PAGE TWO THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Friday by The ENTERPRISE - PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTOW, NORTH CAROLINA. r J W. C. Mining - - EditOl SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year 1 1 - 50 Six n nths •"# OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year ' j Six iru-nthf No Subscription Received for Less Than 6 Mon' .• Adver.ising Rate Card Furnished Upon Re,iK'St Entered al the post officr in Williamson. N. C.. as -class matter under the act ot Congress of March 3, 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not to t!'f individual members of the firnv. i I11 »i ■ ' 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ TI r: Tuesday, January 5, 1932 Should Refuse to Deal With Japan There is certainly something wrong in* the world even more than we see on the surface—when a ban tam nation like Japan is allowed to go in the broad open daytime and steal from China a very large and fine section of country. The other nations of the world certainly must be afraid of some hidden trouble to stand by and permit such depredation. , _ Japan evidently planned trie war for the pur|R>se of pilfering China, which will enable her to increase her fighting ability very much; and if the warry Japs are permitted ti> go on unchecked, the time is not far distant when all the yellow race will be under the Japanese flag—and then for the contest between the races. ; Every nation should withdraw frojji dealing with Japan in any manner until she agrees to deal with all people honestly. __ Much-Needed But Hard Lessons Nineteen hundred and thirty-one now fades into the dimness of memory. All of its experiences, both good and bad, are now history Most of the incidnts are evidently unpleasant, and doubtless we would like to erase them from our memories and wipe them from the pages of history. This process removes our congressional represen tatives a long way from the people. In fact, so far that it is hard for the people to, get real representa tion, but rather have to submit to to promote certain political interests. Vet the things we have done are doubtless more in line with reason and good sense and more in accord and acceptable with the will of God tlutn any year during the past fifteen. W have only come face to face with the everlast ing truth the things we sow are the things we shall also reap. Therefore, we have been swept by the whirlwind of.our wild, thoughtless,.wanton, waste ful extravagance that we have sown in our political, business, and social activities during and since the war perod. We are now simply at the lowest swing of the pen dulum. a people, have no one to blame more than ourselves. We took an overdose of prosperity and we discarded all other values except cash. Now, we may hate the year 1931, but we should. SAVE MONEY BY PAYING YOUR TAXES DURING THIS MONTH All County Taxes are now past due, and unless paid during January, will be subject to penalty. There is nothing to be gained by putting off the payment of these accounts. PARTIAL PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED 11 1 » Penalty of One Per Cent Will Be Added After February 1 t Save money and possible embarrassment later by paying your taxes now. The rate of penalty will advance 10 per cent each month until May, when property will be advertised. C. B. ROEBUCK SHERIFF, MARTIN COUNTY not. It is only the station at which we awoke and came to ourselves. It was the best year for our souls in many; and, not only that, it will prove to be the year that people began to acquire some business sense, and perhaps some political honesty and decency. We should never complain with or hate the teach er who gives us the hard lesson, because it is only the hard battles that give us great victories. So 1931 is going to help millions of homes to become safer and better places to live. Even though we have had men who have cowardly run away from life and plunged their souls into the great beyond because the fight was hard, we will find the great mass of human souls will be warmed and strengthened by the conflicts and lessons taught them in ind by the unfailing law that man can not pros per when too far away from God. The Tobacco Farmer's "Independence" Farmer' are proud of their "independence," but the lunrnt issue of The Progressive Farmer-Rwalist p,lints out that "equality" is also desirable: "By increasing the price of cigarettes the equivalent of "more than IS cents on each pound of cigarette to bacco, and at the same time cutting the average price of the farmer s tobacco from about a 15-cent average last year to less than 10 cents this year, the manu facturers have given the farmer double cause far com plaint. Not only is the manufacturer getting more and the farmer less, but the inc/eas in price of cigar ettes has reduced the demand for tobacco and so cur tailed the farmer's market. "All of which admirably illustrates th power of or ganization on one hand, and, on the othar hand, the impotence of the unorganized farmer's boasted "inde pendence." "We again rise to suggest that the gentlemen who are so much disturbed about preserving the farmer's glorious 'liberty' and independence,' might do well to think a little about giving the farmer 'equality'— equality in economic and bargaining power when he comes to dspose of the products by which life is sup ported for himself and his family." Dethrone the Dollar What America needs more than any other one thing is to cripple the gold dollar, which is now the reign ing king of the country. The fleecy cotton fields of the South are bowing at its shrine; the wheat fields of the Golden West, and the factories of the North and East are tottering under its heel. Our people have worshipped it, and our government has nurtured "it until it has put every thing else under its feet. It has conquered the home, the field, the factory, and nothing else has a value. What we need to do is to dethrone the dollar and place it where it rightfully belongs. Then our cot ton, corn, wheat, and all other products will pay some debts and buy some goods, and our people will find work to do. Rules Hinder Democracy Ihe rules of Congress hinder democracy in th:it they do not permit reprsentatives to "speak out" un til th'.-y have been members for several terms. The man who is elected fresh from the people, and whose heart beats with and for the people, is virtually choked and gagged by the rules until he has wallowed around Washington a few ycirs, attended a number of parties, and learned the rules of political dodging, and how to gracefully fool the folks back home, and gratifies his social desires to eat with a few of the big folks, who turn his head by a little patting on the back, and he absorbs enough of the political mange to make them feel that he is fully capable of advising the home folks and tell them how to act and what to do. Then he becomes an active representative, and is prepared to dodge his way year after year and session after session. HE BNTERPRI THE LETTER-BOX SANTA CLAUS VISITS THE METHODIST PABSONAGB Some good spirit whispered to our folk* how to make the hearts at the parsonage glad and happy, and the re sult was a gracious list of gifts. Be ginning the evening with a nice turkey already dressed, the dining room table was heavily loaded with all kinds of good things. The gifts alone were val uable and highly appreciated because of that fact, but more—much more— the spirit that prompted these gifts is what we appreciate most. A heart that gives and gives willingly and gladly is a heart that loves. This was an old-time Methodist pounding. I wish for the other pastors the same joy. At the time these friends visited us v Mrs. Rogers and I were both in bed sick, so I take this opportunity of thanking all who so kindly and thought fully remember us. God bless you. C. T. ROGERS. NOTICE OF SALE I Under and by virtue of the authori- : ty contained in that certain deed of i trust executed to the undersigned trus tee by Henry D. Griffin and Fannie i i Koberson Griffin on the 17th day of j 'June, 1927, and of record in the pub- j I Tic registry of Martin County, in book j Y-2, at page 299, .said deed of trust j being given to secure certain notes of j jeven date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations therein contained not j | having been complied with, at the re | quest of the parties interested, the un dersigned trustee will, on Monday, the 18th dav of January, 1932, at 12 o'clock m., in front of the courthouse door in town of Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described prop erty: Beginning at the intersection of the | State Highway No. 90 and Mill Street,, in the town of Robersonville, North | Carolina, running thence along saidl highway westwaraly 150 feet to a stob, | thence a line parallel with Mill Street, 120 feet to a stob, the line of lot No. j 34; thence along the line of lot No. j 34 in an easterly direction ISO feet to Mill Street; thence northerly along the said Mill Street to the beginning, be ing a part of lot No. 33 in the Hosiery Mill property at Robersonville, North Carolina, as surveyed and plotted on December 19, 1919, by Kennedy and Ryder, engineers. Said plat being of record in the public registry of Mar tin County in book —at page . Dated this the Bth day of Decem ber, 1931. WHEELER MARTIN, dl 5 4tw Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin istrator of the estate nf Sarah E. Harrell. deceased, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this .is to no tify all persons holding dainus against the said estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the-2nd day. of January, 1933, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recov ery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 2nd day of January, 1932. J. E. HARKELL, jS 6tw Administrator. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a of Trust execut- | ed to me by H. 1.. Hopkins and wife, Thelina Hopkins of Martin County, North Carolina dated 21tt day of May ) I'J3O and of pubi r re wd in the of ! fice of the Register of Deeds for said ■ | Martin County in Book C-3, at page I 1312, and at the request of the holder j ! of the notes of indebtedness thereby I secured, default having been made in | the payment thereof, I will, on Mon ( day, February Ist, 1V32, at 12 u'- , clock, noo;t, at the courthouse door in ! .Martin C unty o!Ter . for sale to the | highest bidder, for cash, the following real estate, to-wit: | I First Tract: One certain tract or parcel of land, containing 100 acres, I more or less, and being the same land where we now live and farm, and be-' t ing same land conveyed to Walter! ; White by V. R. Taylor and conveyed 'to us by V. G. Taylor, Trustee, in j ,Wynn land sale, and being a part of! (the old Jenkins land. | Second Tract: One certain tract or (parcel of land adjoining V. G. Taylor | and others, bounded on the North by IConoho Creek, on the East by V. G. .Taylor, on the West by Thelina Hop-' I kins home tract, on the'South by L. j |G. Taylor and J. G. Staton, contain-: ing ISO acres, more or less, and be-1 ing the lands inherited by Thelina' Hopkins from her father as shown by iWill of V. R. Taylor, duly recorded) in Martin County Public Registry. | I This the Ist day of January, 1932. B. A. CRITCHER, jan.-5-4t Trustee. ! Coburn and Coburn, Attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust, 'executed by James G. Mizelle, to the underaigned trustee, bearing date of the 28th day of March, 1927, and of record in the Public Registry of Mar tin County, in Book P-2, at page 235, said trust deed having been given to secure the payment of a certain note of even date therewith, and the stip ulations in the same not having been complied with, and at the request of ( the holder of said note, the under signed trustee will, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of Feb., 1932, at twelve o'- clock noon, at the Courthouse door of Martin County, at Williamston North Carolina, offer at public auc tion, to the highest bidder for cash,' the following described land, to-wit: Beginning at A. W. Bailey's cor ner, running an east course with A. W. Bailey's line to the Jecse Micelle corner, thence Southern course with the Jeaae Mizelle line and Albert Rog ers' line to a corner of Albert Rogers' and William MizelleV, thence |a Westernly course with the run of; Bear G rats * Swamp to J. T. Bullock corner," thence a North course with J. T. Bullock's line and A. W. Bailey's line to the beginning, containing 80 acres, more or leaa. . This mortgage covers only 1-3 interest in this tract of land. • This the 2nd day of January, 1932. J. B. AYERS, Jan.-Mt Trustee. j ~~ NOTICE OF SALE I Notice is hereby given that under and bjr virtue of the authority of a power of sale contained jn that cer tain deed of trust executed by Willie Boston and wife, with Hie undersigned trustee, dated 11th dey of June, 1928, and ef record in the pefclie registry of i Ifartin County in book P, at page 334, Mild trust dwd having been given to secure the payment of a certain note of even date therewith, and default having been made in the payment of the note, and the terms and condi tions contained in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said 1 note, the fcindersigned trustee, will, on the 6th day of February, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Martin County, at William ston, North Carolina, offer at public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land, to wit: Bounded on the north by the lands of Affirdo Gordon and others, on the cast by the Brick Boston tract of land, on the south by the lands of the Den nis Simmons Lumber Company, on the west by the lands of Sanford Gordon, containing (twenty-seven (27) acres, I more or lesp, and being the same prem -1 ises now occupied by Willie Boston land wife, Isolene Boston, and being ' the premises recently deeded to Iso lene Boston by John D. Lilley, trus- Itee, which said deed is of record in I the public registry of Martin County, ■ and is hereby referred to for a better I description of said land. This the 4th day of January, 1932. I A. R. DUNNING. jS 4tw x Trustee. i SALE OP VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authority | conferred upon us in a deed of trust i executed by C. H. Dawes and wife, Mathinia Dawes, on the 31st day of ! May, 1923, and recorded in book 0-2, j page 175, we will, on Saturday, the | 30th day of January, 1932, 12 o'clock i noon, at the courthouse door in Mar | tin County, Willamston, N. C., sell ! at public auction, for cash, to the , highest bidder, the following land, to wit: All that certain tract, piece, or par cel of land, containing 122 1-2 acres, 1 more or less, situate, lying and being On the' Hamilton road about 7 miles | E. of the town of Williamston, Pop- 1 lar Point Township, Martin County, j N. C., having such shape, metes, j courses, and distances as will more j fully appear by reference to a map i made by J. R. Mobley, surveyor, on t the lOth day of May, 1923, and adjoin ing the lands of William Griffin on the W., the lands of Riley Spruill on the E., the lands of L. Wynne on the S„ and the lands of Greeley Slade on the W., and more particularly described as follows: Beginning on the Hamil ton Ruad at Greeley Slade's corner; thence down said road S. 65 1-2 de grees E. 55 poles; S. 51 degrees E. 36 poles; S. 60 1-2 degrees E. 52 poles to Pollard or Main Branch, Riley Spruill's corner, thence down Riley Spruill's line or branch S. 53 degrees E. 15 poles; S. 70 degrees W. 16 poles, S. 74 de grees W. 32 poles, S. 79 degrees W. 16 poles, S. 56 degrees W. 20 poles; S. 19 1-2 degrees W. 28 poles; S. 4 degrees W. 20 poles, S. 17 degrees W. j i 14 poles; S. 25 degrees W. 14 poles; iS. 21 degrees E. So poles; S. 27 1-2 ! degrees E. 20 poles; S. 2 1-2 degrees 12 poles to Conoho Creek, thence up Conoho Creek N. 76 degrees W. 14 poles, N. 77 1-4 degrees W. 18 poles; S. 83 degrees W. 14 poles; N. 63 1-2 degrees W. 12 |>oles; S. 58 degrees W. 7 poles; N. 45 degrees W. 11 poles;! N. 27 1-2 degrees W. 11 poles; S. 51 1 1-2 degrees W. 8 poles to a gum, Greely Slade's corner, thence along Greely Slade's line N. 5 degrees W. I 60 poles, N. 42 degrees E. 20 poles,' N. 24 1-2 degrees E. 140 poles, to the beginning, and being the same land conveyed to the said C, H. Dawes by B. A. Critcher by deed dated No vember 21, 1914, and on record in Martiu County Public Regsitry in Bk.l G-l, Pg. 208. This sale is made by reason of the failure of C. H. Dawes and wife, Ma-j thinia Dawes, to pay off and din-! charge the indebtedness secured by 1 said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re-' •luired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 10th day of December, 1931. W. G. BRAMHAM j5 4tw and T. L. BLAND, Receivers for Frsit National Com pany Durham, Inc., Trustee, form erly First National Trust Company, Durham, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust, executed by W. A. Mizelle, to the undersigned trustee, bearing date 21st day of March, 1927, and ot rceord in the public registry of Martin County, in Book P-2, at page 234, said trust deed having been given to secure the payment of a certain note of even date therewith, and the stipulations in the satne not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said note, the undersigned trustee will, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of Feb., 1932, at twelve o'clock noon, at the courthouse do6r of Martin County, at Williamston, North Carolina, off«r at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, the following described land, to-wit: Beginning at A. W. Bailey and the I§IP NKXT time you an out of fix at the result at ir regular or faulty bowel movement, try Uiedford'e Black-Draught for the re freehing relief it fivee ttKmMada of paopla who taka it. Kr.K.W.C«ca > aoonatraetkMiM|Mr intandaat in PulaaJd. Va, aaya: ■■■ "Whan I gat ana itiPitiXL my head erhaa *r%A T hava that dull, tind t»alln« jaat not aqual to mty wock. I deal faal hungry and Ikm that I aaad ft* , laaaaa my ayatam. ao I taka Bim> k-Drausht Wa hara found it a gVaat haip." Sold fc 25-ctnt pocktgm. I Th+dfordk S3 I flmL U—d for .v» !♦ . .." » William Mizelle corner, running an East course with A. W. Bailey line to a corner w the Jesse Mizelle line, thence a Southern course with the Jesse Mizzelle line and Albert Rogers line to a corner in the Swamp, thence down said Swamp to the Caleb Mi zelle corner, thence with the Caleb Mizelle line and heirs line to the be ginning and containing 80 acres, more or less. This mortgage covers 1-3 interest in this tract of land. This 2nd day of January, 1932. J. B. AYERS, jan.-5-4t Trustee. , SALE OF VALUABLE PARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by Ernest T. Forbes and wife, Gladys L. Forbes, on the 4th day of March, 1927, and recorded in Book X-2, at page 415-16, we will on Saturday, the 30th day of January, 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in Martin County, Wil liamston, N. C., sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the fol lowing land, to wit: Begnning at a stake on the old Pal myra-Oak City Road in the line of Mrs. B. F. Moomaw (formerly the southeastern corner of lot No. 3 in the division of the lands of Mary C. Har rell, deceased) and running with the I line of the said Mrs. B. r. Moomaw ' N. 80-15 W. 262 poles to a stake, a comer of the lands of Mrs. B. F. Moomaw and B. C. Mayo (formerly Browns corner); thence running in a northwesterly direction with the canal n Cypress Branch about 24 poles to a stake, the corner of lot No. 2 in the 1 division of the lands of Mary C. Har rell, deceased; thence N. 76-30 E. 32 poles to the lead ditch; thence run-' ning with the various courses of the' , lead ditch separating lots Nos. 2 and 3, across the \V illiamston-Scotland Neck , Highway, No. 125, to a stake on the! iW. s.ide of the Cfc*k City-Palmj#-a' road; thence running a southwesterly j directon with said road 23 poles to the beginning point, containing 60 !acres, more or less, and being a part' of the land now owned by Ernest T. 'Forbes, and being formerly known as' [lot No. 3 of the Mary C. Harrell, de ceased lands." 1 RACT 2: Beginning at a stake* on the western edge of the Scotland Neck WilliamsLon ihitfiwayf (formerly the northeastern corner of lot No. 2 of the lands of Mary C. Harrell, de ceased), and running N. 70-00 W. 14 poles to a persimmon tree; thence a iong the line of L. L. Harrell N. 77-00 W. 260 poles to a in a ditch in W. A. Burnette's line (formerly the line of J. H. Johnson); thence run ning in a westerly direction along the various courses of the ditch to a canal in Cypress Branch; thence running a southeasterly course along Cypress Branch Canal about 45 poles to the northwestern corner of lot No. 3 in the division of the lands of Mary C. Harrell, deceased; thence N. 76-30 E. 32 poles to the lead ditch; thence run ning with tlx; various courses of the lead ditch across the Wlliamston-Scot land Neck Road to the western edge of the Palpyra-Oak City road; thence northeast along said road about 30 poles to the beginning, containing 83 acres, more or less, and ,known as lot No. 2 in the division of the lands of Mary C. Harrell, deacesd." Boun daries of those parts of lots 2 and 3 respectively described above are as fol lows, to wit: On the N. by W. A. 1 Brunette and L. L. Harrell; on the E. by the Palmyra-Oak Rd., on the by Mrs. B. Moomaw; on the W. by B. C. Mayo. Also another tract of land described as follows, to wit: Beginning in the line of Mrs. B. F Moomaw at the southwestern corner of lot No. 2 woodland and running a northeasterly direction with the di- NOTICE Annual Meeting of the MARTIN COUNTY BRANCH OF THE FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE IN SURANCE ASSOCIATION will be held at the courthouse in Williamston on Saturday, January 9th, 1932, at 11 o'clock A. M. All members are requested and urged to attend. James L. Coltrain, Sec. Reduction in Meat Prices We Have Reduced Our Prices on the - • Following Items in Our Market: ROUND STEAK, lb. 20c SIRLOIN and PORTERHOUSE Steak, lb. 2Sc CHUCK ROAST, lb. STEW BEEF, LB 121/TC PORK CHOPS, ib 2 oc RIB PIG MEAT, lb. ISc PIG SHOULDERS IJe ; SAUSAGE MEAT, lb. is 9 KINGAN'S BACON, lb 2 Sc JAMES H. WARD Tuesday, January S, 1932 flp viding line between, the woodland of lots Nos. 1 and 2, about 22 poles to . a stake, the northeastern corner of lot No. 1; thence S. 70-00 E. 37 1-2 "* poles to a stake in Dam Branch; thence a northeasterly direction with the run of Dam Brarith to a stake in High Mill Pond; thence a southeast erly direction with the various courses of High Pond to a stake in\the line of Mrs. B. F. Moomaw; thence with the line of Mrs. B. F. Moohiaw N. 78-00 W. 154 4-5 begin ning, containing (both tracts together) 31 acres, more or less, and being the woodland tracts of lots 2 and 3 ia the division of the lands of Mary C. Har rell, dee'd. The above described tracts of land are bounded as follows, to wit: On the N. by M. L. Bunting; on the | E. by High Mill Pond; on the S. by | Mrs. B. F. Moomaw; on the W. by lot No. 1 of the division of the lands !of Mary C. Harrell, dee'd. This sale i is made by reason of the failure of Ernest T. Forbes and wife, Gladys L. Forbes, to pay and dscharge the in debtedness secured by said deed of trust. i A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 22nd day of December, 1931. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM, j5 4tw Trustee. Durham, N. C. * 6 6 6 666 Liquid or Tablets used internally » * »nd 666 Salve externally, make a com plete and effective treatment for Colds. $5,000 in Cash Prizes Ask Your Druggist for Particulars Break OOay Tomato May we send you a package of this l. weat tomato? Developed by the Department of Agriculture aa an ultra early and offered this year (or tha drat time. Last year need for trial plaatlnf war* cat aloged at fI.SS par packet. Wood's new Catalog, offerlnf the wldaat aelectlon and chaleaat of new varieties. Lowest prloaa In ten years are quoted on ■WOODS SEEDS Una the coupon, write plainly and . . mall promptly. Gut Wood's serviceable catalog. Be the Brat \ •" ,ur neighbor fc. hood to have this ■l n#w tomato; sent rMI only to thoaa 'UHrSUmW. who mall ' n >h * pun WwdASoM, • • W»■ 14th M„ Kleliaysad, Va. * ! Sand your Bead Oltt and Catalog. » : • • Nssm : : rest Oflkf "a rB. u4 Bee Ne. •