Mtwte. WOl Pad Om Col ffM • Latchkey to Over Sixteen RMM Martin County Home* VOLUME XXXIII—NUMBER 102 POUR CONCRETE NEXT- WEEK ON HAMILTON ROAD Equipment Made Ready for Paving Operations To Begin Wednesday Preparations for hardsurfacing the Hamilton road from this point to the Everett mill, five miles away, are prac tically complete, Contractor W. .F. Brown stating yesterday that actyl paving work would be started Wea nesday of next week, weather permitt ing. Equipment shipped here this week has been unloaded and placed. The large steel bins and crane have been irtctid and made ready for operation and pipe lines have been laid from the mill to a point a mile or two back this way. Loading bins have been placed on the old .Gurganus peanut lot. Pearl Street and the company will maintain ita office in the Staton building on Baltimore Street. .The construction company ia working a goodly number of men this week and will materially increase their laborers when paving operations are started next week. The work will be rushed rapidly to completion, Mr. Brown stating yester day that with favorable weather pre vailing they planned to complete the road in about two months time. Several of the members of the Brown Paving Company force working on the road to Plymouth two years ago are back again to handle the Hamilton road project. COONS PREY ON MUD TURTLES Drought Dries Up Swamps Leaving No Refuge For Turtles The drought throughout the coun try has been far-reaching, no doubt, but unheard of effects were explained here yesterday by Mr. O. W. Hamil ton, of Jamesville. Hundreds of mud turtles left without refuge when the Roanoke swamps dried up, have been devoured by coons, Mr. Hamilton atated. Walking through the swamps near Jamesville recently, Mr. Hamil ton stated that he saw more than twenty-five turtle shells, the coons fiaving made away with the meat. In many instances, Mr. Hamilton ex plained, the coons had dug holes in the mud and preyed on the turtles. The shells varied in size, some be ing as small as a saucer and others the »ixe of a big washpan. Twenty-eight Seniors Take State r Examination Here Twenty-eight seniors in the local high school were confronted with the, State-wide school examination yester day Principal W. Hi WAtson stating that the atudents tackled the many questions in great earnestness. The questions were patterned after the •Hhree R's," the principal stated. The examination papers will be for warded to the State department where they will be used in determining the scholastic ranks of the various high 'schools in the State. Bear Grass School Honor Roll for the Fifth Month • i Forty-three pupil* made the honor | roll in the Bear Grass »chool last | month, Principal S. M. Lee reported yesterday, as follows: * First Grade Sec. B. —Daisy Peaks, Ester Roberson, Marie Harrison. First Grade Sec. A—Edna Earl Slater, Lonie Mae Moore, Harry, Wynn, Luther Cratt. | Second Grade—Luther Jones, War-' ren Jones, Rachel Ayers, E** er R aw l*> Edna Rawla, Carrie Dell Terry. Third Grade—Charlie Harrison, Al bert Gray Bennett, Evelyn .Hodges, Doris Rogers. Fourth Grade —Velma Bailey, Op helia Rogerson, Lizzie Mae Rogers, Fifth Grade—Elizabeth Bailey, Sur reather Peaks, Vady Shaw. Sixth Grade—Dan Peele, Henry Taylor, Lois Mae Bailey, Josephine Gurganus, Susie Gray Harris, Evelyn Mobley, Hilda Roebuck, Lfcna B. Shaw, Marjorie Terry, Louise Taylor, Virginia Whitehurst. Seventh Grade—Fred Ayers, Joseph Keel, Garland Whitehurst, Ernestine Britton, Sara Roberson, Mary Eliza beth Keel. Ninth Grade—Ralph Mobley. Tenth Grade—Mildred Ayers, Vara Green Rogers Attend Funeral of Brother In New York City Today Messrs. Frank and Irving Margolis are in New York City today attend ing the funeral of their brother, Mr. Max Margolis who died suddenly in Wilmington last Wednesday. Mr. Max Margolis, one time a part owner in the firm of Margolis Brothers here, had visited in WHliamston several times and made many friends among AM people of the town and commun ity- , THE ENTERPRISE Fifteen Divorces Martin County Last Year Several Plaintiffs Fail To Pay Costs After Judges Warn Them That Separation Proceedings Woud Not Be Complete Until All Costs Were Paid ) Causes advanced for divorce were | substantiated in fifteen cases in the superior court of Martin County last year, but about half the number are not complete, as the plaintiffs failed to pay the costs. Judges presiding in Several of the cases explained to those | seeking separation that the proceed ings would not be complete unless the i'costs were paid. Apparently the warn- (were little attention, as 'several plaintiffs were satisfied with .the verdict of the jury and were un- I concerned as to record filing. As a 'result eight of the number are not [really divorced. As a second result, bigamy has been practiced in the county. ] Argument has been advanced in an fcffort to prove that the divorces were I complete when the jury returnd a de cree favoring the plaintiff, even if the 'costs were not paid; but court judges are said to have told the plaintiffs that |the actions would not be complete un less the costs were paid. SCHOOL MEN IN FIFTH MEETING • Large Number Attend The Session Held at Farm Life School The Martin County Schoolmasters'| club held its fifth meeting of the 1930-1 31 term Thursday night at Farm Life with Principal S. E. Mercer as host, 1 a goodly number of the male teachers | and invited guests attending. Mr. T. C. Griffin explained the school financial situation of the Coun ty and expressed the hope that no delay would be necessary in paying teacher's salaries. Mr. Plenny Peel expressed himself [as being in sympathy with the school j situation and stressed the need of cooperation. Mr. Henry Koberson com- . mended the work done, by the larm Life teachers and pupils. Mr. Harrington welcomed the visi-'j tors to Farm Life School and gave a brief history of the school. Mr. Lilley expressed his interest in this and the other schools of the County. Upon suggestion of Mr. Peel and motion of Supt. Pope the group stood, out of respect to the memory of the late Supt. Asa J. Manning Supt Pope submitted for discussion the following three questions. l.What will keep Martin County prosperous? How does Martin county get better trained men, better business organiza tions, and new labor saving machinery to develop its natural resources? 3. Does it pay Martin County to have better teachers and better buildings? After discussion of these topics, President W. K. Watson called upon a representative of each school to ' make a brief report suggesting what his school would do toward teaching the governor's Live-at-Home Program. Various ways of' teaching this idea were suggested by the school men. In closing the meeting Prof. Watson appealed to schoolmen to make the child the center of attention in their ' work iand thinking.—Reported. Attendance in the Everetts School During Fifth Month The attendance for the fifth school month showed a slight increase in the | elementary grades of the Everett* i school. Attendance averages in the j I high school were practically the s§me I I as the average of the previous month.' Enrollment and attendance figures 1 are ,as follows: enrollment, high school, 43; attendance high school, 40 Elementary enrollment, 181; elemen-' tary attendance 163; percent in at tendance, high school, .93; elementary school, .89 per cent. \Everetts Parents-Teachers Hold Meeting Last Night j The monthly meeting of the Ever j 'etts Parent-Teacher association, held |in the school auditorium there last j jevening at 7:30, was attended by fifty j patrons and friends of the school. During each meeting twenty minutes have been devoted to entertainment furnished by the pupils, the feature of the last night meeting being the of ferings of the high school glee club, and the rhythm band of the primary grades. The interest of the pupils in the study of music was evidenced in this part of the program., Rural Letter Carriers To Meet Here Monday, 23rd The rural leUer carriers of Eastern Carolina division will meet here next Monday, it was announced by Mr. John Ward yesterday. The program had hot been complet ed today, but it was stated that a 'goodly number of the postal employes {was planning to be here for the day. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, February 20, 1931 I Accepting the decrees as final, there were 9.6 marriages (or each divorce, or I 10.4 divorces to 100 marriages. The divorce rate per 1,000 of population [ last year was .64, as compared with 'a rate of 1.66 divorces per 1,000 pop -1 ulation for the United Stateis as a 'whole, ' In 1V29 there were for the 1 United States as a whole 16.3 divorces 'per 100 marriages, or 10.10 divorces 'per 1,000 population. There were 6.1 1 marriages for each divorce in the ' United States as a whole. These fig ,'ures clearly indicate that the divorce rate in Martin County is much, lower ,'than the average for the country. Eight of the 16 persons asking for j a divorce were white, and ten of the ' fifteen were women, the records show. Various causes were advanced by the plaintiffs in seeking legal separa tion, non-support figuring in a major ity of the cases. J None of those seeking a divorce was refused once the case reached the jury, I it was learned. LOST APPEAL IN j SUPREME COURT • Judge Moore's Decision Is Upheld In Barnes Vs. Gladstone Suit ♦ Judge Clayton Moore was upheld i by the North Carolina Supreme Court j Wednesday when it affirmed his de- | cision rendered in the Collins Green i versus Frank Gladstone civil suit | heard in the Martin Superior court here last September. The court found no error in the trial thai resulted in | victory for the defendant. The case is another of the unusual j ones. About twenty years ago Col- | litis Green's forebears borowed SBOO from Gladstone. The principal has i never l>een paid, or it had not been I paid just prior tinthe time the court rendered its decision, and the interest naturally attracted all the at tention. Green, in bringing his suit, | claimed that he was chared 10 t>er, cent interest. The defendant denied the J charge, and at the trial his counsel offered certain facts that supported the ( denial of the exhorbitaut interest charge. I - The decision was one of several I handed down by the higher court this | j week, but was the only one originating. |in the Martin County court*. LOUIS PHILLIP HORNTHAL DIES —.— Funeral Held at Home In Plymouth Yesterday i Afternoon I 4 Louis Philip Hornthal, 59, promi-! | nent in the business life of this sec-i ■ tion for many years, and former mayor I I town councilman, and member of the i Plymouth school board, died at his j home in Plymouth lest Wednesday morning at 11:00 o'clock, following an extended illnes» from Bright's Disease. Mr. Hornthal suffered - from the 1 i malady for several years, although he was not confined to his bed until ibout 10 days ago. Mr. Hornthal lived practically all of ! | his life in Plymouth, having been born here November 17, 1871, the son of the ( late L. H. and Martha W. Horntlal. Mr. Hornthal was married on Jan uary 31, 1894, in Suffolk, Va., to Miss Florence Harllee, of Woodville, Ber tie County, who survives him. There are also five children living, as fol- I lows: Mrs. A. L. Booth, of Rocky Mount; Miss Martha Hornthal, of Ply mouth; Mrs. W. B. Watts, of Wil liamston; Mrs. Z. G. Lyon, of Ply mouth; and Louis Philip Hornthal, | jr., of Plymouth. He is also survived by eleven grandchildren. Funeral services were held Thurs day afternoon at 4 o'clock in Grace Episcopal Church, Plymouth. Kev. A. H. Marshall, of this place, and the Rev. Mr. Partrick, of Raleigh, con ducting the last rites. Baptist Young People To Render Program Sunday The younger element in the Bap tist church will have complete charge of the Sunday morning's program at 11 o'clock, to which the public is in vited. It i* understood that a playlette will be given and that suitable music wilt be rendered. This is a complete change 1 in the Sunday morning's program and promises to be a most interesting ser vice. The evening preaching service will be centered about Peter's denial of Christ. And the Young people will have their regular Sunday evening ser vice M usual. CHECK FLASHER OPERATES HERE Woman Forges Name of Rev. C. H. Dickey To $6.50 Check, Escapes Rev. Charles H. Dickey, local Bap tist minister, was selected as a victim by a woman check flasher here last Saturday evening when she forged his name to a $6.50 check and cashed it at 1 the Farmers Supply Company. The 'signature was readily accepted by the store owner, and forgery was not de termined until the check reached the bank, employees there notifying the minister. Learning that the check had been forged, Mr. W. O- Griffin, manager of the supply company, stated that he remembered cashing the check, that the woman, tall and apparently 35 years of age, purchased a pair of hose and took the change. As far as it could be learned, the woman is believed to have limited her work here to the one check. However, thi same person is believed to have victimized merchants in other towns in I this section. The Elizabeth City Mer chants' association warned the mer chants of that town of the operations, I but not until two; checks had been cashed for her. JUDGE BAILEY HEARS 15 CASES —#— Recorder's Court Holds An Afternoon Session Here Last Tuesday • With fifteen cases on ducket, the j recorder's court went into an afternoon I .session here last Tuesday to dispose of I practically all- the number. Convic tions resulted in a majority of the cases, but several were sent up to the I higher court, one or two appeals beiiiK 'perfected in others. None of the cases | was of very much importance, but the court more than paid its expenses and turned over a few dollars for use in the operation of schools. French Scott, pleading guilty of driving an automobile while intoxicat ed, was fined SSO and taxed with the costs. His license to operate a motor vehicle during the next six months was revoked. Charged with operating a car while under the influence of liquor, K. K. ] Childs failed to appear when called by the court. Thurston Lee was fined $25 and , taxed with the costs for violating the I Ijquor laws. Judgment was suspended in the cases charging Henry -'and Harry ' Girvin with an assualt with a deadly ! weapon. I The case charging James Gray with larceny and receiving was demanded ! to the juvenile court. I'robable cause appearing in the lease charging James Bullock and Har ry J. Jones with larceny, the two de -1 fendants were bound over to the next j term of Martin County Superior court under S2OO bonds. The case charging John H. Ellison with an assault with a deadly weapon, , was continued one week. | Probable cause appearing in the case, charging John Hadley and i'aul Ballard with larceny and receiving, the first defendant was bound over to the next term 6f superior court under a $250 bond. Probable cause was not found as to Ballard. A npl pros resulted in the case charging Sullie Smith with larceny and receiving. j Pined $75 and taxed with the costs when he was found guilty in the case charging him with cruelty to animals, Golden Godard appealed, the court re quiring bond in the sum of $125. Adjusted guilty on an assualt with a deadly weapon, Koach Salsbury, Sam VVynn and Ernest Rawls were each fined $35 and taxed with one-third of the costs. A six months suspended road sentence was meted out to each. Clyde Silverthorne pleaded guilty in the case charging him with violating the liquor laws, and prayer for judge ment was continued one week. The case, charging Joe Wheeler James with larceny, was he*r«t and continued one week. James entered a plea of not guilty. [ QUESTION BOX Q. What was Martin County'# death rat* in 1920? Q. How many dollar* did Mar tin County r*c«iv* from the State school fund last term? Q. What rat* would have been necesaary to support the Martin County schools last yesr under th* urn* program had no State aid been received? Q. Who an th* members of ht* Martin County Board of Commis sioners? Q. Who serve* as ex-oflicio cl*rk to th* Martin. County Board of Commissioners? Ship 1,009 Carloads of Farm Produce From Here In 1930 Twelve Injured When Car Strikes Wagon Near Here Mrs. D. A. Bowen Suffers Broken Hip; Son's Back Wrenched Twelve men, women and children miraculously escaped with their lives early last night when they were thrown from a wagon that was struck and demolished by a car driven by P. L. Baker, of Farmville. The little group, riding to a Hdliness prayer meeting in a wagon belonging to Mr. David A. Bowen, was thrown from the wagon, Mrs. Bowen suffering a broken hip and her husband receiving injury to the head and back. One of the couple's two .sons had his back wrenched, and practically all the other members of the group received bruises and minor injuries. The Bowen group, entering the highway near the Martin County | home, was traveling toward Kveretts j when the Baker car catue up from j the rear. Blinded by the lights of an j approaching car. Baker stated that he I did not see the wagon in time to miss I it. Striking the left rear wheel, the car over turned the wagon,, 'knocked one of the. team | I down and hurled the members of the > group in all directions. The wagon carried a light. i Baker stated that he was running 'around 45 miles an hour as he passed the approaching car, but slowed down to around .15 miles an hour when he 'struck the wagon. Occupants of the J wagon were of the opinion that the i car meeting them passed oil by and 'was 50 yards down the road when the other car struck their wagon. No ar rests have been made in connection with the wreck at this time. The injured were treated here, Mrs. Bowen being removed to a Washing ton hospital. SENATE PASSES BONUS 72 TO 12 Expect President Hoover To Veto The Measure Within 48 Hoiirs • ' j Passing the House last Monday by a 303 to .19 vote, the IJacharach World War veterans loan bill was supported by the Senate last evening by a 72 to 12 count, leaving the President's veto as the only obstacle facing the pro posed law. The President has ten days in which to consider the measure, but |it was the opinion of some that he ' would veto the measure within 4H hours. That action- would necessitate the repassage of the bill in both wings of congress. jL)n an average, the bill would give to each veteran SSOO. The Senate today is having a heat ed debate over the'passage of th«v bill, the opponents stating that the govern ment's finances should be considered. » The proponents answered, stating I than the measure had been debated • long enough. Vote of People Necessary In All New Bond Issues i> Julius S. Peel, local bond attorney, ! stated today that there has been an I Act introduced in the Legislature mak- I ing it mandatory that before any new bond issues are authorized by any I town, county, city or other political ! subdivision, that permission must be first obtained from a Local Govern ment Commission to be established in Raleigh. This Commission to be com posed of nine members. All bond is sues proposed are carefully considered and if approval is given, then the unit desiring to issue the •bonds must first have an election and a majority of the qualified voters must approve such an issue before the bonds may be ex ecuted. Also, it is proposed that all bonds are to be sold in Raleigh by the said Commission. The Act is generally accepted as being a very good one to curtail the extravagent issuance of bonds, and also to strengthen the credit of the | various units throughout the State, many of such units at the present time j being in default in payments on bonds i and interest now due. ! The vote of the people is not neces sary in case of funding and refunding I bonds. Such bonds being issued to cover indebtedness now outstanding. The prediction is that the Act will pais by a large majority- in both houses of the Legislature. ♦••• Undergoes Operation ■ • Mrs. Emma Thompson is in a Washington hospital, where she un derwent an operation this week. Bill Passed Favoring Peanut Picker Owners A bill, giving owners of peanut pickers liens on pea nuts picked by them in Mar tin County, was passed in the house this week. The lien, it is understood, gives the peanut picker owner the right to hold the peanuts for his work, and is similar to the laborer's lien. The bill was pas ed jointly with one of the same nature in Northampton County. DOINGS IN THE LEGISLATURE School Machinery Bill In troduced In Assembly Yesterday ♦ ' Schools claimed the center of at tention in-the legislature yesterday,' pushing the road measure to one side 'that some action might follow on the school bill. The road bill was delayed until Monday night, but further delay lis expected at that time. | The school machinery bill providing i for the State operation of the six months term at a oust of $18,000,000, and the distribution of an extended term fund of $1,500,000, was intro duced by Senator Kivers Johnson, of iDuplin, yesterday. I'uder its provisions the State Board-of Equalization would not only have financial 'control of the 'schools, but would b.e the fiival"authori ty on matters of administration. Pro- I . visions that counties or districts can ' inreasC school standards and length ol terms are also included. The adoption of the Johnson bill, |or one similar to it, would mean that 1 North Carolina would put into the 'operation of its schools more money from sources other than ad valorem lax than any other State in thc4'nion It would be second only to New York in the amount of money from any or all sources put into the school opera tion by the State. The Johnson bill came into the Senate chamber yesterday bearing the name of .the point education .sub committee which was assigned the job of writing the bill, but the committee's name was marked out just before the hill was introduced. That action was the result of differences of opinion thai, had developed among the members ol Itlie committee. Senator Johnson, who wrote and compiled the bill, which is a comp >s |ite of several present and proposed Ilaws, said that -at a meeting of the committee Wednesday night lie had jln-en instructed by Representative Mc- Lean, House chairman, to have State | Superintendent A. I Allen smooth out certain rough sections of the bill and introduce it yesterday as tin' committee bill ll'' said that othei members of the committee present at -the meeting had understood this was to be done. But yesterday mor ning Senator Folger, chairman of the ' Senate committee, asked him to rc 'niove the committee's name. - Senator Folger said yesterday that the bill was not the committee's bill, that the committee had gone over it and ap proved of some sections, and though the committee had not rejected any section, all the members had not been present and the hill, iu its en tirety, did no? represent the final Ithough of the committee. Mr. Mac Lean was ill at his home in Beaufort I yesterdajr. 1 — Jamesville Quintet Loses In Championship B Series Jamesville's High School Basket ball boys lost their place in the Class B State championship series last Tuesday night when'"they were de feated 38 to 13 by the Trenton High School team at Trenton. It was the second game of the series, the county having defeated Hertford L»-t j ♦ 1 Services At Jamesville Church Sunday, 3P.M. ♦ Rev. C. B. Mashburn, Robersonville minister, will preach in the Jamesville Christian Church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock: A special song service has been arranged, the .Farm Life or Maple Grove Quartet taking a promi nent part. The public is invited to attend the service. Watch the Label On Your Paper A» It Carrie* the Date When Your Suhacription Expiree ESTABLISHED 1898 TWO CARRIERS HANDLE LARGE SHIPMENTS 1930 Tobacco Shipments Show Increase; Cotton and Peanuts Decrease LOAD 2.37TCARS HERE Value of Farm Commodities Shipped By Two Carriers Here In 1930 Estimated at $1,750,000.00 One thousand and 11 lie carloads of 'arm produce wore shipped»frum this point over the Atlantic t ua>t I.ine and the»Norfolk, Baltimore ajid Carolina boat line during 1930, it Was learned from records tiled here liy the two carriers. In addition to those ship pings, timber men shipped by rati 154 carloads of lumber ami logs. Ship-, nients were made-to many parts of the [United States, and large quantities of | tobacco were billed direct to Chinese | ports. r »" I Ihe largest shipper of any commod ity during the year was the Standard fertilizer t oiiipany, that firm shipping morn than. 1,100 cars »t fertilizer bv rail alone. 1 housands .»t tons of'"the company's products were handled by" trucks and boats. • While tl\e farm produce shipments mentioned here do not include those handled over truck lines, comparative figures show that there, was a marked ! increase ill commodity 'loadings in , 1930 over 1929 Large quantities of t«»- I bacco were brought here .from other counties for shipment, establishing new shipping records from this point. Shipments by local firms, however, were greater than they were last year. Hilling the year, the two carriers han dled 13,224,1100 pounds of tobacco, the boat line moving 9,5(>2 ffogshcads and the Coast Line 3,072. Store than 48,- 000 bags i>t peanuts, approximately 4,180,000 pounds were shipped'over the two lines, truck lines apparently han dling more than the rail and boat lines' handled together. Cotton shipments reached a new low point', the boat line handling only 22 carh .ids or 027 bales and the rail company none. I Sixteen, carloads of Irish- potatoes were shipped to northern markets 1 from this point Thirty-.two carloads of cleaned and shelled peanuts were shipped to points as far away a-. Kan sas I ity. Seventy carloads of manu factured lumber and 84 carloads of 1 logs were shipped over the Coast Line from this point during the period, bringing the total shipments of all commodities handled by the two lines up to 2,311 carloads, exclusive of large shipments of cross-ties aiid logs by barge and various farm commodities handled by truck lines. It is ddlicult to estimate the cash re turns from tjte products handled by the N. 11. and C. line and the A. C. L., but using the highest market prices' paid (luring the season as a basis, tarinei •> received around one and three quarter minions of dullars for their produce. In 1928 the shipments were smaller than they were last year, but the cash returns were greater. Roanoke Warehouse Co. Stockholders To Meet The regular annual meeting of the ! Koanoke Tobacco Warehouse Com pany stockholders will be held in the courthouse here next Thursday after iioon at 3:00 o'clock, it was announced in a notice from the president, H. D. I'eel, to the stork owners this week. A hoard of directors will be elected and other business matters will be handled, it was stated Bank and Post Office To Have a Holiday Monday i» Washington's .birthday, Sunday, February 22, will be observed here Monday by the various departments in the postoffice and the Branch Bank ing and Trust company. No other business firms will suspend operations for the day, it is understood. No rural or city deliveries will be made Monday and office service will be limited to dispatching andjiutting up the mail in lock boxes. * Farm Life Basketball Boys Win Over Roper I •_ Ihe l-ariu Life Basketball boys ! added another win to their list of vic tories yesterday afternoon when they . played and defeated Roper's team 19 to 15 on the Farm Life court, Col . train leading the county boys in scor > ing with ten points, t Flaying thirteen games since the i Christmas holidays, the Farm Life r boys have won ten of them, losing the - others by close margins. Tonight, the boys go to Ahoskie » where they will uteet the Ahoekie High School team. • v.* iC&SSa