PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE rulllii' i T Kvory Tuesday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WTLLIAICSTOW, WORTH CAROLINA. TTT- W. C Manning Mtoc SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One yw - - Six months * 7a OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY On* ymx Six months ~ 1 -®° No Subscription Received lor Less Than 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williarnston, N. C.. as second-class matter under the act of Congresl of March 3, 187 V. Address ail communications to The Enterprise and not to the individual member* of the firm. Tuesday, July 14,1931 Where Will the 15 Cents Go? The president of the Reynolds Tobacco Company said in a recent speech that his company raised the price of cigarettes 45 tents per 1,000, hoping to b wisf business, and 1 indicated the method was to increase the use of cigarettes so they could buy more tobacco and thereby help business. Now 45 cents per thousand means 15 cents on each pound of tobacco used in the manufacture of the 1,000 cigarette, which requires 3 pounds to make. None of this 15 cents goes to the government, none goes to the laborer and, so far, non£ has gone to the farmer. To date, every penny has gone to the manufacturer. From the viewpoint of the thousands of tobacco farmers throughout the country a 5 cents per pound increase on the farmer's tobacco would go a long, long way toward helping business. Taknig the figures of the Reynolds president, a 15- cent increase in thV price of North Carolina's 650,- 000,000 pounds of tobacco would mean $97,500,000. but, he says, only 40 per cent of this tobacco goes into cigarettes, which means only about 300,000,000 jwunds at 15 cents, runs up to $45,000,000 added to the North Carolina produced tobacco used by the (igarette manufacturers. If the manufacturer will pass 5 cents of the 15 on to the farmer, it will mean an additional $15,000,000, just about enough to run the 6-month schools of the Condensed Statement Of Condition Branch Banking and Trust Co. "THE SAFE EXECUTOR*^ JUNE 30, 1931 ■ * . • . L- * "* - f ASSETS LIABILITIES Loans and Discount. $2,848*041.09 Capital Stock $ 400,000.Of) Banking Hou»e., Furniture and Fixture. 110,366.95 uHdWded profit." Other Stocks and Bonds . " 112,600.00 Reserve for Interest and Dividends 13,500.00 U S and N C Bond* 1 479 234 IK Reserve for Purchase of Elm City Branch 50,110.93 u. a. and w. c. tsonds l ,479,ZJ4.;HJ DEPOSITS 5,278,555.79 Marketable Municipal Bonds 126,000.00 Cash and Due from Banks 1,360,256.66 > $6,036,499.08 » Total Cash and Marketable Bonds >52,965,491.04 $6,036,499.08 ' Total Deposits 5,278,555.79 === ' i = ■—=■=== 50 Per Cent Of Deposits Is In Cash And Bonds "• • k : . . ' ' * . " • .. ..v ,v 1 i " . ■~=-=-—ag=g~g*g=!=sg •* '* ' , 0 . • - • „ . *,/. ' 4 ' • ' ' - # 44 ' *. j _ • \ .♦ • ; 4 _ , . Sound Banking And Trust Service Fori Eastern. Carolina State, and then the companies would have the nice sum of 130,000,000 to add to their dividend!. The farmer hopes the manufacturer will not grab the whole $45,000,000 and pass nothing over to him. Work and Obedience It may be that the changes in our school system will not give us perfection for a while. There is no doubt about the fact that we are going to get as much education for less money than we have been getting in the past. Some reform would have come through the changing attitude of things, as people were begin ning to realize the enormous waste of time and money in the schools. Perhaps the deliberate determination of many pupils not to study crippled the schools more than any other one thing. Then the turning over of the government of so many schools to the rougher pupils caused much harm. The tendency has swung back toward economy and obedience, which saves money on one hand and in sures greater efficiency on the other. If the people all over the state will count fully the blessings of schools and will submit their children to safe and sound school government, push them at home, and demand of the schools to work them hard, we will get just about twice as much as we have in the past. Now is the l>est time we have had in many years to completely reorganize the schools and make the children of the state toe the line of work and obed ience. , i What Does It All Mes^n? The fact that the president of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company came to the home of Angus D. Mc- Lean, was fed slept, and presented to the Washington Chamber of Commerce by him is rather hard to in terpret. It will be remembered that Mr. McLean led the fight for tax reform in our late notable legislature, and that the Reynolds Tobacco Company was charged with leading the on the other side. Naturally, this would not indicate that the visit was purely for the sake of "auld lang sine." The indica tion is that it might be for the purpose of scraping up new acquaintances, and possibly modifying the tax fight by capturing the leader. Some folks think it was purely an "Ehringhaus-for- Governor" visit, while others hope it was for the pur pose of boosting the price of tobacco. The public, however, has not been able to see farther than a guess. Another item of significance was the fact that this same distinguished visitor stopped over in Tarboro, where he visited Senator W. G. Clark, another of the pronounced leaders for the luxury tax. So far, the general public does not know what he was fishing for, because he did not show his bait. HE*ENTERPRISE WANIS FOR RENT OR SALfc: 5-ROOM house located on West Main Street, with all modern conveniences. See R. H. Harris, Williamston, N. C. jy3 3? POR BOTTOMING ANITREPAIR ing chairs of all kinds, see or call me at County Home. Roy Wynn. I POR RENT: TWO OFFICES, for merly occupied by I)r. F. S. Whit akrr, in Old Farmers and Merchants Bank Building; also hanking room and offices on lower floor of same build ing. Apply to Branch Banking & Trust Co., Williamston, N. C. jylO 4t NOTICE OF SALE • Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed to the undersigned trus tee on the 3rd day of April, 1931, by Joe Williams and wife, Isabelle Wil liams, of record in the register of deeds office in book Y-2, page 60S, said deed of trust l>eing secured by note of even date therewith, and the stipulation* not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said bond, the undersigned trustee will, on the 27th day of July, 1931, at 12 o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door of Mar tin County, offer for sale to the high est bidder, for cash, the following de scribed land: Being Lot No. 16 in Block "B" Syca more Park, located in the Town of i Williamston, N. C., and being the same | land conveyed to F. K. Hodges by; the Williamston Land and Improve- j ment Company. Said deed being of i record in the register of deeds office I of Martin County, to which reference! may be had for a full and complete description. This 26th day of June, 1931. B. A. CRITCHER, jje3o 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF RESALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed I of trust executed to the undersigned f trustee, and of record in the Martin I County public registry in book Y-2, j page 390, and an order of court, and the stipulations not having been com plied with, and at the request of the holder of said bond, the undersigned trustee will, on the 13th day July, 1931, at 12., o'clock noon, in front of the Courthouse door of Martin County, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land: Beginning at an oak 911 the south side of Wild Cat Swamp; thence run ning down said swamp 143 poles to the poplar, Jesse Cherry's corner; thence S. 94 poles to Jesse Cherry's • STATEMENT MINNEAPOLIS PIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Minneapolis, Minn. Condition December 31, 1930, At Shown by Statement Piled Amount of capital paid in cash, $1,000,000.00. Amount ledger assets Dec. 31 previous year, $1,233,778.56; increase paid up capital, $600,000; total, $1,833,778.56. Income—miscellaneous, $41,366.79; total, $41,366.79. Disbursements—miscellaneous, $175,666.16; total. $175,666.16. , Fire risks—written or renewed during year, $106,471,768. All other risks—written or renewed during year, $89,656,076. Assets Mortgage loans on real estate * - „ . $ 15,000.00 Value of bonds and stocks 737,279.72 Cash in company's office 14,072.91 Deposited iu trust companies and banks on interest 721,767.28 corner, a pine; thence N. 87 E. 96 poles to a small branch, Cherry and Whit ley's corryjr; thence down said branch to the banning. , Containing 73 1-3 acres, more or leas. Excepting SO acres deeded to R. A. , Loyd. Adjoining the lands of Fran ces Ewell, Stephen Moore and wk'e, , Sarah Moore, et al, bounded as fol lows: Beginning at the corner, sweet gum, in Wild Cat Swamp; running S. 9 W. 7 chains to a pine stump near - a poplar; thence N. 3E 12 1-4 chains ' | to the Albemarle and Raleigh railroad .to a lightwood stake; thence up said I railroad 83 1-4 W. 4 chains and 601 I links to a lightwood stake, a corner, Iby the said Outterbridge and Stephen! Moore and wife, Sarah Moore; thence; |N. 9 W. 22 1-2 chains along a line of 'marked trees to the said Wild Cat j Swamp to a sweet gum, corner, in j Wild Cat Swamp; thence up said I swamp S. 70 E to the first station, j Containing 12 1-4 acres, more or less. This the 27th day of June, 1931. WHEELER MARTIN, je3o 4tw Trustee. NOTICE SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Martin County—ln the Superior Court before the Clerk. The Dennis Simmons Lumber Com pany, a Corporation, vs. James A. Roberson, A. L. Manning, C. C. Coltrain, Mr. and Mrs. George Rob erson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dupree, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Vandy Waters, A. F.' Manning, Pugh Ward, Romulas Lee, H. W. Manning, Mrs. Joe Mayo, M. W. West, et als. The defendants, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Roberson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dupree, Mr. and Mrs. Vandy Waters, j A. F. Manning, Pugh Ward, Romulas; j Lee, H. W. Manning, Mrs. Joe Mayo, I Matilda Hardy and MW. West will, ■ take notice that an action entitled as 1 I above has been commenced in the I Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to bring the lands of, 'the petitioner within the provisions of Chapter 47 of the Consolidated Statu- J tes of North Carolina, known as the 'l'orrens Act; and said defendants will, further take notice that they are re-' quired to ap|>ear before the undersign ed Clerk of the Superior Court of | Martin County at the Courthouse of j j said County, in Williamston, North | Carolina, within thirty (30) days after' j date hereof and answer or demur to, I the Petition in said action, or the I plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Petition. This the 3rd day of July, 1931. R. J. PEEL, Clerk Superior jy-7-4t Court "of Martin County. 666 ~ LIQUID OR TABLETS Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the firat day, and checks Malaria in three dajra. I 666 SALVE FOR BABE'S COLD i Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to Oc tober 1, 19J0 ' 199,216.47 Bills receivable, taken for fire risks 4,337.61 Interest and rents due and accrued 11,034.14 All other assets, as detailed in statement v ■, 7,80520 . Total $1,710,513.33 Less assets not admitted : c.,.,' 498.72 Total admitted Assets $1,710,014.61 Liabilities Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued / 1,693.70 Reinsurance and return premiums due other companies 303,388.00 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement 20,000.00 Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. Total amount of all liabiliteis except capital $ 325,081.70 Capital actually paid up in cash _ j $1,000,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities ; 384,932.91 Surplus as regards policyholders ..—-"%p 1,384,932,91 Total liabilities _ J i $1,710,014.61 Business in North Carolina Daring 1930 None. President and treasurer, Walter C. Leach. Secretary, A. C. Holmgren. Home office: 700 Foshay Tower, Minneapolis, Minn. Attorney for service: Dan C. Boney, insurance commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. Manager for North Carolina: Home office. State oT North Carolina, Insurance Department, Raleigh, Feb. 17, 1931. I, Dan C. Boney, insurance commissioner, do hereby certify that the abors is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Minneapolis Fire and Marine Insurance Company, of Minneapolis, Minn., filed with this department, showing the condition of said company, on the 31st day of December, 1930. STATEMENT MILLOWNERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Des Monies, lowa Condition December 31, 1930, As Shown by Statement Filed Amount ledger assets Dec. 31st previous year. $2,821,782.13; total $2,821,782.13 Income—frorii policyholders, $1,936,166.82; misc., $52,758,10; total, $2,088,924.92 Disbursements—to policyholders, $795,100.21; miscellaneous, $1,374,113.79; total. $2,169,214.00. Fire risks—written or renewed during year, $318,812211; in force, $231,- 477,572.00. All other risks—written or renewed during year, $97,570,960; in force, $103,388,111.00. Assets Value of real estate ——— _ - -'... $ 518,588.92 Mortgage loans on real estate 555,619.15 Value of bonds and stocks 1,379,070.14 Cash in company's office __ .... 199.94 Deposited in trus.t companies and hanks on interest 91,401.68 Agents' balances, representing business written subsequent to Oc tober 1, 1930 185.943 90 Agents' balances, representing business written prior to Oct. 1, 1930 2,433.82 Interest and rents due and accrued _ 94,58'M0 All other assets, as detailed in* statement . 8,315.17 Total $2,836,162.12 Less assets not admitted - 104,563.96 Total admitted assets $2,731,598.16 _ Liabilities Net amount of unpaid losses and claims $ 134,294.32 Unearned premiums 1,257,843.7> Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued 7,274.4 a Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, County and munici pal taxes due or accrued 45,203.44 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued 18.327.38 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement ... — -,u.. 36,166.37 Total amount of all liabilities except capital $1,499,10^.71 Surplus over all liabilities r $1,232,488.45 Surplus as regards policyholders .... . 1,232,488.45 » Total liabilities ...... * $2,731 598.16 Business in North Carolina During 1930 Fire risks written, $3,597,143; premiums received, $24,416.11. All other risks written, $155,345; premiums received, $266.39. Losses incurred—fire, $6,799.14; paid, $5,799.14. Losses incurred —all other, $25.01; paid, $25101. President, J. T. Sliarpe; Secretary, H. B. Carson; Treasurer, Andrew J. Hughes. Home office: 507 l>th St., Des Moines. lowa. Attorney for serv ice:- Dan C. Uoney, in»urance commissioner, Raleigh, "N. C. Manager for North Carolina: Home office. State of North Carolina, Insurance Department, Raleigh, Feb. 25, 1931. I, Dan C. Boney, insurance commissioner, do hereby certify that the abovo is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Mill Owffifr Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Des Moines, lowa, filed with this department, show ing the condition of said company, on the 31st day of December, 1930. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. DAN C. BONEY. Insurance Commissioner.

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