h w«» || W • Latchkey to Over Sixteen I Hnadrsd Martin County Hones VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 17 REVIEWS PAST YEARS WORK OF WOMAN'S CLUB * Club Members In Regular Meeting Here Last Thursday ♦ The regular meeting of the Woman's Gub was held Thursday at 4 o'clock, with a small crowd in attendance, but a very interesting session was enjoyed by those present After the regular committee reports, sveral constitution al amendments were voted, relating to the change in the time of election of officers and the various duties of the officers. The election of officers will now coincide with that of alt other clubs of the North Carolina Federa tion. The president, Xl r». Nannie Smith Saanders, who will retire at the end •£ this club year, read her report, which was very fine and which record ed a very worthy administration. Mrs. J. G. Staton, who represented the club at the annual meeting at Greensboro this month, read a full re port of the meeting, which was so in teracting and instructive that the club requested that it be printed in full. Mr*. Staton was appointed on the courtesy committee and also as a dele fate to the biennial convention held in Arizona, but she was unable to at tend. Mrs. Saunders' report: "Fellow club women: In rendering a eeporl oil the work done by the Wil liamston Woman's Club for tlie past two years, I would first like to thank you for your cooperation and encour agement you have given me. Espec ially do 1 want to thank the officers, Committees, and departments who have served ao faithfully. All due dues are paid, State and dis trict. We contributed to the Sallie Soutliall Cotton Loan Fund. There are fourteen paid subscribers to the Bulletin. "Our club presented the film, "What Is Happening to the Highways of North Carolina" at the local theater during Better Homes Week. "The ground around our club quar ters has been filled in, flowers and shrubs planted, also a hedge started on two sides of the lot. A rose trellis has been built in front of the kitchen do >r. This was made possible by our junior members. We regret to say that at present we have no junior department. Mrs. Dunning, our junior leader, worked faithfully but found it impos sible to continue the work. However, for the future plans are being made for definite work in this department, for they are our hope in the perpetua tion of the ideals for which the fed eration stands. 'You who are young, it is you, it is you; Who must make the dream of the work come true.' "Your Club continues to serve the Kiwanis luncheons. This source of revenue is small but steady. "The finance committee presented a play, "Oh, Doctor," also sponsored several card parties. A few dances have been given. All for the purpose of raising funds. "Through the sale of T. B. seals we have realized over SSO. We have also received donations from the Red Cross, "C*r school has jbeen without a: parent-teacher association for two years, realizing the great nsed for such an organization, last fall your club sponsored the organization of this as sociation. "The program committee has given us interest nig programs. We have al so had the pleasure of heating several delightful speakers. ' "One of the most interesting pro grams was put on by the chairman of the American Home Department, in which there was a joint meeting of the home demonstration clubs of the county with your club. The entire group wafc addressed by Mrs. Jane S. McKimm#n, of Raleigh. You all re member her charming and instructive address. "The most worthy work done by yoar club was conducted through the welfare department. At a joint meet ing of the officials of the various churches, in town, it was decided to club to take charge of all the charitable cases in the county worthy of help. Whenever*a cask wss | reported to this department, an inves- j tigation was made and aid given in all cases deemed necessary by the com mittee. Thi* committee made it pos able for over 50 children to remain hi school through the furnishing of clothes and books. "The Boy Scouts and Kiwanis Club helped this committee whenever called - gpo,,. - ' "The work of this department can not be commended too highly, and in behalf of the club, I want to thank Mrs. W. C. Manning, her- committee, and any who hflped her in her splen did work. "We are indebted to >e town au thorities- for a piano. I would like to take this opportunity. to thank them for all courtesies shown us. "On October 30th of this club year you had the honor and. pleasure of en tertaining our own fifteenth district. Needless to remind you of the iaspira- - •. .. : " ' THE ENTERPRISE Property Listing Proceeding a Two or Three Townships Practically Complete j nary Work; Listing In Others From 40 to 80 Per Cent Completed; Reduction In Values Evident I . ! Property listing throughout the is progressing very rapidly, jTax Supervisor T. B. Slade stated yes terday after visiting several of the ten jdistricts where listing is under way. One or two of the list takers will fin ish their preliminary work within the jnext day or two, the other townships 'reporting anywhere from 40 to 80 per cent of the properties already listed. Starting later this year than usual, the list takers have had their work concentrated, and, comparatively speak ing, they have completed about as ANSWER BOX V_ Q. What nationally known figure spoke in this county in April, 1918? A. William Jennings Bryan. Q. When were the first real ef forts made to connect Martin and Bertie Counties? A. May 6, 1918, when Col. Ben eham Cameron addressed a large gathering here in the interest of the bridge and a branch of the trans-continental highway. Q. When were Martin County folka evidently the richest? A. In July, 1918, when they bought nearly half a million dol lars worth of War Savings Stamps. Q. When were the first efforts made to rid cattle of ticks in Mar tin County? A. In August, 1918, when the first dipping vat in the county was used for the first time in William ■ton. Q. To what extent did influenza affect business in Martin County in the fall of 1918? A. £tores and tobacco ware houses were closed and not more than a dosen people appeared on the streets on Sa'urdays. LEAF ACREAGE TO FIX PRICES Farmers' Course Now Will Determine the Price of Tobacco Next Fall t ~ - The price of tobacco wilK partly be determined within the next few days, when farmers start transplanting their crops. A fair price for a small yield is not certain; but a price below the cost of production is just about cer tain for a large yield. If our farmers transplant as much a» they did last season, they will bring about a poor price next fall. On the other hand, they stand a much better chance of getting a fair price if they decrease their acreage. It is certain that with tobacco selling below cost of produc tion, the farmer who p'ants much loses much, while the farmer who plants less will lose'less. Our farmers realize that an acre age reduction is necessary, and it is hoped they act accordingly when transplanting is started. COUNTY MAN IN "TALKIES" • Robert Roebuck, Formerly of Hamilton, Features in Vitaphone Varieties Robert Roebuck, the first Martin County appear on the moving picture screen, appeared in an eight minute variety program under the di rection of Vitaphone Pictures, Inc., at i the Watts Theatre here last night. Mr. Roebuck, formerly of Hamilton, with his .horse, "Sporting Life," offered real entertainment for t#ie jnjany people who crowded the picture house here last night for his act. He appears again on the theater's program to night and tomorrow night, I Always a lover of horses, Mr. Roe buck left this county several years ago, ! performing with the 101 Ranch Shows 'and later going to Hollywood, where he Is now making good. Local people attending the show last night, were very much pleased with the act and thoroughly enjoyed 7 it ' ' ' tion and encouragement we received from this meeting. This was the first time the. district has been entertained by your club. "I can not closl without thanking the house committee, who have per formed their duties so faithfully. "The record of one administration is the foundation on which another builds. It is my hope that you have 1 derived as much pleasure and inspira tion from this administration as I have . and that we may continue into a great ■ er era of progress." .. ■: ■ ■ "J* - . >t( William ston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, April 28, 1931 much work as they ordinarily did , [heretofore. , I Revaluation and its results are at* . j trading much attention at many of j the listing points, but no definite de- I crease can be determined at this time. \ln Bear Grass the assessors are sit | ting with the list taker, and an at ! tempt to equalize values there is be- , ing made, it was stated. Although the listing has not reached that point where it would be possible , to anticipate the final revaluation, it is , : believed hat the final result will be a ; horizontal reduction varying from 10 i to 25 per cent. * PLANNING FOR BETTER HOMES —« — j Robersonville Women Pre t pare Model Home for Demonstration • By MISS LORA E. SLEEPER (Chairman Better Homes Week) j During the last week of April for the past ten years the entire week has been set apart and people all over the ' United Stats have been asked to join . in celebrating "Better Homes Week." j Exteriors including the home grounds j are made more attractive during the ' week, interiors of homes are made more livable, towns,.are cleaned up.' It was with the desire to improve | home conditions that the Woman's j club of Robersonville sponsored the idea of furnishing a six-room home for the observation of the people in the county'. This has been done under the j direction of Miss Margaret Smith, home economics teacher of the Rob ersonville school, assisted by the girls of her home economics • class.- Thejiouse owned by Mr. (', 1.. Wil son will be open all this week in the afternoon to any one caring to see what can be done with very little ex- . penditure of money. There are six rooms all furnished. The furniture was refinished and upholstered for approximately $3.00 for the living 1 rponi. The dining room is made up 1 of refinished furniture together with that donated liy interested people. The ] entire cost ZJSS the furnishings are! simple, attractive and inexpensive anil j good lessons in economy for the general public at such a time. 'I he ' . public is urged to attend during the 1 week between the hours of 3:30 to • 5:00 p. m. TOUR THIS WEEK FOR CLUB WOMEN * Planning to Visit Homes In Currituck County Next Thursday • By Miss LORA E. SLEEPER As a part of "Better Homes Week" • activities the home demonstration club women of the county are visiting out ■ J standing homes of Currituck County, ' leaving here Thursday morning at 8:30 i 'from in front of B. S. Courtney's store 1 A truck has been secured which will carry 20, and it is hoped the women j will fill the truck and .all join together J in an instructive trip and a pleasant day. It is the intention of the home agent r to conduct the women to homes in Currituck County which have made improvements in the home grounds for little expenditure of money, also visit , a few home demonstration club rooms. ( The home demonstration women of ' Currituck County are tA meet the wo men of Martin County at the county t line and escort them to the places of, interest in that county. All women planning to go should let ! Miss Sleeper know at once. Approx imately 20 women have stated they 'planned to attend. With lunches and 'pillows to make seats comfortable the I women are looking forward to a real 'outing for the entire day. The party ( 'plans to return to Wiltiamston by 6:30 p. m. Many People Attend Paint Demonstration This Week ♦ The psint demonstration conducted ' by a special representative of the B. P. S. company in the Culpepper Hard- I ware Company store here i» attracting I jmany people. The demonstration con- I tinues through today and tomorrow, having started yesterday morning. , • Local School To Stage Operetta Next Friday The and seventh grades of : the local school will present the • operetta, "Pandora" in the new high > school building next Friday evening ■ at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to attend. _ «*•-- ' CE ~ " ~ ■: w x, * '., am WOMAN'S CLUB ; THANKED FOR WELFARE WORK Principal Watson Reports Valuable Work Carried on by Club Committee In a letter addressed to Mrs. Nannie Smith Saunders, president of the Wil liamston Woman's Club, Professor William R. Watson, of the local schools, expresses his thanks for th: relief work handled by the club's wel fare department during the current school term. The expression of thanks read before a meeting of the club last week follows: "I am writing to express to you a word of appreciation for the relief work among school children that has been done by your welfare committee. "About 52 calls for help have been answered by Mrs. Manning and other members of the committee. The help given in these cases has been mainly ,the furnishing of clothes and books. lln this way your committee -has i«n dered very valuable service in keeping | pupils in school. j "I have found that the teachers have (had but to call for help for some de [serving child, and Mrs. Manning re sponded promptly and gladly, A cold |or ragged child seems to touch her i jkeenly. I "It has been my privilege to ac- j company Mtls. Mailing and one or two others of your committee on trips | of investigation and relief. 1 have j I been impressed with the tact and sin-j j ccrity with which Mrs. Manning has j conducted her investigations. I have | seen her refuse help to cases that were ; unworthy, and I have seen her give clothes and food that I knew brought' !relief to hungry and cold children. In every case she has emphasized the need of the family garden. In other ! ways she has shown her interest in j getting the folks back in position to i take care of themselves and their chil dren. To my mind, this kind of wel fare work is most effective. "I wish you and the members of the \ ' Woman's Club to know that we school | folks appreciate the work that you j have done in helping us to keep chil- ! dren in school. Please say to the corn- i jmittee and to the plub members that j the W'illiamston Public Schools wish to say, 'Thank you.' " _____« LILLEY'S HALL HONOR ROLLS * Scholastic' and Attendance Honor Rolls for the Fifth Month i ♦ The scholastic and attendance hnn-j or rolls reported in the Lilley's Hall School for the fifth iitfrnth are as fol lows! Scholastic Roll First' grade: Rosa (j. Lillcy, Charles Gurkin, David Dickerson. Second grade: Lettie 1 lines. Third grade: Lola Griffin, Mamie ( Harris,. Edith Hines,. Ethel Liliey, Vera M. I.illey, Vergil Liliey. Fourth grade: Ruth M. Liliey. Fifth grade: 'l'ermon Griffin. * Sixth grade: Albert VV. I.illey. Attendance Roll First grade: Nellie F. I.illey. Second grade: Lettie Hines. Third grade: Mariiie C. Hairi-., Edith Hines, Ethel M. Liliey, Joel iGibson, Vergil Liliey, Julius Revels. grade: Flbert Robersoii, Til- I lie G. l'eele, Ruth M. I.i'ley, Ola L. Liliey, Ruby L. Griffin. Fifth grade: Daniel T. I.illey, Car rie L. Liliey, Delia Hines. Sixth grade: Lawrehce Liliey, Jo seph Liliey, Evan Ljlley, Albert W. i Liliey, Gladys Liliey, Cora Hines. FEW BEGINNING TO TRANSPLANT. ! » —•— .- , Work Will Not Be Fully I Underway Before The Tenth of May ♦ ■■■- A few farmers will start transplant ing tobacco this week, but it will be the latter part of next week or the fol lowing weeks before the work gets fully under way in this county, accord ing to reports coming from practically all the several districts. Plants are yet unusually small, and variations in the weather have fur ther limited the growth during the past few days, it was stated. '■Preparation of land continues,' and transplanting will advance as rapidly as the sice of pjants will permit, It IT understood. » ' Undergoes Operation for ■ Appendicits Saturday ♦ T Elbert Tice, young son of Mr. N. T Tice, of Griffins Township, was oper ated on for appendicitis at a Washing ton hospital last Saturday, Mr. Tice stating while here yesterday morning that the boy was getting along very well. v r .I« . , , T " 1 feC ' 'A f~ WAKE FOREST GLEE CLUB 1 T / KU I I 'f/f' I CSvllu iv ■ ■ Wake Forest's Glee Club and Orchestra, pictured above, will appear in I a concert this evening at 8 o'clock in the Robersonville High School Auditorium. The club is now on a tour of this part of the State. t 1 Town Tax Collections Total Over $25,000 Up To Date Both Town and County Offices To Start Preparing the Delinquent Lists During This Week-end for Publi cation Next Week As Required by State Law ' . * *■' - ' With only three more days to pass j j before the four-per cent peiia'ty au- ( j tomaticallv goes into effect on unpaid i taxes and with only a few remain- ! ling days before the annual advertis- | | ing of tax delinquents, property own ers are rapidly settling t'ieir tax ac I | counts this week, !>oth in the tow'u |and county. ; A report on collections in the sher iff's office yesterday was not available, as the force was kept very busy issu ing receipts. The town reported more j than $25,000 collected on its levy >i 1 approximately $40,000. 12,158 POUNDS OF I POULTRY SOLD * Definite Announcement for Car In May Will Be Made Later Martin County farmers shimmed 12,r 158 pounds of poultry to northern mar kets last week, receiving $2, for I their' offerings, County Agent T. It. I Brandon reported Saturday. Although | there was a decrease of nearly 4,01)0 pounds in the loadings, the last week i offerings sold fur only $667.68 less j ihan did the offerings in March, it | was stated. ] Jamesville sold MTO pounds for I $152.72, and WilliantM.in loaded 4,- I 151 pounds, receiving S7.U ''4. Koh ecsonville, the heaviest loading point, sold 5,322 pounds for s'>.?.l 08. Oak City sold 1,815 pounds fur $312.i>0. County Agent Brandon stated terday that another car bad been scheduled for May, but it is not cer tain that the car will be—operated. Definite announcement will be made later, he stated. ' EXTEND SEASON FOR FISHERMEN —♦ Commercial Fishing Season Will Close Twentieth of Next Month The season for fishing in the com- ( mercial waters of the State has been extended ten days, and will cb.se May] 20, it was stated this morning by l)is trict Game and Fish Warden Charfes J. Mcore, Unfavorable conditions sur 1 rounding the fishing season were ad vanced as the main cause for the ex tension. Fishing in inland waters will be un-' lawful after w«s stated, ! unless an extension is granted before' j that time. Mr. Moore also stated that unless the season on inland water fishing is extended, it wlil be unlawful for the fisheries to take white perch, that the fishermen would have to throw that .type of fish back into the water. B. AND L.'MEET IS POSTPONED —» — Stockholders Urged To Be Present at Meeting Friday, May Bth ♦ The annual meeting of the Martin | County building and Loan Associa tiorf 1 - stockholders scheduled for next Friday was postponed yesterday when it was learned that several of the officers had been unexpectedly called out of town for the week. The meeting will be held Friday of next' week, May 8, at 10 o'clock a. m. in the office of the secretary, Mr. Wheel er Martin. All stockholders are asked to note 1 this change and -plan to attend the I meeting Friday of next week without fail. j As tar as it is known at this tiim', 'delinquents will be advertised next ,\seek in accordance with th" law. Both ■ the town ami comity offices will start j preparing their delinquent lists the tirst | of May. Property owners are urged to make every p ssil I'e effort to square their tax accounts hy that time to a void uniKcessarj expense and entbar-! rassni n: t" all 'concerned. I own collections this year just about eqtal tho-e t-rad- tor the '-ante period ' ■last year, it is understood, and it is ' heliex that the number of deinipienls will he- very little greater tlia i the llU ■nber ot last year. ■> ■., GLEE CLUB AT ROBERSONVILLE Appear in Concert at 8:00 O'clock Tonight in High School Auditorium j, : The Wake Forest lilee C lub and ■ Orchestra, reputed to lie the best ever sent out by the college. will appear in a concert in tlie Kobcrsouville lii{th { School auditorium this evening at >S ] o'clock, it was announced yesterday morning by Mr. K. K. Adkms, of Rob-j ersonville. The concert was booke I at a late date, but even then a cor- dial support is predicted for the youtli? college men. r Listed anions the personnel are sev eral prominent simtcrs and musicians.! jam! a valuable progritt is as-tired tlio.se attending the |>erformaiH'e tins evening The club, made up' by hoys I from as far away as Baltimore and, LCjewrgia,- is directed In \V A Port IT I Ihe orchestra carries sixteen pieces, ■it wits stated. MANY PLAN TO SEE EXPOSITION General Smedley Butler To Address Exposition In Greenville Tonight One of the high spots of the Fast | t arolina Kxpositio'n, which opened in [Greenville ye.terday, will lie the ad- I dress by (ienrrSil Smedly Hut ler then 1 tonight. Reports coming from Greenville in "with the o|H'tiiug of the exposition last night, state that an elaborate program has been ari ang.d for the week. Mark Golf's orchestra, , of Pennsylvania, is playing for the e* ! position and dances, and- each after noon and night a unique, program is being offered. The queen's ball, Fri day night, will be another high spot jin the exposition's program. Five queens have been selected from this county, and many Martin people are , •'expected to attend during the' week j Revenue Bill Deadlock Continues Unbroken ——♦ j The expressed hope that the general assembly would'complete its work and j adjourn this weelf was shattered ye.- ( l the revenue bill conferees continued divided on the revenue bill. Tkl'he house continues strong for the XlcLean law, and the Senate continues i strong against it. No one knows wlien | I tlifr-matter will'be settled. s i Masons Will Hold Short Meet Here This Evening ■ ♦ "' j Due to the fact that a number, of members are in the cast of the wo- j manless wedding to bj, staged at the j ! school house tonight, the hour for the !, regular meeting of Skewarkee Lodge i of Masons has been advancel to 7\ (•'clock tonight. There will be only a short session, lasting not more than 20 or 30 minutes, but as there are scv eral business mattcra to be taken up. ja full attendance is urged. Watch the Label On Your Paper As It Carries the Data When Your Subscription Ezpirea I ~ ——— ii in=aaaaaiiß ■ i i 1 gags—gap ESTABLISHED 1898 CAMP TESTS TO BE GIVEN LOCAL SCOUTS FRIDAY ■#, Robersonviile and William ston Troops to Compete In Overnight Camp The Scout troops of Williamston and Robersonviile v.i'l cmpcte Friday for the privilege of .entering, the Wil son Area Camp ce schedu'ed for next month/ in .pither Greenv lie or K. n ston. .The content \yiil he an over night camp, with tent.-, pitched tm the, high school (founds. The> trcops wll arrive at 4:30 p. m , and from then un til the break-up of camp at 8-the fol lowing morning, each individual, pa trol, and troop will > be graded on all phases of Seoii.tcralt. There will be the I personal inspection of packs, equip nweht,. clothing; camp era.t rating on selection of camp site, equipment, such as tools, beds, shelter, etc., food sup plies and menu;-scout-craft inspection of safety and sanittlti> 11, program and activities, organization and leader j ship. ' . At - 5 p. m:* the t\vi* tmopT will en gage in such contests as knot tying, .first aid r:i.e, treasure hunt, etc. The I public is invited to witness these con tests and inspe t the camp which the boys will erect for the night. Mr. Gil- . bert Smith, scoutmaster of the Rob ersonviile troop, has prepared his troop of hikers fur this event and promises to give the local boys, under Mr, Wheeler Martin and Mi;. L. L. llallmau, a real struggle. Come out and see what a fine hunch of Scouts • . Martin County has. SCHOOL NEWS OF OAK CITY $ . ■ Seniors Will Visit the State Farm and Mills at Roa noke Rapids Thursday j >ak ("ily, \pril 27. The Oak City High Seh >ol Poultry Club is serving a chicken diiiiief Tuesday afternoon in the 'home economics room at 1 p. nr. Llijs club lu».l>ccil taitliiul in the >tuly Jut poultry-tor the pu»t year, meeting •regularly twice" a month, and has in | creased their flocks from \2 to 50, and some luetnlieps l.avV from 400 to 500 '[ .-' 1 voting chicks as a result of this, exten • sion course. _ • Miss-—Nannie Davis', 'of Hamilton, — and Hilton kawles, ot )ak City, have w m I#" scholarship the honor of -rep resenting the senior class of the Oak 1 ( itv High School at the commence ' nient exercises Friday'evening, May S, when Mis-. Davis will deliver the valc- I dictionary and \lr. Kawles- the salu-' 1 tatory address. j The marshals to serve during the commencement are as follows:' t hiet Marshal, Mis- iTieliua Haislip, aver age of '>s for the past seven -months; her associate from the junior class, N " Misj Naomi Harrell, running a close second. Mimics Chessie* I'i'and and i Avril Woodley troin the jiinth grade j and Miss Krma Kurti Davenport from tlie eighth grade. The senior class will visit the Calc clonia State I'rison Farm alld also the cotton mills and the paper pulp lac ! lory at Roanoke Rapids Thursday. The j class will lie accompanied by Mrs. II M. Ainsley, Miss M y rlis Zetter- I ower, and Mr. Thomas Mayfi Grimes. The object is it> give the cla s an edu cational day and acquaint it with some ol the educational accomplishments of the State frcmi an economic viewpoint. ' * Everetts and Jamesville Teams Play Thursday * The Everetts and Jamesville base ball teams, sponsored by the Modern ( Woodmen, camps of the two towns, will meet in a second game at Ever etts Thursday afternoon. In' a game played at Jamesville last Friday aft ernoon,. Kveretts lost by a 7 to 6 count in a seven-inning tilt. A good game is expected when the two teams play ' Thursday of this week. | • County Home Agents In Greenville Meet Today All home agents and canning lead 'ers are in attendance at the district canning "school being held in Green-""* ~ ville today. Miss Sleeper left tlji* 'milling for Greenville, carrying sev- * ' 'eral interested ladies with her. • , * Wind Storm Wrecks Trees and Property Near Everett j / • , A strong wind, little short of a gale, reported in the Cross Road* section •of the county last Sunday afternoon, resulted in much damage to fruit trees 'and. other property. On the -Cl»rk I farm, near Everett*, the wind tbfeptod lover several outbuilding*, the stables | collapsing on three mules. The team were badly skinned, but not seriously 'hurt. Little rain accompanied the 'storm. *' Here from Thomaavilie Rev. and Mrs. John K. Fleming and daughter, of Thomasville. are writing . Mr. and Mrs. Joho A. Ward kiwe. v '' -* ■ '

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