PAGE TWO .THE ENTERPRISE PtUUad Every Tneeday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WIIXJAMSTOM. WORTH CAROLINA. W. C. Mih*H Mitt* SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cull in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY Om y««r —U-* Six months •* •'* OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY Om yaar 1—- fii* —«>!■ _______ , **"« No Sabacription Received for Lew Than 6 Months Advertising Sate Card Furniahed Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Address an communications to The Enterprise and not to the individual members of the firm. Friday, June 5,1931 Halifax Having Her Troubles Halifax county is having her troubles. Four deputy sheriffs have beet 1 ) indicted there fur embezzlement, and several of its bankers are up for various and sun- dry short-comings. * We have heard a long'ami loud wail about property losses for the |»st several years but apj>arently we lost more honor than we did money. *So many people have shown themselves dishonest by stealing, em bezzling, lying and cheating that some steps should be taken to establish more honesty and truthfulness. A special course should lie provided in the schools to guard against the wrongs. Tennessee's Politi&al Brawl Tennessee is having trouble with her governor. The legislature is after the high official for apparent mis oonduct in helping a few friends rob the state and everyone else they could get their hands on. As is in most political brawls, it is now difficult to see and understand what the end will bring. The governor and his friends are shouting persecution while the people are shouting robbery. It is quite possible that. lx>th sides have some grounds to support their arguments, but the affair goes to prove that human nature has lost very little, if any, of its hoggishness. Bertie Makes a Wise Decision A wise decision it was when Bertie county voted to continue farm demonstration work there. We have neglected for too long a time the im portance of the farm and its proper management. And now is the time to make it the most desirable, the most profitable and most honorable of all pro fessions or vocations in life. One of the troubles now is that the town has out- grown the county. It is time to say, country, you must increase and town, you must decrease. 1 One of our greatest troubles results because it costs the country too much to sustain the town or city. Farmers Also Have Surplus of Advice No class of |>eople has ever had more advice than the farmers. Sometimes the advice was good, ""and some times it was bad. Most of the time it has been bad advice Naturally, everybody wants to see the farmers do well, for when they succeed, business is good, and when they lose out, things generally become critical. However, we feel free to advise the farmer to work for quality this year and not for pounds. We already have 185,000,000 more pounds of tobacco on hand than we had a year ago, and unless all signs fail, real poor tobacco will not be worth curing this fall. Oir the other hand, the farmer having a large per cent of good tobacco stands some chance of making a little profit. Experience has taught us that by putting plenty of dirt to the plants at every cultivation better re sults are obtained. Side dressing with soda or o'her high-powered amonia is dangerous as well as costly. A light crop with good quality will undoubtedly pay better, and every farmer shotftd work for quality. North Carolina' leads all State* in the Union in the nunt>er o( cotton mills, the number of active spindles, and in the consumption of raw cotton.' North Carolina manufacture! more hosiery than any State in the Union— about 26,000,000 dozen pain annually. I More cotton goodi are manufactured in North Carolina than in any other Slate. NOTICE of Spactal Tax FUrtion in Sandy Ride* School District, Martin County, Mora Carolina In compliance with the withes of a petition signed by necessary number' of qualified voters of Sandy Ridge School District Np. 6, white, which w»s duly approved by the Board of Ed scat to 11 erf Martin County and is in' accordance with provision of Article 17 of New School Code of 1923. Notice is hereby given that an elec tion will be held at the school build in* of said district on the 20th day •f July, 1931, in said district, which ia described hereinafter, for the pur School District a* to whether a ms The controversy between MassoKni and the Pope may yet grow into much trouble. Without attempting to enter the present controversy or to give any opinion it does appear to us that Musaolini is going to get himself and his country into serious trouble some day. It is apparent that the Italian dictator regards himself above religion of all classes, both Protestant and Catholic. When any man thinks more highly of himself than he does of the sanctity, both political and religious, which has required a thousand of years for the best minds and best hearts to establish, then our civilization is in danger. What this Country needs is for Will Rogers to tell the government heads what to do. From appearances, Mr. Rogers has more sense than any or perhaps all all of them together. And then he has another valu able quality that would go along way towards good government and that quality is honesty. The load is never heavy if all pull togehter. What this country needs is a friendly pull by everybody, rich, poor, and all the other classes. If every community would practice this virtue, we would not hear of hunger nor see rags. And then if folks in every community would pull together they would have happiness and peace. When we study our condition and find that no less than 98 per cent of our trouble comes to us on ac count of our own shortcomings, it is hard to under stand why we are not willing and anxious to pull to gether, to make our church, our schools, our neigh borhood, our towns, our hdmes, and ourselves better. We are evidently wasting too much of our valu able time trying to get the other fellow to do the right thing and not enough hammering out our own selves into useful, honorable, unselfish citizens. Uncle Sam seems to be exactly like his 120,000,000 children. He is losing money, and so are we. Then why should we criticize each other for doing exact ly alike. There are only about a dozen in the whole coun try who have-not lost money. They are the tobacco man, electric man, automobile man, chain store man, motion picture man, and one or two others. If we will stop trading with these big money makers for a while, we will stop losing, too. And Uncle Sam will have to stop so much wild spending for war and other unnecessary things, too. Pinchot would make a fine Democratic presiden tial candidate. Anybody that the old-line Republi cans fight as hard as they have Pinchot is bound to be Democratic in spirit and evident regards men as valuable as money. Nearly seven million dollars was distributed a mong former service men in North Carolina dur ing the month of April. This was done through the United States Veterans' Bureau located in Char lotte. Of course, the same thing has been going on all over the country and is still going on. Many of those who got the money were need of it and spent it for useful purposes. Some of it was wast ed, of course, but anyway 1t all got into circula tion and |terhaps helped to some extent to stimu late business. It all goes to show, though, that war is a mighty costly business.— Beaufort News. The several thousand graduates who are being turned out of the colleges and universities in our State tliis week will, in many cases, find it hard to find a place. The schools are full, and a thousand of the teachers in them are to be turned out and be added the young army who are anxious to find a place to start life and make a living, only to find too many lawyers, too many doctors, too many book keepers, too many clerks, too many merchants, too many people for the jobs. The result will finally be that all those who are faithful, diligent, and willing to do their best will soon find jobs and be absorbed in the machine of progress. But those who stand and wait for a call will doubtless stand a long time. ial tax with which to supplement the funds for the six months public school, term appropriated by the Board of , Education of Martin County, the rate | of said special tax not to exceed a I maximum of 35 cents on the SIOO val uation of property, real and personal, within the bounds of the district here inafter described:. Description: Beginning at the mouth of Sweeten Water Creek, thence up the creek to the mouth of Keepers branch; thence up said branch to the Manning school I district line; thence with said school , district line northward to the Smith-: wick school district line; with said line to the Devils Gut; thence up said j Gut to the river, and up the river to the beginning. 1 At said election those who are in favor of the levy and collection an nually of a special tax not more than 35 cents on the SIOO property valua -1 tion with which to supplement the funds for 6 months school vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed the words, *For Local Tax," and those who oppose the levy and collection annually of i special tax of not more, than 35 cents on the SIOO property val-i nation with which to supplement the' fund* for B*months school, shall vote] a ticket on which shall be written or| printed the words, "Against Local That L. D. Hardison shall he sp "'" \ . Mussolini and the Pope Good Advice From Will Rogers Pulling Together All in the Same Fix Pinchot a Good Democrat War Is Costly Hard To Find a Place , pointed registrar, and N. R. Griffin , and E. G. Godard are hereby appoint ed poll holders for said election. That a new registration it hereby ordered and that the registration books will l>e open for such purpose beginning the 6th day of June, 1931, and will continue open until the 11th day of July, 1931. The registrar will be at his home during the above dates for the purpose of registering all those voters in said district Done this the 2nd day of June, 1931, by order of the Martin County Board of Coinmittioners. T. C, GRIFFIN. Chairman, Board of County Commissioners. Attest: I. SAM GETSINGER. Register of Deeds of Martin Coon tr and ex officio clerk to the County Board of Commissioners of Martin County. jes ? KXKUTRIX'I NOTICE" Having this day qualified as execu trix of the last will and testament of William E. Warren, deceased, late of , Martin County; North Carolina, this I is to notify all persons holding claims 1 against the estate of said deceased to I present them to the undersigned for I payment on or before the 29th day of April, 1932, or this notice will he I pleaded in bar of any recovery there on. Persons i- debted to raid c. tate, T*H B ENTERPRISE will please make immediate payment. This 29th dav of April, 1931. Deborah Fleming Warren, Executrix. Coburn & Cobwrn, Attys. myl 6t ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin istratrix of the estate of W. A. Bur roughs, deceased, late of Martin Coun ty. North Carolina, this is to notify al' persons holding claims against the es tate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 23rd day of March, 1932, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. Persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 23rd day of March, 1931. Mrs. W. A. BURROUGHS, apr2l 6tw Administratrix. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Martin County. In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. The Dennis Simmons Lumber Com pany, a Corporation, vs. James A. Koberson, A. L. Mannign, C. C. Col train, J. and W. Land Company, M. O. Fouth, Administrator of the Es tate of A. T. McDonald, Miss Sarah A. McDonald, A. M. Baxter, E. A. Morris, MolHe Lee, Margie Clark, Dr. Sampson Hadley, H. D. Rober son, W. T. Ward, Etheline Carson, The Federal Land Bank, and others. The defendants, J. and W. Land Company, M. O. Fouth, Administra tor of the Estate of A. T. McDonald, Miss Sarah A. McDonald, A. M. Bax ter, E. A. Morris, Mollie Lee, Margie How One Woman Lost 102 Lbs. of Fat Almost Unbelievable — Nevertheless True Dear Friends: You advertise Kruschen Salts for reducing, so I finally tried them and when I started I weighed 219 pounds and when 1 took them for a year and 3 weeks, 1 lost exactly 102 pounds. I am 23 years old and I look at least 5 Jears younger now than I did when I was fat. 1 have a picture of myself before and after, so if you wfcnt to see them let me know. I am always telling my friends •- bout the wonderful salts. I am al ways advertising them. 1 took 2 bottles every month for a year and 3 weeks. It amounted to $25 for reducing 102 pounds but it was worth it. If I can be of any help to you let me know. Your truly, Miss NJlie Simpson, 1903 Wayne Street, Sw£*va}e, Pa., Oct. 31. 1930. "I'M CLAD DADDY BOUGHT AN ELECTRIC WATEK HEATER' MORE PERSONAL OPINIONS OF FAMOUS BATHING AUTHO R I T y ■ c, . - ■ ■ I B M • nic* hot bath end I feel Mce a XM million doHart. A hot bath it so cooling on a warm day like this. * My mother says that she wonders how aha ovor leapt house without our automatic alactric water heater, because now sho has plonty of hot watar morning, noon and night She doesn't hay* to run up and down tho stair* any mora; aha SEE YOUR DEALER just turns tha faucat and tharo it isl Sho told dad it U A rv \l mk | was certainly an invaAntnt in coo v# nifiiM ind 10 DOWN ktp^om EASY MONTHLY ~ PAYMENTS AND AN thinks its swall bocausa it spoods his morning shave. ALLOWANCE FOR I hoaid him tall mothar that ovary family should have an alactric YOUR OLD WATER watar haator now that thoy could got one for only slo.' down HEATEm and pay tho balance in small monthly payments. • VIRGINIA ELECTKIC POWER, CQM&^NY 11 ■ Clark, Dr. Sampson Hadley, H. D. Koberson, W. T. Ward, Etheline Car son, and the Federal Land Bank, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the »n --perior court of Martin County, North Carolina, for the purpose of having the titfcrXo certain lands described in the l>etition filed herein registered and con : firmed pursuant to chapter 90 of the I Public Laws of 1913 and amendments I thereto; and said defendants will fur ther take notice that they are required to appear at the courthouse door of Martin County, in Williamston, North |Carolina, within thirty (30) days) and answer or demur to the petition in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the I court for the relief demanded in said petition. This the 26th day of May, 1931. R. J. PEEL, Clerk Superior Court, my 29 4tw Martin County. "NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned (trustee by King David Smithwick and I wife, Gracey Smithwick, on the 26th day of February, 1920 and of record in the public registry for Martin ' County in Book A -2 at page 207, said dedc of trust having been given for ;the purpose of securing a certain note 'of even date therewith and default ' having been made in the payment of ] the said note and the stipulations contained in the said deed of trust not jhaving bene complied with and at the > request of the holder of the said note The Modern Sale Way- Right Way to Lose Fat Just take a half teaspoonful of Kruschen Salt* in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast. You can hasten the reducing action of Kruschen by going lighter on pota toes, pastry, and fatty meats. Unlike other Salts, Kruschen does n't reduce by rushing food through your system. Kather it's an ideal blend of 6 separate mineral salts which help every gland, nerve and body organ to function properly. Women everywhere are overjoyed witii this marvelous reducing treat ment. Frequently pound by pound of surplus fat leaves and soon you |>os sess that trim, slender, figure you've always craved. An Ksc bottle of Kruschen (lasts 4 weeks) is sold by leading druggists the world over—so start thi« SAFE meth od to lose ugly fat TODAY! Clark's Drug .Store selU lots o( it- the undtriigned trustee will offer for sale to the highest bidder far cash on FrMiy, the IZth day of Jane, 1931, at 12 o'clock noon, ate the courthouse door in the town of Wliliamston, N. C., the following described real estate lying and being in Martin County, to wh: Bounded on the north by George Williams, on the south by S. S. Had ley Estate, on the east by Henry Reddick, on the west by the Andrews land and being the same land bought g^^j^JFjg^|^^^nd^jaiMto^ontai»^ 1 1 I When you know that the resources of this bank are invested in such a manner as to be easily mobile at all times, diversified safe, then you know that your savings here are also safe beyond comparison. Our officers and directors are men of seasoned and varied bus iness experience. Their judgment and integ rity is your assurance of safety for savings. B Open an account today with confidence! I Branch Banking! I & Trust Company I WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Friday, Jam 5,1931 fifteen acres, more or less. This the 12th day of May, 1931. _ R. G. HARRISON, m-15-4t Trustee. Elbert S. Peel, Attorney. 666 LIQUID O* TABLETS Relieves a Headache or Neoralgia in 30 minutes, check* a Cold Ike first day, and checks Malaria ia three days. 666 SALVE POR BABY'S COLD " 11