Next Week Is Clean-Up Week in Williamston—Plan Now To Help Advertisers Will Pod Our Col ums a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homea VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 30 Superior C Begin Here TERM WILL RUN FOR TWO WEEKS INSTEAD OF ONE ——• — 28 Criminal Cases Docketed For Trial During First Three Days Two combined terms of Martin County Superior Court will be held here next Monday when the regular June session convenes to hear 28 crim inil cases and a number of civil causes, it was learned from the office of Clerk of the CouFt R. J. Peel here this week. Judge W. C. Harris, of Raleigh, comes here for hi# second visit during the first week. Judge Clayton Moore, of this place, will preside during the second week, when only civil matters are scheduled for the attention of the court. - , Scheduled to have been held during the two weeks beginning April 13, the court arranged at that time for the trial of civil matters was postpone I by the county bar association, as two of its members were serving in the legislature at the time. As a result of a meeting held in April, the bar as sociation agreed to have the term lim ited to one week and provided for it to be held the week following the reg , ular June term. The list of criminal cases appear ing on the criminal docket for trial next week and their origins, follows: j N. S. Godard, seduction, continued from last term. Mote Mills and Furney Coley, as sault with deadly weapon; (two charges), appeal from recorder's court sentence. Jane Powell, larceny; appeal from recorder's court sentence. C. M. Barber, assault with a deadly weapon; appeal from recorder's court. James Ridley, house breaking and larceny, entered by warrant. Tam Kborn, house breaking an I larceny, entered by warrant. Jesse Rogers, forgery, entered by warrant. Wm. Henry Bailey, house breaking and larceny, entered by warrant. Holton Hyman, house breaking, en tered by warrant. James Collins and Clarence Pur rington, affray and carrying concealed weapon, appealed from recorder's court sentence. John Hen;-y Edwards, colored, house breaking and larceny, bound over by recorder. Herbert Reaves, colored, larceny, appealed from recorder's court sen tence. Thomas Rynes, carnal knowledge of girl under 16 years of age, entered by warrant. Isaac Anipy, assault with a deadly weapon, appealed from recorder's court sentence. William Hopkins, _ assault witn deadly weapon, entered by warrant. .. John Hadley, receiving stolen goods , entered by warrant. S Marshall Andrews, Julian Roberson. and James Staton Godard, larceny, en tered by warrant. Daniel Wynn, arson, bound over by recorder Aaron Biggs, assault with intent to kill, entered by warrant. James Bullock, larceny, appealed ' from recorder's court. John Jasper Black, assault and dis orderly conduct, appealed from re corder's court sentence. Black also appealed from the sentence imposed (Continued on back page) • Sunday Morning Service At Church of the Advent • ■ Rev. A. H. Marshall, rector. Sunday school at l£i|. m Holy Communion and sermon at 11 a. m. The value of our faith is measured' by our self-sacrifica. This mark ot J Christian progress is seen not only !n what it takes up but in what it gives up. You are moat cordially invited to attend these services next Sunday, j They were planned for you and for your good. - 4 New Schedule for Mail Deliveries la Announced Beginning next Monday, town and rural mail deliveries will be made one hour later than the present schedule calls for. Postmaster Jesse T. Price stated tfeia morning following the an nounced change in train schedules that go into effect Sunday, The carriers will leave the postof fice here at 10:15 i. m. instead of | 9:15, the present scheduled time for starting their trips. THE ENTERPRISE CHANGE IS MADE IN SCHEDULE OF : TRAIN SERVICE I Morning Trains Will Be Delayed An Hour By New Schedule i A change of schedules in the Par- I ttiele division of the Atlantic Coast • Line and affecting trains plying be . tween Plymouth and Rocky Mount , and those between Kinston and Wel : don will be made next Sunday, it was . -learned here yesterday. Leaving Plymouth at 9 a. m., the ; train will arrive here at 9:44, or one , hour later than the schedule now in ■ effect. The train will only continue . as far as Tarboro, where it will turn ■ around and reach here in the afternoon at 4:28 o'clock, stopping for the day ; at 5:20 p. m. in Plymouth. On the Kinston-Weldon branch, the morning train leaves Pannele at .10:22 I and passes through Hassell at 10:42 > and Oak City at 10:52, reaching Hob good at 11:05 for Norfolk connection. The afternoon train leaves Weldon at 1:35 and stops at Oak City at 3:10, and in Hassell at 3:20, reaching Par : mele at 3:40. \VhHe the passenger service will not be greatly interrupted by the chang going into effect Sunday, it is believed that the mail service will be slowed ||up for a few days, or until new rout ings can be effected for mail arriving I here in the late afternoon. WEEKLY* REVIEW OF CURB MARKET Market Anxious To Please All Its Patrons, Home Agent Declares By Miaa LORA E. SLEEPER Home Demonstration Agent Mrs. A. B. Rogerson. of the Bear Grass community, has been present selling every week on the curb mar ket since its opened day, March 28th. Her total sales thus far are $56.31, sufficient to pay many small bills, im prove home conditions, or purchase new equipment and help pay taxes. Her sales have been made chiefly on her layer cakes. To make a success ful seller, the person has to have cour age to face a week now and then with little or no money taken in, due to not having produce which public cares to buy or having a surplus of what many folks already have. Some time ago it was thought the market might possibly open to every one in the country, but this can not be done and continue the success of the niarke.t due to the sixe of Wil liamston, which is the buying center and the surplus produce which seems to be in evidence this year. It has been found through observation that twelve sailers on the market are more liable to have success selling than any other number. We wish to please each patron com ing to our market, and if we fail to do this, tell us. We are glad to serve you the best possible way. A few of the prices which will be found on the 'market fo'low: Snap brans, 4c lb.; cabbage, 3 Iba. for sc; lettuce, 4 to 8c; cream, 30c pint; eggs, 19c doien; beets, 5c bunch; carrotts, 6c bunch; onions, 5c bunch; cottage cheese, 15c block; new pota toes, 8 lbs for 25c. Remember our motto, "Where town and country meet— at the curb mar ket." We are looking forward to meeting you there next Saturday. Griffins Farmer Reports Strange Tobacco Worm "I don't believe it is the bud worm," . but some kind of pest is at work in i our tobacco field,"'reported Mr. Simon , Griffin, Griffins Township farmer, yesterday. According to Mr. Griffin, the worm bores a hole the sixe of one's Kttle finger and deatroys the top of- the plant. No great damage has resulted so far, Mr. Griffin stated. Reporting the condition of his crop as only fair, Mr. Griffin stated that it would be a matter of only a few weeks before tobacco coring will be under way. • ■ H» i Sunday Morning Services At the Farm Li fa School ■ ■ t Rev. W. B. Harrington will preach at Farm Life Sunday morning at 11 o'ctock and at Riddick's Grove that afternoon at 3:30, it was announced this week. The public, ia invited to ;he»r MM,- . .. ( . - • '', *1 I ' *• "——————^■ .in, | —— Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, June 12,1931 15,000-ACRE CATTLE RANCH IN COUNTY PLANNED BOYSARRESTED Former Citizen Visitor He ARREST NEGROES J. & W. Tract HERE WANTED BY A A , FOR ROBBERY OF RU? T JO I 1 NORFOLK POLICE After Absence Thirty Ye STORAGE HOUSE Land Sold Boys Abandon Stolen Car Pl g*y > f Drinking, Shooting, Cutting and Slaying [Enter Harrison Wholesale To Cattleman Near Chowan Bridge Going On Here Forty Years Ago, States Storage House Through ! KTI? Ap i V (toe. Last Sunday Leaving here in 1901, when the been there only a short time when a A Sky Light JM ii Al\L# Y $250,000 . .... ral furniture factory burned, Mr. Ro« cyclone destroyed his trees. He moved * \A7TT T RT? QDXTMTT The three boys, g.vtng the,r names • on and settled in 'the Canal Zone. Elmer Purvis. V 8 year-old negro, was 1 as joe Isut. J.mnne George, and Andy / r ed «» u where he met and married an Ohio here Tuesday afternoon in con- ON THF PRO TFCT Ellis arrested here Monday n.ght by his first via,, smce that time. a , Kmpjre two llcctioll with thf robbery of the „ ar . 1 1 Chief Daniel and Sheriff t. B. Roe- Born in Massachusetts* Mr. Knox, his son, Fred, visiting this section riso " Wholesale Company warehouse, I „ buck, and released in recorder s coin t niove d here when a small child and with him for the first time. nfar the Atlantic Coast Line station. Plsns 3XC Msdc Tuesday are wanted in Norfolk, it was rema j nei | until the furniture factory j Of all the interesting tales Mr. Knox !also colored, arrest ! Complete by Mr. L. A. learned \V ednesday, when communica- rne ,| Mr. Knox, with S. Rome relates, he stated that those originat- etl Wednesday. and is being held i.i ! Thompson Yesterdav .tion was established between the police Biggs, George Whitley, jr., and Harry} ing right here in Williamston are per- 1 connection the robber). | department there mil (he sheriff * office l.atham, let't at that time to see some] haps the most interesting of all. j Entering tliif building by lettiifg.him-| PtvTimniurx jilau io'r what is pn- I u • v ®' le world. Mr. Knox out-traveled■ "Thirty-or forty years ago there through a skylight, the robber he one of the largest project* .. . r °' l>l °f lolk ' the other members of the quartet, fin- plenty of real drinking, shooting, cut- ;opened a side door and "removed a|ever undertaken by any one firm in to po tee t ere t iat e ro eo. ally settling down in Chrisliibal, Colon,' ting and slaying going on here," he j|itai»tity of goods, mostly sugar, it is , this county were completed vesterdav'' • Sfumtay morning y Canal Zone, after living in many of thel stated. The young and the old had Sieved. The thett was not discov- when .VIK li A. Vogel, prominent three men to whom he, had given a f ort> --ei K ht States for a few years, a good time then, and the young and | ered un,il laU ' I'ursday morning, the | lowa Stale hanker, purchased approxi it. Hewitt saic ie pic etl tle men After extensive preparations,! old have a good time now, hut the evidence surrounding the case and sup-Intately 15.1MH1 acres of | an | ( or the up on t e Campoate a ri ge ear j down in Mississippi and kind of fun has changed, according to I l» o| "ted by the work of bloodhounds led j establishment of a cattle ranch. The Sunday morning. \\ hen the west em startfl | Kro wing pecans, but he had the visitor. ! to Vurvia' arrest that afternoon, near i land tranaler, one of the largest ever of the span was reached, one of the ;i,, rP L . , , , . ' .. . . ■: —: nere. | recorded m the county - , incudes a men in the rumble seat .truck him . . # -| Investigating the caae. Sheriff Rot:-1 large portion of. that tract common!v violent blow over the head, after whuh | iVI O 4"111*1 11 L Al* buck and I h.ef Daniel learned that known as the old J. and VV. land pur TheTenTrteoff" he "reared L.\t Ald IIS IVIHIUI lllfif fOF I R ° . 1 1 Ro « trs ll «" 1 1,(11 I, >s located in the southea,t -Ihe men drove oft, lie reported, t.a t . O rectly warned I'urvis ot the arrival of- ern part th . t .„ UMU , jx mi , „ f t Monday, the car was found abandoned _ the advising 1n.,, to jamesvillc. and 14 miles,from just the other side of the Chowan ■ /vaq I ■ £VQ f" |%/| Q | f | town. Wlfen. the officers went to ar- here bridge nare Eden,on. It is Sieved UUi/dl LiVCli ITXdJL IVV L rest Ko « c ' rs lu ' ran ' lrM,li "'« thv Complete detail, V.f the proi.os.-l that the boys did no, have sufficient - j under the D. I). Stalls warehouse on [project have no, Inen made known funds ,o pay the bridge toll and they -t * •: | Railroad Street and across "Rlood here it this time hut it , under t . I TRY NINE CASES ROANOKE-DIXIE ware Company store here, stated that LEASED TO NEW jercise," Rogers stated in offering an'cousin, and Mr Vogel are planum • he saw ,he boys leave ,he cat _ A f nm rrtIPPnAV PPOPPTITTOPQ 'exidanation for his swift actum. H'- Jto drain, fence, and stock the large Monday afternoon ,he three foreign- COURT TUESDAY UK O denied having sent the warning to lrafti „ artiMK W( , r|t „ it|lm ers were seen on ,he streets here, and . , ~M rvis. I numt|)> An (tZ by'chief Daniel "and Evidence Is Insufficient To J- W ' ® er^ cr ' M of Florence » _ c, buck. A warrant, Charging them with Convict Boys Charged |VACANCIES F0 R itwi learned "n,m- ZTJ Wlth Thcft Attempt . New_Partner.hip STUDENT NURSES W f , : . _ . • 1 .1. , I • More than acres »»t the tract will and released Tuesday. Nine casfs w „ e ca , |fd , hp co(|nty 1 lans for the operation of the W.I- |)r , k . ar . (l am| p|an , td cofn am| In pleading for food, one of the boy* recorder's cour, last Tuesday, Judge 1,a,,,5t0n u,l,#tco market during the Application Blanks Avail- p t . as (or teed, according to plans an gave his name as Ji>e Ficardo, but Joseph W. Ilailey and Solicitor H, O. * wo " ar ; taking shape, j -pj le Loc a l notytced by I'romoler Thompson' yes when he went to jail he stated that Peel clearing the docket in a compar- *'° " ! ' rCe lar «* houses havii.g Postoffice terdav. The agricultural pursuits will his name was Joe Isui. I, was a pi,i- gtively short time. a,n^- v l [" r center around the old Dyn.ond City ful tale ,he three told The three In.ys, Joe Isiii, Jimniie here, and a. a re.ul, ,hey were gtven Georg, and Andy Ellis, arrested on the wi(| Zle withh, the next k->"-sion announces an examination I -ill he established. „is under a niea streets here ancf charged in the court , . f . I f h , f,, r a , 1,1;, stood. Information having t«> do with It was learned from the Norfolk po- with attempted theft of an automobile ew . a >' ! ' or I,lc '"arket during the. " ' I the type and number of buildings that lice department tha, effor.s would be were released. Those observing the C ° n,mK " CMon ' "!.' e,h S f ashing,on, I). - made to arrest ,he boys, the las, re bQys* action during the early evening lhr Roanoke-Dixie, the largest I |"ere v»ill prohahly he about Ml posi-L ||at , f pul ,| ic at t | |js tiliu . i. abur wl || ports stating that they were seen in | ast Monday were of the opinion that l,ous e here, was leased this week to tioni to be filled and high school grad | )( . trans , )urte( | to ,| )r s ; u . develop Tarboro Tuesday afternoon. the trio'was guilty, but the evidence Messrs. W. 1. Meadows, of this place, .nates between the ages of IH ai|d .1(1 || K . preliminary plans, but just how ♦ heard in the court did not warrant a " d - 1 ' VV ol I'lorence, S. C. | will be admitted to the examination lnalvy lllen wi || | M . employed in han MAT T? lini TH A V convictions. The working organization for the (This |M.sitiou, in addition to quarters. ( | lj|)K |||is work cou |,| no , be learned 0/iL«r -nULIUA I Jim Biggs was found guilty of sim- house has " i,x l> « en completed at this j subsistence, laundry and medical at- According to unofficial but reliable ON ,,le assault - the cour, suspending ju.lg- ,inle - Mr Meadows staled yesterday, ten,ion, pays a salary of S2XB per an formation gained here this week, the TYIiL'nCAJUn I rt)ent , he defendants p ay j„ K the but he did say that everything would num. Applications will be accepted Slatt . wiM take ovrr , he roai , |, a(|inj • cost and bis assured good behavior. ~ ,f done ,owarl ,he «ucce»»ful opera-J and competitors examined at any city (lM |) ymon | city site, and the Merchants Divided on Cloa- Guy Rollin. wi. a«wt»nctd to wark |' io " ,l "' R -a noke- lH*it..(UMl_.thc j within the Stale-, ot M,,r)lan.l, Nort'i lia „ x Wl || al | | , r „|, a |„| ily> ,ie ing PrOgramj Plan To at the county home for 60 dayß for "'arket. as a whole. : aralina, Virginia, West \ trginia, and ve j tl( , ( , t her outlets, of its own Observe Holiday Later carrying a concealed weapon. Mr., a veteran in the to- | '' ,f District of Columbia, where a fir-t i Very few details have been made + j Andrew Revander pleaded guilty ol bacco and warehouse business, has " r se ond (lass post office is totaled )m j,in connection with tbe.develop; J, j—— business houaei were divided I v '°'ating the liquor laws, and was find been a prominent figure in the history Appropriate application form may l-e iiieul of the vast tract id land, but in- „ last Wednesday afternoon on the pro-'s'"" ami taxed with the costs. A six of the local market. He has beetv'* ecu |' e ''./ roln . Secretary, Hoard of | dilations point to an undertaking that posed cloting program for the sum-i ""'nths' road sentenctd was suspend- connected with the Roanoke-Dixie I ' v " Service Examiners at any L ex)H . ctc j , (1 lnral4 mui i,. t |,is mer, several firms suspending business ed. much of the time, and is widely known " r> ' " sec "d c 'ass post i ffue iin 1 ,comity and section. Mr. (~ 11. liar for the afternoon while others con- Oscar Willis was fined SSO and taxed throughout the section. must he on hie with the manager, r j s „ nt w ho has iollowed closely the tinued in accordance with the regular with the costs for operating an auto-.I Mr. Berger, approximately 5.1 year' ''o' lr| l' I S. (. ivil Servite Distriit, proposed project and who given * * mobile without pro|>er license. old, has been connected with the to- Washington, D. (~ not later tlia-i j tnm .|, (( j |,j s , ulu . to j, stated yester i i, ~, . » S. R. Dtipree was fined SSO and costs, bacco business, one way or another, J ' jday that the undertaking is nothing , eve ' , 'f , for operating a car while intoxicated jpractially all his life, and he comes I r ' V |,,lr ' local secretary, '„ rvv w jt|, M r . Thompson, pointing out e opinion a i was oo *' ar y and transporting liquor. H. D. Res- here highly recommended as a t'obac- i' ,as a " m 'ted number id application J ( | ia , ( | )( , wiscousin mail had success c se unng e mono une, tu i appearing before the cour, in the onist, warehouseman, and friend of=,he ~',' an ' ts ' or distribution at the post office , u n v developed similar projects in I* understood ,hat »hey will obaerve K , |, ere , . lr . ... , , , • • same case, was found not guilty. farmer. Starting in the business at i Wisconsin and established a large ca:- the half-holiday each week beginning ' . " ' " • , , , . , ~ . , , -I. A A A nol pros resulted in the case 1 itnmonsville, S. C., with his father, a tie business in that part id the coun a unanimoOa closing is" in "order at' that c, ' ar » in ß Kober « J oh " so » wi,h a » al " "nowned tohacconis, for many years, | NEW BERN ALSO ,rv ~els now hea ' l of " ,e lar «-' t j me sault on a female. Mr. Uerger has thoroughly acquainted | __ . _ _ T/"** r\* i ryry ' hompsou s iMalted Milk Company™^ . .-li Prayer for judgment was continued -himself with the industry. "He has With one or two exceptions all gro-. ' ' , . | . .... M v . , . , , , , , . , . until Octol>er 20 in the case charging .auctioneered, run sales, carried the a is very much interested and pleased eery firms closed for the. afternoon last - I T J. ' I ; Wednesday while the general mcr- ° scar B ' KKS wl,h abandonment and book and clip, kept books and man- Volunteer Fireman Loses , w " 11 ,he venture Ins company is now cantile e.Ublishments continued open, support. Higgs is to pay the aged .ome of the largest tobacco ware- H j s Ljfe p ighting Bla entering upon in this county. ... . . . , . | ( . costs of ,he case and $lO monthly for housea in the country, Mr. Meadows • ® Hack 'in IH7O the Jamesville and " °' ,S W ' T ' support of his children, stated yesterday. The new partner i Early Wednesday i Washington Railroad Company bought 0 Probable cause of guilt appearing in for the Roanoke-Dixie was here this I (|,j r ,| major water-front fire in thousands of acres of land in Wasli r n Mnnrf an/i Cnmnunv ,hc Ca4C char|fil, « him wi,h hoU!,c week a,,d was very much 'mpresaed j, he country within a week was report- in " , " n - Beaufort; and Martin Coun- C. I/, m oore ana company breaking, John Clemtnons was bound with ,he possibilities of the local mar- | r( | at fg cw u ern e ir | v Wednesday ,M " S ' alu ' '" r a ,u,n, ' ,er "t years the j4!nnounce Extra Specials 'over to the next term of superior ket, assuring members of the tobacco 'morning when property valued at more « ,r K i *iiization carried on a lumber busi • ' «»« f- ' ' H>,r d of trade that he would lend his than $200,000 was destroyed there. As a ' ,,rt of i,s Program, the The home-owned, tax-paying gro- ♦ ' every support in the advancement of i N or f ( ,| k |, a , ( a dj sas trous lire late '""'"Pany built a railroad from James eery atore of C. O. Moore and Com- Only six Stat«» made greater per- ( the market. According to preaent Sunday afurniKin, and Seattle. Wash- v '"* to Washington and founded Dy-« pany here ia announcing extra spec- centage gains in population during the plana, Mr. Berger will come here the j ll({(on reported a SSOO,(KM) blaze early mon d City, at one time the largest ialt ,o its patron* today and tomor-'decade from 1920-1930 than did North'early part of next month ,o start his Xueaday morning ' town in the county. The undertaking • row. Look over the firm's advertise- Carolina. The total increase in pop-iwork. p wo l ar({e | )ar({ es, a tugboat, and Petered out almost 20 years after it ment in thia issue and note the bar- ulation during this period was 611,163. The partnership atiouncemenf is , l)e eighop storage •"warehouse were waH s, ar,ed. and the several Fnglish gaing in quality groceries. The total population now is 3,170,276.1 (Continued on the back page) destroyed with their contents at New n,e " heading the company withdrew. W W An ml ill J AJia-L-n.a-a.JiJi. A. RESPONSE TO LLEDN-UP WEEK n.e te„a..ts —— __ # # _ _ _ __ _ _ were threatened, but all escaped Announce Vvnlte Sunday By Citizens Anticipated Next Week 'i 1 :™ The A marked response to the "Clean- ed this morning. While there is some ent pf the water department,„tleephone >» - * ' Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Up and Paint-Up Week" call ia pre- coat attached to it, the success of the 32! While grass planting and pain,- Locals Lose Second Game Preaching, 11 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. dieted here, beginning next Monday entire movement reats largely upon ing and other civic improvements are To Belhaven Team, 11-5 1 Young People Mrs. Rogers) II a. m and continuing through Saturday, initiative and hoiiest-to-goodaeaa labor, only -isrged bv -the of ttTT" • = - " " FpWTSfTH League —and —Ui-LeagiW—— Preliminary work ia already Mnder way it il believed. The success of the movement, the town has called at,en- Williamston los, its second game to w j|| have charge, of the service Wed in some parts of the town at the pres- momvement ia eagerly awaited by the tion to the law requiring owners ,o Helhaven here last Wednesday after- uesday evening at 8 o'clock, ent time, and* it ia hoped by those Woman's Club members, and every'clean their vacant lots. Inspections to noon, II to 5, in a fair game, with the Bright Jewels, Tuesday, 4:30 p. m. sponsoring the movement that every one is urged to do something that will 'follow the drive next % week were or- exception of two innings, when the j| j s the deaire of the stewards td one will j6in into make it a complete add to ,he attractiveness of the town dered by the* officials at their meeting visitors "scored eight, of their runs. make Sunday a ''White Sunday," a * success during the week. and atreeta. held early this month. To limit the Gardner, working on the m >und fo r day when all the members make a.t "ln addition to the possibility of In an effort to aaaist the clean-up number of mosquitoes to the very the locals, pitched i good game, allow- earnest effort to square their accounts cleaning up dirty vacant lota, there is movement, the town will move all trash 'minimum, these lots must be cleaned ing 13 hits, extra run* coming as a with the church to date. May it be ..J a marked opportunity to beautify the when it is conveniently piled for the [up, the official* stated, and owner* result of errors. Hudson, Belhaven's a success is my earnest prayer, plot* in front of home*," a member of cart*. Once you have a load to be failing to comply therein are subject pitcher, held the locals to nine scat- The public is cordially invited to the Woman'* Club civic om mil tag atat- moved, call and notify the superintend- 'to prMccutlon, it was stated. tcred hits. attend our services. ~|jj . • V t • V' j Hearty Response to Clean-Up Week By Citizens Anticipated Next Week I A marked response to the "Clean- I Up and Paint-Up Week" call is pre dicted here, beginning next Monday and continuing through Saturday. Preliminary work is already under way in some part* of the town at the pres ent time, and' It is hoped by those sponsoring the movement that every one will j6in in Jo make it a complete success during the week. "In addition to the possibility of cleaning up dirty vacant lots, there (• a marked opportunity to beautify the > plots in front of homes," a member of | the Woman's Club civic omaiiln slat- Ed thia morning. While there is sohir cost attached to it, the success of the entire movement rests largely upon initiative and honest-to-goadnes* labor, it ii believed. The success of the momvement is eagerly awaited by the Woman'* Club member*; and every one it urged to do something that will add to the of the town and streets. -V In an effort to aaaist the clean-up movement, the town will move all trash when it is conveniently piled for the carts. Once you have a load to be moved, call and notify the superintend . ..JML A ■ ent pf the water 1 .12. While grass planting and paint i ing and other civic improvements are , only urged by -the iponiors of" tfR" - ' movement, the town has called atten t tion to the law requiring owners to clean their vacant lots. Inspections to I follow the drive next week were or i dered by the* officials at their meeting held early this month. To limit the i number of mosquitoes to the very i minimum, these lots must be cleaned s | up, the official* stated, and owner* i to comply therein are subject | to prMccutlon, it was stated. ARREST NEGROES FOR ROBBERY OF STORAGE HOUSE * ] Enter Harrison Wholesale Storage House Through A Sky Light . ♦ Kltuer Purvis, 18 year-old negro, was jailed here Tuesday afternoon in con nection with the robbery of the Har rison Wholesale Company warehouse, near the Atlantic Coast Line station. ; Red Rogers, also colored, was arrest ed Wednesday, and is being held in I connection wMi, the robbery. T Entering the building bv fettiifg him jself through a skylight, the robber I opened a side door and removed a (quantity of goods, mostly sugar, it is I believed. I'he theft was not discov- j Jered until late Tuesday morning, the evidence surrounding the case and sup- ; I ported by the work of bloodhounds led ] Ito Purvis' arrest that afternoon, near ' ' here. J Investigating the case, Sheriff Roe- ' buck and thief Daniel learned that Rod Rogers was said to have indi rectly warned Purvis of the arrival of' the hounds, advising him lo le&v.e | town. When, the officers went to ar rest Rogers In- ran, leading the officers j under the IX I). Stalls warehouse on; I Railroad Street and across "Blood' mitted. "I was just taking a little ex ercise," Rogers stated in offering an explanation for his swift action. H-' denied having sent tile warning to | Purvis. [VACANCIES FOR STUDENT NURSES —* —. Application Blanks Avail able At The Local Postoffice * ■ J Ihe United States Civil Service j Commission announces an examination! for student nurses for duty at St. Kliz- i jabeth's Hospital at Washington, 1). C. I I'Therc will probably lie about (>0 posi-( tions to be filled and high school grad ! | nates between the ages of IK and 30 will be admitted to the examination | This position, in addition to quarters, j subsistence, laundry and medical at tention, pays a salary of S2BB per an- ' 'num. Applications will be accepted 'and competitors examined at any city , within the States of: Mary land, N'ort'i ; j Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia, where a fir-t orsecond class post office located Appropriate application form may be j secured from the Secretary, Hoard of I U. S. Civil Service F.xaminers at any 1 first or second class post office .and ! must be on file with the manager, ! Fourth I?. S. Civil Service District, ' Washington, D. ("., not later tha i i July 1, IV3I. " | Vlr. F.. E. Wynne, local secretary, 1 has a limited number of application I blanks for distribution at the post office j here. NEW BERN ALSO HAS BIG BLAZE Volunteer Fireman Loses , His Life Fighting Blaze . Early Wednesday , ! The third major water-front fire in ithe country within a week was report led at New Bern early Wednesday, morning when property valued at more, than $200,000 was destroyed there. Norfolk had a disastrous fire late Sunday afternoon, and Seattle, Wash ington, reported a $500,000 blaze early Tuesday morning. Two large barges, a tugboat, and the Bishop storage warehouse were destroyed with their contents at New Bern by the fire, the origin of which had not been determined yesterday. The lives of several barge tenants were threatened, but all escaped through the heroic work of Mark Lupton. The barge captain's hair was singed by flames. ■». - • « Locals Lose Second Game To Belhaven Team, 11-5 ; — l—';■ Williamston lost its second game to Belhaven here last Wednesday after noon, II to 5, in a fair game, with the exception of two innings, when the visitors "scored eight of their runs, Gardner, working on the m iund fo r the locals, pitched i good game, allow ing 13 hits, extra run* coming as- a result of errors. Hudson, Bethaven's pitcher, held the locals to nine scat tered hits. Watch the Label On Your Paper Aa It Carrie* tha Date When Your Subecription Expire*