Atortiian Wffl Fad Oar Cot ami a Latchkey to Over Sixteen Hondrad Martm County Hamas VOLUME XXXIV—NUMBER 80 R. E. GRIMES DIES, AT HIS HOME IN ROBERSONVILLE > Was Well Known in East Carolina As Tobacco Warehouseman Robert E. Grimes, one of Roberson vilto's leading citizens, succumbed to a two weeks' attack of ptomaine pois oning and diabetes at his home there Wednesday evening at 6:13 o'clock. Mr. Grime* was 58 years old, the son of the late James H. Grimes and wife, Caroline Robereon Grimes. He was the grandson of Henry D. Rob erson, for whom the town of Rober sonville was named, and who was one of the' prime movers in procuring the extension of the Albemarle and Ra leigh Railroad from Tarboro to Wil liamston. , Mr. Grimes married Miss Lona Roberson, who, with three children, Mrs. Lester Whitfield, Alton Grimes, and Jessie Walton Grimes, survives. He also leaves one brother, T. Henry Grimes, of Robersonville; and two sis ters, Mrs. R. L. Smith, of Roberson ville, and Mrs. A. R. Dunning, of Wil liamston. Mr. Grimes, well known throughout the county, was, during the past 30 years or more, one of the forward mov ers in helping any cause for the up building of his community. He made many friends in every walk of life. Taking a part in the establishment of the Robersonville Tobacco Market, Mr. Grimes since that time has been either directly or indirectly connected with the tobacco business as ware houseman, buyer, or manager. At the time of his death, he was sales man ager for the Robersonville market. For brief periods he wss connected with | the Rocky Mount and Williamston markets. ; Always outspoken on any question and generally found on the right side, Mr. Grimes, through his personality, made friends wherever he went, and his death comes as a decked shock to his relatives and friends through out the county/ Funeral services were conducted from the home this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock by Rev. J. M. Perry, pastor, and Rev. C. B. Mashburu, a former pastor, of the Roberson ville Christian church. Interment was in the new Cemetery, Robersonville. ' POST OFFICE IS READY FOR RUSH " 1 • Postmaster Says There Is No Better Slogan Than "Mail Early" While there has been no noticeable increase in the volume of mail receiv ed and dispatched from the local of fice up until now,; it will he a matter of only a few short days before the Christmas rush ia upon us, Postmaster Jmsc T. Price said yesterday. At this season of the year, there is no better slogan than the one urging postal pa trons to mail early that their letters, cards, and packages can be delivered promptly before Christmas Day. Thousands of employees are added to the postal forces of the country each Christmas season to handle the increased mails, but even with the aid of this additional force, the depart ment finds it impossible to make prompt delivery when cards and pack ages are mailed at the last minute. | Mail early and make sure that your greetings of good cheer and presents reach their destination before Christ mas day or the day after. Library Receives First Donation of Books The library rooms opened several weeks ago in office No. 5 in the Bailey Drug Store Building, received the first books yesterday afternoon. Mrs. W. j E. Dunn brought six books and these were checked and entered. Quite a number of citizens have promised to ( give book*, and if they wish them to ( be sent for, they may notify Mrs. Myr * tie Brown, president of the Woman's Club, and she will have some one to, call for them. Call Mrs. Baown over phone at her residence. Thursday ■ afternoons between the hours of 2:30 and 5 o'clock the rooms are open. ♦ Curb Market Prices For Saturday Are Announced By MM* LORA E. SLEEPER Home Demonstration Agent The curb market here tomorrow morning will open its doors at 8:30 to | any farmer or farmer's wife in the county. We hope to have a greater variety of produce by so doing. The following price* will be found at the aaaricet here tomorrow: Hens, IS to 20 cent* pound, live; I Broilers, 22 cents pound; Cabbage, 10 pounds IS cents; collards, 4 cents per pound; rutabagas, 2 1-2 cents pound; * turnip greens, 20 cents pound; cream, ' SO cents pint; eggs, 26 cents dozen; ffae* walnut kernels, 50 cents pound. THE ENTERPRISE Circus Came, S Conquered; No Performance Bitter disappointment wu evi dent in the hearta of a goodly number of local people and other* from neighboring communities when they gathered on the street* at the noon hour Wed need* y to witness Bsrnett Brothers' parad* scheduled at that time. The circus came to town, bat toft before stag ing its parade. Cancelling it* two performances here, the small cir cus, traveling in motor trucks, left for Vanceboro. It was rumored thst the organi sation refused to pay the SSO State, county and town tax and canceled its This was branded aa false, the manage Kentucky Farmers Stop Leaf Tobacco Sales on Account of Low Prices Paid at Opening 17 Shopping Days Before Christmas Juat 17 more ahopping daya before Christmas I Shopping at home this Christmas season will be of much value toward relieving home people who ara in need, for home merchants give wil lingly to charity. CONGRESS WILL BEGIN SESSION NEXT MONDAY ♦ Unemployment and Farm Relief Constitute Two Main Problems ♦ Convening next Monday, the first session of the Seventy-Second United States Congress is facing a fate almost as uncertain as that faced by the First Continental body. It will have to deal with unemployment, monetary prob lems, low prices of farm products, and then there is a presidential election just around the corner. The session will more than likely continue through the winter and spring, adjourning in time for the representatives and Sen ators tq attend the national tions of the two major parties some time in June. The four paramount questions front ing the Congress, as mentioned by many poeple, are as follows: Ist: Organizing and enlarging the federal reserve banking laws so as to enable and require the federal reserve bank and the member banks through out the United States to furnish suf ficient credit to the citizenship of the United States on which and with which to do business; 2nd: Legislation providing that the national banks furnish credit to tlje farmers and citizens owning real estate by apothecating real estate bonds se cured by land mortgages as it did prior to 1928. | 3rd: Remedial legislation providing funds to furnish employment to the six million, or more, unemployed in the United States and their depend jents. This best can be done by the government issuing bonds, the funds j derived therefrom to be allocated to the several states of the Union for the ' purpose of building a national system 'of interstate hard-aurfaced highways, ! and without requiring the states to ! match federal aid; 4th: To call an international confer ence for the purpose of restoring the value of silver to its pre-war status. This automatically would restore sil ' ver to its pre-war values, and would 1 preserve it for the present and future monetfAr needs of the world, and it 1 would lissen the burdens on gold. Little interest Locally in Charity Football Game 1 ♦ Prospects for even a small repre sentative attendance from this com munity upon the charity football game tomorrow afternoon in the Duke stadium at Durham are not very bright juat now: No ticketa have been offered for sale here, and as far aa it could be learned today no one in this immediate community has planned to witness the game between Duke-Carolina on the one side and Davidson, Wake Forest and State on the other. According to reports received here, there ia much interest in the game in other parts of the State, and a fair sized attendance ia expected. Money raised through the ticket aale will be used for charitable pur pose* Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, December 4, Is3l ment of the circus stating that the weather was too cold for the successful performance of the troupem And so the traveling band toft the country better off, no doubt Forced out of employment with one of the larger circuses of the country, the Bsrnett brothers and a few troupers bargained for the loan of the equipment and are at tempting to provide themselves employment and make their ex penses during the dull season, it was lesrned here. Well, it was the nearest Wil liamston hss come to having a cir cus since Downie Brothers exhib ited here several years ago. APPLES THROWN AT AUCTIONEERS ON TWO MARKETS Unanimously Agree Not To Raise Any Tobacco Next Year Refusing the low prices offered them (or their tobacco, Kentucky farmers halted the sales on the Owensboro and Henderson markets this week, using drastic measures in doing so. Apples were hurled at the auctioneers and the burning of the warehouses was said to have been suggested. No ma terial damage icsulted, however, but, warehousemen jwere Jre»dy to close their houses until next week, at the re quest of the growers. Incensed because of low prices of fered them, approximately 3,000 farm ers attending the opening sale of the season on the Owensboro market broke up the bidding by hurling apples at the auctioneers. Then the farmers unanimously adopted a resolution not to raise any tobacco next year. Approximately 78,000 pounds of the dark leaf tobacco had been told at two warehouses for an averge of $4.61 a hundred, compared with an average of $8.47 on the opening day last year, when close to 500,000 pounds were sold. As the auction continued and rejec tion* became more numerous, the farmers began voicing dissatisfaction. Shouts of ''You can't take our tobacco that way I" interrupted the uctioneers. Threats to wreck the warehouses un less the sale was stopped were heard. Become* Serious The demonstration assumed serious proportions when some one hurled an apple at W. G. Crabtree, vice president and general manager of the Owensboro Loose Leaf Tobacco Company, oper ator of six of the seven warehouses here. C'rabtree dodged the apple, but the protests became so threatening the sale was halted. The farmers withdrew and several hours later gathered at the courthouse. Because of their number*, it was nec essary to hold an open meeting in the courthouse yard. Unanimous approval was given to resolutions to postpone the sale until next Monday, to appoint a committee to confer with Jame* C. Stone, chair ma'n of the Federal Farm Board in Washington, in an effort to obtain fi nancing for a tobacco pool; and to abandon plans for next year's crop. The farmers also agreed to offer no tobacco for sale before next Monday. | In Washington, Chairman Stone, of the Federal Farm Board, said farmers I of the Green River District, where the disturbances occurred, would be giv en whatever assistance the board could render. He added he had not yet con sidered what could be done. Owens boro farmers are sending a committee to see him. • County Boards To Hold Regular Meets Monday * , , The regular monthly meetings of the county boards of commissioners and education will be held here next Monday. As far as it could be learn ed, no important matters of business are scheduled for discussion before either of the two bodies. Starting a new year next Monday, the officers will arrange their bonds *nd handle other routine matters in connection with the beginning of a new fiscal year. Celebrates Birthday With Party At School Today LiUle Mis* Patiy King, daughter of Mr. and Mr». J. E. King, i* cele brating her sixth birthday thi* after noon by entertaining her little cla*»- niates in the first , grade at »chool. A huge cake and Eikimo pie* were serv ed. » MARTIN COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT ENDS TERM HERE v • Few Cases Are Disposed of During Session Which Closed Yesterday The two weeks term of Martin County Superior court, convening here November 23 and often referred to as a special court for the trial of civil cases only, was adjourned yes terday, the tribunal clearing a very small number of issues from its doc ket. The court suspended its opera tions when two attorneys were held out of court on account of illness and the death of Mr. R,. E, Grimes, of Robersonville. Two cases were sche duled for trial during the last day or two, but it was the opinion of the attorneys that the proceedings could not be completed in so short a time, and they were postponed. Comparatively few cases have been cleared from the docket in open court, but several were removed by agree ment, it is understood. The appear ance of Pete Bell, colored attorney of Plymouth, atjtnacted much (attention when he pleaded for Cora Hill, col ored, in a suit against Coburn. The jury returned a verdict favoring the defendant, and it was learned la ter that the case was settled by agree ment. Fairly good-size crowds witnessed the proceedings during the time the court was in session, and many wit nesses were summoned from as far away as Richmond and Harnett coun ty> Next Tuesday, Judg Jos. W. Bailey will hold a sandwich session of his recorder's court, and the following Monday the regular December term -of the superior coilrt will \fonvene here for the trial of both criminal and civil cases. JUNIORS MEET IN ROBERSONVILLE ♦ More Than 300 Attend Dis trict Session Held Wednesday -T The work of the Jimior Order of United American Mechanics in the country was strikingly reviewed be fore more than 300 people in a public meeting held at Robersonville last Wednesday evening. Twenty-first District Juniors lu-ld their business meeting {here that afternoon and that evening prominent figures in the or ganization made public addresses. Juniors were present from the several | councils located 'in four counties. Following the business meeting, the Juniors took part in a parade, and soon after supper they assembled, 150 , or more of them, in the high school, j building, where they were welcomed ,by Mayor C. M, Hurst. The main | address of the evening was that of 1 Past National Councillor E. A. Llew -1 ellyn, of Cincinnati, who offered an 1 interesting review of the history of the Junior Order and told of the valuable work now being carried on by the organization throughout the United States. Moving pictures, showing the | Lexington, N. C, and Tiffany, Ohio, orphanages were screened by Council | lor Harris, of Tarboro. District ' Deputy S. L. Roberson was in charge of the meeting. Marked Increase In The I Number Chicks in County Reports received here from several districts indicate that there is a sub stantial increase in the number of chickens being raised on Martin coun ty farms this year. However, there is a scarcity of fresh eggs for sale on the local market at the present time. | Large cooperative shipments to the northern markets are in prospect dur ing the early part of next year from this county, but no shipping schedule has been announced at this time, it was learned from the office of County Agent T. B. Brandon this week. ♦ Small Child Dies at Home Ol Parents Near Dardens ■ » Hugh Benjamin, the six-month old child of Mr .and Mr*. Samuel Hop kins, of near Dardens, died last Sun day, and was buried in the Hopkins graveyard near Holly Springs Mon day afternoon. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. T. Rogers, of, the local Methodist church. WILLIAMS SPEECH "It ia a bad situation, and 8. Clay Williams can not whitewash it with hi# speeches, n commented Attorney Calvin Smith, while at ■ tending court hare thia weak. ' i Mr. Williams, president of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, haa been explaining the tobacco situation before various organisa tiona throughout the Btate, apeak tag before the Rotary club in Oreenrille early thia week. Welfare Workers Hold Meet Here Last Tuesday Night WASHINGTON BID OFFICERS GOOD BY 148 YEARS AGO ♦ Last Meeting With Revo lutionary Leaders Took Place Dec. 4, 1783 General Washington's last meeting with his officers took place in the back parlor of Black Sam Fraunces' Tavery just 148 year ago today, the historic meeting taking place on De cember 4, 1783. On this day, we are told by the United States George Washington Bi centennial Commission, George Wash ington called together ' for tKe last time the officers of the Revolutionary Army, then stationed in New York City. These were the men with whom for eight years he had counseled and fought and starved in the War. of In dependence. It was not necessary to say farewell. All recognized"lhe significance of the summons from their chief. And, when, shortly after noon, General Washing ton entered the room, they knew he had come to give them their last "or ders." A month previously he had said good-by to his soldiers and subal terns, had sent most of them back to their fall plowing. But now he must take his leave of these, his veteran of ficers, who had shared with him in measure the heavy burden of com mand. „ The tavern they were meeting in had associations of itself. In the days before men began to gather in knots on street corners and to stop their buggies at cross roads to talk of "in alienable rights" and "taxation with out representation," - this tavern had had for a device on its sign the head of Queen Charlotte, and known in New York as "Queen's Head Tav ern." But when Samuel Fraunces, stew | ard, began to invite the murmurers in the streets into his back parlor to con tinue their talk of liberty, the name I was changed to "Fraunces Tavern." I Later, when the Revolution broke ou(, ! in earnest and "Black Sain" Fraunces; was active on the Colonial side, the ' place became more and more a re sort for "Rebels." , This historic old house still stands at the corner of Broad and Pearl | Streets, and is visited annually by | thousands of tourists. The room where Washington and . his officers assembled, known as the | "Long Room," ten days before had | been the scene of an elaborate dinner 'in Washington's honor, celebrating the evacuation of New York by the British. Candles had then blazed from | the chandeliers, bands had played, toasts had been given and tributes paid I amid loud applause. But this December noon the cham ber was undecorated. The only sound was the clank of swords as the offi cers came to attention at the entrance |of their commander. In all the years lof campaigning they had never seen | Washington as visibly moved as he I was at that moment. 1 Without any formal preliminaries he began to speak. "With a heart full of love and grat itude I now take leave of you. I most | devoutly wish that your latter days may be as prosperous as your former have been glorious and honorable." ! And with these simple words he turned to General Knox, who happen ed to be standing at his side, and em braced him. "-j | "Gentlemen," he then addressed the other officers, "I can not come to each of you to take my leave, but I shall be obliged if each of you will come and take me by the hand." They gath ered around him then to shake his hand in a long, firm clasp. It is this scene that painters have depicted so often—Washington surrounded by his officers in full dress uniform, many of them almost overcome by emotion. ♦ Baptists Announce Program of Services Sunday morning at the Baptist church is the time set aside by thf congregation for the underwriting of the budget for the next twelve months of operation of the local church and all it* activities. The pastor asks the membership to come to the (1 o'clock service Sunday morning and make their subscriptions as a part of their worship service.' And Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the canvassing teams Will meet at the church for the purpose of calling upon such members a* have rtot sub scribed at the morning hour. Ac cordingly, it is respectfully requested that all such church members remain at their homes between two and 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. • The sermon subject at the church for the Sunday night service will be, "The Enlarged Life." STILL THEY COME 1 Offering a three-year aubacrip tion to The Bnterpriae for one bag of peanuta, the publishing company hai now atored away a good-sized • crop of the goobera. During the paat few daya Martin farmers have delivered from 6 to 10 bags of the peanuts to th eoffice daily. The offer will be withdrawn within the next few daya, and until that time Bnterpriae aubscribera are respect fully urged to take advantage of exchange. A list of names of farmers de livering peanuta here yesterday follows: W. J. Griffin and G. W. Griffin, Williamston, Route 1; S. T. Woolard, of Robersonville; D. L. Peel, Williamaton Route 2; J. F. Terry, Robersonville Route 1; Henry Roberson and Louis H. Roberson, Williamaton Route 4; Everett Estate, Palmyra; Lewis Roberson and Arthur Simpson, Williamston. R. P. D. No. 4. FEW DISEASES ARE REPORTED IN NOVEMBER Four Cases Diphtheria Are Reported by County Health Officer Comparatively few contagious dis eases were reported in this county during last month, it was learned from the office of County Health Of ficer J. H. Saunders here this week. There were four diphtheria .cases reported during the month, two in Williamston township; and one each in Robersonville and Goose Nest townships. Three scarlet fever were reported in Robersonville town ship. " ' V" Pellagra, probably the most coittf; mon disease in the county, and the one that is ignored by the victims in tuiny. cases, resulted in one death. An old colored inmate passed away at the county home near here during the month. While the reportable diseases were limited in number, other diseases were common, it was learned from the of fice of the health officer. One pneu monia death was reporteil in this township, and another in Bear Grass township. Several cases were report ed in Bear Grass township. Simple causes lead to serious ill ness, and in this time of unfavorable economic conditions, Martin County people are urged to guard their health more than they ever have befiye that suffering and death migh be averted. Visit your physician for an examina tion; it might be that you can avert a serious illness and prolong your life. MUST HAVE CARD TO GET NEW TAGS New Ruling Made As To Securing Plates From Branch Offices "No license plates shall he issued to any person who applies for plates without presenting a card from the Motor Vehicle Bureau in Raleigh," is the ruling recently forwarded to all branch license bureaus of the Carolina Club, including the one at Wd liamgton, where a majority of Mar tin County folks buy their auto tags. "This is a new State ruling and, un less the public is informed of it and heeds it, there is going to he a lot of confusion and many are going to have trouble getting licenses," The 1932 North Carolina automo bile license plates arc the reverse in colors of the 1931 plates. The field is yellow and the letters are black. Last the different classifications of automobiles were licensed in differ ent serials. This is not to be done this year. All license plates are to be in one series. The 1931 General Assembly enacted a law changing the method of figuring the cost of license plates, but the new law will cause very little change in license costs. The lowest priced plates still will be around $12.50. • Local Junior Class To Present Play Tonight Members of the junior clasi, under the direction of their teacher, Miss Bessie Willis, are presenting "High Brown Breach of Promise" in the high school auditorium here this evening at B'oclock. The cast has been well coached, and a pleasing performance if Mrs. Grace Evans, who owirt and operates a large stone quarry employ ing 52 men, at Monon, Ind., can also operate any one of the modern ma chines -with the quarry is equipped. Watch the Label Oa Your Paper Aa It Carrie* the Date When Your Subscription Expiree ESTABLISHED 1898 ORGANIZATION IS PERFECTED FOR COUNTY Member of Governor's Com mittee Explains Need Of Organization "\ou need not look for aid outside your county," Mr. K. T. Futtrell, Pitt C ounty superintendent of welfare and a member of Governor O. Max Gard ner's unemployment and relief coun cil, told tjVenty or more Martin Coun ty citizens when they assembled in the county court h>>it«c last Tuesday evening to perfect an organization through which an attempt vtill be made to handle welfare problems in this county during the next several months. According to the council member, destitute conditions will likely pre vail throughout a large section of the country this yt&r with the tenant and poorer laboring classes causing this immediate territory the gravest con cern. Anticipating a burden of 500 families in Pitt county alone, Mr. l'uttrell said that extensive prepara tions were now underway there to | care for the unfortunates. He was of I the opinion that one-third that num ber would be dependent upon (charity entirely in this county during the next five months. 1 here is sufficient food and ample clothing in the county to care for the needs of every one of its 23,400 souls, but pooor distribution creates charity I cases and to care for our 500 and yuur 1 estimated 165 families, county-w'tjle I organizations are vitally necessary, the I governor's representative said. The county unite suggested by the welfare man would be headed by a chairman and an executive secretary with subcommittees, including those for food and clothing and unemploy ment, and a county executive council, j Mayor Robert L. -Coburn was made chairman of the county unit, and Jas. j t . Manning, superintendent of schools, was given the executive secretary's task. Miss Lora E. Sleeper, home I agent, heads the committee on food , and clothing, and County Agent T. B. Brandon was mentioned as chairman of unemployment. The persons whose names follow will head the individual or township units: Mrs. I.on Gray, Robersonville; Mr. B. M. Worsley, of iGoose Nest; Mrs. T. B. Slade, Ham ilton; .Miss Armanda Edwards, Pop lar Point; Mr. G. H. Forbes, Cross i Roads; Mrs. Nathan Rogers, Bear (■rass; Mrs. C. A. Roberson, Griffins; Mrs. Lee Hardison, Williams; Mrs. J. F. Martin, Jamesvillc; and Mrs. L. B. Harrison, Williamston. [ And now Aports are in order, no doubt. I WhThy-#ranting the organizations its every due, it looks as if it will be com pletely overshadowed by the task just ahead. There is no help in sight from | outside the particular community where suffering and want are found, and those communities will find it | necessary to care for their own un- Ifortunates. Several communities, es pecially the Oak City section, have al ready made preparations to lend a helping hand to their needy ones. .With the shifting of tenants between now and- the next crop season, much welfare work will be necessary, and it is hoped that the various organiza ! tions now interested in the cause of j the needy will continue their work through the next four or five months. The names of those attending the meeting last Tuesday night are as follows: R. I. Leake, J. H. Smith, Miss Eva Irene Peelc, Miss Myra Sale, Miss Thelma Dail, Mayor C. M. Hurst, G. H. Cox, Mrs. Vernon Ward, Mrs. Lon Gray, and Miss Millie Roebuck, of | Robersonyillpf R. O. Martin, N. C. | Barefoot, A. L. Pollock, Mrs. J. E. I Sexton and Mrs. E. Smithwick, of ijamesville; B. M. Worsley, of Oak jCity; Wm. R. Watson, Mrs. John ,Gurkin, and James C. Manning, of i Williamston, and Principal D. N. Hix, of Everetts. Presbyterian Services In County Are Announced • Sunday, December 6, 1931: Church school at 9:45 a. m. j Worship service and sermon at 11 a. m. *- Bear Graaa Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Worship service and sermon at 7 p. m. , Roberson's Farm Sunday school at 3 p. m. Farm Life Please note that there will be no service at this point Sunday because of the recent illness of the sMjjcer. Serv ices will be held on the in January. I We have a seat for and worship with us. •'IV

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