Advertiser* Will Pad Our Col nmi ■ Latchkey to Over Sixteen fj„- r| J II - j! , P | ■ TT I, r ,, - - nunaroa Mirttn comity nomci VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 66 BAPTIST SESSION IS BROUGHT TO END WEDNESDAY Address by Attorney Dunn Dunn Tuesday Night Is Program Feature «. ♦ The annual session of the Roanoke Baptist Association, entertained by ithe Memorial Baptist church here this week was brought to a highly success ful close Wednesday afternoon, follow ing an interesting address by Rev. L. B. Olive, returned missionary to China The next meeting of the association is to be held in Rocky Mount, with the First Baptist church there entertain ing. One of the most enjoyable features of the association's program was the address of Attorney Raymond C. ("Rip") Dunn, of Enfield. "God For gotten" was his theme, and he talked for more than a hour, scoring the pro fessions, business, church, and all for their forgetfulness of the Creator. The Wednesday morning session had to do with discussions on religious literature, Editor Carl Goerch, of Washington, making an interesting talk upon the topic. Matters of rou tine business followed, and completing the details, the body adjourned for lunch served by the local church in the Woman's Club Hall. "Woman's ,Work in the j Associa tion," was the subject of the address made by Mrs. Beasley as a part of the afternoon program. Rev. Mr. Olive's address followed, bringing to a close an unusually successful meeting of the association and several hundred of its members. The following resolutions were re- I ported by the committee on resolu tions. before adjournment: "We, your committee on resolutions, submit the following report: "Be it resolved, that we, your committee, on behalf of the Roanoke Baptist Asso- > ciatjon, wish to express our sincere j appreciation to the Williamston Bap- | tist church, its pastor antVthe splendid ( citizens of the town, for the fine way , in which they have entertained us. | All things possible have been done to make our visit a joyous one, and our ; associational meetings a success. | "Be it also resolved, That a vote of thanks be extended to the Williani ston Enterprise for the splendid pub- ] licity given our sessions; also for its generosity in supplying the visitors with copies of the paper without cost." RETURN CASE TO SUPERIOR COURT Truit Corporation - Downs Issue Takw The Role Of a Football m t j An issue to which the Dill-Truitt- Cramer Corporation against Downs j are parties, is taking the role of a ball. The ifsuc, divided into three cases, has been kicked back and forth, by the State Supreme Court and the. courts of Martin and Edgecombe County for som* time and no settle ment has been effected. The high tribunal this'week sent the case tried here last March back for re- j trial. The jury returned a verdict fav-| oring Downs and allowing him $3,000 damages in the March court here. ) A similar issue, involving the same parties, was heard in Edgecombe sev- ■ eral months ago, and it was also sent back for retrial by the supreme court. Attorney J. C. Smith is acting as ( referee in a third case, and he is ex- ; pected to render his report within the next few days. If his report his fav orable to both parties to the action, it will have been the first favorable ac- I tion resulting in the suit over the title j of a piece of land estimated to be worth three or four hundred dollars. ROAETBILL WILL AID THIS STATE State Would Get $2,400,000 Should Congress Pass Appropriation Bill Raleigh, Oct. B.—North Carolina would benefit by approximately $2,400,- 000 should Congress pass the proposed V $100,000,000 road appropriation bill be ing sponsored by the American Asso ciation of State Highway Officials, ac cording to figures of John D. Wal drop, state construction engineer. Waldrop has just returned from Salt T -lr» City, where the association con ference adopted the legislative pro — gram. Turkey Supper at Woman's Club Next Tuesday Evening m The Ladies' Aid Society of the Chris tian church will have a turkey supper, and apron sale at the Woman's Club | on Tuesday evening from 5:30 to 9 o'- clock p. m. The public is cordially in vited to attend. Paces will be popu lar, a three course Trarkey dinner will be served for only 50 cents and all 1 other things in comparison. " Zk - ' v ' ■ THE ENTERPRISE J. M. P Accepts Church Rev. J. M. Perry, of Vernon, Texas, a native of Bertie Coun ty, and a former pastor of the Rob ersonville Christian church, hat accepted a call to the joint pas torship of the Christian church here and the one at Robersonville, it was announced this week. Mr. Perry plans to enter upon his work here and at Roberaonville a bout the middle of next month. The new pastor will divide his time l.tween the two churches, preaching at the Robersonville church on each first and Third Sunday, and at the Williamston church on second snd fourth Sun days. It is not yet known whether Mr. Perry and family will be located here or in Robersonville, as the joint board from the two churches agreed to give Mr. Perry permis sion to make his own choice. Mr. and Mrs. Perry and children are very popular in this section of the State, and their friends will be glad to know of their returning to this State. ASSAULT REPORT PROVES UNTRUE; CASE DISMISSED First Report Causes Much Excitement in the Rober sonville Community What appeared at first to be a rape case was reported near Robersonville jearly last Wednesday night, the report J causing much excitement, in that com munity until officers investigated the 'case and dismissed it. Standing at a filling station in Wil-- son tfith her handbag early last (Wednesday night, Mrs.' Proctor Jones, I formerly of Williamston, asked a ride of a man named Atkinson, -«aid to be ' from High Point. In the hijf Mamttin j sedan, the couple traveled toward, 1 Williamston. Between I'armele and Robersonville, Mrs. Jones became frightened when she noticed a pistol in the foot of the car, and asked to be released from the car for a minute. She ran into the woods ahd later found her way to a near bjr house occupied ,by colored people, who reported the ' happening to ..Chief William Gray at j Robersonville. - 'Mrs. Jones, a short I | time later, found to William-1 | Hon with another motorist, leaving her | suitcase and purse with the High I Point man. | Atkinson is said to have called to i Mrs. Jones and receiving no answer he procured a kerosene lantern and went into the woods in search of her, thinking that she might have lost her i self. He later to Robersonville I and reported the affair, many anxious , I citizens there gathering for an ac count of the reported attempted rape, | it was stated. Sheriff C. B. Roebuck was called, and after questioning Mrs: Jones and 'the the case. FREE GAMELIFE i MOVIE MONDAY ♦ Hunting and Fishing Scenes i Will Be Shown by State Warden In City Hall Game life as it exists in Eastern North Carolina will he flashed on the screen at the city hall here next Mon day night at 8 o'clock, Coqnty Game Warden J. W. Hines announced yes terday. Charles J. Moore, assistant state game warden, will show scenes of hunting and fishing in this part of the State, and the picture will be of espec ial interest to sportsmen. All county game wardens in this section and hun dreds of hunters and fishermen are expected to see the picture. No admittance fee will be charged, and the general public is invited to see the picfiire. * Presbyterians Announce Program of Services Sunday, October 18, 1931: True sayings: "Sin remains the same in essence and results, no matter what label you put on it." Church school at 9:45 a. m. Worship service and sermon, 11 a. m. Bear Graaa Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Worship service and sermon at 7 ,p. m. « • . s Roberson's Parm Sunday school at 3 p. m. .... Prayer meeting at 7:30 each Thurs ,day. "For your children's sake, come to church." f. \ Williamstoa, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, October 16, 1931 RECORDER CALLS FIFTEEN CASES HERE TUESDAY —• — Tuesday Session First Held By Court In Nearly A Month Judge J. W. Bailey and Solicitor H. O. Peel continued their work in the county recorder's court here last Tues day after a suspension of the tribunal's activities for nearly a month, dijrjjjg which time the Martin Superior dourt was in session and the Federal court was functioning in Washington. Fifteen cases were called, a very small number considering the long time for causes to develop. Two or three road sentences were meted out, but very few fines were mposed. The case charging Letha Hurst with house burning was nol prossed. The girl was connected with the- burning of the Bennett home on the McCaskey road some, time ago. She is now in school at Kinston. A nol pros resulted in the case 'charging Edgar Taylor with larceny, I The case charging Johnnie Williams with larceny and receiving was con tinued one week. Adjudged guilty of violating the li quor laws, Emma Wells drew one of the shortest jail sentences ever meted out by Judge Bailey. The sentence ;was one day in Jail. I James Reddick appealed when the J court sentenced him to the roads for a period of 90 days for alleged manu facture of liquor. Adjudged guilty of larceny and re 'ceiving, Walter Jones, alias George (White, was sentenced to the roads for a term of five months. .4 The case charging Julius Whitfield with an assault on a female was nol prossed, Ben Whitfield, charged with assault, was found guilty of simple assault and judgment was suspended upon the pay ment of the costs. Ruth Davis went to jail for a stay of thirty days for -an alleged violation of the liquor laws. Clinton Merritt and Chester Terry ' pleaded guilty of violating the liquor laws and prayer for judgment was con tinued a week. Roy Whitehurst, adjudged guilty of an assault with a deadly weapon and operating a car while intoxicated, was ; sentenced to the roads for a period of five months. The case charging Clinton Ayers, Jesse Ayers, and Harmon Manning with an assault was nol prossed. The case charging C. M. Burton wi,th passing a worthless check, was con tinued one week. A nol pros resulted in the case charg- I ing John Wallace with non-support. LOCAL PEOPLE ARE THANKED Cooperation on the Part of Community People Aids Association's Sessions The pastor of the Memorial Baptist church and his congregation wish to publicly thank the many, many peo ple in Williamston of other commun | ions, wlio so generously threw open their hbspitable homes for the enter tainment of the delegates of the asso ciation who spent the nights in Wil liamston. This bit of friendly cooper ation and the spirit of brotherliness manifested will long be remembered and cherished by this church. And it will seek opportunities to be as mind ful of others, and as helpful to them, as they have been to it. I Also the pastor and congregation convey to the Masonic order their ex pressive thanks for their consideration in postponing their regular convoca tion on account of the associational sessions. In these and other ways, the people of the community gave the utmost of cooperation with the local congregation and made it possible for the great sessions to proceed without any interruption or interference what ever.' PERMIT KILLING 1 DOE IN SfcRTIE « ! Provision Limited to Bertie ' County, State Game Warden States According to a notice published In Bertie County last week by C. H. ; 'England, State game warden, one doe may be included, in, the bag limit of | four deer this year. Thit provition 1 applies to Bertie County only, the : 'notice stated, j The permit to kill one doe wat a dopted by resolution of the directors of the Department of Conservation; and Development in .accordance with | the game law amendments of the last legislature. In a letter to the game warden of that county, F. A. Ruffin, Mr. Eng land states that notice of the change it being made in response to one or | two inquiries he hat received from 1 justices of the peace and others inter letted in hunting in this section. ' TAXES FROM 25 TO 60 CENTS LOWER TEACHERS MEET PUT OFF UNTIL THEY ARE PAID —♦ — Salaries Week Over Due In Martin and More Than That In Several Others No pay I No meeting ) There will be no meeting of the Martin County teachers here tomorrow afternoon as was announced a few days ago. Just when the teachers will hold- I their first county meeting of the rent term is not known. At any rate, no*-eession will be held until the teach ers are paid, it was learned front the office of Superintendent Manning here this morning. '. Checks for the Martin teachers have been prepared by the superintendent's office, but they are being hel3 await ing action in Raleigh. I The payment of salaries of the teach ers in this county is one week overdue today. According to reports, teachers' salaries in several counties are nearly two months overdue. I "And when do you think settlements I will be made," the superintendent was asked this morning. | "I don't know," he replied, adding | that all arrangement.; hud been made ■in the county and that the payment of 'the checks now rests with the State. [FAMILY SLAIN BY NEGRO BURGLAR —» — 'Green Davis And Family ' Found Murdered In Their Maryland Home Green Davis, 55 year old man, and family who were all slain just before dawn Sunday morning at Taylorville, Maryland, by a negro, lived in Plym outh years ago. The story of the tragic end' of the Davises, who left this part of the State for Maryland about 16 year ago, was sent out from Snow Hill, Mil., this week, as follows: Orphan Jones, 60-year-old Negro, I confessed slayer of a Taylorville fam ily of four, was held at Baltimore for safekeeping today as State's Attorney (Godfrey Child marshaled his case a gainst the farm hand for presentation jto the grand jury Monday./ j There had been no demonstration 'against the Negro, but authorities | deemed it best to remove him. He 'was slipped out of the jail here last night and rushed to Baltimore under heavy guard. Jones' confession was wrung from jliim late yesterday after 16 hours of 'grilling. Police 9fud* he admitted I robbery was his motive when he slew Green Davis, 55; his 38-year-old wife, Eva, and their two daughters. Eliza beth, 15, and Mary Lee, 13 with a shotgun and a pistol before dawn Sun day. Police said Jones confessed he went to the Davis farm house early Sunday morning, crept up to the far mer's room and killed him and his wife with a 16 gauge shotgun. When the girls awoke in another room he [went down and shot them with a pis- ! tol - - Home Coming Day At Reddick's Grove Saturday Members of Reddick's Grove Bap tist Church will observe Saturday, Oc tober 24 a 9 home coming day, it was announced by Messrs. Joshua L. Col- I train and J. Dawson Lilley, members, .this week. | Several very -'mportant matters are to be placed before the membership jat 2 o'clock that afternoon and every |fnember of the church is urged to be present. With a large attendance of members, it it hoped that several mat ters of much importance can be han dled for the good of the church, Mr. Coltrain said. ( COTTON GINNINGsH With an admitted reduction in the tobacco crop, reports on cot ton ginning in Martin County up to the first of this month indicate that there will be a reduction in the cotton crop also. According to reports released this week by the Federal government, there were 743 bale* of cotton ginned up to the first of October this year as compared with 909 bales gin ned during the same period last year. The State at a whole reported an increase of 17,269 bales over the 1930 crop. Last year up to Oc tober 1, 198,464 bales were ginned aa compared with 215,733 bales fined this year during the same period. , k . Three of die counties border ing Martin reported increaaes in it crop thia year. County Tax The table below gives a summary of the tax reductions made in the county this year. In the first column is shown the old 1930 rate; in the second is the new rate. The third shows the actual reduction, while the fourth shows the decrease in the fate, considering a 10 per cent re duction in valuation. The rates shown include county and all special taxes. • ** Decrease -• |930 1931 Actual Considering Rate , Rate Reduction 10% Val. Red. Jamesville - |1.79 |1.53 $ .26 * $ .42 Wliliams!.-:: .. 1.64 1.44 .20 * =a "' .31 \ Griffins 1.84 1.44 .40 .51 Bear Grass 1.99 1.54 - .45 .60 Williamston 1.91 1.67 .24 .41 Cross Roads 1.97 1.91 .05 .24 Robersonville 1.90 1.70 .20 .37 Poplar Point 1.77 1.52 .25 .40 Hamilton 2.04 1.71 .33 .50 Goose Nest 1.94 1.73 .21 .38 Averages $1,879 91-620 90-259 ' 90.394 Griffins First t 1931 The first county tax settlements for the year 1931 were effected here this week when Property Owners A. C. Coltrain and John son Corey, of Griffins township, turned over to the county $1.30 and SB,OO respectively. With the collection of 1930 taxes incomplete, the task of extracting nearly $200,000 from Martin prop erty owners is now underway for the year 1931. As the rates were determined only a few days ago, all the ac counts for the year 1931 have not been set up at this time, but for those persons ready to make set tlement, special arrangements will be made by the county auditor. SAM F. WILLIAMS DIED LAST NIGHT * Native of Williamston Dies At His Home In New York City ——♦ Samuel F. Williams, a native of Williamston, died at his New York home last-night, it was announced in a telegram received here this morning by his daughter, Miss Frances Wil liams. No details were given other that that burial will be in a New York cemetery. Mr. Williams, the son of the late Captain Samuel Williams and wife, was born in the Purvis home on Main Street here about 48 years agif. During the past 20 years, he made his home in New York City where he was prominently engaged in the 'candy business. He was the maker of the one-time famous "Tootsy Roll," He had one brother, Oscar Williams, one time manager of the Woolvyorths' in terests in London. He died over there. CHERRY SCHOOL BUILDING BURNS ♦- Temporary Quarters Are Secured; Loss Partially Covered by Insurance ! The Cherry School Building in {Washington County, comprising six classrooms and an auditorium, was I completely destroyed by fire unknown I origin Saturday about 1 o'clock. No one was at the school building at the time, is not known how the fire started, but it is thought that it prob ably started from the engine jvhich 1 was used in pumping water. The building was valued at $12,000 and the furniture and equipment at: $2,000, James W. Norman, county sup-1 erintendent of education, stated hefei yesterday. The county had $5,000 in surance on the building and SSOO in- | surance on the furniture and equip-, ment. Temporary quarters are being ar ranged this week fog housing the t 'school students in order that the school ( may continue. It if understood that school work will be resumed Monday j morning. A store room and lodge j hall at Cherry are being converted in to class rooms.' Approximately 150 children are enrolled in the school. No information wat available here today regarding the erection of a new building, but it it understood that| Cherry citizens are demanding a new tchool building. MUCH CANNING IS IDONE BY COUNTY CLUB MEMBERS — # — Mrs. W. B. Stancill Gives Demonstration Before - Williams Chapel Club By Miss LORA E. SLEEPER Home Demonstration Agent Mrs. \\ I!. Stancill was in the coun ty again Thursday, and the women' of (he \\ illiani-i ( hapel cluh had her with them. She wave the cluh women ill regular meeting 1, a demonstration in the canning of meat using the steam pressure cooker. She will return to the county the 3rd and 4ih of Novem ber for similar work in other sections of the county. As a result of the work given in •the county early in the spring 1(1 Burpee, steayt pressure cookers were sold and three tin-can sealers. More canning has been done in tin this year J than before, and t):e women are sav ing all the pfoduce possible. tanning ree >rd . coming into the home agent's office fliis week have shown' women cunning from 150 to 821 containers of foodstuffs. I bis will , be of interest to all club women since each club is asked to submit a guess for the of canned stuff , canned by demonstration club women. The cluh guessing the near est figure to the total amount will re ceive $5. The questi >n now is which club among the ten in tli • county'will f receive the money. The women in a I the clubs are ask , ed to cooperate in every way to help f local welfare organizations in locating worthy folks needing asistance. SCHOOLTNEWS OF OAK CITY 1 Welfare Group Organized 1 at Meeting of Parents -and Teachers Oak ( ity, Oct. IS.—(Special to the Enterprise).—The Oak C ity Parent- Teacber association met in the school auditorium for the regular meeting I last. Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, Mrs. E. K. -Ilarrell, president, presid ing. After the minutes and unfinished business wertt completed, the meeting was turned over to Principal 11. M Ainsley, who, in turn, called on Su perintendent J. C. Manning anil Miss | l.ora Sleeper for suggestions in -or ganizing a unit of welfare workers for the Oak City School and community. ■ Superintendent Manning spoke on the need of the organization with sugges tions how aid might be obtained. Miss Sleeper gave some facts front the Edeiiton .welfare meeting held Sat , urday, and offered any help possible , through her club work. Superintend , ent Manning also stated bow clothes , could be obtained from Fort Bragg at , a cost of five cents per garment. Fol lowing the discussion, a welfare corn .lmittee was appointed with Mrs. B. M. j Worsley, chairman, and Mrs. H. M. | Ainsley and Mrs. VV. U. Smith, mem- I hers, tlie group to call in two other if necessary, j The meeting was turned over to •the program Misses Myr ', tis Zetterower, Whichard and Pittman, I who had arranged a splendid program, I using (lie third and seventh grades. Miss Christine Piland furnished sev eral piano selections. The large attendance showed inter -1 est' and cooperatjon in parenMeacher. ' | work. Twenty/new members were padded to the list of parent-teacher, I members. The sixth grade won the] : | prize for having the largest number ' of parents present. 1 A meeting of the welfare -workers committee will hold a meeting the last i of this week to make a study and sur -1 vey the conditions in the community. I The next meeting of the parent-teach er group will be held Tuesday night, November 10. Watch the Label On Yoor Paper Aa It Carries the Date When Your Subscription Expiree ESTABLISHED 1898 AVERAGEACTUAL REDUCTION IS 25.9 CENTS UNDER 1930 * Property Valuation of Ten Per Cent Tends To Hold Rate Up ♦ fv* Martin County taxpayers will save from 24 to 60 cents in taxes, as based on the SIOO property valuation this year., it was learned in a study of the tax figures for the various townships this week. I riticistn, apparently unfounded, has ! heen heaped upon the heads of county authorities, but a study of the tax sit- I nation will show that the average re- duct-ion in taxps in the county is 25.9 cents, and if those who whoop and yell would consider that the valuation this year is more than one million and a half dollars less than it was last year, they can see that the average reduc tion isjnot_ 25.'» cents, but is 39,4 cents. These reductions are individually re flected in the accompanying table. In attempting an explanation of the tax situation in Martin County, it is j not the aim bore to defend the county commissioners or any one else, but to present the facts as they really are. Ihe acts .of the Martin County Commissioners, in recent years if not longer, have always been open to the public, and in nearly every case, if not • in every one, their acts have been advanced and supported by the will of the people. Several years back, when there was a well-supported demand for improve 4 roads, and we have in mind the river bridge and Washington road in par ticular, the commissioners floated bonds to gratify the wishes of the peo ple. Upon those two roads in par ticular and other road projects, Mar tin County is now paying large sums of money annually in the form of in terest and principal, A sizeable rate " is necessary to, meet these obligations, and that rate, regardless of how hard the times are and how loud the cries for tax relief may be, will remain un changed until the interest and princi pal are wiped out by the hard-earned dollars of Martin County citizens, iOne can apply the rule of economy to the extent where the general county offices will have to close their doors and the enforcement of the law is ' placed upon individuals, and then there will be a substantial rate to support. | Before there was a law calling for a 10 per cent reduction in state and county employees' salaries, Martin of ficers willingly accepted a reduction in their pay. But before the reduction was mentioned, it is reasonable to state that Martin's officers, including com missioners and all, were serving .the people more efficiently and at less compensation, for the actual work han dled than any other group to be found in 95 and probably 99 counties. Econ omy has been practiced in keeping iwijth efficiency.- I Another tactor affecting the rate this year was the withdrawal of the gaso line tax turned over to the county year/ The approximately $25,700 received from that source last year was 44>plied on debt service.... When the State took overbite roads, the gaso line tax went out of existence, as far as the counties were concerned. And without that aid, the burden was placed back upon - the property own ers, calling for an increase in the debt service rate of 24.5 cents on the SIOO property valuation. The authorities, by cutting here and decreasing there, offset that increase and then went 5 cents more in an effort to relieve Mar tin taxpayers. "The 5-cent reduction in the county wide rate is an insult to the people," one citizen was heard to say recently. A study of the rates will throw more light'i on the rate and reductions. In Williamston township last year a $1.91 rate on the SIOO property val ' ulation was necessary, this amount be ' ing raised to operate the schools, main ' tain the roads, and the remainder as the district's part in caring county 1 obligations. This year, the rate is $1.67 on the SIOO property valuation, lan actual reduction of 24 cents, and a decrease, taking into consideration ! the 10 per cent reduction in valua tion, of 41 cents on the SIOO property valuation. Last year a person I ing SIOO worth of property in Wil liamston Township paid $1.91 county land all special taxes. This year he I will pay at the rate of $1.67 on the SIOO, but as the valuation has been de ! creased 10 per cent he will pay only $1.50 on hi* property. • « Uses Hydraulic Ram For 21 Years Without Cost For 21 years, J. Williams, of Har nett county has had perfect satisfac tion from a hydraulic ram. The only cost in all this time has been in re newing a pipe line which had rusted out.

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