Advertisers Will Fnd Our Col mm a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martin County Homes VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 55 Commissioners Hold Session Again Today COUNTY POOR TAKES TIME OF BOARD MONDAY - Considering Supplemental Budgets and Tax Rate For the Current Year In session all day yesterday, the Martin County commissioners listened to several valuation complaints, but a greater part of the period was given over to a report made by Mr. Lucian J. Hardison in connection with the county's poor, or rather just those sharing in the indigent fund. Very few new cases were considered yes terday, but in continued session today the authorities had approximately 20 applications to investigate and pass upon. Mr. Hardison, visiting 90 of the 92 county poor, reviewed each case be fore the board yesterday, the commis sioners effecting a saving or reduc tion of $62 in the amount appropriat ed for the indigent fund. A flat re duction of $44 was made in the small monthly allowances, the hoard finding that some of those sharing in the fund were in an actually better condition than many who do not share in the fund at all. Two or three allowances were increased and five cases were en tirely eliminated, saving the county sl4 monthly. One of the 92 sharing in the fund had died, the investigator reported. The savings effected by reduction, and tho elimination process will hard ly more than offset the cost in added names, it is believed. In short, the indigent list was altered in an effort to care for more cases, and at the same time limit the expense to the county. Heretofore, the county has been appropriating $309 monthly to care for its unfortunates. This a mount, however, is separate and dis tinct from the appropriation allotted to the county home. Today the commissioners arc con sidering supplemental budgets, land valuations, and the tax rate, the com bined business being of such volume tn assure another long and weary ses sion for the authorities. COTTON CO-OPS GET PAYMENT "Cotton Picking Fund" Is Being Mailed Out To Members Raleigh, Sept. 7.—Distribution of a "cotton picking fund" of $50,000 from the 1930 crop has been started by the North Carolina Cotton Growers Co operative Association, and checks a mounting to approximately S2S,XX) are already in the mails to optional pool member*. U. Benton Blalock, general manager, ha* announced. Mr. Blalock said that the final set tlement checks to those optional pool members whose cotton was ordered sold prior to August 1 were being mailed out "in an effort to close up as much as possible settlement on 1930 cotton placed in the optional pool." The seasonal pool cotton of the 1930 crop has not yet been sold, Checks amounting to $15,000 or more, covering gin cut and two-sided bales, will be released by the associa tion this week, and this disbursement will be followed by mailing out in terest on reserve checks totaling seven or eight thousand dollars. It'has been a custom, of. the associa tion for a number of years to rework all of its gin cut and two-sided bales, reclass the cotton, and then allow the member additional valuation as indicat ed by the reclassification. More than 1,400 bales were reworked during the past season. "A little ready cash is always ap preciated by the cotton prodhicers, Mr. Blalock remarked, "but a $50,p00 fund distributed just at this time will be very much appreciated by our mem bers." _________ First Bale in Bertie Is Ginned Friday Windsor, Sept. B.—The first bale of the 1931 cotton crop in Bertie Coun ty was ginned by J. B. Gillam here Friday and was bought by J. B. Gil lam and Sons for 5 1-2 cents per pound. The cotton was grown by Archie Ca»- telloe and weighed 505 pounds, baled,. No Session of Recorder's Court Held Here Today In the absence of Judge Biiley, the today's peaakm of the county record er's court was called off. eschtmrfdwe fer's court was called off, Clerk Peel ■tating that there were very few cases on the docket for trial. The regular Session will be held next Tuesday. THE ENTERPRISE [ TO COME HERE j Experiencing much difficulty In handling the roads in this county, especially in this section, authori ties are attempting to create an additional unit to assist in the work, Assistant Engineer W. A. Cherry stated yesterday. Four units, JamesviUe, Griffins, Bear Grass, and Williamston, have a total of 400 miles of roads in them. Under the proposed plan each unit would have only 80 miles. The change is now being considered, and it is the opinion of many peo ple living on the county roads that the unit will be necessary in maintaining the roads in those particular sections. Mr. J. E. Hinet, in charge of the Griffins unit since the State took over the maintenance of the roads, was transferred to Washington County this week, and Mr. S. E. Corey is now in charge of the work there, it was learned today. MAXWELL THIRD TO ENTER LISTS FOR GOVERNOR Anqpunces Candidacy Late Saturday; Also Expect Brummitt to Run ♦- —- With three candidates already bid ding for the chair and a fourth one expected to announce within a short time, it now looks as if there will, be an interesting race for the Democratic nomination for governor in the pri mary next June. Messrs. |{. T. Foun tain, of Rocky Mount; J. C. B. Eli ringhaus, of. Elizabeth City, announced their candidacies several weeks ago, and Hon. A. J. Maxwell, commission er of revenue, made! a foruial state client Saturday declaring his'hat was in the ring for the governor's seat. Dennis G. Brummit, attorney general, is also expected to enter the race. In making his Announcement, Mr. Maxwell had very little t" say, promis ing at that time that he would make known his platform later. In addition to these entrys, otber candidacies have been rumored, but there .is some doubt whether Josephus Daniels and "Willis Smith, s|M-aker of ithe House of Representatives, will en ter their names in the contest. I At least a four-sided race for the I governorship is assured by the Max well announcement. Taxation, it would appear, will be definitely forced to the front by his candidacy. Fountaitf favored the levying of the luxury sales tax during the fight oil that issue in the 1931 (ienera! Assem bly. Maxwell, as commissioner of revenue, was strongly opposed to it. The tax lost by one vote in the Sen ate. Fountain had announced lie would vote fur it were there a tic. Khringhaus, in his campaign an nouncement, came out against the sale, tax. llrummitt has not definitely com mitted himself on the jn a civic club address in Raleigh last week he stressed the need of finding "new sources of revenue to meet the State's increasing deficit." Maxwell has been in public life for two decades. From 1910 to 1917 he was clerk of the State Corporation Commission. He served as a member of the Corporation Commission fmm 1917 untif 1929, when he was appoint ed revenue commissioner by Gover nor Gardner. County Principals Hold Meeting Here Today Meeting here today, the several Martin County school principals dis discussed their schedulea of study, and various other matters in connection with the operation of the schools this coming term. Skewarkey Lodge Members To Meet Here Tonight at 8 There will be a regular communi cation of Skewarkee Lodge, No. 90, A. F. and A. M., at the lodge hall to night at 8 o'clock, it was announced today. In addition to the regular bus iness degree work will be conferred for the Robersonville lodge." All mem bers are urged to attend and visiting MaAns are cordially invited. • Number Women in State Prison Now Totals 100 Raleigh, Sept. 7.—The number -of women in the State's prison was for the first time in the hiatory. of the State institution above the 100-mark as has been announced by the prison officials. Of the 100 women 50 K white and 66 are negreaaea.' 1 , V Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, September 8,1931 TWO PEOPLE ARE HURT IN WRECK NEAR PLYMOUTH Children Thrown Out of Car When Crash With Train Is Inevitable Mrs. Walter Gardner, of near here, suffered a broken ankle and Mrs. John Gardner, of Jamesville, was hurt a bout the side last Sunday morning in an A. C. L. train-automobile crash near Plymouth. The extent of Mrs. John Gardner's injuries could not be determined. The injured were treated by Plymouth doctors. - It was reported that Mr. Walter Gardner, owner and driver of the Chevrolet coach, saw the train, but was unable to stop the car. The en gineer, apparently aware of the dan ger, applied the emergency brakes and limited the speed of the train to about 10 miles an hour when the engine crashed into the car. Mr. Gardner (urned his car to the side in an effort to miss the train and failed by a few inches. The car was kn6cked into a ditch and not badly damaged. In telling about the accident, Mr. John Gardner stated yesterday that when the grown people saw it was impossible to avoid the crash, they started throwing out the children a long the road. Four were thrown out, Mr. Gardner jumping out with a fifth one. None of the little folks was hurt, Mr. Gardner stating that one would hit the ground, bounce right up on hi* feet and stood while the older people cleared themselves of the wreck. OAK CITY SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY Teachers Will Hold Their First Meeting of Term Saturday Afternoon Oak City, Sept. B.—The Oak City public schools will open Monday moaning, September 14, at 8:30 o'- clock. - . The enrollment for the coming year is expected to far surpass any prev ious record. With the consolidation of a part of Hamilton schbol, more interest on the part of high school students, especially the older boys, and an increase in the number of be ginners', the school expects to have a larger and better student body than formerly. Few changes have been made in the teaching personnel, and wherever a change has been effected an efficient and well-trained teacher has been em ployed. The principal is entering his ninth year in the school ,and is requesting a continued cooperation as has been rendered the school in the past. The school has friends and they are show ing their faith and loyalty in an un mistakable way. Quite a number have pledged their support and presence on the opening day. All conditioned pupils expecting to remove the condition by examination will report to the principal at his home Saturday morning at nine o'- clock. This is important that arrange ments inay be made for the examina tion. There will be a local teachers' meet ing at the school building Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Teachers will please bring pencil and paper as the contract method of recitation will be discussed. The teaching load will be much heavier, yet better results are expected. ONE IS HURT IN WRECK MONDAY » Big Nash Car Belonging To John W. Hines Is Badly Wrecked in Hamilton M. E. D. Pearson, of Oak City, suf fered injury to his back, and Messrs. | J. C. Ross, W. E. Early and John W. Mines;,-also of Oak City, escaped un hurt When their car was wrecked at Hamilton yesterday morning. Mr. Mines, driving his Nash sedan and accompanied by the Messrs. Pear son, Ross, and Early, was driving in to the town,when a colored man drove a pair of mules, hitched to a wagon, out of a side street in front of the auto mobile. In an effort to avoid a crash with the wagon, Mr. Hines drove his car on the sidewalk and struck a tree, badly damaging the car. The front of tlfe machine buried itself at the bottom of the tree, the rear end ris ing and striking the tree at a higher j level. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Downing Move Here To Make Home Mr. and Mrs. Jack Downing, of Ro anoke Rapida, moved here thia week and are at home in the Tar Heel Apartments. Mr. Downing is connect ed with the Virginia Electric and Power Company. A . j REGISTRATION NOW OVER 2,000 TOWN BOARD IN REGULAR MEET MONDAY NIGHT Board Considers Appoint ing Meat and Milk Inspector Other than approving a large num ber of bills, the town commissioners in session here last night, passed no official acts, but they did discuss sev eral local matters. The importance of meat and milk inspection for the town was stressed in a short talk by Mr. D. M. Rober son, and while no official order was passed authoriiing the appointment of an inspector, the question will be con sidered again There will be no salary to the job, the inspector receiv ing remuneration for his services only : by levying a fee. A veterinarian is iontempluting locating here, and it is believed he could handle the inspec tion work. The inspection of meat and milk is said to be very important, and the service here is being seriously considered. Requests fjroni local merchants were made in an effort to have lights put in the back lots, and an investiga tion was ordered. Town trash was a real problem, and how to secure the cooperation of the residents in handling the matter was another problem discussed. It was pointed out that a few residents would dump their trash into the streets just after the truck* made their rounds, leaving the matter there for a day or two. It was the 'expressed hope of the hoard that residents pile trash in the back yards, give the street depart ment a ring and a steady and reliable service would be arranged. An ordi nance, prohibiting the dumping of trash into the gutters is being con sidered if the practice continues, for it not only looks bad, hut when rains fall the trash is washed into the catch basins, stopping drain sewers and 'causing small floods on the streets. PLAN CONVICT CAMP HERE Will Probably Be Built at Site of Old County Home, According to Reports I While definite plans have not been announced at this time, it was learned here last week that the State Highway Commission would construct a convict camp on the county farm near here some time within the-next few months. Present plans of the commission pro vide for the immediate erection of five camp buildings in various sections of ! the State, and following the comple tion of that number, work will be 'started on the one to be built here, it is understood. , It could not he learned today just what size the will be or any of the particulars in connection with its operation. SAYS ROOSEVELT NEXT PRESIDENT Connecticut Urged to Coop j erate With New York in War on Gangsters I Kent, Conn., Sept. 7.—Franklin D. .Roosevelt, Democratic governor of New York, visited Connecticut Satur day and was greeted as "the next President of the United States." The New York executive addressed a gathering of several thousand Dem ocrats of his neighboring State to urge I upon Connecticut, in an address, co- I operation with New York in combat ing the challenge of gangdom. The reference of Roosevelt's possi ble candidacy came with his intro duction by Williarn B. Dyer, chair man of the Democratic outing. "I want to introduce to you a man whose head and heart are never ques tioned, a man tested beyond the lim its of endurance and who has with stood the test," Dyer said, "I present to you the next President of the Unit ed States, Franklin D. Roosevelt." Roosevelt predicted success for the party which advocated the doctrine of justness in utility rates and the hew ing down of the mounting cost of lo cal government. Speaking of the crime situation, the New York governor declared: "In these days many of our state problems are common problems. Just during the past week we over in New York have ben in conference about the matter of gang wars, the shootings and killings that have occurred not on ly in the cities but in other places. The situation today is more than (tate wid«." Tobacco Prices Are Stronger On Local Market Yesterday Tobacco prices, alter resting on the bottom during the first few opening days last week, showed a little strength yesterday when the local market sold 87,120 pounds of the leaf for 16,923.03, or an average of nearly 8 cents. Much common tobacco held the price down, the better grades with slightly stronger prices however failing to offset the low average. The tone of the market was much stronger, the farmers accepting, with a very few exceptions, the prices paid for the better grades without complaint. No change was noted in the prices for the common grades, the price resting at the bottom. Finally Raise Barge Sunk Here July 22 THREE HUNDRED TONS FERTILIZER STILL IN VESSEL Hundreds of Sight-Seers Attracted by Salvage Operations Sunk in the Roanoke River here the 22nd of last July with 7.11 ton* of costly fertilizer material aboard, the barge "Lynn" was floated fast Sunday morning by the Norfolk Lighterage Company. Approximately 300 tons of fertilizer were lilted with the boat, the remainder of (lie cargo having been pumped into the river. In docking near the plant of the Standard Fertilizer Company on the 22nd of July, the barge struck a sub merged piling and settled to the bot tom of the stream during the night. Taking the contract to refloat the boat, the Norfolk lighterage Company started the salvage work August 2, and since that time attempt after at tempt to raise the barge failed. Hun dreds of people were attracted to the scene during the time operations were under way, and even though they were disappointed time and agaifi, a good number of curiosity seekers wafc on the river bank when the boat was raised. I>iver Everett was the cen ter of attraction, making many trips under the water and into the hold of the boat. A short while after the pumps were started early Sunday morning, the front of the boat began a 'steady rise, and the hole was exposed to view. Sawing the log, about 8 inches in diameter, off even with tlie surface, the woirltmcn repaired the damage just before the boat was righted, l.ate Sunday afternoon the salvage oper ations were completed, a«d tHc boat with its remaining cargo of slimy fer tilizer, is being held pending an in spection to be made by -insurance men. Captain I'ierce, the master of the boat, antl his mate are now busily oc cupied shoveling mud and pumping water from the boat. Other than for the captain and his mate, the story of the barge is just about finished. The salvage ship, "John llagerty," together with Diver Everett, the pumps and other equipment left for Norfolk in company with a tug Sunday after noon. Robbers Enter Store of O. S. Anderson and Co Robbers' entered the store of O. S. Anderson and Company here last Sat urday or Sunday night and stole sev eral dollars in cash, but, as far as the owners coud tell, no goods were re moved. The robber or robbers gained an entrance through a rear window. No arrests have been made. A close watch in the back lots of the town is almost impossible since Jhe lights were removed, making it difficult for night officers to observe the activities of bipglars in those places. - ■» Ford Caravan and Picture Here for Two-days Stay The Ford caravan, a number of car» and trucks sent out by the Norfolk | branch of the Ford Motor Company, arrived here this morning and arranged I for the showing of a special picture of the big Ford manufacturing plants. The picture will be shown here to morrow and In Robersonville Thurs day, it was stated. Reports on the sales made today were not very encouraging. The local market had approximately 125,000 pounds on the floors to day. Increased sales are expected throughout the next few days on the market here, but no breaks are anticipated. It is not likely that the sales will reach any great size until a little later on, or un til prices show more strength than they are at the present time. Some farmers in this section are using the grades of inferior qual ity for fertilizer on their farms, and they are finding the practice a profitable one, it was stated by those making a study of the prac tice. ALTER DISTRICTS According to information receiv ed here from the State Equaliza tion Board, the Macedonia district children will be schooled here, and the Cross Roads children will be transported to Everetts as was originally planned. The State authorities reviewed the consolidation program in this county late last Friday at the re quest of petitions! signed by those children were affected by the change. Local school officials were instructed to employ an additional teacher to care for the increased number of children. WOMEN TO CAN FOR OAK CITY SCHOOL PUPILS Will Preserve Foods At An All-day Canning Meet There Wednesday That the less fortunate and under nourished children attending the Oak City schools might he helped, good hearted women of the town and com munity are meeting in the school build ing there tomorrow for an all-day canning work. A quantity of food has already been canned for the chil- dren and a successful day is planned for tomorrow, Wednesday. Professor 11. M. Ainsley stated in connection with the canning work: "Quite a quantity of corn, snap beans, tomatoes anil apples have al ready been promised ami this will be collected early Wednesday morning. The object is to furnish a hot lunch every day during the coining term. Scveralh igh school boys have offer ed their assistance in collecting the raw foods and Mrs. W. I). Smith, a former teacher in the school, is con sidering acting as the business man ager of the project. Mrs. W. I). ,Ily man has had training and experience in this work, and she is cooperating with Mrs.-Smith in putting the work on a sound "Parents, conic Wednesday, spend the day for a good cause.' Fnjoy the work and association and.bring your lunch and have a picnic dinner. You will feel better by having come and helped the needy." Hog Stealing Case Sent To Bertie Superior Court Haled into the Bertie General County Court yesterday on a hog stealing charge, Charles* Kaynor, Al bert and John Flannagan, Martin men, were ordered- to return for trial to morrow week in the superior court of that""«ounty. Andrew Flannagan,, an other party in the case, continues in the Bertie jail. The other three men were directed to return to Windsor today to renew thejr bonds. Three Stores Will Have Holiday Next Saturday In observance of Rosli Hashana, Jewish new year's day, the firms of Margulis Brothers and the Norfolk Underselling Qo. here will be clos ed next Saturday. The stores will open at six that evening as the observance of the day starts at 6 p. m. Friday and ends at the same time Saturday, ac cording to custom. Witch the UtMl Os Your Paper As It. Carries the Data When Your Subscription Expiree ESTABLISHED 1898 OPPOSITION TO A COUNTY WIDE PLAN STRONGER Election Next Monday To Be Second Biggest Ever Held in This County Reports received yesterday from the various voting precincts indicate that the election, called for next Monday to determine whether Martin county will provide ' equal educational ad vantages fbr all its children or retain the varied rates' now levied in the sev eral special tax districts, will be much larger than was first expected. That the election will be hotly contested is certain, one would natehr from the re ports received from all sections of the county. len of the twelve precincts in the County reported a combined registra tion of 2,17(i citizens at the close of the books last Saturday night, leaving one large district and ( one small one unheard from today in time for a tab ulation of the total number registered. It is believed that the total registra tion will total around 2430. Full reg- istrations were reported in* a majority of the ten precincts heard from, YVil liainston leading the list with 427 reg istered. Kobersonville was second with 3(>B and (iriftins followed close ly with 315 registered. Poplar Point, j one of the snialjest precincts in the j county, reported 82 registered in that ! district. Large registrations Have j been repotted in the other districts, | especially in Williams township, but I complete figures were not available for . publication today. It now looks as if j the election next Monday will fall only | a few hundred votes behind the 1930 I primary when 3,080 votes were cast j to establish a record up to the pres ! ent time. I lie concerted drive, catried on more or less under cover and directed against the ounty-wide extended teftn is having a marked effect in several sections, according to reports receiv ed here yesterday. It has been re liably reported that several of the ex tended term opponents have circulated tire story that the election, if carried, will add 20 cents to the special rates already levied. This is, of course, un founded and untrue. The election, if carried, will wipe «ft the present special tax levies for schools and sub stitute therefor a county-wide and uni- form rate, creating an actual saving to approximately 90 per cent of the property owners in the county. If the election fails to carry, then the pres ent rates will continue unchanged. In other words, Hear lirass, fur instance, will continue to levy 35 cents if the election fails. On the other hand, if the election favors the extended term, then the Hear ( owners ■will pay 20 cents or as much as is necessary up to that ajiumut. There will he only one rate-TTnd will he 20 rents or under, provided, of course, if the election is successful. A person who is registered and favors the extended term should re member that if lie fails to visit the poles next Monday, his vote will count against the proposed measure. Any one. desiring to vote against the meas ure, will find it unnecessary to visit the poles, for when he fails to vote it counts against the pleasure just as much so if he visited the poles and placed his ballot in the ballot box. The election is going to be a close" contest, it is believed, and if it fails, there'll have to he some arrangements made to care for recent consolidations and especially where transportation is to be considered. COUNTY MEN ON FEDERAL JURY * —♦— Nine Called To Serve At Convening in Washing ton Next Month Nine Martin citizens were recently selected to serve as jurors at the next terni of Federal court convening in Washington next month, it was learn ed here this week. Sixty names, se lected from Washington, Pitt, Tyrrell, Beaufort, Hyde and Martin Counties, arc included in the list. The names of those citiiens sched uled to serve as jurors in the Federal court next month are: J. L. Ilassell, Williamston; W. E. Early, Oak City; S. W. Casper, Oak City; -Harry"'AY Biggs, > Williamston; C. B. Fagan, Dardens; J. W. Eubanks, Ilassell; M. L. House, Robcrsontftle; H. H. Cowan, Williamston; and E. P. C unningham, Williamston. • Mr. and Mrs. R. C.v Crawford re turned to their home in Clarksburg, W. Va., after spending • few day* - here with Mr. Crawford's mother, Mri Fannie Crawford.

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