Adrertiiers Will Pad Oar Col ons a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hundred Martha County Homes VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 68 LOCAL OFFICERS _ HELP IN ARRREST NEGRO SLAYER Murderer Was Riding On Bus From Raleigh To Norfolk Local officers. Sheriff C. B. Roebuck and Chief of Police W. B. Daniel, as sisted in tKe arrest of Everett McLean, colored, who shot and killed B. H. Beasley, Southern Pines policeman, near Durham Tuesday night, at Tar boro Wednesday morning. The negro after his arrest, was returned to Dur ham and placed in a cell, where he killed himself by hanging later in the day. "freeing McLean to the Raleigh bus station, officers learned that he had bought a~ ticket to Norfolk. The bus had left Raleigh before the officers ar rived there, and they gave chase. Un acquainted with the bus routings, the Durham officers, four of them, went to Greenville. Officers there were called into conference, and local officers were advised to meet the Norfolk bus here. Going to the local station, Sheriff Roe buck and Chief Daniel learned that the man stopped in Tarboro, and they left immediately to take part in the search for him there. Near Robersonville, the local offi cers met the four from Durham and two more from Greenville and waved them back. Going to Tarboro, the group of law enforcers joined Tar boro police and located Everett in a hotel there. Everett had no gun at the time, but he did have $360 in cash. He was removed to the Durham Coun ty jail. According to the story told by Sher-t --off Roebuck and Chief Daniel, the Southern Pines officer was driving from Boydton, Va., to his home with McLean, McLean's wife and sister, and a negro man. They had been to the Virginia town in an effort to with draw charges in a case there charging the negro with-the attempted drown ing of his wife. About five miles out of Durham, McLean fired on the of ficer and then turned his gun on his wife. The car was wrecked and Mc- Lean's sister was killed in the crash, the fourth negro, Junius Austin, escap ing unhurt. The driver and other occupants of the Norfolk bus noticed Everett was acting peculiar, but thought nothing of it. Blood, from minor cut received when the car was wrecked the night before was found on the rear seat of the bus, where he rode from Raleigh to Tarboro, SAM T. CARSON IS DROWNED Loses Life When His Auto Plunges Into Tranters Creek Wednesday • Samuel T. Carson, Greenville attor ney and a native of Bethel, was drown ed and his brother, Baxter Carson, was badly hurt early Wednesday night when their car struck a bridge railing and overturned into Tranters Creek, between Pactolus and Washington. Carson, 29 years old, was well known here, where he played in the Eastern Carolina baseball league several years ago. The car was driven by Sam Carson, who was said to have been blinded by the lights of an automobile parked near the bridge, and hit the end of the bridge railing. The car hurtled into the stream, and Sam was said to pushed his brother from the car and then came out himself. While they were struggling franti cally against the current of the cold water, a negro residing a short dis tance from the stream, and who had heard the crash, rushed toMhe creek v bank and threw a long pole to the straggling men. Baxter was pulled to shore, but his brother drowned before he could be rescued. Sam was said to have almost reached shore when he missed his brother, and going back for him he drowned. UNION EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETING Held With. Holly Springs Church, Near Here, This Week . • A union Epworth League meeting, was held at Holly Springs, near here, 1 last Monday evening with seventy leaguers, representing four organiza tions in attendance. An interesting program was rendered with Mr. Ches son, president of the union, in charge. - Rev. Mr. Baum, secertary of the dis-. trict*organization, appeared before the meeting and offered valuable informa-' tion having to do with league activi-J ties. , The Holly Spring leaguers, serving supper to the visitors, were real en- These meetings are held once each month, first with one league and then another. The anion includes leagues in this and Washington county. Tlffi ENTERPRISE Mrs. Asa T. Crawford Dies ! In Hospital at Washington After Illness of Few, Days \ r ' NICKEL SHORTAGE The little round slots in these condensed pool tables scattered throughout the section are perfect traps for the "jits," making nickel shipment of SIOO worth or more i necessary each week. Owners of the tables gather the coina and if they are here out of banking hours, the five-cent pieces are carted a way. Many coins of that denomina tion arc also being used in mak- _ ing change lor laborers harvesting peanuts, cotton, and com, and working in various factories and establishments. DR. FRANK DEAN TO HOLD SERIES SERVICES HERE i t —- Public Invited To Join In "Witnessing For Christ" Movement Next Month i The special "Witnessing for Christ" movement, which is being inaugurated in the Episcopal Church, will reach this city Sunday evening, November 15, when the Rev. Frank Dean, I). 1).,' will hold services at the Church of the Advent and continuing through the week, holding services in the church and at the home of the people, teaching and preaching the things of the King dom of God. Doctor L)ean comes from Wilmington and is known as one of the strong preachers of this Diocese. I Bishop Darst and the officers of the Diocese with the rector of this church are must earnest in urging the mem bers of this church to cooperate in every way that they can in bringing every member of this church, as well as those who have no church home, to these services, for it can he said in all truth and earnestness that in these Witnessing for Christ services the Kingdom of God and His Christ will come very near to us. We need to' pray to God for personal conserva tion and personal conviction first, for it is only in so far as we are conse crated ourselves and convicted of sin and convinced of the saving grace of God and our Lor I and Sav;our, Jesu* Christ, which comes to us through the Sacraments, service* and ministration* of the church that we c:m reach oth ers and show to the world by our fruits and by our Jives that we ha-ve submitted our lives and wills to the Will of God and that we arc willing to do His will as far as He has given us the ability and i!ie power to do it. Every man, wonun, and child of Williamston and surrounding com munities are most cordially invited to . attend these services, and we ask the ; prayers of Christian men and women of these communities for God to great ly bless this movement to the end that ( Christ instead of chaos may come into | the life of our church and community j and to the people who must realize now* as never before that Christ is the only hope of the world and without Him chaos and confusion will result and bring our civilization to an inglorious end. Church of the Advent Sunday scjiool at 10 a. in. Morning prayer and sermon at 11. St. Martin Chfarch—Hamilton Sunday school, at 10 a. m. Holy communion and sermon at 3:30 p. m. "V Evening prayer and sermon at 7: 30. FIRE COMPANY. ANSWERS 2 CALLS No Damage Results When Soot In Two House Chimneys Burn Present indications point to a busy season for the local fire department and its members, the company having answered two calls this week to bring the total up to four since the cold weather set in. Last Tuesday afternoon, the com-i pany was called out when a chimney ■ burned out at the home of Mr. and | Mrs. Mizelle on east Main Street. A second call was answered early Wed nesday morning, when a chimney at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. An derson in New Town burned out and scorched the woodwork in several places. No damage resulted from either of the blazes. • 1 * Sunday Services at the Local Christian Church The following services will be held at the local Christian church Sunday: Regular service at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. A cordial invitation is extended to ill and a hearty welcome swaits you to these services. Williamston, Martin North Carolina, Friday, October 23, 1931 FUNERAL WILL BE HELD SATURDAY AT CHURCH HERE * ! Died Last Night of Pneu monia Following An Operation Tuesday Mrs. Asa T. Crawford, one of Wil liamston's most beloved women, and a leader for years in Sunday school ' and k church work here, died suddenly ! 1 last flight . at—ll:ls in a Washington hospital of pneumonia. Suffering an acute attack of appendicitis last Tues-i day, Mrs. Crawford was immediately ! removed to the hospital, where an op eration was i>erforrned. She was get-! ting along very well up until yester- . .day, when penumonia developed, her | weak heart hastening the end. Born here 57 years ago, Mrs. Craw- I | ford as the daughter of Mrs. Fannie j 'S. Biggs, a member of a prominent j ! Tyrrell County family, and her j jhusbahd, the late John Dawson Biggs. | She was educated in Ihe local schools ' land the old Williamston Academy. Karly in her youth she joined the j Baptist church here, rendering a noble I and untiring service in her chosen re- j ligious field. For 35 years, she was | ' treasurer of the Baptist Sunday school | here, and since early womanhood, she j taught a class in the Sunday school. Her work was not limited to the church, for she was active in the in terest of her fellowinan, rendering a willing aid to those in 'need in times of distress and misfortune, f . Karly in December, 18 ( >7, "Miss Pat," as she was favorably known by ber many friends throughout this sec tion, was married to Mr. Asa Torn ! Crawford, who survives. No children were horn to the union, j She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Fannie S. Biggs, of Williamston, one sister, Mrs. E. H. Morrison, of Vir ginia Ucach and Tarboro, and two ' brothers, Messrs. Harry A. Biggs, of , Williamston, and John D. Biggs, of , Rutherfordlon, N. j Funeral services will be conducted from the Baptist church tomorrow aft- 1 ernoon by her pastor, Rev. Charles H. ! Dickey, assisted by Rev. X. T. Piep hoff, of the local Presbyterian church. Dr. Wm. R. Burrell, Murfreesboro minister and a former pastor of the Baptist church here, is expected to. be here and take part in the service. | Interment will follow in the -Baptist Cemetery. Dr. and Mrs. Big|{s arrived here early this morning from their home in 1 Rutherford ton. ! SMALL BOY IS J SLIGHTLY HURT j Greenville Youth Struck by ] Car of Edmond Harris, ( Of Grass Frank Wilson, the seven-year-old | son of Mr. and Mrs. Franfc Wilson, of , Greenville, was accidentally run down and painfully but not seriously hurt in that town 4 last Tuesday afternoon by jMr. Edmond Harris, resident of Bear, Gt;ass, this county. The boy suffered a broken leg, other injuries being only minor ones. •» I Mr. Harris, driving his car out of Greenville at the time, saw the Wilson , child and another one playing with a j water pipe near the street. Just as he j reached them the Wilson boy ran in j front of his car and the other one ran into a fender, but he was not badly hurt. There was no carelessness on the part of Mr. Harris, according to state ments made by witnesses to the acci- ! dent. | « .Presbyterians Announce Program Of Services • - True sayings: "It is better to beg I ' bread for a little while on earth, as I Lazarus did, than to beg water for- I ever in Hell." Church school, '9:45 a. m. Worship service and sermon, 11 a. I m.—Subject: "Was Jesus a Revolu tionist?" I During His short life, Jesus was ac cused by many of being a ist. He broke the law of the Sabbath, and of fasting, and did many other . revolutionary things. Ought Christians to do the same things today, and if so, when? I Bear Grass Sunday school at 9:30 a ,m. , Worship service and sermon, 7 p. m. Revival begins Sunday, November 1. Roberson's Farm Misaion Sunday SCIKJOI at 3 p. m. Series of evangelistic services every night at 7:30 o'clock until November 1. You are always welcome at these services. Come. BANKERS WILL HOLD MEETING HERE OCT. 30TH ♦ Will Discuss Details of the President's National Credit Plans An important meeting of prominent | bankers in Eastern North Carolina will ibe held here next Friday night, when | they will discuss details of President .Hoover's National Credit Corporation, it was announced here today by Mr. C. D. Carstarphen, cashier of the Branch Banking apd Trust Company here. A complete program for the meeting has not been announced at ! this time, but bankers from Dare, Pas quotank, Hertford, Northampton, Ber tie. Perquimans, Chowan, Washington, ; beaulort, Pitt, and Martin Counties are expected to be here that day. ! Mr. Robert M. Hanes, president of the North Carolina Bankers' Associa tion, will head the program, Mr. Car starphen said. | The general idea behind the Hoover , plan, Mr. Hanes has explained, is to provide a fund whereby solvent banks, ! faced with overwhelming amounts of | fro/en assets, may receive aid in li quidating them and realizing cash with which to carry on their operations. ! The National Credit Corporation has | been described as a ."pawn shop for slow paper." l.arge sums have been subscribed to i the $500,000,000 fund being raised for jcredit expansion, it is understood. Mr. I Hanes will make full explanation of [the workings of the plan at the meet ing here next Friday, Mr. Carstarphen said today. DEATH OF MRS. R. M. JOHNSON AT HAMILTON Dies Suddenly at the Home of Her Daughter, Mrs. Paul L. Salsbury Mrs. R. M. Johnson, beloved wo-j man of Scotland Neck, died suddenly, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Paul 'L. Salsbury, in Hamilton, last Satur jday morning at 1 o'clock. | Mrs. Johnson, apparently in good health, arrived in Hamilton to visit her daughter and Mr, Salsbury for a few days. Friday night about 11 o'- clock, Mrs. Salsbury heard a noise in her mother's room, and going there Mrs. Johnson told her she had had a had dream and that she must have | 'made the noise while, sleeping. Mrs. j 'Johnson added that she felt all right.; I Later in the night, about 1 o'clock, au- j other noise was heard in Mrs. John-j son's room, and Mrs. Salsbury again i went to investigate. Mrs. Johnson told jher that she believed she was dying. IA doctor was immediately called hut lliefore he could reach the home Mrs. 'Johnson was dead, I" Before- her marriage, Mrs. Johnson was Miss Martha Shields, of Scot land Neck. She was one of the most Jbeloved women of that section through ,out a long and useful life of 76 years. 1 'Her husband, the late L>r. H. M. John son, was, for years, one of the first [citizens of Halifax County. It will be recalled that he died suddenly in the j Kobersonville Baptist church while at-1 tending an association meeting there. 10 years ago. He had just completed an address in the interest of orphan-' age work when he died. r *' Johnson leaves three children, Hifch Johnson, of Scotland Neck; Vic tor Johnson, of Brownwood, Texas, and Mrs. P. L. Salsbury, of Hamilton, } and nine grandchildren. _J J Funeral services were conducted in Scotland Neck Sunday afternoon by j Rev. Mr. Goode, pastor of the Bap-1 jtist church there. She was buried be-, side her husband in the cemtery there. Agent Announces Prices For Curb Market Here ♦ . I The following prices will be in ef fect at the curb market here tomor row morning: j Snap beans, pound, '7 cents; butter beans, 3 pounds, 20 rents; collards, pound, 5 and 8 cents; peppers, pound ' 4 cent*; cream, pint, 30 cents; butter,! pound, 32 cents; irish potatoes, pound| 1 1-2 cents; sweet potatoes, 5 pounds,! 12 cents; tomatoes, pound, 6 cents;, | turnip greens, pound, 5 cents; eggs, l dozen, 26 cents; chickens, live, pound, 19 cents. " 1 TEACHERS MEET ' The first meeting of the Mar- j tin County teachers will be held here the first Saturday in nest month, November 7, it waa an nounced this week by the super intendent of achoola. The meeting has been postponed twice, first on account of a district welfare meeting held in Edenton, and later on account of delayed ! payment of teachers, r 1 ' Governor Again Urged to Call Special Session of Legislature —_— : . _—,— NUMBER CASES TRIED TUESDAY !j COUNTY COURT Larceny Cases Show Gain In Number In Martin County Recently ( Crime WeWS developing in the Mar tin County Recorder's Court here was centered around thefts at the last Tuesday session. Sentences, varying in duration from 90 days ta 9 mouth* on the State highways, were meted out by Judge J. VV. Bailey during the day. j Nine cases were called at the ses sion, as follows: J-. Judgment was suspended in the case charging Clinton Merritt with violat ing the liquor laws. The defendant paid the costs. | C apiases were issued for the arrest of Newsome Robbins. charged with driving an automobile while under the] of liquor, and the arrest of George Purvis, charged with abandon ment. v ~ i | The case charging Chester Terry' with violating the liquor laws, was continued one week. | Jim Biggs was sentenced to the roads for a period of four months jwhen the court adjudged him guilty of larceny and receiving. Biggs ap pealed, the court requiring bond in the sum of S2OO, William Sutton and William Daniel were found not guilty in the case .charging them wi|h larceny and re ceiving. 4 | Pleading guilty in the case charging him with larceny and receiving, Bryant Dixon was sentenced to the roads for a term of nine months. | Found guilty of an assault with a j deadly weapon, Richard' Ore was sen jtenced to the roads for a period of 90 days. I The case charging Johnnie Williams with larceny and receiving was con tinued. | A nol pros resulted in the case charging C. M. Burton with passing a worthless check. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES Quarterly Conference Will j Be Held With Church At Holly Springs * ! Rev. C. T. Rogers, Pastor Several highspots appear in the Methodist church announcements for Sunday and next week, Rev. C. T. Rogers pointed out in addressing an urgent appeal for a goodly attendance ' upon each of the services. Sunday school will convene at the usual hour, 9:45 a. m., preaching serv ices following at 11 o'clock that morn ing an*)., at 7:30 that evening. The 1 Epworth league will meet Monday at 7:30 p. m., the at 7:00 Tuesday evening, and the mid-week prayer service Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. ' The pastor calls attention of all | members to the last quarterly confer ence that will be held at Holly Springs next Friday and to the annual con ference convening at Greenville the 118 th of next month. Mr. Rogers stat ed that he was desirous to have the members of the church keep these dates in mind and assist in making the ' report ready for the annual meeting. | Mr. Rogers has the following to say 'in connection with the Sunday school: From the Sunday school, 45 Meth odist men are lost, strayed, stolen, or ,"som'en." If you can say a word or Ido something to have them returned to the Sunday school Sunday morn ing at 9:45, the church and school would be greatly helped. I an} sure you would be amply repaid for your ef fort. sU by chance, one of these whom very anxious about, should I>ee this item, won't you think many times over, between now and Sunday morn ing, how much we need you and how much you need the Sunday school. | We are going to have a place for you, ' and don't disappoint us. The men's | Bible class will have charge of the I song service Sunday morning. Last Sunday, we had the largest at tendance for many months and the men's Bible class had its largest num -1 ber of scholars present. Come on and ! give us a lift Sunday. ! Editor Forced trfm Work j After 40 Years of Service j This week, for the first time in forty years, Editor Andrew J. Connor, of the Roanoke-Chowan Times, Rich Square, failed to edit his paper. In ill health a greater part of this year, Mr. Connor underwent s serious operation .in a Rocky Mount hospital early this I week, forcing him to suspend his work on the paper that has well served the > people of the Roanoke-Chowan section ,for a number of years. -- . jf PAY TEACHERS I j ■* \ Approximately t14,000 was re leased in the county this week when the State of North Carolina 1 paid the achool teachera and set tled other accounts. A greater por tion of the amount went to teach ers for their services rendered during the first school month of , J the 1931-32 term. [ The amount paid out this week j was considerably less than the ex penditure made during the first I! month of operation of the Martin ! County schools last year, the 1 greater patt of the reduction re sulting in decreased salaries of teachers, and a limited number of teachers. ARREST THREE FOR ALLEGED ASSAULT ON MAN Dennis, Robert and Arthur i Barber Jailed for Alleged Assault-on Roy Andrews | Dennis Barber, Robert Barber and Arthur Barber, white men of Williams township, this county, .nvere arrested late, yesterday by Sheriff C. B. Roe buck and Deputy S. H. Grimes in j connection with the shooting of Roy I Andrews, white man, in the islands , section of that district last Saturday, i . Ihe first of the three is charged with ' secret assault with intent to kill, the . warrant charging the other two with aiding and abetting in the alleged i crime. . I Rumor .credits Deiinis Barber with 1 firing a .-load of shot into Mr. Andrews, injuring him Badly buf not seriously I about the arm and face. According to stories heard here, Barber, thinking i Andrews was a game warden or a . revenue ollicer, took his stand in the , woods, and when the man was 20 or . 25 yards away, he fired the gun with r the intent flu kill him. Andrews yelled and caled for help but his attacker fled. It is believed that the shot would ' have killed Andrews had he not had | his gun on his shoulder, the stock of J which caught a large number of the ■Htcel shot. When arrested yesterday, the three men denied the charges. They will be given a hearing in the recorder's court here next Tuesday. CLUBS IN ANNUAL MEET THURSDAY j —♦ — Home Demonstration Club j Members of County Here Yesterday 4 p | The annual business meeting of the J several Martin County Home Demon . stration .clubs was held here yester day afternoon, a joing session being, held immediately afterwards with the j local Woman's club when an interest ing program was given. I Miss Lora E. Sleeper, home agent in charge of the program, presented Miss Georgia Piland, of Tyrrell coun i ty, who made an instructive talk on .."Native Shrubbery." Miss Piland ex j hihited several of the shrubs and made suggestions as to the places of plant ing. She was well informed on her subject and told her. hearers how to . divide their grbund anct. which plants to cultivate in the various ylots. r k-JPfie several demonstration clubs were represented at the meeting. j , A short business session was held j by the local club when regular com-' I mittee reports were made of the work , | accomplished during the past month. The club voted to replenish the kitch- j en and table ware so that the club could serve at least one hundred peo- j pie at one time. The treasurer, Mrs. j 'j. G. Staton reported $100.32 in the 'club treasury. '•- • | ♦ Baptismal Service at the \ Baptist Church Sunday j I There will be a baptismal service at the Baptist church next Sunday morn-| ing at the 11 o'clock hour, following a short sermon. r * i 1 In the evening the pastor will speak on "What We Owe the Christian j J Church." This will be the last of a series of five Sunday evening addresses ( on the various denominations operat ■ ing in Williamston. ' I The series has been well attended, f and it has been hoped, all along, that 1 they would make some contribution to I the further harmony and good will be ., tween the several communions, ij The church [x-ople note with regret i that it hat been necessary for Mr. r I Vernon Godwin and Mrs. A. T. Craw i i ford to go to hospitals this week, i These people and their families are re jtnembered by the church. Watch the Label On Toor Papar As It Carriaa tha Data Whaa Yoor Subscription Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 I GARDNER GIVES PROPOSAL SOME CONSIDERATION a Large Delegations of Mer chants and Farmers Are Heard -■ ' • - Going before Governor O. Max (uirdner in Raleigh Wednesday, a del egation of farmers, business men, and egislators urged the chief executive to call a special session of the General Assembly, the group making the most mpressive showing that has been yet made for special legislation limiting j cotton and tobacco acreage' in North | Carolina. And it now looks as if the governor might call the legislators to nether, provided they pledge them- I selves to lay off the tobacco com panies. Apparently realizing that the governor would not call a session un jless he was assured no attack would .be made on the tobacco companies, those speaking at the delegation meet ing also advocated a pledge by the j legislators to consider only crop re duction legislation, expressing confi dence that such pledges would be forth coming. j Governor Gardner, who was obvious- Ily impressed by the earnestness of the delegations, most but not all of whose members came from eastern North Carolina, and by the apparent strength of sentinient in their coun ties, did not commit himself on the proposals, but told each delegation that he would give the matter most seri ous and careful consideration. The time merchants asked that a special session be preceded by a con ference between the Governors of | North Carolina, South Carolina, Geor gia, and Virginia, with such other rep resentatives from the States as might jbe selected, with a view to uniform legislation. Many Have Changed Ihe delegation of merchants was | headed by State Senator W. G. Clark. Jof Edgecombe, and Senators Baggett, of Harnett, and Lynch, of Robeson, and Representatives Robert Young, of Harnett, and Ruffin, of Bertie, all of whom advocated a special session. | However, much of the talking was done by the merchants in the morning and by the farmers in the afternoon, many of whom said they had form jerly opposed\a special session of the I legislature, but were now in favor of adopting the Texas law, which does 'not permit more than 30 per cenl. oi the cultivated land of any farmer to ,be permitted in any one soil-exhaust ing crpp. j Considerable stress was laid upon I the action QL other states and the pos [sible effect upon them of action by ■ North Carolina. Governor Gardner stressed the point that the laws en tirely prohibiting planting of cotton which were passed by Louisiana and South Carolina are null and void since jtlii refusal of Texas to pass such a law has made it impossible for the 75 per Jcent acreage, upon ,which those laws made contingent. Arkansas and Miss issippi have followed the Texas law while other states have not yet acted. Argument! Advanced I The chief arguments advanced at both the meetings were that the recent rise in the price of cotton in the face of government reports of a larger yield can only be attributed to legislation and the prospect of further legislation, that North Carolina would have to i make less actual reduction than any ! other state in order to conform to the I Texas law, that voluntary reduction 1 has-been tried and proved wholly ui}- j successful, and that a large majority lof the farmers desire the legislation. N. G. Bartlett, of Kinston, secretary |of the Eastern Carolina Chamber of j Commerce, who headed the delegation of farmers yesterday afternoon, said j that boards of commissioners in IS i counties had gone on record in favor 'of the legislation, and his delegation ' included several county commissioners. | 'Several farmers and merchants fiom this county went before the gov ! ernor and urged him to call a special 1 session. Those attending from this Icounty included J. G. Staton, D. R. Everett, and H. C. Norman. To Reorganize Everetts Parent-Teacher Group • A reorganization of the Everetta Parent-Teacher association will be perfected at a meeting of ieachers and ( school patrons in the school building I there n«xt Tueaday evening at 7:30 o'> ' clock, Principal D. N. Hix announced today. School patrons are urg«d to be pres ent and take part in the reorganisa tion program and the work that ia vitally necessary as a part of the as sociation's program thia term.

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