PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE PabltalMd Every Tuesday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. Manning Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Caih in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year ''-SO Six months . •" OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One rear —!. 52.00 Six month. - 1-00 jfio Subacription Received for Leaa Than 6 Montha Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Willianiston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Address ail communications to The Enterprise and not to tilt- individual members of the firm. Tuesday, August 18, 1931 Economy Now Essential Hon. William A. Graham. Commission of Agri culture, in a recent issue of the Fttrnl Forecaster, has the following to -say regarding the present agriultural situation in North Carolina: The discouraging price outlook in the field of ag riculture emphasizes, first of all, the real necessity for true economy -not the "|x>nny wise and pound foolish" .kind, buMjjat form of economy whereby all tesources are judiciously utilized. We should, there fore; distinguish between real and false economy. No man is""practicing economy who, for the sake of a lew paltry dollars, denies his children nourishing food. On the other hand, if he converts his talents into the production of food for himself and his family, he is exercising a form of economy that is lasting, and that, in the long run. will yield splendid returns. The present, situation calls for it calls for diversification of crops. This is a principle that 1 have often pontcd out, together with the state ment, oft-repeated, that we should, first of all, pro vide ourselves with the necesities. of life and'use the cash crops as a surplus, after fundamental needs have been supplied This is the only sound course. Agriculture. |*rhaps, could not have esca|»ed the depression, which has either engulfed or had a pro Mounted influence upon practically all lines of human endeavor. Certainly the blame can not be laid on the farmer's doorstep, yet the average farmer would have been in a far Itelter position to meet the situation if he had looked ahead and made provision for the quick utilization of his resources against the day of adver sity. , ——- When Egypt faded seven -years of famine, after seven years of plenty, foretold by the dreamer Jo seph, the storehouses were filled with grain and hun- IN MEMOKIAM In sad but loving memory of my darling child, Kuth Muriel Modlin, who was killed August lKtli. I9J(>, age 9 years, 4 days. Five years ago you left us, When («od called you home lo rest. Tune has helped to teach lis That J>us doe* .ill thingr beat: You left bhind some broken hearts That loved you so sincere, That never did, or never will, Forget you, kuth, dear. LOVING MOTHER. ' | NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified this day as admin istratrix of the estate of Ashley 1). Wynn, late of Everetts, iu the county j of Martin, N. C., all persons holding claims against said estate arc hereby j notified to prosent same to the under signed for payment on or before the 17th day of July, 1932, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of the recovery' of the same. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement of the same. This 17th day of July, 1931. j> 21 6tw MIN NIE L. WYN N, Administratrix of A. D. Wynn. NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County—ln the Superior Court. P. L. Salsbury vs. Baugh A Sons, Co. and C. B. Roebuck, Sheriff of Martin County. The defendant, Uaugh & Sons, Co., will take notice that an action entitl ed as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County I by the plaintiff, I*. L. Salsbury, to res train the sale of certain lauds and personal property situate in the Coun ty of Martin, Sate of North Carolina. 1 and said defendant will further take notice that it is required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County at Williamston, N. C. on or before the 24th day of Aug ust, 1931, and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relief demanded in the complaint will be granted. This the 24th day of July, 1931. R. J. PEEL, Clerk jy-3Mt ' Superior Court of Martin County. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of an order of the superior coyrt nf tfr™miy . made in the special proceedings entitled F. L. Gladstone, administrator of the estate of Lula Anthony, deceased, vs. Gladstone Anthony, et a Is, the under signed commissioner will, on the 28th day of Aafust, 1931, at 12 o'clock m., at the courthouse door in Williamston, N. C~ offer for sale to the highest bid der, tor cash, the following described { real estate: , . - —— lit Tract: A one-fifth (1-5) undivid ed interest in a tract of land contain-* iag Utt acre* of land adjoining the gr was forestalled. Moreover, the fact that Egypt had prepared itself against want had a far-reaching in fluence on the history of the world, through the Jew ish people, in that it brought Joseph, his brethren, and his father together. It would have been much better for us if we had adopted a policy of full di versification before the present depression struck us. But that does not alter the fact that those of us who have not adopted such a policy do so at once. An Answer To a Puzzling Question The oft-re[>eated question, "Where has all the mon- , ey gone?" has at last been satisfactorily answered. And the answer is, "It has been stolen." Bank cashiers and many state, county, and town officers seem not to b$ able, in these latter days, to handle money without stealing it. Nobody seems tfr be able to explain why the taste or greed for money has grown on us so strongly during the past decade. The latest surprise came with the announcement of the stealing of $30,000 by an, old trusted tax col lector of the city of Raleigh. He says it all came about because he tried" to help his friends. That may be true, because it is friends that often drag us down. But more often we fail because of wild women, spark ling wine, and fancy gambling. After looking over the long list of crimes through out the country, we are convinced it was a wise rab bit that said, "Trust no mistakes." i Our Tobacco Money Only two weeks until the opening of the tobacco markets. Why are people so interested in this event? Not for the long, tiresome grind of the auctioneer's song, nor for the milling crowds we see, but because we hope to get money. Heretofore, we have been interested in the open ing mainly because we wanted money to spend. Now there seems to be a different desire for money, and we apparently want it, to use. Doubtless some want it Ho pay taxes past due, some want it to pay inter est on debts we should never have made; some want it to pay a bunch of honest debts that we have made with neighbors and friends. Some want it to make investments; some want to lay a little aside for the rainy of old age, and [xrhags some want money for other purposes. But whatever may be our de sires. it is safe to say that our tobacco dollar this year will be worth nearer 100 cents than any we have had for, 15 years. With the prospect of moderately low prices, there is every reason to l»elieve that people are going to use their money this year Judiciously—pay debts, ease their consciences, give them freedom, help others, and go on in a happier and better way. The purposes lor which we use our money will de termine whether tobacco is worth anything to us .«!• ' . . - this year or not. We generally make debts in good times and have them to pay in hard times. That has been our past history, but we have generally come out. and can now, if we will s|>end what we have in the proper way. We at least should so spend our money that we will preserve our honor and merit the respect of »> our neighbors. lands of W. A. Uracil, W. A. Peel, the Roanoke River, \V. A. Stokes, (lara Everett, R. W. and P. L. Salsbury, and tHore commonly known as .the An thony land. Second trac'V: A one-fourth 11-4) un divided interest in that land in Martin County commonly kivown as Lewis land, which is described as follows: A tract of land containing 29 acres, more' or less, adjoining the lands of old land and the I). A. Lewis home, j and being a part of the same land con veyed to Mrs. Annie M. Lewis by deed - t+ntft - Fnrnt'is h). Winstnn," commis sioner, which is recorded in public reg-' istry of Martin County A-l,' at page 94. j (2) A tract uf Jand containing 1,250 .ii res. more or less and known as D. 1 j \V, Lewis home place and more par ticularly described in the will of Sain-] : uel . Williams. (3) A tract of land containing 300! acres, more or less, and known as Long I Ridge tract,' and being a fiart of the land purchased by Mrs. Annie M. Lewis from Francis 1). Winston, com missioner, by deed which is recorded | in public registry of Martin County, in book A-l, at page 94 This the 27th day of July, 1931. ' WHEELER MARTIN. jy2B 4tw Commissioner. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator, cunt testamento annexo of Lucy Cherry, deceased, notice is hereby given to all creditors of Lucy J. j Cherry., dccea>-ed, to present their claim to the undersigned on or before the 24th day lii July, 1932, or this no -1 tice will be plead in bar of any re covery. All persons indebted to said estate are -fiotified to mak;> settlement with the. undersigned administrator. This the 24th day of July, 1931. J. B. CHERRY, Administrator, cum testamento annexo of jy-24-6t Lucy J. Cherry. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE North Carolina, Martin County; in the Superior Court. | Sara Gray Mills, et als, vs. Surry ■ Jones By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Martin County, in the above entitled action, 1 will, on Monday, the 2lsl day of September, 1931, at 12 o'-„ clock noun, at the courthouse door 'of Martin County,, at Williamston, N. .C., sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title, and interest which the said Sar/i (Tray Mills ha* in and to the following described real estate, to wit: . -! —hotT Koir. and 3, it allotted tT Sara Gray Mills, snd bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a point in the Is land Road, whert Augustus Lanier's ii"e crosses the said road and a.t or 'liear Kcttie Ljneb's corner; thence running N. 43 45 W. 60.6 poles to a pine stump, A. Lanier's corner; thence S. 51 W. 38.R0 poles to,a fence post icm a ridge; thence £>. 44 45 W. 28.5 poles along Av Lanier's line to Mrs. Theodore Roberson's corner in the run '■ai a swamp; thence up the run of said swamp and along Mrs. Thcoduie Rob- miBLWMBD ivnv • erson's line about 182.8 no'es to Geo. i,W. Williams' and K. J. Hardison's ,I line; thence up a ditch, Williams' and {llardison's line about 54 ,>oles; thence N. 65 E. 11.52 poles; thence N. 61 15 .IF. 44 poles along a fence, Williams' ,'and Hardison's line, to Bettie Lynch's i 1 corner in the run of a branch; thence 1 down the run of said4»ratich and along Hettie Lynch's line to the aforesaid i Island Road; thence S. 39 15 W. 74 1 poles to the beginning, and contain ' nig 147. acres, more or less. Judgment upon which execution was issued- herein and this sale thereun -1 der is for the amount of Owelty of | Partition and in favor of Surry Jones | and against Sara Gray Mills. This the IBth day of August, 1931. C. B. ROEBUCK, alB 4tw Sheriff, Martin County. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXE CUTION North Carolina, Martin County; in the Superior Court. The Peoples Bank vs. C. E. Simpson By virtue of an execution directed 1 to the undersigned from the superior court of Martin County in the above j entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 21st day of September, 1931, at 12 i o'clock noon, at the courthouse door l of Martin County at Williamston, N. | C., sell to the highest bidder for cash. , to satisfy said execution, all the rights, r title, and interest, which the said C. ■ Simpson, the defendant above nain , ed. has in the following described real ■ estate, to wit: >' Situate in Jamesville Township, Mar . tin County, N. C, and bounded on the north by the land of Martin Brothers; , on the east by the main public road; on the south by the lands of Nathan jl.illey; and on the west by the lands of L. H. Lilley; containing thirty-five i acres, more or less, commonly known ias the E. N. Simpson tract of land. This the 18th day of August, 1931. | C. B. ROEBUCK, I a! 8 4tw Sheriff, Martin County., NOTICE OP SALE |- By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by W. V. Orniond, of Martin County, N. C., dated September 15th, 1919, and of public record in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for said Martin County in book A-2, at page „|197, and at the request of the holder ( of the note .of indebtedness thereby se cured, default having been made in , the payment thereof, I will, on the , .14th day of September, 1931, a( 12 o'- i clock noon, at the courthouse door in Martin County, offer for sale at public auction the property described in said > [deed of trust,' as follows, to wit: Beginning at Wheeler Rice's corner, and running dQwn a lane about 51 feet i to Tom Nichol's corner; thence a line perpendicular to the lane about 105 'leet; thence a line parallel with the lane about 68 feet; thence a line per pendicular with the lane about 105 feet to the beginning, same being a houae i 'and lot located in the toW« of Wil liamston, N. r L— i This the 12th day of August, 1931. B. DUKE CRITCHER, alB 4tw \ —r- Trustee. 1i ' ■ THE ENTERPRISE THE LETTER-BOX DRINKING JUDGES To the editor: Somewhere and some how, within the realms of human jus tice to all of the people, it seems to me we should have the highest type of our very best men for judges to hold our courts, as they have the pow er and the right to pass on the inno cence or guilt of any one brought be fore them. This should be a double reason why they should uphold the law and not be lawbreakers them selves. I believe when a judge is known to get drunk or whisky it found in his car, or to keep whisky in his office, even to give away to his friends is absolutely wrong and should bar him from holding the high office of passing on the innocence or guilt of other men for breaking the law. Some times our officers run down a poor white man or a negro for breaking the law, and I do not say this is wrong on the part of the officers to do their duty. But I do say in many cases men in the high places break the law and get by with it lightly. It must be very embarrassing for a judge to punish any one for breaking the whis ky law, when be at the same time has it in his office to give away to his friends, when no one knows better than our judges that at least three fourths of the law breakers and crimes which come before our courts are caused by strong drink. Judges who want to do the right thing should keep the law themselves, or resign as un fit to pass on other lawbreakers. J. D. RAY. WANTS FOR RENT:, MODERN STORE— good location; up-to-date apartments lighted garages, offices with running water. Apply 301 West Main Street, Telephone 28. al4 8t PEARS FOR SALE: 75c BUSHEL. Sec or call Mrs. E. P. Whitley, Telephone 191-W. Williamston, N. C. FOR SALE: SOW AND PIGS. Can he seen any time at my home. K. Sherrod Corey, Route 4, William ston, N. C. al4 2t WANTED: SEVERAL THOUS and pounds of .tobacco to grade. Efficient and reliable grading assured. See E. P. Whitley, Williamston. 808 EDWARDS, THE FARMER'S friend, will be with the Planters Warehouse this season. R. L. Ed wards. WANTED TO BUY: 500 BUSHELS nice corn, delivered at Mobley Mi/I. J. G. Godard. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Martin County—ln the Superior Court. Stephen Nichola v«. Surry Jonet The defendant, Surry Jones, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin Coun ty, North Carolia, to foreclose a tax certificate for 192 V taxes 011 the Grif fin land owned by the defendant; and said defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County within thirty (30) days from the date hereof at the Court house in Williamston, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said Complaint. The defendant above named and all other parties interested in the subject matter will take notice that an action entitled a« above has commenced in the Superior Court of Martin Coun ty for the purpose of foreclosing a cer tain tax certificate of sale covering the fourteen (14) acre Griffin tract of land in Williams Township owned by Surry Jones, and it is further order ed that all persons claiming an inter est in the subject matter are required to appear and defend their respective claims within six months after this notice; otherwise, they will be for ever barred and foreclosed of any and all claim in and to said property, or Restless, could not sleep "THERE were day* when I felt like I oould not get my work dona. I would get ao narrow and 'trembly* Z would hare to lie I down. I was very rest- I less, and oould not I fleep at night. Mr mother adrlaed ma to take Cardui, and Z certainly am •lad the did. It la ■ the first thing that ■ seemed to give me ■ any strength. I felt ■ batter after the first ■ bottle. I kept it up ■ end am now feal- • tng_flne.'*—»tm n MP^Health ITT 3JSGGY* L T* P ~'** ; T WILLIAMSTON HOWTW CAWOCINA the proceeds received from the sale tlMreof. This the Bth day of August. 1931. R J. PEEL. Clerk, a-11-4 Superior Court Martin County. NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX E LECTION IN MARTIN COUN TY, NORTH CAROLINA In compliance with a petition by the Board of Education of Martin County and in accordance with provision of Article 20, Section 242, New School Code of 1929. I Notice is hereby given that an elec tion will be held at the various voting 'precincts of the county on the 14th I day of September. 1931, for the pur- Ipose of ascertaining the will of the | qualified voters of the county as to .whether a majority of such voters favor the levying and collecting an nually of a special tax with which to supplement the funds for a county wide two months extended school term appropriated by the Board of Education of Martin County and the I State of North Carolina. The rate of |said special tax not to exceed a maxi mum of 20 cents on the SIOO valuation of property, real and personal. At said election those who are in favor of the levy and collection an nually of a special tax of not more .than 20 cents on the SIOO property valuation, with which to supplement |the funds for a county-wide two 'months extended school term, shall vote a ticket on which shall be writ ten or printed the words "For Local Tax" and those who oppose the levy! and collection annually of a special tax of not more than 20 cents on the SIOO property valuation with which to supplement the funds for a county wide two months extended school term, shall vote a ticket on which shall be written or printed the words, "Against Local Tax." 1 hat the registrars and poll holders for said election be, and are hereby appointed as follows: Jamesville Precinct—A. Corey, Reg istrar, Charlie Davenport, and R. L. Stallings, pollholders." Williams Precinct—L. D. Hardison, Registrar, J. N. Hopkins and C. L. Daniel, pollholders. Griffins Precinct—Geo. C. Griffin, Registrar, W. T. Roberson and J. C. Gurkin, poll holders. Bear Grass Precinct—Dennis Bailey Registrar; W. A. Brown and. A. B. Ayers, poll holders. Williamston Precinct—Luther Peel, Registrar; Roy T. Griffin and Z. .H. Rose, poll holders. Cross Roads Precinct —J. S. Ayers, Registrar; J. B. Barnhill and W. L. Ausborn, poll holders. Rokersonvillc Precinct—J. B. Rawls Registrar; H. C. Norman and J. P. House, poll Poplar Point Precinct—W. S. White, Registrar; W. B. Leggctt »nd Herman Harrison, poll holders. Hamilton Precinct—J. fll. Purvi»; Registrar; S. D. Matthews and J. S. Ayers, poll holders. Goose Nest Precinct—J. W. Hines, Registrar; J. T. Savage and T. C. Allsbrooks, poll holder*. Gold Point Precinct— J. L. Croom, Registrar; H. L. Keel and J. Henry Roberson, poll holders. liassell Precinct —C. L. Nelson, Registrar; E. R. Edmondson, jr., and H. T, Downs, poll holders. We do _ cverythirTg {tut hold the Babj^ WHEN y6n drive in Laiert . - here, aspect lote of attan- GOODYEAR Jrr HV " tion to your car, If you're PATHFINDER time for It. Fraa attention LtJatim , aumrunt-4 I and you ara welcome to It, whether or not jrou 4.M-31 epend a dime. So coma in regularly for mmm | sll.l correct tire inflation, retno- per pair val of glass, tack., etonae oth9f Sitot » from tire treads, checking PJJKjJf Eauallv Low of whaal alignment, bat- &£?!!£*:!!■!£ WmXitW GOODYEAR'S anything we do. We 11 eare f H piun IT 8 you a lot of time, trouble * A „ and money. Try ue and aaa I QUALITY tire within the A NEW LOW PRICE fOR GUARANTEED *■* iw GOODYEAR TIRES umi $4.98 $9.60 the new end improved ** GOODYEAR BPIBDWAY **«•*«> 6.85 11.90 ws-ti (iMit) ..... gJS7 16.70 MUttfaa.cL ...... %M llmiy Duty Track Tirej s: j PrUm : Sim Mm Itei $17.95 tut $29.75 xTM) % SSJS Me-ie (Ux«je) ....... 15.35 TUBES ALSO LOW PRICED ' , ■ ' ' " . V ■ .'jj Central Filling Station WILLIAMSTON, N. C. That a new registration is hereby ordered and that the registration book* will be open for such purpose beginning the 6th'day of August, 1931 and will continue open until the sth day of September, 1931. The regis trars will be at their homes or at the usual places of registration during the above dates for the purpose of regis tering all of the qualified voters in said precincts. It is further ordered that if said election is carried that no additional special school tax shall be levied in any special taxing district in the county, but if said election is not car ried then the present system of local taxation is not to be affected. Done this the 3rd d *r of August, I A very rich man once said, IB "Unless I teach my son to save, I feel that I have been a failure as a father." Every J\ U child, rich or poor, should \ I learn to save. Start now 5 with that boy or " girl of H 5 yours. Open a small savings H ss H| account for them here—let g| them make their own de- M posits. This training and. B fi experience will be of untold fl §§ value to them all their lives.^^fl^p H SOUND BANKING AND TRUST SERVICE I FOR EASTERN CAROLINA 1 Branch Banking I & Trust Company WILLIAMSTON, N. C. MBfWJ.aiS.'*?*'- • V m Tuesday, August IS, 1931 1931 by order of the Martin County Board of Commissioners. T. C. GRIFFIN, Chairman, Board of County Coritmisatonera. Attest: J. SAM GETSINGER, Register of Deeds and Ex-ofßcio Clerk to the Board of County 666 LIQUID OR TABLETS Relieves a Headache or Nanalgia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day. and checks Malaria in three days. 660 SALVE POR BABY'S COLD

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