PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE PublMtcd Every Tmsdsy and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTOM, WORTH CAROLINA. w. c. Manning Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY Oae year - ' ; >" • ftS Six monthi •" .. OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year W Six month* , w '-® 0 No Subscription Received for Leaa Than 6 Months * Advertising Rate Card Furniahe'd Upon Request ■ Entered at the post office in Willianiston, N. C., as second-class matter under tlie act of Congress j of March 3, 1879. Address ail communications to The Enterprise ,_ and not to the individual members of the firm. I Friday, June 12. 1931 Should Exchange Jobs Some (oiks art- working too much, some are fishing too much, some hunting too much. while quite a few .are resting too much. It will Ik' a line thing when - these things are all balanced up and all are' ret|Uirf3- ; to work some ami all are permitted to lish, hunt, and rest a little. Our unbalanced condition causes unhappiness. A system that gives every person some task and s >me | recreation will make everybody happier. The old idea of, educating to keep from working is j a thing of the |>ast, and educate to enable a jterst'inXo work better. The man who works all the | time shoultPbe pitied, whlie the man who rests all the time should be censured. They need to mix their J jobs. It will help both. Credit Conditions j •_ . • _ The government had no trouble in selling nearly a billion dollars worth of 1-2 j>ei cent bonds last | week. In fact, they were oversubscribed more than | five-fold. This shows that there is still an abundance ! of money in the country. Yet it seems to l>e doing very little good in a business way. While nearly every kind of business is at a low ebb the government has an abundame of credit. Howevgr, the fact remains •■the government s only strength i> the people and their property. It lan command any amount of credit it wishes, based on the i people, while the jieoplC* themselvesMtave practically lost their credit. This condition has gone on so long and gotten so far that our individual business standing is as low as it has been in half a century, and if a man owns thi* i 1 land; sea, and sky, ir is iVafdTtrget moneyr The word goes down the 1 itie that the trouble is loss of confidence, and the question is Who has lost con fidence, the big man or the little man? Since tlie finan cial manipulations of our country is in fewer hauls j than it has ever-Jjeen. We can hardly understand why they lack confidence. On the other hand, the ( >9 per cent of the |»eople have nothing to trust out, i and it makes no different« to business whether they have confidence or not. « 'lt all looks more like the mojiey of the country has been cornered and is withdrawn from business to the extent that the man without money has lost all of his power to trade and has to submit to the terms of the man who Jias. the money —a condition which | never fails to make hard times, . | Possibly the honest truth is that when people did have, money they trusted it too freely with the un principled manipulators of the money and wealth of the country. Experience should have taught the lit tle man never to trust the big man too far, and of ! course the big man will always take care of himself. ! an Ford Leadership! NATIONAL RESULTS FOR APRIL We are listing below national registration fig-' ures for 46 States, including the District of Co lumbia. This does not include the States of Okla homa, Kansas, and Louisiana, which are not com plete : Nearest Tot*l ; FORD Competitor All Make* Passenger 78,579 77,311 257,129 Light Commercial 5,690 2,876 9,556 Trucks 10,851 7,529 24,917 / . » 95,120 87,716 291,602 - There'B Reason VALUE FAR ABOVE THE PRICE * " Williamston Motor Co. niBLISIIKO BVBNY TU-OAV AW ° ™ PAY , The longer times continue "tight," the more cheap property, the wealthy will swipe it. The American people will never be safe unless they get off of a speculative basis and come down to com ' mon economic principles. J • . Why Landowners Suffer The farm census shows a shrinkage in values in North Carolina for the ten-year period 1920 to 1930, of $226,000.000. This is a loss of only about 25 per cent. On the other hand, gold, the basis of all commodity values, ' has gone up about the same amount. The hardship on land does not come from its ac lual loss, however, because with only an actual loss of 25 per cent, it has lost in its trade value as much as 75 per cent. A farm that was good for a credit basis I of SIO,OOO ten years ago will not produce more than ! $2,500 in credit now. What this country needs is a lowering of the value ! of gold, which will at once raise the price of property ! and set trade in motion. The money hrarders are the ■ fellows who are making hard times. Entangling Alliances will leave Haiti next year. Vet who can tell how many wars will be kicked up down in that little in nocent country before then, which may keep our armed , forces down there for years to come. One of our troubles has been that we have stood by and aroused the war spirit in these little countries which has kept them fuming and quarreling too long. Net our national policy is sup|x>sed to keep us away from entangling alliances. The New School Law • - The new school law has not yet been fully explained. It is said, however, that it will weaken the home eco nomies and agriculiural teaching now being done in the few schools in the State. If that is true, then that part of, the law is bad. If there is any part of our educational activities in the past that is deserving of censure, it is that these activities or branches of school work have almost been cut out. 'Oyr own county has gone down until we only have such work in two schools, Jamesville and Robersonville, at the preset)t —just half as much as we had ten years ago. , Now, if these are to suffer, all we can say is that our State system lacks wisdom. If there is anything thai the youth of our State needs it is to be taught to love home and res|>ect the farm —two fields that have been woefully neglected in the past. Every township in our county should have train ing for both boys and girls for life in the home and on the farfn, where a large majority will have to live and die. And yet we have'been fooling them in the past by telling them what fine presidential timber they are, and have given them a yearning for the daze and din of the city, where there is more death than life for them. It is high time to stop building the city ai the expense of the country. 1 It Is Rati, Tnn . It- looks bad to own two automobiles and give nothing to charity; to keep two dogs and not |>ay the doctor; to have an idle boy and have the lawn mowed; to belong to four clubs and be a stranger to your own family; to be extravagantly dressed and in debt.— K munis Magazine. - Our Most Important Task With a new school law which pledges the State to o|>erate the six-months school term without cost to pro|>erty ad valorem charges about 15 cents per SIOO, every child in the State should be withdrawn from the fields and factory, where there is an overproduc tion, and placed ill school. We have manufactured too much cloth with child lalxir and we have grown so much cotton and tobacco with children working in the fields that the prices will not justify production. We have no task so im|x»rtant at this time as the education of our children. —————i^—i——l Cucumber Beetle Damages Cumberland Canteloupes T—♦ The striped cucumber beetle is do ing, considerable damage to canta loupe* in lower Cuniberland county. Exactly 36 per cent of the total pop ulation of North Carolina, or 1,141,129 people, who are 10 years of age, or over, are gainfully employed. WANTS PEANUT HAY FOR SALE: GOOD bay. Will sell chf-p. Harrison Brothers & Co. It HOUSEBOAT FOR SALECOM- I fortable quarters. Will sell cheap. | Sam Hardison , It j SOY BEANS FOR SALE: par bushel. G. W. GnAin, Williamston, ,H. F. D. No. I je2 & V LAND PLASTER FOR SALE • If you are interested in buying your landpTas'ter at the lowest postibls price, it will be to your advantage to see us before buying. We are selling the Nova Scotia brand. PARKERS SUPPLY COMPANY Williamston, N. C. j-5-«t LOST ON HIGHWAY M NEAR the H. H. Cowan old home, on May 31, lady's ring. Liberal reward for Return to Enterprise. THE ENTERPRISE CHANCE OP A LIFETIME: RE i liable man wanted to call on farm er! in Martin County. Wonderful op portunity. Make $8 to S2O daily. No experience or capital needed. Write today. McKesii Company, Dept. M-, Freeport, 111. CARD OF THANKS - We wish to expresi our sincere J thank* to our neighbor* and other a friendk for their acts of kindness dur ing the sickness of our little boy and for their words of sympathy and the floral offering at his death and burial. JOHN R GARDNER 1 and WIFE. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE I Under and by virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Martin Coun ty in an action entitled "D. G. Mat thews, vs. William Lynch, Et Al," the f undersigned commissioner will, on the 13th day of July, 1931, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door of Martin County, offer for sale to the | highest 'bidder, for cash, the follow ing described real estate: One farm located in Hamilton Town ship, Martin County, North Carolina, bounded on the south by the lands of j General Williams, on_ the west by the Hamilton and Palmyra road, on the ] ( north and east by the Ned Ebron and I Calvin Ebron land, and being the same ) land where Calvin Ebron now lives. . | This 10th day of June, 1931. H. A. CRITCHER, ! jel2 4tw Commissioner. I ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE I (laving qualified as the administra-1 trix of the estate of Hiram A. Ange, 'deceased, of the County of Martin, I State of North Carolina, this is to i notify all persons having claims a | gainst the estate of said deceased to 1 exhibit tlieni to to the undersigned at j Kveretts, N. C.. on or before the 6th day of June, 1932, or this notice will Jbe pleaded in bar of their recovery, j All persons indebted to said estate j will please make immediate payment. This the Sth day of June, 1931. ELIZA A. BULLOCK je-5-6t Administratrix. Jos. W. Bailey, attorney. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Martin County. In the Superio/ Court, Before the Clerk, The Dennia Simmons Lumber Com- DR. F.S.WHITAKER Williamaton, N. C. PHYSICIAN ■ SURGEON PHYSICAL CULTURE Office Hour*: 9-11 A. M.; 2-5 and 7-9 ■ P. M f v* PHONE 102 Adultt Contract Children'* Diteaset Adults can, and do, contract many children's diseases. And, usually, they suffer from the*n much more thna children do. For instance, many adults contract worm*, an ailment usually associated v •. liildren. Sometime: they Buffer iuiem/ly and toke expen- I sire medical treatments, without real.- I sing that worms ore the cause of their I troubles. Yet. the symptoms are tho same as in children, loss of appetite and weight, Binding the teeth and rest less sleep, itching of tho noss and anus, and abdominal pains. And, the same medicine that surely and harmlessly ex- ; pels round and pin worms from children will do the same for adults White's | CreamYeruuiuge,wbicbyuuonfitat I , •• • I : --4 « «*' T S CL^ET / IJ KJLOAA. Ford cars are now equipped with safety glass in all doors and * windows at a small extra charge |1 P for lha Compo, Dt L*x* Cmmpo, Span |()A/«r lW TWsr Htwmimi Siim, X U CMJW or CMMrtiWt Cmkrimltl AVD* IMM* SMJAM, Tmm Smitm mt Vlttorim THE Triplex lafcljr gkn windshield hat, always been an outstanding feature at the Model A Ford. By reducing the. dangers of flying glass, it has saved way live* and prevented countless injuries in automobile collisions. Now comes a further assurance of safety to every Ford owner ... polUkmd plate sa/efy glass in ALL DOOKS AND WINDOWS at flight mdiitiomml cost. h The charge for this extra protection is unusually low because of large production and the development of new methods of manufacture. Simply tell the dealer when you buy the Ford that you want "safety plate glass in all da a— , and windows** and the car will ha factory-equipped for you in that manner. Teday, aa before, the safety glass windshield is furnished as ilsarfsrd eqnjjp* ' ment as all Ford car* without extra charge. • * * '% ■* . • * * "" V~" * '■ f*' V , v IWlllll This mmmrnmtmmmu rm/tn ~l T «e NEW CAMS. tmU Mm sre mmt tm a jwsMan le iastsß sa/sty GF—I fo lAe siafini af rear masl M S* lb skews fries*. > THE FORD rr* - ... , 1 . WIL.LIAMSTON NORTH CAAOLIMA pany, a Corporation, vs. Jamas A. Roberaon. A. L. Mannign, C. C. Col train, J. mad W. Land Company, M. O. Fouth, Administrator of the Es tate ofT fZS! MkTLSh A. McDonald, A. M. Baxter, K. AJ Morris, Moffie Lee. Margie Clark, Dr. ffannrtm Hadk*. H. D. Robsr son, W. T. Carson, The Federal Land Bank, and others. The defendants, J. and W. Land Company, M. O. Fouth, Administra tor of the Estate of A. T. McDonald, FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Extra Specials! AT C. 0. Moore's Store HOME-OWNED TAX-PAYING LUZIANNE COFFEE White House Green and Black 1 r Three Pounds ? a/afC TEA, 1-4 pound 13C LUZIANNE COFFEE OQ White House Orange Pekoe OIL One pound JjC and Peko€ - M P° und LUZIANNE TEA OO MAXWELL HOUSE Or ,_ 4 pound . ZjC COFFEE, lb. J«JL 8 OUNCE COCOA COCK OF THE WALK" IQ_ Three for Z9C COFFEE, lb. IOC PLATE MEAT GROUND COFFEE or Jl™" d J , Two pound, SX ™ 14C FLOUR 68c St 35c i* $135 RED DEVIL LYE Two cans uDC Three bars .. ... Illp REX OR HOOKER LYE OP, 15c EXTRACTS OJV Three cans ZtDC Three for JLtDC SWIFT PRIDE WASHING 1Q- 10c SPICES Or_ POWDER, 1 large pkg. IOC Three for LIDC SWIFT PRIDE WASHING 1 A Feeds 0/ All Kinds at Very Reason' POWDER, 3 small pkgs. lUC able Prices C. 0. MOORE & CO. WASHINGTON STREET WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ' Miss Sarah A. McDonald. A. M. Bax iter, E. A. Morris, Mollie Lee, Margie, Clark, Dr. Sampson Hadley. H. D. 1 Roberaon, W. T. Ward, Etheline Car-j ' son, and the Federal Land Bank, will \ ■] take notice that an action entitled as ' above has been commenced in the sn- ! perior court of Martin County, North ( Carolina, for the purpose of having the title to certain lands described in the petition filed herein registered and con firmed pursuant to chapter" 90 of the Public Laws of 1913 asd amendments ' Fridty, Jut* 12,1931 'thereto; and said defendants will far ther take notice that they are required to appear at tbe courthouse door of •Martin County, in Williamson, North Carolina, within thirty (30) dayt) and ! answer or demur to the petition in said {action, or the plaintiff will apply to the | court for the relief demanded in amid petition. This the 26th day of May, 1931. R. J. PEEL, Clerk Superior Court,