PAGE TWO ©bf Entarpriap Published Every Tuesday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON, NCHTH CAROLINA. - —■■ """"* w. c. Manning Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance). MARTIN COUNTY On»' year ' ■■ - Six months . - ~ OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year *2-®° Six months - l -]* J No Subscript.'. n Received for Less 6 Month* Advertising Tau C.-rd Furnishe Upon Request ■ Etrtrrfi' tlt* u>' -s€ in . - Miliums ton. N. C... It wniul-t-ljs maH r in der 'he a't of Congress of March 3, 1879. Address ail comUtta'. .itimts !•> Ihe Enterprise and" not to the individual member- of the firm. Friday. January 2, 1931. Otto Wood The world is just a little better oft thin it was b fore Otto Wood wis killed The weight on civilization and society that has to carry even on - man like Wo d i- very great A man who goes around among people demanding the prop erty and l even the lives of others to tarry his own pints and for his own pleasure is a drawback and not an asset Jo am community. People who disregard the laws of the land or plain justice of truth and honesty will become dangerous if theW possess the same daring spirit that Otto Wood posilfssed. Bis record is just another example of the wisdom of separating bad and*.good people A Task Too Big for the State What will become of the roads if the State takes all of them over? If the State attempts to accept the task, it will result in a 500 |>er cent increase to the present system maintained by the h ghway com mission. How will the State go about handling such a big job? Will it be able to properly, organize system so that every rmd will- get a fail distribution of work or will the I test politicians get ih • brsf roads' If the State undertakes the job, it is believed that many roads now maintained by the public will be dis carded and go back into the hands of the individuals. If the State takes over all. the roads it will doubt" less be one of the bigg jobs ever undertaken by it, a job that is subject to capsize the State and spill the roads. Useless To Expect Relief North Carolina will have the State Legislature on its hands Wednesday of next week, and many of us are expecting so much that there is obliged to Ik- much disappointment for some. Unfortunately, the fellow who is hungry and rag ged is expecting immediate help, but to receive help is out of the question. The body, no doubt, will at tempt to do the very thing the public wants done, pass measures of economy. A m lli m or two might be but that will not have verv much effect in com parison with what the pßople themselves are spend ing , The legislature cannot bring relief, and before con ditions return to normal in this State, it will require the cooperation of three million [jeople in producing more than they are spending "Goodyear" —— * Recently a blimp passed over Williamston. On the blimp was the name "Go idye ir". A colored resident saw the airship, read "Goodyear," and not knowing wlujt it was all alwut, concluded that the governor had sent it out to tell about a gotid year in North Carolina this year. Governor Gardner had nothing to do with the pass ing of the airship, but he and his legislature Can have much to do with the year for all North Carolinians next week when the two get together. NOTICE OF SALE . By virtue of a deed of trust execut ed to me by Saul Moore awl wile, Sallie Frances Moore, of Martin Coun ty, N. C., dated March 26th, 1930, and 01 public record in the office of the Register of Deeds for said 1 Martin County in book E-3, page 13,, and at the request of the holder of the note of indebtedness thereby secured, de fault having been made in the pay ment thereof, I will, on Monday, Jan uary sth, 1931, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Martin County, offer for sale at public auction the property described in said devl *>f tract, m follow*, to wit: Commencing at an oak at the Mar tha K. Davis line; thence down said line fifty-eight (58) yards to an iron •trii*; thence * westwardly course to mc Atlantic Coast Line Railroad for , ty-three (43) yards; thence a north course down the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad forty-eight (49) yards to an iron stake; thence eastwardly forty-three (43) yard* to the begin-' oing, containing one-half (1-2) acre, mow or lest. A deposit of 10 per cent of the a mount bid will be reutfired of the pur chaser at the time of the sale. This notice dausd and posted this feb day of December. 1930. R. LTCOBURN, 49 4tw Trustee.* NOTICE OF SERVICE i vSi ag g t Gold is our only unit of vaiue. This makes it hard on those who have no gold. The value of all the property in the United States is based and determined on a small quantity of gold. Owners oT aH property are at the mercy-of the. gold hoarder. Debts were based ten years ago on the physical values of land, houses, mills, factories, merchandise, machinery. Gold then paid one dol lar for every dollar debt. The gold still pays one dol lar in debts, but since the commercial value of all other property is manipulated by gold which is now retired from trade, we find the dept paying value of our houses, lands, corn, cotton, wheat and other crops lis.- than half what it was ten years ago. A ten thousand dollar farm a decade ago is now required to pay a $3,000 debt. It now takes three pounds of tobacco to pay as much debt as one pound paid ten years ago. Farms thai our own government apprais ed at SIO,OOO ten*years ago and lent $5,000 on are notf selling for $2,500. ()ur government has said that a certain number of g.ains of gold shall be a dollar, rain or shine, in good and in bad times. The same government has seen its owr securities drop from its own apprais ment cjf $ 10.C0 to $2,500 in less than ten years. Everybody knows the life and prosperity of this country is based on land and not on gold; for that iea-on our government should stabalize the value of an acre of land just as well as it does an ounce of gold. Of course the gold hoarders would complain at such an act and say it was foolish. On the other hanJ, the nation is permitting 100,000 of its sub je s to suffer that one might prosper by an unjust and an unequal discrimination. When our government withdraws its protecting hand from :he gol 1 hoarder, just men will have a better chance. Successful Farming The type of farming that will always stand the test is that followed by Henry t>; Grewi, farmer liv ing near here on tht Washington highway. Mr. lire, n says that his several tenants are all sup p'.itd ww h corn, meat, (x)tatoes and good gardens to slart the New Year off. That all might live, the far mer requires his tenants to make their own food. As regularly as they plow their peanuts, cotton and corn, they plow their gardens, and they raise plenty of hogs. It is a rule with Mr. Green that the farm shall feed those who operate it rather than raise money crops and buy what they need to eat. Ibis type of farming has never failed to produce sufficient prosperity to make people free and ha|>py. It is a good, example (or the thousands of tenants vtlii ;:ie without food and adequate shelter, and knowing not what merchant or landlord is going f «d them next year. I ac landlord who has lost money for years on the money crop system and is now unable to pay his taxes and can't figure out just how he is going to bed his team and supply his tenants this year, needs to sit up and take notice too. Many landlords who have urged big money crops heretfore are now seek ing tenants who had sense enough to raise supplies I. : vea: uflicient to carry them through this year. To gain his independence, the farmer must adopt this systehi, and the time is ripe to begin. Rubbing Up the Brass Buttons . . * r ' r * Many towns and large cities have aired police scandals during the [>ast few months. The action is not so very strange. We are having all other kinds of scandals, so why not get out the old brass buttons and rub them off a little? When we rememl>er how easy it is for a police of ficer to draw two salaries, one for enforcing the law and a second for not enforcing the law, we need not be so much surprised at New York, City, Chicago and Rocky Mount having to investigate occasionally. Change The Law If we had a law to force every man to pay every cent on his debts that he can, and a law to prevent forcing a man who can't pay his debts, it would help stabalize business and save much embarrassment. It is very dishonest in any person who fails or refuses to pay his debts. It is a very hard thing to jump on a fellow who is in hard luck and can't pay and force him to sacrifice bis home and life's savings. We need more honesty and more human sympathy. 1 cept those personally served in this action, and all other persons owning ni —darrtrm* an interest in the lanil hereinafter referred to, will take no tice that on the 26th day of Novem ber, 1930, an action entitled as above ua> commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County for the purpose of foreclosing tax liens for the taxes due for the year 1928 on the following real estate; One h6use and lot bounded on the Hast by Elm Street, on the North by Williamston Supply Company, on the West by Francis Robbins, and on the South by a Street. That they are 'required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint which has been filed at the office of the Gerk of the Superior Court of Martin County at Williamston, N. C., , within 30 days from the 16tfi day of- December, 1930, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de-, maiided in the complaint. ft is also ordered that all othrt per-* sons claiming an interest in the sub ject ma ter ol the said action shall appear and present, set up and de fend their respective claims within 6 months from the date of this notice, or be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all qhums in or to the said properly or proceeds from the sa'e thereof. I This 10th day of December. 1930. R. J. PEEL, '♦* Clerk Superior Court | NOTICE OP SALE By virtue of the power of sale, «o«» tained in that certain deed of trust, from J. L. Roberson and wife, Nar „ - . Stabalize Value of Land ci»M Roberson, to L. Hassell; dated December 17th. 19'21 and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Martin County tn Book G-2, at Page 403; as well as for default in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured; the undersigned will, on Tuesday, the 6th day of January, 1931 at twelve o'clock noon, liefore the court-house door of Martin County, N. C., offer for sale at public auttion ( for cash, the following lands: 1 One tract or parcel of land in Cross Roads Township, adjoining the lands of Nauder Little, Joe Roberson, Warren Whitfield and others, and be ing all of said tract of land on which 1 now live; containing forty acres more or less. i The aforesaid sale will be reported "to the Superior Court, of Martin County, for confirmation or re-sale, as provided by law; and the success ful bidder at the above sale will be required to advance as much as ten per cent of his bid. immediately at the close of the sale, as evidence of good faith and pending report and confirmation of this sale by the Su perior Court of Martin County. Upon failure of 'the bidder to make such de|>osit, the said lands will he offer ed fer re-sale on the same date and at the same place at the hour of one o'clock p. m. This sth day of December, 1930. ' J. L. HASELL. J d-9-4t Trustee. 5. H. Bonner, Att'y- Washington, N. C. THE ENTERPRISE THE LETTER-BOX ♦ REVALUING PROPERTY ♦ i I may be crazy, but I am no fool j and if I were in the court house and | expressed the following views before a j bunch of politicians and school advo cates, I would be tSrown out erf tFe I window. According to custom this is real |estate, assessment year."What the as jsesSbrs put on the books the ftrirt 1 stands 4 years, I do' not know who 'chief assessor T. B. Slade has ap pointed but I am sure they are good | men arid the citizens should cooperate ! with them but a paper said jit would cost one million dollars to ; take this assessment in, North Caro lina Now, if it has got to be done, my plan as explained to one of ottf good citizens. Take the tax books of each town ship and cut the real estate in each tt wnship, as now on the tax lists, one half. The citizen to which I refer above, scratched his head and said that would not do as the county must have so much money and it would raise the rate so high that Martin County would be the laughing stock of the State. But after we talked the matter Over a while I convinced hint that I was right. Finally he Risked me If I weUe not a tax lister for the town of Williamston. I answered in the affir native, and had been for four or five years and that I knew every piece of property that was lister too low and e* ery one that was listed too high in the town of Williamston, My friend asked me for a concrete example in the town of Williamston. For an ex ample I took a piece of property list led in Williamston on the ta» books at $4,000 with a county, town and state lta> of approximately $4.00 per SIOO On thin property the tax payer woulfi ■have to pay about $160.00 for town and county taxes. Cut this property in halfmakiiig it $2,000. and run the county and state rate up to SBOO which would amount to $160.00. My fiieuds old political eye began to twinkle and he said boy you arc right. My next shot was the schools, I told him I was in favor of cutting out all schools in the county for one full | session 1 am also opposed to any | more state paving of roads this year J and the tax on gas stl'huld be raised to ten cents per gallon, with one half j of the gasoline tax being refunded to the Counties. My friend looked at me las if he knew 1 had a loose crew i around my cranium and then what Mould Chris Manning and I'Ope say about the schools. I told him it made no difference what*".those fellows at the court house said, that 1 was right and that I had seen more lacpters at their homes since election canvassing time than any man in Martin County and knew the financial condition ot the people in Mprtin County, second to no man. and something had to be done and something drastic. Kaleigh or no Kaleigh, court house or no court house nify l>e crazy hut 1 ain't no fool. W. T. MEADOWS. * ANONYMOUS December 27, 1930. Editor Enterprise, Williamston, N, C. Dear Mr. Manning: 1 am enclosing copy of an anony mous letter dated 12-23--30, received through the post office by me on 12-j 23-30, which I will thauk you to pub lish in the next issue of you paper and let the public draw its conclusions. | My telephone number at the house] in 28 and at my office the number is 24 1 am in town a good portion of nearly every day and most every night. If the person writing the letter and styling himself as a friend will make a date by letter or telephone, I shall be! glad to see -him and possibly through a personal interview, I can -under- j stand his motive for writing the letter, and find out who it is 1 am now trying to get in trouble or whom 1 ever tried to get in trouble in the past. I want to say, however, that L don't consider anyone writing me a letter my friend unless he has the nerve to sign his name to it. Please publish this letter also just as it is written. Thanking you in advance, 1 am Yours very truly | J. C>. STATON. I Dear Mr. Stuton: I tried to see you today but learned you were out of the city. I have had, both my ears and my eyes open for the past two week* and I know what I am telling you. I hang around on the, street and in the stores practically all the time and I get the rumors as they by. You are trying to get some one in trouble as you have tried to get others in the past. The people know what you are up Jo and the remarks that have been made on the streets and in the drug stores and other places. They know that you are having this work done. They know you are at the head of it and are telling the other party what to do. They also know that you are responsible for Mr. Bill Moye being down here last week. I am afraid you are going too far. I am writing you because I am yoi/r friend. /Take my advice and stop while stopping is good. You can take this foi what it is worth, , 1 Sincerely, • t There was a difference in income peracre of $90.7! where the new tobac co fertilizer formula 10-4-6 was used over wltere the old 8-.1-3 formula was used in demonstrations conducted in Ptrson County by farm agent H. K. Sanders last season. THE LOW DOWN ! ON FARMING IN THE SOUTH G. A. Cardwell Gives Many Interesting Facts In An Agricultural The Southeast as "Another Land of Promises" i« pictured in an industrial , bulletin published by a prominent New ; England firm of GhemisU-Engineer* aiid Managers. The natural resources with which Providence has endowed this section jare enumerated and we are credited 'with extensive development of these resources. But when it comes time to mention agriculture the condition are ,described iir these words: "And yet, iagriculture, the great industry for j which the South is preeminently fit ted, is in the most backward condi tion" ' This description of the condition of j Southern agriculture did not originate in the minds of our New England friends. The idea must have been transmitted to them by some of the ablest and most patriotic friends and leadres of agriculture in the South; be cause reference is made in the bulletin to two group movements now under way for the improvement of economic conditions in the Southeast. | Quoting from 'the bulletin': ''The thoughtful men in both groups are acting on the principle that concerted actipn is necessary, disregarding state lines and minor factors. One move ment contemplates the appointment by |the several Governors of a general committee, the other, originating out js;de official circles, contemplates a »i --imlar organization of a voluntary firm, including prominent farmers; merchant*, bankers and journalists, as well as a large number of university and college professors. Whatever the filial joint plan or organization may be, it is the general intention to pro fit by the successful experience of the New Knglaud "Council with a similar procedure." Admitting that we are backward (as art practically all one crop pe iple) and that we have been slow to change our agricultural system, due to con ditions over which the farmer has/ had little control, it is with encourage ment- that the writer has noted )iere and there a decided change for the better in the condition of certain far mers. In this connection, the following brief statement from a narative report recently made by Sumter. County, Si uth Carolina, farm agent is iiidsi heartening: "Instead of coming to town and frantically trying to get financed at crop pitching time, our several hun dred hog shippers will finance their l''3l operations with March hog sales." However, there is need of change on thousands of farms if we are to again have a prosperous agriculture. Chang ed conditions demand new methods or a return to methods formerly use 1 on many farms under which a living for •the jfarni family 'and livestock was made on the place In order that we may see ourselves as others see u we are aKain quoting | from the industrial bulletin referred to ill the beginning of this article: ! "Diveriified Agriculture Necessary" I "Southern economists are generally agreed that what the South needs most of all is diversification of its agriculture It needs to raise its own food. And this is-hecoming more' and more a necessity. The total an-! i nual wealth produced in eight South-! | eastern States in a recent year wasj about seven billion dollars; and of this{ more" than one billion dollars went' outside to buy imported food. That diet of many among the poorer classes in these states is largely made up ofj tried fat bacon, corn cake, and perhaps! molasses. This diet is so deficient in! I digestible proteins, and so free from the vitamins that science has found ne-| ■ ccssary for health, that its deficiency is evident in the poor average health ; I of the working classes, and in the pre valence of such diseases of malnutri-' tion pellagra. The farmer in the South, in the opinion of those studying his problems on the spQt, should be taught to j change his general farm operations gradually toward vertical farming; that is, to raise s;- h field crops as will be used for human food directly or for cattle feeding. The forage crops should be fed to such animals as either 'perform field traction (mule), furnish meat for human food (pig, sheep,; steer, poultry), or furnish a market-1 ; able product (sheep, poultry, cow).j Animals should be raised to a far| greater extent, especially dairy cattle! and poultry. The land should grow j such forage crops as enrich the soil j by nitrification (legumes), and the cattle or other lire stock should be largely raised on pasture, supplement ed by silage. The main crops should be those rajsed for huutan food or for feeding animals. Reduction of the acreage of cotton and tobacco would remit in higher prices. The present year has beeu a sad one for the one crop farmer; for both cotton and to-1 hacco are bringing extremely low! prices. " .... . Faced with problems of unusual dif ficulty, many of them impossible of i in.modiate solution, the great South east is fortunate in its possession of •|lu resource and climate essentials for! a higher degree of future prosperity | than can be anticipated for many less favored life supporting areas. Judged by recent progress, it has native lea ders familiar with conditions peculiar to itself, which they are now organis ing." "Black Frost" May Cause A Considerable Damage A "black frost" may cause consider- j able damage to growing crops without; there being any deposit of frost what- J ever, says the U. S. Weather Bureau, j The bureau explains this phenomenon by saying that the temperature of any j usually falls more or: less steamfJK!. after sunset until it reaches the point, at which time the invisible 1 ' water vapor in the at mosphere 'begins to condense and be deposited, especially if there is con siderable nioistpre present. If the dew| point is above degrees F., the free- j zing point of «s?ter, dew forms; if it is 32 degrees F.W. lower, frost forms, since dew or frost does ,not begin to form- until the temperature of the ground or other object reaches the dew point, it is apparent that if the dew point is very low, the temperature may fall low enough to cause consi derable damage to vegetation by freez ing without the formation of frost. 6 Craven County growers increased 1 their eorn crop by 117,405 bushels in ) 1930. This was done by increasing the ; acreage, using some land idle in 1929 1 and by better methods, says C. B. - | Farris, county agent. NOTICE : North Carolina, Martin County—ln the Superior Court. Martin County vs. T. H. Johnson and wife, Hettie Johnson, Mrs. Blount Harrell, H. J. and wife, I Maggie Etheridge. Mrs. Mary Cas per and husband, S. E. Casper, trad ing as the firm of W. J. Johnson and Company. • I ' An action having been instituted in j the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, entitled as above, to foreclose tax liens for taxes due for ' the year 1928, listed in the name of ' W J. Johnson and Co., on the follow ing real estate in said county: All of lot No. 3 and south half of lot No. 2 in block "C" on blue print ' map of the town of Oak City, North ' Carolina. Notice is hereby given to all per sons claiming an interest in the sub ject matter of the said action to ap pear, set up and defend their respec 11ve claims in 6 months from the cfate of this notice, or be forever barred j and foreclosed of any and all interest '| or claims in or U> the said property 'or proceeds from the sale thereof. Dated, I2'li day of December, 1930. , R. J. PEEL, d-16-4t Clerk Superior Court. ] NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County—ln the Superior Court. Martin County vs. B. B. Williams and wife, Pattie Williams. An action having been instituted in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, entitled as above, to foreclose tax liens for taxes due for the year 1928, listed ill the name of li B. WiTfiams, on'the following real' estate in said county: A certain lot on Railroad Street in tin town of Williarnston deeded to B. B. arid Pattie Williams et als by deed flout N. S. Godard recorded in book D-2, page 53, Martiu County public registry. Notice i«s hereby given to all per sons claiming an interest in the sub ject matter of the said ac tion to ap- j pear, set up and defend their respec- 1 tive claims in b months from the date of this notice, or be forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to the said property Tor proceeds from the sale thereof. Dated, 12tli day of Decemlier, 1930. R. J. PEEL, d-lti-4t Clerk Superior Court. ! NOTICE" North Carolina, Martiu County—ln the Superior Court. Martin County vs. H. M. Peel and wife, Geneva Peel. An action bavin# been instituted in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, entitled as above, to ' foreclose tax lien* for taxes due for | the year 1928, listed in the name of I 11. M. Peel, on the following real es- til iHorses-Mules I am dealing in second hand horses and mules and expect to have a large number on hanff all the time. Visit our stables and look over our line of fine second-hand piules and horses. Our stables are located on highway No. 90 near Rog erson Brothers Garage, known as J. H. James stables. If you are looking a bargain, see me before buying your mule for spring work. My prices are very reasonable. ".I . , J. R. Morris ROBERSONVILLE, N, C. . . , ■■ * : i" Rj;-"' - • ■ ;.V ■ Fridav. lanuarv 2. 1931. jtate in said coqpty: A tract of land containing 30 acres, more or less, in Haautaw Township, {known as the Everett land, a tract of land containing 19 acres more or teas known as the Lawrence laud, one lot iin the town of Hamilton known as the factory lot, and one lot in the town •of Hamilton known as the residence ! lot of H. M. Peel, all listed for taxes !in the year 1928 in the nam* of H. M. Peel. Notice is hereby given to all per sons claiming an interest in thf sub ject matter of the said action to ap pear, set up and defend their respec i tive claims in 6 months from the data of this notice, or be forever barred • and foreclosed of any and all interest lor claims in or to the said property I or proceeds from the sale thereof. Dated, 12th day of December, 1930. R. J. E£EL. d-16-4l Clerk Sup«?wßr Court. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County—ln the Superior Court. Martin County vs. Mrs. J; H. Leggett. An action having been instituted in the Superior Court of, Martin County, Ncrth Carolina, entitled as above, to foreclose tax lieus for taxes due for the year 1928. lisied in the name of Mrs. J. H. Legpett, on the following rial estate in said county: The first tract of lot No. 1. in the Jerry Leggett land division, of record in the Martiu County public registry, book No. 1, page 404, and containing 55 acres, more or less. Notice is hereby given to all per sons claiming an interest in the sub- I ject matter of the said action to ap i pear, set up and defend their raspec i t .vc claims in 6 months from the date lof this notice, or be forever barred ' and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the sale thereof, i Dated, 12th day of December, 1930. R. J. PR EL. d-16-4t Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE j North Carolina, Martin County—ln tin: Superior Court. Martin County vs. Mrs. J. B. Ayers, Oscar Ayers, Jos. Ayers, Clarence Ayers, and Arthur Ayers. An action having been instituted in 1 the Superior Court of Martin County. North Carolina, entitled as above, to foreclose tax liens for taxes due for the vear 1928. fisted in the name of J, B Ayers, on the following real es tate in said county: A tract of land situated in Cross Roads Township, whereon J. B. Ayers resided prior to his death and being tin same land deeded to Susan M. Aver* by the said J. B. Ayers. Nut ice is hereby given to all per sons claiming an interest in the sub ject matter of the said action to ap |K-ar, set up and defend theit respec | tive claims in 0 months from the date of this notice, or be forever barred ! and foreclosed of any and all interest lor claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the sale thereof. Dated, 12th day of December, 1930. R. J. d-16-4t Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County—ln the Superior Court. Martin County vs. Mary Lee Hassell and husband, C. B. Hassell. An .ictioii having been instituted in the Suiteripr Court of Martin County, North Carolina, entitled as.' above, to foreclose tax liens for taxes due for the year 1928, listed in the name of Mary Lee Hassell, on the following real estate in-said county: Two brick stores on the south side of Main Street .in the town of Wil liamstou, N. C., being the stores now occupied by the D. Pender Grocery Co., J. 1.. Hassell, and Exum Ward. One house and lot in the town of Williainston, N. C„ on the corner of Main and Watts Streets, adjoining the R, K. Koberson and the. S. S. lladlcy estate's property, and being the house in which the said Mary and C. B reside. Notke is hereby" given to all per son* claiming an interest in the sub ject matter of the said action to ap pear, set up ami defend their respec tive claims in 6 months from the date of tint. notice, or he forever barred and foreclosed of any and all interest or claims in or to the said property or proceeds from the sale thereof. Daren, 12th day of December, 1930. K. J. I'liEL, l-lft-4t Clerk Superior Court.

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