Atortiaan Wffl Pad Our Col nmi a Utchkn to Over Sixteen Hundred Marts County Homes VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 69 CHURCH WOMEN TO HOLD MEET HERE TOMORROW Eden ton Convocation Will Convene In The Church Of The Advent The Edenton Convocation convened in the Church of the Advent here 011 November 17, 1910, during the rec torship of Rev. William J. Gordon, and comes to the parish for the first time since that date on tomorrow, Wednesday, October 28. It is interesting t > note that the Edenton Convocation was the firs! formed in the Diocese, and embraces the northeastern counties, many oi which border on Virginia. The first auxiliaries organized were those at Edenton, Woodville, and Windsor. In 1908, there were three convocations, namely, Edenton, New Bern, and Wil mington. A change was made so that only Edenton and Wilmington remain, and these two cover the entire Diocese. For many years the meetings were held every fifth Sunday in the year in one of the parishes, but later only two meetings were scheduled to be held. The late Rev. Nathaniel Harding was the first dean, and he was suc ceeded at his death by Dr. R. B. Drane. The present dean is Rev. Stephen Gardner, rector of St. Peters church at Washington. Mrs. Victor Shelburne. of Washington, is president, and will preside over, the meeting here tomor row. She will use a gavel made of oak secured by Dr. Drane from Roanoke Island, where Virginia Dare was bom and baptized. It was fashioned by Tiffany, of New Yark, and on it are in scribed the names of all the president of the convocation. It was the gift of Mrs. J. G. Staton, who for many >ears was Diocesan President of the Woman's Auxiliary. Mrs. C. J. Saw yer, of Winrisc r, treasure*- of the Unit ed Thank Offering, will be present at the meeting, 4s will M's Mae WOOJ Window, of Hertford, educational sec retary. whose iitdu-ss on India Iws - b«.en very irileieM og and instructive this year. i Bishop Thomas C. Darst, who is at New Bern today, will deliver an ad dress during the motning session. UNIQUE TOPIC AT BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Will Talk on Grand Opera Stars Who Came From Church Choirs A unque service i* announced (or the Sunday evening hour at the Bap tilt church next Sunday evening. Working upon the idea that nearly all grand opera, grand concert, and nra toria lingers, who have thrilled the h««rt of the musical world, have come out of the churches and church choirs, the pastor of the church has made a study of this matter, and is prepared to speak upon it at that hour. The study has brought out the in formation that nearly all the world'* great singers have come » that way. They were first discovered in church choirs, popular attention was focused upon them in that way; and froift the sympathetic hearings fciven them by groups of church people, they got their first impetus to go on in the pursuit of their work. 4 Such familiar names as those of Mel ba, Schumann-Heink, and Marion Tal ley, and literally dozens of others, have sung themselves to fame over this route. It is thought that all music lovers in particular and church people in general will enjoy this unique serv ice. Al Capone Gets 11-Year Sentence in Leavenworth Found guilty of evading the income tax laws, Alphonse Capone, notorious gangster and underworld dog, was last week sentenced by Judge James H. Wilkerson to *erve 11 years in Leav enworth Prison and pay a fine of $50,- s 000. Capone, the king of beer, liquor, and gambling rackets in Chicago, was found guilty after a long and expen sive drive by the Federal government. Skewarkee Masons Will " Meet Here Tonight, 7:30 It was anonunced yesterday by of ficials'of Skewarkee lodge of Masons that a regular meeting would be held tonigfct at 7:30 in the lodge hall. All members are urged to be present and visitors are cordially invited. Bwtic ular attention is called to the change in time of meeting, 7:30, instead of ft o'clock as in the past. TJiere will be work in the second degree. Margolis Firm Offering Unusual Hose Bargains Sizeable saving are being made pos sible in hose purchases at Margolis Brothers' here this week, the firm of fering Gold Stripe "Adjnstables" for $1.65 a pair. It is Gold Stripe Fash ion week throughout the country, hence the savings to the public. THE ENTERPRISE CHURCH OF THE ADVENT JBkv ■OA mIIR Sk^JK - W| Hv> - Iflfl Where the Edenton Convocation will convene here tomorrow for the first time in nearly twenty-one years. Prominent church leaders, includ- Bishop Thomas C. Darst, and speakers will take part in the program. County Harvesting Large Pota f TOBACCO MARKET I v J The Williamston tobacco mar-, ket had another large sale of the IMIOD yesterday when 256,793 pound* of the golden leaf were sold with the price average little changed from previou* sales. It wai late afternoon, almost mnaet, when the tales were completed, many thinking that the market would block at 5 o'clock. Sales today were less than 100,000 pounds with the-prices no higher than they were yesterday, early estimates indicated. HOOVER TALKS TO METHODISTS \ Attacks Increased Arma ment Programs of Many World Powers ——♦—- It was with an appealing Voice that President Herbert Hoover addressed the world-wide Metliodist conference in Atlanta from the Cabinet room in Washington last Sunday afternoon. "Be thy brother's keeper and help in this world-wide depression," the Pres ident pleaded, pointing out that the depression was in every land. In many of his late speeches, the Chief Executive bus urged the people to aid the unemployed. The President, in bis Sunday after noon address to the Methodists, struck at increasing armament among nations and sai I such material manifestations of a fear of war adversely ffected eco nomic conditions. "It seems strange and incredible that after all the centuries of mail's experi ence with war, we still have to discuss it and to argue against it. It seems even more strange that with all the crushing burdens' resting upon every nation because of wars we still make progress against them at snail's pace. The nations groan uiyler taxation, peo ple in all lands suffer daily from eco nomic depression, governments arc perplexed—and yet we go on using in-' calculable sums in evident dread of those that may come upon us. A new iftind must be made in the world on this subject; a new spirit must be cre ated within the nations and between the nations. And 1 appeal to you as representatives of Methodists every where to unite with all other lovers of good will and followers of the Prince of Peace for the making of human brotherhood, in which the peace of God shall prevail in the lives of men." CONNER'RITES SET FOR TODAY * Rich Square Editor Died In Rocky Mount Hospital Last Sunday, 7 P. M. * Rich Square, Oct. 27.—Funeral serv ices for Andrew J. Conner, editor of the Roanoke-Chowan Times, will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 from the Methodist church here and will be conducted by the pastor, DR. O. P. Fits Gerald. Mr. Conner died Sunday night at 7 o'clock in Park View hospital, in Rocky Mount, where he had under gone an operation several days before in an effort to save his life. He was in hi* teventy-aecond year. He 4 is sur vived by bis wife, who was, before marriage, Miss Ella Pafker, of Rich , Square, and-a£veral children. | Mr. Conner was an outstanding citi zen of. his community and county and lection. He had edited the Rich Square paper for 40 years, making it one of the best and most influential weeklies in the State, noted particularly for its able and fearless editorial policies. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, October 27, 1931 THIRTY CURING HOUSES WILL BE USED THIS YEAR Ai • Price Very Low at Present, But Is Expected To Be Better in Spring j Martin County farmers are now har vesting their largest sweet potato crop |in the history of agriculture, some of , the larger farm owners harvesting the tubers from KKI acrfi and more. While the crop is the largest on record, it is still not a large crop, many farmers raising only their own requirements. Up until late last Saturday. J. G. Sfaton* had stored approximately 13,- (KMI hitsliels of the tubers'in his, curing | house here. Two rooms are already lunder steam, and several more will he 'made ready for the curing process with jin the next few days. ! Approximately 30 curing houses will lie in operation in the county this sea son, but with three or four exceptions the capacity of the houses is limited to a few hundred bushels. I The price of the potatoes is unusu ally low, hut in the spring more re munerative prices are expected. Re ports from Currituck and other far , caste n counties state'that prices are as low as 20 cents a bushel on the farms. Maryland growers, raising a potato slightly different from the one culti vated in this section, arc said to be selling their crop as low as 10 cents a ' bushel at the present time. These po tatoes are not cured, but are dumped on the market before freezing weather comes. | The Ktaton curing house here is be lieved to be the largest in this part of the country, and will hold approxi mately 30,000 bushels of the tubers. ' In addition to curing the potatoes gtown on his own -farms, Mr. Staton is in a position to handle about 5,000, bushels for other farmers, it was said yesterday. HONOR ROLL AT HAMILTON Names of Twenty-one Pu j pils Appear On First Month Honor Roll I. T Twenty-one pupils in the Hamilton school met all requirements to have their names appear on the scholastic | honor roll for the first month, it was reported yesterday by Principal W. E. Plyler. The roll: ! First grade: Erma Lec Dail and Warren Robbins. Second grade: Julia -.Scott, iCindy ] Scott, Bculah Silverthorne, | Third grade: Iris Ewell, Beatrice Girvin, Mildred Dail, Elizabeth Girvin, William Beach. Four grade: Mary Slade, Alma Ew ell, Lillian Robbins, Richard Salsbury, i Jimmy Deal. " 1 Fifth grade: Sadie Butler, i Sixth grade: Elsie Davis, Elizabeth I Haislip, Maggie Jutry Cox. | Seventh grade: Robert Davis, Dolly Myers. 1 Everett High School Pupils Reorganize Glee Club There * Everetts, Oct. 27, —The students of Everett* High School met in the school auditorium Friday morning, October 23, and reorganized the Everetts Glee Club for the year of 1931-32. i The officers elected for the year are the following: President, Hilton Forbes; vice president, Gentry Mills; •ecretary and treasurer, Sudic Mallory; marshalls, Janie Biggs and Eula Fae Bailey; pianist, Helen Keel; news re porter, Hazel Paulkner;. club leader, | Miss Ina Mae Williams. ASKS NO PLEDGE FROM MEMBERS OF LEGISLATURE —•— Solons Will Be At Liberty To Act As They Please If Session Is Called Raleigh, Oct. 27.—Issuing his first formal statement on the question of acreage reduction since his exchange of telegrams with Governor Sterting, of Texas, before the passage of the Texas cotton curtailment law, Gover nor O. Max Gardner yesterday de clared that if he calls a special session of the North Carolina Legislature he will not seek a pledge from members to consider no other legislation, "be- cause to undertake to do so would, in my opinion, indicate a lack of faith and confidence in the patriotism of the General Assembly itself." ) The Governor did not, in his state ment,' commit himself as to calling the session, but said that he was giv ing serious consideration to every phase of the question. He states twice as many members of the General As sembly had asked that there be no session as had asked for one, but that I the latter group had been more out spoken in their views. | Of perhaps more significance was the l failure of the Governor to mention the request that has heen made that as the • Governor of the largest tobacco growing state Ip call a conference of the Governors of Virginia, South Car olina, anil Georgia to consider- uni form legislation for the reduction of tobacco. The Governor, who has been urged to take this action on the ground that it was in line with his own sug gestion to the Governor of Texas, had previously stated he was giving the matter serious consideration. "There is nothing ready for publi cation about the matter yet," was his reply yesterday, when asked as to the omission of this matter front his state ment. While the Governor declined to elab orate this reply or to say whether or not negotiations are now under way with the other Governors, it is assumed that a definite statement on the mat ter will be forthcoming shortly. HONOR ROLL AT EVERETTS —• — Names of Seventeen Pupils i Appear On Roll for The First Month I The names of 17 pupils appear on the scholastic honor roll of the Ever etts school for the first month of the ( 1931-32 term, Principal 11 ix announced last night. The list: 1 First grade: Dora O'Neil Hailey, William Mallory, Reuben Hailey, Ice land Hardison, Second grade: Florine Clark, Pattie Etheridge. Third grade: Ruth Evelyn Forbes, Agnes Hopkins. Fourth grade: Mary Ruth Mallory, Eula Mae Leggett, Jesse Rawls. Fifth grade: Mattie Louise Keel. Seventh grade: Anna Louise Tay lor, W. E. Grimes. i Tenth grade: Helen Keel, 'Hazel | Faulkner. I Eleventh grade: Glenn Grimes. COUNTY COUNCIL NAMES OFFICERS Mrs. W. L. Taylor Heads Home Demonstration Clubs This Year • At the regular business meeting of the county council of home demonstra tion clubs held at the Woman's Culb room October 22, Mrs. Will Taylor was elected president; Mrs, A. B. Rog erson, vice president; Mrs. T. M. Woodbum, secretary; and Mrs. Eftie Whitehurst, treasurer.,,. ! Owing to the shortness of the busi ness session, it was impossible to elect all the officer* necessary for this year. All clubs will be urged to elect a wel fare chairman in each club and coop erate with all county organizations as sisting with welfare work in any way. The State-wide plan for aiding the un employed and for relief will be given at all club meetings in the near future. | Sewing circles are urged in clubs j where clothing is necessary in the com munities. ' 4 f BEAR GRASS P.-T. A. 1 I. . i ■J , Tht Bear Grata Parent-Teacher Asaociation will bold ita first meeting of the current term in the 1 school building there Thuraday night of thia week, it waa announc- 1 ! ed by lira. Kneeser Harrison, { president of the organization. All members of the association 1 and patrona of the school who | : have not joined are urged to be I preaent for the meeting this week. Bankers From Dozen Eastern Counties To Meet Here Friday • ' ' "w ; STOLEN CAR IS RECOVERED IN SELMA FRIDAY Coupe Belonging to Leslie Fowden Had Been Driven Over 1,500 Miles „ The Ford coupe belonging to Mr. Leslie I'. Fowden, stolen from his home here last Tuesday morning, was recovered in Selma last Friday, the thief escaping arrest. During the four days the car was in the hands of the thief, it had been driven between 1,500 and 2,000 miles, local garage men estimating the dam age at $l5O. * Soon after the car was stolen, the thief painted over the green spokes in the wheels and marked out the green decorative stripes on the body. The several indentions on the top and fen ders made by hail stones in a storm several months ago were still there, and identification was easy. When Messrs. Jesse and Julian Har- rcll, representing the car owner, called for the Ford at Selriia last Saturday they were advised that the police chief 1 there was out of town and would not be back until late that night. The as sistant chief refused to let it go, and a visit to each of the councilmen was useless. Locating the town attorney 'there, the representatives told him their \ story, and he made it possible for them to get the «car. He talked with the 'policeman, while Jesse and Jule went Ito the car, opened the locked door (With a wire pushed through the floor boards and towed it away. COURT UPHOLDS CHAIN STORE TAX | ♦ ' North Carolina Given Au -1 thority To Collect SSO From Each Unit ♦ Washington, Oct. 26.—North Car olina's .chain store tax was stamped | "constitutional" today by the Supreme 'Court. J The decision was the 'second of re cent months in which the tribunal has upheld the authority of the States to impose a special levy upon this type of merchandising establishment. | Late last spring, the court sustained such a tax as levied by Indiana, in one of the five-to-four decisions that serv !ed to bring into prominence a new alignment of fundamental opinion a inong the members of the bench. The division on the North Carolina tax, although announced as seven to jtwo, was in effect another five-to-four verdict. Associate Justices Van De jvanter and Sutherland, who voted against the Indiana levy, felt that the '.decision in that case should rule to day and so joined the majority. To 'day's dissenters were Associate Jus tices Butler and Mcßeynolds, | The chains said that not only was the State authorized to collect SSO on each unit but that the town in which the store was located might also col lect an equal tax. r The North Carolina tax . was passed in 1929 before the court had decided the Indiana case. | Former Martin County AfiSh Is Hurt in Norfolk | J. S. Jones, a native of Martin County and a former resident of James ville, was seriously hurt in Norfolk last week when he was run down by an automobile. He suffered two breaks in one leg, a break in one arm, a dislocated ankle and lacerations a bout the face. I Mr. Jones, just off a street ear, was waiting for several automobiles, in a line, to pass, when a young man, ap parently in much haste, drove out of the line and struck him. There r were no internal injuries, and Mr. Jones is expected to recover. Mr. Jones moved to Norfolk more than 20 years ago, and has many rela tives now residing in this county.* • Benefit Picture Show Thursday and Friday | In an effort to procure funds for use in building up a library in the third grade here, the grade teachers have made arrangements with the manage ment of the Watts theatre to handle j the ticket sale lo the pictures Thurs day and Friday' nights of this week, Miss Bessye Harrell, teacher, said yes -1 terday. The pupili of the grade will canvass the town, and tickets will be on sale each day at Clark's Drug Store until 6 p., m- -The grade will receive SO per cent of the receipts from sales made by the children. I Regular prices will be charged, and I the program, Ina Claire in "Rebound," jis an unusually good one. Think You're Not Lucky? Look at Coming into this section last Friday, to buy chickens and eggs, O. G. Lol'- tin, Portsmouth produce man, met with a series of adverse circumstances, j The man had-loaded his small truck with chickens and was several miles 'out of Washington when he saw a ,new Ford car, driven by the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hardison. .of Williams Township, turn over. The car was resting botturn side up with .the radiator and front wheels just off the concrete roadway headed toward the woods. Mr. Loftin drove up close to the overturned machine, but did not drive off tlie hard surface, later stating that he stopped his car on the , road so the lights wOuld shine on the wrecked car and its four occupants, I all young people of this county. 1 Mr. Loftin, with several other trav elers, righted the car after the young people crawled out, and was returning to his small truck when J. K. Camp hell, of Jamesville Township, drove his Essex car with full force into the rear of the small truck, sending it down the road 50 or 75 yards. Mr, Loftin was making ready to get in his truck when the car struck it, knocking him down and breaking his arm. Luck was against him from then on. A coop of chickens was stolen. At a Washington hospital lie waj charged $55. During., the night he declared some one removed, SBS from his pockets. Leaving the hospital '''late Saturday atternorm, Loftin was' stop ped here anil relieved of his chickens under, papers issued by Campbell in an effort to recover damages to his Essex car. Mr. Loftin was ttere yesterday with his attorney to arrange bond and re cover his chickens. None of the occupants in the Har dison car was hurt and Mr. Camp bell escaped unhurt. His Essex radi ator'was removed and other damages resulted in the crash. I LITERARYGROUP IS REORGANIZED Wilsonian Literary Society Will Function Again in The Everetts School .. m I Everetts, Oct. 26.—-The Wilsonijin Literary Society of Everetts High School was reorganized Wednesday morning, October 21, in the school au ditorium. , The following OlHcers were elected for the 1931-32 term: ['resident, Sidney Mallory; vice president. Gentry Mills, secretary and treasurer, Ilene Wynne; critic, Miss Alma Baker; chaplain, Hil ton Forbes; pianist, Helen Keel; chor ister, Beatrice Roebuck; news reporter, Ella Cherry; marshal!, DalhurKh Kid dick. | It was decided jjhat there would he two meetings held each month. The first meeting will be held Friday after noon, October 30. [WALTER* GLASS DIES IN PARMELE I » Fatally Hurt When Struck j by Hit-and-Run Driver Early Last Week Walter Glass, the 50-year-old negro who was struck by a hit and run driv er, near Robersonville, on the night 'of October 18, died at bis home in Parmele last night,. | Glass was paralyzed and was never I able to use his body/although he was conscious and able to talk. He was | apparently without feeling for some time after he was hit, but he regained his feeling a few days before he died. No x Kay picture waf made, the at- I tending physician expressing the be lief that the trouble came from an in jury to the spine near the base of the brain. The driver of the car striking the ; man was never apprehended, although ' officers made diligent inquiry 'irf an ef fort to locate the killer. | Glass is the second man to have been fatally hurt on the road within ,a distance of three miles of each other. • • • Starts Suit for Divorce In Martin Superior Court | Mrs. Kathleen Wallace Lilley, of Jamesville, applied for a complete di ' vorce from Herbert Lilley here last Saturday, the answer being returnable before the clerk of the Martin Coun ty Superior court the 24th of next ' month. Watch the Label On Tow Paper Aa It Cairiaa tha Data Whan Your Subscription Expires ESTABLISHED 1898 HOOVERS CREDIT PLAN TO BE MAIN TOPIC DISCUSSED • ♦ Visitors Will Probably Be Entertained at Hall of Woman's Club Preparations are being made this week to entertain Group I bankers here next Friday evening, when they come here from a dozen counties to discuss President Hoover's National Credit Corporation. No details have been announced at this time, but it is understood that the visitors will be entertained at the Woman's Club hall. Ihe National Credit Corporation, around which the discussions will cen ter at the meeting here Friday eve- ! n j n K is recognized as a powerful force directed at the heart of the depression. From one end of the country to the I other, bankers are pledging their sup port to the corporation. This general plan was made public October 6 at the I White House conference of that date, and has since been under development. It- consists of three main parts: ! First—ln order to get the funds of the people more promptly out of failed or closed banks, the President sug gested a plan for the collaboration of banks in various parts of. the country in buying up and paying for the assets of such failed banks so that those who had claims against such failed banks might receive some portion of what was due them without longesr avyaiting the slow machinery of receiverships. Second—ln order to supply funds for assistance to banks not failed, but suffering from drains at the hands of active depositors, the President sug gested a National Credit Corporation to aid such banks. Would Modify Reserve Act I hird—ln order to bring the re sources of the Reserve banks into use ( to their full extent, the President urged the modification of the Federal Reserve Act so as to allow banks to take to these reserve institutions their own "straight" notes, with bonds as and to receive the proceeds of the discount of such notes either in currency issued by the reserve banks or in credit on their books. | Ihe National Credit Corporation has received the largest amount of atten tion among these various projects, but it ha» been subject to misunderstand ing. As it has grown in detail, it calls ,for the organization of an enterprise with a nominal capital formed by rep resentative bankers for the general re lief of institutions in need of assist ance in order to meet depositors' de mands. | The concern would obtain its funds from all the banks of the nation will ing to subscribe. Each bank has been asked to subscribe 2 per cent of its outstanding deposits, the funds, how ever, not to be called in except as asked for. The estimated total of such 'deposits is Each bank subscribing in this way**would be en titled to accommodation from the cor poration, when needed, up to the a mount it subscribed whether that a inount had been paid in or not. | For example, if Bank A, in, say, {Ohio, had subscribed the sum of $20,- 000, and having paid in $5,000, should have need of aid, it could apply for funds up to $20,000. It could, more- I over, accept from other banks in its I neighborhood allotments from their permitted allowances—if granted by I the other banks, 1 CLOSE SCHOOLS i IN PERQUIMANS —• — 1 Action Taken In An Effort To Check Threatening 1 Diphtheria Epidemic Hertford, Oct. 26.—1n order to pre | vent a possibly threatened epiderhic of diphtheria, the Board of Health of ' Perquimans county, in a special ses sion called this morning, ordered (hat all the schools in the county be clos ed for the period of one week; that Sunday schools be requested not to meet next Sunday; that drug stores ' and all soda fountains and dispensers ! of soft drinks be ordered not to serve drinks in other than paper cups; that parents of school children and chil ■ dren under school age be urgently re | quested to keep such children from at- I tending the picture show and all other : public places during (he period of one week, and a farther resolution was passed warning all persons under quarantine, that upon convtettoiT of violation of quarantine laws, say per son will be fined SSO. | Scarlet fever ia prevalent in many | section* of the State, and in one or twp towns in the western part of tha j State, schools have been cloaed.

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