The Success of Clean- Up Week Depends on Each Individual Citizen Advertiser* Will Fnd Oar Col uins ■ Latchkey to Over Sis teen Hundred Martin County Howes VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 31 PRISONER SETS FIRE TO BEDDING IN COUNTY'S JAIL ♦ Near-Panic Among Other Prisoners Results; Very Little Damage Done More than fifteen prisoners in the Martin County jail here were terrar stricken early last evening when Roy Straw-bridge, one of their number, set fire to his mattress, causing a stifling smoke to fill the second and third stories of the building. Fearing for their lives, several colored prisoners gave the alarm from their cell block on the third floor of the left wing of the jail, nearby residents, hearing their yells, turned in the alarm. After the alarm was sounded and before the jailer could reach the unit where Strawbridge was confined, the blaze had almost blocked one hallway, and the smoke was pouring from all .the third story windows. Fire proof and modern in every detail, the build ing was not damaged by the blaze, but the smoke darkened the walls and a small water damage resulted. When jail attendants reached the third story of the building, the prisoners we't outstretched on the floors, evading as the choking smoke that hovered over their heads. None of them was over come by smoke or hurt in the least, but the inmates in the colored wing of the jail were a mighty frightened group. , f . . . Strawbridge, arrested yesterday aft ernoon for threatening the life of Har vey Gardner, white man of near here. I went to jail very calmly. Officers, re-J inembering the damage he effected to the water system in one of the cell blocks more than a year ago, placed him in an inside room without com- , pany. About 7:31) the prisoner tore open Kis mattress and poked the pad ding. a combination of cheap ma terials, through his, cell door and into the hall where he fired it A victim of his own act, Strawbridge probably suf fered more from the choking smoke than did other prisoners in the hoosc gow. Following the excitement created by hi* first act. Strawbridge. about tore the radiator from the wall and broke it into many pieces, retiring wheit he ttmld do nothing more than scratch the walls with his fingernails. Officers found it impossible to reas on with the man, and he threatened the safety of several after his arreit. Mr. Gardner, his life threatened sev eral days before, is said to have mov ed his family from his home for fear that Strawbridge would burn the building while they slept. The prison er acknowledged the threat upon Gar dner's life soon alter his arrest. When the first scene was n*arlng Its close, Strawbridge told officers that he burned the ftViTtress to aid the] cotton growres, that the county should' buy cotton mattresses and replace the. cheap ones now in use in the jail. More than a year ago, Strawbridge i Was placed in the jail here and during his short stay there he tore down wa-' ter pipes and fixtures, costing the county several hundred dollars to re- the damage done to fixtures and that caused by water. He wanted to give the plumbers a job at that time, he told officers when they went into the jail to stop the unchecked water that was flooding the jail and the of-1 Ice* below. Several years ago. Strawbridge mov ed to South Carolina and is said to have got along very well, loiter, however, he was placed in the' State Hospital at Columbia for treatment. Strawbridge's case was discussed with the South Carolina Governor's office shortly after the noon hour to day, and its disposition will be de termined shortly, it is understood. THREE CARS IN MINOR CRASHES • No One Hurt and Property Damage Small Result of Accidents Monday # The Willys car, belonging to Mr. Waller Gurganus. crashed into the front of Harrison Brothers' store hers yesterday morning and broke the marble border. The bumper of th» car missed the plate tflass window by a few inches. Miss Elsie Gurganus, with several children, drove the car to the street curb in front of the Store and left the engine running while she went into the shop. She had been in the store a few seconds when one of the chil dren accidentally hit the gear lever, and the car bounded over the sidewalk and ipto the store fron). Later in the day, two Folds, on* drjven by Mt. W. H. Adkins, of Rob ersontrflle, and the other by Leman Johnson, crashed, but very little dam age resulted THE ENTERPRISE Farmers Are Urged to Throw Away Lower Leaves Tobacco In an effort to limit the tobacco production in the bright bait this year, movements have bean insti tuted to pull the bottom leaves from each stalk and throw them away. A wide practice of the method, it is believed, will pay the farmers well. The quality of the remain ing weeds will be bettered, and the production will be limited, the two combined being recognised as price boosters. It is also believed that much expense can be eliminated in handling the crop by pulling off and throwing away the few bot tom leaves. Officials Definitely Establish Identity of Scissors-Grinder Killed on Fill Last December LIVED IN SMALL PENNSYLVANIA TOWN FOR TIME Had No Near Relatives in This Country; Was Born In Germany , * The identity of Charles ScLong, run down and fatally injured on the Roan oke River fill near here the early part of last December, was made'certain last week following a long investiga tion carried on by" Sheriff Roebuck by means of much correspondence with newspapers land individual* in Pennsylvania. Finding three neckties bearing the trade mark, "Rudolph E. Hojie Cloth ing Company, Spring City, Pa., on ScLong's person, officers wrote to the concern in an effort to establish the man's identity. In this connection, the Rogersford (Pa.) Reporter had the the following to say: "A letter was sent to the store here requesting aid iu establishing the iden tity of the man. The Spring City store is unable io furnish any information, but Walter Williams, who is connect ed with the business, provided the data for publication as a possible means of learning of some person who might he acquainted with the dead man. "Mr. Williams recalls selling three ties to a stranger late last year, but has no idea who' the person was." Last week a letter was received from Rudolph E, Hope, of Souderlon, Pa., in which he had the following to say: ''l, personally, can give you .the in formation that you need, in regard to this Charlie ScLong. Last summer this man lived for some time in an abandoned barn in Souderton. My two boys got acquainted with him and pitied him, and through them 1 gave this man a blue suit, some shirts, and three, neckties. I can also tell you that this man has no near relation alive He told me that both his wife and two children were dead, also that he was born in Germany." ScLong's body was prepared for burial and held by Coroner Biggs for several days. Failing to get in con nection with any of the man's rela tives, authorities buried the body near the county home. W. W. Breazil was arrested in Con nection With ScLong's death, and was tried in a Bertie County court, but evidence was insufficient to convict him, and he was cleared of the man slaughter charge. Mr. Hope's letter brings to a close the last chapter in the case of the Ger- I man scissors grinder, who had pushed I a small cart into many States of th-= | Union in an effort to gain a liveli hood. Small Child Dies At Home Near Here Early Friday m James Gilbert Gardner, three years old, died at the home of hit parents, Willie W. Gardner and wife, Florence Moore Gardner, in Williams Town ship early last Friday morning. .The little fellow had been in feeble health' all his life. Pneumonia was the ulti-j mate cause of his death. ( Funeral services were held from the! home Friday afternoon by Rev. E. 1.1 Harris, of Washington. Burial was in the R. B. Gardner cemetery, near the home. John Robert Gardner, 18-month-old cousin, died at the home of his par ents only a few days before. - '« i ' Hoke County Farmer Buys Firat Combine J. D. Mason of Raeford, has pur chased the first combine to be used in Hoke county. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, June 16, 1931 In certain sections of the tobac co belt, the movement will be largely practiced, it ia understood, and it ia the honest opinion of those who handle tobacco that .Martin County farmers will do well to five the matter serious thought The seseon is progressing rap idly. and the crop as a whole is doing well in this county, accord ing to reports. The United States Tobacco Association meets in Asheville this week, and the open ing dates for the markets will be announced late Friday, it is un derstood. $6,000 NOTE TO BE SOLD BY TOWN * Made Necessary By Post-J .ponement of Property Tax Sale —• In anticipation of revenue from th« | collection of the remainder of 1930 I taxes, the Town of Willianiston plans | to sell a $6,000 note next Monday, it' was learned at the treasurer's oftke yesterday morning. The proposed sajoj of the note has been approved by th? State Local Government Commission, and it is believed the money will lie I available alter next Monday. J Commenting on the proposed sale | of the anticipation note, Treasurer N C. Green stated yesterday morning that it would not have been necessary for the town to borrow had the saU; of taxes been made June 1. Of the $-41,- 000 town levy., approximately $30,000 have been collected so far, leaving more than SIO,OOO for floating the note. Several large property owners are in cluded in the number who have not 1 paid their taxes and who are expected ' to make settlement before their hold-' itigs are adveYEised later in the year. | conditions, the ' town's finances are in unusually good ' shape," Treasurer Green staled. UNION SERVICES DURING SUMMER —*— I First Service To Be Held at - Presbyterian Church - 4 Next Sunday • Beginning next Sunday evneing and con tin rough the summer ' local churches, Baptist. 1 and Chris- 1 tian, will combine their evening pro- j grams and hold a weekly union serv ice, it was announced last Sunday eve jning in the several churches. Rev. C H. Dickey will preach at the first union service to be held under the recent ar rangement, it was announced yester day. The several religious bodies wi'l meet in the I'resbyterian church for the first service next Sunday evening 1 at B»'clock. Union services have been held here during the summer months for the past several years, giving the ministers an opportunity to visit the others churches and at the same time affording larger congregations during the months of warm weather. ♦ Judge Harris To Address Kiwanitfos Tomorrow ♦ A unique and interesting program has been arranged for the regular Ki wanis meeting here tomorrow, it was announced this morning. Judge W. C. Harris, presiding over the superior court here this week, will attend as honor guest of the body and he will | make a brief talk to the His subject has not been announced., A musical program by local talent will lie offered • during the course of the meeting, it was stated. A large gath-j ering of Kiwanians is urged. Small Child Dies in Bear Grass Sunday • '"V Pennie Elizabeth, the one-year-old child of Mr, and Mrs. Willie Bowen,l died at the home of her parents in Bear Grass Township early Sunday'morn ing of pneumonia. The funeral was conducted from thj home Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock by Elder Ben Cowin, of the Primitive i Baptist church. Interment was in the Bowen cemetery, near here, |i SUPPRESSION OF | CRIME THEME OF JUDGE'S CHARGE Says People Should Not Hide Crime From The Courts "Son long as individual citizens arc (respecters of special privileges and par ticular crimes, we need not expect the I courts to (unction proper tly," Judge IW. C. Harris, of Raleigh, stated in his jcharge to the Martin County grand (jury here yesterday morning. I The judge, devoting only a few min utes to his remarks addressed to the 'grand jury, did not deal with, any one (crime, but centered his talk on the | trend toward crime and the great need for community citizens to join in crime suppression, "People should not {hide crime from the courts," lie said in urging the individual to so order jcommunity life that every person might have a change, and that they might Jbe taught the effects of law-breaking I on themselves and upon the communi j ties in which they live. Judge Harris scored parents for not being more diligent in teaching their children the difference between right and wrong. The visiting jurist, com ing here for his second court, praised the influence of' the church and the school, stating without these two prom inent influences, our courts, by work ing day ami night, could not keep the criminal dockets clear. In bringing his talk to a close, Judge Harris stressed the importance of edu cation, stating that very lew criminals who have ever been in high school find their way into the courts, "and many of the criminals can neither read nor write," he added. MOTH BALLS ARE FATAL TO PESTS . —.. ♦ ■ ■ Watauga Gardener Finds Cheap Method of Killing Bugs and Worms I The following clipping from a recent ijftue of the Watauga Democrat, of I Boone, will doubtless prove interest +mg to Martin t onnty gardeners, deal ing, as it does, with the most common of all garden pests, insects: | "Watauga County gardeners bring the information that insect pests have appeared this season in ever-increas ing hordes, and the news of a dis tinctly new weapon with which to combat them will be gladly received. [Mrs. W. 1.. Stansberry, of Vilas, is 'authority for the recipe for l>ean .beetles, cucumber bugs, "tater" bugs, lor what have you, and the formula is exceedingly simple. Two moth balls 'are pu+vrrired atid plaeed in one gal ilon of water, allowed to rema u over night so that the solid matter may be come thoroughly dissolved, and the solution is sprinkled over the bean 'rows. In her garden, Mrs. Stansberry the liquid through a tin, can I with perforated bottom. A larger ves sel is carried filled with the deadly potion, and only a few minutes is re quired to cover the usual garden patch. The pestiferous Mexican bean beetle .has been annihilated by this mixture in different gardens, and Mrs. Stans berry ha« yet to find an insect on any kind of plant which can survive an application. The moth balls i. ay be | secured at your drug stores, are sold {in bulk, and the cost is so low as to be negligible. Nearly 400 People Lose Lives When Ship Sinks ♦ • More than 400 French people lout their lives last Sunday afternoon wheij their excursion boat sank off St. Na /aire, France. The steamer ran into a squall and was knocked over on -jts brain end*. The terror-stricken pas sengers, approximately S(H) of then), rushed to the opposite side and caused the craft to capsize in a very, short time. A few of the passengers, grab bing life belts just before the boat went undrt,'" were picked up by res- cue boats an hour later nearly exhaust 1 ed. There wrre many women anil children on the boat. ' Wheeler Manning Buys Interest in Shoe Shop I . ♦ I Wheeler Manning, the hustling young ton of Mr*. Bell Manning and the late Simon Manning, recently pur chased a one-half .interest in the Wil -1 lard Shoe Shop here. In making th? purchase the young boy assumes half management in the concern. J Young Manning has been with the firm for some time, taking an active in terest in the business that later made possible an opentng in the firm for him. He was graduated from the local high school last month. I VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT IS HIGHLY PRAISED 4 Article by Local Minister Read With Interest Here • 1 >• L ,! Volunteer fire departments in gener . | al, and the local one in particular, were r paid a uniquie tribute by Rev. -C. H. c Dickey in his column. "Small Town s | Musings," appearing weekly in th'-' I News and Observer. Using a fire de partment and the attention it attracts . as a yardstick in measuring the sine l> Jof a town, Rev. Mr. Dickey goes on | to point out the conditions surround i'|ing the small town and its volunteer I fire-fighters. J | In praising the work of the local II company, the minister said, in part: | "Our local fire department is a source jof boundless wonder to me, anyway. How. at any hour, day or night, they i can be rounded up so quickly I have 1 never been able to understand. I have heard our siren go off in the stilly hours of the late night—on a cold win ' |ter's night—anil before it ever stopped r I've heard the trucks start up. ' 1 • I We have a great group of men on I our engines. And it's a group of men . who are. not sufficiently appreciated: ( I fear. They love their sleep and their soft beds as much as we. Vet, let that . alarm go off and in no time at all, day lor niglit, winter of summer, they come pouring out of their several homes and before I'm through rub bing my eyes, wondering where the J j fire is, w hose house and so forth, they ( I are off and arrived at the place and working like Trojans to head it oil. | "For this service they get, if I'm not | mistaken, the magnificent sum of $2.50 each month. Well, it's just another i J group of men who are willing to do i .something without being paid for it. ' There are a lot of people like that, (it course, men "have to have their daily i bread; but men" don't live on bread alone; and always there are many who will put themselves out in your behalf without money anil without price. "Our Ititle town owes a lot to the .e hoys. They are our guardian angels. Nothing stops them. They're quicker . than lightning. They serve, practically | without pay. It gets so it isn't a bit funny being called out at all hours of the night, chasing all over town, throw 1 ing water and sometimes having it I freeze on you, carrying out heavy fur- I niture and exposing yourself. Hut our | boys do it and do it well, j "I like a fellow like that. One who is willing to serve you when he can. IHe asks no questions. He simply goes I when that alarm goes off 1 feel bet ! ter ami sleep .better because I'm watched over by a group of fellows like that. There's no better tire de pafiineut than ours." BLOOD HOUNDS CAUSE ARREST Young Negro Is Jailed for Breaking in Home of Columbia Man • C harged with entering the home of 'Mr. J. K. West in Columbia late last , | Saturday night, a seveuteen-.year-old | ' colored boy was trailed by blood hounds and arrested near there earlv Sunday morning. Mr. W. H. Allen, j of Enfield, owner of the bloodhounds j used in trailing the burglar, stated {that the boy admitted entering the | home after'his father, a respectable old jColored man of the community, had ' j told him to tell the truth, whatever it might bf. Prior to that time, the boy denied entering the home, i | Mr. Allen, reaching here Sunday morning on his return trip to Knfield, 1 | stated that Mr. West had fired at the boy but failed to hit him. Mr. Allen and his dogs were summoned a short time later, and after reaching the West home a chase of one and one-half miles was made, the arrest being ef fected shortly before 8 o'clock. I * Famous Dancing Team At Beach Opening This Week ♦ The famous dance team of Rosita and Ramiro will be seen at the' Casino, Atlantic Beach, Morehead' City, at the .formal opening dance Wednesday j night, June 17.-, These team will be t seen in their original Cuban Rumba .and Argentine Tango • Dances. Tli.-y | will also dance a fast Spanish Poso Dohle and the latest ballroom version Jof the bolero.. Rosita and Ramiro .have recently appeared at the Royal Casino, Havana, Cuba, the St. Regis jand St. Moritz Hotels, New York, and also in the Hollywood and Jana sens' Restaurants, New York, as well 'as having recently been featured with 'the Chateau SeviUa Cuban Rumba J orchestra. Superior Court Term Began Here Monday [ CLEAN-UP WEEK ) That the "Paint-up and Clean l up" movement advanced here this week by the Woman's club will meet with much success between ! now j)nd Saturday was made cer tain yesterday when many turned , their attention and labors to the | task of cleaning up their premises. Many vacant lots have been un- J touched so far, but before the week is spent that work will have been handled in many cases, it- is believed. The beautifying phase is being greatly stressed in the "Paint-up | and Clean-up" movement, but since the week is now only in its second day, that type of work cannot be detected just at this ' tima. The civic committee of the club is very anxious every i one who possibly can do so, beau tify the grass plots in and around th« individual homes. 1 » GARDEN NOTES FOR MONTH JUNE Home Agent Gives Some Timely Tips for Alert Gardeners * By Miss LORA E. SLEEPER (Home Demonstration Agent) r 1. Piatt now for a good crop of straw j berries next spring Har (iff the old I bed to a narrow row of plants and keep well cultivated on both sides of ! the row so that new runner plant- I may take rooot as they form. Plants formed during June, July, and Aug ust will produce twice as many b?r --j l ies as those formed during September land October. The new plants should I not lie spaced closer than 6 to 8 inches i apart in the bed. l'or the very larg est and finest berries root the earliest runners about 12 inches apart in a sin gle "or~dTOtJtF~ToW7~ 2. Now is the time to start sweet potatoes from vine cuttings. Vine cut tings are usually free front disease, nail therefore offer a means of pro ducing disease-free potatoes Higher yields of No. 1 potatoes will be pfo duced if the plants are set as close a -12 inches apart in the row On so'ls of average fertility, use 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre of aii 8-4-4 fertilizer. J. Set tomato plants for the late sum nier crop. Plants set at this t.m shofild have their roots placed deep in order to Teach the moist layers~oT | soil; If the plants are tall and spin idling, lay them horizontally in the bot tom of a deep furrow and Cover all lint 2 or 3 inches of the top. Sow seed now for the fall crop. 4. Keep up the supply of sweet corn Iby making successive plantings, every three or four weeks. Early maturing varieties may be planted as late as 10 weeks before the usual date of the first killing frost with fair assurance of a ,crop. Main crop varieties should l>e | given not less than three inonths in which to mature. As soon as the plant are well established, Jiurry them along by side dressing with a fertilizer high in nitrogen. 5. Plant bush" beans every three weeks in order to have a constant sup ply of fresh, tender snaps. Start the fight in the bean beetle early by spray ing or dusting with magnesium arse-i nate as soon as adult beetles are found j |on the plants. For spraying, use mag nesium arsenate at the rate of 1 pound to 50 gallons of water, or 2 level table spoons to 1 gallon. For dusting use 1| pound of magnesium arsenate to pounds of hydrated lime. spray or dust material should he applied to the under side of the leaves. 6. Spray canteloupe, cucumbers, and watermelon* with Bordeaux mixture for, the control, ' eal blights. The best insurance is to keep the vines covered with the spray material, al though two or three applications will give reasonable control in an average season. t ♦ — Can Get Civil Service Blanks In Washington —*—r Under a new arrangement, blanks for civil service commission examina tion for applicants desiring to enter training in the government hospital. St. Elizabeth's, Washington, D, C., are available, through the civil service commission, Washington, only, it was learned here this morning. For fur ther information those desiring to en ter the service are directed to cor respond with Mr. F. E. Wynn, local ••cretary, at the post office here. Wstch the Label On Your Paper As It Carries the Date When Your Subscription Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 TEN TRUE BILLS RETURNED BY JURY FIRST DAY Most of Indictments Are For Stealing in One Form or Another ——a Opening IK 1 re yesterday, the Martin County Superior t'ourt. Judge \V. C. j Harris, of Raleigh, presiding. called | ten cases during the day, the docket jas a whole attracting very little atteli- I tion. N esterday. the g and jury returned .ten true hills, and at mion today, wit!) j the exception ol a few minor details ! then to he handled, it had completed I its work. I'rue hills returned into open I court by the grand jury yesterday hi - I elude the following John Henry Ed* I wards, colored, housebreaking and lar jceuy; John I'age, Hubert Pane, and j I.eatery I'erry, "housebreaking and lai | ceny; James Kidltfv, housebreaking ami larceny; lliilton Flyman, house breaking; Marshal). Andrews, Julian Koberson, and lames Staton Godard, larceny and receiving; Daniel W'ynu, | house -tiUrnitiK: I'bomas Rynes, carnal knowledge; William Everett, assault i with a deadly weapon; and John Had ley, larceny and receiving This, morn ing the grand jurors had around 18 I more cases to consider, in addition to j inspecting certain county properties The first u«' called in the Court was I the one charging N S. (iodard with seduction. Papers were issued lo.r, the | defendant, and the case was returned. In the case charging Mote MiHs and' ! I'uriiev I olev wit4i - as-aqlt with i j deadly weapon, t oley lailed to answi'r j and papers were issued, judgment >! I the court being nisi scifa. Charged with an affray and earry -1 lug a concealed weapon, lames Co!- I lins and t larence I'urriugtou pleaded not guilty at first, but once the State's evidence was in, they pleaded guilty of an affray. The court sentenced them to six inonths on the roads. I'rayer for. judgment was continue I I in the case charging I*. 1.. Maker with ' reckless driving and assault upon tji" defendant paying the costs of the ca*o and the cost of repairs to damaged w agon. - John Henry Edwards, colored, plead 'ed guilty to housebreaking and lar ceny. and was sentenced to the State prison lor not less than one year and for not more than four years, I his I was the heaviest sentence imposed hv j the court during the first day* of the two weeks' term. At conclusion ST the evidence in the case charging (ieorge Taylor with 'an assault with a deadly weapon, the court ordered that a verdict of guilt,' -lie entered. I'rayer for judgment was continued upon the payment of the i court costs by the defendant. The case charging C. M. Barber with an assault with a deadly weapon was continued. Holton Hytnan was found guilty of housebreaking, but sentence had not been passed up until noon today. The case charging Golden Godard with cruelty to animals was ordered redocketed, and capias issued for the defendant. This action followed when it was learned that the case had 'nol prossed at the March, (931, term. Starting late yesterday afternoon on the case charging W. I>. Wynn with househunting, the court completed the evidence this morning. Argument re i|uired much time and the jury wis out for a long while before returning a verdict of guilty. Judge Harris had not passed sentence at itootl today, the accused man's family displaying a marked grief in the halls of the court house in awaiting the judge's action. One other case only was before the court this morning and that one charg- * ed J, I). Ridley with entering a store in Parmele a few months ago. Ridley is said, to have told a good story, hut the evidence was not considered very favorable for his release. The jury took the case about yne o'clock when the Court adjourned for lunch. Court attendants are of the opinion that the criminal proceedings will con- J tinue through tomorrow and well into- Thursday with the possibility that the work will run practically all the week. \\ Inlt there are no capital cases on the docket, the criminal proceedings are attracting |>acked audiences daily. Control of 801 l Weevill Is Discussed In Bulletin How to control the cotton boll weevil by dusting with calciam ar- « senate i» disucced in Extension Cir cular 186, by C. H. Uranium, ex tension entomologist at State Col lege. Copies arc, free for the asking.