Next Week Is Clean-Up Week in Williamston—Plan Now To Help Advertiser* Will Fnd Our Col- • nm. | Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Home* VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 29 June 15-20 Will Be Clean-Up Week Here URGE CITIZENS TO TAKE PART IN MOVEMENT —• — Sponsored By the Woman's Club Has Support of the Town and Kiwanians ♦ Sponsored by the Woman's Club and supported by the town commissioners and the Kiwanis club, next week has been teet 'aside as '"Town CJlean-up Week." While the success of the movement rests with the people of the town, th Woman's Club is having its special committees formulate plans in ( an effort to aid the movement. , That section of the law requiring ownef» to clean up their vacant lots, has been officially cited to the public, and while it is not the desire of the authorities to prosecute any cases, it is their desire to have the jteople join in the clean-up movement. Special arrangements will be made to tnovc alt trash, but the property owners will find it necessary to collect it in con venient piles for the stceet "cleaners. -- Each year, a clean-up movement has been observed here, jfhd the one this year is expected toAe the most thor ough ever planned. Commenting on th undertaking, Women's Club rep resentatives had the following to say: "Since the paving of our streets and sidewalks, the civic pride as well is individual pride in the beauty and at tractiveness of our pretty old town hat increased several hundred points. The home owners have more than ever before fixed up, cleaned up, and beau tified their premises, this spring But since there are still some vacant lots and other premises around town that still need . attention, the city fathers, the Kiwanis Club, and the Woman's Club have joined their strength to gether to completely clean up the whole town. The publicity for the work is under direction of Mrs. S. R Biggs, chairman of the civic commit tee with the members of that commit tee from the Woman's Club. "The colored people are especially urged to enter in this campaign. In order that we may rid the town of flies we are asking everybody to join in this clean-up -crusade. The town will furnish plenty of extra draya or trash carts next week, and if the carts do not get around, a call to the mayor's office will bring one at once. "This is such an important matter we hope everybody will take interest enough to clean up all their premise* and vacant lots." NORFOLK HAS A $3,000,000.00 FIRE » Blaze Sweeps Over Six City Blocks There Late Last Sunday Afternoon • Fire, sweeping over six blocks along Norfolk's water front late Sun day afternoon, resulted in a property loss estimated at about three million dollars and injury to more than fifty firemen an& citizens. Starting in or near the Buxton Lines warehouse on the Old Dominion piers, the blaze, swept by a strong wind, rapidly spreaded to other buildings and an hour after the first alarm, a general call was made to fire com panies all over Norfolk, Portsmouth,' the U. S. Navy Yard, Newport News,| * Suffolk and Elizabeth City. One fire engine and 3,000 feet of hose, belong ing to the City of Norfolk and valued at more than $25,000, were destroyed in attempt check the blaze that sent smoke and sparks over a targe area of the city. Several firemen were badly burned, one seriously daring the more thin four hours that the fire was out of control. v A report stated that the blaze start ed from an explosion on a boat, but it was not official, however. The firemen and apparatus used were pushed back block by block until a stand was taken with more than seventy streams of water turned on the blaze. Several fire boats worked on the blaze from points just off the burning docks. One boat, operating between points along the Atlantic seaboard, was damaged by the blaze, it was stated. Occupants of two hotls, near the scene of the vast blaze, left their rooms, but neither of the two build ings were burned. The fire was described as one of the worst in the history of Norfolk. THE ENTERPRISE i* , Officials To Determine Market Opening Dates Meeting in Asheville this week , the United States Tobacco As sociation, R. B. Carrington, pres ident, will name the opening ! dates for the various tobacco markets in Georgia, South and North Carolina. No drive, as j yet, has been current for an early | opening. However, an early open I ing is likely to be urged for this belt, aa the crop ia further ad vanced now than it was at the same time last year, a> a whole. I CAR BELONGING TO JULE JAMES STOLEN FRIDAY —• — Thieves Borrow Mule from Nearby Neighbor To Tow Auto Away T —"— I The Model A Ford coupe, belonging i to Mr.'Jute James, was stolen last Fri 'day night, officers up until"this"Tnorn iug having failed after a thorough search to recover the machine. Parked in a shed at the home of hi** brother, who lives at, the old Daniel 'and Staton Mill, about four miles j from here, the machine was pulled •»- \ way behind another car some time be ! fore midnight, investigating the theft Sheriff Roebuck learned that some one went to the home of Johnnie Savage, a mile away, and took one of his mules frohl tile stables. It is belieVed that the rogues took the mule in an at tempt to pull the car from the shed without waking the owner. The ani-. 'mal returned to the Savage home, and the harness was found near the mill. Mr. J atnes had the switch key in his pocket, and it is believed that the rogues pushed the car from the shed and pulled it with another automobile 'a distance from the home before re | arranging the wires to start the motor. MASONIC LODGES HAVE LECTURER ♦ Will Complete Work In the County at Robersonville . Next Saturday ♦ Assistant' Grand Lecturer Marquette of the Masonic fraternity, is giving a series of lectures in the Skewarkec Lodge here and the Stonewall Lodge at Robersonville this week. In addi tion to his series of lectures he is con ducting daily classes emplifying the work in the first, second, and third degrees. Coming here from Statesville, Mr. Marquette held his first classes yes- v terday afternoon, and last night he lec tured to a group of Masons represent ing all parts of the county. After handling first degree instruc- • tion here yesterday and in Roberson ville today, he will return here tomor row to continue his instruction hav j ing to do with second degree work. He will continue that work in Rob ersonville Thursday. Friday he starts here on third degree work, and con i eludes his stay at Robersonville Sat lurday. Arrangements are being made |to have Mr. Marquette visit Conoh.i | Lodge at Harpilton before he leaves. Members of the three lodges in this . I county are taking much interest in the j I' series of lectures, it was stated. , ♦ t Settlement Is Effected In Ward-Roebuck Car Wreck j A settlement of the case growing ''out of the Ward-Roebuck, automobile j wreck near Windsor several days ago, was effected in Windsor last Saturday when the defendant Ward, of Norfolk, ( agreed to pay the plaintiff S2OO. Sev , eral hearings were held in the case, I the plaintiff, through hiji counsel, I dropping the case upon the conditional I payment of the specified sum. ; ———♦— — i' Jamesville 4-H Club Girls To Give Ice Cream Supper ( A * The 4-H club girls of J amesville are , giving an ice cream supper in the school building there Friday g|, 7:30 ; p. m. in an effort to raise funds with r which to send a representative to the - short course in Raleigh this summer. The public it cordially invited to at f tend and assist the girls in the under taking. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, June 9, 1931 TOBACCO FIELDS THREATENED BY BUD WORM NOW » Agent Tells of Methods for Controlling Bud and Horn Worms • Escaping with little or no resulting damage from blue mold disease, many tobacco, fields in this county are now I threatened by the tobacco bud worm, j according to- County Agent T. H„ Brandon. During the past few days, j the agent has received many reports 'from farmers throughout the countv, stating that the pest was doing much j damage to the crop. | Mr. Brandon, discussing the worm | and methods for its control, stated: I "Tobacco worms are well-known I pests to North Carolina tobacco grow lers. There arc two kinds of worms ' responsible for the damage, as most I growers know. (I) the tobacco bud I worm; (2) the tobacco horn worm. I The pests cause many thousands of | dollars' damage to the tobacco crop jeach year, and growers should make 1 j every effort to control these insects. | "The tobacco bud worm is closclv related to the corn ear worm and feeds in the tips of the growing plants. The best known method of control is*to apply poisoned corn meal to the buds. Mix 1 pound of arsenate of lead with 75 pounds of corn meal (or 6 heaping teaspoonfuls of ! arsenate of lead to I peck of corn meal.) » Carefully mix the poison through out the corn meal. The meal should not contain much Coarse husk. About 12 pounds of the mixture (arsenate of j lead and corn meal) or 1 peck per | square is necessary for each applica tion. "})o not substitute Paris|, 'cal cium arsenate, or any other poison for the arsenate, of lead.. Do not substi tute any other material for the corn meal. "A small pinch of the poison mix ture should be dropped into the center of bud. Applications carelessly made j are of no value. When the buds arc closed they should be opened with one hand and the mixture dropped in with the other. Do not apply too much of j the poison mixture at an overdose"will injure the plants. "From three to five applications dur ing a season will usually give control. Applications should be begun when a careful examination of the buds show that the worms are becoming numer ous. The applications should be made i a week apart. "The tobacco horn worm is well known by all tobacco growers. The | damage by this pest is often very Be- i vere. Arsenate of lead applied as a j dust has given best results in the con- ( trol of the horn worm. As a dust, | the arsenate of lead should be applied i at the rate of 3 1-2 pounds to S pounds j per acre. If applied as a spray, use from 3 to 4 pounds of arsenate of lead to 100 gallons of water. "The "one*in-six" mixture (1 pound of paris green with 5 pounds of arse nate of lead) used for the flea* beetle will control the horn Worm. See cir cular on tobacco flea beetle for infor mation about the tobacco flea ljeetle. "Use only poisons which are advised. ( Do not substitute any other material ( for those recommended. i For detailed information about the 'tobacco horn worm write for Farm ers Bulletin 1356, 'The Tobacco Horn Worm.'" • Chamber of Commerce Meeting at Oak City • The importance of the Eastern Car olina Chamber of Commerce work in the agricultural sections of the State j was stressed by Mr. Newell G. Bart lett, secretary of the organization, in I a speech at Oak City last week. The organization during the past few years has advanced the cause of landowners and taxpayers in this part i of the State, and is deserving of a loyal support.- At the meeting last week in Oak City, five citizens joined the organiza tion. A barbecue dinner was served, with J. W. Hines acting as toastmas ter. > Young Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Gardner Dies John Robert Gardner, eighteen j months old ft at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gardner,j, in Williams Township Sunday kfterp an illness of three weks. The little fellow died of colitis. Funeral services were held from the home yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, 1 Rev. Mr. Harris, of Washington, con ducting the last rites. Interment was in the R. B. Gardner burial ground, ' neat the home. - # North Carolina has on the average ' 65 peopl* per square mileof land area fl SIX COUNTY SCHOOLS MAY BE CLOSED County Man Gets 10 Tons of j Guano for Note Made in 1870 .... - ■ " Real Honesty and the Idea of Fair Dealings Triumph! Over Statute of Limitations When Son Willingly Meets Obligation Made by His Father The statute of limitations has figured | When about five years old, and at I in many cases, often pushing honesty ,| lf (lcath of , lis fat | u . r Mr c p Uur _ ji into the background, hut honesty'and I .... . , 4 c4| , , . .roughs, now president of the 1:. £». the idea of tair dealings triumphed in a case recently disclosed here. . jßoyster Guano Company, Norfolk, Back in 1870 Thomas Burroughs, went to live with Mr. Royster. resident of this county until his death j Recently Mr. Lester Rogers went about 45 years ago, gave Robert Rog- to Norfolk with the note. Mr. Bur ers, a neighbor, a note for $250.' It roughs received him in his office, anil was just a plain note, had no seal oil in settlement paid his expenses to and | it, and did not advance the cause of from Norfolk and shipped him 1(H) ' issuance. When Mr. Rogers died, lie hags of 8-4-4 fertilizer, freight pre- ' divided the property, giving to Mr. paid. Henry Rogers the farm and certain ! And it all happened in these "tight" | papers. Recently, Mr. Henry Rogers'j times, times when notes well secured 'sou, I.ester Rogers, was looking over at the time of making are now difficult |the papers left his lather by his father's 'and alnutSt impossible to collect, in j .father and found the note. .some cases. Finish Revaluation Williams Township DISTRICT FIRST I TO END WORK UNDER NEW LAW ♦ Real and Personal Property Values Drop from $452,- 000 To $401,000 —• - With the possibility that a few ad justments will be made later on, prop erty revaluation in Williams Township was made complete last ..Saturday, the district being the first to complete the work in accordance with the new law passed in connection with the revalu ation of properties. According to a report made by Mr. Lucian Hardison, lister in the town ship, property values there dropped | from $452,000 in 19.10 to $401,000 this I year, a decrease q£. approximately 11.3 ( per cent. Fourteen thousand of the fifty-one thousand dollar loss was re ported in personal property values, .placing the percentage loss in real itate values at nine and one-half per 'cent. The loss is within one-half of J one per cent of the decrease allowed iby the recent law passed by the State j legislature, and leaves an adjustment margin of only SI,OOO, Mr. Hardison" stated. • . j It was learned from the report filed | by Mr. Hardison that approximately"' 10 per cent of the property in the town ship was raised in value,' but the greats' er portion of the values were lowered or were left unchanged. While the personal property loss was $14,000, as-compared with $37,000 real estate drop, the personal percentage decrease is greater in proportion to the percentage loss in real estate values. Other townships in the county are working feverishly to effect adjust ments within the 10 per cent limit al- ( lowed by law. In those districts where the revaluation work B was com- 1 pleted before the legislature established the 10 per cent reduction limit in real values, the wort is being recheckc'l and values are raised where occasion demands. MAN ARRESTED ! WITH LIQUOR ♦ Officers Find Liquor in Jno.. James' Home In Free Utiion Section John James, alleged by officers to be the king of liquor dealers in the Free Union section of this county, was arrested at his home there Sunday eve ning by Federal Agents C. S. Coats and" G. B. Crook. James was placed under a S3OO bond for his appearance at the October term of Federal court in Washington. Armed with r search warrant. tlie ) officers searched James' home and found a gallon and a half of liquor j Suspicion has centered around James for some time, but the search Sunday evening resulted in the first evidence [ the agents have been able to establish, j The land area of North Carolina is ( 48,740 square miles; the mater area 3,486 square miles, making's total area of 52,426 square miles—approximately one thousandth part of the earth's sur-j face. HAS 3 WRECKS IN LESS THAN YEAR ——« |' Wm. Hopkins Hurt When, Car Turns Over Near Here Sunday — William Hopkins, young white boy of Williams Township, figured in his ! third automobile accident within a year last Sunday morning who*) he wrecked his car, an old model Ford, near Hartlison's Cross, Jour miles from' here. In addition to" bruises on the nose and face, young Hopkins was in jured about the chest, but not serious ly, it is thought. Few particulars could be had on the wreck, Jiut it was stated that he had been drinking ear- 1 | lier in the morning. | Several months ago, the boy ran an old Fori) into . mule and cart on Co -1 nine bridge, knocking the mule over the bridge railing and into the creek. The mlile was killed and two colored men were badly hurt. The two men recovered, however. One month ago last Friday, the Imy ran his e'ar over anil fatally injured George Gardner, white man, near Sweeten Water Creek. His trial, growing out of the Gardner killing, is" scheduled lor hearing in the I Martin County superior court here next I week. MORE ACCIDENTS IN LESS MILEAGE Auto Mileage Decreased 10 ' Per Cent Last Year and j Accidents Increase j, Although there was an indicated decrease of about 15,000,000,000 miles \ in motor-vehicle mileage in th,is |country in 1930, equivalent to about ' 10 per cent, the number of autotiio- 1 bile accidents increased 12 per cent, 1 . deaths increased 4 per cent and liv juries increased 13 per cent, according to a compilation of the Travelers In- ' I . I surance 1 onipauy. The survey shows that the gasoline' {consumption for motor cars in l'>3o | | was 12,600,000,000 gallons, compared ( with 12,934,330,(XM) gallons in l' 29. Deaths from automobile accidents in 1930 totaled 32,500, compared with 31,215 in the preceding year, it was reported. In the death of more than 28,0001 persons, \\jpf cars involved had noth ing wrong with them which contribut ed to the cause of the accident. : By, ■ far the largest percentage of j i persons injured in automobile acci- t dents during the year were ""either the i occupants ,of ca/s or hit by cars that also had no apparent mechanical de I 1 fects. The .figures indicate that nearly i 195 per cent'of the injured toll r of ( more than 960,000 were the victims otV automobiles in good condition. j I ♦ 1 Sent To Prison for Killing I Former Martin County Boy ' ! Charlie Penwell, young white man of | Tarboro, was sentenced in an Edge- j combe county "court last week to 12 | months in prison for the killing of l.e I- i ford Gardner there early in May. Gard- i ' ner, a former Martin County boy, was i i fatally cut in a fight with Penwell sev- i [eral days before his deatlT ' 1 ft —i ; ; .«> ARREST THREE ! FOR ATTEMPTED THEFT OF AUTO ——• Joe Isui, Jimmy George and Andy Ellis, of Brooklyn, Jailed Last Night • I Three white hoys, giving tin ir' names as Jot* Isui, 22; Jimmy George, |2O; and Andy I'llis, 19; were jailed I here last night by W.*B. Daniel [ and Sheriff C. It. Roebuck and are ap pearing in recorder's court today on I attempted theft charges. The boys, stating they were -ironi I j Brooklyn,'" were ohstTved' here yesteu . (lay afternoon by officers. At that time j they were traveling toward the river I asking rides of passing motorists, la jail here thi* morning the boys stated they were traveling south, but yvster j day they were headed north. Later in the day they were seen in several parts' of the town prow ling around automo biles. They w ere said to have been' seey iiisiH'Ctiug Harold F.verett's car,; parked on a side street, and the car of : Bill Cherry on Main Street. A short | time after that tliev were seen prowl ing around Mrs. Fannie Crawford's! car oil 11 augliton Street, and shortly I after that two of them were arrested ! near the home, of Mr. I'. 11. Brown,' on Simmons Avenue. Due of the two arrested there had opened the door of i I Mr. Brown's car when thjc" officers ! brought an end to thv explorations, ; t was said. The third boy was arrested lon the courthouse grounds, where it ! was, believed Jie had made p'ans to ,-teal the sheriff's ear. I The officers attempted to trap tii ■ j boys but their plau> were exposed by [citizens reporting the activities of the; [three while the traps were open. Slier jilf Roebuck cut off the gas siipplv oil ' | his car, leaving enough for the boys Ito get in and drive a short distance thief Daniel parked Ins car in a con I venieut spot for the boys and hid, lait ! the plans were thwarted each time, and | the officers brought the apparent theft attempts to an end with the arrests. The boys refused to give their street j addresses, and maintained that they did not know how to operate an automo- I bile. CLUBIVIEMBERS TO GO TO CAMP 4 f> . . Tri-County Camp For Club Members in Beaufort, Pitt and Martin Definite plans were made vestjfrihiv |fpr having the best club camp !ever'when Misses Violet Alexander, jhrime agent of Beaufort County,* F.thel i Nice,'of Pitt County, and l.ora F. | .Sleeper ( of Martin County, met in, | Washington to complete arrangements made a few weeks previous. This is the first tri-county camp which has ever lieen held by these counties. The j dates for the camp w ill be later than ■ usual this year, owing to encampments [ of Episcopal "church young people's or ganizations. Camp Leach, visited some days ago, will again be the camp site. The camp is undergoing many im provements, which will be much ap- 1 predated by tile campers. Three chaperones will go from each county to assist with the programs.- 1 The 4-H club 'members will go to camp July 14, each camper asked to be irr camp by 3 p. m. The fee will be,"besides food. No 4-H club member will be admitted if he or she has failed to do the required amount of work during the past six months. Further details will he given concern ing the camp some time in the future —Reported. •—: I Laborers Still Flocking To Irish Potato Fields • Laborers, coming from as far -away as points in South Carolina, are con tinuing to Hock to the potato fields in this part of the State. Several trucks carrying as many as 25 men, w;omen ' and children as a load, passed throjlgn 1 here Sunday afternoon and evening en 1 route Jo the fields*in the Elizabeth City area.. * . •> •, 1 . Potato prices fy»ve dr)|i|»i'il. rapidly, the last quotations ranging around $1.50 a barrel. Rev. A. H. Butler To Preach In Pentecostal Church Here Rev. A. H. Butler, of Falcon, will preach in the Pentecostal Holiness church here tomorrow night, at which time he will also tell of the needs of the Falcon orphanage. The public is cordially invited to attend and hear I him. 1 Watch the Label On Your Paper As It Carries the Date When Your Subscription Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 Small Schools Suffer Under Terms of Law ACTION PENDING * Must Prove Present Plan Of Operation Is Cheaper Than Consolidation .£> j Six Martin County white schools, I three in .thr-elementary and three" in j the high school croup, are subject to Ihe e4r»ied—emsoßdatrrt with - other , units, according to all interpretation of j the new. school law made puhlic re jcently. I hat these schorls . will he closed and consolidated with' other j units is not certain at this time, hut under the new law the provisions tor .closing and""-cousolidating the small j schools will he strictly enforced, it is ! understood. I he new school "law provides that no elementary school can be operated, except under extraordinary circum stances, it the average daily attendance during the preceding year was less* than 22. I'he same provision is car ried for high schools, with aii average daily attendance of .less tlian 50. j I sing these figures as a basis of as sumption, and ignoring any other fac tors that might be brought into con sideration, the elementary schools at Angetowu. Spring fireen, and Poplar i Run, anil the high schools at llamil |ton, Hear (irass. and Kveretts will be !cio*c«l •ami consolidated with other jUiiilti in the county, it is understood, l.ittlv authority rests with the county hoard of education in preventing the [operation o't the law, it is understood, .However, it was unofficially learned that the proposed consolidations will not fie effected -it facts and figures, Isupported by the minutes of the coun ty educational body, show that the schools can be operated more cheaply under the present system than they can be under tile consolidation plan. A complete interpretation of the law is riot available at this time, hut there arc approximately 45(1 small elemen tary and 175 small high "schools in tlve State that are likely to be affected bv the I''3l school law. ' Ihe elementary schools in this coun ty that .ire likely to be affected by the new law, bad a total average attend ance last term, of 4>,58 pupils, divided as follows: Spring Green, 16..17; Ange towii, and Poplar Run, 10.61. The three high schools, considered un der the jiewr law, reported ait average alaiL) attendance' of 94.52. divided as follows: Hamilton, 20 In; Bear Grass, .15.'>2; and Kveretts, 94.52. | l.croy Martin, secretary of the State Hoard of Ki|uali/ation, stated Satur day that the provision will be strictly. _ enforced,, it being the opinion of tin? hoard that the provision strikes at one oi the most uneconomic phases of school Administration, j Carrying out of the law will mean lliat about hall of the ' 'schools in North Carolina will vanish and that there will he not only further 'miisolidafijin of eletTietitary schools .but 'oi high schools as well, many small [counties now having numerous high schools, some of which have only one 'or two teachers.. The law will also do 'av. :>y with some high schools with three teachers, that number lieing al lowed under the nresent law, where the average daily attendance is 45 or more. ERECTING TWO GAS STATIONS n Number Stations In Town Will Soon Be Increased To Seventeen Two new filling stations, arc under construction here at the present time, one near the river wharf and a sec ond one between the Roanoke-Dixie and Planters warehouses. The. Har rison Oil , company is erecting the one at the intersection of the river road and Highway No. 30, near the wharf. According to present plans the station will be completed within two weeks. -. While all indications would lead one to believe that he was building a fill ing station near the warehouses, Mr. Sid Mobley stated only a few days ago that he wasn't planning to build one there. ■ With the completion of the station near the river and the one at the warehouses, if it is one, the town will have seventeen''•ervice stations with two more just across the town line. / » . .