PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE MUwd Iwj Tandiy and Friday by Tha ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLLAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. «BBBBBBSE£:==S==== =::=:= W. C. Manning Kdito ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Caah in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY *o»e yew Six month* • 7a OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY Ona y«r Six months . —™ No Subscription Received for Le»s Than 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furniihed Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C., at second-class matter utukr the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not to the individual mom Iters of the firm. Friday, October 16, 1931 Dangerous Praise Poor Mr. Stevens (Henry L.)—they are going to ruin him. It is a strange thing that parents will »l>oil their children, and grown-ups will spoil their friends. Henry L. Stevens, the new commander of the Amer ican Legion, will possibly In* ruined with honor and praise. One of the troubles with our people is their unsteadiness and their unblanaced emotions.. If Henry L. Stevens could be left alone with his family and given an opportunity to study and work at his job, it would certainly lie better for him and doubtless better for the legion. Millions of men and women have been ruined in the past by too much praise. Kingdoms have fre quently fallen because rulers listened to praise and mistook it for duty and service. Perhaps the most dangerous kind of praise is the kind that expects favors. It may be that before the honors are over, Mr. Stevens will be askekl to pull some strings at Washington and Raleigh in payment for all these demonstrations. We hope Mr. Stevens will hold both his head and his heart in the midst of all these honors. 0 * . Too Much Money—ln One Place Our banks have too much money. Since the natural shrinkage of values during the past twelve years from war-time inflation to what should be normal times rather than subnormal, such as we now have, we have had many bank crashes. This has caused a great scare among both the bank ers and depositors, the de|x>sitors fearing a "bust , and the bankers fearing a run. This condition has kept many millions of dollars in the old stockings of skeptics and billions more dollars locked in the banks to fortify them against runs. The banks of this country are said to have hoarded in their vaults forty per cent more cash than the legal NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES I Sheriff C. B. Roebuck, tax collector for the county of Mar tin State of North Carolina, have this day levied on the following tracts or parcels of land, and will sell same at public auction, for cash at the courthouse door in Williamston, North ( arolina, on Monday. November 2, 1931. at 12:00 o'clock in., for taxes due and unpaid for the year 1930, unless said taxes, penalties and interest, plus cost, are paid on or before that date. The amounts listed be }ow include taxes for the year 1930, four per cent interest and a 4 cent penalty. In addition to the amounts shown, SI.BO is to be added to each item to care for costs in handling the sale. This the Ist day of October, 1931, . 1 ' C B. ROEBUCK, Sheriff, Martin County. Jamtsville Townthip—Whit* C. L. Ange, 49 a. Collen Ange and Imp. $ 26.00 H. L. Ange, 19 a. C. H. Davis land 33.40 J.' T. Ange, 1 residence - 29.30 L. L. Ange, 22 a. Ange land 8.80 L. W. Ange, 82 a. mill land, 21 a. Collen Ange land 45.40 Onesa Ange, 22 a. Ange land „ 17.80 S. H. Ange, 50 a. Ange land 54.20 k W. F. Ange, 2 a. Asa Harris 2.00 J. H. Bailey, 125 a. Hatcman land t 147.60 P. H. Burroughs Heirs, 30 a. Cooper Swamp 23.20 N. T. Coburil Est., 51 a. Gaylord land S. R. Coburn, 50 a. T. Coburn land, 20 a. Tarkle Neck Id. 66.30 Mr*. A, "Corey, 1 residence. Sunset Avenue 21.30 S. M. Hardens Est., 8 a. Dardens land - 19.00 Alice Davis, 7 a. Mizell land, 44 a. P, A. Davis land 40.60 H. L. Davis, 56 a. W. F- Wright land 77.30 J. A. Davis Est., 10 oa. J. A. Davis land » ,29.00 | " T. V. Davis, 34 acres W M. Davis land 18.60 . Mr*. B. S. Edwards, 1 town lot 4.80 ] J. W. Gardner, 31 a. Gardner land 31.90 | Eli Gurganus Est., 75 a. Waters land . 41.80 1 Mrs. C. G. Gurkins, 10 a. residence * 19.001 Leon G. Hack, 9 a. residence '. 17.60 , W. R. Hampton, 100 a. Fisher land 65.30, H. S. Hardison, 50 a. A. B. Waters land, 10 a. Dempsey land 91.50. E. W. Harden, 96 acres Dardens land 57.90 Mrs. Belle Harrison, I acre Mary Ellison land 10.90 i Harrison and Mieell, 1 store 15.50 J. E. Hedrick, 1 residence 20.90 Mrs. S. E. Hinsott, 40 a. Hinaon land 64.60 ! Jot. H Holliday, 25 a. Davis land .-... 7.40 Mary C. Holliday, 20 a. Holliday land, 32 a. Holliday land, 1 town residence __ 30.20 Mrs. Nona Holliday, 57 a. Holliday land, 60 acres Holliday p land, 2 acres Cherry land ! 108.50 . J. W. Lilley Est., 15 1-3 a. Lilley land ...... . _ 9.80 . Katherioe Lilley, 285 a. Mobley land, JMa.« Smithwick land, 30 a. Walter Griflin land 245.20 ' J. M. Hassell, 94 a. residence, 1 town residence _ 84.20 [ Annie Mizell, 7 a. W. T. Mieell laffrl 30.90 C W. Mizell, 22 a. Wallace land, 45 a. Davis land 46.00 G. H. Mieell, jr., SS a. Hardison land __ 49.00 11 H. W. Mizell, 7 acres 1.90 i jno. A- Mizell, 7 acres 1 1.90 I' Latin and H. W. Mizell Est., 1 vacant lot 6.80 . L. W. Mieell, I residence 33.10 1 Harriaoa Mizell, 1 store 15.50 1 g. H. Mobley i 137 a, Stubbs land , 53.50 I Clyde Modlin, 101 a. Mizell land, 1 a. T. A. Davis land 56.10 ' W. E. Modlin Eat, I res : IJO 1 S. J. Perry Eat, 150 a Hardison land _j ; 1170 |. J. D. Met, 50 acrea Price land 19,40 jl PUBLISHED BVBIV reserve banking liws require, which of itself causes "hard times." If that 40 per cent was floating in the channels of busiriess, things would be entirely dif ferent in business circles. And we need not look for much improvement so long as this condition prevails. • Now that the dollar is the only American unit that has any value, it should be forced out to perform its proper function of exchange. If our government will force the forty per cent of cash, now hoarded in the banks, out and place it in the hands of legitimate exchangers, and at the same time guarantee them against wildcat runs by depositors then things will begin to pick up. No business in our country has a friend today ex cept the gold dollars, and they are all locked up, while business is drifting and sinking, and millions are hungering. , ~ If our government is going to permit its gold to sleep in the idle coffers of the rich, then it should tyive the poor pome (basis of value—in, silver, in wheat, sand, stone, or wood, and not let gold crush and curse the world. Get the money out of the banks, and protect them against panics. The Handwriting On the Wall New York World-Telegram. The real case is that a few thousand very rich men have cornered all the good business and all the power in this country; they make our laws, control and dom inate us, sometimes legally, sometimes illegally, and the mass of us have no remedy except to talk and write about it. Unless these large interests are wise enough to give up and allow the fair return of its share to labor, and supply all workers with labor, they are inevitably forcing the destitute and unemployed toward revolution. The handwriting is on the wall. Instead of good times returning, we shall have chaos and revolution, if the masters of men now in control do not turn their thoughts to giving back to the people what has been extorted from them. A few of our men of wealth have awakened to this. Can they overcome the greed cf the other multimillionaires? Do More Harm Than Good Perhaps such characters as Aimee Semple McPher soh are doing far more damage to the cause of Chris tianity than they are "good. The two principal fea tures in "Miss" McPherson's meetings seem to be, first, to be sensational, and, second, to get cash. Both of which are rather remote from the basis of Chris tianity. The world can put up with all kinds of fakirs until it comes to religion—then sensible people want some thing true. Beating the Luxury Tax Question The best way to handle the luxury tax question is to stop using the luxuries. Just as soon as the people cut out half of their luxuries, things will right them selves and taxes will not be such a burden. And just so long as we persist in the use of luxuries that weaken our minds, our bodies, and our pocketboods, taxes will be hard to pay. A luxury tax of 1 cent on a soft drink will make a total cost of 6 cents. It would be much cheaper to the buyer to pay the 1 cent tax and keep the 5 cents in his pockets. He would get rich a lot quicker and would certainly be just as healthy and happy. Vance Price, 60 a. Price land !}2 W. W Koberson. 15 a. mill r'■?" Mrs Donnie Sexton. 1 vac. lot, 1 residence - W. C. Sexton. 1 residence •. " Mrs. J. E. Smithwick, 120 a. Burroughs land, 17 a. Will Moore land, 45 a. Jones land, 27 a. Barnes land, 6 a. Mizell land, 5 a Mizell land, P. O. and Bank Bldg., 1 vac. lot 347.00 H.. T. Stallings Est.. 1 residence - Julius T. Wallace, 33 a. Hardison land W. W. Walters, 1 residence, 1 vac. lot, 1 warehouse 78.10 W. W. Walters, trustee for L. W. Mizelle, 1 store 49.20 Mrs E. G. Waters, 35 a. Caskctt land, 45 a. aters land 76-20 Mrs. L. F. Waters. 22 a. Davis land 28*50 Warren W. Waters, 52 acres residence 50.40 Jameaville Township—Colored Maud Blount, 18 a. Cordon land - 15-20 M. E. Blount, 1 store, woods, and residence - ll -60 Brick Boston Est., 75 acres residence -___ 25.70 Columbus Boston, 26 acres residence (Godard) ... 22.10 Elizabeth Boston, 17 acres - - 32.40 lceline Boston, 16 acres Boston tand 14.30 I.ucretia Boston, 58 acres James land 23J0 Major Boston, 14 acres Brooks land 21.80 Willie A. Boston, 5 acres Tarkle Neck land - 8.30 Willie D. Boston, II a. Boston land, 44 a. Boston land, 9 acres Boston land, 6 acrctf* Cordon land 68.20 William Boston, Sr., 15 a. R. Boston land 13.30 R. W. Butts, 2 1-2 acres Godard land s r . 9.00 David Brooks, 23. acres Brooks land 11.50 Elizabeth Brooks, 17 acres Brooks land 32.30 Edward Cordon, 12 acres Cordon land 14.30 Ethel Cordon Estate, 12 acres Cordon land 8.50 Gadyst Cordon, acres Cordon land 14.00 Geo. F. Cordon, 36 acres Brown land 10.40 Geo. F. Cordon, jr., 16 acres Cordon land 22.20 | Ellen Daniel Est., 12 acres residence 3.90 (Geo. F. Cordon and Moore, 50 acres Jones land t 14.30 Joseph Cordon, 5 1-2 acres residence _ 12.60 William Cordon, 1 acre James land _ T , 9.80 Peter Dickens, I residence .:. s 7.70 | Geo. W. Duggins, 16 acres home residence 27.10 ,G. W., W. 8., and Horace Duggins, 16 acres Moore land -- 7.70 ,Carrie and Clyde Hassell, 12 acres Moore land _J 5.80 Henry Gray. 1 residence - ll.BO Sylvester Gray, 6 acres residence 11.90 I Thomas Gray, sr., 1 acre, residence ~ 9.70 J. H. Garrett, 10 a. Forest land 11.40 Geo. L. Hardison, 10 acres woods land 3.70 ; Nathan Harrington, 10 acres woods land 5.20 Louise 1 residence _ _ 15.50 I A. C. Jackaon, 28 acrea residence 17.90 Arthur Jamea, 2 1-2 aci-es Coburn land 7.00 ' Elvira Jamea, 5 acres James land 10.40 James, 7 1-2 acres Boston land 14.00 JAseph Jamea, 50 acre! Boston land ( 81.50 ' Melvin James Est, 15 a. Summett land, 30 a. mill pond' - . 37.60 I Milton James, 58 a. woods, 58 a. res, 2a. Louisa Simpson Id. 76.10 :I. V. Keys, 1 oa. Ange land, 2a. Cordon land, sa. Keys land 16.30 Isaac Keys, 1 acre Bentley land 5.10 Robert Keys, 2 acres Moore land, 5 a. Dempsey land 5.60 lEdd Moore, 2 1-2 acres residence 5.70 Sarah J. Moore Eat, 10 a. Moore land, 25 a. Moore land _ 19.30 |W, C. Moore, 67 a. D. S. Lumb. Co., land, 3a. Hassell land 28.90 LP. McFadden, 1 acre resident 13.00 uia McNair, 20 acres Ange land , 9.70 Martha Pierce, 2 a. E. G. Water* land - 3.00 R. P. Power*, 1 residence ; 10.90 W. E. Rhode* E*t, 21 acre* retidence 22.30 Ruffin Estate, 1 residence 9.70 Joe Simpson Estate, 12 acrea residence 6.70 W. H. C. Syke*, 8 a. mill road land, 14 a. mill road land 16.60 THE ENTERPRISE FOR SALE: NARCISSUS, DAFFO diI and jonquil bulbi, 60 cents to $2.50 per doxen. Over fifty choice va rieties from the finest Imported Hol land grown bulbs. Emily L. Whitley, Williamston, Route 3, Phone 4403. NOTICE Having qualified as executor under the last will and testament of W. Ben jamin Everett, deceased, late of Rober sonville in the County of Martin, no tice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the said estate to present them for payment to me on or before the 15th day of January, NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES * North Carolina, Martin County. t \xr n n, 0 ;,l Tax Collector for the* Town of Williamston, N. C., have rH =•' and interest are paid on or before that date. This the Ist day of October, 1931. W. B. DANIEL, Tax Collector, Town of Williamston. White Taxes Cost Total W. D. Ambers, one Maint Street rc |}^£ Ce n , , 0 " t 54*90 SI.BO $ l.BO $ 156.70 8" S S Main 1 80 186.62 J. w'. Anderson, Estate, 1 Simmons Avenue residence 8o 2g and one vacant lot .... 1747 ISO 19.27 Mrs. Mollie Biggs, 1 Hamiltop Road residence g44J PH. Brown. 1 Simmons Avenue residence )g0 45^9 S. S. Brown 1 Haughton residence R() . J5 Mrs. Fannie Carstarphen. 1 Main Street resin.nee f W A Cherry. 1 Main Street residence • 2165 Ravmond W Cherry. 1 Williams, Street residence . 1985 1.80 Jl.os J. B. Cherry and Broths. 1 residence and 1 vacant lot Smithwick Street _ 44.87 1.80 46.67 Ozella Critcher, interest in Godard Building g() J2 72 Cowen and Critcher. 1 Pearl Street vacant 40 21 180 51.01 Mrs W. H. Crawford, 1 Watts Street residence n07,2 180 101 42 M™! B. A. Critcher. 1 Watts Street residence 99.62 80 1U1.4 C. A Forrester, 1 vacant lot. Williams Street • g 1 eslie Fowden. 1 Church and Smithwick St. res. 75.68 B ' ISS \M ISJJ Mrs. Mary P. Godwin. 1 Main St. res., 1 earl. r, 17.34 C. B. Godwin. J Simmons Ave., vacant - , g0 727 Mrs F. W Graves, 1 Watts St., vacant _ Gurganus. Estate. 1 Hamilton res., 1 Mam Store, _ and 1 Pearl, vacant 48 00 180 49.80 H. D. Harrison. 1 reS.. Simmons Avenue —• • 9.44 Mrs L. H. Gurganus. 1 Pearl St., vacant •, .'on 28 41 G. W. Hardison, 1 Church St., vacant, 1 Griffin vacant 26.61 . I. D Harrison. 1 Haughton Street residence Z7.2S ' Sylvester Hassell. F.state. 1 Main. 2 Railroad 36.63 1.80 38 43 Alonzo Hassell, 1 Haughton Street residence 278 68 Mary Lee Hassell. 2 Main stores. - Mam res. 176.88 .80 /7H.08 Walter Halberstadt. 1 Church St residence 37.53 • W. A. lames. 1 Main Street residence 75.10 80 7V» W. H l.eggett. F.state, 1 Watts Street residence 67 87 80 6>.67 I. D. Lilley. 1 Rav Street residence "m « 8(1 8913 1. O. Manning. 1 Simmons A venae residence *7.33 80 bv.m Mrs T.ouie P Martin. 1 Main res., 1 William, vacant 53.46 1.80 55.*) M " : C ui- ' M "'" S ""' 1M 2»•« Mifiii office. 'arm iaq? Iso n Wheeler Martin, 1 Hamilton Road, vacant « • - W. T. Meadows, 1 Main St. res., 1 Pearl St. res. 42.85 80 44.64 Jno. H. Mi/elle. 1 Main Street residence 26 n U? ' Mrs. I. R. Mohley arid Nettie Cowen, 2 Main St. vacant * 47/52 lots. 1 Bessie Scott lot ' "J %% Mrs. I.ucv Modlin. 1 Church Street residence 28 42 80 M: ).££ Mrs. WS. McKeel, 2 lots Pine Street 4.37 80 6.17 W. B. Peel, 1 Warren Street residence 6265 * « • Mrs HD. Peel. 1 lfaughton Street residence •» 55.11 1 W »'vi H. D. Feel and G. A. Peel. 1 Biggs St. res., 1 lfaughton . Street residence «. •_ /net ion W W Julius S. Peel. 1 Main vacant lot, 1 Washington St office 60 53 8 ) # 62.33 Jesse T. Price. 1 Church St. vacant lot l|W - 18) f; *6.70 Mrs. S. M. Price, 1 Main St. residence 73.56 8 75.36 Eugene Price, 1 Williams Street vacant lot H.SO 8 1 Dr. JS. Rhodes. 1 Hsughton Street vacant lot 39.48 8 41.28 J. S. and W. S. Rhodes. 1 Haughton Street residence 7.64 8 V.44 Mrs. Helen Rhodes. 6 lots and residence ' 112 78 .8 114.58 Ackell Richards, 1 Smithwick St. res.. 1 Main St. vacant 70.70 1.80 Mrs H. T. ftoherson, one Watts residence, one Wash ington Street garage 251.20 .80 253.00 Mrs. Eli Roberson, 1 Main Street residence 655 W »•« Mrs. John L. Rodgerson, 1 Main Street residence 141.61 8 14J.41 Watson N. Shcrrod, 1 Main Street store 74.48 1.80 70Y8 D. 1). Stalls, one-half interest in warehouse; 7 residences , Haughton Street W. 70 80 91.50 Mrs. W. L. Stalls, 1 Main St. residence 75.90 .80 77.7U N. C. Stone, 2 vacant lots I'ine Street 874 1.80 1U..4 K. R. Sm th. 1 llatton Street residence 35-25 1.80 M'.us K. G. Strawbridge, 1 New St. res 2 ,24 .80 23.U4 V. G. Taylor, 1 Haughton Street residence jjjg jjii Oi Katie Taper, II acres Taper land - 30.60 3' l.udy Taylor, 1 residence D' Minnie Walker, 1 vacant lot - - *-*® 9 Winnie Walker, 27 a. U K litfoot land *-®» Belia Watson, 3 acres Moore land - - '•'® Earlie Whitehurst, 1 acre residence and store - *7™ 9 J. E. Whitehurst, 15 acres Pagan land - »-l® 31 J. 1). Williams, 1 acre residence - IL>J® 3' J. W. Williams Est., 40 acres Williams land . 36.1® Dj Stephen Williams, 20 acres Jjyman land ..... ; 3 Will Wooten, 25 acres Davis -land * - 7.70 3 3 1) William* Towiuhip—White S. L. Andrews, 150 acres residence, 60 acres Leggctt land 125.55) C. L. Daniel, 207 acres Short land . - - - 136-56 1 J. A. Davenport, 160 acres residence —• 53.15. iJ. G. Godard, 22 acres Henry Carson land - - 3.55 , Mrs. Bettie Green, 135 acres residence 85.00! Frank Griffin, 100 acres R. M. Riddick land —— 56.87 t Mary E. Griffin, 64 acres L. L. Roberson land - 28.35 J. D. Hardison, 200 acres residence 59.70 I Frank Hopkins, 1 acre residence 9.30 j. N. Hopkins, 124 acres residence , ——• 107.25; J. W. Hopkins Estate, 50 acres residence «... 54.00; R. D Jones, 39 acres residence _ - 33.701 ! H. E. Lilley, 50 a. I- H. Lilley land : 25.00, 1.. H. Perry Heirs, 663 acres residence 119.80 H. C. Roberson, 2 acres residence .... 14.50 Mrs. R. T. Roberson, 80 acres residence 31.551 Sudie Roberson, 50 acres Eason land ... « 2.95 Mrs. Theodore Roberson, 98 a. residence, 120 a. Jones land 87.20 j W. Roberson, 100 acres residence - 79.75 j Z. H. Rose, 331 acres J. S. Peel land -- 91.40■ Mrs. Roxie Smithwick, 25 acres residence 33.33 Clemmie Wells Estate, 22 acres residence 7.10 Robert Wells, 3 acres residence I 3.70 L. H. Williams, 51 acres residence 11.50 Mrs. Laura Wells Est., 75 acres Hall land 2- 13.30 , T. S. Hadley, 50 a. Burroughs fishery, 140 a. Donaldson Id. 29.20 Miss Lucy Smithwick, 30 a. Gibson land, 50 a. Highland po cosin land „ 11.85 j A. R. Dunning and J. D. Lilley, 13 a. Henry Carson land 3.55 Mrs. J. Wi Hopkins, 100 a. Harmon Williams land 33.65 Williams Township—Colored Moses Andrews, 71 acres Andrews land 54.70 Aaron Andrews, 24 acres Andrews land _ 13.45 Ben Bazemore, 60 acres Stanley Field land 13.30 Knowledge Barrow, 10 a. Wiley Gardner land 2.65 Maggie Clark, 13 a. Edward Lee land 4.00 John Cherry Estate, 25 a. residence ! 9.30 , Abraham Fagan, 19 acres Garrett land 16.70 Annie Fagan, 10 acres residence 5.35 Liza .Green, 4 acres Knight land, S acres island land, 1 a. res. 13.25 Tom Hardison, 10 acres Hardison land 6.60 W. W. Lanier, 30 acres Gray land „ 1970 , George Lyons, *5 acres residence, 5 acres Perry land - 15.00 Joe Moore, 34 acres residence 11.00 R. M. Moore, 66 acres residence ... 27.40 Anthony Perry, 10 acres Fannie Yarrell land „ - 6.60 John Yates, 10 acres residence ' 9.70 ' Poplar Point Tttwaahlp—Whit* L. A. Clark, 110 acres Teel land 121.10 R. T. Edmondson, 46 acres residence 36.90 Mrs. R. F. Griffin Ratatc, 40 acres residence, 25 a. Griffin land 22.20 H. L. Hopkins, 150 acres Taylor land 106.00 •M• . ' WILLIAMSTON JgJTHjCAJgLIJj^ 1932 or the same will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment of same. This the Ist day of October, 1931. THOMAS EVERETT, Executor. LIQUID OR TABLETS Relieve* a Headache or Neonlfia in 30 minutes, checks s Cold ths first day, and checks Malaria in three days. 666 SALVE FOR BABY'S COLD vv #| V. G. Taylor, guardian, (Clyde Silverthorne) 1 Hami lton Road residence ______ 13.10 IJO 14.90 J. A. Teel, 1 Church Street vacant lot __ 4.37 1.80 6.17 J. B. Water*, Estate, 1 Main Street residence 30.58 IJO 32.38 B. B. Williams, 1 Railroad Street residence 33.90 1.80 35.70 M. D. Wilson, J. G. Godard res. J 132.04 1.80 133.84 Williamston Ser. Ship, 1 Washington St. Bldg., leased from Mrs. Gnrganus 19.66 IJW 21.40 Colored 4 M. L. Alexander, 1 Garrett, vacant 4.37 SI.BO % 6.17 W. T. Alexander, 1 Garrett, residence 35.50 1.80 37.30 F. L. Allen, 1 Elm res., 1 Hyman vacant 26.21 1.80 28.01 rOlivia Andrews, 1 Washington, vacant 4.39 1.80 ' 6.19 IW. M. Andrews, 1 Biggs St. resi 14.14 1.80 15.94 S. L. Andrews, 1 Elm St., 1 Bettie Andrew lot 19.72 1.80 21.52 Mary Armstrong, 1 Sycamore vacant ; 2.18 IJO 3.98 Lizzie Ashley, 1 Main St. res. —— 6.5$ 1.80 8.35 Mary Bonds, 1 Hyman St. res. 15-29 1.80 17.09 Joe Mc Bonds, 1 Main St. res. : 6.76 1.80 8.56 . Elijah Brown, 1 Washington St. res. 21.60 1.80 23.40 Paul Clemmons, 1 Sycamore St. res. —l__ 5.96 1.80 7.76 Ashley Cromwell, 1 Washington St. res. 21.84 1.80 23.64 . George Davis, 1 Washington St. res. .... 28.74 1.80 30.54 Frank Everett, 1 Railroad vacant —_ 2.18 1.80 3.98 A. E. Everett, 1 Sycamore St., res. 27.74 1.80 29.54 Henry F. Everett, 1 Sycamore St. res 34.37 1.80 36.17 Bryant Gayonr Est., 1 Railroad St. res. 10.92 1.80 12.72 Lena Giles, 1 Elm St. res. _ —— 4.37 1.80 6.17 Joe Gorham, 1 Main St. res., 1 Main St. tenant 32.98 1.80 34.78 Alonzo Gurganus, 1 Biggs St. res. 7.64 1.80 9.44 Charlie Harris, 1 Leggetts Lane res. 1196 1.80 13.76 Augustus Hawkins, 1 Sycafnore St. res. 47.89 1.80 49.69 Geo. T. Hill, 1 Sycamore St. res. 4 acres vacant 33.08 1.80 34.88 L. C. Hoggard, 2 Washington St, Bldgs. 64.72 1.80 66.52 -I HartV M. Howard, I Washington res, 1 John Price lot 10.87 1.80 12.07 Noah Huff. 1 Washington St. res. —: 1310 180 14.90 Mary Hyman, 1 Wilson res. 8.84 1.80 10.64 Lula Hyman, 1 Martin vacant -*■- '- 18 , - 8U Geo. W. Hyman, 1 Hyman St. res., 1 Center St, res.. 1 Martin vacant 32.32 1.80 34.U J. T. James, 1 Pear St. res. J 2.07 1.80 13.87 Henry Jones, 1 Sycamore residence low Margaret Johnson, 1 Hyman vacant f Mahaley Lloyd, 1 Elm St. residence ; 5.46 1.80 7.Z6 Claud Matthews, 1 Main St. residence 5.41 1.80 7^l John H. Montain, 1 Broad St. residence 11-96 180 13.76 \ Eliza Moore Estate. 2 Main St. res. 284 .80 23.64 1 Thad Newsome, jr., 1 Jamesville Road vacant 109 1.80 Z.OT Golden Ormond, 1 Martin St. residence 22.99 1.80 Z4.7V Roy Ormond, 1 Sycamore vacant ._ 3« «•»» ■>" Edmond Ormond, 1 Hamilton Rd. res : ..... 21.84 1.80 23.64 W V. Ormond, 1 Washington St. garage, 1 Washing ton vacant, 1 Rhodes St. res., tenant houses Main. Blount Rd. 1 Church res. 156.93 1.80 158.73 Joe W. Peel, 1 Washington St. res. - 1966 1.80 21.46 Caesar Purvis. Agt., 1 Broad St. vacant - 4.37 180 6.17 Dora Purvis, 1 Broad St. res l3 22 180 15.0 George T. Purvis. 1 Hatton St. res. ..... * } » }°™ Gus Purvis, jr., I Hyman St. res. - - lj-96 180 1.7 Lizzie Purvis. 1 Mam vacant .. _—— - }?J! Henry Purvis, 1 Main St. residence 3276 1.80 34.50 Alice Purvis, 1 center St. res Gus Purvis, 1 Hyman residence - 4.37 I.HO o.i/ Millie Respass Est., 1 Elm St. residence 1529 1.80 17.09 John Rhodes Est., 1 Main residence ... -- 1638 1.80 18.18 Uriah Rhodes, 1 Railroad St. residence 6.50 I.ZO » _ J. Watts Rhodes, 1 Church St. vacant .... fW I.BU ->.*■ 1 Jane Rice, 1 Broad St. residence _■ •—-- }?S 1 Solomon Riddick Est.. 1 Riddick St. residence - - 17 47 180 lVu£7 John Roberson, 1 Main St. residence, 5 acres 32.00 1.80 JJIW- Beulah Roberson, 1 Blount St. vacant « - 2.J8 , 1.80 J.v» Smith Roberson, 2 Blount St. vacant 2.18 1.80 JW Paul W. Rogers, 1 Washington St. res. 4 l' W 1-80 13.4 William M. Rogers, 1 Hatton Res - 9.78 80 ii.a ■ Ed Rogers, 1 Main St. residence .. ..... .... .. 874 l.w Jake H. Ruffin, 2 Washington St., 1 Elm St. .... . 15 02 Whit Ruffin, 2 Elm St. residences 13" }•"" iXXT W. M. Ruffin, 1 Riddick St. res. ... ~~ 2 " J*®" fi ng Lonnie Rhodes, 1 Hatton St. res., 1 Hatton St. vacant _ 15.18 180 10.98 Tobe Rogers. 1 Broad St. res. - » }•■" gie 1 Frank Scott, 2 Jamesvill* R&ad - fl! {"fn 944 Bessie Scott, 1 C^ urc h T e *v na* IRO 16 25 W. Henry Sherrod, 1 Washmgl&n St. res. - 1445 1.80 1. Alfred Sherrod Estate, 1 Hattofi €t. res 23.13 180 Z4.VJ M. 1). Slade, 1 White St. res --- 7.59 1.80 v. Lizzie Slade. 1 Railroad St. res. 559 1.80 . \ S. Snowdy Slade, 1 Riddick St. res.. 1 Jamesville vacant 9.83 1.80 U.w Virginia Smith, 1 Washington St. res. >• 15 62 i Col fox Speller, 1 Main St. res and store .......... 13.8Z 180 15.M A Mattie B. Speller, 1 Washington St. res. I Nichols house 26.56 180 ZJJJO Wilson Staton, i White St. res. .'oq jq 27 Tom Stokes, 1 Sycamore St. res, - Hyman St. res 17.47 ■ Charlie Stokes, 1 Pearl St. res. - • g4l - 1 William Stokes, 1 Washington St. res. igQ 20' 7 6 Willie Thompson, 1 Sycamore St. res J™ , 0M Missouri Ward, 1 Hyman St. res. - • gjy Watts and Slade, 1 Washington St. building .qVj. iun 50*84 William Whitley, 1 Pearl St. res 4 Jg $ 835 Edna Whitley, 1 . Main St. res - Sjg ,2X 3VB Ada White, 1 Hyman St. res - Joe Wigg' ns - 1 Hatton, St. res. ...... • . 49,15 Gabriel Wiggins Sr., Estate, 1 Hatton St. res. - • Joe Wilkins, 1 Main St. res . on 944 Carrie Williams, 1 Hatton St. res. li'lO 180 14.90 Joe Williams, 1 Wilson St. r ' B - - lfitt 180 18 13 Joe Wilson, 1 Hatton St. res. 1 Hatton vacant 1633 1.80 IH.IJ Joe Woolard, 1 Railroad res - . g P. D. Williams, 1 Main St. res - .. —."jo 1 go 508 * Matilda Woolard. 1 Pearl St. res - 12 L. G. Leggett, 48 acre* residence - 7300 W. S. I-eggett, 59 a. res., 30 a. Joyner land .-- r — 7300 V. G. Taylor, 470 acres residence, 200 acrea Roebuck land, 70 acres Knox land, 66 acres Pearce land, 53 acres Sil vertlmrne land, 87 acres Leggett land, 35 acres, Edmond- son land —. ——•- # "" " yi fs\ Mrs. Laura Whitaker, 45 acres Leggett land " ™ Poplar Point To wnship—Colored S. P. Moore. 270 Cofield land * Joe Tillery, 55 acres Cofield land itMt Griffin* Township—Whits Beverly Corey, 15 acres residence, 60 acres Head of Swamp I * land. 5 acres Sophia J. Corey land £» Mrs. J. R. Corey, 25 acres residence "■™ L. E. Corey Estate, 156 acres residence '*.•>» Robert Corey, 25 acres Hardy Corey place '" VV 1 Thomas A. Corey, 50 acres county line land Mrs J. A. Daniel, 131 acres residence Eli T. Hodges, 39 acres Powell land M.fu Louisa Lilley, 75 acres residence......— 40 * A. F. Manning, 93 acres Smith wick land, 125 a. old res. 56J10 ! Geo. M. Peele, 90 acrea residence, 10 acres adj. J. E. R., 50 acres wire grass land, 7 acres Corey land 73.00 Mrs. John G. Peel, 68 acres residence ~ 51.50 , Mrs. S. H. Perry, 150 acres residence . 53.00 Claudius Roberson, 156 acres residence - - 114-80 James E. Roberson, 55 acres res. 1 30.80 I J, H. Styron, 100 acres Moore land 27.80 N. T. Woolard, 200 acres J. T. Peele land 11.00 * Griffins Township—Colored j Geo. Butler, 45 a. adj. Chas. Williams, 25 acres residence, 33 acres Perry land -, 46.20 Tom Clemmons, 5 acres Phones Bridge land 3JBO Mary Corey heirs, 7 acres Mary Corey tract _— 2.10 'Ada Godard, 14 a. res., 150 a. Revels land, 2 a. Stallins land 28.00 |B. R. Godard, 40 acres residence —— 14.40 George F. Godard, 38 acres residence 18.10 Go'lius Godard, 40 acres residence, 125 a. Corey land 37.20 Kader Stailings, 60 acres residence , 23JO Croaa Roads Townahip—White i Ayers, J. 8., Est., 75 acres Avers land 52.60 Bailey Barnhill & Adkins, 50 acres woods land, 300 acres * Barnhill lafd 361 JO Railey,. J. E., Heirs, 1 vacant lot : L : 420 Barnhill Bros., 290 acres White land, 3 acres mill sit 478.00 Barnhill and Roebuck, 90 acres Biggs land 85.00 Barnhill, A. L., 1 town lot : - 23J0 Beach, Mrs. J. R., 69 acres Beach land 48.90 Bullock, J. R., 30 a. res., 13 a., Gurganus land, 14 a. Leary Id. 72J0 Clarks and Taylor, 2 town lots 53J0 Clark, Mrs. J. C, 196 acres Roberson land - 208.00 Clark, L. A., 170 acres Moore land 199.80 Clark, S. H., 225 acres Clark land 226.60 Crawford, "W. F„ 1 lot 11.70 Hargrove, Mrs. R. H, 195 acres Roebuck land 94.00 James, Mrs. Nancy J., 80 acres Wynn Land 99.60 Jolly, J. H., Estate, 25 acres woods land 4JO Keel, G. L., 60 acres Burroughs lan 4 81.00 .. Leggett, Charlie, 66 a. Leggett land, 50 a. Leggett land 47J0 Leggett, H. W., jr, 50 acres Leggett land 3270 Leggett, W. A_ Estate, 85 acres Avers land 32.60 Mobley, Mrs. Knicheon, 50 acres MoMey land 62.00 (Continned om pat* foar) ... jlv .0 • . vA- ir: Friday, October 16, 1931

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