvinator's convenient ReOitCo anatMy hndgaf plan. ' KELVIN ATOR The Electric Refrigerator T. B. SLADE and J. W. MANNING, Agents Society & Personals A Mr*. ELBERT S. PEEL, Editor In Farmville Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Milton Moye spent Sunday in Farmville. In Norfolk Sunday Mr. 'B. S. Cournety spent Sunday in Norfolk with his mother. Home for the Weekend Miss Minnie Robertson, of Win ston-Salem, spent the week end here with her mother. Here from Belhaven Mr. W. A. Ellison, of Belhaven, visited relatives here Sunday. L Messrs. Louis Brown and J. W. Hines and son were business visitors here from Oak City yesterday. Entertain Pkilatheas The Philaheta Class of the Bap tist church was entertained in the home of Mrs. B. S. Courtney last Friday evening, around twenty mem bers taking part in the business dis cussion and enjoying the social hour. Here from Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Singleton, of Richmond, visited relatives here Sun | da>- _ Visiting in Elizabeth City Mrs. J. H. Mizelle is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jordan Ward, in Eliaa beth City this week. e Here from Plymouth Mr. John W. Darden, of Plymouth, was business visitor here yesterday. » Visitors here Yesterday Messrs. Chas. Mizelle and Sherrod Corey were business visitors here from Griffins township yesterday. Guest of Miss Taylor Miss Lucille Habourn, of Rocky Mount, visited Miss Ethel Taylor here over the week end. UILIINIO IVRY vnMjuwnuMY PHOtfE Anything (or Thi» Department Ta 46 ' Attends Funeral Here i Dr. W. H. Harrcll, of Norfolk, is attended the funeral of his grand i mother, Mrs. Jennie Mcorerhere to i day. In Charlotte last HVfi Nlf. J. W. Watts, jr., made a busi ness trip to Charlotte last week. Christian Philathras Meet The Philathea Class of the Chris tian church met last Friday evening with Mrs. W. O. (Iriffin, eighteen members of the class attending. Fol lowing the devotional service, a short business session was held, the class postponing the appointment of dele gates to the State convention a few days. - V • Return to Wilson Mrs. Bob Hoggard and little son, Bobbie, have returned to their hort»e in Wilson after spending a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Man -uittft* ; In Goldsboro Sunday Sheriff and Mrs. Chas. B. Roe buck and son, Russell, s|>ent Sunday in Goldsboro. e Visits in Raleigh Mrs. C. B. Hassell visited her sis ter, Mrs. B. T. Cowper, in Raleigh last week. In Tyrrell County Sunday Mrs. Fannie S. Biggs, Mrs. A. T. Crawford, Miss Mary Smith, Mrs. J. S. Rhodes and Harry A. Biggs visited the old home place of Mrs. Biggs in Tyrrell county Sunday. Expected jrom Tennessee Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Peel, jr., with Mrs. Peel's mother and grandmother will arrive Thursday from their home at Mountain City, Tenn., to visit Mr. Peel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Peel for a few days. Wants RAISE MORE CHICKS— THEY PAY AND YOU OAIN I will sell you pure-bred Rhode Is land Reds or Rocks $12.50 per hundred, mixed at $ll.OO. Will be able to furnish you at any time, Wednesday, Thurs day or Friday. Come to my hatchery and let me show you how to raise them. Bring your egg* and let me hatch them for you at $4.00 per hundred. Visit us and look.—R. E. Grimes, Phone 38, kobersonville, N. C. apr-8-nw WANTED—EMPLOYMENT FOI? good automobile mechanic or good home for three motherless children if father can not get work. See R. A. Pope, Welfare Officer. a 29 3t GOOD MILK COW FOR SALE— ready for milking about 8 weeks. Geo. K. Koberson. ANY TOBACCO HABIT. CHEW ing, smoking, cigarettes, or snuff eas ily, inexpensively overcome with pleas ant root. Send address. O. H. Stokes, Mohawk, Florida. WORK WANTED—WOULD LIKE to have work of any kind or descrip* tion. Robert Brown, (col.) Washing ton Street. ni-9-3t WANTED: ROOMERS St BOARD ers. See or call Mrs. T. W. Thomas, Hattn Street. ap-25-4t SOY BEANS FOR SALE. SEE Bowen Bros. Williarriston. 2t SICK HEADACHES Disagreeable Fealhf All W«f Away Following Uae of Black-Draifht. Paducah, Ky.—for a long time I Buffered with severe sick head ache* that would unfit me for my work for two or three days at a time," says Mrs. O. H. Ball, ot 222 Tennessee Street, this city. 1 would have these headaches U I let myself get constipated. X would also fast very dull and stupid and have a very bad taste In my mouth. "After I heard of Thedford's Black-Dntught and began taking: it, all this tad feeling would disap pear and I would not have the head ache. so that now I Just keep a box of Black-Draught on hand, end when 1 fed the least bit bad I taks a dose and It relieves me at once. X am (led to recommend Black- Draught, in fact I have done so many times, to friends and neigh bors." Thedford's Black-Draagfat to ft purely vegetable cathartic or laxa tive medicine, composed ot selected medlrtnal herbs and roota Black* Draught is finely powdered, which enables the Jiilros of ititnwifh to extract Its medicinal properties In an easy, natural way. Itsfin Get the am^ Ins "Thedford's." Poets only l cent a doaa. MC-2TJ THE BNTBRPRISE In Norfolk for Weekend Miss Cladys Wiggins, of Tarboro, Misses Evelyn Cahoon and Mae Dell Wynne, of Plymouth. Misses Martha Harrison, Margaret and Ruth Man ning. Mrs. H. M. Stvbbs Mr. ard Mrs. W. C. Manning, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Peel, Messrs. Joe Muse, of Petersburg. Foy Edwards, of Morehead City, C. D. Carstarphcn, F. M. Manning. Francis Barnes, R. L. Coburn. A. R. Dunning. Herman Bowen spent the week end in Norfolk, making the trip down on the Dorothy Leight, one of the Norfolk Baltimore and Coralina boats. CANDIDATES' CARDS FOR SOLICITOR I hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination as Solicitor of the Recorder's Court, subject to the action of the primary to be held on June 7th. It shall appreciate any sup port accorded me. This sth day of May, 1930. WM H. COBURN. FOR JUDGE OF THE RECORDER'S COURT I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Judge of the Recorder's Court of Martin\,ounty, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. Expressing my grateful appreciation for each and every favor extended me and for the general support accorded ime by the voting public, I re-pledge I myself to the faithful performance of the duties connected with the office l shotrid-l-agaiii be honored by the nta- jorTty expression of the people. JOS. W. bAILEY FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Alter being persuaded by a number of friends, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of • County Commissioner, subject to the will of the Democratic voters in the primary to be held June 7th. JOSHUA L. COLTRAIN. FOR CORONER I hereby announce my candidacy for coroner of Martin County, subject to the Democratic primary to be held June 7. 1930. The support of the voters will be highly appreciated. S. ROME BIGGS. ♦ TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF MARTIN COUNTY: I hereby announce my candidacy for Treasurer of Martin County, subject to the will of the Democratic voters in the June primary. I wish also to thank the people for their confidence in me as shovrn in my appointment to fill my father's un expired term, and to pledge them the continued honest and efficient admin istration of the office should it be their will to nominate and elect me. W. H. CARSTARPHEN. FOR CORONER I take this method of announcing to ! the Democratic voters of Martin Coun ■ ty my candidacy for the office of cor oner. I will appreciate all favors and sup port extended me. B. S. COURTNEY. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I announce my candidacy for the of fice of county commissioner in the primary to* be held in I June. Your support will be appreciated. ni2 Ift J. G. STATON. ANNOUNCEMENT I take this method of announcing myself a candidate for the House of Representatives, in the Democratic Sroaury. *- Having, for a number of years, been interested in farming, 1 believe 1 am familiar with some of the farmer's problems, and, if nominated and elect ed, will use my best efforts in the solu tion of some of them, and in becom ing a candidate, 1 have no idea or mo tive other than to be of service so far as I am able to the people of Martin County and Stale of North Carolina, and regardless of the outcome of my candidacy I am, always have been and shall ever remain a Democrat. J. C. SMITH. NOTICE TO ALL VOTERS OF BEAR GRASS TOWNSHIP Aconvention will be held at Btar Grass Schoolhouse on April 30, 1930 at 8:30 P. M. This convention is for appointment of Road Commissioners for Bear Grass Township. All qualified voters are requested to attend. J. D. WYNN, Chairman. A. B. ROGERSON, Secretary. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Being thoroughly acquainted with the county s business, and realizing its needs, I hereby announce my candidacy for county commissioner, subject to the Democratic primary to be held June 7, 1930. Upon the assurance of my best service to the county and its peo ple, I earnestly solicit the support of the voters. T. C. GRIFFIN. -* FOR SHERIFF To the Democratic voters of Martin County: I take Jhis means of announc ing my candidacy for the office of sher iff I wish to thank the people of the county for the many favors shown me since my appointment a few months ago. In consideration of your support in the June primary, I assure you every service and consideration possible. CHAS. B. ROEBUCK. - FOR TREASURER To the Democratic Voters of Martin County: In response to the many request* made by many splendid men and wo men, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of treasurer for Martin County, subject to the Democratic pri mary June 7, I feel as if these re quests are deserving of my fullest con sideration, and I have decided to make the race in the hope that I may be of real service to the people of Martin County, and if nominated and elected I shall give my best efforts to the per formance of the duties of that office. JNQ. E. POPE. FOR TREASURER I hereby announce my candidacy fof the Democratic nomination as Coun ty Treasurer, sublet to the action of the primary on June 7. Any support accorded me will be heartily appre- — This 24th day of April, 1930. GUS HARRISON. WILUAMCTOM im* fftftp'-'ite. FOR CLERK OP THE SUPERIOR COURT To the Democratic Voters of Mar tin County: In response to the many requests made by my friends, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin Coun ty, subject to the action of the primary on June 7th. Any support accorded me will be greatly appreciated. This the 28th. day of April, 1930. JOHN L. RODGERSON. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS To the Democratic ypters of Martin County: I hereby announce myself a candi date to succeed myself as Register of Deeds of Martin County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held in June. I desire to express to the people my deep appreciation and sincere thanks for all past favors and support, prom ising to give the best service of which I am capable, if I am again favored by the people. J. SAM GETSINGER FOR JUDGE OF THE RECORDER'S COURT I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Judge of Mar tin County Recorder's Court subject to the wishes of the Democratic voters in the June primary. If nominated and elected I promise to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. J. L. HASSELL FOR SHERIFF To the Democratic voters of Martin County: In response to the requests of my many friends, I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Martin County, subject to the Demo cratic primary June 7. If nominated .ami elected,_l—shall- Hive. my best ef forts to the performance'of the duties ot (hat office. ROBT. B. BROWN. r—9 ■' ' FOR CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT To the Democratic voters of Martiq County: I take this means to announce my sell a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin Coun ty, subject to the action of the primary on June 7th. 1 desire to thanjc the people for the confidence they have shown in me in the past and pledge myself to the full est to give them the very best service ot which I am capable, if nominated and elected. R J. PEEL., FOR STATE SENATOR I wish to announce my candidacy for the office of State Senator from the Second Senatorial District, subject to the wishes of the voters in the i Democratic primary, June 7th. If nominated and elected to that im portant position, 1 shall endeavor to render such service as the trying needs of the people of the State demand. , Respectfully, J ELBERT S. PEEL. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF MARTIN COUNTY After much consideration and in re sponse to requests from many friends. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds of Mar tin County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary of June 7th. II nominated and elected, 1 will, to the best of my ability give. the people the best service possible. I shall heart ily appreciate any support accorded nie. » FRED S, POWELL. * FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER To the Democratic voters, of Mar titi county: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Commissioner. I will appreciate your support in the primary on June the 7th. If nominated and elected 1 shall endeavor to render a* good and faithful service as 1 am aide to give. Respectfully. JODIE D. WOOI.ARl). i - 1 TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF MARTIN COUNTY At the request of a number of my friends, and after much deliberation, I am announcing myself as a candidate for the office of Clerk of Superior Court of Martin County, subject to the action of the Democratic l'rimary on June 7th. By reason of my experience and former connection with the office,' I feel qualified to assume its duties, and if nominated and elected, 1 prom ise the best service of which I am capable of giving. JOHN I^LILLEY. FOR COMMISSIONER After considering the mater at length, I have decided to announce my candid acy for the office of county commis sioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held June 7IN Assuring my grateful appreciation for\any support accorded me, I promise nnAbest efforts i-f elected to serve the pfopto. —.. .. .. H. S. EERETT. . - FOR COMMISSIONER To the- Democratic voters of Martin County: ' • 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county commissioner, sub ject to the action of the primary to be held June 7, 1930. J. HAYWOOD ROGERS. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my candidacy to again fill the office of county commis sioner before the Democratic primary to be held June 7, 1930. If nominated and elected I shall en deavor to serve the people of the county honestly and faithfully. L. P. HOLLIDAY. FOR SOLICITOR OP RECORD ER'S COURT I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Solicitor of the Martin County Recorder's Court, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary, on June 7, 1930. Any support accorded me will be heartily appreciated. H O. PEELE. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County in the Superior Court. - -• -* Edwin S. Hall vs. J. A W. Land Com pany and all other persona claiming any interest in the lands described herein. An action having been instituted in the Superior Court of Martin County* North Carolina, entitled as above, to foreclose tax liens for taxes due for the years 1926 and 1927 Jilted; in.. th& name of J. & W. Land Company on the following real estate in ||»id county; (I),* "4,000 acres of pocosin land" in Jamesville Township, being that part of the first tract described in the deed from Roanoke Railroad and Lum ber Company to defendant J & W Land Company, dated January 1, 1921, and of record in the Register's Office of Beaufort County in Book 230, page 315, and of record in the Register's of fice of Martin County in Book , paße which lie* in Jamesville Township. (2) "11,000 acres of dismal land" in Griffins Township, and being all that part of the first tract described in said deed which lies in Griffins Township. Notice ii hereby given to all "per sons claiming interest in the subject matter of the said action to appear, set up and defend their respective claims in six months from the date of this notice or be forever barred apd foreclosed of any and all interest of.claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the sale thereof. Dated this 2lst day of April, 1930. R. J. PEEL, ap-22-4t Clerk Superior Court. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. H. Stalls, deceased, late of Martin County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at he,r home in N. C., on or before the 6th day of May 1931 gr this notice will be pleaded in bar of their /ecovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the sth dav of May 1930. MRS. BkRTA STALLS, Administratrix of J. H. Stalls. Hught G. Horton, Atty. m-9-6t NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court in an .action en- IKtcTr "P. ('■ Matthews vs A. S. ( coper and wife," the undersigned Commissioner will, on the 31 day of May, 1930, in front of the Courthouse door of Washington County, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land: Lot in the Town of Plymouth, ad joining the lands of Ocia Harper on Monroe Street and running along said street westwardly a distance of 50 ft.; thence at right angles and along the line of the lot,owned by the heirs of George Mann a distance of 200 ft. to Ocia Harper lot 200 ft., the place of beginning. The said lot being 50 x 200 ft., the same lot devised to Detlie Gor hatn by will of George Maun, dated April 13, 1919, probated in Book "B", page 111 of the Clerk of Superior Court Office in Washington County. This 30 day of April, 1930. » A. CRITCHER, Commissioner. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County— In the Superior Court. D. O. Matthews vs. T. S. Hadley and : Wife An action has ben begun in the Superior Court of Martin County, N. C„ entitled as above to foreclose a cer- Adult* Contract Children'* Diaeastt Adult* can, and do, contract many children 'a diseases. And, usually, they suffer from them much more than children do. For instance, many adults contract worms, an ailment usually associated with children. Sometime) they suffer intensely, and take expen sive medical treatments, without reali sing that worms are the cause of their troubles. Yet. the symptoms are tho same aa in children, loss of appetite and weight, grinding the teeth and rest leas sleen, itching of the noae and anus, and abdominal pains. And, the aamo medicine that surely and harmlessly ex pels round and pin worms from children will do the same for adulta White's Cream Vermifuge, which you caa getrt Clark's Drug Store. Hail! Hail! Hail! Insure Your Tobacco in the Old Reliable Home Insurance Company of New York K. B. CRAWFORD AGENT F^fSl '• phu fr+tyhl mutt U4-Itmrry Humfwg «/uf tpmrw tut tmtrm.i TH K MK H CO HII KOADKTKR An OUTSTANoi.NC value at tlii* low price. A sporty ear m iprciy a. »| loolu. lieuutiful color* and gleaming metal part* uf Kuatlea* Steel emphaaize it* graceful beauty. Ita alert performance puta a new joy in uiotoring. Co lt Of ieltphnnm tor dtmonitrmlioM I ■ m ■ -v •- « ( WILLLIAMSTON MOTOR gHEf% COMPANY PAGE THREE tain tax certificate of sale covering the following described land: Being one-half undivided interest in a hotel listed by T. S. Hadley, located in the Town of Williamston, N. C., bounded by Main Street, and Washing ton Street, Anderson and W. H. Biggs, lots: Now, all persons claiming an interest in the , subject matter are required to appear, present, and defend their re spective claims within six months frbm the date of this notice: otherwise, they shall be forever barred and foreclosed oLany and all interest or claim in and to the property or proceeds received from the sale thereof. This Sth day of May, 1930. R. J. PEEL, Cleric, m-9-4t Superior Court. NEURITIS The famous Q-623 —Guaranteed re lief for Rheumatism, Neuritis, Athritis, Sciatica, Lumbago—is now available to all sufferers from these tortures. Q-623 is a prescription of a famous Specialist that has done wonders for thousands of people when many other remedies have failed. We ask you to try this famous prescription, as it is absolutely guaranteed to help you. A few doses usually stops the pain and many people say "it is worth its weight in gold." These reliable merchants recom mend it: Clark's Drug Store, Williamston. S. R. Biggs Drug Co., Williamston. Barnhill Brothers, Everetts. A. B. Rogerson & Bro., Bear Grass. Clark's Drug Store.—adv. IK Cl AWNINGS tor LESS MONEY Why pay more—when you can net the BEST AWNINGS for less money? Best quality fabrics, frames and workmanship at the low est possible cost is our motto. You could pay more, but you can not get more. Get our estimate first—then compare our prices. Harrison Bros. & Co. Williamston, N. C.

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