PAGE FOUR , • - " >\\ - ■' X " ■ :; : , • ' >v — . J "- ."' -7^ Now— (fa Every Day (§) Lasts Longer Crack - Proof TEXACO GAS {■ TexacoDay I v«- /rXo\ ITIII 11/T JH Drain Your Crankcase, then Refill With Texaco VWy VQ/ MlliL V®/ /ffj New Texaco /ff) Mrd-ni- Oil The Highest Test Gas Vg- Motor Oil W - It's Better U ITS BETTER 11 WE ' LL TELL THE WORLD IT'S SELLING OIL COMPANY/^, I■ _ m \M^J\Geo, and Gus Know Oil Williamston, N. C. | HOME AGENT'S. MAY REPORT Thirty-four Girls Left Sat urday for Outing at Camp Leach ■ ♦ ■ - The month of May was very busy with preparation for the third .annual junior camp at Camp Leach and the beginning of plans for a county "Live at home dinner" besides the regulai meetings The agent. traveled 966 miles, holding 7 meetings with adults and 14 with the juniors. Eighteen dif ferent homes were visited. 211 bulletins distributed. 28 different letters were written, 2 circular letters were written with 264 copies circulated Preparations were made for camp. Thirty-four girls signed up to go to camp this year, the largest mrmln-r ever in the county. The girls making the trip are Mary Wildmau, Mary K. Ballard, Winifred Mizelle, Evelyn Roberson, Fannie M Hurst, Geraldine Cox, Ma rie Nelson, Olive McCabe, Irene Hog erson, Olivia Griffin, Lucille Hardison, Sarah Daniel, Mildred Griffin, Melba Martin, Daisy and Ella Gaylord, Ber tie and Grace Martin, Mildred and An liit Hardison, Reba Bailey, Daisy Hol liday, Avril Woodley, Thelrna Hai slip, Gladys and Olive /Tyson, Dorothy l'erkins, Virginia Perkins, Frances Sherrod, Louise Brown, Margaret Nicholson. N. Y. WOMAN LOST .14 POUNDS OF FAT One 85 Cent Bottle of tifruschen Salts Did It "I am starting on my second bottle of Kruschen Salts and am real pleased with results. I take it for reducing, and so far have lost 14 pounds, and I think it is doing wonders for me. 1 do not feel fo tired evenings when 1 get home from work." A generous bottle of Kruschen Salts that lasts 4 weeks costs but 85 cents at any drug store in America—take one half teaspoon in aiglass of hot water every morning before breakfast—cut dewn on starches and walk a little each day. Before the bottle is empty surplus fat is leaving you—indolence changes to activitiy—you'll feel younger—eyes will brighten—step grows spry. Mil lions know this—you ought to know it. Kruschen Salts is the ideal treat ment for constipation, indigestion, head aches, nervousness and acidity, TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF MARTIN COUNTY Upon the eve of the Democratic Primary, I desire to submit my candidacy (or re-election to the office of Judge of Martin County Recorder's Court, especially seeking to reach those whom I have been unable to see, with full assurance that I will be profoundly grateful for every favor that may be extended me. I sincerely appreciate the expressions of con - fidence and friendship during the campaign and for every courtesy and consideration shown me by my friends and acquaintances, I would now express my sincere thanks, with full assurance to the voters of this County that if I am again hon ored by having the duties of this office placed with me, I will, in all matters, seek to justify the confidence imposed in me. I JOS. W. BAILEY RECOMMENDS ECONOMY IN GOVERNMENT (Continued from page one) | been handled in a very careless manner I in the past. I 5. We understand that it has been I the custom of our County Commis j sioners to keep Federal Prisoners in our County jail and that the Federal Government has only been paying the sum of 65 cents per day. We feel this is noT~sTJfticieiit compensation, and unless the Federal Government- will pay as much as SI.OO per day for each prisoner we recommend that they do not take any more prisoners of this type unless compelled to do so by the Federal Government. 6. We recommend that less money he spent on our County Home and County Farm and County Jail. A. We recommend that the salary of the Superintendent of the County Home be reduced to $50.00 jx-r month, am' that he be required to secure a requisition from either the Clerk of the Court or the Register of Deeds wljich officer shall be designated by our Coullty Board of Commissioners, lie lore making any purchases whatsoever for the County Home or any other de partment of the County. 7. We also recommend that all local School Committees over the County make out their budgets, having always in mind the most economical methods possible in conducting the various schools, and that no funds be requested in the budget which is not absolutely essential to the proper conduct of their schools. That all frivolous and fictitious items he entirely eliminated. A. We further recommend that we fall in line with the State Department in reducing the expenses of our County School system. All higher institutions of the State have already been notified that their appropriations will he cut 20 per cent this year. B. We recommend that no teacher in the future be employed for the ele mentary departments of our schools with a salary rating of more than SIIO.OO per month. This is not to ap ply to teachers already employed in the schools C. That no supplements be paid to any teacher for atheletics, or any other unnecessary extra activities. That the only supplements which will be recom mended and allowed is that for th( superintendents of the various schools We find that some schools are- paying for extra teachers out of the local funds beyond the number of teachers allow ed according to the daily attendance for the past year. D. We find that school teachers in the various schools of Martin County ar being supplemented in the enorm ous sum of $10,564.90 per year. This you understand, friends, varies with the schools, but if you are in a special tax district you pay; as this does not come out of the County or State funds. F'ach school district i* responsible for the supplements paid to its teachers. Even if we should secure an addition al $5,000.00 from the State Equaliza tion) fund it will do you no. good in case of supplements. ruiLiiMiD wan TV-PAY *M, ™.OAT F.. We find that the Board of Edu cation js being severely criticised on ac count of the supplements being paid to tc;.chers. This is unjust, as this mat ter is entirely in the hands of the local committees and they should hear the blame for any such waste of local funds. All supplements of whatever nature or amount is paid entirely out of your local district taxes. Our , cit izens should investigate these expendi tures and condemn those responsible for such flagrant waste of their tfioney. Let us see if we cannot run our schools with less teachers and on a more eco nomical basis. There is no need of go ing the limit of the law in the number of teachers employed, but let-us school committees see if we cannot get along with less teachers. i£. That the Board )ft Education should scrutinize very cjtfsdy each and every school budget submitted to them and eliminate any item which it not ab solutely essential to the proper conduct of the school. That teachers are em ployed according to their fitness for teaching at less rating than are now be ing paid in many instances. ;. That the County Board of Com missioners scrutinize the budget pre sented to them by the Board of "Educa tion more closely than they have been doing Heretofore. That they examine thoroughly the different budgets sub mitted by the various schools over the County, and eliminate any frivolous items or any request that is not abso lutely essential to the proper conduct of the school. Your committee feels that in too many instances a mere re quest has been granted by our Com missioners,. when ' they would have changed their minds and acted dif ferently if they had only made a littlt investigation. 8. That'the office of County Treas urer be abolished, if a bank can be hac that will handle the County fundi without extra pay. This of course must be done by an act of the Legislature This will net a saving to the Count} oi $1,200.00 per year. 9. That no officer of the County trade i r contract with himself We understand this is being done in our County and we especially recommend that it be stepped at once, or that the law be ap plied in such cases. JO. We recommend that the salaries of the Judge of the County Court be reduced to $75.00 per month and that the salary of the Solicitor of the above Court !>e reduced to $50.00 per month. That two days per month be devoted to hearing such cases as come before the Ccunty Court. We would suggest every other week. 11. We especially request that all lawyer* and Court Officials do all with in their power to conduct our Courts on a more economical and efficient basis. We find that money is being wasted by having witnesses attend court when there is no possible chance to reach the case, that juror* are be ing summoned in a careless and waste ful manner. That the court is wasting time by allowing attorneys to spend more time than necessary in examining witnesses and for some small or ir relevant matter court is often adjourn ed, thereby wasting time and money. V\ e believe our lawyers and judges could save the County an enormous sum each., year if they would conduct the courts on a more business like basis and eliminate the waste of time. A. The Superior Court of Martin County cost us $4,709.24 for the year lof 19 29, and we are to have two ex tra terms for the year 1930. We under stand that the Court Stenographer is paid SIO.OO per day and all expenses. This, we feel, is out of line with other salaries and certainly out of line with conditions of today. B. Our County Court cost $3,340.07 for the year of 1929 and from all ap pearances it will cost more for the year •if 1930. We recommend that Superintendent of Board of Educaiton be paid a speci fied salary and that he provide his au tomobile and transportation and other expenses. Your committee wishes to thank Mr. LSam Getsinger, our Register of eds, and Mr. R. A. Pope, our County Superintendent of Public Education, for their untirinp aid and assistance during our examination of the County affairs. We have now passed over the peak of finances and are on the road down to normalcy. This is the time to steer the old ship of state carefully and we feel safe that we will reach port. Other wise wc are bound to wreck our ship on the rocks of extravagance. Respectfully submitted, this May 30. 1930. * R. W. SALSBURY, J. EASON LILLEY, J. G. STATON, G. H. COX. WANTED: ROOMERS ft BOARD- J Mi S«« or call Mrs. T. W. Thomu, 1 Htttn Street. «p-25-4t THE SNTKRPKISE Increase Pensions for The ~ Spanish War Veterans Washington, D. C., June 4.—Repre sentative I.iiidsay Warren states that all Spanish War Veterans who will benefit by the recent bill passed by Congress over the veto of President Hoover must file application with the Pension Bureau to receive the bene fits of the new law. The measure pro vides for increased pensions, and also makes eligible for pension certain vet erans heretofore ineligible. Mr. War ren states that when application is filed, th>' veteran should not list his disabili ties on the sixteenth of the application where space is provided for stating rea sons for applying for the increase, but to write there instead, "under provis ions of the act of Congress, dated June 2. 1930." Mr. Warren, who has always taken a deep interest in the veterans of the war with Spain, voted to pass the bill over the veto of the President. WANTS R. SHERROD COREY "The Monument Man" Williamston, N. C. The Best Work for the Laaat Money MONEY LOST—TWO |2O BILLS and one $1 bill, in or around Ever ctts, N. C. 'Hie money was enclosed in a small folding hook with a clasp holding its edge. Midtown Bank, N Y. City, was the inscription on the hack. Finder return and receive re ward. C. B. Clark, Everetts, N. C. jeJ 2t GOOD MILK COW FOR SALB rcady for milking about 8 weeks. Geo. E. Roberson. TO THE DEMOCRATIC Voters Of Martin County VOTE FOR John L. Rodgerson Gerk Of the Superior Court - \ : % , - . " .-m ' v "I™- I AM ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE, AND ANY FAVOR SHOWN ME WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. IF ELECTED, I WILL PER FORM THE DUTIES OF THE OFFICE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITY. RURAL CARRIERS MAKING. SURVEY ♦ Post OBce Department ud Agricul tural Department Cooperate To Secure Information That Uncle Sam expects much of his workers is illustrated by the live stock survey being made right now through the rural mail carriers. Thus the Post Office and the Agricultural Departments cooperate utilizing their regular machinery for the pub lic good. The carrier delivers one of these cards to a few farmers on his route. If the farmer has sows, cows, or sheep, he is to All out his card com 'pletely and put back into his mail | box, without postage. I These cards are sent to Raleigh, 'where the Crop Reporting Service 'compiles them into results that show I whether, for instance, the number of | pigs and brood sows are more or less, the pigs per litter saved; the fall and spring farrowing results, and othei i information helpful to farmers in I planning their future breeding. The livestock reaulta for all States will be published late in June, which will serve aa a guide to the probable competition to be expected. These surveys were not begun until 1924, but have already stabilised the breed ing and marketing to a marked de gree. BEAR GRASS MILL—WK HAVE an old style rock from a water mill, and if you have not yet eaten bread ftom our mill, ye'in vite you to do so Friday or Saturday of this week. We grind for cash or toll, so don't forget wo are it your service every Friday and Saturday. Come to Bear Grass Mill where you fet meal in the old style wsy.—O. Bailey and Bro., Props. NOTICE Our Optometrist, Dr. G. C. Hodgens, will be in adjoining office to Dr. J. M. Kilpatrick, Rober sonville, N. C., the Second Wednesday of Each Month. At the Clark Drug Store, Williamston, N. C., the Fourth Wednesday of Each Month. BELL JEWELRY COMPANY WASHINGTON, N. C. Beauty for the X\ew Ford |P A A (/. o. b. Detroit, plut /night mmi delivery. O vF U Bmmpert end spare lire extra.) Piw Mr* at My price have more »tyle or diMiaction thin the new Ford Coupe. You will take • rt«l prido in it* beauty, jut •« you will M aa ever-frowinf aaliifietion* alert, capable perform on**. It la a particularly good choice for the woman motoriat becauae el it* eatey, comfort, eaae of control, reliability and *ub*tantial , *twdino*>. Call or telephone lor demonstration. WILLLIAMSTON MOTOR | COMPANY XSSBP Friday, June 6,1930.

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