PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Mlhliiil Irtry Til—day and Friday by The ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WIIXIAMBTON, WORTH CAROLINA. W. C Mi— Edltoi SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Btrictly Cub in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY On* year Six months •" OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year S2J)O Six months »-00 No Subscription Received for Lew Than 6 Month* Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. S Address all communications to The Enterprise and not to the individual members of the firm. Tuesday. September 8, 1931 Labor Day Labor Day, the national holiday and about the only * out-spoken consideration shown the working man in the big centers, was Riven very little consideration in this section this year. Uncle Sam alone closed his shop here this week and offered no postage stamps for sale. All other folks-who had jobs, kept plodding along, and those without jobs continued their search for work, although it is said of some who claim to lw hunting employment would not work if they had the opportunity. If all the loafers in Williamston would honestly work on al days except holidays, then those who ac tually do the work and feed the drones or dead-beats, could stop and take a day off to go fishing or hunting occasionally. Tobacco Market Reports One of our leading State papers says in a big head line, "Tobacco prices show, variation." We are won dering if it should not have also stated, "Tobacto re ports show variation." The modern idea seems to be to "keep up," and there is no doybt but that some reporters fix their figures to compare favorably with those prepared by the fellow over thf river or across the road. "Padded' reports on tobacco market activities are far more beneficial to the tobacco comjianies than they are to any warehouse or market. They deceive the people and make it appear that the companies are (laying more for tobacco than they really are. It isn't fair to the farmer either to "bait" him with an un founded rejxirt and lead him to the trouble of haul ing his tobacco half way across fhe State to find out he has been lied to. One of the greatest needs of the day and especially as it applies to market re|x>rts, is more truth and honesty. Deception might result in a temporary gain for any market that would wilfully misrepresent its reports, but the farmer, selling his crops, will find out the true facts and realize he has been deceived. It can't be said that markets misrepresented the averages in their reports, but to the farmer who all but give his tobacco away the prices re|x»rted on stime Kastern Carolina markets last week appear un founded. The public should be correctly informed as to the ridiculously low prices received for tobacco. And the farmer should know the truth that he might plant his crops accordingly. But some have "baited" him along all these years, making him think that he has made big money on his tobacco, when, in reality, he has lost about aJI his earthly goods and has a mortgage on everything except his wife and children, and even their welfare is threatened. Many Plans Offered To Save Cotton Never before have so many good platy been of fered to help the cotton farmer as have been offered during the past few days. Kvery American citizen who has ever seen a stalk of cotton or worn a cotton shirt has a 100 per cent perfect plan, in his own esti mation. But so far not one of them has had one bit of influence on the price. The farmer has got to have it deeply ground down into his mind and conscience that food is more im portant than money. Just so long as the burning de sire is for money, the farmer is going to take a chance, hoping the price of bis money crops will go up. While so much is being said about cotton, it is noticeable that most of the talk is coming from the grower and the politician. The manufacturer is ap parently satisfied, or, at least, he is silent. All the splendid plans that we have, will prove worthless unless we build on them, and the best way is for the farmer to save his fertilizer bill and send his children to school. When he does these two things, conditions will improve. Increased Speed and Less Joy Well, Jimmie Doolittle made it SCTOM the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific in eleven hours and f|fy»n Our forefathers, the men who built our country, were unable to make the Journey in ICM than four months; yet they had just as much joy and peace m m an having. After all, the generation that travels on low speed b jwtM happy at the one that goes in a hurry. i- i/- 1 &.• . !a : ' •• •' J. We'll See About This School Business One of two things will happen as a result of the as sumption of its duty by the State in maintaining and operating the school system. Either we will watch and see the development of a system of enlarged schools, all offering equal advantages and opportun ities and with broader and more complete training; or a reaction will* develop in its embryo stage that will set the schools back and destroy that which has been done to standardize and improve the school system— a program that has gradually been developed since the present school system was started in North Car olina. . If the State is committed to maintenance and opera tion and intends to provide revenues sufficient to maintain (hem at a high standard—certainly at no falling away from the old county standard —the for mer is likely to occur. With that sort of program, the State will no doubt witness a further development of its school system. We may safely look for schools that will afford the child of each and every commun ity in North Carolina an equal opportunity. On the other hand, if parsimony is to be exercised in providing revenue with which to operate the new system, we may look for a sort of turning back; may be it will include in its wake a still greater kick a gainst what some or prone to call over-consolidation and breaking up of the communities. Certainly, the lack of State finances this year will quickly help to break down the present program and make the wheels turn back if it is to be continued. If it is merely an emergency, make-shift, designed for one year or un til another legislature convenes, it may not do suf ficient damage to upset the program and retard prog ress of education^— Hertford C imnty Herald. Government Expense Much has been said and is now being said about local government ex|>ense; that is, expense of towns, and counties. Probably there is nothing that can be said in de ft nse of local governments, as a whole, but it is cer tain TTiat criticism does not come with very much grace from the high-ups, who, in many instances, know less about economy and practice more extravagance than the little fellow at whom the criticisms are directed. If we take a cl(»se up look at the things we spend our lax money for, we will find that we have received far more from our local units than we have from our state and national units. First of all, and the biggest thing there is, is our schools, about four-fifths of which have been financed by county and local units. Our courts and all our principal protective institutions are locally financed. The county homes public charities, by far the most of the health work are cared for by local units. And then (here are the city and town improvements that are fi nanced by local units. As for the State, it has the insane asylums, the (leaf and dumb and blind schools, colleges and uni versities, the penitentiary which loses big money, arid small portion of the public schools. The State also has the highways which are financed by a hated sale tax, according to certain political combinations, a luted sin. Surely, the local governments have made mistakes, but keep your eye on the State's deficits since it has attempted to take over and handle all the roads and most of the schools and see how many mis takes are made. If those in-tharge keep the roads passable and main tain the standard of the schools, then they will have a load too, and doubtless they will change their tune when they offer their criticisms by the next sitting of the general assembly. "As Much To Blame As He" A young girl came home in anger one day and told her |>arents that a young man on the street had spok en to her in a disres|>ectful wajr. Her mother was as much angered as the girl when she heard the story, and both thought that the father should take the mat ter up. But the father said,- "Daughter, you are not an im moral girl; but let me tell you a few things that may help you to look differently at this matter. You are young and attractive, and your dress is such that it displays all your charms of face and figure. Your arms are bare almost to the shoulder, your waist is cut so low that a good portion of your shoulders and chest are exposed to view; your skirt is scant and nar row, and the slit in the front with your bright, short petticoat and your gauze stockings, displays your limbs almost to the knees; your dress is so cut. that every line of your figure is seen in bold relief. You went out in the street with your companions and saw this man and knew that he was a stranger; but you laughed and tossed your head as you passed him. and perhaps made some light remark that he overheard. "He is a stranger here, and did not know that yqu were a moral girl, for he would not think so by your appearance. I'm sorry that this has occurred, but, daughter, you are as much to blame as he."—By Mrs. R. C. Garner in The True American. u A Needed Improvement The town of Everetts has recently built a sidewalk from the town out to the school building. This im provement will greatly "reduce the danger to which the school children have been subjectd to in tfie past yars, when almost the entire school population had to use the highway as a walk to school. With 'the utterly careless and reckless doing so much driving, we should see that school children have opportunities to travel without having to walk on the concrete highways or the near-by shoulders of the road. A pessimist is anybody who knows what's goiag on.—Dunbar's Weekly (Phoenix, Aria.) THE ENTERPRIBI Hotmi, even when ridden, mast car ry bead and tail lights when on Con necticut- highway* at night. NOTICE OF SALE Of UAL PROPERTY Under and by virtue of thr- power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by C. B. Roberson and wife, Willie Roberson on the 26tb day of April, 1929, and of record in the pub lic registry for Martin Connty in Book Y-2 at page 613, said deed of trust haring been given for the pur pose of securing certain notes of even date therewith and default having been made in the payment of the said note and the stipulations contained in the said deed of trust not having been complied with and at the re quest of the holder of the said note, the undersigned trustee will on Tues day, the 22nd day of September, 1931, at 12 o'clock M., in front of the court house door in the town of Williams ton, N. C., expose to public sale for cash the following described property to-wh : A certain tract of land lying and being in Martin County, Bear Grass Township, and more particularly de scribed as follows: Bounded on the East by the land of W. M. Harrison, and on the West by the lands of J. C. Kawls, on the North by the New 1 Koad, and on the South by the lands of W. M. Harrison and J. C. Rawis, and containing 100 acres, more or less and being the same place we live and ( cultivate and own. R. G. HARRISON, ag 25 4t Trustee. Elbert S. I'eel, Attorney. NOTICE OP SALE By virtue of a deed of trust executed to me by W. V. Ormond, of Martin County, N. C„ dated September 15th. 1919, and of public record in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for said Martin County in book A-2, at page 197, and at the request of the holder of the note of indebtedness thereby se cured, default having been made in the payment thereof, I will, on the 14th day of September, 1931, at 12 o'- clock noon, at the courthouse door in Martin County, offer for sale at public auction the property described in said deed of trust, as follows, to wit: Beginning at Wheeler Rice's corner, and running down a lane about 5! feet to Tom Nichoi's corner; thence a line perpendicular to the lane about 105 feet; thence a line parallel with the lane about 68 feet; thence a line per pendicular with the lane about 105 feet to the beginning, same being a house and lot located in the town of Wil liamston, N. C. This the 12th day of August, 1931. B. DUKE CRITCHKR. alB 4tw Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXE CUTION North Carolina, Martin County; in the Superior Court. The People* Bank v». C. E. Simpeon By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the superior court of Martin County in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 21st day of September, 1931, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Martin County at Williamston, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the rights, title, and interest, which the said C. K. Simpson, the defendant ulwve nam of L.' H. Lilley; containing thirty-five ed, lias in the following described real estate, to wit: Situate in Jamesville Township, Mar tin County, N. C., and bounded on the north by the land of Martin Brothers; on the east by the main public road; on the south by the lands of Nathan Lilley; and on the west by the lands acres, more or less, commonly known Fall Opening! j®J®, Featuring Fashions New- est thoughts with each, Dresses, Coats or Hats as Vnitl charming as it is low in Our buyers have returned from the Northern Markets and New Coats, New Dresses, and New Hats are arriving daily. Our complete line will be in within a few days, and we insist that you m visit our fall opening before buying your fall out- The stunning styles such startling /llHl MMI values will most assuredly interest you. T/jff gorgeous new winter coats are at the \ T I I l / lowest prices in years. They too, will JlI i \l look luxuriously expensive, but wait un- Jlf/ m W\WK\ you ■ IN OUR MEN S DEPARTMENT we have extra styles and extra values that will interest the most conservative buyers. Men's Hats, Overcoats, Suits, and Shoes all ne*w and made from the latest designs and patterns. Harrison Bros. & Co. " . . * \ \ ■ . . . ' ■ aa the E." N. Simpson tract of land. This the 18th day of August, 1931. C. B. ROEBUCK, all 4tw Sheriff, Martin County. NOTICE OP EXECUTION SALE North Carolina, Martin County; in the Superior Court. Sara Gray Mills, et als, ▼». Sorry I J oo ** By virtue of aa execution directed I to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Martin Connty, in the above ' entitled action, 1 will, on Monday, the ! 21st day of September, 1931, at 12 o'- 1 clock noon, at the courthouse door ' of Martin Connty, at Williamston, N. 1 C., sell to the highest bidder for cash, | to satiafy said execution, all the right, ' title, and interest which the said Sara I Gray Mills has in and to the following t described real estatt, to wit: Lots Nos. 2 and 3, as allotted to . Sara Gray Mills, and bounded as fol • lows: Beginning at a point in the Is , land Road, where Augustus 1-anier's - ii -e crosses the said road and at or ■ near Bettie lunch's corner; thence • running N. 43 45 W. 60.6 poles to a pine stump, A. Lanier's corner; thence S. 51 W. 38.80 poles to a fence post I on a ridge; thence S. 44 45 W. 28.5 i poles along A. Lanier's line to Mrs. • Theodore Roberson's corner in the run : of a swamp; thence up the run of said , swamp and along Mrs. Theodote Rob erson's line about 182.8 Doles to Geo. W. Williams' and R. J. Hardison's i line; thence up a ditch, Williams" and Hardison's line about 54 .toles; thence I N. 65 E. 11.52 poles; thence N. 61 15 | E. 44 poles along a fence, William*' and Hardison's line, to Bettie Lyiirh's corner in the run of a branch; thence down the run of said branch and along Bettie Lynch's line to the aforeiaid Island Road; thence S. 39 15 W. 74 poles to the beginning, and contain ing 147 acres, more or less. 0N I would get dizzy and have swimming In my head. I would have very severe 5| headache. "Tor a while X | thought I wouldn't J take anything—may- I be I could wear out J the headaches; but X I found they were I wearing me out il "I found Black- U Draught would re ■ I lleve this, so when I H have the very first I symptoms, I take M Black-Draught and 111 now I dont have the M headache. \l\ -I am a firm be- I llever in Black- * ■ Draught, and after I using It 20 or more PA years, I am satisfied 111 to continue its use." Li] —r. B. McKtmmm. Oram* I Park. fla. m* 1 WOMEN who *rm run-down, or I •uffer ev«r* month, ihould take I Cfcrtlul. TJmwt for over 60 yere. I Judgment upon which execution was issued herein and this sale thereun der is for the amount of Owelty of Partition and in favor of Surry Jones and against Sara Gray Mills. This the 18th day of August, 1931. C B. ROEBUCK, alB 4tw Sheriff, Martin County. NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL * PERSONAL PROPERTY Under and by vitrue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Burt Mayo and wife, Lizzie Mayo on the sth (lay of February, 1930, and of record in the public reg istry for Martin County in Book B-3 at page 343, said deed of trust having been given for the purpose of secur ing a certain note of even date and tenor therewith and the stipulation* contained in the said deed of trust not having been complied with and at the request of the holder of the said note the undersigned trustee will on Tuesday, the 22nd day of September, 1931 at 12 o'clock M. 'in front of the courthouse door in the town of Wil liamston, N. C. expose to public sale for cash the followinß described real estate and personal property, to-wit: That tract or parcel of land begin I I&kong ftjIATE This bank is a good place in which to place your savings. The business of the 8 bank is directed by successful business men—men that are known throughout the State for reliability and honety. As banking is a business proposition, they know the way things should be run, and they run them that way. Despite business fluctuations, this bank has always been sound—it has weathered every storm. Isn't this the bank you want your sav lings in? SOUND BANKING AND TRUST SERVICE FOR EASTERN CAROLINA ranch Banking Trust Company Williamston, N. C. IHRRllllUilltiltlHliflttlllHWiillttllßllltfiHitKiiltlWlllMMMMHHHHHM Tuesday, September 8,1931 nine at a Sweet Gum on the Tarboro and Hamilton Road (established cor ner), thence down said road to the Great Branch, thence down the said Branch to the Poplar Branch, thence np said Branch to a Twin Poplar, thence a straight line to the begin ning, a'Sweet Gum. This being a part of the late Benjamin Martin Tract of Land. The following (personal property, to-wit: one male bought of J. R. Morris, One Bay mare, 2 carts and cart wheels, 2 turning plow*, two cotton plows, one two-horse cultiva tor, one fertilizer sower, one "cotton planter, one baggy and harness, all hoes, shovels, and farming imple ments of every kind and description, including one pea weeder. This the 22nd day of August, 1931. ELBERT S. PEEL, a-25-4t Trustee. Q66 LIQUID OR TABLETS Relieves a Headache or N—ralgia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks Malaria in three dam 666 SALVE POR BABY'S COLD