PAGE FOUR POWER VELVETY ANTI-KNOC^,^ TT; H'YLG.ASO-LINE DRAIN -- FILL » THEN LISTEN ' y "4 V DAVENPORT & HAMILTON TEXACO LETTER ROGERSON BROTHERS JAMESVILLE, N. C. ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. Dear sir: C. T. ROBERSON SERVICE STA. The more you put into anything—-the more TEXAS SERVICE STATION you get out of it. , WILLIAMSTON. N. C. If s the same .ith Texaoo Motor Product.. We WILLIAMSTON R ■ ' '»■ put more into them; you get more out of them. This is true of every Texaoo Product dispensed to you from any service station where you see the well- • ® SALSBURY-JONHSON COMPANY known lexa °° * ed star ,ith the Green " T * Traaemarlt - CENTRAL SERVICE STATION The Ne. Texaoo-Ethyl Gasoline .111 give you 1 rvnt, juryivl. oxnixvi. HAMILTON- a ne. conception of gasoline performance. You .ill WILLIAMSTON N C never really know what quick starting is, until you put wiLLiAMaiun, n. Texaoo-Ethyl into your tank. It is a lively gas ! And * when it comes to pick-up and power on the hills—why, ——... it Just runs away with the car. It's better because it , , is a "dry" gasoline. J.L.CROOM & SON One man tells another. Motorist after mo- T K COLTRAIN AND COMPANY torist tries Texaco-Ethyl and sticks to it. Try a J# ' GOLD POINT tank-full today. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Drive up where you see the Texaoo Red Star with the Green "T." Then you will b a booster, too. Very truly yours, TEXAS SERVICE STATION HARRISON OIL COMPANY. GEORGE HARRIS - _—^—_—,—_—_ _ . . • ' ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. Ojis Know WILLIAMSTON, N. C. 4 | ! OIL COMPANYTTX AXfiME&A WIT I IAMSTON N C f \ OIL COMPANY^*) ROBERSONVILLE,N.C. PUtUfHID IVBIT TUWDAV *WO rwtDAv THE SE Mf ILLIAMSTON "Q*™ CAWOt -"" Friday, November 7, 1930.