♦ Fruity, Jane 12, t»3l Club Meeting* Weddings m Engagement! In Manteo This Weejt Mr. Wheeler Martin is in Manteo this week-end attending to profes sional business. • V Here From Lexington, Va. Darrell Price, student of Washing ton and Lee University, Lexington, Va., arrived home Wednesday to be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Price, during the summer months. In Town Yesterday Mr. Gaylord Summer ill, of Nor folk, was here yesterday. Visitor From Plymouth Mr. Lue Read, of Plymouth, was a visitor here yesterday. ♦ Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Margolis Mrs. J. Levy and daughter, Miss Sylvia Levy, of Tarboro, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Margolis this week. rPAINSI 1 QUIT COMING I I "Whan IWM a girt, I auf- I 1 fared periodically with tar- I I rlble pains In my back and I I (Idas. Often I would band I 1 almost double with ths In - I I tanas pain. This would I I last tar hours and Z could I I pt no relief. triad almost every- I I thine that was recom- j I mended to me, but found I nothing that would help until began taking OarduL My mothsr V thought !t would bs V ■ good for me, so she M ■ got a bottle ot Cardul ■ ■ and started ma taking ■ ■ It I soon Improved. ■ Ths bad spells quit I ■ coming. was soon BH I In normal health." H B Mra /«wal Harrta I Wlnnaboro, Taxas. H _ Bold At All Drug I Www- MS I 1" Take Thadfard'a BUe^>l»uefctJ I WATTS THEATRE! WILLIAMSTON, N. C. I Thanks for the wonderful support you B have given me during the last six weeks. But in order to still give you the best and latest—the admission will have to V be just a little more. H j BEGINNING MONDAY, JUNEMS'* I' I CHILDREN 10c| I ADULTS Only 15c| THESE PRICES TO CONTINUE AS LONG I. 1 AS PQSSIBLE I Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer .. I \ ■ Bl i DAY AND NIGHT AMBULANCE SERVICE Excellent Service at Moat Reasonable Price \ B. S. COURTNEY WILLIAMSTON, N. C. j 1 Day Phone 155 Night Phone 94 'l l wimiHHiiiiii ini)iinjß^jii|iii|M|iniiiiiMHwiiii)nnwmiwsSl^w^^B^Bi* j Society,& Pergonals In Town Thursday, > Mr. Larey Croon, of Gold Point, - was a visitor in tow* yesterday. J Here From Hamilton T. B. Slade, county tax supervisor, • was a visitor here yesterday. ' * . Visitors in Dunn Mrs. Eva Harrison, accompanied by her children, Eva and Thad Har rison, and Mrs. R. L. Coburn, visit ed Mrs. R. J. Parker in Dunn yes terday. Return From Washington Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Moye re turned Thursday night after spend ing several days in Washington, I). C., with friends and relatives. Witt Spend Week-End Here Miss Evelyn Harrison, now with the library department of Duke Uni versity, will spend the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Har rison. a In Town Thursday Joel Gibsorikwas a visitor in town Thursday. Here From Hamilton D. G. Matthews, of Hamilton, was a business visitor in town Thursday afternoon. Vsiitor Here Thursday Bruce Sherrod, of Hamilton, spent some time in town yesterday on bus iness. a Returns to Kenly Miss Mildred Darden returned toj her home in Kenly Thursday after spending some time here visiting Mrs.' R. L. Coburn. I • J Visiting Friends Here - Mr. Roland Knox, of New Jersey and the Canal Zone, visited friends) here this week. In Elizabeth City • • Messrs. B. A. Critcher and D. D. Stalls were in Elizabeth City yester day on business. m Visiting Her Mother Here Mrs. Roy Ward, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. H. Mizell, here for several days. 4 PUBLISH ID KVnV TU-OIY PHONE Anything for I ThU Department I In Rohertomntte Tuesday Messrs. N. K. Harrison, W. R. Watson, and J. C. Anderson' attend ed a meeting held in Robersonville Tuesday night ■ « - Visiting in YanceyviUe Mrs. P. B. Cone and daughter, Sarah, are spending the weke-end inl Yanceyville with Mrs. Lawrence Stallings and Mrs. Wheeler Martin. Here Yesterday Mrs. Sylvester Lilley, of William ston Route 1, was here yesterday. 9 Here From Plymouth Mr. Joe Shugar, of Plymouth, was here yesterday. Returns To Rocky Mount Miss Peggy Harreil returned to her home in Rocky Mount yesterday aft er visiting her aynt, Mrs. Mary Bell Osborn, for several days. In Town Thursday Mr. Major Gardner, of William ston Route 4, was here on business yesterday. > j From Oak City Mr. J. W. Hines and son, of Oak ! City, were visiotrs here yesterday. :■* ■ . In Town Thursday Calvin Ayers, a good farmer of Bear Grass Township,, was on our streets yesterday. He is still smil- ] ing, though he says the hard times have about got everything he ever ' worked for. But he has still left a i good appetite for which he is thank ful. Spends Week-End a tHome Miss Marjorie Taylor, recently i graduated from a Raleigh secretarial school and now employed by the King Drug Company there, spent ' the week-end with her mother, Mrs. J. R. Keel, near here. \ Returns From Hospital i Mr. Jim King reutrned Wednesday from the Washington Hospital, where he had his tonsils removed. : a In Wilson This Week Mrs. Elbert S. Peel is visiting rel atives in Wilson this week. Visiting in Smithfield and Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Joel Muse are visit ing relatives and friends jp Smith field and Wilson (or several days. • In Town Thursday Mr. E. R. Jackson, of Plymouth, was a visitor here Thursday. Attend Show Here Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Read, Misses I Elisabeth and Jane Read and Lue Read, of Plymouth, attended the show here Wednesday night. HAMILTON NEWS Mr .William Haislip left Wednes day for Chapel Hill, where he will take up summer work. Miss' Effie Waldo visited the Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Marshall in William ston Wednesday evening. Mrs. Martha Johnson, of Scotland Neck, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. L. Salsbury, re turned to her home Wednesday. Mias Mildred Everette, who has been teaching in Rocky Mount the past term, returned home Saturday. I Mrs. Z. T. Cox took her Sunday School class to>the show in Rober sonville Wednesday. Misses Bessie IPugh, Frances Edmondson, Elsie 'Davis, and Messrs. Richard Slade and Richard Slade are members of the class. Maggie Jutry Cox also ac companied them. Miss Nancy Davis is leaving this week for Rex Hospital, Raleigh, where she will 90 in training. Misses Stella Davenport and Flor ied Cox are spending this week in . Rocky Mount with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Davenport. Mrs. Calvin Stokes, of Greenville, spent Isst week here with relatives and friends. Mrs. J. A. Davenport is visiting in Robersonville at this titne. Mrs. Asa Johnson and children are visiting in Scotland Neck this week. Mrs. Harry Waldo and daughter, Mary, Mrs. P. H. Davenport and son Pat, jr., and Mrs. Boyle spent Wed nesday In Williamston. Mrs. T. O. Pinault, of Norfolk, Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. M. Ewdl, at this time. THE ENTERPRISE Returns to Wisconsin Mr. L. A. Thompson returned to his home in WauMu* Wisconsin, yesterday afternoon after visiting Mr and- Mrs. G. HJ Harrison here for several days. In Manteo Tuesday Messrs. G. H. Harrison, L. P. Lindsley, N. C. Green, V. J. Spivey, R. L. Coburn, E. S. McCabe, Luther Peel, and L. A. Thompson, of Wis consin, were in Manteo Tuesday for the day. -A. m ' ' In Town Wednesday Mr. Durward Everett, of Rober sonville, was a business visitor here Wednesday. Attending Meeting in Davidson Rev. Z. T. Piephoff is attending a church "meeting in Davidson this week. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by the authority confer-: red on and vested in me in and by' that certain deed of trust executed to i me as trustee by Annie Bond on the! 6th day of January, 1927. which deed | of trust is recorded in the Martin | County records in book Y-2, at pane 1 112, the notes secured by said deed ofj trust not having been paid and satis-1 fied, and at the request of the holder j of same. I shall offer for sale, at the j courthouse door in Martin County, oni | Wednesday, the Bth day in Juty, 1931,! |at 12 o'clock m., at public auction, to I | the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described land, to wit: Beginning at a stake on Elm Street in the town - of Williamstou one bun-. t dred and thirteen (113) feet from the edge of the pavement on the west side ! of Washington Street; thence running i in a northerly direction eighty-five j . (85) feet to a stob; thence a westerly] direction forty-five (45) feet to a stob. I thence a southerly direction eighty-five (85) feet to a stob on Elm Street: ■ thence an easterly course along Elm 11 Street sixty ((>0) feet to the beginning, and being a part of the tract of land 1 conveyed to the grantors herein by 1 Ellis Williams and others, and of rec ord in book B-2, at page 113-114 of the Martin County public registry, to which reference is made for a further and more perfect description. This the 6th day of June, 1931. W. B, WATTS, jel2 4tw Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as the administra tor of the estate of W. A. Roebuck, deceased, of the County of Martin, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims a gainst the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Everett*, N'. C'., on or before the 6th day of June, 1932, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said es- Unintentional Suicide Many people we slowly poisoning thomsMVM just u surely as if they drank iodine every morning for break fast. They an daily absorbing tho toxins, or poisons, created by Accumu lated waste matter in their constipated digestive systems. Sooner or later disease will conquer their weakened bodlm . If you have dlsiv spells, headaches, coated tongue, bad breath, insomnia, no appetite, bilious attacks or pains in the back and limbs, you are probably suffering from self poisoning caused by constipation. The surest and relief for this condition is Ilerbiue, the vegetable cathartic which acta in the natural way. Get a bottle today from Call For Red Rose Flour "* . * , % . • • • ■ . * ' • fT he Flour With Quality At A ' * * _ EVERY BAG OF RED ROSE GUARANTEED. IF NOT SATISFIED, YOUR MONEY WILL • '- - • BE REFUNDED * /» RED ROSE is not an expensive fljH— more ■&T Uniformly high grade and popular priced! One trial will soon convince you. Ask your grocer! '••" * V * /* \ \ | No Flour Manufactured Better Than "RED ROSE." "One Bag Will Convince You" | V I ~ J Distributed by ® Harrison Wholesale Co. • JilVnu xcu '*9 - * JJW WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ' * * * » - j'i I WILLIAMSTON NOWTH CAROLINA tate will please make immediate pay ment. This the sth day of June, 1931. JASPER ROEBUCK. je-5-6t Administrator. Jos- W. Bailey, Attorney. NojSci of Sptreial Tan Klstlion in Sandy Ridge School District, Martin County, North Carolina In compliance with the wishes of a petition signed by necessary number of qualified voters of Sandy Ridge School District No. 6, white, which was duly approved by the Board of Education of Martin County and is in acoontance with provision of Article 17 of Newr School Code of 1923. Notice is hereby given that an elec tion will be held at the school build ing of said district on the 20th day of July, 1931, in said district, which is described hereinafter, for the pur poses of ascertaining the will of the qualified voters of the Sandy Ridge School District as to whether a ma jority of such voters favor the levy ing and collecting annually of a spec ial tax with which to supplement the ! funds for the six months public school | term appropriated by the Board of Education of Martin County, the rate of said special tax not to exceed a maximum of 35 cents on the SIOO val uation of property, real and personal, ; within the bounds of the district here inafter described: Description: Beginning »t the mouth of Sweeten Water t reejc, thence up the creek to I the mouth of Keepers branch; thence up said branch to the Manning school district line; thence with said school district line northward to the Smith i wick school district line; with said j line to the Devils Gut; thence up said (Jut to the river, and up the river to the beginning. At said election those who are in favor of the lev*' and collection an nually of a special tax not more than 35 cents on the SIOO property valua tion with w.hieh to supplement the funds for 6 months school vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed the words, ''For I.ocal Tax," and those who, oppose the levy and collection annually of a special tax of not more than 35 cents on the SIOO property val uation with which to supplement the funds for 6 months school, shall vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed the words, "Against I.ocal Tax." That L. I>. llardisou shall be ap -666 LIQUID OR TABLETS Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutea, checks,a Cold the first day, and checks Malarfa in three days. 666JJALVE FOR BABY'S COLD MARYLAND WOMAN HAPPY NOW- Loses 55 Lbs. Edith J. Marriott of Baltimore, Md. write.s: "Last winter I weighed 200 lbs. and was very much ashamed. I ' bought a bottle of Kruschen Salts which gave such wonderful results 1 bought more. After 4 bottles 1 weigh 145 lbs. and all my friends say, "How slender you've gotten—how did you do it?" I say only 4 words—thanks to Kruschen Salts." A generous bottle of Kruschen Salts that lasts 4 weeks costs but 85 cents at Clark's Drug Store or any drug-| ' store iir~ America—take one half tea - J spoon in the a glass of hot water every ' morning before breakfast—cut out pas-| try and fatty meats—go light on po-| tatoes, butter, cream and sugar—that j will help Kruschen take off your fat. lake Kruschen every morning—it's the little daily dose that does it—if not joyfully satisfied after the first pointed registrar, and N. R. Griffin and E. G. Godard are hereby appoint ed poll holders for said election. That a new registration is hereby ordered | and that the registration books will | be open for such purpose beginning' the 6th day of June, 1931. and will continue open until the Uth day of' | July, 1931. The registrar will be at his home during the above dates for' the purpose of registering all those Atlantic Hotel WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Special Sunday Dinner 75c Fruit Cocktail Sweet Pickles Sour Pickles Fried Chicken—Country Style String Beans New Potatoes in Cream - „ . V **• u H Rice Sugar Beets Lettuce and Tomato Salad Corn Bread . - "Wheat Bread Frozen Custard and Cakes Ice Tea Milk Coffee Served From 12:30 to 2 P. M., From 6 P. M. to 8 P. M. I Turnage Theatre Washington, N. C. ' PROGRAM WEEK BEGINNING JUNE 15TH Monday-Tuesday j une js-16 "HONOR AMONG LOVERS" Claudette Colbert and Fredric March Wednesday-Thursday June 17-18 'DEVIL TO PAY" with LORETTA YOUNG I Friday j une I 9 THE SECRET SIX" - with BEERY AND HARLAW Saturday * June 20 "SILVER LODE" EVELYN BRENT PAGE THREE it Done this the 2nd day of Jane, 1931, by order of the Martin County Board ; I of Commissioners. T. C. GRIFFIN, Chairman, Board of County Commissioner. Attest: J. SAM GETSINGER. j Register of Deeds of Martin Coun ty and e)e»oflficio clerk to the County | Board of Commissioners of' Martin County. j e 5 ?

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